Created by Azadée Tolooie Translated by Andrew A. Rosado Hartline

1 Created by Azadée Tolooie. THE BIG DAY. by Jacques Tati.


I UNDERSTANDING THE FILM Information about the film……………………………………………………… 3 The director ……...……………………………………………………………… 4 Summary ……...………………………………………………………………… 5 The universe of the film ………………………………………………………... 6

II IN CLASS DISCUSSION: BEFORE THE FILM ………………………….……… 11 Student Worksheet 1: The title of the film ..…….………………...……..…... 12 Teacher Worksheet 1: The title of the film ..…………..…………….…..…... 14 Student Worksheet 2: The movie poster ….……………………………...…. 15 Teacher Worksheet 2: The movie poster …..……………………….…….… 19 Student Worksheet 3: The movie trailer …………………………..…………. 21 Teacher Worksheet 3: The movie trailer ..…………………………….……. 23 Student Worksheet 4: The movie genre …………………………….…...... 25 Teacher Worksheet 4: The movie genre ……….………………………...... 27

III IN CLASS DISCUSSION: AFTER THE FILM ……………………….…………… 28 Student Worksheet 5: Understanding the movie genre …………….....….... 29 Teacher Worksheet 5: Understanding the movie genre ……………………..33

SITOGRAPHY .………………………………………………………………………….. 35

2 Created by Azadée Tolooie. THE BIG DAY. by Jacques Tati.


TITLE: JOUR DE FÊTE (THE BIG DAY) YEAR: 1949 COUNTRY: France DURATION: 1 hour 18 minutes BY: Jacques Tati SCRIPT: Jacques Tati and Henri Marquet MUSIC: Jean Yatove CAST: Jacques Tati, Paul Frankeur, Guy Decomble.

3 Created by Azadée Tolooie. THE BIG DAY. by Jacques Tati.


Jacques Tati

Born on October 9, 1907, Jacques Tati (born Jacques Tatischeff) decided early in his career, to the discontent of his father, to become a mime and then made six comic short films inspired by the sometimes-acrobatic performances he produced for music hall shows. During the Second World War, he spent a few months in the small village of Saint- Sévère with his friend, Henri Marquet, with whom he wrote the script for a film called L'École des facteur. In 1944, Jacques Tati married Michelle Winter and then, in 1946, he created a production company and recorded L'École des facteur. This is also the year when his daughter Sophie Tatischeff was born. He returned to Saint-Sévère to shoot his first feature film Jour de fête whose main character is a mail carrier. Jour de fête was intended to be the first French feature film in color, but the color print was impossible, consequently the black and white version was presented to the public and was a great success.

4 Created by Azadée Tolooie. THE BIG DAY. by Jacques Tati.

Excerpt of an interview with Jacques Tati:

« I had been enlisted by the Germans in 43, then I escaped, and I took refuge in Marembert, which is located six kilometers from Sainte-Sévère. There, to my surprise, because there was the war, but we had the impression that in Sainte-Sévère, we did not notice it at all. It's great to see people who still know how to live. I thought that if one day I would make a film, I would go back and shoot it there. »

Enchanted by the beach of Saint-Marc sur Mer, near Saint-Nazaire, he shot Les vacances de Monsieur Hulot, a burlesque film that received several awards. He then shot Mon oncle in 1956 which was his first film in color.

From 1964 to 1967, Jacques Tati devoted himself to shooting whose creation was his ruin as the cost of the sets were high. The half-failure of this film forced Jacques Tati to sell his production company in 1974. It was with the help of Swedish television that he was able to shoot his last two films and Parade. In 1977 he received a César for his work. Weakened due to serious health problems, he died in Paris in 1982. In 2001, his daughter Sophie Tatischeff alongside Jérôme Deschamps, his younger cousin, created the Mon Oncle Film Society. They managed to release a restored color version of The Big Day (Jour de fête).


We are in the 40s. The sun rises on a French village. But today is not a day like any other, it's a day of celebration. Performers settle on the village square with carousels, stands and even traveling cinema. François, the village mail carrier who is a bit of a simpleton and clumsy, but very helpful, struggles to somehow do his daily route. His enthusiasm vanishes when he sees a documentary on the avant-garde working style of American mail carriers. When mocked and provoked by the villagers, François decides to prove to them what he is capable of.

5 Created by Azadée Tolooie. THE BIG DAY. by Jacques Tati.



We are in the aftermath of the Liberation, and there are American influences throughout the film. Due to their physical presence, the GI's driving in jeeps recall the historical context of the film, but the American influence is notable. When recording The Big Day, Tati appropriated slapstick humor, a genre that was predominant in the glory days of silent films. He takes advantage of the arrival of the performers to pay homage to another American genre: Westerns. However, it is apparent that we are still in Indre et Loire, and the intrusion of the West in the village square is less of a respectful allusion than it is a pretext for a new series of gags. During the festival, the villagers also have the opportunity to discover another dimension of the United States through a documentary projected under a tent. It shows that the United States is a country of technical progress and speed. This interesting mise en abyme refers to a situation that is still relevant today: as spectators of images (cinema, television), we do not perceive the world that what we are can see, hence the need for teachers to develop attitudes of curiosity among their students by encouraging them to enrich their knowledge through the diversity of their sources.

6 Created by Azadée Tolooie. THE BIG DAY. by Jacques Tati.

Tati's film shows us the pitfall of this limited vision of the United States by trying to adapt forcefully to the speed of the American system, François, the mail carrier upsets the order that maintained normalcy in the entire village so far. This unnatural evolution will lead to a fiasco but allows the artist to deploy a whole range of gags based on the shift.


Tati’s comic is essentially based on his observations of everyday life. The event of the arrival of cinema in a small village is an opportunity to show the quiet habits and scan the various characters and their activities.

The gags provoked by the mail carrier are all funnier because they have no catastrophic consequences, or at least because they do not appear as such on screen. For example, when François wishes a "happy birthday" to the character who is in mourning, they close the door immediately on his face. Or, when the coffee seller falls from his chair, or when 7 Created by Azadée Tolooie. THE BIG DAY. by Jacques Tati.

François confuses a window with a shooting stand. We have no knowledge of the consequences of his actions and the possibly negative reactions of the characters concerned. The gags are not stretched, so they come as a real surprise.

Due to the involuntariness on the part of François, the gags also occur when they are thought to be done (the cake that does not fall, or the garden hose that does nothing for a long time). The comic dynamic of these types of gags makes them change their purpose along the way to achieve a surprising result. The gags are often caused by coming across obstacles: a stepladder, a fence, a hedge, or even the tar on the road. These are the many challenges of François’ frantic race on the road to fame.

Tati references the American burlesque a lot by taking up some recurring motifs in this cinematographic tradition such as the driverless vehicles and the policeman at a crossroads. He alludes to the USA with the gag dedicated to the GI's jeep (the musical band adopts at this time a post-war jazz style) or by the "film within a film" such as the report on the American mail carriers brought by performers (in black and white, while the film of Tati was shot in color).

8 Created by Azadée Tolooie. THE BIG DAY. by Jacques Tati.


In L’école des facteurs, a short film made two years prior, Jacques Tati already embodied a mail carrier and he takes up in his first feature film many gags that were started in this small first draft. François is a transition character between his first cinematographic essays (his silhouette had already been seen in Soigne ton gauche) and the character of Hulot who will see light of day four years later with Les Vacances de Monsieur Hulot. He has the same habit of stammering and the swallowing his words with a lanky pace. These are the same ways to create a comic, not by his personality but by his interaction with the environment. Tati will constantly refine this character that is "too French" to his liking in this film. The mustache and uniform show an everyday Frenchman that is much more in line with the universal reach of the comic created by Tati.

Between his first cinematographic essays and The Big Day, Jacques Tati abandons the comic that relies on a frenzy of gestures. He purifies and simplifies them by going to choreographies with very "clear lines" that are much more effective in terms of comedy as in poetry. This refinement of Tati’s style will continue with his character Hulot with which the artist completely abandons this tendency (the accumulation and exaggeration of the American burlesque) and aims for a form of abstraction. This is a real exploration from which Tati deliberately distances himself, a form of burlesque in which he shines, as shown in the entire sequence where François, after discovering a report on the effectiveness of the US Post, takes an acute Taylorism and embarks on a crazy tour. François is therefore too "French", but this characterization corresponds perfectly to the background of the film, which is based on the contamination of rural France by the American Dream. Tati's rhetoric will be more cynical as he progresses; and if the tone is light-hearted, one can feel Tati's uneasiness in the cultural homogenization he perceived by the end of the forties. It has often been noted that François looked like De Gaulle (the size, the cap, Tati plays with this image when we see for the François’ back for the first time), and throughout the film he works on this dichotomy between the French and

9 Created by Azadée Tolooie. THE BIG DAY. by Jacques Tati.

American cultures. A dichotomy that is accompanied by a true love affair of the American burlesque, Keaton, and Mack Sennett.


We understand better now that the film portrays a metaphor that cannot be ignored. The title itself is a metaphor for the Liberation – let us not forget that the film was shot three years later -, and the euphoria and celebrations it generated throughout France. The long scene of the erection of a mast supporting the tricolor flag has an undeniable symbolic value. Moreover, when Tati colors the film in 1961, the dominant colors added to black and white are precisely blue and red. In the same vein, one could equate the physical prowess of the mail carrier that seeks to compete with the American Post to the efforts of de Gaulle to preserve the identity and greatness of France against the American hegemony after the war in Europe.

10 Created by Azadée Tolooie. THE BIG DAY. by Jacques Tati.


These pedagogic activities were created for students between the ages of 13 and 15 in order to prepare them for the screening of the film in its entirety. The lesson plan can be done in the mother tongue or in French per the students’ linguistic profiles and the foreign language teacher’s objectives.

In this lesson plan, language skills are abbreviated as followed:

 WC: Written comprehension  OC: Oral comprehension  OP: Oral production  WP: Written production  OI: Oral interaction

11 Created by Azadée Tolooie. THE BIG DAY. by Jacques Tati.

STUDENT WORKSHEET 1: THE TITLE OF THE FILM All levels JOUR DE FÊTE Complete the column on the right with the corresponding letters.

A B C ____ : Des feux d’artifices

____ : Un manège

____ : Un vélo E F D

____ : Une fête foraine

____ : La musique

G ____ : Un bal

____ : La fanfare J

____ : Le cinéma H

I ____ : Courir K

____ : Danser

____ : Un ballon

12 Created by Azadée Tolooie. THE BIG DAY. by Jacques Tati.


À chacun sa fête ! In groups of two, associate each text bubble to their corresponding character. How about you? How do you party?

Moi j’invite tous mes Moi j’aime inviter mes amies à prendre un potes à l’appart. On thé. Nous parlons de nos petits-enfants et commande des pizzas et on nous tricotons ensemble. boit quelques bières. Parfois nous écoutons un peu de musique Parfois on joue aussi à et nous pensons au bon vieux temps. la Playstation. On rigole bien.

Moi j’adore faire des soirées-jeux avec Nous ? on sort en boîte mes amis, on joue à des jeux de rôles, et on danse toute la nuit ! on regarde tous les films de la Guerre des Étoiles ou alors on discute.

Quand nous ne sommes pas trop Moi je fais une soirée pyjama avec copines si fatigués, nous appelons une baby- mes parents sont d’accord. On s’amuse, on sitter et nous sortons dîner en parle et on se couche très tard ! amoureux ou entre amis.


13 Created by Azadée Tolooie. THE BIG DAY. by Jacques Tati.


JOUR DE FÊTE (WC) This introductory activity allows students to discover the film and the party lexical field. It will also correspond the « Tintamarre » activity where the studied lexicon will be reinvested in a listening comprehension and sound identification exercise.

Answers: A : Danser / B : Un vélo / C : Des feux d’artifices / D : Un ballon / E : Courir / F : Un bal / G : Une fanfare / H : Un manège / I : Le cinéma / J : La musique / K : Une fête foraine.

C’EST LA FÊTE (WC) All throughout the exercise, students can use the key words to associate the text bubble and the characters below. The teacher can also work on the conjugation of verbs in the present indicative tense. Students will then reinvest the lexicon and phrases to express in their own way how they party.






14 Created by Azadée Tolooie. THE BIG DAY. by Jacques Tati.



1. Given the elements of the movie poster, can you guess the date of the film?

In groups of two, discuss and propose a date:

 2000  1970  1950  1900  1850

15 Created by Azadée Tolooie. THE BIG DAY. by Jacques Tati.

2. In small groups, test your knowledge on history and put the events and inventions below in chronological order. To correct them, use the dates on Exercise 3.

Sortie du film de Jacques Tati JOUR DE FÊTE 1949

16 Created by Azadée Tolooie. THE BIG DAY. by Jacques Tati.

3. Voici les dates de chaque évènement et invention de l’activité précédente. Associez les dates écrites en toutes lettres aux dates en nombres.

La Révolution française 1993 Mil sept cent quatre-vingt-neuf.

L’invention du vélo 1989 Mil huit cent dix-sept.

Le début de la première guerre mondiale 1945 Mil neuf cent quatorze.

La fin de la deuxième guerre mondiale 1914 Mil neuf cent quarante-cinq

L’invention du téléphone portable Mil neuf cent soixante-treize. 1817

L’invention d’Internet Mil neuf cent quatre-vingt-neuf. 1973

La création de l’Union Européenne Mil neuf cent quatre-vingt-treize. 1789


17 Created by Azadée Tolooie. THE BIG DAY. by Jacques Tati.


The film takes place in the 50s and a lot has changed since!

1. Match the statements below to the drawing created by Yang Liu where she compares our times and the past.

1. Avant, on allait à la bibliothèque pour faire des recherches. Maintenant on va sur Google.

2. Avant on utilisait seulement le téléphone fixe pour communiquer à distance. Maintenant on utilise une connexion wi-fi.

3. Avant on buvait son petit café en lisant son journal. Maintenant on boit un grand 2. Use the images above to inspire a drawing of your own creation. Draw lattetwo contrasting en lisant un elements, livre électronique. one from the past and one from today, and then write a statement that illustrates your drawings. 4. Avant mangeait en grande quantité et beaucoup de viande. Maintenant les gens ne

mangent pas de viande et préfèrent manger peu ou font un régime.

Avant, on ______. Maintenant on ______18 Created by Azadée Tolooie. THE BIG DAY. by Jacques Tati.



Exercise 1 This activity aims to help the students to identify the historic context of the film to better understand the character’s attitudes towards technological progresses of the time, the changes of the rhythm of life and Americans, and the rising heroes of 1945 that François copies

Students can use the visual elements of the movie poster such as the cord phone, the bike, the mail carrier’s uniform, the drawing style etc… This can allow students to review numbers and dates in French.

In groups of two, students can propose different dates to complete the exercise. The teacher can ask them to justify their choice in French, if their level allows it, or they can simply express it in their mother tongue. Lastly, the teacher can correct the answers in class.

Answer: 1950.

Exercises 2 and 3

In small groups, students can debate the order of the events and the inventions according to what they know. Then, in the following exercise, students can verify their hypotheses while studying the numbers in French. They teacher can then ask the students to explain their answers by asking them to give details or by doing supplementary research about a specific date and present their findings.

Answers: La Révolution française : 1789 La fin de la deuxième guerre mondiale : 1945

L’invention du vélo : 1817 L’invention du téléphone portable : 1976

Le début de la première guerre mondiale : L’invention d’Internet : 1989 1914 La création de l’Union Européenne : 1993

19 Created by Azadée Tolooie. THE BIG DAY. by Jacques Tati.


This activity will teach students about the period in which Jacques Tati’s film takes place. Students can then learn about the different means of communication, the life styles, and the hobbies and activities of the time in contrast to today’s activities. This exercise can also introduce the contrast between the present and imperfect tenses of the French language.

For further studying, you can also find more images by the same artist in the following link: http://www.topito.com/top-illustrations-avant-vs-maintenant-yang-liu


2 3

1 4

20 Created by Azadée Tolooie. THE BIG DAY. by Jacques Tati.


In small groups, complete the bubbles below with as many words as you can think of about the countryside.

La nature Les animaux


Objets Activités

21 Created by Azadée Tolooie. THE BIG DAY. by Jacques Tati.


Source : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HV5mBY2Oaow

1. Firstly, you will just hear the trailer several times. Concentrate on the sounds and the words, then mark all the elements you hear. 2. Then, you will see the trailer with the sounds and you will mark all the elements you see in the movie trailer.

J’entends… Je vois…

 Une église  Une église  La sonnette du vélo  Un vélo  Un coq  Un coq  Un mouton  Un mouton  Une voiture  Une voiture  Une personne qui chante  Une personne qui chante  Une personne qui crie  Une personne qui crie  Une personne qui pleure  Une personne qui pleure  Un chien  Un chien  Un chat  Un chat  De la musique  De la musique  Un cheval  Un cheval  Des poules  Des poules  Un âne  Un âne  Une vache  Une vache  La télévision  La télévision  Un enfant  Un enfant  Un cochon  Un cochon  Une porte qui s’ouvre dans  Une porte qui s’ouvre une boutique dans une boutique  Un feu  Un feu  Un facteur  Un facteur  Un ballon  Un ballon  Une musique de manège  Des chevaux de bois  Un boucher  Un boucher  Une vieille dame  Une vieille dame  Une fanfare  Une fanfare

22 Created by Azadée Tolooie. THE BIG DAY. by Jacques Tati.



This activity will allow students to reinvest the lexicon on rural lifestyle that is imperative for the film that takes place in the small village of Sainte-Sévère-sur-Indre. Students can then proceed to categorize the vocabulary words.

If the students’ level is not high enough to propose words, the teacher can give them a list of vocabulary words to complete the exercise.

The totality of studied words in the exercise and the previous exercises can serve as a preamble for the « Tintamarre » activity from which students will discover for the first time during the viewing of the movie trailer.


Video resource: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HV5mBY2Oaow

The sound gag is a central element of Jacques Tati's gag mechanics. They use sound by disproportionately placing it in the foreground. This creates a comic effect that Jacques Tati uses throughout the film.

Students will first examine the list of items to verify their comprehension.

At a first listen, they will check the elements heard. It is possible to make them listen to the trailer several times because the sounds are linked and are quick.

Afterwards, students will watch the trailer. This will allow them to check the items in the list on the right.

23 Created by Azadée Tolooie. THE BIG DAY. by Jacques Tati.


ON ENTEND : la sonnette de vélo, un coq, une personne qui crie, un chien, de la musique, un cheval, des poules, une vache, un cochon, une porte qui s’ouvre dans une boutique, un enfant, une musique de manège, une fanfare.

ON VOIT : un vélo, une voiture, une personne qui crie, des poules, un enfant, une cochon, une porte qui s’ouvre dans une boutique, un feu, un facteur, un ballon, des chevaux de bois, un boucher, une vieille dame.

24 Created by Azadée Tolooie. THE BIG DAY. by Jacques Tati.



1. In small groups, pick a piece of paper and try to imagine the situation, then think about a funny ending.

2. Play out the scene in front of the class. Then the class has to guess which situation you played out with help from the list below. QUE FAIS-TU SI….

A. Une guêpe te tourne autour. B. Tu louches et que tu essaies de planter un clou. C. Tu es saoul et tu trouves un ballon qui vole. D. Ton piano ne fonctionne plus et tu t’énerves. E. Tu es une très vieille dame qui promène sa chèvre.

25 Created by Azadée Tolooie. THE BIG DAY. by Jacques Tati.

Une guêpe te tourne autour Tu utilises ton vélo d’une façon bizarre

Tu louches et que tu essaies Tu es une très vieille dame de planter un clou. qui promène sa chèvre.

Tu es saoul et tu trouves un Ton piano ne fonctionne ballon qui vole. plus et tu t’énerves.


26 Created by Azadée Tolooie. THE BIG DAY. by Jacques Tati.



This activity will allow students to play with burlesque situations. The film Jacques Tati is purely a burlesque film because its rhythm is slow. This can make it a bit difficult for young audiences accustomed to other more accelerated comic dynamics. It is therefore necessary to prepare students for this kind of film by allowing them to understand the comic side of burlesque.

This activity will serve as an introduction by working with some humorous passages of the film. The proposed situations are therefore comical situations from the film.

The activity:

The teacher can ask the class to read the statements of situations and to check if they understand. They will then draw a paper with a situation and will then play out the proposed situation. Students must also agree on the staging. They can present it to the class that will try to guess which situation from the proposed list it is. One of the students in the group can also amuse themselves by doing the sound effects.

During the viewing, the students will be able to apprehend these same scenes and compare the staging of Jacques Tati and theirs.

27 Created by Azadée Tolooie. THE BIG DAY. by Jacques Tati.


These pedagogic activities were created for students between the ages of 13 and 15 in order to prepare them to discuss the film after screening of the film in its entirety. The lesson plan can be done in the mother tongue or in French per the students’ linguistic profiles and the foreign language teacher’s objectives.

In this lesson plan, language skills are abbreviated as followed:

 WC: Written comprehension  OC: Oral comprehension  OP: Oral production  WP: Written production  OI: Oral interaction

28 Created by Azadée Tolooie. THE BIG DAY. by Jacques Tati.



1- Find the etymology of the word « BURLESQUE » in the dictionary or on the Internet. 2- Then find information about the cinematographic genre of burlesque. 3- Do you know any contemporary artists or actors that use the same techniques?


VIENT DU MOT ______(mot d’origine)

QUI SIGNIFIE ______(signification) EN ______(langue d’origine).

4- This mythical scene from a burlesque short film by the Lumière Brothers is called:

« L’arroseur arrosé ».

Why did they choose this title? In your opinion, what is going on in this scene?

29 Created by Azadée Tolooie. THE BIG DAY. by Jacques Tati.


2 2

4 5


1- Match the descriptions of each of these burlesque artists (see following page) and write the letter that corresponds on the table.

1 2 3 4 5 6

2- Find a video online of one of these artists and show it to the class to see which one is funnier and explain why.

30 Created by Azadée Tolooie. THE BIG DAY. by Jacques Tati.

A. Je suis Molière, grand dramaturge français du XVII siècle. Je suis une référence du burlesque en littérature, notamment pour mes pièces de théâtres très célèbres. Je me moque de toute le monde (des bourgeois, des médecins, des religieux, etc.) et dénonce les injustices et inégalités par la farce.

B. Nous sommes les Frères Lumières, deux inventeurs français du XIX siècle. Nous avons inventé le cinéma ! Nous sommes aussi les précurseurs du cinéma burlesque car nous avons créé la toute première scène burlesque avec le court-métrage de l’arroseur arrosé.

C. Nous sommes un duo comique très célèbre aux Etats-Unis dans les années 30. Nous avons commencé notre carrière dans le cinéma muet puis avons continué à nous produire dans des films de cinéma parlant pendant 25 ans. Nous sommes Laurel et Hardy. L’un est petit et mince et l’autre est grand et assez gros. Nous portons tous les deux des chapeaux- melon sur la tête.

D. Je m’appelle Charlie Chaplin et je suis anglais. Je suis une idole du cinéma muet du XX siècle. Mes œuvres comiques servent aussi à dénoncer et sont parfois politiques. Je me moque par exemple de dictateurs comme Hitler et Mussolini. Je suis acteur, réalisateur, scénariste, producteur et compositeur. Je porte toujours un chapon melon sur la tête et j’ai une canne à la main.

E. Je suis un acteur et réalisateur français et je m’appelle Max Linder. Mon vrai est nom est Gabrielle Leuvielle et mon personnage « Max » naît en 1910. Je deviens alors une vedette internationale et mon travail influencera Charlie Chaplin pour la création de son personnage « Charlot ». Je porte toujours un grand chapeau haut de forme et une canne.

F. Je m’appelle Mabel Normand, je suis actrice, réalisatrice, scénariste et productrice américaine. Je commence à avoir du succès dans le cinéma en 1912 puis je travaille plus tard avec de grandes vedettes comme Charlie Chaplin. Je suis la première actrice à avoir tourné dans un avion !

31 Created by Azadée Tolooie. THE BIG DAY. by Jacques Tati.


Une histoire : Le gag est solution apportée à un problème posé. Cette solution n’est pas du tout

appropriée, ce qui produit l’effet comique.

Ajoutez au choix, trois de ces ingrédients :

 La surprise

 Un peu d’absurde

 Un quiproquo  Une complicité avec le spectateur qui sait, qui voit tout.  Le personnage ridicule

 Une course poursuite

 Le mime  Les performances physiques

 Un rythme rapide ou répétitif

 Un gag sonore (exagération du son)

À partir des éléments de la recette du gag parfait, à vous d’inventez le script d’une petite scène burlesque pour réaliser un mini court-métrage et le présenter à la classe.

32 Created by Azadée Tolooie. THE BIG DAY. by Jacques Tati.


All levels



Burlesque vient du mot « Burlesco » ou « Burlare » qui signigie plaisanter en italien.

"Burlesque" is nowadays commonly used to designate an exaggerated, extravagant comic that is generally based on a discrepancy between the tonality and the subject treated in a text. The humoristic burlesque is based on a number of processes that can also be found in The Big Day.

In the United States is where this cinematic genre reached its peak, but it is in France where it began. One of the first French films made by the Lumière Brothers, "L’arroseur arrosé" in 1895, represents the beginning of the burlesque genre.

Burlesque cinema has its origins in the acting styles of Commedia dell 'Arte, popular culture, music hall, and comic strips. However, the arrival of talking films profoundly shook up the rules of burlesque and this kind of parody, that was perfect for silent cinema, sees the decline of the omnipotence of imagery, a main element in these films. In its place, dialogue and of the psychology of the characters became the focus of interest.

Students can make assumptions about the comic scene in “L’arosseur arose” from the image of the activity and then imagine the rest of the situation. The teacher will then be able to show the video of the scene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Frl0K09o-KA and ask the class if the comic effect of this first gag in the history of cinema still works today.

33 Created by Azadée Tolooie. THE BIG DAY. by Jacques Tati.


This activity allows learners to discover the great burlesque comics in cinema and literature.

It is possible to ask them to make a connection with the comedians of today who still use techniques and processes of gags from burlesque cinema.

Suggestions for contemporary burlesque cinema

French cinema: - Les films de Jean-Marie Poiré (ex : Les Visiteurs) - Les films avec l’acteur Louis de Funès (ex : La Folie des grandeurs) - Les films de Francis Weber (ex : Le dîner de cons) - Les films de Patrice Leconte (ex : les Bronzés)

Anglosaxon cinema: - Certains films de Woody Allen - Les films avec l’acteur Jackie Chan - Les films des Terry Jones : Monthy Python.

To dive deeper: you will find in « ciclic, upopi,l’université populaire des images », an excellent website, the history of burlesque represented by images and movie excerpts. http://upopi.ciclic.fr/apprendre/l-histoire-des-images/histoire-du-cinema-burlesque


1 2 3 4 5 6


34 Created by Azadée Tolooie. THE BIG DAY. by Jacques Tati.


 Links on burlesque cinema




http://web.ac- reims.fr/dsden52/ercom/documents/education_artistique/ecole_et_cinema/2014_2015/5_burle sques/annexes-burlesques/01_le_burlesque.pdf

 Links about the film



 Lesson plans

http://www.gindoucinema.org/images/Pdf/FichesPeda_Ecole_et_cinema/DossierPedagogique JourDeFete.pdf

https://www.ac-orleans- tours.fr/fileadmin/user_upload/ia28/doc_peda/Arts_et_Culture/cinema/archives/2007- 2008/Jour_de_Fete.pdf



http://cache.media.education.gouv.fr/file/Pistes_pedagogiques_pour_l_E.D.D./84/8/fiche- pedagogique-jour-de-fete-evelyne_aguilee_689848.pdf

https://www4.ac-nancy-metz.fr/ia54-gtd/arts-et-culture/sites/arts-et- culture/IMG/pdf/elements_de_reflexionjourdefete.pdf


35 Created by Azadée Tolooie. THE BIG DAY. by Jacques Tati.