'Bonfire to Spark Weekend of Miracles, Gridiron Clash

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'Bonfire to Spark Weekend of Miracles, Gridiron Clash Give. The Gamecocks Hell, Deacons! TODAY, EDITORIALLY TODAY. II'!S~DE • 'Noah' Review e WGA Statement Old Homecoming" e Dr. Robert Humber e· au e Forgotten Paaaer lll An All American Newspaper ------------------------------~----------------------* * - VOLUME Lm * Wake Forest Ulliversity, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Monday, Oct. 30, 1917 * * * NUMBER? .· ···'el~'tr• -:.:·'~,,~~:' .. 'Bonfire To Spark Weekend .:. ',~·:~ ' Of Miracles, Gridiron Clash By J. D. WILSON dance, two major concerts, judging of ASSISTANT EDITOR dormitory decorations, the University of South Carolina football game and fra­ \•.;:.: ... Featured Today: fUumni, parents, faculty, students and r ,··_· •• ternity and MRC parties. fnends . of the University will gather There will be oo classes Saturday. here this weekend for what promises to The cannon will be fired Thursday Reynolda ·Gardens, i be Wake. Forest's bigge,s.t and best Homecommg ever-as far as activities night at 7:00 to officially open "Home· are concerned. coming '67." Homecoming 1967 ~ A pep raLLy and bonfire will immedi­ Highlights of the weekend "Home­ coming '67," will be a pep 'rally and ately follow the firing of the cannon on 'lbe fountain pictured at the left is ~ the softball field beside Poteat dormi­ one of the unusual sights found In tbe : tory. formal part of the University's Rey- ~ According to George Brooks, co-chair­ nolda Gardens. ~ WGA Urges man of the school spirit -committee, the :~, football players will be at the pep rally On Page lB of today's Old GoJd ~ and sen-ior members of the squad will be and Black in picture and word, tile ~ Liberalization honored since this will be their last beautiful Gardens in all of their spec- ~ Homecoming as pl.ayers. tacular fall spleDdor are featured. li He said he is hopeful that 'Doc' Of Regulations Murphrey will be there to he1p start the weekend off right I By UNDA LEVI ~ All-Campus Dance * * * ~ Coeds received Tuesday a statement College Umon will sponsor an all­ Also featured insfde of this issue of broad objectives from the Woman's campus dance in Reynolda Hall with are the mauy dHferent aspects ol Government Association designed as a Bob Collins and The Fabulous 5 im­ simple, basic code of 'regulations "to mediately following the pep rally. There Homecoming 1961. promote maturity rather than restric­ will be no charge for the dance. tion." Friday night College Union will pre­ On Page 2A tbe 16 sponsors for The statement, prepared by the WGA sent the first of two maqor concerts preseDted "Miss Demon Deacon" are executive committee was presented by for the weekend. in a pictorial feature. President Wendy Fanner in a convo­ The world-famous musical duo, Simon cation in Wait Chapel. Its proposals and Garfunkel, will perform at 8:15 On Page 3A tbe facts about tile would abolish many of the existing rules. p. m. in Wait Chapel. major HomecomiDg entertaimDellt "It is our intention to establish a pGlicy Friday midnight, fraternities, MRC SMOKEY ROBINSON AND THE MIRACLES • • • wiD add a soul note to Home· acts are given. which can and will be enfurced and· re­ houses and girls donns will begin de­ commg witb a performance in Wait Cbapel at 2:15 Saturday. spected and which will be responsive to corating the outsides af their dormi­ the individual needs of the coeds," the tories. statement said. Judging of Homecoming decorations will begin at 10 a. m. Saturday. "By necessity, it will be stated in Saturday afternoon College Union will general terms with the understanding CurriculuiD Changes feature 'Smokey' Robinson and The Students, Profs Stand that its effectiveness depends upon the responsibility and judgment the Miracles and their Motown Show in Wait good of Chapel, beginning at 2:00. coeds." ·Silent In Peace Vigil Tbe suggested revisions of the major Tickets At Door In Four DepartDients regul:ati:oos include: "Standing room only" tickets will be available at the door for visiting alumni By UNDA CARTER ~r. ~onducted a-n organizational meeting -Dorms will be ciloSed ·to callers at By LINDA LEVI logy department, listed tlwee MANAGING EDITOR · niidiiiglit during the week and at 1 a. m. who want to attend. ~ ·i~ff"'Wj~too-~1~ ~h. The MRC and IFC will have open The faculty voted; recently on curri· behind the change. Rev. J. K. Outliaw, Jr., a local Method­ on the weekends. A system for upper­ "Biology has undergone a revolution Wake Forest students and faculty houses from 3:30-5:30 p. m. 1 culum changes which will revamp the ist minister, became area coordinator classmen (sophanwres, juniors and sen­ in the last decade," Amen said·. A na­ members participated in a second vigil iors) will be established-either issuing The Wake Forest Demon Deacons will biology deP3Ji:ment and alter significant­ for the petition drive. A group including meet the Gamecocks of the University ly course requirements and descriptions tional group, the Mission on Undergrad­ protesting the war in Vietnam in front keys or delegating someone such as the uate Education in Biological Sciences, of the Winston-Salem post office Satur· several Wake Forest professors worl!:ed of South Carolina at 7:30p.m. Saturday in three other departments. to secure nearly 13,000 signatures before campus policeman to open the dorms for conducted a stud¥ and recommended a day. coeds every hali hour from closing ·hour night in Bowman Gray Stadium. Besides the biology depart:Ioont chang­ the drive ended: at the beginning of Fraternities will decorate the stad-ium es, renovation; will go into effect next two-year core program in biology. Vigil members stood in silence for an until 6 a. m. "We studied this and it seemed to October. with signs urging the Deacons on to Se~ i'n the education, religion, and hour-from 1 p. m. to 2 p. m. Some car­ -Sign-out cards will serve an informa­ lend itself to oW' system," Amen said. The national drive concluded Oct. 7-8 tional purpose only, and will: include an victory. • political science cmricula. ried signs reading "Negotiation Now!", when petitions with a total of 500,000 For the first time since the camon The changes in the biology department Tbe program was incorporated with the name of the sponsoring organization. expected time of return. Coeds would not signatures were presented to President was acquired by student government inwlve both flbe introductory course and minor changes. be penalized for ·returning later than Biology Changes The first in what is expected to be a Johnson's representative, Attorney Gen­ expected. last year, the carmon guard will be mem· major requh'ements. Courses numbered regular series of silent vigils was stag-ed eral Nicholas Katzenbacb. -Coeds pLanning to stay out later than bers of Pershing Rifles. It is· hoped that 151 and 152 have been added as inter­ "There was also a recognition that we Oct. 21 by approximately 30 people, in­ At that time, the national Negotiation 6 a. m. must sign out on the overnight this will become a tradition. mediate courses, covering some subjects have crammed more and more material cluding four Wake Forest professors and Now leaders urged the local groups to slip giving standard information and There will also be a student card now incLuded in Biology 111 and 112. The into the introductory course without a number of students. continue working for peace· iiXlividually. have established parental pemlission. section at the game. introductory courses still fulfill the basic deleting anything," Amen said. "In this The vigils, accordin-g to William· M. A small vigil, eomposed of petition -Coeds will dress in good taste at all During half-time the homecoming qlli!en science requirement, but cover fewer way we don't treat it as thoroughly and Hagen, Wake Forest English professor drive worl!:ers, was ·held in Winston­ times. This Change would allow coeds will be crowned, the 1959 football team tipics more comprehensively. get as good a job done.'~·. and leader of the local Negotiation Now Salem ·that weekend. to wear slacks on campus. (Continued on Page 5) Dr. Ralph Amen, chairman of the bio- With the changes in the introductory group, is only one aspect of the organi­ But it was at a Later organizational -In view of the ·need of freshmen to course, fewer topics will be treated more zation's activities. meeting that the idea of a series of silent adjust to campus life, their rules will thoroughly. "We hay~''-~~;.Ahe old vigils was proposed. During the meeting, remain as guidelines. course and expande<Ot to.' ..t#(l years­ "Actually," Hagen said, "the vigils we have kept the same topics but treated are only a public witness, an outward Hagen assumed leadership of the group -Each coed, realizing that she is re­ Robert Shaw's Atlanta (Contiooed on Page 5) (Continued on Page 5) them in greater depth. focus of the whole movement." "Those who take just 111 won't touch Negotiation Now groups were organ­ on some topics, but we feel, it is better ized throughout the country during the Srmphony Here Tonight to know them well." '. · summer. Originally, their main aim was By BARBARA PETERSON The third advantage that Amen hopes to secure signatures on a petition to be prominence in the past quarter century. Civil Rights Group Hopes STAF'F WRITER Five years after it was founded in 1945, will result from the revised program presented to President Johnson. The Atlanta Symphony, under the di­ the orchestra joined the ranks of the is that "in trea~ these topics more The petition called for support for rection f>f Robert Shaw and featuring country's 25 major sYmPhonY orchestras.
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