The University of Sheffield CALENDAR 2021-22 Charter, Statutes, General Regulations and Information NOTE The Regulations are reviewed and revised by Council and Senate, as relevant. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information given in this publication, changes may need to be made between the date of publication and the time the student embarks on a programme of study. This publication is correct as at the time of print. ENQUIRIES All enquiries should be addressed to: University Secretary’s Office University of Sheffield Sheffield S10 2TN Telephone: 0114 222 2000 Email:
[email protected] Printed by The University Print Service Published by the University of Sheffield CONTENTS Dates of Semesters 5 Historical Note 6 Arms 9 Charter 10 Statutes 12 Regulations of the Council 16 I Responsibility for Creation and Amendment of Regulations 16 II The Council 17 III Scheme of Council Delegation 23 IV The Auditor 37 V The Members of the University 38 VI The University Officers 39 VII The Dismissal and Removal from Office of the President & Vice-Chancellor 42 VIII Definitions 43 IX The Senate 45 X The Faculties 48 XI Extra-Faculty Learning and Teaching Committee 50 XII The Conferment and Withdrawal of Degrees 51 XIII The Execution of Contracts and Deeds 52 Regulations of the Senate 54 XIV General University Regulations 54 XV General Regulations for First Degrees 70 XVI General Regulations for Higher Degrees, Postgraduate Diplomas and Postgraduate 79 Certificates General Regulations for Higher Degrees by Research