PARLIAMENT OF Legal and Social Issues Committee Inquiry into end of life choices

Inquiry into end of life choices Programme – Parliament House,

The Committee is: Date Thursday 15 October 2015 Venue Legislative Council Committee Room, Parliament House 1. assessing the practices currently being utilised within the medical community to assist a person to exercise their preferences for the Time Witnesses way they want to manage their end of life, 7.00 pm National Seniors Advisory Group including the role of palliative care; Arnold Bates, Chair, Policy Advisory Committee 2. reviewing the current framework of Vicki Davidson, Committee Member legislation, proposed legislation and other relevant reports and materials in 7.30 pm Australian Centre for Health Research (ACHR) other Australian states and territories Alan Castleman, Chairman and overseas jurisdictions; and Rebecca Bartel, Chief Executive 3. considering what type of legislative change may be required, including 8.00 pm Norman Geschke O.B.E. an examination of any federal laws Personal capacity that may impact such legislation. 8.30 pm Neil Francis

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Role of the committee Members of the committee

The Legal and Social Issues Committee is one of three Hon Edward O’Donohue MP (Chair) Ms Nina Springle MP (Deputy Chair) Standing Committees appointed by the Parliament of LIBERAL PARTY | Eastern Victoria VICTORIAN GREENS | South-Eastern Metropolitan Victoria’s Legislative Council. Edward O’Donohue has served as Member of the In 2014 Nina became the first Greens MP to represent Eastern Victoria Region since 2006. He was a solicitor the South Eastern Metropolitan Region in Victoria’s The Committee has eight members, representing and barrister then a director of a real estate and Parliament. Nina has worked as a consultant in the project management company. He held numerous community and education sector. She is the Victorian government and opposition parties. Ministerial positions under the Napthine Ministry. Greens spokesperson for Families and Children, He currently serves as Shadow Minister for Police, Multicultural Affairs, Women and Family Violence Shadow Minister for Community Safety, and Shadow Protection. The function of the Committee is to inquire into Minister for Corrections. and report on any proposal, matter or thing concerned with community services, education, Ms Margaret Fitzherbert MP Mr Cesar Melhem MP gaming, health, and law and justice. LIBERAL PARTY | Southern Metropolitan LABOR PARTY | Western Metropolitan Chair of the Board of the Royal Women’s Hospital, Born in Lebanon, Cesar migrated to at the Committee Inquiries result in policy Margaret worked in senior communications roles at age of 23. Before entering Parliament in 2013, Cesar recommendations to the Victorian the ANZ and the National Australia Bank. A previous served in the Australian Workers Union including 7 adviser to two Federal ministers, Margaret is currently years as the elected State Secretary. Cesar is also a Government and can lead to legislative Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Women’s Health former director of a superannuation provider and of a change. and Rural and Regional Health. She has published financial services organisation. extensively on women and politics.

Mr Daniel Mulino MP Ms Fiona Patten MP LABOR PARTY | Eastern Victoria AUSTRALIAN SEX PARTY | Northern Metropolitan Daniel has a PhD in economics from Yale and much Fiona is the leader of the Australian Sex Party. She of his career has been spent working in the area of has been a lobbyist for sex worker rights, online economic policy. He served as advisor to Senator anti‑censorship, HIV/AIDS, disability rights and Jacinta Collins, Premier Steve Bracks, Treasurer John drugs. She has held positions on the Board of the Contact the Council Committees Lenders and Leader of the Opposition, . AIDS Action Council, Australian Federation of AIDS He was a former Casey City councillor. Organisations Committee and is a Director for the Office on 03 8682 2874 Adult Industry Copyright Organisation. Or contact the Committee Secretary: Mrs Inga Peulich MP Ms Jaclyn Symes MP Ms Lilian Topic LIBERAL PARTY | South-Eastern Metropolitan LABOR PARTY | Northern Victoria E [email protected] Born in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Inga has served The former legal and justice adviser to current P +61 3 8682 2928 both the Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly Premier Daniel Andrews, Jaclyn has worked on for 18 years. With a 30-year involvement in small dealing with Victoria’s ice crisis. She also worked for M +61 417 322 053 business, Inga has also served as a councillor in the the Australian Services Union. South East and began her political life as a childcare W activist. She is Shadow Minister for Multicultural Affairs and for Scrutiny of Government.