I them on thouOl8nd. ofbl,Jg The morning ••••Ion WIlS opened by a leoture by the crop. This last yenr I,p.tJ" one man In Brown not try Iho Catalpa ailaln unless could Hct besl trlends. NotWithstanding, trees 0...,,, wind are In o( Ignorauce THE KANSAS FARMER. Prof. Shelton on "Farm Experiments," -Agriculture .county nearly 1700 for about 40 acres of broom corn, north side of some other break. They annuallp destroyed consequence and benefits to be derived from Is the creature of experIment, and the difference be­ and It WIIS one of the drouthy years Kausas. have too heayy a foliage for tb ls windy country. of thelr habitll the milk contrar It should be the destre or twoen old and modern agrlculture 10 that we can rive Holten, Jaokson Co, K.... . E. ASHTON. Wishing to learn more lIbout 'heCooley can', them. On tbe y Parmer THq The XaUIa. CompaDY, Proprietorl, we tried them with the milk to their lives and tbell good reason for what we do now: Ten years expert­ hope those wbo have everybody preserve promote KaDIa•. shall we It? W,ll not some 01 Topeka, mont. on the f�rm wIth wheat show lin aver­ .rom two or throe cow. will give U8 .. lIttio IIghl tnurease. But bow do college Notel, " Way In the of 13 bushels acre. co'ting 56c 1 per bu; oats 29 through the FARIlKn. F. W. BAKER. our wise ones, Proresaors AgriculLural CoUege, age per To. the EdItor of tbe KansM Flinner: Feb. 18. or us the common names or our best bu. 22c bu: ba 16 bu. per ocre, eo.tlng Naomi, Mitchell Go , others, give cOsting per rley the or J. E. Guild. of Silver Lnke, Througb courtesy such clear a. sbait enable 59c; mangles BIZ bu. per acre 10c per bu; mil­ frlenda, with descriptions costing Kas visited his farm. th" Ca , YOllr correspondent pltnl them at and al81 let 2 one-fifth tons, costing SZOO par ton. The small Forest Culture. any ODe to recognize sight, giv View Stock Farm, so called because the state cal'iUlI that we ratber than corn like the Is the most successful. The To their hablts 01 11 re so may help Klnl!' Philip Is visible 'rom hi. tnrm. Mr. Guild I an the Editor or the Kansns Farmer: plainly Increase? And will not the kind edl­ of to whe�t an I corn did . prevent their Holton Farmers' Institute. application plaster notglve of Red As yet forest tree growtu in this county bas not entbusl ustlc and successful breeder Jersey in w&s more sue­ tora of the FAR�{ER e.llo\V as much space their pa· our Rny materlai results but with Alf.lf" been ntenrled wi .. h results. Most all On [From apeclnl correspondent.) hog", They are not 8. "razor backed" animal either. good groves to be thus as be nccessary? ce...ful. timber claims or homesteads have been In per occupied may This Institute held forth In the court house the 16th but a solid. wcll formed. healthy a"d thrWy breed . fd.lIures, We have had a most winter thus far and . corn the best 'methods of plantiDg at least have had fnllures a delightful 17th inst and was a of the DrillIng proved He a of lind Princess shorthorn part ;but while the many ·and attended by number hRS tine lot Mary fed on an Increase of bu. of corn to the acre. aaa callsequence stock Is looking well. though corn, gIving 8� few have had success, planting the same k.ind of practlcal farmors of Jackson county. Tho atten-tance cattle. HIs farm of 1.000 acres Is crosscd dlAgonnl:y at and corn foddcr and a hlrt;c a.mouut An experiment of "suckertag" corn showed It. 1089 of trees and on the same kind of soil. The whole secret hay only. was not auch as should be at such by the Big Soldier Oreek, ouo of the nicest gRlherlngo, owing mnklug becn done a tory to sprtng plane. four bushels to the acre. Gratn Is found not to shrink of success 18 in the ts the plowing hue p-epar to a lack of adverttsiu of this Instltuto. The exer- natural stock farma I have seen. the way ground prepared, � December there was not a day when If IIw"y lu bins in II dry condition. Harrow the seeds or trees are and the ing. During were put good We drove 25 mites serosa the to way planted way tbey cises, bowever, quite interesting. country Holton, frozcn too hard to Ice haa and wheat an Increase of bu to the groun-\ was plow. ProC. Ward, State dellvoreolll Ing roiling gave 2}!1 pa'slng the stock farm of the Small Bros. Here are cultlvnted. Forest growing is a vital question Agricultural College large frozer. to a inches thrck on stili water. the acre. slock should be done regularly with us. We must succeed in trees ir we only 2� Iecture on "Cn-operatlnn." l'be of Fe�dlllg we found more Jersey Red swtne a.nd shorthorn cat­ growing working together Wbeat Is worth 81 00 per bu: corn GOc; oats 5Oc; aud proved that It patd to give live stock would make westcrn Kunsas what it should be. If a of Individuals for a oommon end. -He first experience tle. mnlr.e a 01 the above body 'fhey speclall), breedtng 82 00: butter 25c. not 80 much we we m potntoes 8150; apples egg. 15c; good shelter, besides, tbey do require can't .. �t to a who can gave the result of co-operation In commerce and named IIvo stock, nnd also the Plymouth Rock poul- give place people Ancerson Co .. JRll. 2·1. MAC, feed. Each bu of corn fed to pounds The fllct thnt a few have succeeded is evidence that Garnett, 8clenco. Corporations and co opersuons differ In hO!:8 g�v. 10}!l try. ,'" of pork. E Guild has the finest flock 'of Plymouth Rock the soil nnd climate nre not at fdult. money and manhood controHng them. corporations J, Several Matters. was followed II on "InOuence and Bronze I ever saw, We need more lnformatton on the of forest Important are controlled by the former. Th!slecture by paper poultry turkeys subject Corporate powers To the Editor of the Kansas Farmer: or Fores's on Prof. which was We the east the Potillwatomle tree The best for [L to should be put under restraInt as the abuses In Cltmate," by Walters, passed 1I10llg growing. way community get creep lIne"r L. E. Mason cnqulres abont In full last week. .. most exccllenl of eleven reliable information 011 the Is to 8. King Pbllip Corn, under the mo.n!lgoment, as the ." all with tho most published Reservatlon, lIoJy land, subject organize this llS tin I It for several years The Professor'...ddress was followed a talk on miles ..nd should be thrown for cultlva­ horticultural in early variety. pla.nted money and lea,t prlnclples'exercl,es the greatest in­ by square, open boci�ty. Evp.ry township trceless ns flO but the l er acre \'0.880 small Jersey Red J. E. Guild, View Stock tion. "estern Kansas shOUld have one or lwo horticultural early feed, yield fluence. There have been many vain attempts to hogs by Cllpltol The Camel Is to In June with the later varieties tbat [discarded It F"rm, Silver Lake. His with thIS br.eo Ulliverslty expected open societies. woulll the won· comp"red 0: ganize socIety and remove evils. The experience They beo,utiry landscape exlstlug at A small for early feed in a. season has been quite successful and he re Holton. lu five time. oflhe nltogeLher. piece reform mmt come the iudlvidual and char­ enthllslastlcally derfully years' saying nothing through The hotel at Center Is one of the fin­ of Ilke this be IIdvlsable, but do not commends tbem to the farmers lind .. them for Dispatch Clay thou"IRnd other to be derived from nn abun scarcIty might Jen is the mean" to accom· prefe blessings it.r. Co· "golden in sud is the of It WOUld for use. nil purposes. Tbe afternoon Besslon wa. devoted to CRt hotels KanlilH.s, prorlnct newspaper dance of Lanark the in think pay general plish thlll. It is the reverse of Co­ forest, township. youngest competition. 'Vo.lton and l ditors of the ALFALPA. It. discussion of nnd corn. H. enterprise. Vulentinc, the has 8. horticultural th j or, operative associations are facilities of hedges cO'Juty, society, only consumption, The hotel is one of thc J. E. Hall. Barbour grass was .own Di8patch, proprlelors_ most of the kind In the county,-Thls dlstr:butlon or credit. Co-operation brln"s forth the ganizlLtion county. May thcre comfortable in the state, H. here five years ago by J. R.lIlackshlre I' _I� pl�nled'_ drill, green back commissioner and '\VO republicans. ThE'Y They .' �U,ctJp�:st.n�i�'w,.�_�. !t' l?tJl�Wl� that the f�lIures In a mellsnre exist the IInor ..., well. I hllv. beon the Hoosier groat thrl,ugh two . allmproveoi"Ul''Ot�;*S�on'sHfute planting usIng paid papers, both republican each one· half legal stalksaltogelber. of the '..rmers themselves, ell her A. LARGF. CORSFl-ELD. IIceoC b,..ine,s where of wheat drl11 to on account of the negligence by beIng , p questions mutuillinte,est plant with, plaCing rntes ror the COUII'Y printing. Last fall a democrat too late with tbe orop, or by plamlng lin lufertor ar Does not Mr' Walters ")rSumuercounty use Hs. little ;I; "-"',"euld be discussed. rows newer together_ By removing all the drill, but WRS elected in plnce of one republ1cnn and they take tlole of seed. Tilerefore It behoove, all who depend too much red in the brush" (as pninters say of an )I[r_ Ashton gave ..n Intere.ltn-g paper on "Broom _two 011 an 8-lnch ,Irliliellves my ro ..s40 lochesapart the democratic po per InlO 'he ring nnd pay tbree for their well to know certain his cornfield" 7 While corn if I had n. common corn ar upon the soil beiug. overdrawn picture) "large Corn in Kallsu.s/' B_roop?- culture is one of the but planter that [ could papcr� one· third r£lte each, and the people pa.y the in III order to be snccessrul. I tbls for stock .. In mako the rows the thIngs have always considered valley good gre test industrIes this stllte. It shou Id be well ..uge Ie desIred width with the bill. Now. wby nUllctollc paper publish It lind save As I am betl" able, througb a pr�ctlcill experleRc", and small graingenerally,it seems to me it would be bet put In. level as po,.lble; .. smoothing barr' w or a drill ..ttacnment, Ishonld preler it on account oflts two·thirds 01 the peoples' money? foJr there must be IWIll take the ralslog of corn. There Is much dl,cus­ ter to lell.vlI it out or'the "cornfield" at least till it ha� cultlvator wltb the bull tongue. Sb�vel. shotlld bo leavIng the ground smootb aud the row. rolled and profit in it, for tlley would not nIl work for nothing. slonllmOng tarme_s and stookmen In regard 0 the becu more thoroughly tried. I WWI with the burvey .. used in the first cultivation, He r..lsed the California compact. Let us call a IIlbol lng mnll's conventton this fliIl, and merits of white and yellow corn, lind it will ulldoubt pany who survcyed the entire vdhey from Dudge Golden, and succes,l,ely on the same pIece ofgroulld 81. Cultivating the young corn. If the ground Is stand by the man that Is Identified with our own in- Illg edly always be a question opon to discussion, but as we.t and I thought the nights fdr too cool for a good in hills teu I,ches apart iu rows about four feet 01 trash a',moothI4g harrow Is the best Imple- terest "lid Ife will need no lobby. J. K. MILLER' far from I have for a numb�r of yeng raised the white along corn country; and on the 13th of AUgust, not apart. It Is a good crop for SmtLn fa.rm�rs. In com. ment you cnn use on the young corn but if you Nickerson, Feb. 20. .Ide of my neIghbor'. yellow. nnd have fUlly demou­ \,here the stution or Sherlock now stand:i. we ha.d a parlson with Indian corn a profit ofSS more per acre can't use the harrow, ...ny good cultivator will do, strated the of the white over Ice iu the camp ve....ts 80 thIck is besides it withstands drouths. It as soon 8.8 can Collow the re. superiority \'0110\" corn, killing frost, forming made, d003 well commencIng you rows. Taxes on Homesteads. both In yleh1 nud qu,llty. I have raised ninety six that it WtlS not melted at lO o'clock in the morning. on .ud. Tne se.tlshould not be permitted to rlpeu moving the large shovels In front ..ud putting- in bushels of �t. Ch .. rles wh,to coru to the acre, while To the Edllor of the Farmer: It strikes me that tl. � mile cornfield would present unles. for seed. If you desIre th, be,t prloe. in the their plnce what .. re "ailed bull tongues, 0' shovels busbels of corn was raised the T. J. J. tbe poor whe, while on the eve of that dtl.y, This market for the brush, IIbout two Inches wide. Put on the shields and cul- only finy yelluw upon pities homesteader, a forlorn appearance land Both were In ..t the same time Indians aud a tax on be a corn but we bad tinte as close to tbe corn as and noxt adjolnln�. put annoyed by grasshoppers, may prove to region. perhaps Tbe p..per on co·operatlou 8ug�ested to the Instl- you can, the in the same mauner aud the same his nn assessment of 52 acre. till assured of the fact before \Ve "eaWIt it time c.. u u,e the shovels. The Inst time receIved IItte',tion breaking upon. per b�tter wait tute that It might b. usefnl In extarmlDlltlng tne you large J. W. BaHI<. Ln.t acre on one hundred and How about the mu.n wno school land at it rumove the shields and throw the soil to the year my yield per purchases eblnch bugs Mr.l'urner suggested thllt if a IlIrge well up Cedar Gruve, Chase Co, K"s, Ilxly eight acre. WilS fin,y·six bushels p'r acre. I $3 per acre, pn.ying one tenth purchase money to be· locality would omIt the rlll.lng of wheat for olle corll. 4th. Harvesting, curing, ..nd how it should be venture the .....ertion th..t there Is not in this county gin whh, p.ylllgtaxes on the full value oflaml from yellr, as he believed thaI the wheat fields were tho Protection Rabbits. done. I will on thlo refer the reador to an an acre corn that will time of purchasc, together with value of improve Against at ..tlon. Pro!_ subject ofyell9w Ilvernge thirty·five only places propag Popenoe thought Editor of the Kansas Farmer: Item in the report of JUlie which I bushels acre, and it Is also a fact that will nor, be ments. from 'Ime to time added, whllo making hl; 1'0 the ,th..t the wheat fields furnished the agricultural 1&11, per early teed, bence articles of11\te in the FAJUlE& in reo request, prepared for that 1 have for tbat almost the corn h regulu.r aunu£l1 pa.yments;r If he tailed to make any Seeing.everal the reason fo.-thelrdoln to that by report. denIed, every year yellO\v (more damage grain. of trees Crom {he severlll years to which I think more or less worms which work on the particular payment, even the tenth, his Jaud went gard to the protectfoo apple raTages However, the farmer. present seemed to be unllnl. shipped philadelphIa, damaged by of I I would give my Kimple remedy Is the best eastern mnrket. end of the ear, while the white corn they never at- back to tbe stllte, improvoments and .. II. r�bblts. thoul:bt moullu seconding Mr_ Turner's ns the su�gestlon, u; new. 5th. It Is a suitable crop for "mnll C.. rmer., or thOle tack. Or the man who In like LUH.U�er l-urch8.ged railroad. which nothing wheat crop 1.lhe IIrst me..ns of them for a p.-eparlllg Asto tbe tlme of wlll find Carmers used to recommend It to blJ cllOlomers In who have small f.. rms. I beHeve in .. variety of planting, you or speculators' land? In either case the title is no My fatber oomplete deatructlon of the other crops. who will .. that it is time to tbe Ohio oyer (he a lluMieryman). crops on larKe or sman f&rm,. IInri very many here rguo enough plant better than tha homcsteader's. One require.a occllpa· forty year3 agu, being The maple worm ..nd apple tree borers were then mIddle of observation has been that those f 'esh cow manure in a vessel, thiu it down In KanSlls hllve had serious los8e8, by raising or mak- MIlY. My tion nnd cultlv..tlon; the other the p..yment of prln· 'l'tl�e60Ule dlsoulsed, The former can be removed by .. who corn in the e�rlierhave the best to the of thlck whitewash. taking ing a specl..lity of one leadIng crop. 8uch as corn, lIet.helr crop. cipal, interest and taxes, Bud so fa.r as the title is con· WAter consistency arouud and little time to gQ them oft'. The bor­ - made it .. for nine I have aud the trees a pick wheat, flu, etc. Tbe m.. n with .m ..n ",eans aslr.s. rule yenrs (the time eerned, one is 81 virtun188 the other, since neither is T,",e an old broom give good swabbing er can be k1l1ed wIth a Iv�sh or by the knife bien lu III to the .\Vord for It wlll be safe. But in usiog what sban I do for sheds to cure my crop 7 A good en!:aged farming Knnsos) put corn ..c.tual wIthout the compliance with certaiu condi­ wIth It, and my they or uslnl!' wblte le..d and oll on the tree. was a pre­ in the In ·1 have IIdherred to WtlSb. it it be neces­ corn orlb with tight roof, or a good cattle shed 01' any ground April. strictly to tions, case ofralu enough off, might ventlve agaInst borers or r..bblts I never a A hundred trees Whitewashing bulldlng will do, so It Is protected from the sun and Ikat rule, and In tbat time hllve missed The homcstead Iliw. enabling the seltier to hold hi. sary to repeat the applica.tion. c�n 118 .. ana would be ju.t effectu 1 safer. .... from lu this way while one would wrap 120r storms, giving plenty of till cured. rr not ready crop (tha gr hopper year excepted), averaglllg land wIthout taxes whloh might bo a lien on ti,e I.. "d be protected The evening session was opened by Prof 10 bushels Farmers. Rd­ 1'.1'- Popenoe to bale It, put It In bulk where there is not too mnch' fitly ninety-six per ncre. my in cabe it Iell back to government·. might have been 15 with hay. Jan. 2i. on IlCertain low plants of ioterest to farmers." Lin­ or the IIrst w�ek in Bllrclay, Osage Co, ligbt or wlud. Where broo n corn I. rRlsed to Rny vice Is, put your corniuin April, proper. But the prinCiple of the l�w enabled a mlln of .eed ollis a good preventlve blight. 'fhe pertlon br.. at the extent in II. neIghborhood, parties CRn olub together y IRtest. to expend one or two thonsu.nd dollau in bulldillgs thn...ffeoted should be cut, oft' ..t a sufficient dIstance A lind procure .. baler, which will auswer for seveflll The cultivation of corn is the foundation of your and other improvdmeots on his homestead and thus Sharper-Peanuts. below the blighted portion. If do not work It 01 the Kansas Fllrmer: parries. though to work to advantage each one should crop. you thoroughly while young pillce it beyond the reach of the tax gatherer was a. 'fo tbe EdUor Herbaceous plante lire aff�cted wIth mold, mildew cannot weatller htlS a and a have his own scraper aud hor.:le power. you expect n. full harvest. 'York your corn deClderl mi':;Ulke. since it enabled the homesteader Our flue spring got relapcei and the species of fuugl can,IDg I'otato rot also affect while it Is never r)lla. Wheat is� tioely, and 6th. Coat of r�islng and morketlng as comparea young; aftor It has thrown its feed to shirk a fair propOrtioll of taxes, which, for local pretty '�vere too, thelomato, on by lVarm 1ll013t wenther. The fill wiuter; corn scarce aud broq,ght with Indian corll per acre. Estimating broom corn rootsoutthrougll the rowa, for when you cut these purpOSeB, In every new setLlemout. mU3t of necessity hus beeu g-rowiug getting black knot is .. species that affects trees, supposed to teed ceuts stock well aud heal· at 600 lbs per acre, wbich is an average crop, at 3 ets roots Ofl'iL t"-kes time for it to regain ita vigor. I be hig-h. Thus fllr Instance, one or twoldeeded quar· worth slxty per bu; doing brought on by insects stlaglng the tr�e, this however, have FtLrlll haud3 SCdrce; tor a boom t.his par lb. is 818. AveragIng Indlau COrn at 40 bushels fully demonstrllted th�t hlct. While the coru ters. though but Iworage in value, might pay balr the thy. prospect.:! iB erroneous. htLS be�n in SOUle of our per acre, and 25 cts per bushel Is 510. Extra cost of is young work It co",tantly ulltlllt gets u shoulder taxes ill u. school dl:;trict: contaiuing eight or teA. sec· year good, .A slttl.rper taking Small lrults for "' the farmer ... treated on �Ir Ulh.l but his .....ld uot bring: il very by haftdlill� broom corn over Iudlan corn. is per acro, high, then throw the dirt up1to it you have theu tions. HOMESTE,\ DEn. grangors on cdttle, g,uuu who II .. Williams g v�ry practIcal article on thts wllo are Ho cll\lweJ. to htWC t\ hugo herl1 or eat leLLving the broom corll as compa.rod with Indian done your part. Let thc{Il.nncrs complaiu_ high �tuk.",. subject. He deprec.ted the lunttentlon to theculturc o.uLl s�ll lOe:! of dfty corn 315 per ncrc, and 90 we have III favor of broom tug about ntlt getting auy rljturn for tbelr labor, try U" ill DJuD.tur county. orl�r�d;t.o of fruit when it can be checks small o.CuompUihe 1 so ea."I11v ... in June. Ht.1 SOUle bogus corn 15 per acrc, my mekod for thecomiug yenr, Do not eud broad- to be dellv�rod gOt Unle.'JB you are experienced, ShUll the IreB mllu tlshort tiw�: SOUla pur perid le"r: It stn.ud,:l thtt drouth. better than Indian corn-tho cast over the Union th� h Hvl thflt YOll cannot raise cashed, t\ud plt�y�Q gr.:at Smull (ruits need ell,reful cultlvtltiun an -[lhAQ it he htl.d :iwiuu�lLi at Soloml)ll t.,;ity round P,lY.s roots penetrating th� soil to 1\ milch greuter deptll. anything in Knnsa". thereby doing njury to your· tics whom vn.rletie:or He well. Tue following l::IUccei�flll. the and wh.o suoceed. Not Much of a Grumbler. om his tLild LUI\ bim ... di.:igorge. In the December, 1&79. number of AgrioulLurul report Bolvos your neighbor does l<.tLther Oharles Downillg.Ct� Col. Cheney miuu,:I cou:;iLlerable wctl.lth. 1 have reo strawberries, I nUll tho number of' fLores r:J.ised in Kal1a8.S 14 273' study your llcighbor's success. PltLllt the SRme kind To the EdUor of tho Kflnsas Fnrtuer. �'ent tf,WilY au The Ma.mmnth Clu ti.!r and I,he Lll.,vt!Hl blackberries oheed Lhat he do?s. H he is successful ctlived !HH'OmL lotturs from p,\rti�. the pelluut nu!Ub�r of pounds, 8/)95,1115; vtdue of crop, 5283,3S0.15: by pulling You ocensiOl.HLlly hour from other pnrts of this Dutcll docs well 011 tho lIorth whore t seed, I hd,ve The Red raspberry 111188 I we his corn in in do not WILit flJr Il will £\1:;0 u.sking procm'\) 2-1.00� acres, lloarly 10,000 Rcres in. April .\IILY. you count)' which htl\'odurlng lim past yeiU' been mOle que.)tloll, to Trulllbull, side of n. wall or fClee. The Horton Reodling go .l:Ie· crelltic. follow this rule for 0. few wiJi bo au the 11011e wouid.l·\Jrerttlcw l\cy� In 1881 we have 50 07'> aores, nearly double years YOll too, bJghlr flLvorod than lH\.vC wC'. hunco will you bellr mysolfll.ud and COllcord.· lves 1(IUl.5 LS Oruor'Jhe large r\."J"j berry, tll0 l:I!utforJ, Ddluwllrc, of 1880. to SUCCOlS. S. T. G_ noh.t ...'(,: Alleu, Oity. The Humber of pounds III 1881, S'I,061,- hlghro.d with me while I �1'lIlublc t\ little'/ POrtlUP:l It may a�� seedling Bud the tJau\'wlLba grapes. t,�"t them tn tl rcasonn.blo nrice. lilO, vu.lued at carll JuucLlon elly Kus. you wlll'''ldt Sl.-1iII,ll,j.75. Broom does exceed, rl:!lievc lU) oycrblll't'\ouc·d mind. W. L. BaQw:s'. ----� Kits. Asenslble and tall{ Oil weU on Conwal, prn.cLicR.I "tame grlvBes"wll8 ingly br(M.klng. thllt is, ou prairie sod, as 8. A few of our ittrOlOr$ who pliLnteu tbeir corn the given by PrOf. SholtOn, Stdle sad crop, If It Is not tl)O R seasOIl_ Trees in 1 he West. first to dl} Agricultural Coliegc. dry week in April III\Ve enough them. but at Good Kllld of Corn. Alte-nate is T\vo A husbandry no 'e�,ary to keep up the yetLTS ago I·had Si ncrcs of sod. and the broom To the Editor of the Kansas FllflUcr: it Ilht two-lhlrdsof our t',lflllt!r:J havo to buy neRrly aU th� KtLllSas .FllrUlor: fertillty of the soli. Our comaiSO corn made mo 815 To tbe Edltor of prnir(e g.ass late III per n.cre. whnt I paid for tho 'fhe time wl'l soon arri va uglLiu when tree pln.nUng the l!::lllin ther fu d. Wheat WitS nlmost n. tot,ll fl'lllurc ,IUd This 1 am tl. rcaddr of )'\,)ur \'dluable ps.perdond seeing the spring dls.ppenr3 ea,ly in 'he Idli. making grollud. includcs my own Ittbor. My mode of will bc in order, and I the timo will be well so muoh so that fllrmors are dlscouragetl trying to .As hope (tl.rwt)t9. S�IlSOll too hence we on sod Is to mll h tLd"lce froUl my ,brother I our r�edlllg iong, Rro bOllUd to pLmtlng sharpen the runners' ofa corn Imvrovcd Thou�h I au\ far 1039 sangUine of succcss rat e it, Last year in thi!l vloiully thore were over �o good tame and thus and when the [would wdto somelhlug that m-t.y be or prof· oultivate grasses ext\!nd our gr.,zlug pllLlILer, aod is moist It plants very than I WllS three year... ago. 15\) Rores sowu, this ye,Lr ill the Stuue territory lo�s UHlught suwe two or three months. or the seed wbeLl to SOUlO or )'our reRders, dee.iug inquiries .ea.son Timothy has proven u. weil, drop breaking III every third The assertion Is orten mild. that the cotton wood Is thlln tWlItlty nCrcS wcro sown. It docs not pny to it tbtU SOtnU of Orchard hn.3 furrow t� the laUd fur Pnilttp \,l.Jrn: 1 will s�y failure. grl1.SS proven tho bt!st srrlSS for close side of the furrow. It will the "••• for I believe Ic is-<>1I bottom Innd- rnil"'e wbeRt bHO. for if WlI got n (nir c,rop it costs so mlllte Inn.:; tiU C ra hero o.nd wilhstn.nds the need 110 rurther culture. I uol rhbori tllI.Ye tLll earlier ltLrg'dr pasture purp0:-lcs droul,h. Re,t would never let the aced whcre Sivou J1lehltyof room. and where tho weeds much to hnr\'cst and thresh it, thi\t th corn which my thllt wlll froUl 40 to 60 bu. with .. t ir want the tno Klu!!, Pblllp, yield clover does vcry lYell, especlllily the orchard g ripe, you brush for market, auly are kopt out. But ill this lac �tiLY. where trees hfwe might be rulsed on tho bRme ground with less cost than the 19th of �ud ate Alfalf�'s" h"y plant and will �eed to One reRson acre. l ph\uted sam April grll98_ grent produce enough ,for plnut. la, the brush beeu planted 011 upland, given p1enty of room, and will more thun buy us much wheat RS is lon after por ,ld or froUl It. "lid .• Il yfuld..-r more feed thlLD oth"r fodder. Three :t f..l1. ThInk I sball o t birds Bre great Inseot destroyers nnd t.he (armor!s Sprlug Creek, Colfer _l_UO


Loug Scarlet lind rench Breakfast Radish foot to inches in brenk them-In eighteen length, meat, surrounded wilh is strewn New it, sweetened; Q',een Onionseed;F. next two rows of D.M. suitable for your two of over of TRUTH lel�gths pot.ndd quarts henps decomposed pelts, or over dead ATTESTED. Extra. Rn<11 NA1 Ferry's Early Peas. All these boll 01' rather simmer to one Then early water, quart. animals, it prevents hn odor. Foul llichl Written fl.r t,lIe KnnS!\M Fururer, can be clellrt>d unpleasant vegetables off' the by the scald Hour and with water iR Some Statements of D.C.; ground y�r proceed your yeast by it. It is It disinfect­ Important Well THE R!GHTS OF .WOMAN. 'Ist of lind set out with purifi� great EI' Jutv, Elirly Wiimigstadt the same I\S if had boiled If ant Known you hops. you and sweetens the uir if ill People Wholly Verified. D.Wl This placed trays New Cabbage. always heads=-I never know taste the tree taste in bread use poach yovr around It is so KAJ 1_bc RI�hls or Wumnll-wllllt Are lucy' I.ess apartments. very in its it to fail. Next the one row porons In order that tho The peas put German iu tue hrend or fewe.r in next p\lbll� Dlay fulJ'y renllze tbo gen­ rlMht to labor, 10\'0 nud pl'n)'; yeast twigs your "minute interlor" it absorbs and condenses ulneness of uie ns 'rite tc Wax B1ack-soeded next two statements, well as the and }:/r:� rfgtrt weep with those that ween: beaus; rows Bish- yeast. leaves or bark do as well power Dt;ied might gases most One cubic inch vnlue of article Of Allen The to mpillly. of fnish tho which tbey speak, we right Wilke when others I!!leeJli op'a Dwarf Pens. The rows should publish IOU 0 Early be but I have never seen them tried. charcoal will herewith the .,imile The 1'IghUo thr tearj absorb nearly one hundred (If jac signatures of parties whose Ext dry fnllll1U three feet. and half The to tue npart, way between them MRS. A. A. slnocrttr Is beyond The truth of Bone right nueu rl!!lll� fenr: gaseous ammoniu, Charcoal forms an question. thesc tes­ II unrival­ The to smooth the brow or CRn!; plant row of Drear's Limn Bans. The tilnoniuls Is ubsolute, nor can W,H right, beans .'-0_---- led poultice for the facts they an­ And In r, malignant wounds and nounce wbterer comfort deapaf should not be before the first sores, be Ignored. planted of May. len OF] UPON MY WORD SHE of awny deud a DID! corroding fiesh, reducicg it . The to watch the Then bed of Red Wethersfield and XAN Pre right patting brunth: Yellow one T01'EKA, ., May 12, 1880. quarter in six hours, III cases of what Messrs. tl. H. Wnrncr & co.: ' To aootnc nnd clu-er the bed of death; Denver we Vic ouious; next two rows of and 00. when nll parsnips Her hnlr nns blnck. "But. she call flesh it is The rlJ!'ht enrthly hopes (1\11 Linck." slglic(\, proud invaluable. It gives no Vic two of then one row of "11'1 ruuoh tOI') n,�;:�tle:����-;���8U� ']'0 potut to Um" within lh� vn+l. Salsify; carrots; next very cold;" since �CCH the l�j�I;��\?i:��::�\�'I;;;���!��l�� disngreeable odor, corrodes no hurts no source 01 much pain, and the only re­ dis,' one row of Anri so she blenched her looks unlit metal, ltef' The right the wuuderer to reclaim, Early Blood Turnip beet and one obtntucd seemed In the useof merphlue. III this Vic They looked nlmost Hke texture, injures no IS a and safe Fran And lure the lost rrom pnths of shame. row of Dark gold, color; simple Long Blood; then a double row of A g�t�[I��� �Lx VI. 'fhe rlEl'ht 1.0 comfort find to bless etrnnte 81\1In robe she wore, sweetener lind disinfectant. A bS:;I�Ylt 6�{l\�I�fC White teaspoonful of w��c/:�:�'ifid':ll����� Bee The willow IlIHI the futberless. Mnrrowfat Peas; next n row of Cnnada Which cleanly t.o bur clung charcoal in half a of water often ��';�c��U;:�l Co. (til fACt. It WRS glll�s relieves wns J�!CC�l[��I��On�r�t ��rtOil�n�i�:Dm�d)�r.�� Victor next 11 row of �:rtremcly scant), slowly uud Tn Tomuto; Early DIm a buUding up strengthening my worn The the lItUe ones to Savoy Aillt frOID her belL n it absorbs the out I Co. rl�ht gutde lily pale aickhendahce; gases and relieves ktduevs, contmued its use until to·day I am en­ cabbage and of' Sohwelnfurt. Then two four In simple puth t.o Him who dledi Large And auntlcwere huog­ the distended stomach joytng b�tter health than I bave known In years,and pressing against the but.ter tJ aD I bud With enrueet love nnd gentle prnlse rows of Black Mexican Sweet Corn. ]i'OUI' hill auutlowers hung. ever expected te know again. J. Along nerves which Wlmlls mo 'e. I shall use To bless nnel cheer their extend from the stomach to the continue thc of this medt­ I I.A. youthful d(\ys, .. the west fence a clue, bclh it ",11 , I have row of Chnrles Down­ vhlg affect II cure, , 'l.'he the Inlelleci to She would not touoh n bIt. of head. complete riRht tl'nln. meat, D. B. strawberries. But olt OWENS, w. And guide the sout to noble L\lm; ing BeL,veen these and the corn 8he'd 91t runt weep, Sanla Fe R. R. Sbops. the ( Tench lL to risc nbovc enrth's is room To think the broiled chops were once toys for meloHs a�d cucumbers. I think Iatlo l'nrt of n XAS., MnY,12, '81. And wiug Its flight t.o hCl\vculy .loy". tbat bnby sheep. �ressrs.liI. H. Wnrner 0: tbese nIlllled canuot be "Aud c!o��EKA, lpeci vegetables improv­ oh!" she'd monn, "these senred G"nt)emell-I had - stenkll, hecn amlcted wUh an old Idd. The live ed So full troubl. from rlgbt to (or Ihose we 10\'0;, upon tor use. I would like to ask II0W" nay whIch I received n deal of family o}lsrnv)' in great The to lHe wns n pilin my bu,ck and Ihe of rlRht.\'e to l1rO\'(l; some (This slight 11llSlItke, llhlnk), re�lolt tbe kidneys, a8 questions bllt wlllwuit till next time. well ItS itJCQllVCllience frum il Thc to bomes "Once wnndered o'er t'hc fleWs ami mends. ability to urillate. 1 I"IRlIt brighten enrt.hly 'J ho mnu who Into resolved to goes buslne!B with the dlWU 10011 gtve your Safe nnd Liver a 'Wllh nnd Atluchcd 101\ cow- finds Kidney Cure plclls[\uislUiles f:l'elltlc tOiles. 'REllECOA. tbRt bls trlul. und in n. short I )mrtner I" solo: roprletor. wns not only cnred of my ------�------A gentle browsiug cow. ktdllcy bnt The trouble, WAS also well of a lher com­ Arc Ihrse Thcn 11ge UJCUl \'irt.ue or prosllcrlty Is whioh Lo thy Rlghtsf well, Butter tempcrnncf''; the virtue of nd. plllint had "fIIlcted me for rears II is Ihe best She \V1\S the venslty Is mcdill-ine 1 ever ..... '],he holy intlu{,lIce none ern lell. Making-No.4. most partie tbing; fortitude, whluh, iu mornls Is tbe more l1erolc vir. kllew of. p If these Rre Ihlne-wily nsk for llloreT To tho Editor of the Knnsils l;'tlrmer : She wouhln'L hnl"l11 n fly: tne,-Bncou. lhen Thou luU!t enough 10 Im3W!.!1' for I As (he "II,S life Is short. At b('st," she'd 8n),­ Krep up the habltor "ere faLly particleq of Illilk, heing the belllg r(>sllcoted. nnd 110 not. RUe-InPt. Arc Ihese Ihy Hlghts? Thcn murmur not. "Oh, pm)' (fr"I,lt llln\.c 1L dlel" to bflll10re nnd nllllUln,(! ngl'crnlJic than Is conSistent WiLLI ago, ' at once to rise to Ihe ThAt .. omnn's mlSfllon is tot.. Iighler, b�gin snrface, it The very Cl\t for mice the thy cnlchlllg preservation of respecL.- Sldu<'y Swllh, �50.(/l� X.n lul(lllts OOtl1111s is tli strain tbe Illilk III icnrflll \'Oll�C she Itupl'o\·c.llle p_1\'cn; necessary immediately af­ hiil, Vice b� 800 Kansas Avo. IIlR.r dclln(ld to lie n mlscnlculutlon of they Lire's uutle� llone-Ihy I'l'!iilll TJen \'cn I And then nt 1ns1- she IIInl'l'led chnnces, f\ ter the is dOlle. A 11I151nl;:0 III cRUmA NORTr£ milking made for that Ing the \,!lllles or TOPEKA, RAN.• '81. pail Hc pleasures nml J.nlns MAY IS, -----_ .....----- (And Sel'�H!1l Q glad 10 get him, too) His rllise Messrs. IT. IT. Warucr •• ('0.: Bu purpose is, the best fOI' the A nI'ILtuncUo.-Bcnlhnm. Gellilemclt-�J. perhlllls, average butchel': yca. she dlll- huvc been nbout 20 yoors afflicted It Is hftrd to Loci Recipes. I tin UI10U my word sll(� diu' ,,("rsonate and nct. n pal'!. 1011g. ror w};oro dairy. prefer pails for the milk. Is trut.h tbi. holding 1I0t ut the !')ottOIl1 Jlntul'� will 1���!� \�'�\��l To HIe Editor or the Knnsns Fnrmer; -MClrYClr,t Eytiu[Jo, iu lI(lt"pcr'� "'/IO(l:11It.. nlwnys lie (>11denvorlng to six b()t.tle� �lrit�)�S��J��rC�I�!_�� s��nfC��!df�=,ini' ��� The large pans ,uch as are fre­ mitt of ),Ollr Silre Klfluey fl.lod Liver CurE' aud He' having handles, return, wlllllCCp out aud I'selr one \Jetl'ny time 01' nn. found relief. I think it fll .. I would like to make a few -----_e'-o----- othCJ'. b�st I have trIed and my ElI!,(gestiolls upon useJ hOllsewives as are husband erty quently by brend pans, said I Imnroved morc while that As a Useful than with nil taking scbe thissul:ject. rule, the majority of recipes most Hints. Lulber Quieted tllo,",e who the doctors' medIcines. conyenient to malloge, liS next ..fler strain­ fenrl'd for Ihe success of the are worthless. Sometimes tbe socla or The Reformntion \\ hen lis If'nrlcrs sholllct be baking we expressed juice of walnut shells Inkeu nwuy, by Ills HI ing, put the pun of milk over It vessel of green ulcmorn1)le .... eoylng; When (jod Imrles n is not II fact w hieh is Illost rliluled with water is used for blonde hair workman, the tbat powder mentioned, boiling watel', which mnst continue lo boil dying work goea on," to the amI a brown. per, annoying young inexperienced until themilk is raised 10 a light Our h011l(>8 Rre liko temperature of 1600 instruments of mUBtc. The8tl'ln� cam thl\t 01' �_;Y;,st:� who is not ·to think to Fuh. or Skim·milk gin! l1Ietody discord. Are the members. (Mrs.P;O.) IlOusekeeper, supposed the;eabouts. On Ihe range, Md water, wiih a hUle bit of glue H ef\Cb IN eve I cooking righlly "tluned, NOHTH nse it if it is not they wlll,nll vlbrnte In butn TOPEKA, )(As" ,MarlS, '81. mentiouell, simply because she found in of the farlll in iI, made will restore old hnrmony; H. who many kitchens three pans scalding hal, rusty sinKI€! discordAnt "'Idog throu· 11 Messrs. Warner & Co.: Jars " the iustrument and J:I. does not know. Sometimes one half the black liS :cu·.About. a year ngll I discovered that Indl qnRu­ caD be put on at one time, thus the cm!,e. If and like destroys aweetness. Gentle, hastening clapped pressed dry, 80mcthillJ was wrong with my kidIley�. '1'he doctors of soda mentioned would do much belter. RcrnemlJer thnt ATC told mo G, tity operation. As soon as the milk has renched the fine musliu, it will look as as n�w. you but nn Rctor, wllntever that my ptdu arose from gravel from (::ood ncting tho pHs!:iiug part. tlH!ll\Instel' hns onlnlned. It. kidneys to tho bladder. 1'hoir howev­ BlIlI We sometimes read that the with lhe oth­ mny be .short. or It. mny be mediCine, eggs, deL�ree mentioned, tnke it carefnlly away lo the A little of J( er, tailed to produce a curc, nnd so I War­ spirits tnrpentine aelded lo tlle wa­ luug. he wlRhel3 you to n pnrchused at rcpresent }loor mRn, do �o ner's II er Snre Kidney and LJver CUre 'l'he effect WU8 ingredienls mentioned, should be mixed milk and it on n Sl. ter henrtllYi Ir n. 01' n rOOlll, place rack, conveni­ with which 1I00rs are will crlllille, DlfIgistrllte, orn prlvtlte the· washed, prevent In mUD, wilhout that the ench case act your pnrt. with together, specifying eggs ence which no milk room should be wlthont. tbe ravages of moths. honor.-Eplcletus. M�S���rir��n��nfih �p:6;�d �11�����'��lB:S�����6� of Sl The beat of wnlch I hnd previous)ysuflbrcd, left should be well beaten first. Thcre is often no part mnn'sllfe Is In the world of his meclltIrely,alld Great care should be taken thlll no odorous nnturnl after using feur boltles I was shl� To rEmove from nfTecthms, nnd U1Rt. enllrely recovered. I spots turnitllre, fonr ounces renlly hns Inws or 11M own am b",t or mention when fruit is when to\. llcilher saying tlle thing everywbere for your medi· 8 made, use.!, put slIbslances be while the milk is know nor h('ed nor cooking being of killg nnd , cine. \'inegar, two ounces of sweet· oil, aile ounce cOllCTesBPs, nre enr pvell to III the or that dried fruit should be rolled the VOicE'S of Jt frllit, scalded, as the lIlilk would absorb the odorous of shouting popular majol'ities. but heed flnd Mix and with a flannel rat.her tbe in Oour turpenline. apply obey I!t'UI,le voice at Rud the Phtl before being "tined in tbe callg cooking. r"ising cloth. tees nnd feebl chIItJhood,-Dn.yanl. and the conic is not" pr01 ding, little annoyed to milk to this the are temperature futty particles of was find her fruit at the Spirits ammonia diluted with if bottom, illstead of more to the and we water, ap­ to a beillg brnllght rapidly surface, NORm TOPEKA, KAS., May 12, 1881. plied with a sponge 01' flannel to discolored Mess.... IT. H. evenly distributeJ through the cnl

our public annoole ta beartug �ood fruit. Tho num­ ber of good rctuterl:l In the place is IJlcroft.'ilng, und, what I. more. the taste for good rendtug I. spread lug throughout the town, A part of the dolly work III NA.TIONALllR.\tiO&.-�(I\!oIter: .r'. J. Woodmnn, of tho schoot ls readlnu from the best authors. drill In Seeds ::'1��:�;;:J..���r;:tav�t�CD�\V�\rla{v�y���l.l�toU, otocuuon, nnd crtuclsm s on style, quesuous upon EXECUTIVE Co...... of Indlnun ; &. co. rEE.-Henley biogruphy, unci tho literary work ct smtnent wrlters, PETER HENDERSON of Soutil OurolluuJrmles/:;: W.. WIlYUO, of Cortlandt New York, �e�r;��t.tken, OLt"wn Herald: This has becn a splendid winter 35 Street, KANSAS STATE GltA.NOU.-Master: \Vm. Sims, 'I'ope­ )�xC>, we believe. correctly, that there Is more notlvlty In Logan Euterprlse: Auout flneen emigrant wagons renl estate than has been known in thl! section since and 30 other vnrtenes of Irlsb Potatoes. The largest town 'I'he of stock oC passed through Monday. greater part the pante, Tho value of f..rm land Is .ltIllncreaslng are which them returning to tholr horaesteada , and present appearances It will not be long be. Sweet Potatoes were left In tbem 0. fow short months Seed disgust by fore choice farms "lU bring double tho price tlloy There Is someth auracuve In west of St. Louis-twelve varlctles. Also ago, lug pecullarly were held at a few years ago, K!l.nsaH to people who have once resided here, nnd In I COTTONWOOD PLANTS. they cannot stay away nrter Ieuving, Rome Weekly: The fir8t house Elkridge ,000,000 was built ill June, 18,0, O. T. Lamb. Dr. Trivett by Write for this pnper, N. Circular, naming BurlIngton Patriot: We regret to Ieurn Rev. I. soon affer purchased It and resides In It at the Locke, surveyor of thls county in 1871, died at Gould, present Lime, Tne town has steadily grown atnco J T. WILLIH!50N, Illn S9. Avo.. Knnsas Mo. this state. Fob, 2, of small pox, after a. short then lind bid. fair to soon rtvai tho county scat Iu 1800 St. Louis City, on flLrtn in I.. ib· He will bo remembered as residlug n importa.nce. A careful enum�ration of thu towu wna aud lind both erty to,,"shlp, himself wife (Ilught made lost l'rlday and we fiud that we h'lVO a popula. 8choo\' lion of�,3IubabitanlS. We bclieve thllt this num· ·ocr will be doubled wheu the census Is mndo one Harper Co. Times. It would ullLUrnlly ilo Inferred year

from now. . tha.t IudltUlS w8uld be 110 uncommon sight in l'Iar fnr who per, but HO ILS we know n. party of l:ix or eight "McPhersou l\�reomlln: A party of rnilroad survey. cam.ped Bear towu In,st StLturdlLY wns lho sl!cond that ors passed through Lho county last week 11111e miles ever vi .. lfod the cast pineo. MllllY person fr�m the SOULh 01 thls pltlco, 'l1hey [1.1'. running 0. linu from who h(LVC beon here severl1l hud never seon o.u Council Grove to Hulchinson, Indiuu before. WUI be mollel} "IIKIl to. "lll'PllllclIllh. "n

Coffcyvlllo Journal: A lof of elrunl' Indians kept n('�ic1cs t,ho lRl'IotO:Qt Ilud O\ORt genern1 PRENfiSSstamp for T"rlco nnd Descrlptlvo List. AlSO e�mplote in the of 1,lw Jour11((l omcc awnkc ('I SmOJl & people vicinity nf ,Fruit tlLld Ol'lllllllCuWl �f'nd'rees, Allen's l:itock Trecst.}lose�. �., Trumbull, Tuesday night by tbelr yolls. In thoU.S., wo ol1er ronny CJbotco Novelties. f.r�lsJ/ilBBARo, Fredonia, N , tnnilcd to nil wlio Reynolds New freo Five buIes of nice coLton was Oll our streets Mon· Abridged Cataloguo UlJPly, AddreSll ELLWANOER &. BARRY, which \vas from Kansas day, brought Chn.utauqua. county. Mount Hope Nurseries, Rochester, N.Y. Agricultural House, City, MD,

It was Well. Bros .. of tbis purchased ily city. -if W"WCUZiSWLftl3l'!.fiir8 SEE 0 S!· OI!Lthe 'Mirror: Au ugly u,ccidont happened to FARMERS Itpul'st"olll\\'egoodtools1mdp('Nl .... Seed.. It ro lJuy of a reUulllc lIotl.·'>. Osage Sum. Taylor and Ed. Ryer last Sunon )', that migllt GAROENl:RS It PUn"W1 ollr IlELVO been more serlOUS in its results I,.hlLll it was, NURSERYMEN I bl�:�lrJt�ll �?at:;g�}I/or \Vn hnve sccllrcd a limited Rtock of good seed. Will end samplcs nnd prices upollupplicaUoll, The boys were riding on' top tho cab 030 of the con· etruction traIn, Olll,.he new road,Rs it was gOing out to Seed. RED BLUE �he fron� About five or sIx miles ont n guy rope su�· Osage Orange IMp·LEMENTS 'CLO VER, QRASS, MILLET, porting 11. rlerrick Ii stretched across Ihe track nt suf· Crop' very short. "fO bnve a few l.mshels prime WE ARE TOE WHITE ORCHARD GRASS. HUNGARIA.N, fresh to offer. W. H. CLOVER, to ml.s the smoke seeq lIoltlttbews' Scud Dri1lQ, UIlll SOLE ficlellt helghL lu,t stac.k. The boys �IANJtI��n�'lIls. ALFALFA OLOVEE. BED 'l'OP, G/tIWEN SeEDS, did uot sce the rope 1\8 the train was baCking up, and F.rt�!;�?i;I:Jlf�C�t;;�::���ji·, Gnr- '������ chiC­ G l'ceuhol 01' Nil 'l'IMO'1 ENGLISH BLUE FLOWER SEEDS, in their it them near tho n E1rOltE ordering den, Ii'C rijCl·Y. 'HY, GRAS's, stnndiTlg position caught ucldrll8s E�gg�l���k��:g,r��'wcr'l WUUI'O t'cud yom' \\'0 '''AltltA'NT c,'crythin'-l os rCllr('sclltcct. shoulder'!, dragging bJth the futI length of the cu.· on rOfitulrOl'OllrCutu.logue. It CO�[1i not.hiug, but --- boose. Uyor being thrown clear over tho tender ill� '\fill !3lll'O 1IIC11ICV. SIBLEY 8£ COa to'the Ct\b, and '!'tLylor was throWll with grctLt vio­ BENSON, MA ULli: ,," CO" HIRAM � PUlLADEL1'lllA, PA. SEEDS AND IMPLEMENTS, lence to the bottom of tbe bridgo abutments a dIs· Fully illustrated OnttllOb�16 sont frcc. lauce of twouty two teet, sustaining ugly hruises CHICAGO, ILL. Wbo'''''' .nd "mil. ROCHESTER, N. Y, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT DEPARTNEN r. abont Lhe head and arms. BLISS'S AMERICAN WONDER PEA, Larned Optic: Last Th ursd.y a grand wolf chase WAS arranged, several WOlves havlng beon seen northwest of town lately. About one hundred men took part, some in bug:;i�s, Lut the IDujoriLy on �!�Y(�\�3�cl�JI�;�'e�te�ot�:1�9���o�fdt.heE;r,.V�IOBerr��3�.non��d horseback: A large tractor territory was encircled �1���:��r'Vy�����teV���t1t:s. \\'s����op'Ji���nl�lln���ern �h�i; Canton COllbinod ListBr, and two wolves wore scarcd up; one was easily cape· &eBBOIi, WILLiAM BAJJES, The Successful LI.fer J:."xtra.l;;al'ly, YOl'Y D\V�u'f(S to 10 iuchc!'4), £W­ Only Combined cIUU'CS 110 lllUi1ting, Exqnisito FlrW01'. In fbI Market. ���:;ob����:O�I::;;��l���c���e Rev. \Vard lkcchcr "Your ;uc �o;u�:It���::� :;\: lIenry says: pens wonderful; exclling andllll'�rded loL, of sport.. ::�:�i:;,t��::i)�f�!:" Another year, l'do lIot menll to ,'1I311t l1uy UU UU U� Circular I:l'ivillg full description lII�lUed to applicants. Peabody Gazette. A man who uudertook to Jumy, ·SOod Swoot Potatoo�. Canton Listing Plows. OAUTl'ON.-.\s there Is an Infcrior PCrl in the market off a moving train at \Vulton, the other night, wa. I have 7 VARIETIES of tbe BEST KNOWN get the genuine found tbe next with his head crushed and ff��tiUJ.S '�ru6'lN'C*O�E:R)�ld Canton Plows. morniug SWEET POTATOES for seed In PRlcr:.S,--Onc·!l:irtl ro Sulky Listing quantlLies. IJlllt package, cents; plut, ss cents j one fooL cut off. quart, $1.00; by mail, IlOst.pald. Canton Stalk Address, Cutter, have the liMe of In Ulla B. F, JACOBS. Wc largest Lll;I,ing good! .. Journal: A lot of we B. K. BLISS & BONB' Onag the sm�J1e't hogs Wamego, Kas. Something new. Markel lLoL"ID nOOK 1'01' tho FAR!!I entirely ever aaw sblpped, left this place ""rly In the wcek', A!>'D GARD.B:N. almost have been like aud 300 BeautU\l.l Dlustratio1l8, Tber mIght 8trung lLsh, Shakers' Seeds. and Dodds Sulky Garden With n Canton Hay Rakes, oarrled off the dozen. richly colored plate ofa Group orPansies.nnd n descrip­ Riding Walking Cnltivalor, br tive price·list o( 2OO'J varieties o( FLOWRR ond VEGETADLn TRUE AND GENUINE. FRESH AND RELlADLE. Tiffi� Seeds. BUlbs, Plunts.etc., with use(ullnrormation llpon their cult.. Canton Clipper Plows, Revolving Rakes, Dodge City TImes: A company has been organ­ urc. lsopages. Mailed to all cnclosln�6cents to Ilny postage, Dederick One of the oldest Seed Orms in tbecountry. 5eefls seltt by Ev'an8' Corn Plllnter, Hay Pres', Ised at Newton to estnbllsilll creamery. This com· mntl. postl\Re (ree. Special price.It amI terms to GRANGERS. THI� AJlIERICAN GARDEN, Anltman and to utlll?o Ih9 mllk of "The tUccllpnce o( the ShBkers' Garden Seeds J8 HlIrrows: Taylor Thresher, panr expcots threo hundred geuerally A beautifullyillustrl1ted monthly journal de\'oted cxclusit.tCl} ,Vibrating admitted."-Ed� . .American Afiricullurl�t. to the arc COWl. I::urdell. Its contributors all acknowledged authorities Planel Jr. Garden Matthew's Garden Drill3, Illustmted Ilnd Deecriplive Cataloguo o( Velretables aud treated by them. Drills, Flow"l' Seeds Valunbl to Abilene Gazette· The finoen J."'t�e, cd Premiums clven each subscriber, Vol. ilL Lawn Full line of hydrl!.nl1; engaged by COnIRICncc(. Mowers, Implemeote, Add!.,.., WM. ANDERSON .. OlllhesUb�'nnuary, 18&!. Philadelphia the city 01 the water works company have been pu. MuuntLcbaJlon, Col. Co. N. Y. 'r.oo per year; 6 copies, '5,00 j stun pie (ree. In at the pOints deSignated, and better prote.tllon·n B. K. BLISS & SONS, 34 BarclayBt. New-York. caBe of fire IS uSlued. after the work3 are once in . operation. 1328- flIiL,MABLE -1882 EEDS DEPARTMENT. Nlckeroon Arg08Y: Au, election has been called In Rr)inble& CARRIAGE AND WAGDN Center towusllip to vote upon II propo81tlon to sub. 'VUI'rant­ ed. th m. scribe St7,.tOO to tho C'pital stock of tbe Hutchinson. 'l'I'y WATERTOWN PLA'1'FORJ1I (t�d THREE SPRING WAGONS. 10 Iwlll undersell an different .t'.lia. Arllng.ou. Saratoga & Southwcstern railroad com • firm. I will not be heRtel t�EST SEED BUGGIES. [ hl\ve the END SPRING PHAETONS, on March 24th. hugest nnt) bcsi ��rt,!L.ISI:�T!ruS pany, �� stock R'!ld 2OOOOCtlsto!l'lCI'S to ��; ::::!�!��}[�� 1.��(�,ll\,�.(;',tl�.tj?tf ru�r '����!"'I tJ�: J���,t,!iT� SIDE BA.R BUGGIES. CARRIAGES, pro,'elr. r.ndies&(lnrllOlll.!n : i.,1 1·plb:t"lj1·... i d�t'h '�nrdl�1I J\hUI1.HU:. Os"ego Democrat: Labette stands third III coun�y sny they never I'nll. All my c 11l'�IJt.�·.:" 1:·.: ti;l_'TtO '::I'I'I,lluf011!1UtiOll, with 1Il1l'e�, SIDE SPRING BUGGIES. JERKEY JAGGERS. the stale in the uumber of ne\V�pl:Lp'er3 published -_ ',UfenSeedGrowcl'. flh!r,\' nil l' lIet! Oll ,·,'c't...!!.l, f 3" .... tUlIlj', competition. 19iv(> more extras with order."! , -Il"'�(lt",'d' 1"/N'·,Li,,: .,;t'd J/, "j"'lt� 0" RPl';;c'lIi"" her - wlthlu borders. Sbe has niue WIth good prospect thnn some firms sell. 1 50000 lJellutiful The Best in the Market for the ;)ElEI�T S\: .. :'eed Money. for another 1111If3I,rntoo Guldcs F.REE, HUllllreds orcostly ST,J; CroVJer, . or,.twG, Leavenworth ten and Shawnee ,. clIgrn.VIl1b"S. Evcry onc pictured, described. & FUILo.r ,.,��. fifto"n, priced, mUIlY pktB. us low Ita :Jc, POSlttgl! raid.


, ,

\ '- . t �.. : ...... � .. ' ,,- ' r ("i;�-�, .._ �.-. .It., tV'.J _ I �� -�"' �.. , ,'_ •

:r------�'------�------68 THE KANSAS FARMER. JIAllOJll 1....

relations of modern li I fe. Mr. John FIske or other class of THE farmers, any .peonle, have to do and- KANSAS FARMER. makes sn able and Condensed wh� the ashes are sow the bed to ingenious analysis of that is to be dooe in public assemblies. In this Correspondence. cool, seed." great intellectual the cabbage movement, Reformation, country the is a and a The Kansa, Farmer public meetiog part, L. A. bl Company, Proprietors, therefrom the "True of ....Ible to Helmburg, McPhersulI Far­ educing Lesson Prot­ of our [It being tml publish In ren au tue tette... ". countj.. Kansas. neceasary part, too, political system. It br Topela, have on hnnd forthl! week.we take the mers have beann 10 estantism" •. In "Law the Uberty plant early eover­ ." lor. Indians", the was horn with and we cannot otprcsenting potatoes, us, with thelrprtnclpul In •• ======, dispense polnte eenden .'d(vrmnofollo"s,-EDITcn with six 10 inches III Rev. 'William Justin Harsha endeavors to ing ei�ht of straw. He has it. In any matter wbere a dozen or two FARUER·l TER�!8: CASH IN ADVANCII:. persons not mode a success of all demonstrate that the one rational wheat in a ten­ and effectual are interested the of the raiBing tbo One Copy, Weekly, for one - 1.50 machinery public Jayhawker, Newton, writes that the farmers year cure for our years' Gives one or 40 One for six Indian troubles is 10 extend the must experience. example ot Copy, Weekly, month., meeting set in motion. That machine- in his section are erecting wind feed mills. One Copy, Weekly, for three moutns, I:gg of the civil br acres-e-net profits $170. A great deal of sor­ rei jurisdiction and criminnl courts is and few B' ry very simple, yet very people, P. Hanlin, Reno waats further in­ � CLUB RATES-In clubs of ten or one a over county, aod broom corn will be more, dollar all the social relations of the red man. ghum planted thie year. and one know how year, copy free to the person who gets up the speaking comp�ratively, to start it formation concerning the use and of the to Prof. A. utility is Club. sent any post office. C. Palmer write;' on the "Fallacies or Lindsburg progressing rapidly. manage it it is started. if some im- He a �(ter listing plow. expects new there ap Th. greatest care Is used to prevent swlndllog hum­ of the Hon. �l\i1road Mrs. M. J. Hunter, Ooncordia, Cloud Homeopathy", Finally, Neal is a oounty bngs sscurtng space In these column•. portant question agitating com- soon. 001 advertising particular will send a of Dow contributes an article on the drawing her with cloth ah "Results of and some is hot-bed, mumty, opposing interest anxious J. R T., insists on sa" ��t!::::���r���y;t,,"Jlesw':;h!��� �It:;cd":e��e�e";� Wllshington county, instead of to for the glass covering, the person who In­ only cash, cannot give space an� take pay In trade Prohibitory Legislation", demonstrating to defeat the all that is in stalks of movement, necessary ing and manure instead of He any kind. ThiB Is business. and It Is a jnst and success of the efforts to burning. qnired in the if a is Bent for suppress the most cases is a FARMER, stamp Ill,t np, lect (rom. some corn wiuter. Sen for cntnlogue. Hackberry for seed. hav­ ty·four monlhs, The wny he would tlo it "'fiB to we Sorghum will be Anyone gc:.lwo must enlarge or throw ont and planted extensively it for sale Crfll1S from the ncre In ant B(,UBon. supplements, the ing should write to Mr. V. coming man sow­ can direct. the latter we to spring--one sheep intends fl,:UJO per year be eBBlty made at home worldD, 'The Uev. Dr, Ormiston mnde n nnd don't want do. vigorou8 tE'lIIng tor E. 0, Rideout. & 10 nnd ing 100 acres. A cheese has been in Co., Barclay Street. New York.. Bend speech, kept the congrCBs In gr�n·. good humor. He ------_.,_.------factory In our notice of MORNHIG some fOf.thelr and full NOI time snld Wll8 catalogue particulars. LJOu'l', he to all successful in golug' prench religion SUluh\ys nnd ensi· For Next Weeks' Paper. �peralion that county several yelll's ago, we named Root & Son. as ]n,&:c Ihe rest of lhe week. He publishers. thought the best wuy La and others are talked of; - aprcnlit,he of t.he Among .other original matter, the Over 290,000 This, it seems, was a 3S we are inform knowledge twhJect woultl be to let tlJe following mislake, J. W. Howe Scnle8 bnvc been sold. Send for catalogue to Borden furmer know lJc could muke UJOlll'y uy It. will appear in next weeks' FARMER: Mulrey, Kidder, Mo., says the ed Mr. S. people cHeck & by W. 6n Dearborn st. Chi­ Co., Gcucrnl Agents, 11 • whl SIrKub, his are 16-inch Chicago, The resolulion An article on Forest Culture in the Arkan­ way talking w!llking plows for tho. cago, who he is the following was mlopted 011 says publisher. A German mixture nh] sas "turning over and our (or the removal of tuk spotB aad wriL-­ motion of Mr. J. B. Brown: Valley, by J. W. Fell, of a I�tter pulverizing prairies." Illtoois; lug on IlIlper, cOllsl ,t! 01 He one six alum, amber, sulphur and IAlt­ The Garfield memorial '1'lInt 11 on Norlh purchased years 8g0, "and services in the House Rrsoltled, liRa become n wen pslnlJllshed fllct by six Carultoa, by E. E. Ewing, once edi­ during JXltcr-Ollc part ot each-In fine ml'xed. that powder, Yf'ArS' succc�(ul \lse In thlscoull1ry, nml t Ie concul'I'ellt tor of Ihis spring turned over 40 acres of sod and of Representatives th.e 27th lilt, was a historic lJ,V parer; Tbe Best Fence, hy Jeff W. 50 tl'stlrnonyor lonny Intelligent tllnt the ncres occasion. flu'mere, enRilllge of old ground with it, and better work I Rheumatic Relief. The President and his system Is or to 'vVllynick, Iowa; Tobllcoo, by J. W. cabinet, grent. ndvantllgo ll.te furUllng luterest, as 10 Williams, 1 never had seen." OMAHA, Neb., May 24, 1881. of the the nil nUluklud. Jackson Wilson Judges SlIp�eme COllrl, Members of county; L�bbies, by Keys,Rice H. II. 'VAJtN"ER &. Co.: SI-T.!-l ha\'o frequently used F Mrs. M. S. your Senate and Prairie J. B. Ileath, Miami, says the rabbits Snfe Kidlley nnd Llnr Cure 101' House, the Diplomatic CJrps, all Ensilage is corn, rye, oats, sorgho, clover and coullly; Dogs, by Wright, Reno rhcuulntlc nttncka nnd are had there this winter. have nlways derIved !Jcneflt tlJererl'olll. E. D. KIT'ION. and tbe orator was similar ill county; Castor S. D. Franklin unusually 'fhere v present, Garfield's Iriend, crops, their gl'ee" state, cut up in Bellns, by Ray, will be a deal of sown 10 tame the chivalric Blaine_ short and then a oounty; some remarks on fences Hus­ great grcmnd pieces placed in pit or hedge by Mound vat, grass seed tIllS City Feed Mills. called :1 canvas for hot spring. silo, tramped down solid and tight tieus, Osage county; berls, by 'Vc cull nUeution to the (\(lverUsemcnt in another column J. B. W. Gove .n Henry 'Vvodrnli; of this Jacob V. same county,favors more of mix�d of Mouud Oity nud Ginnt feed DllIJS Independence, gives then heavi'ly weighted to press it well. Iu Carter, Lyon county; by C. H. Btg mnnufactured by J Itl His B more A J<'lehl &. 00, St Louis. Mo The Ghlntl' 11M ,,, method of a cloth covel' for hot : farming. people expect "Dig become preparing Leds this condition it is as Bartou, Rice corn, C. Moffatt. prosperous .r preserved and used feed Topeka; by.T-. 80 ,veIl kuown the season in 1882. thl'�ughout United, terrltOl'lee and .u For a covel' three feet tack cover His in corn culture by six, the tbose of the experience ns well as In dr du";ng portions year when green CanAda, mnny foreign countries. that it is un­ leads him 10 fih on then with this Literary Note from the Co. favor and UfCcSSlII'y to add fluther cOIllUlent The firmly franle, paint mixture: feed cannot be obtained in the fields. It is Century. deep thorough plowing. "Mound City" Ie ex In the sumc in 1 of linseEd oil with tIVO 'I'he in tbe Bext and Tree culture IS of interest to the netly cruslllng PUI'IS, while the grlndeJ's are en­ pint well beaten claimed that iour as Ccnt'Ul'Y ]r[«gizine will, great people .... eggs times many cattle Can be nnd AS Inrj,tcd improved, BO to greatly Incrense the CRlJflclty g' stirred into it. The cover will last be with west, and he would like to have the fur· for years off the same number of acres of succeeding number8, largely occupied subject of the mills, ns well ns to 6dl\llt It to the of sleel pr kept land by l'Cf�eptlou lie and the Jewish ther trellted in the Ilnd the plants raised under that kiud of covel' do questiOn. In March, James Bryce, FAR�lER. He insisis that gl'lndel's l;'I'cnt Iy lessen cost of the grinding pnrts, 80 usiog tb� greeo feed in ensilage as on the dry 111. tbe farmers do Lilat when rulll Is WOIIl OUl, grinllcrs enn be replaced at better than thnee raised under fodder and P., historian, writes·about Beaconsfield, must their work well if they want to gluss. hay groin. Fifty pounds of ensi t­ lInlf the In'lce of othcr I1Il11s The grinding In flue and succeed. cnplUlIt.y a incidentally about the Jews in n8 well ns nud age is good feed for a cow, and farmer general. grluding gl'mdlll,tt"ont8 small gmln hns been A subscriber thus writes to the FARM:iR: nny ] In April, Miss Lazarus will answer Ihe D. Doran, is satisfied thnt nearly doubled, without. dhnluishlng crushing ablllt1ea knows what would be the o. ques­ Republic, deep "A woman wants :0 broom in probable weight Mnnu(ilcturcrs c]alm to mllke t11e only mill crushlug and try miRing corn, "Was Lorrl Beaconsfield a is hest. He has observed that of corn or tion, Representa­ plowing grollnd corn cou the fifty ponnds green clover wben grInding nod wItb swoep power. with CMt steel hope of raising mOlley as and sbe wet in the well," tive Jew?" In tbl! s"ooe Madame plowed spring is worse than similar grinders, and propose, If they have and fall dried out, and how far that wou Icl go towards n�mber, opportunity, to wants information as follows: "Can this actunl n one get the will descrihe the situation in in the fall. prove by tcst,to give mill at), J)l'ice to purcbaa­ a cow in a cold Ragozin present plowing feeding winter The the to make the test. Ihe done short. of a night. erfurnlshlng opportunity These manu_ threSHing purchasing from a Rllssian of An mous writer from a feed if Russia, point view. A anony Kingman waDts facturers claim to make the mUl with thresher ?" preserves perfectly the air is exclnded, ouly swivel attach· to Madame a Jewish cure or for murrain. mellt. as weU n8 the corD nnd cob mill and this is done means of reply Ragozin, by writer, preventive dry only {ll'nctlcnl made Tb by pressnre. for Any ingenious person ·can invent a machine belt power, The lu'lnclpnl features thnt. go to mnke their lege Jt has will uppear in the May number, and other Eoos Glick, Trego Co. Less wheat and genernlly been that a solid mUls to nil Ibe ._ mon to remove the seed but it is slow work suppo.ed supel'Ior others, nre. device ror tnkln� up �he by haud, papers will in which tile more rye sown than in 1880--looks well. nnd '.' best and air enclosure SIlo must be appear Sor­ wear. their cl'ustJing bladcs. witich mnke the mill wear in these times. tight made in ""lations ., glblE fast_ between the and broom corn and some much longer. nud do amouot of with ODe order to exclnde the and this is Israelite3 Cbrislians in Ameri­ ghum, cotton will be equal work, halt ------..�.------air, fxpensive tile power ca be this The 10 Ibe taste of will dlscussed� planted year. He warns against mort­ S£dgwick Agricultural Society have according the builder; but ex­ Over 25 mnnufacturers Rnd denIers In dUfcrent parte or homes for Bold out tbeir at gaging money. Prohibition law not the cOl1nu'y 111\\'e been to finni settlement. for In­ grounds to the ArhnsKs Valley periments related the meetiI:g above men­ prosecutcd Another Fraud. enforced. fl'lnglllg these patent fcalm'cv, nnd fUlk any olle desiring tAl and will hold a tioned prove that the Plio need nol be eilher Aj(l"iculturul Sudety, they hoorn purch(\&:' q. rulll, to 110t purchAse n mt1l havlnsc � With some hundreds of other papers, the crushing ing big fair on Sept 12, 13, 14, and 15. By air-tigbt or costly. But it must he strong. It A. K., Woodson county, says they had a bltules of nny other mnke. if they wish protection in the FARMER was soid a few weeks a�o a rice uae or ) this is now claimEd that by storm--trees SAmo Send t.o mnuufucturerA fl'lt circulol'B and full arrangement tbere will only be one fair pressure alone, iI the sides "clothed in gorgeous robes of ice." seed man, giviug his name J.P. Stelle, and act­ ptu'l1cuhu's held in aud are well secure so as to He fears the fruit is . in of Iwo as top reasonably of '.. ._----- Sedgwick cOllnt.y place pre­ injured. flome stealing . '"� dress McLeansboro Ills. He is a fralld. The The electriC trnmwny in rnl'ls Into Bev­ aud that will be a district vent will also fermenta­ corn and meat io his W881lUt operation heretofo;'e, fair. The evapuration, prevent neighhorhood. el'al Cuu"iel' Journal Tbe of the Ulomhs RJ,!O. Two o\'erhend tuhes are u!Jed to � - 'press cQpper Board of directors �nd the tion from access of ·air. sa�s: country P. W. Ellis Cold ollicers the S., counly. snap convey the current. ench tube the boltom is a Ion. haviog has been made the of a stopped Along n,t l:l have unwittingly cat's-paw ... und to a We the hert'. If covered with snow. gllurtllml "lit. Lhrdugh which n wire Illlsse3, connecting the ability eoteqJrise carry Ihrough first merely opened suhject at farmlDg operalions; ground � scoundrel who stolen tmmcnr below u. 8 .... McLeansboro, Ill., .has - wlt.h unll wheel In the class fair. it is of sullicient interest to our readers Stock looks well. running J(raove tojus­ the name of the editor of the As the (lilf advances It dra9t'tI tlUI wlleel! 0.1001 and thUi !l ------.�----- further notice we agricultural M. tify will write specifically Mohler, Osborne, bas had experience in maintnlns thg connection, Mohile Register and a communication ot that Treat J. D. can and in some Searles, Peabody, Kansas, procure delai!. We believe the matter frust tree planting with varying success, and try bl to the Cowl'iel'-Jourlial. dence colton seed from D. Inde­ weJl the has learned to Catarrh of the Bladder. consideration of all our ------.took C"pt. McTaggart, worlhy farm- ..�------enough know that it is safe to Stinging. smarting. Irritation or the urluar" PIUIftP., dl,­ edlps pencence, Kas. We know of no reliable ers. book We have before us one of S. A. Mattereon's "try again." From ten observation and eased dlsl.lbo.rgt's. cured ,I, at Add" .. years' by Bw.ebllpalba. ------+�------drul&18ta. on It is a Kan8RB Irrigation. practical matter. Tbe Inhalers which, for simplicity of cOiastruction experience he has learned that a tree must be Depot, McPIKE &. jo'OX, AtchiSon, Kausu. water is Somethinlr the Need. lei into gardens in little ditches made People and convenience of in firat class conditson wheo and daily use, takes the lead. planted, that A Card. with Ibe or to have at one plow hoe. The to Every township ought least It consists of a it should be mulched walering ought glass bulh wilh two tubes each immediately after plant­ To all who nre suffering from the errore and IndllCl'etionl be for done in the In Colorado a!l8ociation of in nerVOU8 evening. and New purposes improvement abouL ooe inch one for nasal ing. Then he thinks every orchard otyouth, delJlIlty. eurJy decay .lollllot manhuod. &0. long, designed young A. Mexico tbe small matters to the I will senli a recipe tbatwll1 oureyou, FREE vel falmers and use pertainiug performance of to be 01<'CHARGE. gardeners public treatment, the other for the throat and ought hy wind breaks. Forest was lungs. protected Tbls great remedy dllK:ovel'ed by a misa10Dary In South cans: duties. Thp. furmers and laborers of coun· hOell, Y(alking and the water Ihe trees to he a backwards, letting In tbe hulb is a sponge which is saturated ought planled before fruit trees. America. Send Bel(·nddf(l88ed envelope to the BaT. Jo. 1'01 follow the track of the hoes try now have newspapers to take their and un T. INUAN, SlaJion D. ,Ntw rork wherever they part with a volatile medicated In use W. W. Smith, CoffllY connty. Stock flourish OUII. preparation, ------0.------wish to lead it. Iheir but can do represent interests, they ooly the tubes are buds uncorked and the air is drawn Ing, grass stariing, swelling. A Card. newspaper work. can others to They urge the thus Pottawatomie wants the next six Tbe Nortl. .A IIlcriean Revitto for through hulb, becoming thoroughly "Andersonville," county During montha there w1tl be a large Dumber March pre­ and often out Ihe at action, point way, but tbey to where he can people out oremvloymenton accounto( the In sents a medioated hefore reaching the diseased mem­ know get artichoke seed and drouRbt; Btriking arrny of somo at the articles, everyone of cannot conduct electioos or parte conntry there Is a deal of .uft'eIIOI. puhlio meetings, brane of the rIce corn seed. ad great which part affected. [See vertieements in FAR­ nre possesses the characteristic of There plenty meo'de women In this count1')'. who. lflOme contempo­ neighborhood work. The acta mure newspaper The inventer also He recommends rrlend would put them In the two or three rsneops interest. Firsl we prepares "Mattesons med­ MER.--ED:] spring single­ wny of earning have a contribution as a central Imp rallying point; it is a hundred dollnrs during the winter mont.hl, be «rate­ from Senator mouth-piec., icated perfumery," which is recommen­ trees, they are easy on horses. wou!d George F. on "Tbe highly ful (or n Ufetime. A We, Edmunds, but it is not tlie people. It Chn and does tend large manufacturing campaDyln Ne" ded by those wb� have Lested it in tbe treat­ M. M. Jefferson has no York aboVE Condoct of the Guitean Trial". Maxwell, conuty, are now prepared to.t.a.rt persons or either IU In • Ex-Minister to a better education its lawat largely among readers, ment of catarrh and throat and fears of coru in 1'l81 not Corn new business. The bUlllneea 18 honorable and leactUmato Edward F. Noyes communicates Ihe lung difficul­ grown growing. Donil results 01 and (no peddling or book and disseminating information, ad­ C8l1vLlMlng). ,,0;0 permontb expen­ . Wyall hi' propagaling ties. For full address S. A. Mat­ that is well matured before cold weather sets in observations of affairs pllrliculars BeS Are or fen" farm political in France vat.ced bnt it can in paid. SO,UVOU out. employment, your Dam. ideas, not, any sense, do tison 206 North lltb yinto: under tbe "The St. Philadelphia, Pa. always grows. and Rddre88 at once to the Wallace Co" 60 Warren New title, Progresa 'of the Frencb I aL. bleB' thoee things which the people themselvce must York. W. H. Buck, Pawnee, says the best way to by leI in "Trial by Bend Dame and adtlrelfl to Oraain & �epublic"; Jury", Judge Edward. do. Co., PhUadelpbla, The UmueAold tlnd Jib,.". In Ita l88ue or October .,... "The rome Pa'1 for cook book tree. prepare for tobacco seed is to "cover it A.. Thomu describes the social ground offer made by thl. Company (who are one or tbe moet reUa­ For fI conditioos As an we wiII refer to the I: . illustration, Boo.. open­ one inch thIck with good tar. Scatter all the ble in this city) Is OOt ever mRde to the unemplo1ed." onr to .. under whicb had its a According statlaUC1 the plctun frame trade Clnoto ford! jury system origin, ing and or A Ttlt' Wallace Co. make a orl"er to tbe oonducting pubhc meeting. 9' seed have on the epecial readers oUbla ... no.U amounle tu fSOO.OOO. Tbla the at you bed, cover Witll F aK aDd notu its defects in view of the reprelentl prodocta dry who at altereq deal of the moat im businetlll that pt\p8r will write tbem once, and who cu &in pod Job". great partant manufacturers on),. etraws or corn· set fire weeds, stalks; to the heap reflrence'_' llhawl

, �� ������� . �______l -- I'

XAllCIJ[ I, lUI. rl1� K"'ANSAS FARMER. 59

The Family Educator, "No tamt17 of children ought to be brou,ht up without , baTIDg read,lLCol't..'M to tble grantl volume (Wobster'. UOR­ WOOL-CROWERS SOA-B • brldllOd II I. II will nu­ TOPEKA SEED Wbo•• Flock. Show SOA B or VERMIN � DlelloDary), aUblary In,llBClr.

------+- thut -� - _._- --- reminded HOUSE. - _"- IwertboUBandlt C,r queatioDII to the wide-awake child-not. ESTABLISHED 1878. --� ----_ ------Ilmpl, concerning the apelllug and meBulnr of word" bllt \ .110 wltb Ladd'sTobacco Sheep Dip eerenmce to every bran.:b of study with which G-A.Et.D:EJN AND PXELD SEEDS. the 18 to 10UD, mInd must grapple at every stage 111 the couree guaranteed ERADiCATE SOAB and YEUMIN as surely In mid-winter WI tntd-summer, Those who lJa'G aae4 - FRESH SEEDS FRDM THE GRDWERS ot an Tho book Ie an EVERY YEAR. lIf'CurtuK education. end , other with or ever-present Dips no, nnruet eucceee, arc Invited to ours a trial. lle use We especially give more than repay! ita C06t u. aD reUaLJle ecbool maawr ao tbe whole fawlly.-L"'herun .su,,­ get seeds trom seed growers III Iawa, 1II1nnesota, New Callforulac York, Pennsylvania, lind all .. (lIcruutd lJETTEll A eouud where PURE SEED call be and such "�PECIALl'IES" or plue (fI'OWl1l. oj WOOL. Hock will thrive Oll feed requlstte to k.eell n dloooeed one enve. fIaJ &AooIlI,rald. got, get, seed vnrteues, that are useful to our ell­ male and soli. TRY OUIt SEEDS BEFORE ------�------SENDING EAST. Wo have a filII and Our new 1)1\1Il11hlet, 66 tor Ior and complete """ortm.nt, pages, ready free dUtributtoft. Send It. all variettea, CLOVER, ORCHARD GRASS. 1·IMOTBY. BLUE GRASS SElED. 'l"be dome oUbe collosaal PalRts de Jueuce, Brusaels. now COHN, SEED POTA- TOES. Send for Catalogue to ::E:)O�.lSI'1B � approaching comptetton, and whloh WL\8 to have been of ALLE.r.o.T, 178 Kausas Ave., Topeka, Kas. oopper, II to be constructed otpapter mecbe, Bod will weigh �ADD TOBACCO CO., St. Louis, Mo. about 1'�tfJ(n wna. ------BREEDERS' \lIRECTORY. "How Do You Manage," Said a lad.., to her friend, IOta uppear ac hapllY all the timet" "I have a1"a,. Parker's Ginger Tonic handy." was the re­ Kansas. "aad thu. aud Stock pI,.. keep mYIel( family tn good health. Yards, When I am well I always feel good natured." See other City eovcltlllO acres of luud, columa. Cettle. Capacity 10,000 Cattle; 25,000 Bogs; 2,000 Sheep, and SOO HUJ'lIea t\ud Mules. ------Molat C. F. Generul morta.r deetroylJ lead pipe: Underarouud Muaager. H. P. onn,n, Supt. It. It. IlIOHARDBON, A..t. Tr.... &lid AB. teleeral1h SHORT· HORN OATTLE. Mo�sm, P. tleooy wires ban been CM!d O. PA'l'TEIlSON, 'I'rnvellng Agent. In lead plpe,lald tn mortar, and tbe THOROUGHBREDTHE LINWOOD BERD plpeelJOOn became ueeleee. Moist mortar wlll eat through W. A. Harrts, Proprietor, Lawrence, Kra. an I!Iheet or 11 ordJoary teua tn year. W. H. MANN & CO .. Gilman, Ill, breeders of Dutch Friesian (Holstein) Cattle. -iet nrlze herd at Central Tmlu8 00 the Speoial NotiCe. r�\���s St. (ollowing railroads run Into tbese yards: The KANSAS FARMER, W�ekl!l Oapita!, and ��!:"�'i�t�o��!d'':;���!;��Or��nsg'o�e:.:\o�t KanK.I�����II�y����:�cott & Gult R. R., �eS�tl�'ern It. R., Ameriot.m Folks, Rent one for Kansas 8t. Atc����sT&t���a�,.����� Young year $2.50, M�.Ub���s �f City. Joe & COUIIClt J lull's R. R., Mls.ourl Pacific Railway, Llft��o��ebr:JeM:'����:j,CC:�t1�':ij Hannibal .. 8t. H. KANSAS FARMER Co. fashionable strains. The bull at the head of tho herd Joseph R,; MI",ourl, Kansas & 'l"exas R. W., 3000 Wabash. St. Louis & Pur Ifle ------..------weighs pounds. Choice bulla and heifers for Railway, Chicago & Allon Railroad, and sale. (Formerly at. Louls, Kansas City & Northern Tbereare locomoU"cs no" running In this Correspondence aollctted, Railroad.) country,wblcb Chicago, RoCk Island & Pacific R. R, run. &I a regulllr duty (or u short dletance. at tbe rate or I8Y�DtJ"\WO mtles an hour I Till" with a train of Ove cere. Cettla and S.lna. Theee arc Buldwlu engluee on the Central RaUroad of New E. Jena1; ('ll1ndenl, 15x34. GUILD,Capital viel. Rlock Farm, Sliver Lake, J .� K8S. breeder of Short RaIn t«ftle. Jersey Red, Polnud ChinfLlLUd Berkshire SWine. Bronze 'I'u rk GUDGELL & eya, Brain Plymouth Rocks nnd and Nerve. Scotch Collie Brown Leghorn Fowls. Jcrsev SIMPSON, Shepherd Pups. Re.d S111i1l6 a Wells' Health renewer. greut('st remedy on earth for im­ S,lfcialty, Corrc!oOllouocncc snllcited. Ready for 10th, 1882. Prices 35.00 each, potence. leanness, eexunt &0. at dchlllty. 'I, drugglste dellvcrfitan.cks, HO�IE STOOK FARM, two miles cast of Kansu Depot.l\(oPfKE &FOX. atcuteon, Kausna, RIVERHendlng. Kns 8110rt horned cattle. Jersey Red :1:�'b;'����N:y. Bron·�t;bHggJ,ther l;bina Salina, ]fas. a With al1ber boasted life, enerJlY.lh·ogre8�, etc. ChiCAgO (Box 400.) :;e�l��I�;.lld llDft�' ��t.'��Bs(1M�fer�p������ Pleasant Hill, Mo., bal not an art C. gallery or a publtc IIbrqry but:ding. It 18 'l'HOMA", Effingham, Kas.. breederol Short Horn Cat' Ie and Poland-China about Ume 801I1cthing wns \Ioue In this or abe RORT. Swine. direction, for sale at low will han to take a rates; correspondence back Heut among the olUei of the coun-, sofi���S.btock b7lD &1'\. I1RANE, llURHAM PARK. MARION ALBERTCOUNTY, KANSAS. Breeder or Short·l.orn Have for Sale 20 Choice For Sale. cattle and Berk,hlre swlno. Stock for.ole. low Always The draft stallion "Clyde," sired by "Clyde" Send for Clltalogue. imported from Ecot1nnu, out of n Snmpson mare, color, mahogany bay, wilh black points, 16 Sheap. hands high, weighs 1,400 lb., six years old, perfectly Bound, a sure getler, action good, tem CO���tBK�?I��t and ����e!�!.a�1'�h�����';;b��:a�oIh':H:� per.mild, yet lively spirited, style very lint, Sheep. She.�p for snle. Correspondence bO and isone of the be.t stock horses in the st.te, Nc1��d� C. PUllS LEY Colis o( his be seen in , Mo., breeder of get may pongla. county. Ish Indep,end.nee, �pan Merino Sbeep. 'I Hams In Fur (u rther lars m. M. horoughbred registered particu address W Inger lIeglster for sule. Boll, Ll\wrence, KIlS. Irc��J�mont Correspondence so T, WILLIAMS. Pleasant View Sheep RanCh, breed er of Pro:D:l. O:n.e '1;0 T�o Years Tboroughbred American Merlne Sbeep, Empo 01d.,. ECCS FOR SALE. ria, K.... Rams for stile. SHEEP bred RANCH, Pavilion, Vl'abaunsee EBlisorpure Light BromabsandDlack Coohlns Co .. E. PAVILIONKas.t T. Frowe,, breeder and 18 ror '8 OU or 26 dealer In for 1500, 13 White Loghorn ew ror Thoroughbred Spanlsb Merino Sheep. '200. Also fancy pigeons of al1 breeds for sale, and RECEN'l'LY [J,fPOR7'ED FRO],! eatlBf'acllon guaranteed by Poultry. LOUIS DUTCHER, Prlnce Orange 3d. winner orl8t at prnlze Kansas State Fair, MARTIN, Salin", Kan,as. breoderot Pure bred No. 90 Madison st.. Kas. 1881, Topeka, VB.• PoultrYi Plymouth kocka. Houduns, American Bntdwln & Aon, brecfler8alld Hhlppers of pure BuffCoch­ InR. Our ButTs were nwanh'() Sebrlghts,andolherpo�lllllrvarletl""ofthebestand lst premium nt. KEllUms State pures.t strains. Send for list. SHEEP FARMERS TAKE NOTICE. Fair, anrl nt other price F_; N' G- _ _ L .A. lS.'il� prolliinent 8hows. ElljltJ $3 N' D GOu1tl'V & SON, POULTRY Y AKD�-M"rshBlI. ��fc��i,a, tl�s�, �Jc��:'V::;;(k:,'J�\�,!\& Bt�.to'l�;�'IN Buff LITTLE'S MARSHALLri, CGlchln. Lnugshon and PlymouthMI8S01l_1-�======""'======�Rock CHEMICAL FLUID, THE NEW iowls. 'Terms ill renflOn. Ep:gS o.lId stock HlwR.l'S 00 ::'��dp�r:e:�':l'beslV;i::I��� eIKf�:��1i ��o;M�:�d;, The BarI OW R0t C0rn an e r ary •.PI t WF.IDLEIN, PEA- BODY. PEABODYPOUL1'RYYARD8,J.KAS., Breeder Blld ,hipper of pure bred Shows the Corn five hills in Twelve advance,' before poullrr· kinds. Eggs lu season. Seud for deposit-' price h,t. in 0' in SHEEP DIP ,.. the ground. U () Cape Cod No lire needed; bandy and safe at all seaSODS of the Ornnhefry best sort for culture and . C Ilrices. Olt! NUl year. <.:olony Plnl1ts{'eel t!8, JJlymolltLl, Mns!J. Q'O to PRICE PUT DOWN TO HARD PAN, :Headquarters for Norma.n :Eomes. THE DRAFT-HORSE OENTER OF AMERICA. wbleb mak... It th.,. ebe.pest and beRt III Sbeep Dip We th" world. bend for Circulars, price Ust and testlmo· havo Imported many that nhlB. were govermncJlt-npPI'ovct! a.nd JAMES HOLLINGSWORTH, prize wlnnCl's In -Fl'unce. llod 210 LaSal1e St., Chicago, ill taken over two thousand prlzos at Ynrlous tflirs iu tho United 6tlltCS. Kills lice, Ticks alld all Parasites that infest Sheep. VIIUy Superior to g c Tobacco, Sui' phur, etc. � o Thill Dip pru\·('nIJl�flrn.tohing t.i f:�dJ)!ih�l�,��i�U��ri!o��te���el1� . c t\'I"O of the Dip :i

tlILlIon8 - - tal - � :�lrucl�l�ttc��vl�i��'n�I:�e wi:�l1���-proll�'�'�III���� _ � " dretlllhcop, 80 lhut the COst. (Jf dipping Is 11 Olere trinlJ.I.IIf. " B.. IIhecp OWIWr! will find thlli. llro tI. , The rlow Ihey ulllply rCliuld l.Jy � r..otary, shOWlllg DIiU A�taobment attaohed. " 1tlCI���i��I:�111\l,l��t:;��S'd?���� ollpJlcation. l!ivinJl full I' _ e rectlona for Ita nllU; nil!) ccrtlficnl(>11 of The Barlow is 'the Best promincllt ahCt'p� �\..t\j:ffiif�'� Planter in the �World!! ���:��nC:li� t:!������C�ff�[I�� �1�'3��ilt��lg!xtt��u�n�to�'�� ST.LAURRNT. weight 2100. leah aull other kindred dlsC3I1C. ofshccp. dRb� PR�IDE'� ",,'l',. Tue E. Dropping devlco used on the Barl",f 1.'1 the G. IoIALLINOItRWI' & 00., St. Loul., 1010. .. D:CLLO� &; CO., Can be had Ulroua.l1 all COllllllielliuu Importers and ElI'cedors of 1l1OSt llccurHtc und BOUlIU3llud.I·lruJ,u;i.t.a. MONTROSE HERDS" l'ehnule rotary drop in use. Docs NORMAN noi cut the OF FRENCH HORSES corn,lock or bjnd. Does not mimi. Drop BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS. plates have fifteen boles In eacb. BERKSHIRES SHORT-HORN 100 CATTLE Head of Normans arrived In A 1881,­ the nne�t of ul:nst, lot BWUUIIS eyer tu ono ATTHB AND imported lot to Amcricn.. Come Hnd see them. use of By the Revolving Seed Cup, the corn Ia hold POLAND CHINA HOGS. III plain view of the THE CL YDfSOALE drlv�r at all times In the field, a COLLECE FARM. CHAS. E. HORSES. AI,LEN, Proprietor, Manhattan, Kas. valuable aud oue- ACKNOWLEDGED feature, that can be used only on THE CHAMPION LheBarlow". The fann department of Ihe State-� grlcultural Col­ DRA1'T HORSE. lege oft'era of 8ale Il choice lot of BEKKSIiIRES two months old and upwards at moderate prices. Tne best famnes In the More Barlow represeuted herd. All siook ell. Planters sold last and present season glble to record It tbe A. B. R. Add reFS. Ihun of otltcr E. M. SHELTON, any 'Style of planter In the marke'- Supt. eollege Farm. Manhuttnn, Ko.s. 'I'he B�rlow I. perfect In Its to DR. JAB. BARROW, adaptation the Check ROWCfR. of 'Ve1;eri:u.ary S"U.:r:l!;eo:u., Easy LArow the bar.

Drl11 attncltmellt used on the Barlow Is simple and Due perfect. Drops grnin nt tl time, without a fallure

ASK DEALERS FOR THE BARLOW. The !\evolving Seed Cup. __ . ...a.-­ Used only Oil tho Bfulow. Add.rcss for Trealfl aU DisensCB of HoJ'Sca nnrl Circulars, CnUle. Calls in the coun- Poland China THE ��n�t!iW!I��t ��t�·�[��!:n��I�\)!!.rv�t::��:��8 n�:'�:SR��:; & Berkshire Hogs. VANDIVER CORN PLANTER CO., Quincy, Ills. 'We have a. ]arger number of pure bred bogs than Manufaoturers of the B"rlow Vandiver and Corn Plantero. ��� �jI:ilt!!Yr:;�I���I� breeder in Rotary, Quinoy d�W�IJ�I�o�l���::r�:aRTt:g�:-aI��: any the SULlC, and have the very best of A.dd.reMOr. J. Barrow, Box 1100, Topeka. Kas. eaeh breed thnt monev cOltld pro(mre from tho lead­ Ing breedcrsthroughout the Unlte(1 States. We have River Side Farm Herd. brod ,,.ith grelLl care fur ycntS, constantly introduc FOR SALE Ing new blood. We keep two males of eoch bree': (Established in 1868,) not reln.ted, tha.t we can furnish pairs. Our Poland Short Horn Catlle Hereford Cattle Ohlna and AT A EJA.Et.G-A.XN. hogs run dlll'k like Chang, �63 American Po­ land China Record (a truo likeness of him appesrs J'. 131. EE.A. A nDe He 1s �ES, ve"1 Norman Stolllon, aCClimated. and who above). lheaire and grand !lire of of our We many Berkshire Swine Mt. Plewmnt Stock Farm can sholl' hogs. 0. number of nice on haud Kaat line colt. Pedigree ete., furnlsbed. for p1ga ready Colony,Andenon,counLy. shipment and some exccllent young BOWS in I'or particulars address No man pig. can ".fford to have an inferior stock of th��r.r.���:�':I\�;:: ���r8 �����r: ���1�� We havo a hogs. COTTONWOOD FARM, 8ell, cheaper than any man tn the United c!t8::f:n�n:'l�r WATSON Ii: hU,ce nmount of money invested in finc l:ltatel. :iU head THRAPP, hogs and the tor snle, bullA. cow•. heifers aud calves. A.rrunQ'cments for (or have Four miles eMt of Ka•. 110 Kansas Ave., Topeka, K1l8. will Cluing them, Manhattan, procurer'l, retaiu alld 1ncroll86 our fail' patronnge by d�Rllng. Our IlriC6s are rca.sonnble. PREMIUM Write us, .I • .I. MAIL., .LOOK OUT In the Poland Ohlna or ProprIetor. '" ' t,�'l:;�:�'.fll���: r.g�8.want , CHESTER Breeder of Sbort Horn Cattle and Borkshlre Swine THOROUGHDRED POLAND-OHfNA ond BllRKSIURK WHITE, BERKSHIRE FOB THE RANDOLPH and & RANDOLPH, Pigs HOIZ8 for 8ale, unl'llll'pMS('d fot ,quality, size ADd AND POLAND CHINA 'Emporla, LYOll Co., Kos. 'l,�::'d .�)� .:('.�.,. / of�Orn�gh��ako�I��fls���ds:�Tina��: I��y��::,o:�g �:����'�i h�:8tg��;;:fk M� E"':J: Improved Champion Hedge Trimmer. young Bulls, ��. ��e�';:';'a<;;' �il ������� Go131, My Berkshlres are all recorded or can be In the a:u.c:1.IBIETTF.R. ::E:)OGoIBI. tbe PO Et. Berkshire �g��n We, being 801e owners ror tbe &.A.LEI. Alllerlcan Record, and are bred trom no-­ Jt!��le���}���O����l1i�lI����.w Se��giJr���� Bred and for sale above n ted willners. as Brltls.. by namedunderslgnedlmllcfline Lhe counties of RUey. Pot-­ prize Sovereign II 588; Hope· J. V. RANDOLPH, u,watomle. ALEX. Manfulil. Nemaha,' JackRon. Brown., :O�!� Emporia, Kaa. PEOPLES, Doniphan, AtcbiHOn, Jeft"rHon, Ledovenwortb, and :_q�u�� �n:�\���:�t �g:u�:n� &��p��� West Chester, Chester 00., Pa. and 1\8 we 4182; Kello's Sweelmeat 74:l2lilld ror . Wyandutte. shsl1SeU,coDllty, towDsihp, or Queen Victoria 7866. Senolstamp Circular and Price LtSI. farm oollolted . rlghlS. and callVW;S said territory during tbe NETHERBY SEGOND. Correspondence :i��ri('����Jl:r�,:':�::!r��t �����; }:v�r�fI� by us know to A letting where lind Ihem, aud we wUl Clydesdale Stallion. T�OROUGHBRED BULLS come an" abow you what we can do free JERSEY at For charge, NETHERRYSECOND Is ndappled r�ft.'reuee as to our own we mtlhoganybay . respoDslbil1t,y refer to 16)« hands 10 SHORT·HORN BULLS FOR SALE Hon. J. high, yea.. old weighs II�OU, lotiO Ii. Foucht, Rep. nom tbls DlBt'lot. or Brad. rord FOR SALE. Miller. c.,unty treasurer, also to Editor KANsAS Thlrty-ftve !lnely bred Short·horn Bull Calve. P.o ..." 11 of �:;n�""I�n�h�'�':.f,I��':,' ��':I�:?I�r":;'v�V�I!�o!��� (oil .... l'opeka All addrell8ed to for sale. These calves ore all IlOqulrles grad. Clyde coll

lives "I the foot of one was my boys I'd filltl you within an inch 0' your taills througb II deep valier, and us to be that I would. Home wl 11 you, this minute I you're SHADUWS, of them whlch wus so steep find Tocky here In was n. Ilttlo, low a. nice set, alnt you. to bo Ilounderln' round known 8S tho Devfl's stone pile, 8 Bank of Kansas. T of ntral \\011<1 Thtl moon alight·hurg golt1, house I\n(\ oc­ the sand like twn pigs. Wult till your daddies hears stone houso and fL toll gate, 'l'he gate nntl))lll1.nlom.fl\lr, Low-drooping, palo, a bcauuful 0' this tun hides for Joul" nil the between the hill and perrormauoe. They'll your Successors to A. PRESCOTT & CO, tuu aunnuet tenves, cupted space Tbe fresh 1lf)1Il11 of This dfscourse came from the lips of Mr. ot clear water ruuu ng over n �lony bottom, ornpbnuc Iu the breatlJlng' nlr. stream And Iragrance rrout of the h Vale, who owned a fur-m ha.lf u mild farther up the III A extended nil along the 11150, 216 Kansa. Avenue, Topeka, K.n.... porch those aus­ tl0D for lise as an omce creek. than my fathers. He \vIlS one of Beneath the trees Oat ntuoucuea, aud ouo end of iL was enclosed lend rmtt his thnt shun tho light, thn.t time wns un old tore old covcnnurers who would not pe MilL lellot 1111,1)1(,5 for tho gale keeper. who at (Incorporated Janunry 'fib, 1882.) u ter­ tOrwl kllrt�k lillllg�_ n Ocklc CI"O'., Irtsh descent chlldren to u cherry on SUlldILY. He WHf' Welld crouk man named James Patterson. Of Scotch pull aha Ile would restless chikren of the ulgbt, 1\ merchant, ror to all the I·oyoc ill Lhc nehrhb n-nocd The In unrty yenrs he had LeCIl wealthy rl&� His first as wtll y "Ilnl!" n. nelghbor's boy as his own. He C �PITAL bur the war of 18t2 hud 'hroke him up." lngl S)TOCK; $100,000. tore! Idle vncnut to pntorrume believed the normnl coudiuou of 0. boy WAS under ttce e "if' had been dend runny YCtU'3 and nil her ch+ldreu • 110111\11(1 IHm (or evermore, 1"",. 1 bev rod. His voice was and so loud and moved nWIlY, His pres the rough. harsh, DIRECTORS, o(th AlIlll Iutuh \"1111 ulmlcsa nuLH�1 lUll nunda, were dead or married, that when he t.lked to his hnrsos ill tbe field he R. c floor. b!s 0110. had Lwd children, A. C. C. wneeter, Geo. Peek, ery Wilh rut» blnck hnuda, the leur-atrewn out wife was second 'filey Prescott, lor t u nud down nie creek. E. B. Pureelt., wus den.d , Uncle Jun. could be heard mile \1p A boy Bud a gir], hut tho boy John Francill, aftyc we ceased ��':';lt����li, tlce c wnvurtug tuurc rorevor, Pauersou was known, for Recngnlxlug hls volce nt t1,ti.C8, hcstlittes, �.Ip,B�lll'���ke, QUlvCllnll, my, ns Mr. populnrly FA.nJ the Ilmi stlcnt Ilrounll n and I made It brenk for Tom; but to ustoutsh­ On brf�ht everybody kuew him, hml beeu t\t t,hnt gate long, my OFl'lCERa, }Jr"hed Rlld tnulllcd there together of! the In­ ment he bad retired from the sout of war and was time, he and his little farn lly l lvl ng A, Prescott, Prest. P. 1. Bonebrake, Vice Prest. the rol enrtb rauud long While llug goes up the road like a good fellow, kick· John FIn.ncie, Cashier. Ho'll come of his omco as gale keener. alVa), runntug E, D. ABSt, Cushier. his heels occnslcnully by WRy of vartety, ap Prescott, ocean h tllc 1 tug 11p AmI thegold�lIq:e{l nlry When 'I'orn and r rode throu gate, "Heigh Dr< to his freedom I' .. much. His head pearmg enjoy ry , Itl:'ln) 11 blce1.c whOle Ilro boulld for'!" was the Un lUllples 1Ighl.ln young man, you Does a General Dranking Dusiness, hUYB an4 .ells was up,his taU streaming back find tbe short stirrups da;yCl O'er the 8\\,ecl·brer\lhed purple 1111\0, I received from Uncle Jimmy, stan<.1t·lg au greellng like little CouDe fnll and slumbering trees. plaYlllg up nnd down "galnst his sides O'er tbe the porch bent, ono hand rest ng on his eiLllo. tbe �v�rr:ilt�';;d��1�����tg�"c�s e�rtn;��lfi�iel����ls�':.1 No but I had no time to look ROllI Est.o\te Loans a astn hi. white bai: WlllgS, Bob was gone too, witb Bale banking, Specialty, olher against tile porch post, lhin, invited. HI Dut comcslhe dawn, for him. In OUf Loss pennies, we bad Correspoudence about bl. hO:lest old fuee as the mountalu eagerness:o prem 'rJ.ic i8 done, whisking spell to �fo our find there we wero, a 011116 and I answered a fleglected horses, 'Weird Irplrlts flee nir bl w past. He asked great mnny hold. kcttlo of fish, Dut tbere was no Ume to be before and nfter· prett)' An' A� rifie of !!un, quelilious about my business then, iost, for Mr. Ville was getting olT his horse, and if be tiBet! W, S. !{'emwly, I'll Harpe,.', Afrr!}fultt.(, WArd" nnd about !lllthe neighbors, aurl fioally told STARTLINC had hold of us be would bave relie�ed aU olber DISCOVERYI a 0' miles ahend," got me Abe wasn't more than "oollple RESTORED. �:; of the lnbor in our punishment. LOST MANHOOD H� botb IB lour "for 50 Ilne perll:ons required and lhat the toll, ways cents, A vlotlm of Imprudenco canslng l'romao days, GERALOINE: 1 started in the direction of homo, Dllt forgetting, yonthl'ol a to him That was" DehUily, Lost Manhoo:ry the 1011� grade of the first moullll\iu, At the lop I tcr. lIIILLER & HUNT, Wright'R Ohi(!:lLl!o. Srlll tbe lCUld horsl::s wore twto:lvu illCheJ ill Width, and the Illade better LIme thlHl on the home stretch, and steer bl the could sC!e the wa�gom� I\nd teILIUS ascelldlug 30:�I�iieV'8�1��I�I� g� JI1 clWh 8ide·lcILlJ1f�rS of Ihe wheel horses were hen.vy four· IOllnd Tom lied up to a post llot n hundred yards IR�f��"���:\�1�l,��p11r:::��IIIII�.n!I��: second rise abou� two III lies nhead, 'I'here were len nndc1cllcntc SClltlineutiu the most choice lllllgunge. Prlce STEt �Lrn')s doubted.• at lull. Ho teen inch 'rhe housillgS, rounded flam where I had seen hllU going over the 10 eeore, 01 �1 n !.lozen, postpaId. brnnde alld teaIns 111 the threo fuet and half as wilgons string, WhlllUiod each eR the ends were IOllg wlde, ly �eClfled vel Y lUuch ple/lscu to see me,for he lO.lles WIlS a days' drive Jor suoh .A.PPLE 8TEI over the Beck nud nnd them, '!'w�"e gooq time· tng shOUlders, througb tlt my and ho tOlJk me home in good no bral toams.' Taverns, with queer names, n BlllCk ilorse, SrEI raised SlX illches nboye, tll0 bmLvy wooduu hnmes 1 him dhl nil the \""ark .nnd pm n.wn.y, up Olght Evergreens!nll Nurserv UIICUJ1. Alao brauds Ped t-illll, (._f..r.c, wllh big SWlIlgUlg Ll\TIZ'P. Vtlriety. slze!:I. Grown, and thesa were off wl h n millia· Lion, Hl,iug Slgn� projected, top,.od shpped III at tLlo back entry door nnd went upstairs chOice Seed POIRtOPR. Price Li:;lt. Free. E all S in trant, where flJed for horses, und meals, 111, ture fUled With thre to evC1Y pos Dundee NUr1lcn. Dundec, belfry hnnglug'lh;lls to bed. it WIl.!:I then llIgilt. ____.....cD=.o'JIIL.llt COW whiskyaud strOllS' bcer 1m men c uld be had, were ROOT GRAFTS horse. htl f 110 hoUl over the events onewh aud 1 liLY thero thi'lkmg When w.I.'3 the sun wus sCllttered at coJnveuient t1btnllcc,'i alollg Lbe way, NURSERYI ad witl! every thint; l'e�dy, just�n.s with me. J IB82'POMONA of thu du.y. '!'hillgs looked LL little dil.l'k lUlmFI�n'S IlYilltIlJ 1'£"US, For Spring Plantlng. Address coming over the burn, Abe, with raw hide whll) 10 at. these the Leams stopped"ovcr 111ght W. had t.wo brOLher8 and one sister, all older than jlla nchcktor,Mt.Ve11l0ll nnd Shlll'l)'" [overtook the delivered .. MAR hnnd, mounted t.lle saddIg borse. ga\ro the hlle a In llue Lime ennWiLl1, my lefa" Sb-n.wberrit-'9. Cuthbcrt,�(iulu� PHOENIX DUOS, & EMEHSON,Nurserymen. but Abc was gone to .ul�ltlmore, lLnd Isaac and Nov 16 and started on the back track. Tom I, u!Jd Rfli.!pUerrlCH. U1l1cl\ Ill. tug-enough to cau e tho rmgj t.hrough which it mcssltgc to A.bc, A'''.I.U, Grem;r Bloonllngton, hind Ie sister Mary were over tLt Hippeuhllmmers at nil npplc UcrL1Cth (:rtlIU'1! .md Clu-reuts. FL nltn on the laad hf)rses to rattle 011 Lbe served mo aud we rushed the passed hfl.rllcss, well, lhrough tol1l:u,te uud Flowere. ']'1005 &. J.llUIlts:. (Jafnf(j!llle Addll pflrillg, I was to have lH.!cn there, too. I h.. d the borses stepped rnplclly into IIlJo. lind the monsler without making nny observntiolls. /,.,.,t. \\'ll.l";Uillt", Furry P.O.,l'\ . .J. been spccially illvited to' come and pIny Ihe machine moved oul of Lhe shod UOUlJU for Baitlmore, After leaving the pike and tUlnillg west, I met 81 jows1uup." J3utlt w H evident I was 1l0t there, and That was hvolve afwr UtO {lrst locomotlvo Blucher on his f"ther's horse Bob, We stopped, years Henry 01 the of illY cntertni..niug so ha.ppy il compa� NUR.SERY. on the truel{ in crHln� of and a few WOlds. His flLthcr j:'rospccts Iteam engine had been put this course, exchanged STEE 1 was nlone In dlllereut uy wus gloomy indeedJ Instead thereof try, and railroad bllildiog WilS iu its inlallcy. 'I'he nnd mwe were both fo\l'men living FRUIT TREES, ton tp L in 11 ijohtuu..}-in n. IlLrge dtl.rk room with 160,000 tbcothl in were or ne\'{ we knew the inside of fu.rm dre!\ry farmera our viCinity shy the trans· townshIps, working!! 60,000 CATALPA, f1.60 per 100 510.00 per 1000 observo lbroe beds in it, au occasionul bit of moonshine stalk· portation scheme, tboy very generully denounced it hfe, :�o ItLr atlef�st as boys of our age were concerneEi Send for Price List ing Rcross the fioor Rnd au the walls and celling as a direct attack upon tbe farming interests Henry nnd I had met before, at Bales aud at lhe keeping time with the mOl'lng clouds 011 tbe outside' HElJ by welllthy and smart men. For, thuy ar�uec1, tho cider mill, nnd we bad gathered whorUe�errles and E. R. STONE, Frankll and tbe windows rattlod the casing, The railroad business would interfere with tbeir and we had heen at schools and ngalnot brond8 baullng cbeslnuts, Bpelling Kas, situntion 11l\d a. liort of air, and if there is Topeka, HEIF and Dour to market, nnd their horses and we had drunK fr m the same gra.veyard Iratn keep debates, whisky Frankl! nnythlng in lhis wotld thai will chill a boy', ambl· Idle In ,he winter, So they maintained tbe good old big bottle on tbe way to the h.rvest field. Bow well tel' 8, v tion it Is a o.t A great many lhings CRAPE VINES. custom of shipping their grain in their own big 1 remember the last named hit of fUll. Hellry, with a grave yard night, HEIF WIth whicb I dId not cure to be fumillar, presented two red How have .Inco tholl. Utile board·wheeled wagon loaded witb R of wagons. things changed keg 2 835 10 $4'. All olher varietieB letter B as if I was a debating I I OOOnfGOnCOrd,lyear,�lfitO$20perl000;,car, boltle of w"" on them�elves for cOJlsiderBtioll 000 , Wh.1 one hundred nnd twenty of thoso wnter and whlBky, bis w.y to • grent w"gons liquor All kinds and trpes. sOCIety Qr I' mass meeting. I had a dread of spook. cheap. fruitplanta conld t·,ke at one trIp Is now drawn by Il siugio tbe barvest bands when I met hi1l1. and we bad n Dr. H. SCaRlsber'� HOlllpipo, and sevcml other pieces open enough Cast Steel Grinders. eume iu lLbreflst Bcforc they came ill, however, n. II was coinm n in lhe earlier of the seusOIl to \vlth zenl, when I prop0:tu I to SWILIJ wiLh His we a mm, trips HellIY Ifwe fan to lurnlsh proof you HEIF fo\" dlln rays at lJght through the (loor dd.rtiug wil1lJ1ve that 1Ilf't.t Ut. Baltimore .nd PhiladelpW" to mdko up part of tho WElS �le\V and mtne W!L!iIl't. nut ho (htlll't WtLllt to 10 dJlfereut onewhll to and about the euln.rglng their volume .lYI�:�I� s�"!a�h;'��!�b!1ll old emu! b�ck load wilh oysters in the shell, and this Item had trado Them 1 prl)posuU to bot my j�,vshll.rp agnin!!!t cOtltug, ami about the room, nUll! heard mot.her's BIG GIANT. 8t,15 been omltterl from lhe Iblt that my father had given hls thut Tom could beat nob I'ullning. "]L's It btlr· sprelLdmg CELEBRATED on the stnirs 'fhe room filltd with Prices, :Ne 10 Abe jUll' befQre bo Bt'uted. lhe sllid ne. and in a we were in line fJotswp t\gl\iu. S.nd for ()ircuiar and and So. gentleman gn111," twinkliug J, A, FIELD'" CO" of i\. tllilow aud thore MARl! whom I Vf '" to to rUll to tree." we tLS the yellow, �rei�sy lighL candle, required cali P4pa dlrdcterJ mo, about rendy "up yon Awd.Y WOUl If 8t.Loufl.)fo 1881 one was bJwl or' mush n.un milk and 6 hours afLe- Abe we were (L fox, Itnd 'l'om cnme IL my supper-Ll hackjoll thrqe .t.artad, to .auula up 'fom, chasing out length AND MAKE HDME oi mother's b"s( broad c"wfully with STEEl father'.. riding hor,",. and go aft r Abe !lnd tell him ahead. But Henry deohl.rcd It wasu't fair, und he piece spread • HAPPY, on n chair FTHER£IS lion tp � Ii> five of butler and currant jolly, aud all put by ;ring ,hnRhels oys'.ers back with him. wanted his juwl)hll.rp bnck. I proposed to settle It by RITE �OAGENTNEAR'{OU no mark hedside, I was glud [hadn mothur. Sho lighted DIRtC't Tem wnR.adcllcd and "rldled in due form and ied tossing copper;:" to which he assented, aud we dis my �

- - _ � � -

.. u • ,. .. �...... ,.'�J n'-� " .. i' ..... ""'!'" "",�r\''':''n� , ..




Bow to post a Stray, the feos tine. and penaltio for not posting. Bro�enRntma18 can be taken up at allY time tn the Unbroken yesr. nntmala can only be takeu up between tbe IBt ot day November- nud U18 1st day of AprU, except when Standa pre-emtnent among the 'rent Trunk t.tnea or the: wear for belng the most direct, quickest. enn enreee Uno tO��d.!���,I:;���te�I�I�:�� can take up aetray•. �JJhg�=��Kers, conuecttng the great xterrcpoua, CHICAGO, und the If au EASTXRX, and animal lJa111c to be taken sball corue upon tlle NOIITH·EAS1'Ens, SouTnER� SOUTIA­ premtaea of any PCrsOll\ und be fnlla for ten days, after being EABTRRN LINxa, which termluute there, with MINNS' uDtilled In of writing tue (net, nuy other olUzen and house. APOLIS, ST, PAUl" KANSAS CITY. Lb:A"ENWORTll, holder may take up the Mme. ATomSON, COU.sCIL BLUFFS nnd OllAUA. the CO.• · tl�hl:a�� t�ykl;��I� n'tti:!!"�ltiP.��t����I���� a:!!�r unCIAL CENTRES from which rndlutc wacea in the township, g�Vlng a correct deacrlptlon of 8uch itmy. EVERY LINE OF ROAD �::r-� tllnt penet rntr-s Northern MlnneRotn, Dakota. Mnnltoba d�:8�th� ���lf�;�(��� a��y ��e8t���7'ttl�np�:eo� find I he the townehte, an� tue nn nOhlavit that such Couttneut from tbe Missouri IUver to tho Pe­ stroy cine The 8t.n.Lin� 1062 J � J <. :» 1 ::I: '".i' Stope. :a�aetal�'i!! b� ��i��I� r�:�j,s8�ntt�:��seadlv�rt�!t 1t'1o� �� �. , 1859 r:-I days, that the marks and brands have not been nleo I ." altered, , , Rock &: 1M' I. II < nolllHelnil Il:;i_ �hicago, Island Pacific Railway ���rl [I f � �:.8h�� �f��Jg�::O�!C!�OJl �(t���=t�l�fd����� ::t f.. I' q�t '" Is tho only line (rom ChlfngO tmck Into ue of eucu atmy, owntng Kans� Tbe Justice of the Pence shall wllhln twenty days from tho B. :t:r: i B e t:XI I>' ��I��:t�hN"ilT!:!�?���nl�O�I� ����:�e:G�'r �O�11�81:�lo;g (: g Bu.i1der COS'NEC!TIONl'! .No �����j�e�:t:ir c:rl��: � IIIIlJmm{1 i" tu-nentneua or un,.. d,... ��I�����r� 8i��k(�������8�����) .... � rlptlou n.nd vnlue ef eucli , etmy. ." �f:g:: ��:J' �:1i'ir{ir��cl){�S:(��hJ:;' lfauch atmy shnll be vnlued nt more thnn ten It Trai1la, �pC;:t'Jg8:nl���;:� shall be dollars, advertfned In theKA..NSAS FARMER in tnree euccea­ � D,\y CAns or � unrlvnled mngnlrlrcncc, PUT.. LMAN stve numbers. PAt.... aq CE SLRJ.:PINO OAltS. ami our OWII wortd-nuuoua The owner or any stray, may within twelve mouths (rom t-< tbetime '" oftnklng Up,tu'ove the enme by evidence before nuy J:j i;;' �11;�I��E�d Cc"xl��il�l,rg�: a�'J�:�lld�,�l::�:�c �Ii?S���'�';:!n?rF�'� c+ '" CENTSJ.:"'CII, wllh nmple lime for henlthfu! enjormeue, t���r� O�iltYleP�,r;l"e Through Cura brtwecn 1"'('01'111, 1tI'lIwilUkco be o�I���,C����ltYtb�t'J��l�c�rs�ellg:!fl:ll�:I� ('�hIi'.Jlgo, proorwfu oflerml. r.rhe tltrny shnll be delivered to tho � 0 'Mlnl1cupulifl. St, PltUI nud lo.lISS'.llIl'1 River i und ... polnta owner, all the order of tile Justice, and the of -. ut nil points or rmcrsccucn with upon . payment other all charge8 uud ceata. ��I�fS�OUllCCtlUU9 � t-< We! tlclcet ({IO not ("'·at.t thi@) dtrccttv to evcrv ntnca t.iitvt!l�l��\;a�� n�fe� tg��rnf:I�� �'ki���ec.���r:�tfitl:���B t;. ciq. vest In tue tnker til). aq � �fn����I��r����;r�J�a�l}rlic:�!I'�NiIlW·��o�·:IIL��tlft,�N�i,U;:�� At the 1\ end of year after a Atray Is taken up, the JustJcn e+ Terrttory, coi- of the Peace shall !:l tesue n ennnnoua to the householder to ap­ C.A.R.D �r�l�'I�,IiX g�g:;;;::::�l ������'ci����IIUgtou I>' pear and npprulae such Alroy summOIlS to be served the t:C taker by J:j ull; said or Lwo orthem ahaH i_n all respects '" describe ...;Pnl!��l�,!:[r���;r:;r'fl��er����;!�nFtswho fnl'nlsh hlltll til lie 01' �::�?��o��p�r:l and trualJPl'nl8tlr,y VnlUe8l\ill atray, and mako a,sworn return ",- tlh) cOILlfort. of the sallie t.o J:j Dolts and tuck Ie Ol' free. the Justico. t-3 ppnrlSlHcn ." tlckctomCOl 0 '" i�J��;�{'(rlii���t�t���� be���� 8�1If�UU\t�� ��t��}�tea;�ta���o�[ ����tu&e :�:etg: 't:1 '" �J��CC���3�,Pl"iUCIJ)al R. R. E. thi�r:rr�!:e�i:��� tlle title vests 10 the be shall t:::I CABLE, ST. JOHN, tflker-up, �. -� \'lco·l'rcl't BDlI Gcn. into pay the County Treasury, deducting all costa of taking ... J,.!anl\gcr, 0('11. 'f'J,:l, and rrus'r Agt., up, nnd cure of COLLECTORS. ." ChlC:lgo, posting the tnltlug atmy, one-half of the '" Chicago. remnhuler of Ihe value �)rsuch t:. stray. rn 't:I ea�����?nl:��e�lf�;� t'bfe�l�t�O��f'�]��Yv'�fc��I\\� S· !!' ,ball be guilt)' ofa mlBdcrue:Hlor and sbull forCelt double the f!'! 01 811ch stray and be subject to (L fine o( twenty dol- t:::I �e � SEND FOR CATALOCUE en ... d���,ge��li���, 1\1::" seven bars ANDOI ." nlnny or the best medi­ PRICES.:/:�' 1 st. Buy Dob­ .... and 204 .. 200.202, " cines known are com (Oontlnned from page seven.) Quincy Street, Topeka,-Kansa8._� !!' bined in.Parker'sGin�eJ' ror bins' of Strays the week ending February 22. Electric 80ao Tonic, into a medictne of stich ,·."lried :u; Chase A. powcrs. oounty-S. Breese, olerk. your Grocer. to makc it the gn::atc�t Blood Purifier nnd the Ja�!y�t-J;��cf�r��I�r/p� �!'I'�W��li1c��1 ,:1°lt�n!!.itY��!ll !Jenl th&Strength Ucstorb£ .E\'p.r U�f'(I. �e�ifJ�T�k�fl\Sil!) 1:';t �tdt��I�I�l r,� $�n?nr MatthId tp, It cures Ask 111m to a Rheum3ti!Om. �h���l �)nOiCwnl�llt��tf 2 • give you 1 Sleeplessness, & di'5c:J(�S5 1�i�8Gr�,I��,��nl��it\�a{ ��!nr;l�JI11�ui�t!�O' 'SOOllt nine "f'llrft olrl, vrluell Ilt $20 of , he Parker S �t�",och••Bowels. bill of it. LIII1{;S, Liver & h_ldncys, W��!'e��-�r8k��:r6 r�� . differen, from ear cut on :fn�lt!���g\·!�I'I��t��l!!??�liPti H'aI r a sarn I &.isenlirdy ofT, UIlJ.CI' crop left ,mr, 110 bl'ATHls, valued at $16 B I Cowley oounty-R. H' Adair, olerk. , Mo��hi�o�:�'!cI\TII'i�I�ILbr�� ;��e�:h�rl[1ri��b, �c�l�i� IDg. Nel'er fnlb to tcltoro tbe ne,'erinto�icates. h. "'C us youthful color to groy bnlr. onScTr�(f�T!�I��u£}�rte��O;�oorJa�l����,1l 8!��Ir.��fUlto�k �� 3d. Mail his bill and & Co., Chemists, N. � l'{)o:.fmd $1 111.�. Lnrge Suing lJuylog Ool/nr Sire, rJ",g��':"!I�I!k��� n�I�I�y John ICRwfman III Llbel'ty tp one horse full address. lI,1tht grey pOlly 8l1PIH1Scd to be 10 01' 12 yrs 0111. little your surr ill front legs, no mnrks Qr brunds visible. and valued nt '15

Harper oounty--E. A. Rioe, olerk .. SHEEP-TAken up h,V flenl'Y Rchnallkenburlt on the 10th 41 h. We will mail YOU ��� 6��sO;I��!'i,\'tlr.� ��nlWltf�f�,�e���l����I���{��g�\:�I; b7�1el�i o(lortenl', vnlued nt$4U 50 FREE seven beautiful car'ds, so������[\skJ�:L�i' �I�l o��ee22;�1 ol:Sb�fl���d,l�r �� Jbo�r. in sides, v(\lu�CI ut $.15 six colors and gold, represent· Montgomery oounty-Ernest Way, clerk. "Sevan H.EIFElt.-Tnkcu III) by A [i' Hughps on the 2M,1I of ing Shakspeare's Ages Jan dny 1�2,ln Caney 1.1) olle light. r(;d heifer 3 yl' old,leftear of Man." cr��ft�R�I'J!I���l!Olilllb�oJe�cg��'I�n���e11l1�� �J818S2, In Cnuey STEEL WIRE FENCE tp, one lll'AlIrtcd on steer, left hlp, wbit.,.3 yrB old, unddbtt 111 eRch Is fhe PAr, villued nt *15 only general pnrpose wire fence In use' Being IT a strong net work WITHOUT it. will turn at:';���;;i�:Bgll ��'ftL::rl)�[\b��w�t, 83'\�� T.A�ES -the LEAD- BAnS, clogs. dl��l�l�dn�bri��ee��l� fti��k�\�1��:�ldi the sume ul. sume time nod :J3.A.�:N"EB I����I��. :i����ll f��c�h�rm����k�iC���: enSTKnkl��Ali!�\y plnce,ono jnst the fence for stock red nnd white, 3 yrsold, uutlerblL farms, gardens rhnges, nnd r��iubh��i����I��(�f!tl�rs' I..L. cRAGIN & railroads; ann very Ilent for Inwns, parks, schllo) lotS the STltER-Uy Burne at same time and place, one steer; cO., branded on len. hlp. red and while, 3 y,'s old, uuderblt. in ��?ntc(�';'��1�:�'lze�) I�\\��II ���{�ef:fe\�\:;;e rUi�·r.r��! perlor to bOllrds or barbed wire in every ·We a! respect. Rame time . ask a. ea����Eit�'I\�e�I!� �1!�le and place onesteer, for It fair trinl, knowh_lg' it" ill wenr IIFeif into WIRE -- DO CHEcK ROWER, brands, Ihcht 2 "alued at rcel, .\'1'8 old, 116 4th 81; • :$I".�", favor. The SEDGWICI' G ... TES, made of wrought iron ,t:! no First and Only Entirely Succe,srlll Wire Check .:. l br���S��rlf?ll:\�}lUI ��I�r�1:pt��,C2��do J�I��:\u��e:tt.��, �����;��;�;�� Hower eVer Inventerl. FarmerH Uilli IIl!nllJl'l'Iltrr fl��t��s�,S\ft�����[�' ��'l h�ll�ba����� Sumner B. UIHUllulI,lIij Iii 11::1 PI"lISt', ulHI It thc the D"�T and �ll\;�biN(l�ti��e county-So Douglass, clerk. in give TII'cCr-renee over auy othcr Cll(>(:k Row('r .for Its com- CHI�APF.ST \L1. IRON automatIc or self accul'ot;y lil'oJ)plng corn, 1\8 well lUI fOI" Its 1:IJete durnllitlt,y. The 11l111l'I'cedt'lIted SilleR of Ihe BarneR Check Hnw I' Is the prices hard- PA. eVlllence of it.� U� as on���ilic��:nnilrtl })�n�� �r z��ferr��\·�ZI' :lr:):ao��:� H� 1��g�ll��d PHILADELPHIA, ��IlA}�'OJJi;i),'BtRlltin1 m�l'it. well of its vulut! uud illll10ililUce to ll1c Cal'mel' R.'i a LABOR-SA V- �C:�idM��: oior ed with single ba, on cllcl1 hlp, vnlued �E�s�vt��,�a�RCii. MilO (1 RIchmond, Ind. Wabannsee M. pIJ\r�ho� �l�l� county-D. Gardner. clerk. dOM ������I,I�I�r�h��L '��i�!:�� �:tf ��I k�:: RS ".,ot cro� lh" nwchine, th-ull IO�t�[I�{t�,�I�,I;��!��l'����'�,�� I��t�tll"�r�l:!��·ftl !�I���:r l:�lr:: ���eo!'h·�;�:.! MARE-Tnken 'uo h,Y Ruben Elliot.t In :���!o;:,. �1l;::1�8�;CC��O;!�J;cO����� (WOifUtI" u. GUEAT TVb'AR AN/) STRAIN ON THE WIRE lind (l'll1liol1ontbe Wllmlngt.ou t,p chance elt pulleYH, and mnklng 1\ wll'e tlll\t (lOel110t by Applying (lnce f�J' control of Lerrltory of Cl'()� the Innchlnu outWCII!" sl!vcml wires 1Iiat do CI'USB, :tOn'd 11����!oO�lt11�!���-��I�sl��lbel'�;!�}� ��\�[���\,!\l�l�d �:� ,�]� FARM£llianoing'" AddlUonul strlll'S all BERING & elRhtb Jln�e. sr-hbli ENCYCLOPJEDIA. CHAMBERS, OUINLAN, Missouri ---._ This Pacific IH'e'emlnently us,'fu1 Ilnd pl"f\cUcnl work contains E,;clusive Ill. chromo of ltf"uu!acltwerr., Decat'I!T, Railway 1lInuct,.... Olltl for the pOl'l.rnltH 11'C"luols, nnd tnmt8 Strays week ending February 16. (ullyor "lm'I!It!Ht ""heep, The (j1�U.I�, I!'wfuu, l'nuhl'Y, Sinole Ri':l(1 Elter (nl'tmted that Direct Route County--C. M. Chautauqua Knapp, Clerk. tl!a�f:,',,�\Vr-R:l't�'·OIIf.�i:;;�� ,�l For un in and uf �1·fn�,(:f���t!;,r;;l\��y08«?t,,���u�; poi_nts Kansas, C010Tlldo. New M('xico particulurs the 1ILQ1U:V Miler" are tlutki'lIO. TenJl8 Ub­ CLOSE'SONOUTSJDEOPNOSRI to�r���,�y��r�rl�(!(/����'�' ���� eral. Addl·Ct8 ?' CI\.1ifornla. 11lJd Texas. the other (\ l'('lIroon ��·���l�\'�;;'�!�ll�II�VII��.���� Willi hole In left ear,1I0 other marks HUBBARD BROS. 163 6th St.reet. KnnB.. CIty. Mo. observuble, cnch vulued at $8 �- C'h'�)�;li��RH��nRi'���r I 2 TraiXLs ::J:)a.i1y. Franklin oounty.-A. B. Sellers. olerk. RINGS AND HOLDElI. �������!�! The direct route for nil poiulsln the HEIFER-Taken UI> No\"('mlJcl" 1 188l by E 11crthn ill � Only Single Ring that clo'.s on (I bel fer ) . The ly ",111 I yr ohI, 110 marks or -0/ Ringthnt ��9' Ihe outside 01' the nose. No sharp ually keel' hOb'S from rooting. No In the nose It �:!'T�:���atitle',I��f�c�tl�� $')I�lte shnrp poInts in the nose. poluts to keep sore, EAST AND BElFER-Token eDect'l �Olll,!/ NORTH. up No\'('ml'l!l'1188t by J B Roulley In Franklin one bln

nrnl�S-Orccn quotnble at O\'c per lb. Uenvy grc.en 81llt Condensed News of the Week. ed (rutly cured) 7) 0, Ill\llllghtdio 8J-to. ntul dllmng,ut 6),0. null HillE'S O}{o, aud green do I\t5o. Long n,droll K-Ill \I.� der t61bs 10 per lb. Green SflltOl1 Onlf 1:\0; Llry suue.t hIdes In No.2 snltud uud sk Ina. price: dry fllnt I t to lArgO nnti-polygnmy meeting Chicngo. -Two InrQ"c wnr veeeete, wllh tholr �nll!, powder lult1 shot nc.uuu dry 'U nt 15 to ftml Deucouant Branded aurl In were once rcrIH'1'11 for the 140: dl'y cnlf 151,0 GOc, from $1 0,000 IUOIU!Y, 11ll'gt!st An Iowa. drunkard diad exposure. rent, otT. known dtruuomlbelnugtng to Iho H.1\jl\h of lhu-nud, hlt!('s nt' 15 per clover 18 to 20c dUfll uut I\I� ou nON In'--Ohulcc whHc quotnble nt IlIlr Several new tndictmonts ngniust star routers. -No fewer thnn aeveu It\u':U!\,t::f!S l'''1mkl'll In In 1I111e r"r nud (!I\rk u.c anre or Lake Nvussn In A(rlui\, whb-b l�ol\ly a.:;o mllp.� lb 91111\1IlJflckllgcs. 11\f'Uo puckngua, Is In health, nt I t to 10e. SII'I\\ueL.1 quotnbte lit 10 to ttu uer lb. Senator UlIl, or Georgtn precnrlous inlcllj::llh null natives Irom the southnru end CIIIIIIOI under­ quntnbte -Pct\t.!hlllllWS 011 to IlllOlcojl to stand those nl. tho unrtheru. J'OTATO Ii:'"' 1.1'1\ok-good bnuk at Lancaster Pa, A Dew Nntlnnnl organized uutne lhu steuk Ilt ntt ulfln qlUtllty Kl\le9 loU,11runl GOU teeL I<'an,) 1-100111. (�ld'DOlt. -A aertoua �1(lI-tUenIllOIl,lt .\'OUIlJt o51.rlcho!' has lIl'en sqnend­ $110 l'C1'L1U. nunrty ::5,-111_, four nreruu+nly wlihln the 1'1lligeofSi'(l to $"1, Enrly Rose quota­ Two Chicago uurglnrs sent to tho penllontlury Ing over SouthArrlcu for tho l'l\sl, Iew renrs. A JlO�t mor­ OAKLAWN FARM.-M. W. 1\111\ 10 for 0\0- DUNHAM, Proprietor, tem exumlnutlun tltsalosed the fnot t-hL\t thu ,!lsmlse WI\.9 bte lit $1 00 to I 10 1101' bu ror ohotoe western $t ycars. PAGE couunou sell:. (or tees WAYNE. DU OOUNTY. ILLINOIS. caused by myrtuda of minute worms ndhl'l'luA' to till! onu or Col' ElLSl.crn; stock l)oOaglOIHllly Il':;tlres: .. R. meet at Indl Ilt ror enoree 1\1111 SU to OOc ror fl\lr to Th. and I1ora. nr dln� Eotabllohm.nt In the World. Nearl, eGO of Itrdlann ,late ncampmcnt G. A. Ute etomnch. Tile tmportauce 0, the dlsccvery lIlay bv cs­ P('cl'ioss quoted $1 good Importing the choicest specimens of the Pcrchcron race hnve been added to It by direct importations from Fraa� Snuwtlnkes source IUIlI \vlll IJrlng $1 to 1 OS If cuotce, but nuapolts. tlmnted by considering the (not thl\t. eerrtcnes nrc "'orl-h .lueo 1872, nnd during seventeen months 867' have been imported. couuuou lmve to be dlacounted, � from to !OOO a pair: Dlustratcd of Per.berOD tree. Write for Arkansas in the re­ ,7[,0 containing history race, CaIa1oIfUO K. Six persona were drowned in Le-Tub- wnahed moo tutu 40 to .. tub-wnshed Cntal0ll'uc, -So (carfully docs ttllMl1tl blow Mer the Colornd Des­ WOO , go.,.' tc: cent fiooo. to Wt�hod nue to crt thnt it acts like t\ meehnulcnl "8nnd-uhl�l." The tele­ COI\l'l3C and dlngy:13 3(io. ueece, hcavy:30 weahed fleece Oue 87 to "00; wMbed Oeece. coarse ... the :l'.!o; llght 31, Del8ware match·malwrs are opposed to flny reduc grnJlh polesnrepollshed 1\9 slllooth 1\9 gIA '�sj I>Hll1t on w!\Shed medium 37 to UuwRshed, nne heAVY 18 Is worn ofT n.s clenn lUi I( Sernitcil and rulJued fleece. ":!o; tioD of tax on matches. elgn·posts to unwn.,hcd lUc:1.00'1.1n.1; 1;0 IIIId' Creek, 1\lichlgllU. G;ardeners. BUTTER-Per Ib-Cholce ..•...... , .35 u A recent teltgraphlc experlluent, oCa singular description .... IndiAna OHaESE-Perlb"" ". "...... 20 A. A. RIPLEY &. SON, 229 Kansas Ave., Topeka. .... Republlcnn stnte edltorinl IlSsoclatlon of consl!lts of the reading of lArge silvered letters, a squilre EGGS-Per

-. HlDES-Green "" " .06 -----�..------ilia" "," .00 Irish mO!18 hI successfully used as a mechanical Rgent for No, 2 ....11 Calf8 to 11\ Ibs _"...... 08 prevcnllng iucrmltnllOD In IIteam boller.J. Kip 16 to 25 lb. .07 the I Political Notes. ' .05 Bull and stag alD' Dryllintprime .1lI the of " Arresting Progress Consumption. No.2 _ .09 � Tho action or "COMPOUND OXYGEN" III nfn!stlng the IlfO· Tlje Cabinet Is considering Fitz Jolln Portcr's Dry &be grCf18 or pulmonary eonsunq:,tlon ll"s been so marked nnd s�.lted,J����::.::.::.:.::.: :,::.::::: :.::.: :�g case, beeJj cons�nnt in our odlnln\st.rntioll of, he new 1'renlment. that TALI,OW." .. " ... " .... "."...... 05 RHEEP SKINS...... 25@75 A bill is in preparatiOIl to Increase the strengtb we are warrnuted III saying thllt. if taken. in the ttlrl." "flOt�" � len wit!, thi� be' Grain. r &wei or our nnvy. tight out Q/ el!ff'y ptr&O/I.! otfuttcl d;8wu'mfyllt cured. ]n this disease, n.s e\'ery one 11:1 i\'II •• re, thu I'nl," hope Wh.olcsale cnslt prices by dealers, corrected weelt:ly •• n Edson·& Bee". The senate pa'lSed a bill to establish marine or the patient lies In the estllbllshment of n higher viLaI by , _1'1 hoopitul nt .Ycmp!;lis, condition. No\v COllI pound Oxygen Is nn agent thnt gives WHOLESALE!. ...

nl1l1 But we 100 .••..•.••.....•• .... 1.10 dlreclly this new higher vlt.allty. cannot \\'A EA1'-��r.. bu, NO.2; :, Ex·Llcut Gov. Is " appointed surveyor NoS .•••••••..••••••••.••••••••. 1,05 enl1lcslly urge tho necess t.y of uslllg this TreAtment In the Fall oC customs at Now OrlCIlTlS. FnIlNo·I,,, . 1 Oil .= very C(l71tmellcem�'lt of p,,(/IIonn,.y IrolllJle, and brjore I/U) di�· (JORN- Whlte .. .63 tflBt! lias made ally IJcri(JIUJ tIle 6YBte-ra mut reducetl " &reI inrow[81tpOn ...... ••...... •...... •• The apporl·io!IOlenl bUI passed Lhe Senate just as Yello'v .62 4Jatj lUI (In Too · II� power to COIl/end 1L'ith dU7IOCr'OILl enemy. many " .45 it came from the HltUsc. OATS-Perbn, ne", 11Ite of the CIl.SeS wlJ!clJ come to us are of 10f,g stmdlng, and the RYE - Per bu.... r "'1 .. .75 . - mbl - . ," ,., .•..� ,..60 Committee on lnter·state commerce is ar· chances tor· rod leal and permBDent. cure just 80 fnr remot� BARLE1(�f...�b..n hearing "'em 'l'hat. or ao n RETAIL, from ll- c.:om;:;ound Oxygen benefits, cnres, large pro· guments persous requesting henring. A is often as much a to ourselves as .. 4.00 of portion ortllesc, sUr)rlse 1'Lfuse to adopt Con· DrB, STARKEY &. PALEN, CORN OHOP .. 1,35 C. rB from declnir the election ner delegate Utah, and 1109 and 1111 Girard St·reet, PhlladelphlR, Pa. RYE OHOP . 2.(li.'

. Jy� , void, CORN & OATS .. , 1.75

" .. IIIId BRAN .. "" '" 1.00 Resolutions Introduced to afford nntional relief to 9HORTB " .. .Ili FOREST EVERGREENS. COTTONWOOO!' COTTONWOODl .he suffurers In t.he flooded dlstricls- in Tennessee, Mis· IIII� THE MARKETS. M for ARtlOR AMERI· and ArltdnSa" f2.ll0 Per VITiE, HEMLOCK, 1 to 10',000 trees, S� 110 per 1000. sissippl particularly. OAN LARCH AND SUGARMAPLB. 6 to 12 incites. $4.00 Lu( 10 to 25,000 tree8, 81 75 per 1000. for BALSAM aDd AMERICAN MPItUCE. Same fllze Wf'll mOl Honse a resolution 25 to 100,000 trees, 815U per 1000. unnnnmously passed approprl. THE STRAY LIST. moss. Addre88, B. L, KeUll. Pulatlne, Cook Co. two aling fIO.O,O to bo used by Secretary o( war I-..,r bcue. By Mail February 25, raCked)nllinois. Trees 2 to 8 feet h gb paeked and delivered at de· at above ff ordered before A 181. Ad· eltIJ fit at .ufferers by flood in Mississippi valley. pot. rate, I?rU (Continued from page seven.) drcB; HANS NIELSON, oft Tb. Bouse has a bill pending to authorize the T:a::� 8t. Joseph, Ho. Chicago. Strays for the weel< ending .aroh 1, ent to issue vaccine matter to the Clmuntrcial/ndicalor gOTamment pure peo· rel)OI'LS: Hla the General of the and market firm. Choice Anderson county-Tbos. 'W. Fester, olerk. pie lbrougb Surgeon army BUTTER-Very light receipts MARBLEHEAD intc selections, 35 to 3icj chOlce. 32 to 33cj medIum. 28 to 30Cj com The Bl}l1SC committee on war claims have IJ���eR;-;:l�rdn �rdIJB�e:r\��I�tM: agreed mono 2U to low 10 to 12c. ���.s�o1J�nre�vo� Hako. .opl 200j ,::-mde. lert hip, valued at �20 ChaIDDion Hay J 11 till to reporl f,worably bill to appropriate $2,000,000 10 but m.nrket at 200 doz. EGGS-Receipts Inrge steady per HEIIi"EB-Ahm by HaOle ahame time and place, one 2 yr pay the e alms at Pennsylvania for result. to 1 6ft b� helfer, branded 2 on leIl hlp. red In color nnd vnlued 8t Sweet Corn wit damages VEGliTADLES-PotntOC9. northern, ,140 per � ::I Early frOID Lee's invasion. to 2.'j to I swcet ,::� &IIa IDg nntlves,$125 130; onion!! ,1 DO; potatoes, red Is the most profitable of all, because It matures before 3n)' HEfFE ·-Also anmeat 8ame lime and one2 bu by place, yr i other kind, giving farmers complete control of the early mar. Iler �lOOi yellow, 125; celery, per bunch. 50 to lWej tur­ - be, red In branded:l on left. and valued at keto to be at a week ca.rlicr Fit. John Porter's cnse a I helfer, color. hlp 1 warrant it least than Minnesota, I. attracting good den of 50 to 60 to 760. nips i5c; parsnips, ,!g Narugansctt o� Crosby. and decidedly earlier than Dolly tlOt attention In political circles. Seuator i, Dutton, Tom Thumb or Enrly Doyntoo. Of sl:z:e of Minnesota. Logan FRESH FRUIT-Apptesgood to choice, per bbl, tsllO to MULE-Taken up by John West In Indian Creek tp, Feb � � to his Gen. Grant is of mule braudedJ on left 3 _, bitterly oppo,ed restoration. 6 76i cranberries til per bbl. shoulder, yrs a��t;:rJ, ���c�nc�h� o:;g���:s ;n��������: :0 sc���u�r s���: be< has'been done Porter. �t!�;'ay�:���c�glnre 5' Cy express, $3,00 .. 'fn catalogue, (free to ali,) are emphatic "pinion thatlnlusticc OHEESE-No ofTericgs eXCf!llt of halt·sklmmed, Fun mtl HEtFgll-Tnken up by Ch .. Reynold, In Rich tp Jan 15 m� crealD ellStern, He; Kausa.9 cream, (anc" 10 to llc per lb. heifer. red and white spolLed, slit In recomJ'AeMd��iJ�SJ'.O�R1f�O���tf:��in::;BAD. MASS. A guano scheme o( �rand dlmeoslons I, coming rJght g: lab POULTRY-Dressed In Jarge receipt, but 8tendy. and !::'v�1�:l�toJl� '" to light The echeme of operations was on tbe Pe' OVI market finn. Live, Domlnal; old hens &275 per dozenj old clean from the I ruvlan coast. Bntler olerk, Thl, rake gathers tbe hllY perfectly MAILED FREE Soverill seuators and One member Of mixed 00 to 2 25 doz: ducks - llve county-C. Y. Strong, Iatj ,2 fler per doz; turkeYII. swath; wlll gatber from 500 to 700 pounds at one load HODse arc mentioned RORSE-Taken tit> b\' Frnnk H lrrlwm In Fernnndo tp, dec • tbe as knowing 6 to 7c per lb, ...·rc.alJ Btock-tlressed chickens H to 9c per Ibi and It to the stack. The Rake Is guided by the somethlnl( one bl\y horse ILlJIHlt eli:ht years old. white ri1Ce and both carry about and an It, Investigation Is talked about. dressed turkeys 12 to 12�Cj dreas�d ducka, ,6 to Be; geese 4 to hlnfl feet White llbont IUlI( "I\V to gambrll lJrand resem­ Bpl a 60n lert. no other mark' valued 6c per Ib, Hgure tLlig-h, viSible, ��eM{ tl\tl��vethebki�!�!����:dwl���I�,t�nth;u�I��J Il101 To the bill whleb proposes to place Gen. Grant on ��I,�� to tbe stack anll backed froUl under the hay, which HA. Y-Receillts fnlr and market steruly. Strictly choice mil the reLlred lI.t Sen.tor Bayard offered an Amend. IImnn holeti, �U 00 to 950i choice SIDBU baled t8 00 to 8 75; Brown E. olerk. ���!te:;g h;�i\� ��: !:�� het! to county-·John Moon, �Snl:�:.r� r!�� t���ec:� ment peDslon all ex·presldeats-Iost, Bill red 00 to 7 00. thus pn,sed $6 STERR-Taken up Nov 1188dbv Marloll Jones In from 10 to l� Bcros per day, SB.vlug wtnrowtug, &Dj Irving Rakes the senate by 35 to 17. All the o.t Ib tor cake No.2 ronn DO 1Illuka 01' eto. Parties wtshiug to purcbase Republican, voting, TALLOW-Steady 6�o per No, lj 7cj bcunds, shuoklng. IDE �'�'l��: �I�$tlt:u s�eer, yea�Ung. will order Inducement. olfered to and live I!emocrdts, and Dayl., of Illinois, voted aye, 6), to 6c.· please early. n""ur8 and Ageutl, ODI GREASE-Whlte8to browD 4 to 6)�0 per1b! 4)':>j light 1P.a.... An amelfl:lment, to the postofflCe approprlaton � on�'�r�r���n ;IEr ����l ��I? �i�YtU�lrt�\�:. :)�1.r.fI:���:S: Temtory JOT yellow, 60. wark� with 8waUow fork In right ear. valued at, 15 For prices and bill """ the Postmaster Gen. ad�pted authorizing DRIED FRUITS-MBrket steady. Apples 6 10 7cj peaches OOW-Tnken ur Nov 1 188t. hy :ho� 1�\Urle b MI!8lon parlieularsS�d�.r�'i't..LII,ANJ'), :j in aud Manuf"ctllrer. the eral, any case wnere a contractor Hub·let!! his can. 6 to 7c. tp one white 2) rold cow witb ronn calfa Illonths olu, val· Proprietor ued ul Mo. at a ttl Monroe Olty, tract ]ower rate than ha cOlllrncled [or with the SALT-Weql1ote Lake$195In car IOl\d lots. We MARI<;-Tnken up Foh n 1882'by 'V A Wngoner In'Walnut to contract witn FL.�XSEEn-OIl bn.sls or govcrllmeut, ul.roctly the second pUle $115, tp. nile bay IIlIH'C:I yrsl)I_1 prl-!lL, flOIll� white on eacb hluu _II parly. li'URS-QuoLul.lons Ilre: DEUll(ers,llll'ge nnel well furred 50c root IlIlfl 5111ull Slllr III forehcnd, valued at �5 • 1 do small nlld w('ll furred 30e; otLer�, ca3elJ, dark sllkY,ller. �TEgR-Tnk· n III,lJy David EVAn" III Pndonin 'Jl Dec 11l Ina of Indiana met in staLe convention 1891. (llIe Ilrlulll" "Icltr:! thick IJrauucd 0 or ",Greenbackers fect, � 00 to to 1)0; ot.ters, rerldlsh � 00 to 600: faxes, CI'OKi y,." ohf. horus. (;i on left hll', VUIUll� at $ltl Xn at tho 22d nIt-about two hundred Walnut Inrtla.napolls 00 to 4 00: do rC11 75c to "0 40 to wlid 10 Black �2 $1 OOj gray 750: cut, the delegtl.lca Ilrc"cnt, They puL in nominnLion 8. stH.te to 3.:"c; musk rnt, 3 to 12cj IIllnk.ld.rge and dark UOI';OPOS!:lUIU, Chase oounty-S. Breese, olerk SEEJDL:I:N'G-S. ticketS •• for tho next November election: '1'he plat. 5 to 10c: bt·nvcra 75c to $200i mccooua, Inrge, dal'k t. One year old, �pleodld stock. �rI"u. 8200 per 100. form of 5 SI5 1."00, rutes on large lots. �all.plt'" ns; 1s..�J wns rO·fLdoptcd. and also fL res\:)Iution sqnare, clean, 211 to GO!..'; tl{uuka, nil 75cj do Khol'L stripe ���,TpRi4:I�'�·�:l !IJ��l'il�hl�el�;,I�J�:\�N I�K �:���swtr.{I�g� per Spedal lIt'lly, \'ulueli U,tf,I:!' Relit 011 receipt uf Flc for pUl5lage. Grf'gg nl1 1 Mtuu· Il1o< favorin[{ tncRIlbrniS310n to the of 6Oc, do tong slrlpc. 10 to 2Qc; prairie wolr 50 to wc. people the proposed STI�KR-T'lkell DAVid Sauble In ('..tltton,vood up by t.I), ller amendment:! to WOOl..-I"lnc heavy, un 'Mllell J.I to Idcj One 18 t( the cOnstilUtion on woman suffrage lighL }-" tl II) 1�2, olle Yf'B'lllig stl.'4'l'. red nllll white, lU'flllfll'tl:j ��:rc(i� �l�L."o:�?:�ctYJ�����les��II;;';g��e�ltl�rt AJ:!�6i:;� and 2Zc: JOerl\ullt fine 18 to 23c: tllb wasbed 38 to IOc: Colomdo r1�htbiJl, both eu.1'8 ero.·lled, left eur apllt, uud villucu aL Ohio. aDd WOBK'or -:rI 1I�Ilf>r prohibition, Following i. t! e ticket 00, GARFI•• find New Mexican 14 to 2Oc: or 3 10c $:1 A.nlll 'he C;OIllI,lc'" I!'it 01ELD blnck. to ',r� ttlC Dominated, burry 8POlWU , !CS:i. MI!t�ourlli to 23<:: Kuma'l, mctllulIl 18 t.o :?'�, Jaokson oounty-Ilhn Q. Mvers, olerk Secrelllry or State-,IlIam F. Leonard, Ohase TRIAL OF CUITEAU. SEEI)�-Quot"tlons nre B.!I as follows: Millin, common. STgl':lt-'l'llkell UI' John ill � COUllly, lIy p.olghrny WflHhlnglon til, 1000 Cattle or Wanted. Br ,Joba 4lIark Rlclpatb, LL. D. Two .olumel U one 011 Sheep castor bll rell steer, lil'fiuilell h·f" hill with leiter II, Bo1d al Lh� o�c iOe; Gennllll, �I 25; Hungarian, 70c; per �'en.rllllf.C In one. prl!'!n of book. 800 JlGQ'ea. N. Armatrout, Clinton $t 50, while 1U fl\CC, uu lteuU nUll left finn "0 nwl vnlued at. ilkfltrctcd. 10 in �udl'.or-J, counly. 'Ve want to herd ('attle or Sheep on our ranch Eiegltnl!1 EII=ll�l! (,lea·Ulaa. ] rea.sUTCr '$n;l.J JONas -.101111 Wells BOGS-Rcceillts. 6,000: common togood were tame, rnog.;'_�i:.l" 00.. aa�::J. c...... � ._ St�dcbaker. couuty. M .... RF.-Tnken up b.v D H In WRShlngton tfl. nne Inl1eOlOtofi6ii areot.alOe irl�g!\r ." Altorney Ocncrlll-l\[. W. Leo, Delaware count.y. Illlckln�nm1811lpplnK hlghel'nt Itl:"e with st.l'llle In fuco, rlghL bInl1 foot wlJlte ��I:�)Bt �ob�nJ!e8Ai�s!,o{.,.;����1��,t'�nc��;::y.Dr�lrrh��a f.6iO to 715; ami Inrli to 7 75: vlltue( at "ltd salt c,u,tle for $15 pcr ,hundred he"d per month. I SdrI\)llIIY$:!5 �' Lnr �st I:ltoCk 0f a.II I A adlng � Illst:uetlon-Cnrlton ' call and sce. Our ranoh h� well wu.ter�d Hownrd hoW' aULlve Ilntl st.l'onger ,030 to 6 65; And For sheep, Delivered abo.rd conuty, rnnglng IIllips Linn H. olerk. � of catlle. lre oounty·-.l. lbdden, und tlm.bered , and wll! support (JOO heud valledes, cullR. $5 25 to GOO. ,car. Ilt KIUJs•• CI'y" iii per OIerk Supreme Conrt-Jarrat Salter. 'FRIW HIl:RNER. I mc Floyd .• un connly. 9,000; Rnd ER. Swee't·g p·o;1I1 rat,. large Thcnomiuotion of CATTLJo;'-Recelpts, shlppingcatUe hlghpr firm, ��"1�;�1 T:�����, ����;!tI�ul��tCL:l��Jtrl\l\� Ye7 FRED JiEV Supreme courL was re­ 27�11;i���Td��rk\ lOiS. I 50 .. In }I"y lei judge8 ruir hlud fuot whlle Ilrnuntl •.no mllrks ol·bran.19 ,000 plaut. $:JOO;"IIlCdIUID t5!!ll t06-10: �ood.&5 50 to 6 K5: choice, 6 70 edg� ------ferred to the State Central committee. June. tlcnd for Price Ie� Uenoral Weav. 6 ()O; butcher alOct.: In ralr to 3 MULE-Ttlk'ln UJllly .Ioltnl\l Atki sCln In Centreville tp 111"rrel request., cowa, ,250 \)0: buns, el I. allrJreslllng the committee hultet lnarka on )105C, L�8�. to,nIKht. Rev. Gil fa 6(l to 4 bOj steerll, $4 20 to 6 on, slocken nnd reeders YCarce � 88 �·��:I�elr:ii[.�n��; �1�L���sl:�:lt'!e��al�Te ltlorL De LaMatyr ['reoldent of the ntH] IlCUVf: 00 to -I I Potato frO committee alld at,,'1 75. Merllam,'�I;-n��t��'K8B. F. I�! �e�:!�I�t���!!PI� I predlcta Lbo ultimate success of the Lyon oounty-Wm. olerk, N�t!on41 Labor BHEEP·-Rcoclllt.s 700; rnlrly neUva M �4 to G 6:0. Ewing, gnorl regions llre wallt� air BTEltR-Takcll un by Rus" 1l��loues In Plkft tp on 1st • of this Greenback party. CORN-61ccuh; onte, 40<:. cuh; 28 to 170. day NIAGARA ed to pl .. ut lIineva'ds PRAO'l'IOAL FARM AND GARDEN 1 butler. 40; eggs 1l00KS FOR roan HtCi!r 2 yl'8 oil, no ulI\rka or b11lnd8, lu· .19' ------�.------��:�:;::ll::i2.�me mo.t promising of all �rap.s to whom 8peclul A will lind fur vln.8 and FlorISt. Il\eam·tlRht cement. whloh 1.11 MIt! to be to HOnSi';'-Tllken W ducemen�. be given paym American,.Botanist IIUlK:lr{or the .an.a. Clt�. up by S tiarllm In Jaokson tp (''0 th., 8 ot fruit. Address ordh•• mtLde cflnllD�en' ALPHONf:lO 'VOOD. r1whtte nnd TeC:1 lead umenL, Ie CJlJLl\lned one 2 yr old bay iJOl"tie, no mark! or brallds, upon pro'duct.lon Dy � by mlxlnl CATTL"E.-R.culpta 330 nnd ahlpmenu 422 llead. The THE NIAGARA GRAPE CO., Lockport, N. Y. Ilx pnn. or �:l��� ���.!J8S:: COl tlnfly pulverl7.ed plumhago. thret .. of 11art.!!. of'Iak market to·dny Will ftrrn and fntrly neUve, but the otrerlugft Manual Soientific AgrIoultnre. ed Ume, e1A:hL paTU o( lIulphale o( bnryteA anet te"en Shawnee T. E. M. pgNDLETON. flaru we'tlO lIRht.th1\t trolling WM chlellyln R retail lJCml. oounty-GOo. Gilmore. olerk. By ,r botJrd IInaeed way. BERRY BOXES. PEACH 011. Tbe.te Inr.redJenta mUit be STEEft-Tnken "i' In Mift!lnn J G one rffi. will be "ent to • InUrn...... \nlUlet "ere: ...,20 ror commOn_nMlTe' to ,160 ror h.v ?tll11er, � Either of nle roresrolng any lihtJWII poe\ . large .. addreHsA , ....t...... White IJIX1\a. tr.udldLluOL braud on right BAsKETS, eto paid. on receipt or .fJ,lIIt. A. 8. BARNES & 00., PUbUab. eblpJdn.lteeri. .-::- or 8t New PlJrk.. \;i:��'��Ft\,:::e,:ti��U W. Wells ok Co., St. Joe. Mleb en.lll &. 113 WUlIllW •• ...