ESTABLISHED 1863. TOPEKA, KANSAS, MARCH 1. 1882. VOL. XX. NO.9 I them on thouOl8nd. ofbl,Jg The morning ••••Ion WIlS opened by a leoture by the crop. This last yenr I,p.tJ" one man In Brown not try Iho Catalpa ailaln unless could Hct besl trlends. NotWithstanding, trees 0...,,, wind are In o( Ignorauce THE KANSAS FARMER. Prof. Shelton on "Farm Experiments," -Agriculture .county nearly 1700 for about 40 acres of broom corn, north side of some other break. They annuallp destroyed consequence and benefits to be derived from Is the creature of experIment, and the difference be­ and It WIIS one of the drouthy years Kausas. have too heayy a foliage for tb ls windy country. of thelr habitll the milk contrar It should be the destre or twoen old and modern agrlculture 10 that we can rive Holten, Jaokson Co, K.... E. ASHTON. Wishing to learn more lIbout 'heCooley can', them. On tbe y Parmer THq The XaUIa. CompaDY, Proprietorl, we tried them with the milk to their lives and tbell good reason for what we do now: Ten years expert­ hope those wbo have everybody preserve promote KaDIa•. shall we It? W,ll not some 01 Topeka, mont. on the f�rm wIth wheat show lin aver­ .rom two or throe cow. will give U8 .. lIttio IIghl tnurease. But bow do college Notel, " Way In the of 13 bushels acre. co'ting 56c 1 per bu; oats 29 through the FARIlKn. F. W. BAKER. our wise ones, Proresaors AgriculLural CoUege, age per To. the EdItor of tbe KansM Flinner: Feb. 18. or us the common names or our best bu. 22c bu: ba 16 bu. per ocre, eo.tlng Naomi, Mitchell Go , others, give cOsting per rley the or J. E. Guild. of Silver Lnke, Througb courtesy such clear a. sbait enable 59c; mangles BIZ bu. per acre 10c per bu; mil­ frlenda, with descriptions costing Kas visited his farm. th" Ca , YOllr correspondent pltnl them at and al81 let 2 one-fifth tons, costing SZOO par ton. The small Forest Culture. any ODe to recognize sight, giv View Stock Farm, so called because the state cal'iUlI that we ratber than corn like the Is the most successful. The To their hablts 01 11 re so may help Klnl!' Philip Is visible 'rom hi. tnrm. Mr. Guild I an the Editor or the Kansns Farmer: plainly Increase? And will not the kind edl­ of to whe�t an I corn did . prevent their Holton Farmers' Institute. application plaster notglve of Red As yet forest tree growtu in this county bas not entbusl ustlc and successful breeder Jersey in w&s more sue­ tora of the FAR�{ER e.llo\V as much space their pa· our Rny materlai results but with Alf.lf" been ntenrled wi .. h results. Most all On [From apeclnl correspondent.) hog", They are not 8. "razor backed" animal either. good groves to be thus as be nccessary? ce...ful. timber claims or homesteads have been In per occupied may This Institute held forth In the court house the 16th but a solid. wcll formed. healthy a"d thrWy breed . fd.lIures, We have had a most winter thus far and . corn the best 'methods of plantiDg at least have had fnllures a delightful 17th inst and was a of the DrillIng proved He a of lind Princess shorthorn part ;but while the many ·and attended by number hRS tine lot Mary fed on an Increase of bu. of corn to the acre. aaa callsequence stock Is looking well. though corn, gIving 8� few have had success, planting the same k.ind of practlcal farmors of Jackson county. Tho atten-tance cattle. HIs farm of 1.000 acres Is crosscd dlAgonnl:y at and corn foddcr and a hlrt;c a.mouut An experiment of "suckertag" corn showed It. 1089 of trees and on the same kind of soil. The whole secret hay only. was not auch as should be at such by the Big Soldier Oreek, ouo of the nicest gRlherlngo, owing mnklug becn done a tory to sprtng plane. four bushels to the acre. Gratn Is found not to shrink of success 18 in the ts the plowing hue p-epar to a lack of adverttsiu of this Instltuto. The exer- natural stock farma I have seen. the way ground prepared, � December there was not a day when If IIw"y lu bins in II dry condition. Harrow the seeds or trees are and the ing. During were put good We drove 25 mites serosa the to way planted way tbey cises, bowever, quite interesting. country Holton, frozcn too hard to Ice haa and wheat an Increase of bu to the groun-\ was plow. ProC. Ward, State dellvoreolll Ing roiling gave 2}!1 pa'slng the stock farm of the Small Bros. Here are cultlvnted. Forest growing is a vital question Agricultural College large frozer. to a inches thrck on stili water. the acre. slock should be done regularly with us. We must succeed in trees ir we only 2� Iecture on "Cn-operatlnn." l'be of Fe�dlllg we found more Jersey Red swtne a.nd shorthorn cat­ growing working together Wbeat Is worth 81 00 per bu: corn GOc; oats 5Oc; aud proved that It patd to give live stock would make westcrn Kunsas what it should be. If a of Individuals for a oommon end. -He first experience tle. mnlr.e a 01 the above body 'fhey speclall), breedtng 82 00: butter 25c. not 80 much we we m potntoes 8150; apples egg. 15c; good shelter, besides, tbey do require can't .. �t to a who can gave the result of co-operation In commerce and named IIvo stock, nnd also the Plymouth Rock poul- give place people Ancerson Co .. JRll. 2·1. MAC, feed. Each bu of corn fed to pounds The fllct thnt a few have succeeded is evidence that Garnett, 8clenco. Corporations and co opersuons differ In hO!:8 g�v. 10}!l try. ,'" of pork. E Guild has the finest flock 'of Plymouth Rock the soil nnd climate nre not at fdult. money and manhood controHng them. corporations J, Several Matters. was followed II on "InOuence and Bronze I ever saw, We need more lnformatton on the of forest Important are controlled by the former. Th!slecture by paper poultry turkeys subject Corporate powers To the Editor of the Kansas Farmer: or Fores's on Prof. which was We the east the Potillwatomle tree The best for [L to should be put under restraInt as the abuses In Cltmate," by Walters, passed 1I10llg growing. way community get creep lIne"r L. E. Mason cnqulres abont In full last week. .. most exccllenl of eleven reliable information 011 the Is to 8. King Pbllip Corn, under the mo.n!lgoment, as the ." all with tho most published Reservatlon, lIoJy land, subject organize this llS tin I It for several years The Professor'...ddress was followed a talk on miles ..nd should be thrown for cultlva­ horticultural in early variety. pla.nted money and lea,t prlnclples'exercl,es the greatest in­ by square, open boci�ty. Evp.ry township trceless ns flO but the l er acre \'0.880 small Jersey Red J. E. Guild, View Stock tion. "estern Kansas shOUld have one or lwo horticultural early feed, yield fluence. There have been many vain attempts to hogs by Cllpltol The Camel Is to In June with the later varieties tbat [discarded It F"rm, Silver Lake. His with thIS br.eo Ulliverslty expected open societies. woulll the won· comp"red 0: ganize socIety and remove evils. The experience They beo,utiry landscape exlstlug at A small for early feed in a. season has been quite successful and he re Holton. lu five time. oflhe nltogeLher. piece reform mmt come the iudlvidual and char­ enthllslastlcally derfully years' saying nothing through The hotel at Center Is one of the fin­ of Ilke this be IIdvlsable, but do not commends tbem to the farmers lind .. them for Dispatch Clay thou"IRnd other to be derived from nn abun scarcIty might Jen is the mean" to accom· prefe blessings it.r. Co·opora.tl "golden in sud is the of It WOUld for use. nil purposes. Tbe afternoon Besslon wa. devoted to CRt hotels KanlilH.s, prorlnct newspaper dance of Lanark the in think pay general plish thlll. It is the reverse of Co­ forest, township. youngest competition. 'Vo.lton and l ditors of the ALFALPA. It. discussion of nnd corn. H. enterprise. Vulentinc, the has 8. horticultural th j or, operative associations are facilities of hedges cO'Juty, society, only consumption, The hotel is one of thc J. E. Hall. Barbour grass was .own Di8patch, proprlelors_ most of the kind In the county,-Thls dlstr:butlon or credit. Co-operation brln"s forth the ganizlLtion county. May thcre comfortable in the state, H. here five years ago by J. R.lIlackshlre I<ithseed from Broom Corn Boon be more. is my prayer, S. M. STRA YER, best quallUe. of sklll and commerce. in Kansas. .. Competition California, For th� first two yenrs success was doubt olten leads to adulteration. Stookton, Rooks Co., Feb, 8. NOW, H the cllpital used 1st. The upland pr.. lrle grows 11 Oner and eveuer here It seemed much ------- seed Corn ••'0-------- ful, but nftersowillg grown ,tor exchange was put Into stores the brush tblln RaiSing. 1!00perative pro- tbe bottom Illnd, IIlthongll with eXDOri- nnd �:rr. B. now cous:ders it u.
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