News. in Brief
\ \ i " • _r' - ..,," • ",,' ;,-,. _, __ 'e" __ .' •• ,":F'~--$*';':f\~~~ ......x. _fA .~ - ~ ~.,,=~. '" ;'-'~"'~")~}.";.;'.--...,,-,,: :-)","".":': ';.:- ...:s_-:)·:~'j·::·~:;-:~~~~-";'~~E:): ,.:\_: :"""<"':"'::-' .t"::' ~,:, ,.... -:.-'':''7'.-."'. -' - , .:: it. ~, ..... ,.1<- . .,," _.'" . c.".,"';", •. , ~ .., '-, -, ',- ,. ~ ....,. 3'- . .- -... .,.. .... , -_ .. - - :-.. ~-".~-. ,..... '? '. ( :~t; .~ • , }~j,i r , . , '. 16 - THE JEWISH POST, n;ursciay. December 14,1978 ,. ..' ' . , .. -.-'" .....:. .; i . " ! '-~--""'-"-'" News., in Brief. , Jerusalem (JCNS) - Israeli security forces using bulldozers knOCked down the homes of two West Bank men, both accused of terrorist ac- tivities, '.. ,.\ , . One of the' houses, in WUwan village, north of Jerusalem,. near , , Ramallah, was owned by Akram Abdulah Rabm!lD, accused of heading ! :. a polltical assassination squad which murdered' prominent West Bank ~.,'. /' " , \ residents. for allegedly co-operating with· Israel. Rahnianwasd!1,~ined .~~t1~~i~t'~ii,<:\;~:'> r/" . I ! ~, some months ago.' ,';·,d" , ._ ..... _, ..... ,., ..: .. 'f /.,.j I The owner o{.the.,9therjlouse, i!!. a '1llagE!near Na,blus,is th9ught to .' " Oli/est and Lsrgiist'i/fnYlo4ewlsh W6Bk~1i1W"stern C~ada ',., .• '. ' Ii'® J v' 'j'; • ~ havefl¢d to' Jo~n' after three .0thEir·iJ!emhers'0( his group Were Candia lighting tlma FrldaYls":1~ p.m;' .Shabbat encis:,5:20 p.m. By mall In Western Canada $10 / ~ , .j arrested. .' ", .. , , .' ... ' ... ' '. '. ' '~.- "'.' '" ,.." Vol. UV No. 47-48 21. 1978 21 Days In Kisiev , .;:;;: " · 'Felicia Langer, the Israeli Communist lawyer, obtained a Supreme WU\~"'IPEG. THURSDAV',I?E~EIIII~ER 'b ". /'. /' Court stay on the demolitions, but by the time she notified the military authorities, the demolitions had already been carried out. , Mter the demolitions, the villagers complained to the Red Cross and . , ~. ,/ :, newspapermen, while women danced and chanted .slligansiri support of i . Yasser Arafat, the Palestine Liberation Organization.Jeader.
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