AMARANTH Host to predatory ground beetle ANISE Host to predatory wasps which prey on . deters pests from brassicas by camouflaging their odour Helps repel thrips flies and mosquitoes BAY LEAF Sprinkle dried leaves with other deterrent herbs (bay leaves, cayenne pepper, and peppermint.) in the as a natural insecticide. BORAGE Deters horn-worms and cabbage worms BUCKWHEAT The white blossoms attract beneficial insects that control aphids, mites and other pests.The beneficials it attracts include, hover flies, predatory wasps, pirate bugs, insidious flower bugs, tachinid flies and lady beetles.

CARAWAY The flowers attract a number of beneficial insects especially the tiny parasitic wasps. CATNIP Deters flea beetles, aphids, Japanese beetles, squash bugs, ants, weevils and mice CHAMOMILE Host to beneficials - hover-flies and wasps CHIVES Help to keep aphids away from tomatoes, mums and sunflowers. CHYRSANTHEMUMS Kills root nematodes. It's flowers have been used as botanical for centuries. White flowering chrysanthemums repel Japanese beetles.

CLOVER Attracts many beneficials. Useful planted around apple trees to attract predators of the woolly . inter-planted with cabbage has been shown to reduce the native cabbage aphid and cabbage-worm populations.

COMFREY Good trap for slugs. CORIANDER Repels aphids, spider mites and potato beetle COSTMARY This 2-3 foot tall perennial helps to repel moths DAHLIAS Repels nematodes DILL Attracts hover-flies and predatory wasps. Repels aphids and spider mites to some degree

ELDERBERRY A spray made from the leaves can be used against aphids, root fly, cucumber beetles and peach tree borers. Put branches and leaves in mole runs to repel the moles.

FOUR O CLOCKS POISONOUS USE WITH CAUTION IF YOU HAVE CHILDREN OR PETS! Draws Japanese beetles like a magnet. The foliage is pure poison to them and they die very quickly.

GARLIC Repels moths, Japanese beetles, root maggots, snails, and carrot root fly. Concentrated garlic sprays help to repel and kill white-flies, aphids and gnats

GERANIUM Repels cabbage worms and Japanese beetles

GOPHER PURGE Deters gophers and moles.

HEMP Deters many kinds of beetles which attack brassicas

HORSERADISH Deters Colorado potato bugs

HOREHOUND Attracts many beneficial insects

HYSSOP Repels cabbage moths and flea beetles.

LAMIUM Repels potato bugs

LARKSPUR Attracts and poisons Japanese Beetles

LAVENDER Repels fleas and moths, and coddlin moth


LEMON BALM Sprinkled as a powder, this works to deter many bugs, including squash bugs.

LOVAGE Provides good for ground beetles which prey on other pests.

MARIGOLDS Keeps soil free of nematodes, deters many insects. Attracts red spider mite and slugs

MINT Deters white cabbage moths, ants, rodents, flea beetles, fleas, aphids and improves the health of cabbage and tomatoes

MOLE /CASTOR PLANT POISONOUS! Deters moles and mice. Drop a seed of this in mole runs to drive them away

MORNING GLORIES Attracts hover-flies which eat aphids

NASTURTIUMS Deters aphids, squash bugs, and striped pumpkin beetles. Deters wooly aphids, white-flies, cucumber beetles and other pests of the cucurbit family opal basil May repel horn-worms

OREGANO Plant near broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower to repel cabbage butterfly . Plant NEAR cucumbers to repel cucumber beetle pARSLEY Use as a tea to ward off asparagus beetles. Attracts hover-flies

PEPPERMINT Repels white cabbage moth, aphids and flea beetles. Attracts bees and other beneficials

PETUNIAS Repels the asparagus beetle, leaf-hoppers, some aphids, tomato worms, Mexican bean beetles and general garden pests

POACHED EGG PLANT Attracts hover-flies which eat aphids

RADISH may protect squash from squash borers. deter cucumber beetles and rust flies. Lure leaf-miners away from spinach

RHUBARB Protects against black fly

RUE Deters aphids, fish moths, , onion maggot, slugs, snails, flies and Japanese beetles in roses and raspberries

SAGE Deter cabbage moths, beetles, black flea beetles and carrot flies

SUMMER SAVOURY Deters cabbage moths, Mexican bean beetles, sweet potato weevil and black aphids

SUNFLOWERS Keep aphids under control

SWEET ALYSSUM Attracts hover-flies whose larva devour aphids

TANSY Deters flying insects, Japanese beetles, striped cucumber beetles, squash bugs, ants and mice

TARRAGON Deters a wide variety of pests

THYME Deters cabbage worms

WHITE GERANIUMS Kills Japanese beetles

WORMWOOD TOXIC TO ANIMALS! deters most insects

YARROW attracts predatory wasps and ladybugs

ZINNIA Attracts hummingbirds that eat white-flies