Optical Lattices and Artificial Gauge Potentials
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Optical Lattices and Artificial Gauge Potentials Juliette Simonet Institute of Laser Physics, Hamburg University Institute of Laser Physics Institute of Laser Physics Projects in Sengstock's group Unconventional superfluids in higher bands J. Simonet / K. Sengstock . Explore new orbital states. Find new paths to higher bands. Interaction-induced topological properties. … Ultrafast & Ultracold J. Simonet / M. Drescher / K. Sengstock 215 fs . Instantaneous creation of ions and photoelectrons. Hybrid quantum systems. Cold electron wave-packets. Ultracold plasma. - e Rb+ . Coherence transfer in quantum matter. e- detectors . … Ion detector Projects in Sengstock's group Topological band structures Ytterbium quantum gases C. Weitenberg / K. Sengstock C. Becker / K. Sengstock Validity of the Chern number Validity of bulk / edge equivalence in interacting quantum gases in interacting quantum gases Lithium quantum gas microscope Quantum hybrid systems C. Weitenberg / K. Sengstock C. Becker / K. Sengstock / R. Wiesendanger BEC in an optical lattice Towards strong correlations in small systems coupled to a nano-mechanical oscillator Optical Lattices and Artificial Gauge Potentials Some model Hamiltonians in solid state physics are still unsolved U H J a a ' nˆ (nˆ 1) l, l , l, l, ll ' , 2 l, Numerical simulation Cold atoms simulator Scales exponentially in size with N State of the art: 40 electrons Build up the Hamiltonian „Look“ at the ground state 6 Optical Lattices and Artificial Gauge Potentials Part 1: Build up the Hamiltonian Optical Lattices Non-interacting properties (band structure, wave functions) Hubbard models Cold atoms simulator Part 2: Read out the quantum state Probing quantum gases in optical lattice Mapping phase diagrams of Hubbard models Part 3: Beyond Hubbard models in optical lattices Topological properties and transport Magnetic phenomena for neutral atoms 7 Optical Lattices and Artificial Gauge Potentials Part 1: Build up the Hamiltonian Part 1 1.1 Periodic potentials from standing light waves 1.2 Bloch theorem and Bloch functions (single-particle properties) 1.3 Wannier functions and Hubbard models (interacting gases) 8 1.1 Periodic Potentials from Standing Light Waves 9 Optical Dipole Traps / Semi-classical description e H .E Dipolar Hamiltonian ω 0 ω L g er Electric dipole operator 2 e | | g 2 Laser light far detuned: perturbation theory E E 0 L 0 2 3c 0 E 3 I 20 ∆>0 : atoms trapped at the intensity minima ∆<0 : atoms trapped at the intensity maxima Far detuned laser + spatially varying intensity: Conservative trap See lecture Philippe Courteille: Lecture 4, page 98 10 Optical Dipole Traps / Trapping Potential • Gaussian profile of a laser beam • Optical dipole potential of 1 beam » Taylor expansion around the center 0 푥2+푦2 푧2 1 푚(휔2푥2+휔2 푦2+휔2푧2) 푉 푥, 푦, 푧 ≈ −푉dip 1 − 2 − 2 = 2 푥 푦 푧 푊0 /2 푧푅 » Weak confinement in z direction ( ) • Crossed dipole trap » Confinement in all dimensions » Typical values: » Gravitational sag non negligible Grimm et al. Adv. Atomic Mol. Opt. Phys. 42, 95 (2000). 11 Optical Lattices • 1D lattice » Each lattice site is a quasi-2D system (pancake-shaped, many particles per disc) • 2D lattice » Each lattice site is a quasi-1D system (cigar shaped, many particle per tube) • 3D lattice » Each lattice site is a 0D system (one or few particles per site) • Perfect Lattices » No defects (starting from perfect wave fronts) » No phonons » Typical values: 30 sites per dimensions, 105 atoms • Weak external confinement (Gaussian lattice beams) 12 Optical Lattices / Beyond retro-reflection • Super-lattices » Superposition of several lattices (e.g. lattices with orthogonal polarization or different frequency) » 1D: Lattice of tunable double wells » 2D: Kagomé lattice (2 triangular lattices) • Optical lattices in d dimensions » Interference pattern of d+1 beams is independent of the laser phases, only global translation » Interferences between more than d+1 beams: tunable lattice geometry Grynberg et al., PRL 70, 2249 (1993) • Aim » Getting closer to the complexity of solid state crystals » New physical properties: Dirac points, flat bands,… » New probing protocols Windpassinger and Sengstock, Rep. Prog. Phys. 76, 086401 (2013) 13 1.2 Bloch Theorem and Bloch Functions 14 Bloch theorem • Non-interacting particle in an optical lattice (1D Schrödinger equation) 푝ො2 2푚+푉(푥) 휓(푥) = 퐸휓(푥) » Periodic lattice potential: » Lattice vector: » Reciprocal lattice vector with 푛 푖푞푥 푛 • Bloch theorem for periodic potentials 휓푞 푥 = 푒 푢푞 (푥) » with cell-periodic functions on » Quasi momentum q » Band index n 4. Band 3. Band 2. Band Energy gap 1. Band 0. Band Bandl Figure: courtesy Dirk-Sören Lühmann 15 Eigenvalues / Band structure • Expand the periodic function as Fourier sum in (discrete) plane wave 푛 푖푞퐺푥 푖푘퐺푥 휓푞 푥 = 푒 푐푘푒 푘 with dimensionless quasi momentum , (푛) reciprocal lattice vector and Bloch coefficients 푐푘 • Periodic potential as Fourier sum • Insert the Fourier sum into the Schrödinger equation ℏ2 휕2 푛 (푛) 푛 − +푉(푥) 휓 (푥) = 퐸 휓 (푥) 2푚휕푥2 푞 푞 푞 by equating coefficients to we obtain • Eigenvalue equation for the coefficients ℏ2퐺2 ℎ2 퐸 = = 푅 8푚 8푚푎2 16 Eigenvalues / Band structure • Fourier coefficients for optical lattice potential (the others vanish) with • Matrix equation can be calculated numerically ( , ) as eigenvalue equation for each in units of • Block diagonal matrix 2휋 » Optical lattice couples plane waves that differ by 퐺 = = 2푘 푎 퐿 » Bragg transition from the two beams forming the standing wave yields momentum transfer 푘1 − 푘2 = 2푘퐿 푘1 푘2 17 Eigenvalues / Band structure • Fourier coefficients for optical lattice potential (the others vanish) with • Matrix equation can be calculated numerically ( , ) as eigenvalue equation for each in units of Figure: courtesy Dirk-Sören Lühmann 18 Eigenvectors / Bloch coefficients • Eigenvectors Lattice depth 푉0/퐸푟 2 8 20 푛 푖푞퐺푥 푖푘퐺푥 휓푞 푥 = 푒 푐푘푒 푘 n=0 • Bloch coefficients versus lattice depth q=0 » Weak lattice: only one momentum, free space solution » Deep lattice: many momenta, n=0 more localized in real space q=π/a • Bloch wave functions at q=π/a n=1 » Wave function localized at q=π/a q=0 (QM expectation value) » Tunneling (x → x + a): Wave function acquires a phase of π n=1 q=π/a Figures from: Dalibard, cours CdF 2013. Greiner PhD Thesis , Munich (2003) 19 1.3 Wannier Functions and Hubbard Model 20 1.3 Wannier Functions and Hubbard Model Build up the Hamiltonian Let us add ultracold gases • What about quantum statistics? Ground state for bosons & fermions? • What about interactions? 21 Wannier functions / Definition • Bloch functions » Orthonormal basis of eigenvalues of the single-particle Hamiltonian » Completely delocalized over the lattice • Ultracold quantum gases » Local interactions between particles (on a lattice site) » Best described in a basis localized in space! • Wannier functions » New orthonormal basis, maximally localized to individual lattice sites 푎 1/2 +휋/푎 Wannier function at site 푥 : 휔 푥 = 휓 푥 푒−푖푗푎푞푑푞 « 푗 푛,푗 2휋 −휋/푎 푛,푞 푎 1/2 • Inverse transformation: 휓 푥 = σ 휔 (푥 − 푗푎)푒푖푗푎푞 푛,푞 2휋 푗∈푍 푛,0 22 Wannier functions / Properties • Wannier functions for the lowest band for increasing lattice depth » Localization in space for large lattice depth 푉0/퐸푟 = (0, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20) » Orthonormal basis lattice sites (dashed blue line: Wannier function on the neighboring site ) • Wannier functions for higher bands » Orthogonal to each other » Similar to harmonic oscillator (nodes, alternating parity) Figures: Dalibard, cours CdF 2013. Fölling PhD Thesis, Mainz (2008) 23 Wannier functions / Properties • Wannier functions for the lowest band for increasing lattice depth » Localization in space for large lattice depth 푉0/퐸푟 = (0, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20) » Orthonormal basis lattice sites (dashed blue line: Wannier function on the neighboring site ) • Wannier functions for higher bands » Orthogonal to each other » Similar to harmonic oscillator (nodes, alternating parity) Figures: Dalibard, cours CdF 2013. Fölling PhD Thesis, Mainz (2008) 24 Wannier functions / Tunneling • Single-particle Hamiltonian in the Bloch basis +휋/푎 † 퐻 = න 푑푞퐸푛 푞 |휓푛,푞⟩⟨휓푛,푞| = න 푑푞퐸푛 푞 â푛,푞â푛,푞 푛 −휋/푎 푛 • Annihilation operators » â푛,푞 : Annihilation operator for particle in Bloch wave 휓푛,푞 » 푏푛,푗 : Annihilation operator for particle in Wannier function 휔푛,푗 푥 푎 1/2 â = 푒푖푗푎푞푏 푛,푞 2휋 푛,푗 푗 • Single-particle Hamiltonian in Wannier basis ′ † 퐻 = 퐽푛 푗 − 푗 푏푛,푗푏푛,푗′ 푛 푗,푗′ • Tunneling between lattice sites ′ 퐽푛 푗 − 푗 : matrix element of the Hamiltonian coupling two Wannier functions 2 +휋/푎 ∗ 푝Ƹ 푎 푖푗푎푞 퐽푛 푗 = න 휔푛,푗 푥 + 푉 푥 휔푛,0 푥 푑푥 = න 푑푞퐸푛 푞 푒 2푚 2휋 −휋/푎 25 Wannier functions / Tunneling • The hopping amplitude is given by the overlap of the Wannier functions 푝Ƹ2 퐽 푗 = න 휔∗ 푥 + 푉 푥 휔 푥 푑푥 푛 푛,푗 2푚 푛,0 • For increasing lattice depth, the Wannier functions become more localized and the hopping amplitude drops exponentially • Hopping over longer distances is much weaker and can be neglected (smaller than 1% of the next-neighbor hopping for 푉0 ≳ 10퐸푟) Figures: Dalibard, cours CdF (2013) 26 Hubbard Model / Definition • Hubbard Model (deep lattices) » Restriction to the lowest band (band index dropped from now on) » Only next neighbor hopping J † • Hubbard Hamiltonian 퐻 = −퐽 푏푗+1 푏푗 + ℎ. 푐. 푗 • Dispersion relation: 퐸 푞 = −2퐽cos(푎푞) » Width: 1D lattice → 4퐽, 2D square lattice → 8퐽, 3D cubic lattice → 12퐽 • Approximate analytic formula for the tunneling » Using the dispersion relation 퐽 4 푉 3/4 푉 1/2 ≈ 0 exp