Ch. 781] Acts of Assembly 1
CH. 781] ACTS OF ASSEMBLY 1 Item Details($) Appropriations($) ITEM 1. First Year Second Year First Year Second Year FY2005 FY2006 FY2005 FY2006 Department of Social Services (765) 357. Protective Services (45300)................................................ $141,637,137 $153,078,117 $144,487,137 $156,428,117 Foster Care (45301) ............................................................ $84,694,217 $91,745,105 $85,444,217 $92,495,105 Protection of Children and Youths (45302) ...................... $7,694,401 $7,694,401 $8,969,401 $9,469,401 Financial Assistance for Child and Youth Services (45303) ................................................................................ $47,298,371 $51,688,463 $48,123,371 $52,513,463 Comprehensive Services Act Administration (45305) ...... $1,950,148 $1,950,148 Fund Sources: General........................................................ $69,122,493 $75,793,063 $76,293,063 Special......................................................... $812,980 $812,980 Federal Trust............................................... $71,701,664 $76,472,074 $74,551,664 $79,322,074 Authority: Title 63.1, Chapters 3, 10, 10.1, 10.2, 11.1, 11.2, 12.1, and 18, Code of Virginia; P.L. 100-294, P.L. 101-126, P.L. 101-226, P.L. 105-89, as amended, Federal Code. A. Out of the amount for Financial Assistance for Child and Youth Services, $575,000 from the general fund and $400,000 from nongeneral funds the first year and $575,000 from the general fund and $400,000 from nongeneral funds the second year shall be provided for the purchase of services for victims of domestic violence, child abuse and neglect prevention activities as stated in §§ 63.2-1502.3 and 63.2-1615, Code of Virginia, in accordance with regulations promulgated by the Board of Social Services.
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