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Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03397-9 - The Late Poetry of the Lake Poets: Romanticism Revised Tim Fulford Index More information Index Ackermann, Rudolph, 274 Byron, Lord, 1, 11–12, 17–19, 27–8, 49, 51–2, 71, Adams, John, 78 73–7, 79–89, 95, 100–2, 109, 115, 127–8, Allston, Washington, 170 130–3, 137–40, 144, 148, 151, 155, 157, 217 Anti-Jacobin Review and Magazine, 11, 149 Cain (1821), 74 Augustan Review, 26 Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage (1812–18), 18, 88, Austen, Jane, 163 137, 155 Northanger Abbey (1818), 159 Don Juan, 12, 18, 47 Heaven and Earth (1821), 74 Banks, Joseph, 31, 43 Manfred (1817), 74 Barbauld, Anna Letitia, 10, 120 The Island (1823), 74–5, 77, 79, 86–9, 100 Bate, Jonathan, 207 The Siege of Corinth (1816), 100, 128, 137 Beaumont family, 114 The Vision of Judgment (1821), 75–7 Beaumont, George, 31, 41, 43, 258 Beddoes, Thomas, 129 Canning, George, 149 Bentham, Jeremy, 73 Carlson, Julia S., 16 Bewell, Alan, 74 Chatterton, Thomas, 214 Black’s Picturesque Guide to the English Chaucer, Geoffrey Lakes, 241–2 Canterbury Tales, 221 Blackwood’s Magazine, 10, 13, 228, 251, 257 Christian, Fletcher, 74, 78–9, 81, 83–4, 88 Blake, William, 1, 106 Clifford family, 214–16 Songs of Innocence and of Experience, Clifford, Henry, 64 1, 56 Cobbett, William, 15 Bligh, William, 77–9, 84 Cochrane, Thomas, 100 Bloom, Harold, 18 Cockburn, Henry, 10 Bloomfield, Robert, 11, 32 Coleridge, Hartley, 245, 266 Bolivar, Simon, 99 Coleridge, John, 151 Bonaparte, Napoleon, 71, 81, 83 Coleridge, John Taylor, 25 Bowles, William Lisle, 89 Coleridge, Samuel
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