The Edinburgh Gazette, March 19, 1937

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The Edinburgh Gazette, March 19, 1937 242 THE EDINBURGH GAZETTE, MARCH 19, 1937. Extension No. 3. COUNTY COUNCIL OF SUTHERLAND. Uddingston Coal Road (Bellshill Road) between ATOTIFICATION is hereby made, in terms of the eastern boundary of the Uddingston Special -LN Section 14 of the Local Government (Scotland) Lighting District and the western boundary of the Act, 1908, that a Meeting of the County Council of Bothwell Special Lighting District. Sutherland, aa Local Authority for the County of Sutherland under the Local Government (Scotland) (12) To consider a proposal to combine the follow- Act, 1894, will be held within the Sutherland Arms ing existing Special Scavenging Districts : Aitken- Hotel, Lairg, on Friday the 7th day of May 1937, at head, Tannochside and Bothwellpark; Bellshill and 11 o'clock forenoon, for the purpose of considering Mossend; Bothwell; Holytown, New Stevenston and Carfin; Newarthill; and Uddingston, and to enlarge the boundaries of the Special District, as it may be combined, to include the following areas, all within as delineated on a Plan showing the boundaries of the Parish of Bothwell :— the proposed limited Special District which may ba Extension No. 1. inspected during business hours at the County Clerk's Office, Golspie, and to adopt for such pur- New Edinburgh Road between the boundaries of the Uddingston Special Scavenging District and pose Sections 107 to 127 and 253 to 255 of the Burgh the Aitkenhead, Tannochside and Bothwellpark Police (Scotland) Act, 1892. Special Scavenging District, near Viewpark. AHCHD. ABGO, County Clerk. Extension No. 2. County Clerk's Office, Golspie, New and Old Edinburgh Roads between the 16th March 1937. eastern boundary of the Aitkenhead, Tannochside and Bothwellpark Special Scavenging District and the western boundary of the Bellshill and Mossend Special Scavenging District, near Belziehill. THE LEITH CEMETERY COMPANY LIMITED. Extension No. 3. PETITION has been presented to the Court of A Session (Petition Department B) by The Leith Uddingston Coal Road (Bellshill Road) between Cemetery Company Limited, incorporated under the the eastern boundary of the Uddingston Special Companies Acts, 1862 to 1886, and having its Regis- Scavenging District and the western boundary of tered Office at 90 Constitution Street, Leith, Edin- the Bothwell Special Scavenging District. burgh, praying the Court, inter alia, to pronounce Extension No. 4. an Order confirming the Special Resolution passed at an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company, North Road, Bellshill—to include certain dwell- held on 12th February 1937, altering the Memo- ings in the new Housing Scheme. randum of Association to include among the objects Extension No. 5. of the Company the erection of a Crematorium at Calder Road, &c.—to include an area south-east Seafield, to carry on the business of cremation there; of the existing Special Scavenging District at and in connection therewith to lay out sufficient Calder Road, Brigbrae, &c. ground adjacent to the Crematorium to provide a Garden of Rest and also a Burial Ground for Urns. (13) To consider a proposal to combine the follow- Upon which Petition the Court has been pleased ing Special Lighting and Scavenging Districts : to pronounce an Interlocutor in the following Baillieston ; Bargeddie; Carmyle and Mount Vernon; terms :— and North Shettleston, and to enlarge the boundaries " 13th March 1937.—The Lord Ordinary appoints of the Special District, as it may be combined, to the Petition to be intimated on the Walls and in include the following areas, all within the Parish of the Minute-Book in common form, and to b& Old Monkland :— advertised once in the Edinburgh Gazette and once in each of the Scotsman and Leith Observer news- Extension No. 1. papers, and ordains all parties claiming interest A strip of land along the Mainhill Road between to lodge Answers hereto, if so advised, within the boundaries of the Bargeddie Special Lighting seven days after such intimation and advertise- and Scavenging Districts and the Baillieston ment. (Sgd.) DOUGLAS JAMIESON." Special Lighting and Scavenging Districts. Of all which Intimation is hereby given. Extension No. 2. R. H. & D. MILLER, S.S.C., 90 Con- An area to include the village of Broomhouse stitution Street, Leith, Edinburgh, and vicinity. Solicitors for the Petitioners. Extension No. 3. An area to include certain houses at Buckingham Terrace, Carmyle. PETITION has been presented to the Court of Extension No. 4. A Session, Scotland (Petition Department) by An area of ground near Wester Road, Mount JAMAICA SUGAR ESTATES, LIMITED, incor- Vernon. porated under the Companies Acts, 1908 to 1917, and having its Registered Office at 26 West Nile And further to enlarge the boundaries of Street, Glasgow, for Confirmation of the Reduction the Special Scavenging District, as it may be of the Company's Share Capital, resolved on by the combined, to include the following area within the Special Resolution which was duly passed at an Parish of Old Monkland :— Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company held An area at Garrowhill, bounded on the east on 15th March 1937, in the following terms :— by Springfield Nurseries, on the north by the " That the Share Capital of the Company he London and North Eastern Railway, and on the reduced and altered from £400,000, divided into- west by the Parish Boundary. 50,000 Preferred Ordinary Shares of £1 each, of And to adopt within the said Special Districts as which 42,920 have been issued and are fully paid formed, enlarged, combined, and combined and en- and 7080 are unissued, and 350,000 Ordinary larged, Sections 99 to 105, inclusive, of the Burgh Shares of £1 each, all of which have been issued Police (Scotland) Act, 1892, so far as Lighting is and are fully paid, to £66,925, divided into 185,400 concerned and Sections 107 to 127 and 253 to 255, Preferred Ordinary Shares of 2s. 6d. each, 128,760 inclusive, of the Burgh Police (Scotland) Act, 1892, thereof being issued and fully paid, and 350,000 and Sections 23 and 24 of the Burgh Police (Scotland) Ordinary Shares of 2s. 6d. each, all issued and Act, 1903, so far as Scavenging is concerned, or any fully paid, and that such reduction and alteration one or more of the said Sections. be effected (A) by cancelling Capital which has- been lost or is unrepresented by available assets ROBERT BBYCB WALKER, (1) to the extent of 12s. 6d. per Share on each of County Clerk. the issued 42,920 Preferred Ordinary Shares, and Lanarkshire House, (2) to the extent of 17s. 6d. per Share on each of the issued 350,000 Ordinary Shares; (B) by sub- 191 Ingram Street, Glasgow, dividing each of the unissued 7080 Preferred 17th March 1937. Ordinary Shares of £1 each into 8 Shares of 2s. 6d..
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