‘extremewheels roadshows’ Summer 2017


JULY 15th Chesterfield - Stand Rd Rec Ground 1 - 3pm 15th - Rugby Club 1 - 3pm 24th - Eastwood Park 1 - 3pm 15th Chesterfield - Queens Park 6 - 8pm 25th Chesterfield - Stand Rd Rec Ground 1 - 3pm 15th Mickley - Community Hut 6 - 8pm 25th Tupton - Rugby Club 1 - 3pm 16th Hasland - Eastwood Park 1 - 3pm 25th Chesterfield - Queens Park 6 - 8pm 17th Whitwell - Skatepark 1 - 3pm 25th Mickley - Community Hut 6 - 8pm 17th - Barnes Park 1 - 3pm 27th Whitwell - Skatepark 1 - 3pm 17th Hasland - Eastwood Park 6 - 8pm 27th Grassmoor - Barnes Park 1 - 3pm 18th - Hornscroft Park 6 - 8pm 27th Hasland - Eastwood Park 6 - 8pm 18th - Skatepark 6 - 8pm 28th Bolsover - Hornscroft Park 6 - 8pm 22nd Chesterfield - Stand Rd Rec Ground 1 - 3pm AUGUST 22nd Tupton - Rugby Club 1 - 3pm 1st Chesterfield - Stand Rd Rec Ground 1 - 3pm 22nd Chesterfield - Queens Park 6 - 8pm 1st Tupton - Rugby Club 1 - 3pm 22nd Mickley - Community Hut 6 - 8pm 1st Chesterfield - Queens Park 6 - 8pm 24th Whitwell - Skatepark 1 - 3pm 1st Mickley - Community Hut 6 - 8pm 24th Hasland - Eastwood Park 6 - 8pm 2nd Hasland - Eastwood Park 1 - 3pm 25th Bolsover - Hornscroft Park 6 - 8pm 2nd Pilsley - Skatepark 6 - 8pm 25th Shirebrook - Skatepark 6 - 8pm 3rd Whitwell - Skatepark 1 - 3pm 29th Chesterfield - Stand Rd Rec Ground 1 - 3pm 3rd Grassmoor - Barnes Park 1 - 3pm 29th Tupton - Rugby Club 1 - 3pm 3rd Hasland - Eastwood Park 6 - 8pm 29th Chesterfield - Queens Park 6 - 8pm 4th Bolsover - Hornscroft Park 6 - 8pm 29th Mickley - Community Hut 6 - 8pm 4th Shirebrook - Skatepark 6 - 8pm 30th Hasland - Eastwood Park 1 - 3pm 8th Chesterfield - Stand Rd Rec Ground 1 - 3pm SKATEPARK JAM! 8th Tupton - Rugby Club 1 - 3pm 31st Grassmoor - Barnes Park 11:30am - 3:30pm 8th Chesterfield - Queens Park 6 - 8pm 31st Whitwell - Skatepark 1 - 3pm 8th Mickley - Community Hut 6 - 8pm 31st Hasland - Eastwood Park 6 - 8pm 10th Whitwell - Skatepark 1 - 3pm SEPTEMBER 10th Hasland - Eastwood Park 6 - 8pm 1st Bolsover - Hornscroft Park 6 - 8pm 11th Bolsover - Hornscroft Park 6 - 8pm 1st Shirebrook - Skatepark 6 - 8pm 11th Shirebrook - Skatepark 6 - 8pm Mobile Skatepark, Laser Tag, Body Zorbing, Climbing Wall, FREE KMX, Skateparks ...and more JUST TURN UP! IMPORTANT: Helmets must be worn at all times. Minimum age 7 years. Under 9s must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. A parent consent form must be filled in, this can be done on the day.

Funded by: Bolsover Community Safety Partnership | Community Safety Partnership | Chesterfield Community Safety Partnership | | Derbyshire County Council | Grassland-Hasmoor Big Local | Big Lottery Fund | Postive4young people | Pilsey Parish Council | Tupton Parish Council

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