“Local SEO Uncovered: The Secrets Every Law Firm Must Know To LEGALLY STEAL Floods of FREE Traffic From Your Competition!”

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We make law firms grow. Ask us how. Agenda

. About BusinessCreator, Inc. and me . About the Power Practice Builder Webinar Series . Topics . Goals . Definitions . The New Local Landscape . How To Get Your Phone To Ring About BusinessCreator, Inc.

BusinessCreator is a full-service local search, lead generation and mobile marketing agency specializing in innovative and engaging local and mobile programs, promotions and campaigns.

Our goal is to increase your online presence and convert your website traffic into new clients.

Holistic approach to local search marketing About BusinessCreator, Inc.

Holistic approach to local search marketing:

. Local Search Marketing and LSEO . Citation and Directory Building . Lead Generation Platform-All In One Marketing Solution . Live Attorney Leads GUARANTEED Quality Calls . Reputation Marketing-5 Star Reputation Program About BusinessCreator, Inc.

Holistic approach to local search marketing:

. WebCreatorPlus Custom Rent-To-Own Websites . Lead Generation Websites . Website and Online Marketing Audits . Social Media Marketing (SMM) . Video Marketing-production, SEO, syndication . PPC . Retargeting About BusinessCreator, Inc.

Holistic approach to local search marketing:

. Mobile Websites . iseekLaw Mobile App Directory . iseekLaw Mobile Website Directory . Mobile Apps . Mobile Marketing . Mobile Display Advertising-NearYou Mobile Marketing . Consumer Financing For Legal Services . Me Power Practice Builder Webinar Series

Webinar Topics-found on www.forlawfirmsonly.com

1. Local Search Marketing for Law Firms 2. Why Are So Many Businesses Struggling With Mobile Marketing? 3. Mobile App Marketing For Law Firms-Daniel Rosemark, Esq. 4. Lead Generation-Live Attorney Leads Program, PPC, Retargeting 5. Social Media Marketing and Reputation Marketing 6. Video Marketing Power Practice Builder Webinar Series

Webinar Topics-found on www.forlawfirmsonly.com . Future webinars will focus on specific topics . Open invitation to attorneys-anyone who would like to participate in our Power Practice Builder Webinar Series should contact me at [email protected] or call me at 855-943-8736 . Future podcast series. We are inviting attorneys and law firm marketing experts to participate in a question and answer weekly podcast beginning January 2016. Local SEO Uncovered

Goals of the Power Practice Builder Webinars . Educate attorneys on best practices in local search marketing to help them make informed decisions on how to best spend their marketing dollars for the greatest ROI. . It is about learning what will get your phone to ring, your next appointment, your next client.

. It is NOT intended to be an Local SEO Marketing program for digital agencies . Not that level of detail and not that technical . Most lawyers do not have time or patience to do their own local search marketing . Lawyers should be practicing law and not practicing my craft Local SEO Uncovered-Definitions

The Secrets Every Law Firm Must Know to LEGALLY STEAL Floods of FREE Google Traffic From Your Competition

. What is SEO? Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the visibility of a website or a web page in search engines via the unpaid (“natural” or “organic”) search results. Local SEO Uncovered-Definitions

SEO is a legitimate marketing strategy practiced by almost all of the world’s most successful companies.

. Local SEO is a highly effective form of local online marketing. It allows local businesses to promote their services to local clients at exactly the time they're looking for a law firm.

. Local SEO uses search engines like Google and business directories like , Superpages, etc. . Remember Google’s mission statement:Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information to make it universally accessible and useful. Local SEO Uncovered-Definitions

. Algorithms . You want the answer, not trillions of webpages. Algorithms are computer programs that look for clues to give you back exactly what you want. . For a typical query, there are thousands, if not millions, of webpages with helpful information. . Algorithms are the computer processes and formulas that take your questions and turn them into answers. . Today Google’s algorithms rely on more than 200 unique signals or “clues” that make it possible to guess what you might really be looking for. These signals include things like the terms on websites, the freshness of content, your region and PageRank. Local SEO Uncovered-Definitions

. Citation-What is a Citation? . A citation is any mention of your law firm out on the web, with or without a link. It can come in various forms: . Company Name, by itself. . Company name & phone number. . Company name, phone number, & address. . Company name, phone number, address, & link. Etc. . A complete citation should include the company name, address, and phone number. . NAP=Name, Address, Phone Number . Why Do Citations Matter? . Citations are a key factor in local search rankings. Citation related factors make up 25% of the top twenty factors in Local Search Ranking. Local SEO Uncovered-Definitions

. What is Barnacle SEO?

. As its name implies, Barnacle SEO is the process of attaching your website to a larger site, such as Yelp, Avvo, SuperPages, Lawyers.com, etc. then using that site as a vehicle to get you noticed in the search results. . Part of any good citation building program. . Claim your firm’s profile. . Optimize your firm’s profile. . Information is accurate and up to date. . Most of these sites encourage client reviews, and your review profile can be leveraged to help boost your visibility within the site itself, and ultimately in the general SERPs. . More IMPORTANT now because of recent Google “Pigeon” update to their algorithm. (major local business directories are ranking higher on page 1 of search results) Local SEO Uncovered-Definitions

. What is Schema Markup? . Schema is basically a type of ‘rich snippet’, a HTML markup that adds extra detail to the text underneath the URL in a search result. . Rich snippets are a way for you to tell search engines directly who you are, what you do and to give precise information as to the service or content you’re providing. . Schema is also the preferred method of markup for Google, Bing and other search engines. . Should I be using Schema markup? . Absolutely. If you want your listings to stand out from the rest it’s imperative to do this. It’s not just for SEO reasons, it’s also for the benefit of the searcher. If they have more detail at their disposal then they’ll be able to make a more informed choice. The bigger picture is to make the internet a better place, with the most trustworthy and relevant results given the highest ranking on results pages. . According to Searchmetrics, only 0.3% of domains were found to include schema.org integrations. Local SEO Uncovered-Definitions

. What is Schema Markup?

. http://www.microdatagenerator.com/attorney-schema/

. The “Attorney Schema Generator” can be applicable to all attorneys that would like to mark up their name, address, and phone number using schema.org vocabulary. - See more at: http://www.microdatagenerator.com/attorney-schema/ Breaking Into The 3 Pack Local SEO Uncovered-Definitions Local SEO Uncovered-Definitions Local SEO Uncovered-Definitions

. What is the Panda update? . It is all about on-site quality. . Thin content-a page that adds little or no value to someone who is reading it. . Duplicate content-content that is copied from other sources on the web . Duplicated content on your own site . Low-quality content-should be original and authoritative . Panda aimed at downranking websites that provided poor user experience Local SEO Uncovered-Definitions

. What is the Penguin update? . It is about the links. . The goal of Penguin is to reduce the trust that Google has in sites that have cheated by creating unnatural backlinks in order to gain an advantage in the Google results. . Why are links important? . A link is like a vote for your site. If a well respected site links to your site, then this is a recommendation for your site. If a small, unknown site links to you then this vote is not going to count for as much as a vote from an authoritative site. Still, if you can get a large number of these small votes, they really can make a difference. This is why, in the past, SEOs would try to get as many links as they could from any possible source. Local SEO Uncovered-Definitions

. What is the Penguin update? . Google launched the Penguin Update in April 2012 to better catch sites deemed to be spamming its search results, in particular those doing so by buying links or obtaining them through link networks designed primarily to boost Google rankings. . The update is aimed at decreasing search engine rankings of websites that violate Google’s Webmaster Guidelines by using now declared black-hat SEO techniques involved in increasing artificially the ranking of a webpage by manipulating the number of links pointing to the page. Such tactics are commonly described as link schemes. . Anchor text diversity becomes more critical . Natural anchor text Local SEO Uncovered-Definitions

. What is the Pigeon algorithm?

. Focused on local searches. . The aim of the recent updates is to ensure that local searches mimic the traditional organic search rankings more closely. . Facelift to the ‘Google Local 7-Pack’ now Local 3-Pack . Major local business directories are starting to gain better visibility on page 1 in place of other sites. . Hyperlocalization-"radius of the search has been reduced significantly.” Time to start thinking even more locally, and begin including neighborhood indicators in your local SEO strategy. Local SEO Uncovered-Definitions

. What is the Hummingbird algorithm? . Complete overhaul of the entire Google algorithm. . The goal of the Hummingbird algorithm is for Google to better understand a user's query. . The name comes from being “precise and fast” and is designed to better focus on the meaning behind the words. . Affects 90% of all searches. . Google handles more than 3.5 billion searches every day, this means affects more than 3.15 billion searches. . Hummingbird allows the engine to better do its job through an improvement in semantic search. As conversational search becomes the norm, Hummingbird lends understanding to the intent and contextual meaning of terms used in a query. Local SEO Uncovered-What Matters?

. What Matters? Taking what we know about how Google is trying to improve its search results, here is just a sample of some of the things that continue to matter:

. Mobile SEO: Undoubtedly, conversational search is driven in part by the way people search when on their mobile devices — so, mobile optimization is going to continue to be critical. (PEOPLE TALK TO THEIR PHONES) (Hummingbird update)

. Structured Data Markup: Providing search engines with as much information as possible about your page content helps them do their job better. Structured data can also improve click-through rates in the search results when displayed in rich snippets. Local SEO Uncovered-What Matters?

. What Matters?

. Links: Google may not want SEOs obsessing over PageRank data, but that doesn’t mean links are irrelevant. Links help Google put concepts together on the Web; they also send strong signals to Google about the credibility of your page.

. Keyword Optimization & Content Creation: Nowadays, it seems there is a lot of debate over the usefulness of focusing on keywords. But keywords are not dead. Quality content is crucial, and that includes at least some level of keyword optimization. Local SEO Uncovered

. What Matters? Local SEO Uncovered-Why It Matters

Reasons why local SEO will help attract new clients to your firm:

. 93% of online experiences begin with a search engine . The majority of web traffic is driven by the ‘Big Three’ search engines-Google, Bing and Yahoo (Search Engine Journal) Who cares? . 94% of search engine users choose organic over paid listings1 . 77% choose organic search engine results when purchasing2 . Organic click-through generates 75% higher conversion rates than PPC3 (1,2,3 Search Metrics) Local SEO Uncovered-Why It Matters

Benefits of Local SEO . Boost website traffic . 97% of consumers search for a local product or service online before purchasing ~ BIA/Kelsey Study . Increase visibility among target audience . Build relationships and influence . Increase conversions (subscribers, members, etc.) . Increase sales (gain new client) . 87% of people who search for a type of local business, calls or goes within 24 hours . Local SEO is 16-20x more cost effective than print ads . Measurable results . The big guys can’t out bid you! Local SEO Uncovered-Why It Matters

. High rankings in the search engines are VERY valuable!

Downsides of SEO

. Can be slow to get results . Somewhat out of your control . Requires consistent effort over time . No guarantees Local SEO Uncovered-Why It Matters

. High rankings in the search engines are VERY valuable! Local SEO Uncovered-Why It Matters

. Great return on investment  Unlike other advertising (e.g. local papers, leaflets etc…) with local SEO there is little wasted exposure. You reach potential clients when they need you not when they don’t. This makes local SEO both efficient and cost- effective. . Only 30% of law firms have claimed their Google Places local listings  Most firms haven’t gotten onboard with online marketing yet. That leaves the door open for you to get a head start before your competitors wise-up and it gets more competitive. Strike while the iron’s hot. . Many of the best local SEO opportunities are free (for now!)  It’s free to claim your listing in /Google Places and to list your firm in hundreds of online business directories. That’s free promotion for your law firm, but it may not be free forever. Local SEO Uncovered-Why It Matters

. Local newspaper readership is in decline, down 40-80%  Fewer & fewer people are reading local newspapers. Recent figures show some local newspapers have lost 80% of their readership in the last 20 years. Why? Because local people are turning to the internet for their local news as well as to find the best local law firm.

. 77% of local consumers trust online business REVIEWS  These trends are strong now and they’re only going to get stronger and more significant in the future. Now is the time for you to take advantage of local search engine optimization and boost your business before your competitors boost theirs.  Significant part of Google Local Search Algorithm, Click-Thrus and Conversion Local SEO Uncovered-The Changing Landscape

Explicit Location Search

Maps AdWords= PPC

AdWords= PPC

Directories Local SEO Uncovered-The Changing Landscape



AdWords= PPC

7-Pack Local SEO Uncovered-The Changing Landscape

Map pins Local SEO Uncovered-The Changing Landscape- Now

AdWords= PPC

AdWords= PPC


3-Pack Local SEO Uncovered-The Changing Landscape

Map pins

AdWords= PPC 3-Pack

Directories Local SEO Uncovered-The Changing Landscape


First Organic Listing Local SEO Uncovered-The Changing Landscape

Click on Map pin Local SEO Uncovered-The Changing Landscape Local SEO Uncovered-The Changing Landscape

. Knowledge Graph Specific Law Firm Search

Specific Law Firm Search

Knowledge Graph Local SEO Uncovered-The Changing Landscape

Explicit Location Search

AdWords= PPC

AdWords= PPC


3-Pack Local SEO Uncovered-The Changing Landscape

Explicit Location Search

Maps AdWords= PPC

AdWords= PPC

Directories Local SEO Uncovered-The Changing Landscape

Implicit Location Search

AdWords= Knowledge PPC Graph


AdWords= PPC

3-Pack Local SEO Uncovered-The Changing Landscape

Implicit Location Search

Second Search Knowledge Map Graph

AdWords= PPC


AdWords= PPC

Directories Local SEO Uncovered

. AdWords (PPC) always prominently displayed ($$$) . If you are logged into -”G” knows where you are located and will deliver results based on your local . Directory Listings are important-Barnacle SEO . Some searches results in no “Pack” at all-Google is moving towards total Local Organic Listings . Google SERPS-search results page is in flux- Google is experimenting with SERPS Local SEO Uncovered Local SEO Uncovered Local SEO Uncovered Local SEO Uncovered Local SEO Uncovered Local SEO Uncovered Local SEO Uncovered Local SEO Uncovered Local SEO Uncovered Local SEO Uncovered Local SEO Uncovered Local SEO Uncovered Local SEO Uncovered Local SEO Uncovered Local SEO Uncovered

. Localized On-Page Optimization

. Use location term(s) in: . Page titles . Meta Descriptions . H1s . Text content . URLs (limit-no keyword stuffing) Local SEO Uncovered-Don’t Do This Local SEO Uncovered

. Key Points

. Localize you on-page optimization . Use plenty of useful content on contact/location pages . Use Schema . Areas served-Don’t be spammy . Multiple Locations: . Unique, useful page for each location Local SEO Uncovered Local SEO Uncovered Local SEO Uncovered Local SEO Uncovered Local SEO Uncovered Local SEO Uncovered Local SEO Uncovered Local SEO Uncovered Local SEO Uncovered Local SEO Uncovered Local SEO Uncovered Local SEO Uncovered Local SEO Uncovered Local SEO Uncovered

Local Search Ecosystem Local SEO Uncovered Local SEO Uncovered Breaking Into The 3 Pack Breaking Into The 3 Pack Local SEO Uncovered Local SEO Uncovered Local SEO Uncovered

. Link Building in 2015 . Guest Blog . Make Infographics . Get active on social . Press coverage . Community events . Sponsor or donate to a local club or organization . Build relationships with local influencers . Attorneys can get links from: Process servers, investigators, and other services they refer business to Local SEO Uncovered

. What is the Pigeon algorithm?

. Focused on local searches. . The aim of the recent updates is to ensure that local searches mimic the traditional organic search rankings more closely. . Facelift to the ‘Google Local 7-Pack’ now Local 3-Pack . Major local business directories are starting to gain better visibility on page 1 in place of other sites. . Hyperlocalization-"radius of the search has been reduced significantly.” Time to start thinking even more locally, and begin including neighborhood indicators in your local SEO strategy. Local SEO Uncovered

. How to deal with Google Pigeon? There are a number of steps you can take to try and minimize the affect of this algorithm update on your website rankings:

. As always, you should be concentrating on creating amazing content and making your site the best it can be for your users

. You should be optimizing your site content for your important keywords

. You should be optimizing your content for your local area (include city/state in title tags, H1s, content, alt tags, etc.) Local SEO Uncovered

. You should have an claimed, optimized Google My Business listing

. You should be engaging with customers and fans on social media

. You should be working to collect positive reviews from customers

. Get Your Barnacle On-citation and directory building with optimized profiles

. These are the core principles of Local SEO — and while the weight of some factors within the local search algorithm might have changed, the ideas are still the same. Local SEO Uncovered

FOUNDATIONAL solution that integrates well into local digital offerings.

Piece you must do PRIOR to

everything else you’re doing

in your local search

campaign. Content Marketing LSEO

Business Listings Management Citation Management and Building Local SEO Uncovered

. What to do? Or, how can I dominate the local search results?

 The Basics Usually Wins-Local Search is NOT just about the 3 pack. It is about total organic results page

. What are the ‘Basics’ for Local? • Keyword Research-Knowing your target keywords is your first step • Title Tag • Meta Description • Headline (H1 & H2) • Body/Content Optimization (local mentions, NAP listed on page) What to do? Or, how can I dominate the local search results!

• Optimize for local-Include local keywords throughout content and site  Add your local address to your site  Add your local phone number  Get listed in all local directories  Create local videos  Get links from local organizations and businesses • Local Markup (schema) • Review Markup • Separate, locally optimized pages on your website for each location • EMD-Exact Match Domain-still work chicagodivorcelawyer.com What to do? Or, how can I dominate the local search results!

• Content-Content is King-Search engines “feed” on content • Did I say Content? SUBJECT MATTER EXPERT • Written-write for your users and often-don’t let your site get stagnant • VIDEO!-Google LOVES video! videos are 53 times more likely than text results to appear on page 1!!! • Images • Syndication-on your site, on social networks, on web 2.0 sites • Citations • Barnacle Listings-Major and Attorney Directory Listings • Google+ Local pages claimed and optimized with location specific keywords, YouTube videos, photos and all your brand assets? If not, your losing rank on 83% of local Google searches. • Links-Get links from other high value sites What to do? Or, how can I dominate the local search results!

• Social Marketing-Social Signals-have an active social media presence- Social is becoming more important to search engines. Add sharing buttons to your website to promote sharing! • Syndicate your content-Channels refer to major “authority” sites. Examples include: Google+, YouTube, Slideshare, Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, etc. Get your content on them. They will rank! • GET MOBILE! Be where your next customer is searching. 80+% of local business websites are not mobile optimized. Local SEO Uncovered

The Secrets Every Law Firm Must Know…

Remember the Pigeon Update?

Now to rank well locally, you need to consider the 200+ characteristics that Google uses to rank non-local websites. Think: “USER EXPERIENCE” Content Inbound Links-Citations, Directories, Social, Conventional High Quality Sites Social Mobile Video AND NOW…. …..Site loading speed-both desktop AND mobile versions …..Security-Get Ready-Google will give preferred ranking to sites that are secured with an SSL (https://yourdomainname.com) Local SEO Uncovered-Definitions Local SEO Uncovered

How does your business and website appear?

Tools to check

www.localsearchprofiler.com –Check How Your Business Appears Online (Citation Report) and Reputation Report

https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/mobile-friendly/ check how your site appears on a mobile device.

Contact me for a Free website evaluation/audit Contact me for copies of slides Contact me for book “Internet Marketing For Local Business”

Ed Kundahl, Ph.D., M.B.A. 855-943-8736 ext. 101 [email protected] The Small Business Guide to Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

“SEO Uncovered: The Secrets Every Law Firm Must Know To LEGALLY STEAL Floods of FREE Google Traffic From Your Competition!”

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