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Min. Max. Aug. 28 48 68 29 47 27 30 ,.... 61 84 31 44 83 Sept. 1 m 50 68 2 46 76 3 32 76 * ItPapeF tutftt a Gottsdente

VOLUME XIX, No. 39 HANNA HERALD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3rd, 1931 FOUR PAGES More Than 15,000 Pests ************************** ************************** Drs. Argue & Cross Open FIRST LOAD OF 1931 KIWANIS LADIES' NIGHT POPULATION OF Destroyed By Boys and WHEAT IN WATTS HOUSE EXTENSION IS • TO BE HELD 8EPTEMBER 14 WeU Appointed New Office POOL —Take Possession Sept ll Girls in 2-Mos. Contest The first load of 1931 wheat, Hanna Kiwanians will stage ALBERTATOWNS reported to be marketed in this GRANTED FREE Ladles' Night at their next regu­ ORGANIZE OWN More Than 15,000 Gophers Destroyed Medical Clinic Situated In Holmes district was taken In by the Na­ lar meeting, Monday, September as Result of Contest Sponsored Building, Second Avenue—Drs. tional Elevator at Watts on Wed­ 14. All Kiwanians and their lad­ by Local Firm Argue and Cross) Partnership TRANSPORTS ies are cordially invited to attend SELLING DEPT. ANDOTffiS,1931 nesday, and was grown by M. this meeting. As a result of the "Gopher Tail" McCulsh of that district. Un­ Following their announcement of a Official 1931 Census Return contest sponsored by Odell's Ltd., and fortunately, the sample was grad­ Government Extends Period ************************** partnership, Dr. S. E. C. Argue anil Wheat Pool Announces Own which closed August 31st, more than ed No. 3, thereby disputing the for Free Transportation Dr. W. W. Cross this week took pos­ for Alta. Towns and Cities 16,000 gophers have been annihilated popular contention that all first session of well-appointed quarters oc­ Selling Department—R. D. loads grade "No. 1." of Settlers From South Released From Ottawa ln the surrounding district by boys THREE MONTHS cupying tho whole of the Holmes Purdy General Manager and girls who entered the competition. ************************** Announcement was made thit Building, immediately west ot the Population figures for cities and The contest was conducted as an ex­ morning, through Hugh McPhail, National Hotel, The building has re­ In working out any plan for central­ cently been thoroughly renovated for towns In Saskatchewan and Alberta periment during the holidays and much acting District Agriculturist here, JAIL TERMS ON ized selling as between the three pro­ the accommodation of a model medi­ were released by Dominion census of­ interest was shown. As a result, it is TRANS- that the Provincial Government vincial Wheat Pools on 1931 crop, cer­ ficials at Ottawa late Friday after­ expected that the Odell firm will an­ had extended the period of free cal and dental clinic, and provides an tain difficulties developed which made noon. is credited with a nounce a similar contest next year. transportation of settlers' effect* UQUORCHARGE exceptionally fine situation tor such it inadvisable to attempt to place any professions. growth of 20,067 in the laBt ten While no bounties for the tails were HIGHWAYROUTE from the south country, until Nov­ such plan into operation at present, Tbe new quarters provide for a years, the present enumeration being paid, Odell's Ltd. offered cash prizes ember 30, 1931. This extension Fines of $300 and Costs or and it was therefore decided that £3,362. totalling |25.00. Considering the short applies only to the effects, but common reception room, which will each provincial Pool organization Statistics for Bdmonton, capital period during which the contest ran, HAT-CALGARY free passenger transportation will 3 Months Imprisonment be in charge of a competent attendant, should operate separately in purchas­ city of the province, were not released some exceptionally high individual be Issued up to and Including while private consulting officers are ing, handling and selling grain deliver­ -with those of other urban centres of scores were registered. on Liquor Act Violation provided for each of the clinic's part­ ed to it. As a result of this decision, Alberta, which are as follows: September 30th. Prize Winners , Calgary and ners. As intimated, the new partner­ the Central Selling Agency, which haa The tabulation covering cities and The extension has been granted Charged with keeping liquor (gr towns in Saskatchewan, Alberta and lst Prize—Earl Ringdahl, winning Banff, Selected as Route due tp the fact that numbers were ship will ba known as Drs. Argue and acted for the past seven years as the sale, contrary to the provisions of (he selling agency for the provincial follows: $5, with 1726 tails. prevented from making the change Cross, Alberta Liquqr Apt, C«rl Schultz. and Wheat Pools of Manitoba, Saskatche­ ALBERTA CITIES The following receive cash prizes of of Alberta Section to new locations, en account of 1031 1921 Gust, Abr^m, residents of tbe Scapa wan and Alberta, will not be used aa $2 each: Billie Owens, 1454 tails; Rey- their inability to secure suitable Calgary 83,362 63,306 nolt Stern, 1368 tails; Norman Schmidt , Sept. 1,—The route district, pleaded guilty before Magis­ CENTER POINT such in the marketing of 1931 crop. 13,448 11,097 of the Alberta section of the proposed lands before the closing date, ani trate Roberts here on Saturday and Medicine Hat 10,310 9,634 1126 tails; Charlie Fielding, 1082 to others matterf beyond their The Alberta Wheat Pool haa now Red Deer 2,330 2,328 tails; Allen Sullivan, 888 tails. trans-Canada highway wlll be by way were esch fined $300 and costs, or of Medicine Hat, Calgary and Banff, control. three months in Jul!- Unable to pay (Special to The Herald) completed its plans for carrying on TOWNS Following ten contestants each win CBNTHRPOINT, Aug. 20.—Mr. and under such reorganized basis. Grain 1,552 it was announced by Hon. O. L. Mc­ Blairmore 1,617 $1.00 cash: Arthur Schaffer, Francis their fines, both men were escorted Mrs. C. 8. Newcombe and baby daugh- Cardston 1,668 1,612 Pherson, minister of public works, to­ sales will be handled by a newly form­ Seventjen, Lucy Bordulla, M. Seippert, to Calgary on Saturday nigbt by Con- ter' of Calgary, were week-end visitors Claresholm 1,147 963 day. ed commission and sales department, Coronation 736 645 Dave Wise, Arthur Evans, Donald GOOD PROGRESS stable Hanna. A-P.P., from which point GUtner&&.*. £ «£j£*J£\ £* Details remaining to be settled aa which set-up will function as an in­ Diamond City 119 189 Notell, Neil Wallace, Edward Kranz, they left for Lethbridge to commence teacher at Centerpoint, having taught tegral part of the Alberta Wheat Pool Didsbury 798 842 Russell Jenson. to the ultimate standard to wbich the thetr term of imprisonment. here ln 1916. j 1,061 Mr. and Mrs. Ted Michel and- Mr. and under the general managership 1,461 A Typical Letter road will be brought will be discus­ BEING MADE ON Had Liquor In Car Hanna 1,484 1,364 sed with Dominion officials ln the near and Mrs. Wm. Anderson motored to of R. D. Purdy. T. E Oliver, assist­ Innisfail 1,027 941 Accompanying his entry, Earl Ring­ Constable Hanna visited Clear Lake, Dowling on Sunday to visit Mr. Mich­ future. ant manager, will have charge ot all Irvine 236 356 dahl, winner of first place wrote: "I wbere a dance was being held, on Fri­ el's parents, Mr. and Mra. Henry local Mies in Alberta at head office Lacombe 1,268 1,133 am sending in my gopher tails which The minister of public works an­ day night, arresting Schultz. Accused's Michel. PROVJIGHWAY The Misses Trefz have as their in Calgary. O. Z. Buchanan, formerly Macleod 1,432 1,723 amount to 1726. I poisoned, trapped nounced this morning that as result car was searched, where six bottles Magrath "... 1,227 1,069 of discussions carried on during the guest a former school mate. Mm. manager of the Calgary branch ot Nanton 733 710 and snared them in my summer holi­ were found, allegedly containing Butz, ot Medicine Hat. last two weeks with the governments No Announcement on Grave*- the Central Selling Agency, has been Oids 1,049 764 days, intending to win a cash prize.'' liquor. Schultz was brought to Hanna Mrs. J. J. Trefz sustained a bad fall engaged by the Alberta Wheat Pool as Pincher Creek 1,017 888 And he did. of the neighboring provinces of Sas­ ling of Highways—Five. for hearing the following day, when on Sunday necessitating her removal Raymond 1339 1,394 katchewan and British Columbia, it to the Hanna hospital. On examina­ Western sales manager, and will he M. D's. Take Contract the above mentioned sentence was tion it was found no serious injuries located at Vancouver. W. C. Folliott, Redcliff 1,195 1,187 was now possible definitely to an­ meted out Three Hills 584 471 resulted, other than a sprained back formerly salesman with the Central nounce the selection of the route of and minor bruises. Vulcan 800 641 GRAND RIDGE With five municipal districts east 8econd Arrest Selling Agency at Winnipeg, has been Youngstown 369 410 the trans-Canada highway and that the Harvesting is general with a very of Chinook contemplating accepting Following the arrest of Schultz, the light crop. A considerable amount of employed as Eastern sales manager. SASKATCHEWAN CITIES (Special to The Herald) Banff-Calgary-Medicine Hat highway contracts with the provincial govern­ constable proceeded to Scapa and ar­ Moose Jaw 21,244 19,285 had been definitely selected as the wheat is being out on the green side and will be stationed at Winnipeg. W. Nth. Battleford 6,959 4,108 GRAND RIDGE, Aug. 24,—Mr. Ern- ment to complete the Calgary-Saaka- rested Abram at a dance being held for feed. Wages are one dollar per J. Graham, an experienced grain com­ Alberta location. day and board, and very few laborers Saskatoon 43,026 25,739 est Herold and mother, of Hanna, toon highway from that point to the at that town. Six bottles, alleged, to mission man, has been employed to Swift Current 5,230 3,518 visited with relatives in this district on The arrangement with the federal are required. Saskatchewan border, a distance of contain liquor, also were found in. a take charge of the newly organized Weyburn 6,008 3,193 Saturday. government which calls for a contri­ With reference to the statement approximately 38 to 40 miles, it ap­ car in this case. Constable Hanna commission department at the head Mrs. Jack Newell and children who butions by that government equival­ that appeared In tlte Herald two have been visiting with Mrs, Guy pears almost certain that this will be accompanied Abram to his home, eight weeks ag-o tbat tho Hanna district office In Calgary. Herold, returned to their home Bt ent to at least 50 per cent also re­ finished in good time. The worj^Js miles west qf Scapa, where further would yield 18 bushels, "-sertectly GARDEN PLAIN East Coulee on -Sunday. They were ridiculous says the tanner. 'Six trash - Is this reorganization it haa been . quired the definite linking up qf tbe being considered by five municipal­ quantities of liquor were discovered. accompanied by Mrs. Guy Herold and systems through the various provinces. els Is closer. necessary for the Alberta Wheat Pool Mr. Ernest Herold, who returned to ities viz: M.D. Acadia, Bertawan, Can­ Abram received his sentence along Last week saw the "exodus" of six The provincial government felt it to take over one of the seats on the (8pecial to The Herald) their homes on Monday. nier, Golden Centre and Cereal. Sec­ with Schultz on Saturday. Magistrate new Canadian farmers of tbe East Winnipeg Grain Exchange formerly ) GARDEN PLAIN, Aug. 31.—Harvest­ AH farmers are busy cutting tbelr should not arbitrarily select a loca­ retaries have signified their belief Roberts explained that, on account of Point district. The families of Klem, ing is progressing very favorably In wheat for feed. Metz, Limpke, Hyndman, Walters and under control of the Central Selling tion without conference with the oth­ that their respective councils wlll ac­ circumstances, he would refrain from this district and the hum of the binder Messrs Frank Ramsey, Mike Agnew, er two governments. Ikies, availed themselves of free trans­ Agency, which membership is neces­ is heard from morning till night. Steve Haison, John Rhall, Clarence cept the government's offer witb mun­ issuing an order tor confiscation of portation and jouneyed north. These sary in order to facilitate handling ot Completes Western Link-up families were brought in here from Mr. and Mrs. D. Wllkle and Mr. and Reddick, Slebert Seuntjen and Ber­ icipalities west of Chinook, and some the cars. He commented upon the any required hedging and marketing Mrs. A. Wilkie's son, of Castor, were nie McCullough visited Guy Herold on The British Columbia government have already started work. seriousness of the crimes and pointed Poland three years ago and settled Sunday visitors at the J. Easton home. Sunday. has selected the route via Banff and on S.S.B. (arms. operations. The rate of pay, which Is now ac­ out that, under the Liquor Act, no per­ Some of the young people of the August 31.—Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fer­ the Big Bend of the Columbia river, A very enjoyable little picnic was Tbe new provincial set-up will op­ district attended the dance in Scapa guson, old-time residents in this dist­ cepted as standard on highway relief son under 21 years of age should ob­ held at Grassy Slope last week. About Revelstoke and Kamloops to Vancou­ erate Independently of the Central on Friday night and report a nice rict for the past twenty-two years, work throughout the province, wlll be tain liquor. The actions of these men thirty people attended. Selling Agency, which will continue to time. hare left for the north country. We ver and Victoria, and it ls understood, 30 cts. per hour for laborers; 50 cts. provided one source through which Two teams of "Doo Dads" captained I Anna and Nora Wooden, of , wish them good luck In their new by Joe GUtner and Albert Oke and •™BcUon under the management of that the province of Saskatchewan has per hour for man and two-horse team; minors might procure it, especially at have been visiting their aunt Mrs. C. home. selected the Regina No. 1 highway, so comprised of such outstanding play-, John I. McFarland until the 1930 crop Dahlgren the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. L. Gaskett and Mr. 70 cts. for man and four-horse out­ dances, about which complaints had ers as Mrs. Faupel, Mra. Preston, Mrs. has been disposed ot. Wooden motored over on Sunday and John Rahl visited at tbe Seuntjen that the selection by the provincial fit. been made. It was also a source Geo. Thomas, Mrs. Anderson and sev­ the girls returned with them. home on Sunday. government of the Banff-Calgary-Medl- through which interdicted persons eral young folks did some Tory fast We are sorry to hear that Mrs. H. Proves Big Help work on the diamond. While the ball Misses Elizabeth and Effie Seuntjen cine Hat route completes the link-up might secure liquor, and the Depart­ J. Adams has been very low in the and Vona La Claire visited Mrs. Guy into one highway of the route from The highway relief work already un­ game was in progress the remaining CESSFORD •fc^ Castor hospital although the latest re­ Herold on Sunday evening. ment saw fit, in a recent amendment ladies laid out a splendid sapper Victoria and Vancouver on the west dertaken by the M.D's. of Lonebutte, ports are favorable. We hope for a Mr. Frank Ramsey was a caller at Flowerdale, Richdale, Sounding Creek, to the Act, to Increase the minimum which was really the most enjoyable speedy recovery. through Eritish Columbia, Alberta, feature of the afternoon. Mr. Wesley (Special to The Herald) O. L. Herolds on Friday. Hiram and Collholme, between Henna fine from $100 to $300, to check the Miss M. Trenneman returned on Mr. Don Herold is busy cutting teed Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Oke, school inspector for Grand CESSFORD, Sept 1.—Mr. E. Wil­ Saturday to resume her school duties on the Hans Rafsing farm. and Chinook, is said to be about 50 illicit sale of this stuff. Prairie, gave the company a short liams has commenced sowing tall rye. at Corinne. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Herold were per cent, completed, with good pro­ The liquor was ordered to be con­ period to ask questions on the Peace Mr. Dave Allan has finished thresh­ Bobby Barnes returned to Castor business visitors in Hanna Tuesday. Wellington Hamilton, WeU River country. These proved to b

. 3 CW 11% and Mrs. A. Benson was the scene of tend the wish that he meets with ber 1, while North Berry Creek school The funeral will be held Friday in ber of different varieties were under ot Mr. apd Mrs. Fred Goetz, of tho Barley will not open owing to the small num­ a very enjoyable evening, celebrating every success. No. 3 CW. m - * 16 charge of the I.O.O.F, Hanna Lodge, cultivation. Craign&yle district, who left Hanna the former's birthday. Cards and ber of pupils who have been divided several years ago to reside at Nelson. NO. 4 CW. 18 between the Dundee and Saar school of which order deceased was a life­ musical selections by Mrs. Benson, L Rye districts. long member. Services will be held at GRAIN MOVING TO CHURCHILL ' Mrs. F. A. MacLachlan and Mr. Ben­ WEDDINGS A No. 2 C W. t , 12 8IGNS OF IMPROVEMENT Harvesting ls in full swing with the Church of Christ at 2:30 p.m., in­ FOR SHIPMENT TO EUROPE son were enjoyed, following which a SHARP—MeKE AGE No. 8 C. W. m - .16 mowers, binders, headers and com­ NOTED IN CN.R. CIRCLES The marriage of Gwendolyn sist* bines. The crop ls about tbe poorest terment to be made at Hanna cem­ dainty luncheon was served. Among McKeage, Scotfield. to Mr. Eric Sharp, Flax Initial shipments of grain from No. 1 N. W, ...„...,..<. _ ™ 78 we haire ever seen here and it Is doubt­ etery. Some signs of improvement In C. the guests were Mr. and Mrs. R Win- of Stettler, was solemnised at Hanna ful wheather It will average more Western Canada to Europe, via Chur- more, Mrs. J. Harrison, Mrs. A. fl. oa August Sist Rev. H. Clay officiat­ No. 2 C. W...... 68 than three or four bushels per acre. monia, was burled in the Salem cem- chill, commenced last week when 12 N.R. circles are noted this week, when ing. Cream Slight hail damage was caused dur­ etery last Sunday. Mr. D. Oke held cars of No. 1 northern wheat were it ls learned that 6 more engines are Carswell, Mrs. MacLachlan, Miss Irene Special ,,...17 ing Tuesday night's storm. services at the home while Mr. Kary shipped by Canadian National Rail- being "set up." It is understood that Wicken, the Misses Bertha, Lenora MOVES TO OADSBY ( FlWt ,....*,,& ms..m...m 15 Mr. and Mrs. John Bye and Mr. and of Craigmyle, assisted by Rev. Fink- ways from Saskatoon. Tbis shipment crews tor two way- freights and three sal. Helen Carswell, Mr. T. Kocourek. K. Pollock, of PeHoekvile, aa* ta belner. Conducted services at the was used tor testing the grain handl- WO. 8 .* ^,. milLmm.m*mJmM^fMrs . Fred Tillotson left on Saturday work trains will shortly be called into M)r. R. Shacker, Mr. B. CarsweU awl town this afternoon, arranging for tbe on a trip to Rocky Mountain* House, church. Ins facilities ot the new 2,600,000- Mr. L. MacBeth. •*•••» Ponoka and Camrose. The crew at the Hiram camp on the bushel elevator, and further shipments service. The company Is bringing tM movement of about 1(0 head of harass Extras ...... ,...... ,.,16 The eight-month-old baby girl of highway, at Richdale, has been mak- will go north regularly for the loading more of the new "2700" class locomo­ ta the Gadsby district, ta which Mr. Firsts ..p. , 12 Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Walters, which lng good progress. Owing to harvest of the first ship between September The population ttt Moscow Is said tives to this terminal, which will givo to have more than doubled ia the Pollock la moving, at least tempor­ Seconds —«. 7 died ln the Hanna hospital last Fri­ It has been difficult to keep a full 16 and 20, and of the second ship W arily. CrSClU ...... mmmm...m..mm...m..m.....„.Wday trom whooping cough and pneu- crew, twees September 20 Mid 26. Hanna 18 engines of tbis type. .p-ast twelve years.

^&£j|jgg^jjj|||^td^wS^^i^t^ti^'i^m^fSfiS PAGE TWO THBaAKKA HERALD, HANNA, ALBERTA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3rd, 1931 form depth and where much stay Local news items are appreciated by OTHERS' VIEWS grain remains, as on stock bottoms, the Herald. Your local paper wlll ap­ What Breed of Sheep for the Mixed Farm ?man y heads may fall to be covered by preciate your co-operation in notify­ CLASSI Sfefidtttaismtt A CHRISTIAN SOLUTION TO THE PRESENT the first or even the second disking. ing it by telephone 062) or by person­ DEPRESSION Alberta has long since decided that breeds only one White faced breed has Too frequent disking involves exces­ T the long-wool breeds Leicester, Cots- so far been successfully used by al call. it Established 1912. *S*Z sive labor and sometimes defeats its wold and Lincoln are unsuited to prairie farmers and that is the Chev­ purpose by unduly drying out the land. el A strictly independent weekly newspaper published every In a statement to the Canadian press, which we pro­ prairie mixed farming. While their iot. It ls highly desirable that crosses n Thursday in The Herald Building, Main Street, duce in full ln this issue, Mr. A. J. Nesbitt, the senior wool Is a suitable covering in districts of any breed on the cast off range For the fighting of wild oats many ci partner in the well known financial house of A. Nesbitt where rains are the most In the way ewes shall produce sheep whose have come to prefer autumn skim- Readlni Hanna, Alberta, Canada. ploughing as the preliminary treat­ Thomson and Company, urges more dependence on the of grief that sheep may expect to suf­ fleeces are free from block fibres. This Cards o H. G. McCREA .... Publisher fer this same long wool covering is Is not always done when bucks ot ment and on its plot area, where vol­ P Divine will in the present world depression. He main­ useless on the prairies where high the Down breeds are carelessly select­ unteering Is a serious menace to be SUBSCRIPTION RATES controlled, the Beaverlodge station has H tains in all sincerity that "the moment this nation turns winds part the staples and drive ed. One of the problems facing those si Three months ln Canada „ -. 8 .60 to God there will be a heaven-sent revival sweep this freezing snow right in to the skin. Interested ln the proper progress of a fallen back upon skim-ploughing as a Six months in Canada. 81.00 Chronic cattarbal colds can be expect­ live stock Industry under pioneer de­ means of growing out and killing grain land, and the fear and distrust and hate now prevalent resulting from shattering and break­ One year in Canada 82.00 ed with open wooled fleeces of long velopment In the hands of new and in­ will give place to faith and hope and love; industry shall staple on the prairie. experienced settlers is the simplifica­ ing of heads entailed by the removal One year in U. 8 - 82.60 of border drills. It seems to be much CAN Gl improve and prosperity and peace shall follow." tion of breeding questions. Experi­ 30 he; The Rambouillet, fine wooled sheep, mental breeding science will no doubt more thorough than disking. Such a statement coming from one of the keenest are the hardest of all sheep on the Septe Hanna, Alberta, Thursday, September 3rd, 1931 business minds of the country cannot help but arrest the provide us, someday, a white faced Whether it would be equally advis­ prairies, the best foragers and the with all the merits from a mutton a 40 attention of all men however interested they may be in easiest to herd in bands and to drive. able in areas subject to soil drifting pastu: MUNICIPAL RELIEF WORK standpoint now possessed by the dark we are unprepared to pronounce. It their own business affairs . for to advance ln very post: The rancher uses them and usually face Down breeds. partic likes to cull out his band at an age may even, by burying the stubble, re­ Heral LAST WEEK'S ANNOUNCEMENT to the tive terms, as Mr. Nesbitt has done, the Christian early enough so that a mixed farmer Subsequently we will discuss these move a desirable impediment to sur­ face wash. Each condition must be effect that the municipal districts of Bulyea and doctrine of man's redemption through faith as the real with plenty of winter keep for band breeds from a comparative stand­ FC solution for our economic ills requires courage of high feeding can secure ewes that are but point. studied by the operator but from the one standpoint of weed control skim- Berry Creek are to receive assistance by way of order, and we, like countless thousands of others, respect little past mature age and will furnish FOR S a number of lamb crops with ordin­ SKIM-PLOUGHING TO ploughing has much to commend it. and admire bim for the brave stand he has taken, and acres, relief work to the extent of some $3,000 and $4,000 ary mixed farm care and keep. These CONTROL WEEDS W. D. ALBRIGHT, crop I this notwithstanding the fact that the appeal will find its sheep have drawbacks from the close respectively, through the Alberta government, ap­ standpoint of mutton quality and form Supt., Dominion Experimental Sub- echo in the heart of every right thinking man and wo­ In field practice the one practicable Station, Beverlodge, Alta. of fis pears to have caused some feeling that certain oth­ man. that do not recommend them to be means of destroying seeds of grain or and 1 kept on mixed farms for the produc­ weeds is to germinate them and then Lest we forget, it would be well to remind ourselves Will i er municipal districts were being discriminated tion of straight bred Rambouillet kill the resultant plants. Heat, air and GRIZZLY CUB GOES TO Addn that Christianity is the basis of our moral code; that lambs. They are drooping in the moisture are necessary for germina­ THE ENGLI3H ZOO Alber against. The claim has been made that similar re­ through its teachings the old Adomonic code ot "an-eye- rump, peaked to the pin-bones, cut too tion. Seeds lying on the surface are for-an-eye" was changed to that of the "Brotherhood of high in the twist, have a shanky leg not readily sprouted, particularly if FOUR lief work as mentioned in Bulyea and Berry Creek of mutton, light stifle, narrow chest, occurring in heads that are more or A three-months-old grizzly cub, the man," the fundamental principle on which the British offspring of some mighty monarch of 15-30 and when the lambs are finished, too less out of direct contact with the Londomk Only should be undertaken in these other municipalities. Empire has been built. All her Institutions and her very much of that finish is fat and cheap soil. Seeds ploughed under too deeply the Canadian Rockies, travelled last interval tallow, the lean meat is lack­ are liable to experience too low a week on the Canadian National, en­ By way of explanation, and before the govern­ constitution are based upon it. The Christian-derived route to England and the clnflnes of strength has permeated every part of the empire; it has ing in proportion. However as a foun­ temperature and may remain un* ment's policy is criticized too severely, a few points dation ewe flock, from the standpoint sprouted indefinitely until ploughed an English zoo. The bear cub was created a sense of security in the minds of people steep­ of economy in establishment and the captured last spring by Angus D. DRY GIN back or dragged upwards by some 4-ROOJ Vlckers, son of the President of Vick- in connection with this relief work might be ex­ ed for ages in the lowest depths of slavery and super­ ability to stand the grief they will tillage implement. Deferred and ir­ Appl: meet In the bands of inexperienced regular germination results. No west­ ers Ltd., famous British armament stition, and given them confidence in a new ideal of firm, who shot the mother grizzly plained. national life. It has made white men exile themselves farmers and ranchers, mature Ram­ ern field badly infested with wild oats, bouillet ewes are to be recommended lambsquarter or buckwheat can be while on a hunting trip west of Jas­ In the first place, the Herald is given to un­ for the best part of their lives to the uttermost parts of when topped witli a good buck of the cleaned with one season's fallowing. per Park. Mr. Vlckers left the cub ln Thft' advertisement Is. not inserted" by the earth so that the British flag might be respected dark faced Down breeds to correct ln charge of George Hargreaves, his the Alberta Liquor Control Board or FOR derstand that, while the amounts of $3,000 and To insure greatest effectiveness of guide, at Jackman, B. C, and only re­ through their sense of Christian duty. And the self- the lamb the deficiencies of form just by the Government of the Province dress mentioned as characteristic of the the cleaning process it is important cently ordered the bear shipped to of Alberta. ter. $4,000 stipulated are proposed for this year, in governing dominions are. drawn by this same Christian ewes and retain weatherproof fleeces. that the previous season's contribu­ him in London, England. H56-3-J-39 Bulyea and Berry Creek, only 60 per cent of these magnet closer to the motherland, because In accepting Crosses of the Lincoln and other tion of grain and weed seeds le long wooled breeds on the Rambouil- Bprouted and destroyed before the land i. i'ii \y-tf** the responsibility of autonomy each adopted the same ls deeply ploughed. Autumn disking MASOI amounts has actually been authorized. principles which underlie the British constitution—the lets make good range ewes. If long Hera wooled crossbreds on Ramboulllets of the stubble is very helpful but disk­ Calgary's Popular Priced Hotels Secondly, under the arrangements whereby principles of true liberty and real justice ln accordance can be secured for foundation ewes ing does not bury the seeds to a uni­ with the teachings of Christ Himself. so much the better as the ewes should these two municipalities are securing this money have a little more size and better mut­ Canada's manhood, in common with the rest of the ton form than straight bred Ramboull­ for relief work, the municipal district must pay world, is being tested. There is a strain everywhere be­ lets. Their fleeces in the first cross HOTEL YORK 32%% of the cast, whereas the entire cost of the tween self-interest and the interest of the community; will be sufficiently weatherproof, will be somewhat heavier shearers of EVERYTHING NEWEST—Rata,$2.0P to $3.00 main highway relief program, in which other and there is only one standard by which the strain can be lighter shrinking white wool than the STOP lessened and relieved—the standard of Christian brother­ Rambouillet. Coffee Shop — Best Food — Lowest Prices municipalities are participating, is borne by the hood, as laid down in Mr. Nesbltt's timely and opportune — ALSO OPERATING government. appeal. Nothing less will suffice. Surely If righteousness It is not advisable for the farmer AND EAT exalteth a nation, lt also exalteth the Individual.—"Ex­ to grade u£ with long wool bucks change" in The Blairmore Enterprise. past the point where the rancher has AT THE The municipal districts of Bulyea and Berry decided that the fleeces of his ewes Creek are situated at too great a distance from the will be too open and lacking in weath- HOTEL ST. REGIS er-proofness. And it is not advisable RATES: $1.50; BATHS $2.00 Weekly and Monthly Rates main highway tob to make participation in that un­ THE STANDING STILL TYPE OF CITIZEN for the farmer to use Rambouileet EMPRESS There is a standpatter type of mind that thinks the ranch bucks because the pointB that TIB dertaking feasible. Therefore, a different policy world will not alter in the least following the present make them most valuable to the depression. It ls just the same mind that is horrified rancher are of no use to the farmer in respect to those districts was necessary. But, who handfeeds inside winter shelter at the very suggestion that anything good can come out and runs inside fences. MEALS 30c the special treatment of those two units cannot be of Russia—Russian ideas, they argue, emanate from the Apart from the dark-faced Down AND UP described as preferential. On the other hand, Reds and consequently must be wrong. The world would these municipalities will eventually have to dig up never move ahead if the standpatter was in control. The Hanna Herald Kid Movements like that in Russia, after close study by CLEAN, WELL-FURNISHED 32%% of the cost of their relief program now be­ a man such as the Marquis of Lothian, are considered ing financed by the government. to possess features worthy of imitation, and he says MOPERNIZED ROOMS 75c that it may not be long before Great Britain is putting \fEr«|0N;-l0OK into practice some of the Russian experiments, but ln a PUBLIC WORKS AND RELIEF constitutional manner and not by revolution. Raising Not WQH • *, 450 Sulphate soda The fact that five municipalities east of Chin­ Chlorides ,, ;. 25 of a Castor tonsorial artist. Alkalinity ....„., 4 • **5 Carbonate soda and ook are contemplating taking contracts for the Castor is less than fifty miles north of here, but lt Nitrates Ume EVERY MORNING completion of the Saskatoon-Oalgary east of is interesting to note that Old Sol ls just beginning to Nitrates 1.5 .UST before breakfast every morning, warm up that community. Free Ammonia 0.06 that point, as a relief program, on contracts simi­ Albuminoid Ammonia - 0.18 Kern's Milk and Cream is. delivered to The water represented by this sample does not show any J lar to those being performed by municipal districts The same Castor barber urges the public to "try a bacteriological evidence of unfavorable contamination. Chemically your kitchen door, country fresh. All the between Hanna and Chinook, indicates that there shower." We've been trying FOR a shower for the it is high in organic matter and contains 58 grains per gallon carbon­ freshness and goodness is sealed in by Oor past month, but it hasn't done any good. ate of soda, which renders it slightly alkaline. sanitary capped bottles that are thoroughly is considerable satisfaction with Much a scheme, Yours very truly, * M ALLAN C. RANKIN sterilised before being filled! Call £203 and in spite of the assertions made by agitators to Tbe grasshopper plague in the States has brought out Director ask for onr driver to deliver your order. the effect that such jobs constitute slavery. many Incredible yarns of the damage done by the hop­ This analysis is for your protection. Safeguard the pers. Clothes have been eaten off the line, fence posts, health of your family by calling The Red Water Wagon. neckyokes, hoe handles and wagon tongues have been "Setting up'' of more engines and crews on chewed to nothing. But the best we have heard is the the C. N. Rys. remind one that autumn days are one where the farmer thought he would fatten his KERN'S DAIRY turkeys on the hoppers and turned them loose to feed F. A. McARTHUR not far distant and that the coal business will soon PURE, UNPA8TURIZED, RICH, WHOLE MILK. upon the pest. A few hours later, the turks all came PHONE 214 H be of reid importance again. home with t&elr feathers eaten off. H-63-38t J 5-1

Wm*%-£e^sr^^r?^.-jmi. .-.^^xsA' i

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1 •fek, •• ..y y*y**-W:*y MJiiiM^ifffif*' 1 THE HAUNA HERALD, HANUA, ALBERTA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3rd, 1931 £*aa ^**************************************************** may relax for a day or so, perhaps Even the wo^an wko l^*"i|BS*fj»ct •du ft rtftit?. feel releived, and thank good Mother f*3F ADVERTISING RATES Nature for the generous way in which carriage prefers an automible. Growing, Selection and Preparation she has co-operated with you. CLA88IFIED ADVERTISING: — From now on you have more or less Two cents per word, first insertion, and l%c per word each subsequent the controlling hand, but watch your insertion. Figures in groups of five or less, dollar mark, signs, initials, of Grain and Seed for Exhibition step. The cat will not be ln the bag etc., each count as one word. Minimum price first insertion, 50 cents; until you tie the string on for tho minimum priee subsequent insertion, 35 cents. Engraved brands, 25 great World's Grain Exhibition next cents each, additional. Being* one of a series of articles on "Growing, Selection and Prepara­ year. Reading Notices:—14 cents per count line per Insertion. Minimum 50 cents. tion of Grain and Seed For Exhibition. Article No. 4, will deal with "Cur­ Cards of Thanks. In Memorlam Notices, Etc.—Not exceeding seven lines, 11.00 By Herman Treile per Insertion. Over that space, 14 cents per count line, per insertion. ing and Threshing a Prize Sample." Headings count as two lines. In computing the number of lines, count (Copyright, 1931) six words to tbe line. In the earily days of the telephone ''r+*************************************************** there was a man who would not be­ GRAZING TO LET APPLICATION FOR LEASE OF At this date the writer has just re­ lieve he could hear his wife talk a OIL $1.25 ROAD ALLOWANCE OR SUR­ turned home from a 2500 mile circle distance of five miles by telephone. CAN GRAZE AND WINTER ABOUT VEYED HIGHWAY tour of observation takin g In the His better half, lt happened was in a 30 head of horses from the first of length and breadth of Canada's Great country town several miles away, September till the first of April on Notice is hereby given that M. S. Central Plain agricultural area. Siz­ where there was a telephone, and the a 40 per cent, basis. The best of Saddy of Wardlow has made applica­ ing up conditions from the worst, skeptic was also in a place where pasture and feed for winter. For tion to the Minister of Public Works, comprising the central south, lying there was such an instrument. On LLHOIMIS particulars apply Box 522, Hanna Edmonton, for a lease of the following mostly in Saskatchewan, and gradu­ Herald. K55-36-41 being told how to operate it, he road allowance or surveyed highway, ating to the best, which in general walked boldly up and shouted: t Pumps on Main and Third Ave. viz. contour takes the shape of a gigantic "Helloa, Sarah!" At that instant light­ I66-39-t m FOR 3ALE OR EXCHANGE N.E. Vs. of Sec. 27 and the N.W. crescent with its extreme tips point­ ning struck the wire and nocked the Vs. of Sec. 28 and the S.W. •& of ing south to the American boundary man down. As he scrambled to his FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE, 160 Sec. 27 and N.W. y_ of Sec. 22, and extending northward along Al­ feet he eried excitedly: "That's her!" acres, 40 miles s.w. of Leduc, where Twp. 22, Rge. 12. berta's side of the Rocky Mountains; crop failure is unknown. Good roads, Any protest against the granting but by far the larger part of this pro­ close to school and town; all kinds of the above mentioned lease must be mising crescent shaped crop area lies If you have visitors at your home, of fish and game; large farm house forwarded to the Minister of Public in the broad strip of partially wooded or if you know of visitors at your and log barn. Price $10 per acre. Works, Edmonton, within thirty days park land which extends all the way neighbors', the Herald will appreciate Will take stock to the value of $800. from the date of this notice. across the north of the Western Prov­ having you notify lt by telephone or Address Box 500, Fisher Home, Dated at Wardlow, Alta. inces, in no locality did the writer personal call, Call 52. Alberta. 158-36-7-8 find a condition of quality productiv­ M. S. SADDY ity where winning samples for the FOUR CYLINDER INTERNATIONAL Applicant World's Grain Show could, by good 15-30 engine ln good running order. Sept. 1st., 1931. luck or little concentrated effort, fall Only $150, second hand store. easily Into the lap of the prospective best of all at times) the family butch­ G65-39-40p. HON. O. L. MACPHERSON exhibitor. Even away up in the sup­ er knife. In this quick and final mass MUSICs4L PROGRAMME Minister of Public Works posedly charmed land known as "The rogulng one can only Improve color by FOR RENT cutting out the poor patches, and uni­ L65-39-40 Great Peace River Country," Mother formity and plumpness by getting rid Memorial Hall, Hanna 4 ROOM HOUSE ON THIRD AVE. Nature is portioning out her "milk and of the marginal growth, or over-size Apply E. E. Holmes, Phone 100. TENDERS WANTED honey" very sparingly. So, Mr. Pro­ or shrunken patches. This will help K39-30t. spective World Exhibitor, we must so much in later preparation work. SUNDAY, SEPT. G Tenders for driving Lake Rose S.D. just buckle down to the mgst gigantic, and surely the most profitable and This mass roguing should all be •t t p.m, DRESSMAKING van for the ensuing year will be re­ left until just before the final cutting ceived by the undersigned. Any tend­ spectacular game ot "hide and seek of the FOR NEAT AND REASONABLE that Mother Nature ever played with ! chqice patches. Plants are like O Canada er mailed at Hanna by noon on Mon­ Violin A Mazurka — Mlynarski dressmaking. Phone 90. M. J. Boul­ day, September 7th will be consider­ a bunch Of seed growers, and see I "unian beings. A sudden change ii ter. K68-39 what we can find. This year of all protective clothing along with a sur­ B Legende — Weiniawski ed. prise change in weather will bring on : Peggy Adam E. J. SUTHERLAND, years it is going to be a stickly, tick­ Soprano Solo selected Mrs. OuR FOUND lish proposition, but ths sacrificing, a cold, Sec.-Treas. The best signs to cut by: If Piano Duet Zampa overture James Carswell Hanna, Alberta. patient observer who sticks to his MASONIC RING. OWNER APPLY weather conditions continue sunny Mrs. Art Benson Herald office. 39-40 168-39 guns will be sure to win a crown for his determined efforts. and dry chances of a better sample Violin Solo Believe Me If Those All Endearing Young are improved if the berry Is allowed Following up the line of though In to ripen so hard that it takes consid­ Charms (7 years old) Phyllis King the second article, many changes can erable pressure with the thumb-nail Dramatic Reading "Pencil Seller" (service) Mrs. J. K. Adam take place in deciding the field and to make a dent ln the kernel. This Tenor Solo weather conditions which will neces­ selected Mr. W. C. Revitt Peggy Adam A. L. C. M. stage will NEVER be reached until Violin A Souvenir (Drdla) Billy young sitate changes in your dlcislons ac­ the straw is also ripe. The best pos­ wishes to announce that she will be prepared to cordingly. What was looked for onsibl e stage, therefore, and the best B Mosquito Dance (Mendelssohm) the high land may be found in theBlg n to decide harvesting is when you Soprano Solo selected Mrs. Cull hollow. What was thought to be ln accept pupils for the Violin make sure that both the kernel, and Violin A "Indian Love Call" an open exposure you may be sur­ the head, and the straw, (above the commencing Wednesday, September 9 prised to find in the shadow of a tree B "Waters of Minnetonka" Peggy Adam third joint from the top), are dead Tenor Solo belt. (And, by the way, one must ripe. This stage ALWAYS comes a selected Mr. W. C. Revitt Prospective pupils are invited to leave their names have beautiful trees if one wishes to few hours before one can see a faint Piano Solo Novelette Miss Nan Herring be a consistant grower ot beautiful dullness In the color of the head. Violin with Mrs. A. Benson, Phone 215 for appointment. seeds). What you thought you ob­ A Cairngorm (Scotch) Peggy Adam This advertisement ls not inAeftek by When this stage is reached the ex­ B Home Sweet Hpme (Al| Nfttiqns) served in a south of west exposure hibitor obtains his best possible sam­ the Alberta Liquor Control Boai-flh or K62-38-39 you may run Into on a north or east God Saje the K|ng by the Government ot the Province hen ple, with maximum weight and most of Alberta. slope. T your choice spot may brilliant and lasting color. When this run into rain. Cheer up! The spots stage passes by the head begins more Sponsored by Hanna Branch Canggipn. Legion B.B.S.L, H56-36-39 that are deal just after a rajn are the and more to droop, and very small Rev. J. W. Derby, chairman; Mr* A. Benfon, a-scoropanlat best. Pick more than one spot and spots like mildew appear on the head. you are bound to hit it right ln one Then the first signs of loss of color Silver Collection PARENTS and STUDENTS of then). wlll appear in the kernel. This is AL­ J 66-39 Just watch the rrosts. Herein lies WAYS to be looked for on the flrqt your final and best chances. Beat the morning after the head, and the ker­ *************************t*>l*********i FLOfcJR are respectfully reminded that frosts. Study your slopes and land nel therein are really dead ripe. * exposures. Observe the reactions of Wheat harvested soon after this dead BRAN, SHORTS the different types and ages of soils. ripe stage gives, what the wirtpr ctvt* Fertilizers are not necessary, Watch :s Hiders, a very superior sample even IN LARGE the thermometer, and perhaps more though there may be a very slight SPECIAL SCHOOL BOOKS the barometer. Keep a diary, See sacrifice In lustre. QUANTITIES how it reads in past years under the Oats should be cut when the head some conditions as to time. has a per Ject ripe color (not necessar­ SUCMXAY MENIJ will be sold fer Look for the bright, agreeably col­ ily the straw) and stands erect. Then SEPTEMBER tth Our Prices Are ored, choice patches in the best and examine minutely the lower kernels upright standing fields. When the on the spikelets where the green tips Right heads start stooping over too much it on the seed end should just faintly Cream ef Celery Soup is a bad sigij. Mark these choice be detected. After this the color Stuffed Alberta Young Turkey, Crabapple Jelly 79c FOR SALE AT CASH ONLY places with good plain uprights that changes very quickly. you can see, Take note of your ob­ Now you are ready for the harvest. (Family Dinner) servations. Impurities that affect a This should be done with the btnder, quality breeding test should be rogued Be sure it is dry, or best a sunny CASTOR HOUR MILLS out long before hand. A quality breed­ afternoon between 2 and 4 o'clock. It $1 - 4 PERSONS - $1 HERBERT ZINGER, Prop. ing exhibitor should know all about is then done safely and quickly. Do H34-SU SHILLETO DRUG CO. LTD. this all important purity problem. If not make the bundles large. \rie as Whole Roast milk feed Chicken, bacon dressing $1.00 he does not lt will be good advice close to the heads as practical to to think twice before he wastes much hold the straw together. Figure on For 4 Persons, accepted family 4 (only) CORNER DRUG STORE time with a mixed congolomerated 60 to 100 sheaves. In ea$9 of wheat mess of a field, trusting to chance ln each will provide for 4 to 6\_ pounds Single order 55c Cyril A. Coughlin a great Grain Show. Last moment of nice grain. Oats will provide Any of these orders served with combination and mayonnaise, French Hanna roguing should only be in mass with about a pound and a half lighter yield, BARRI8TER, SOLICITOR, fried potatoes, and choice of dessert, or ice cream—beverage J62-38 the binder or mower or sickle and and barley about the same as oats. NOTARY PUBLIC scythe, or in some cases (and the It wlll be explained later how most HANNA, ALBERTA. the tedious work of hand-picking may i be eliminated by having plenty of vol­ LIBERTY CAFE ume to work on. If it is decidpd to leave the sheaves HANNA'S FINE3T RE8TAURANT ln the open field be sure to have H66-39t HACLEOO & GRABURN ample and safe covering for protec­ + BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, tion from the night dew or sudden NOTARIES PUBLIC ITU PERCHA TIRES changes In weather. The writer nev­ Office at er takes any chances with a beautiful and hard earned sample. He takes Hanna —:— Alberta GUM CUSHJQfteO the sheaves Into a well ventlllated shed or granary, away from direct ex­ posure, where they may be placed in A. W. F. WALE& The Cords Must Pass the Severest Tests open stook formation on the dry ground or floor, or If there is still Official Auditor, Public Accountant A tire is no stronger than its weakest cord. For that reason—only the highest grade, Auditing and part-time commer­ lonp; staple cords are used in Gutta Percha Tires. But highest grade cords are not danger of excessive moisture evapor­ cial book-keeping solicited. Office sufficient in themselves—they must have the proner twist to give them strength and ating from the straw, he hangs .them in C. A. Coughlin Law Office Bldg up, heads down. B81S-U1 the vitality to absorb shock without destroying the *Iife" of the cords. Now, Mr. Prospective Exhibitor, you Our specifications demand that our laboratory exhatis. tively test all cord material for twist—even down to the minute strands that comprise the cords. Each cord has major strands and each major strand has minor strands. FILMS PRINTS The correct twist, in both major and minor strands, is DEVELOPED MADE a vital factor in prolonging tire life. That is why Gutta The New Victor Percha Tires are better and last longer than ordinary 24-HOUR SERVICE tires. Superette 'A Tire is only as good as its cords" BAMBRICK STUDIO PHONE 290 4- Gutta Percha SL Rubber, f921-S5t. LIMITED TORONTO - CANADA FLOWERS Funeral and Wedding Designs 200% Canadian Cut' Flowers and Pot Plants Order them at— GRUMMITT'S BAKERY HANNA,' - Phone 116 * ' ALTA.

Fer a successful sals sss Showing cords submitted to laboratory test. A full size 8-tube Super- Heterodyne concentrated AT E Mffi1E DELmH NNA W. L TOWNS into a beautiful miniature cou LICENSED AUCTIONEER cabinet .... $2.25 ™ $4.25 ^ Fill Your Bins Up Before October 1st He ia always ready te look aftsr your Inter sets. Price. YOU'LL NEVER REpftET IT. WE ARE MINING THE BEST COAL PRODUCED IN YEARS. PROMPT DELIVERY(Mayne BY TELEPHONINs TransferG )ORDER S TO *%*** Orders taken foj-*-— or haul It yourself .ssf^\ ': "•<• • . -' OUT FLOWER*, FUNERAL SHILLETO DRUG WREATHS, Eto. HANNA e&fiHRAllVE ASSOC, LTD COMPANY, LIMITED MORSE MINE CORNER DRUO STORE IMS AUTHORIZED DEALERS L42-31L I67-39L


l J m •*w w^wy"

PAGE FOUR THE HANNA HERALD, HANNA. ALBERTA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3rd, 1931 IN MEMORIAM STRANGE CARGO ARRIVES ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. B. D. Harrison, of Halladay, was TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY IN CANADA LAST WEEK a visitor ln Hanna today. FOR SALE In loving memory of my dear moth­ Having procured a studio and being • • • er, who passed away four years ago What looked more like the arrival ln a position to assume the teaching Dr. and Mrs. H. F. P. Grafton were WARM AIR HEATING SYSTEM, ot an up-to-date Noah's Ark, was the today, September 3rd, 1927. of regular classes I wish to announce visitors In Hanna on Tuesday, visiting complete with furnace, warm and Just four years ago today, landing In Canada last week of the that tuition will be offered on the fol­ cold air pipes, warm and cold air cargo from the Scottish liner, "Ath­ the latter's sister, Mrs. A. Benson. The angels called dear mother away. lowing instruments during the com­ registers. Will heat a house of from God thought lt best, enia", from Glasgow. The shipment mencing term: • • • 6 to 8 rooms easily and efficiently. was made up of kangaroos, leopards, VIOLIN, CLARINET, SAXOPHONE, So He took her home with Him to flamingoes, owls, snakes, some odd Mr. and Mrs. D. Klasaen are moving A bargain. Apply to Box 524, Her­ rest. WIND INSTRUMENTS and HAWAI- to Swalwell shortly, to make their ald. —37-8-9p. specimens of parrakeet and many IN GUITAR. 'Mr. and Mrs. H. G. McCrea have as Mr. John Keehn returned home on Inserted by her loving daughter. types of zebras. Band and orchestra in connection. their guest Mrs. M. C. Salmon, of Cal­ Monday morning after spending a two home. Mr. Klassen has been on the FURNISHED ROOMING HOUSE. MRS. W. K. McCOY. The shipment, in charge of the Can­ gary. weeks' holiday in Lethbridge and oth­ For appointment phone 17. National Hotel staff for several years Hot water heating system with rad­ L66-39 adian National Express Company, was A. W- P- WALES. • • • er southern towns. but has been forced to make a change destined for Toronto, where it Is now iators, plastered painted through­ VOLUJV 164-39-40-1 Miss Muriel Scott of Unity, Sask., Is • • • due to ill health. Herald want ads. are the cheapest shown as part of the Canadian Na­ spending a ifhort holiday at the home Miss Willa Winning has returned to out. Apply Bo* 525 Herald for and most effective method of bringing tional Exhibition. Mrs. A. Benson, teacher of piano­ of her slstar, Mrs. Argue. her home in Sunnynook after spending • • • terms. G69-39t. the buyer and seller together. Try forte and theory, will be ready to tlie past week with Dr. aud Mrs. S. A farewell party was held at the one. A prevailing wind is against an air­ • « * take pupils on and after September 7. E. C. Argue. home of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. MacLach­ LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING craft steering west over the Atlantic, For appointment call 215. J67-39 Mr. H. Fowler, of 1404 Forest Ave., which explains why most attempts Wilmette, 111., was a visitor in Hanna • * * lan on Monday last, in honor of Miss Mrs. Chas. Stephens wishes to an­ Mr. and Mrs. J. Gartner and family LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS are made eastward. on Friday. Irene Wicken, of Regina, who has been for rent, suitable for school girls or STUDY:WOR K AT HOME nounce that she will carry a complete of Dowling, and Mr. S. Burgemaster, visiting at the MafcLachlan home. BY MAIL line of fall millinery, Including new • * * were Sunday dinner guests at the H. business girls. Apply Mrs. L. Mott, Empress Eugenie felts, also Patou Friends of Mr. M. L. Pope will be G. Pregitzer home. A very enjoyable Guests included Mr. and Mrs. A. Ben­ Hanna. J61-38-39 hats. Watch for opening date. son, Mrs. R. Henry, Mrs. J. Harrison, THE INSTITUTE OF APPLIED ART. LTD pleased to learn that he is making day was spent. Apparatus has been developed to 169-39 satisfactory progress after his serious • • • Mr. B. Carswell, Mr. T. Qulnn. Miss utilize the heat produced by rotating illness ln the Hanna hospital. Wicken left on Tuesday for her home electrical machinery to warm build­ EDMONTON FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Mr. Douglas Johnson, of Drumheller, • • • ings. H68-39-0-1-2 dally. West End Grocery. J52-35t. who has been visiting with the Art In Regina. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wylie were Harvey family, returned to his home • • » I wish to announce that I have my visitors in Calgary for a few days CORRECTIOr-J. harness and shoe repair business next in the coal city on Monday. CAPITOL last week. Through an oversight, the names =•=? door to the Herald office. It will pay • • • JL THEATRE of the following Grade V pupllB, who n g you to get my prices on shoe repairing. • • • Mr. and Mrs. George Richards left HARVESTERS tl I have for sale a product called Mrs. A. S. Tigges, wife of Rev. W. obtained marks sufficiently high to ff this week for Olds, their former home, MENDALL that mends all kinds of S. Tigges, recently underwent an oper­ be recommended without writing ex­ ANNOUNCING where Mr. Richards will commence AND rubber goods, canvas or leather. I ation at the local hospital, and is re­ aminations, were omitted from the The first big event of the season also repair auto tires. ported to be recovering steadily. harvesting operations on his farm. E. E. I LBS, Rev. R. H. Reutemann of Maple June report released for publication: THRESHERS! K69-39p Hanna Creek was a visitor In Hanna. • * • Marjorie Morrison, Jack Long, Frank • * • Mrs. Gordon Roche of Edmonton is Murphy. LABOR DAY DANCE O. F. Boulter announces that his fall visiting in Hanna, the guest of Mrs. You'll Save term commences September lst, Rev. W. S. Tigges and Mr. E. Kelm MONDAY, 8EPT. 7 teaching pianoforte, rudiments, harm­ ot the German United Church are at­ Belle Smith, who has recently re­ , If you have visitors at your home, DOLLARS ON or if you know of visitors at your Enjoy Your Admission, 75e couple ony and counterpoint. Reduced prices tending the meeting of Hanna Presby­ turned from an extended visit to the for beginners and where more than tery of the United Church of Can­ coast, accompanied by Iris and Dun­ neighbors', the Herald will appreciate ada, which is being-held September having you notify it by telephone FOOTWEAR one member of a family is taking can Elliott. or personal call. Call 52. lessons. Phone 90. L63-38-9 3 and 4 at Knox Church, Drumheller. THURS., FRL, SAT., • • • • » • SOX Family Dinner SEPT. 3, 4, 5 Mr. and Mrs. E. C. L. Burrows and Mrs. W. J. Winning and daughters, son, of Rose Lynn, have left for Tro­ the Misses Christina, Doreen and Wil­ SHIRTS la, have recently returned after a mot­ at chu where they will make their fu­ GLOVES CASH ture home. Mr. Burrows has been or trip as far east as Winnipeg. 'RENEGADES' agent for the Alberta Pacific Grain • • * and Co. Ltd. at Rose Lynn for the past Mr. Bernard S. Wimbush, of Scapa, TRACHOMA! A stirring drama of the fighting SPECIALS three years, and recently was transfer­ leaves next Tuesday for Toronto, SHOE Foreign Legion. A real enter­ where he will attend the reunion of BACK BACON, LEAN OC. red to Trochu. tainment. the blind, being held September 12- per pound OOC • • • REPAIRS Dr. C. A. Baragar, commissioner of 18. Mr. Wimbush will be accompan­ In view of the fact that TUES. and WED. only SIDE BACON, LEAN Qf|j. mental institutions for the province, ied by Mr. J. B. MacKenzie. '"NATIONAL HOTEL per pound Ovt one case of trachoma has OF HANN/y SEPT 8 9 has been appointed temporary head of • • • FRESH SAUER KRAUT OC_ the Ponoka mental hospital. Dr. Bar­ Mr. Hugh McPhail is relieving at the been discovered in town, it 2 for tittJtZ agar is a brother of J. Baragar, of local office of the District Agricultur­ would be very advisable for Hanna. ist, during the absence of E. G. Wood, SUN ONCE A GENTLEMAN LIBBY'S DILL PICKLES, doze n 40C • * * who is on vacation. parents to have any suspic­ This picture was recommended Mr. and Mrs. C. E Legge, of Red • • • to us by public and critics, It ious eye trouble examined SHOE STORE PURE PORK SAUSAGE should be good. Deer, and formerly of Hanna, are re­ Miss Susie Peters, who has held a S. Petersen 2 for ceiving congratulations on the brith position in the home of Rev. A. W. by their family physician. 25c L67-39t *=» BOLOGNA, pound of a daughter, born August 16th. Coone at Vancouver for some years, THURS., FRI. AND SAT. 25c • * • Is at present in Hanna and is relieving SEPT. 10, 11, 12 Mrs. Clark Fraser and son Ronald, In the offices of Drs. Argue and Cross, of Naco, Alberta, have been the during the absence of Miss E. Kary RAMON NAVARRO in THRESHERS! guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Larson. who is on vacation. S. ARGUE M.D. • * • Get our prices on any cuts of • • • M. 0. Town of Hanna. Messrs J. R. Wade and ('. N. Tingle beef. Miss Helen Adames, of Calgary, ls "SON OF INDIA" expected here this week-end, and will returned home on Friday after a two A mystery drama of mysterious visit for a few days at the home of her weeks' fishing trip into the foothills India. One you will enjoy. parents, Sheriff and Mrs. H. J. Adames. north-west of Cochrane. KENNEDY'S • • « MEATATERIA Mi;, and Mrs. C. W. Tlpea, of Mir­ Every Tuesday Is family night SUPER-CAST ALUMINUM COOKING UTENSILS and a matinee Saturday after­ —Phones— ror/ have been tbe guests of Mr. and noon. Mrs. Wm. Bell for a few days. Mr. "Waterless Cooking for Health's Sake" and Mrs. Pipes have just recently re­ FRUIT L68-39 Shop 24 House 254 J65-39L turned from a 4,000-mile motor trip SOME OF THE OUTSTANDING FEATURES which took them through the West­ 1. Prepares food the most healthful way. ern and Pacific Coast States, and Into ALL SEASONABLE 2. Made of Super-thick Aluminum. Mexico. 3. Saves time and labor—eliminates pot watching. • * • 4. Economical in fuel. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harrison and FRUITS 5. Cooks a whole meal at one timte on one burner. children accompanied by Miss Ida 6. Will last a life time. Paxman, returned home last week af­ FOR PRESERVING AT LOWEST ter spending the past month In Wash­ COVERED SAUCE PANS ington and Oregon. Mr. Archie Har­ PRICES These sturdy pans with thick covers are de­ rison, of Claresholm, ls at present a signed for the waterless cooking of vege­ visitor at the home of his brother. tables, but also make splendid pans for . . • Hanna Co-operative Assoc, Ltd. stewing, boiling, candy making etc. Miss Ada Wilkins, who has recently 2 quart with cover $4.70 Buckeye Flour, 98s $2.25 J. MACLEOD, Mgr. PHONE 40 returned to Canada after spending 5 quart with cover $6.60 Groceteria Flour 98's $235 several years in California, ls visiting K67-39t. at the home of her sister, Mrs. E. TRIPLE SAUCE PAN SETS Rolled Oats 20'$ 65£ Olson. Designed to cook in the waterless way, three Choice Tomatoes, 2^'s, 2 for 25£ foods at one time over one burner with a great saving in time and fuel. Each pan may Choice Pink Salmon, tails, 2 for 25$ be used as an individual, the same as any GET YOUR THINKER GOING! ordinary sauce pan. Price complete with Campbells Soups, 2 for 250 detachable handle $17,25 Pure Ontario Honey, 5 pound 550 STUDY OUT THIS COAL SITUATION ^^ who care CAST DUTCH OVEN OR ROASTER Green Beans, 2's 100 It will soon be time to put in your winter supply of coal and For making tender, delicious, appetizing Potted Meats, per tin 50 fully appreciate even yet you may get coal for less than you can later. roasts from the cheaper, tough cuts; it has no Why have a large pile of ashes and a little pile of coal equal. Makes a fine oven for cooking fowl, Empress Orange Marmalade, 4's 500 QUALITY f when spring comes. If economy counts with you there's no fruit or vegetables. Fels Naptha Soap, per carton 750 argument. We can positively show you how you can save 5 quart size, with cover $7.90 money on your coal. Coffee, 3 pounds 950 90 A car of Real Coal, double screened Drumheller lump RADIO EQUIPMENT AT NEW LOW Thrift Tea, 3 pounds 050 to arrive any day—watch for it and Phone 67. PRICES Phone 124 "We Deliver the Goods" V lity must ART SAYS: "No foolin', if you haven't burned 1 Qua! Artz coal you haven't burned the best." Our complete stock and experience is at include Buy by guess and you'll only guess you're satisfied. your service. Bring in the tubes or set PERFECT FIT when they (ail to function. Our tube test­ and Hanna Wood and Coal Company ing machine is at your (ree disposal. ART L. HARVEY, Prop. STYLE Phone 67R2 Westinghouse Radio Tubes, UX201 A We carry five of the best G66-39t. lines known, In Men's Dress Ox­ now .$1.50 NOTICE ford* In all sizes, and in wide and narrow fittings. Westinghouse Radio Tubes, UX201B, now. $2.10 "The man who cares" need Thompson & Co. beg to announce to their not look elsewhere for a quality Westinghouse Radio Tubes, UX171A, now . .%2J00 shoe. Westinghouse Radio Tubes, UX226, now $1.75 friends and patrons that the business has been PINE SOX Westinghouse Radio Tubes, UY227, now $1.70 Incidentally, we also oan 4£ Volt Burgess "C" Batteries, now 601 please your discriminating taate sold to Stewart & Co. who are now in possession. In fine cashmere and wool sox. No. 2308 Burgess 45 Volt "B" Batteries, now $2.95 Ben Hur Heavy Duty 45 V. "B" Batteries.... $3.95 We wish to thank the public for their support 8HOE REPAIRS I WISH TO announce that Shoe repairs are satisfac­ Burgess Heavy Doty "B" Batteries, 45 V. now $4Jf tory only when quality mater­ I have taken over the Eveready Layerbilt "B" Batteries, 45 V., now $4.95 during our stay in Hanna and bespeak for our ials and experienced work* manship go into them. That's 11 Plate GlobeHte Wet "A" Batteries, now. $7.95 why our repair department successors your continued patronage. has come to be so popular. OXFORD BILLIARD 13 Plate GlobeKte Wet "A" Batteries, now. $8.45 ROOM All outstanding accounts are payable to Thompson & Company. operated by Mr. Ed. Guichon, and I hope to have the BUY AT pleasure of meeting you and enjoying your visits. It S. 1 SMITH will be our aim to maintain our equipment and stocks "We Sett and Repair Everything up to the highest standard. THOMPSON & CO. Made of Leather—Shoes Includ­ ed, -of Course." <»: ,BW •' • .*••'>..«»*• iA J68-39t (NEXT TO ODELL'8 LTD.) "JIMMY" O'CONNOR L69-39 064-35


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