— < P K. . L.

Tka WaaUMT •V TU1E8DAT. MABCH It, 1940 Arcrage Dally CireoIatkMi al D. a. Waathar I fIV B L T B itattr^Htnr Cvniitio BwaOi For the Meath of Febceiacy. Itt# late tanight ar ' ICoBiHopolitan Club 6,355 Bag, pralm ^ rhangt To Confer Degree Fire Is DiMovered or rahi Thim gay) Mary Bushhell C3Mnay auxlUary. To Give Lecture la Reporter’s Gteve Measber of the Aadtt V. 8. W. V.. win bold lU regular Great .Flower Exhibit Bnreaa af ( i^About Town buslneaa m e^ng tomorrow eve­ At Temple Tonight Musical on iTiday V ning at k o'clock In the State^ At Trade School Tba Herald la able to give an Manehs$ter— A City of VUIage Charm Armory. ' exclusive etory thla morning on p4T. T. a . Toy U bn ry will b* In N. Y. Is.Described a Ore In Manchester that evan • Tbe COsnopoUtan Club will bold (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE 'THREE CK An Important roeetliV/bf Maq- (CInaaMed Adverthaug an Papa 10) MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH IS, 1940^ tte m n i two wMka be> - A ------1------■ ------at thla tline la unkqown to| Its annual musical at the South VOL. LIX., NO. 139 Rev. Elmer DaalelaoB of Mart- E u g ^ M. Davla, leeal op- eheater lodge of MasoM win be either of the Are departments. i Methodist church, Friday after­ i‘«fp mwvmt of Om «(|nlpBwnt den. missionary now home on fur­ I «M Unton aelioolhoua*. tometrlat/PiU ba tha Apaabar at f <....1 fsitliifalnat <>«>■ aiflass caaa containing held at tha Temple tonight. It le A t 8:01 this morning the odor noon at 2:30 o'clock. / ______■ ' lough from TangankOca, East My of tba local SUU L A C a l Ivarden l! 000,000 Army and Navy budgeu i Q s ^ y w ar in a (a sh - monttiB struggle against RS. Holy Name Saeicty of St. w. a. *T think it Is Indicated that the at the ehuri'h. A birthday social ailcqiiatP outline of even tlie main for tickets because tlie show l/>- F L A T W O RK today after Underracretary ion which the Kremlin re *'v ie t Russia today by IwMMs's churrh will meet tonight will follow the biislnesa meeting. TonKirrow: committra will report aomethlng," features of this stu|>eiuloim show in night promises to be one of the 12 PIECES . Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales. Mr*. Norton said. Since ahe had B flckers ^iViu 8'.30 near the funeral home of Mra. Mark Holmes la the hoatcas Grand Ontral Palnce, which oc­ biggest attractions presented in aaa exnio- gards as tho greatest defeat more soil and economle 5- 0—Business and professional 6 Sheets — 6 Cases red yesterday with President I Bflght patient* were Injured. 80 other* shaken up and the entire neighborhood rocked by a I " 1 that Italy------waa ready1 . to .. defend 1 ^rUle)i**hi------mlllUry Indopond^ '■p. Holloran, at 175 f'enter and ahe will be asslated by Mrs. men’s group. R. 8. cupies four floors, 1 would like to this town for years. There will be haat. to go in a body to the fu- Ropkevelt, it was considered poosi- 111 F i r s t T e s t Memorial hospital In euburban Clcvcl.md. Ohio. Above, aearchcra examine the action wtth LO O O ^ | jh a ^ in d w ta lS d WSris w S P. C. Mc:Lagnn and Mrs. Walter Volley ball. R. 8. confliio my remarks for the most 60 membera in the chorus. The tn informed quarters that at demanded before the vrar.> bome to view the body of Shipman. Hiiiulball, R. 8. part to the particular exhibits show comes from Waterbury Cans trained men under arms and with ink Gardner, who waa a mem- Carnatioii Milk 4 29c It some of the committee pro- I sion arM looked upon at the 11 e. m. (4 a. m„ Badminton, W. 8. which most interested me. where it has been presented with ala might have administration a fortifled bulwark acroaa her Al­ |bar of the society. The Rosary will Upon entering from Lexington great success by the Sacred Heart jSovin seat of government as dogged, conrageou Mrs! I*. R. Brnnnirk, president Individual exercises, F.. 8. SoftasUk approval. pine frontiers. , - . . . pjl6'1»clted. The funeral home will of the Democratic Women's club, 0-7—Handball f/»r men, R. 8. avenue one Is pleasantly greeted Catholic Club. Groundwork for Possi- SfiyS A I^G loO U ’The budgets were voted as | a "splendid contribution to Army stopped ' ^ open after 0 o'clock this eve- W'lll Accept ChangM Hore-Belisha Demands will preside at the brief meeting by -the itniiaual idantings of acacia untll the time of the funeral sfnall gym. Many spoclaltlea will be intro­ The President was represented peace between Finland and Russia wtHTld peace.** gkxmiy p « I l ^ u n l tonioiTow evening at 8 o’clock, 7-8—Boxing for men. E. S. small t>n either side of the main al.sle, l a duced, The costumes and seta and SHIRTS 10c Each pkg. 24 c In word circulating at the capltol ble *Draft-Roosevelt' n ¥ f 1 »* Efbunda:y rooming at 8:30. Cake Flour reUeved the Italian soverninent of (Nrltaln and Franc*, nt war with batUeflMlB, fh m the precc,- recruited from the younger w a rlia s been called the key SBir wlthfai I Join Carpenters' Local ment fund of the home. Pricea will in particular were most fascinat­ ^GREATEST bill. It la our intention to start B ^ t delegates at large and bate on Britain’s “whole con^, Expect Combined Nad- be awarded and refreahmenta next Tuesday Sitting every day four dUtrict delegates, all commit­ George Dletrich-MualGa, brpUier claeeee and added that an aver-tn-|g^’B ditahas slao* ing. One exhibit, that of 'Lager and creasing mass at reeervisto guar-luteat founded *^*% e officii^ served, and all plnyerft will be Hurrcll, ' nAvor wna fuUy ex- a posaltde eomlitecd Nasl-Bovtet swsaptag, eapitalate. th s hsad a t, waterfall In all Ha glory. ably calls for a pre­ Lamb Liver up alternative etandard bearers, tlons In an effort to holster the te imnivn fn March 16 — St. Patrick’s Rve Although the third floor haa a (Lirte SanetaM <•« Ow (F) W in ) diplomatic offensive sgateat Allied on# in ~ lab Am y, FIrill dance at Legion home on Leonard with the result that three candl- drug company’s financial status, plained but who IS K B O ^ tO Will G>ntinue al ths number of unusual exhibits those scription. FULLUSTRE Interests te tbe Balkans. Oari Ouataf M street. dates pledged to Postmaster Gen- including ficUUmis ssles and pur- have advocated dispatch o f a Moscow’s announcement of n liS mintca itevtot ettiaans.’ aebadulsd to spaek to of the New York Botanical Gar­ lAMOus t m a s L b . Brttleh oaiclsl Killed. eral James A. Farley, one to Vice- ciiaaes In the crude drug depart- British expeditionary force to Ths aovist pvhlle. pres Next Week. dena and the Brooklyn Botanical The quicker you get Bacon 23c treaty with Finland, ostensibly Drive on Reds toniglit aed nesMm ;|nNEHUR8T WEDNESDAY SPECIAL WILL BE . . , March 17—Preaentatlon of the V _ ttOOt POUSH Doodon, March U —(01—Aa In- President Garner, and three un-|ment, dummy lirma and even a Finland before he left office, radio aossa to teks It to r granted < Uo teemtiM. Gardena were to me roost capUvat' dtoa giminna shot and killed Sir pledged ran well behind the Roose­ frertng Russia’s resources to sup­ "Messiah” by Emanuel and Chapel. Ing. The Brooklyn Botanical Gar- that prescription, the Pftll MTH ivtav PaUIR port tbe war macbln* of her eco­ tbs algnntuNa of Urn Flmrtah dals- Ftnlaed was foread te : .Trfsh lf Baked Mlehael OTksyer, loag a key dg- velt Slate. (CoathiBed an Fas* nix) jtsserted that British refusal gates wUl- pravs ------ttedtag on ths cboira of Emanuel Lutheran are in the BriUeh ndmtalatratloa to Supply more help was nomic ally, may mean a Nasi of­ lYonai Also r i e a g e a | yom l^ goveniment church at 7 p. m. \ sooner you can start MIYIIIOPHIADQQ* ’The GraniU State RepuUicans fensive to the west. « , COCOANUT MACAROONS $1.4* WITH NANOU M ti / of India, aad wounded a enbtoet picked an unpledged delegation •■/■■■• based on " a pure tec^hnical- Ftae DelsgaMee Laavas March 23—Antiual meeting of taking the medicine. minister and two otbere tonight In London and Paris racelved re­ Compaign to Uproot The Ftonteh detegation of four, \ ^ , ^ , Brltlsh-American club. A FultwlM **lllll>< Smt h MNf ' M nttaek whieh broke np a meet­ IT's: O ffic i^ Mum ports from Bucharest tiiat Oer- A n t i-J a p a n is m in C h in a headed by premier Rlsto Rytl, left 25c pound Coming Events. That Prescription Can Be ing of tbe Enet Indian Aeaoclatlaa M ine l i s t e r C3ismberlate de­ many and Russia were plaaateg to ' Moecow this aftemooo te e epeclal I Mw OfV M** P. presldenUal nomlnnttoa after a j a r-% w -■ i clined to any Immediately whether Manchester Dry Geanors nt oaxloa Hall, near Weatmteater nto-and-tuck, five-cornered contest A a- C f . n m * A u o g l offer Rumania territorial guaraa- .f . . . ■ ______iBwedlah Plane which brouglitthsm Italy to Get The last time our baker made these up for us we sold IM March 2t—Ehister Sunrise. Serv­ G. E. WlUIS In Your Hands In Leas Than I avialy oad the proposed full dress debate ______^ ____ Tokyo, March 18.—( ^ —Prom l*rlj^_ *«<«> if,i,i.iwi ei/M*- pomds at 20c a pomd . . . they wvrr good value at that price ice at Old Golf Lots on Raat Cen­ 195 Center Street Abbey. ' Lord Zetlaad, seeretary over tbe choice qf four delegates-1 1 rx .1 O W l l I l x a F i toes te exchange for trade An Hour By Phoning would iM allowed, hut trustworthy slons. British MMl French omclnte| Admiral Mlteumaa* Tonal ^ tiaismw vi* owon- . . . o« this 2Sc special, we expect to cell 150 pounds between 7 ter street, 5:15 a. m.‘ of state for India, gnaed by at-large. unofficial sources said such a de­ C oalby aart It o'clock W’^ncoday. The store doses at noon . . . ao bullet, was the tajnied Bridges, Senator Charjes W. ! declined to oomment, pending ac­ pledged an unremitting campaign MUe-long queues of rejoietegl ' March 35—Knights of Cikilum' & SON, Inc. bate would be held March IS at tion of the Finnish Dlst (Parlia­ to Odna to "uproot" OommUnlaml please 'phone your order early . . and check the Macaroona Have Yonr Clothes Geaned* mtalater. Sir Louis I Tobey, and former O. S. B«Mtor q | ]V|e|| CritlciKed Huaeovltes lined up for morning bus Easter ball at Sports Center. which Cfliamberlato would present and aatl-Japantom. 1 aaw . . . your family will enjoy them. 2 Main St. Phone 5125 Lord Lumliigtou. both former BrtV George H. Moaes, a veteran of five' ment) on the reported pease pspmro dlaenaring Uw pasco trsate. Q| A — March 27—Dessert-Bridge. Man' Brightened and Renewed for Easter. a general war rertew and reply to treaty but the settlement, coming The statement was isaued to cob- | Ich admlalstratora of Indiaa prov- national conventions dating back I Can Not Be Reached; quoitlona of an aroused House. Pravda, offletal Communist p a rte l**® ® *' J ig rtO n m lU Chester Republican Women’s club 7057« Inoeo, w en weuuded la the arm. on tlie beela of tbe AllleF purport-1 aeetlon with an Inqiendteg oonfar- Fresh, Lean, Ptnehurat Watch for Our Advt. in the Classified Section to 1908, captured three of the | nawufapar, dlsplsyod on its fnmt G ts m u m y at the Y. M. C. A. A complete line of Becauae we wili cail for • • • Others W ill Not Talkir od wUltegneaa to Intervene te Fte' once at Nanking, CSitea, o f Um PINEHURST SPARERIBS ...... Ib. I5c March 30 ~ M. H. S.-AIumnl _oftheNew_Phon^^ Hiure-Bellsha entered today's '’orthodox huomtetoog*’ political your prewription and deiiv- Weimna Boras to Deuth. Bridges’ vote, tbe heaviest cast] dlacussloa after CSuunbeitete had land, had Its effect to both capl< (Ustebwwi Ob Pago Bto) i n g o f N a t io il* * Kraut .. ,9r lb„ H lbs. 2&c Ball at Sports Center for benefit Frame and Finish tala councU. a prelude to oetabUahment of Verplanck Fund auspices of *er it to your home, carefuily 3-HOUR SERVICE P H O N E 7254 Bevece, Mnss,, BInrah IS—

Advei iisement— Adveftisemeat— AdvertiaameaU- well mixed and fluffy. Ilf the York on a charge of susplrton of B ig P lM S S f Allies Prepare rottage cheese Is tn large curds Hatcket Victim murder. McCrea Avers Is r o m ti CUtkea Fiife Wardens Children o f Three Towns press through a sieve.) I^u r Into EASTER FASHIONS ^iiOi K ills iY. V. Slocks ' buttered custard cups and place In Shippcil to Home 8alMiUnn .4rniy Vetenui IMee. nm re oneo waa a Mddy with Gather Here To Make Own a pan of hot water. Bake ta a Tokyo. March 13—(49—Gunpel, FOR CIRLS- ,Move Illegal aa appeUta for glaaa—but ahe Injured While Coasting ^ m<^erate oven (380 degrees F.) for Yamamtiro. 68. veteran of 46 . . . TH years sendee tn tim Salvation Eldierly Pair Adams Exp ...... la BO more. Her voracious graed 30 minutes. Cool, unmold and New Haven, March 18—(46~The - FEATURE - Air Ileduc...... * . . . 4SH 4 ^ led her to plek up a nloa. ahlny Wap Intense sprinkle aith the cinnamon and Army, died ttslay of pneumonia. Alaska Jun !...... 6 bit of porcelain In her yards In Sixty of Them Meet to sugar mixed together. Serves six. body of Mrs. Helen Rossi. 33. vic­ He was commisaloner of the Army WALT DISNEY'S Allegheny ' ...... 1 ChaUenges Suspension a neighboring town, and tim of a hatchet slaying tn New for Japan. [jbrfpple Comnitt, Snidde ,...178 Discuss Rsdio to Help (CoaUnoed trtm Fag* Oae) Mcaortal hospital ysstarday for in- asapsU ^ *„rfnv«.r Allied C hem ...... As Prosecutor by Gov­ •tra^ to tap aha Bved juries received ta coasting accl- Glenn ■TZi Goetnme Jewriry Is very 'Impor­ York cUy Sunday, was shipped Authentle M*-Conple Oune to Aid Am Can ...... 11614 through the ordeal of trying to In Fighting Blazes* Scandinavian countries to allow dtnU. Wllllain Wright, 10, of 14«:also bad trouble s t e e ^ Ws siM tant This tSmtmr here for burial today. Am Homa Prod , . . * . . . 6614 ernor Dickinson. digest It. South Main street fractured an and as a rosult Mra. Rossi, killed in the Amster­ PINOCCHIO Of Granddoaghter. .... 6H the passage of military aid was especially those sweet flower pins Am Rad St 8 ...... But there comes a time when .. A meeting of District Forest Sre decisive," aald The Liondon Daily arm while coasting near his home movable object whUe w w g ov« to pin on the lapel of your s••■ •*•* Coca C o la ...... “ 8% U" executive officer of the eUte to - / ' ' — hla preference for Dewey, also was 24% and only *7.98 at Fradln's. ! S 5 .9 8 $ 5 -9 8 Col Oae and E l* ... Russia, with her campaign against tag that Italy had fortified her defeated by a substantial margin fill centers with Jordan almonds or ter, Mary Ann, 16, were hyatericM ’ MU deprive Weyhe county of the eerv- Finland ovar, would ha frss to sup­ jelly beans. -for oeveral houra after the ahoot- Coml Inv Tr ...... ' ll-ee of lU duly elected prooecutlng frontier with Germany aa well aa for a convention seat as a diatric|^ Solve the Children’s Easter ! Col Solv ...... ply 800 waiting German divisions with Freaca delegate. 1LU1 tWe RE:—- fuUnme all around are Ideal. (tolbea rroMem . ■ ettorney." ■> ^ About Town with tha materials for an offansive Not Artificial System THE CHILL WINDS BLOW pillboxea If they ore round. Three Furniture Bargains Indeed! by Investigating the grand value.s ’| * U . ry Ann, a achoolmat* of Lari* Cone Edison...... ■ ‘ it, S«Mm To Ouet Miariff Sj^nat tha Magtaot Una. James J. Powers of UanebesUr „and Winter bolds us in her Iron! obta'ng T/te Only Refrigerator mer. macovered her grandparenta' Cons on ...... ’ A? Almoet elmultapeoualy Governor Italian fortifications, the under­ was ths only eandidsts who brake flood looking studio couches, for offered by Marlow's. They have 3 -P c S U ITS Tbs Britlab-and Frtncb press rc- secretary went on, are not so grip, of snow and Ice on yet. but ••conical haU are becoming to only *24.96 that were formerly adorable dresses, slses 1 to 6 for hodiw She aummoned a neighbor, Cont Cen ...... ■ ai2 Plcklneon formtlly designated At tha adjournad annual masting gardad tha war ta Ftaumd as Into an official alate of BoossvsR dqn't you be fooled. Spring, that i square faces. llro . Mercedea Carlaon, who found Corn Prod ...... ■ ' Probate Judge John L. Hollander much an artificial system like the ' dgsd delegates filed by State priced $34.95. Solid maple break­ 59c and a fine collection of sizes For Olrlo, 12,14,16 of St. Mary’s pariah, bald laat finished bustaeae. Tbe "harth" and Magtaot and Siegfried lines but Capricious elf, is biding right be- , ••n,e older, gray-holred woman fast seta for *22.50. a reg. *29.95 6 to 16 dresses for older alstcr - tmriraer etruggllng with Berna­ Del Leek and Weet ’ ;to preside over an ouster hesrtng jh t, reports of offlcera and com* *kmerous" terms, said Tha British nKMratIc Committee Chairman bind Winter's skirts ready toj^^jj flnj gnHor hots flattering, ■ With The dette. She said Larimer hred at her Douglas Aircraft . 'iBsw legslnst Sheriff Thomss C. Wilcox. more an "Integrating and Robert Murebia Powers, who value and with your purchase you from *1.00 to *1.98. also sweet mltteea which had been held over Press Association, apparently were strengthening of natural obsta­ burst forth with warm weather. Turbans, too. providing they dip tmt mlaaed. While he waa reloading Du Pont ...... lidicted on charges of having col- from the previous maeUng were headed the New Hampshire dele­ receive a 10 pc. set of dishes white confirmation frocks *1.00 to $16-98 Raatman Kodak ...... 16314 forced upon the Finnish delegates. cles.” vloleta and blue skies. Just think.' oy,r on* and show the hair *3.29. C^ite anlta for baby brother, the gun Bernadette and Mrs. Carl- I'cted "protection” money from received. ' "Germany exertad sU of her ta' Kgation td. the Democratic conven­ she Is due to arri\’e in just eight' at the side. FREE. A mattress special—*5.0Q A High Srhool Age faahion. ', non eocaped. Larimer later waa Elec Auto Lite ...... 88'4 operatore of bawdy hotiaea and The address came amidst gen­ tion four Veara ago, ran as as In­ for your old mattress with your sizes 1 to 6 for 59c and sizes 3 to SHELVADOR All three pieces ta soft to*)-: 88 fluencs" to end the conflict. It add, eral expressions of Italian satis­ days. Match 21st. However, ojf ymj wear your hair straight, found fatally wounded. Oen E le c ...... ■ ■ • ■ , % gambling establishments. ad, "but It remains to be seen dependent, but also u’aa commit­ purchase of a Rest-Easy Inner- 10 for *1.00, *1.49 and *1.98 that ringbone tweed. Perfect ' Oen Foods ...... , 47 V, Judge Hollander already haa The spring building aeUvtty ap* faction that Russia and Finland ted to support of the president. in the meantime, we have Easter j try a turban with height at the spring mattresa bargain priced at are genuine values. Extra shelves in (he door add 25<'( in storage space! , 63% parenUy la starting early In Man* whether she now wUl get from her had signed a peace treaty. to think about. Whether you feel front. ting jacket Hwinging Gen Motors ...... been named to preelde over the Soviet ally the s u p p ^ she ap With tabuWtions complete ta *14.50, at Benson's. and a smart fitted cost Gillette ...... , 6 % ouster proceedings against Prose Chester. After a perlad of delay "We began this fortification It will perhaps be too cold fo r' ,.jf ym, are very young, and Goodbye again, and to the nioth- Another Shower h- , 10>4 In construcUon, tha Building In, parently exacts." some time ago and carried It out 280 of the 204 precincta. Mayor much Ulster finery, os Easter j.„ur forehead is not low, try a! new pocket tresti Hecker Prod ...... cutbr McCrea. Comnientlng on Bucharsst re­ Damase (Jaron\of Manchester M A SeaaaUonal ctal ta I ers who read Judy, a bit of philos­ Tweed or Nmy Hudson Motors , . , • . 6% spector 1s again being called on on all fronUers, convinced that comes so early this yeaf, remem- chignon turban with loops at the j for permits, a new dwelling having ports that Berlin and Moscow tbe Democratic 'slats of delegates tor that the tost sclcctlens In - - - - — ■ ophy by Helen Wclshlmer. For Miss Patten Int Nick ...... 36'i the first necessity of a strong na­ at large with 1 0^1 votes. Ray­ Obtigafhm . 4% been sUrted together with a gaa would seek now to oust ths Allies tion is to guarantee tbe Inviolabit' coats, shoes, dresses and suits, not Int Tel end T e l---- staUon and some outbuildings from their adyantageous contracts mond H. SUvens, qhalrman of tfis tresses of Watkins quality are A mother should hold loveliness. .Tohns Menvllle — . 7114 Local Stocks Ity of Its territory," he said. U. 8. Tariff OomlnlaMoa, was tn forgiettlng hats are available now, ban was made for the young, and Powder and perfume. . .30 <4 for Rumanlar. wheat and oil, Gene­ No Comment By Ftafi and you will find prices are excep­ 1 offered to you by Watkins for tho 2 -P c S U IT Wise Eleanor A. Patten of 79 Kenneeott ...... vieve Taboula wrote in the Paris eighth place with 7,9ffO votan, ' for the young only." unheard of low price of *12.50 as She should take s little Ume LlRg and Myers B .109 Robert Johnston of the High Pehr Evind Svlnhufvud, former tionally reasonable this year. No To brush her heir amt groom > SCast Middle turnpike, waa plcaa- . 36% School World sUff left thU morn­ newspaper L'Oeuvre that this move Finnish president, learned of Jhe Compared to trass fifum;, matter, however, what the weath­ these are a/rog. *20 value, ideal • aatly aurprlsed at another mlacelr Loew's ...... rarnlebed By Putnam and Oe. would be only the start of a Balkan Charles A. Burke, pledged to Far-/ Be Sure to See This Value for summer cottages, youths' and Herself so children coming home S4.98 to *10. Lorillard ...... 26 8 Central Bew. Hartford ing for New York to attend the Flnniah-Russlan peace treaty when er at Eoatertlme, every woman ' Jonooiu bridal ahower laM evening. rangementa for the gathering In campaign. be arrived here today from Berlin ley, headed tbe non-R ^svalt iwt You can get 'the proven, trou- maltls' rooms In both regular and From school on eqger feel Checks and pisid twssda Mont Ward , ...... 61% Sixteenth annual convention of wapta a new Spring baL. an4 py hle-'free "electro-saver'’ freezing W in think their mother prettier The party was given by Mre. Ray- . 6% the Columbia Scholastic Press As- Manchester being made by Diatrlet but he made no comment. with 4,335, followed by A riliudag the looke of the mMCta diralayed twin sizes. There Is a limited ored for Spring Into dai ‘ tBOnd Coleman and Mra. Oeorge Kelv ...... Imuraaoe Sterfca Forest Fire Warden John Jensen mate, James J. O’ReUly, im tt 3t49». unit in the 1940 Croaley Bhelvador quantity, however, and only one Than any on their street. perfect fitting Jackets Nat Blsc ...... 34'4 Bid Asked soclaUon at Columbia University. WeUes Winding Vp Italians * viewed the Moscow along Mata atreet if the flowers refrigerator. A full 6 ft. size, with Tlavell at Mrs. Coleman'a home. of Manchester. treaty as a compromise which 'They were trailed by \W0frfid that bloom ta the Spring, tra, la, large size or two twin mattresses versatile skirts. Aqua,' Nat Cash R e g ---- . 14% Aetna Casualty .... 126 131 Chevrette, pledged to Garlwb with light and other new features for Frequently a woman should SSS Hilliard street The glfU were . 16% 64 Reasons for Oatbering Talks With British stopped the treat of general war, are a hit late this year, there will art allowed to a customer. Beige, Blue. . ‘tied to atreamera of yellow and Net D airy ...... Aetna Fire ...... 82 Daughters of Liberty, No. 128, There were several reasons why faro spreading through Scanda- 8479, and two unpledged *99.05 at R. 8. Potterton's. Glance in a looking-glass Net DiaUll ...... 25 Aetna Ltfe ...... 32% 84% L. O. L. I., obeerved their 37th an­ London, March 1S.--(F)—While dates, Robert H. 8andeiteB.\wlth be no scarcity of btaoma bloaaom- Remembering how children choose ' •purple paper; extending from a N T Central ...... 16 87 the gathering waa held at this Sumner Wellea was winding up his navia, something both Premier tag on milady’a hat. Color la big From The Sesitest Advisor this entering can decorated In the Automobile ...... 36 niversary last night. They met In Ume. Since last fall two towers, Mussolini and Adolf Hitler, are 3,697, and John G. Marstoo, firlth Fanny Cake* Is a dessert that is sure to become A pretty teacher's class. North A m ...... 31 Conn. General ...... 27 39 Orange hall at 6 o'clock when a talks with British leaders today, newa too In the 1940 Easter cha­ For small, festive cakes, cut .. game colors. . 4 one at Btorrs and another at Ster­ Tbe London Daily Mall declared eager to prevent. 3,068. ______\ peaux. Navy blue and black hats a favorite: Since mothers are so very good. Easter F The party waa attended by mem* Packard ...... Hartford Fire ...... 85 67 short business meeting was held. ling, have been equipped with a plain caka baked In a shallow It makes it more the pity Param Plct ...... 714 Hartford Stm. Boll.. 61 66 This was followed by a dinner that the president's decision on a Fascists, also said the treaty are oplasbed with scarlet or ap- Cheese Dessert Viennese i^Bera of a bowling club of which . 32% two-way radio system. There are third term depends on Welles' re­ was further evidence of British square pan into fancy shapes with 1-3 cup butter That now and then they should For G irb 7 to 12 Penn ...... National F ir e ...... 61 63 served In the lower hall. The offi- pie green, white hata wnich are cookie cutters. Ice and decorate forget ,^Anaa Patten la a member, and Phelps Dodge . . . . . 37 84'4 cera were attired in white and the now two mobile units slmllarlv port. and French Inability to aid small Public Hecords numerous are touched with navy 1-2 cup coiffectloner's sugar HATS FOR GIRLS Aim ’TecMra IS •tbcr friends. Pboenix ...... 82% equipped which are expected to bet­ nations. appropriately for the occasion. But 1 egg To keep their faces pretty. Phil Pet ...... 89% Travelers ...... 460 470 ftecoratlona were In keeping with The newspaper added that the blue. Dusty pinks, misty blues, don’t discard the leftover pieces. ’The Hats Teen-agers and Jun­ Pub 8erv N J ---- .. 41% the colon of the order. ter assist In fighting of forest fires. American undersecretary of state, soft yellowa and greens and some 2 cups cottage cheese iors adore—new stem-top roll­ Postals and Prtata In Public Uttlltlea The range of the mobile system Store in a covered dish and serve 2 teaspoons grated lennon rind csss modsls and Radio ...... : • • ,. 6% Conn Lt. end Pow.. 63 67 hero after talks ta Rome, Berlin enticing plaid taffeta aailora head next day with custard sauce. Add er kettle-edge bonnets, wide- ,. 16% has been found to work at 3 miles. and Paris, had "so far found no the favorite ahadev. 2 teaspoons lemon juice brimmed rollers, Scotties. Ds- stylsa Cuts flared '<^|Qiiick Relief from Reading ...... Conn. Pow...... 62% 84% The hearing scheduled by the There la soon to be added another ______Inspector Edward C. diced fruit and whipped cream If Rem Rand ...... 9% Hertford Elec. lA. . 6e<4 71% Berlin Town court laat night at foundation on which the slightest Third Term ' Your column this week contains 1-8 cup seedless raisins lecUble aqua, dusty pink, rol- .. 20 sending and receiving station at peace plan could be constructed. __^lott Jr., has grantad to W. Har­ desired. Few groins salt 4 - Pile Irritation Republic Steel . . . . Illuminating Shs. ... 63 64 which Ume Merrill 8. Undlcy, ar­ ry England a permit for the erec­ many "specials for Easter" which low, beige, nasturtium and oUwr .. 41% 86 the new tower In Glastonbury and Welles talked for 80 minutes to­ uill appeal to you both ta quality 3-4 teaspoon cinnamon Spring shades. Felt and straw. *1.98 - *2. Key Tob B ...... Hartford. G aa ...... 34 retted In . Boston a week ago, was two more units will be In opera­ tion of a single dwelling on Middle A Special—UatU March 17 ONLY! so years ago a Buffalo druggist Safeway Stores ... .. 83'4 8. New Eng. Tel. Oo. 166 171 ’ to have been tried on a charge of day with David Lloyd George. Backers Win anu price and we urge you to 2 tablespoons sugar 8H ELV A D O R : gfuated an ointment for relief from tion before the start of next World War prime minister; and turnpike east to cost $8400. at The Johnfion Paint Cream the butter, add the con­ Schenley Dls ...... 13% Western Mess...... 32% 34% robbery, resulting from a holdup "shop with Judy” tonight before Co., a quart of One-coat f.vtha Itching and smarting of Piles. Seara Roebuck---- . / S4H ludaatrlal at the Berlin railroad staUon, In month. had other appointments with Aus­ Organlxathm you "buy" tomorrow. fectioner's sugar gradually and Sediment ta the radiator of on j $ 1 . 0 0 and * 2 .9 8 brought such quick cooling, .. % A demonstration of the way In tralian High Commissioner Stan­ In First Test According to a csrtifteata of or­ Du C O for *1.29—that cream thoroughly. Add the egg automoMlo is heaviest Immediate­ FREEZORCOLD Shell Union ...... 10 Acnoa W ire...... 19'4 81% which John MaMy, of Bolton, was magic paint that dries' .•moethlng, astringent relief that Its Socony Vac ...... 1 1 % 26 >4 three times the victim, haa been which the radio works waa to be ley M. Bnice; Laborite James ganization Issued by the oflRce df and heat well. Add. the cottage ly after a long trip. Therefore! FreeurcoM—aa. exolu- ^gama apreiul throughout tha coun* Am Hardware . . . . 34% given later this afternoon. Maxton and Dominions Secretary the Secretary of the Btats, tha In Time fer Barter so fast that furhlturs South P a c ...... 13% Arrow H and H, com 89 41 postponed for a week. (UoDtlaaed fiwm Page Une) We urge you to drop cheese, lemon rind, lemon juice, that is the best time to drain the! kleh ^>.try, and made Peterson's Ointment South R w y ...... 16% 49 Issuing of rennits. Anthony EMcn. newly Incorpora^ Manchester painted with It can be put back raisins and sqlt and beat until radiator. favorite in thousands of homea. Bristol B ra ss...... 46 W. F. Schroeder 6t Hartford, He had dates for luncheon at the (Corporation, papers for which wars In at The Dewey- Into use without the usual delay. your druggist for a SSc box of St Brands ...... ,. 7 BUIlnga and Spencer 3% 4% The Junior Girls Club of the Richman Oo., and aee foods St Gaa and El ... ,. 1% 82 district forester, spoke on the re­ United States embassy with Am­ for any of the Republican dele- listed p re ^ u ^ , this firm has been It covers so well that one coat Is PRADIN’S vlPetenon'a Ointment today, or 60c Colfa Pat. Firearms 79 American Legion will meet to, the new jewelry ae- St on C a l...... 38% 12% organization plan. There have bassador Joseph P. Kennedy and gates-at-large, waa interpreted by organised vrith the foUowtng offi­ often sufficient to produce a m Us- definitely. i^tnhe with applicator. Money back Eagle Lock ...... 16% night at 6:30 at the home of been several changes made in tte hla staff and for dlnnsr at Nrl IV r r a t y ...... The Rev. J. S. Neill of St. Mary's A recess was taken at 12:48 test was enhanced by prs-prlmary, CIRCLE 1 cup scskM milk Scald m U , tour In sugar, salt S E E OUR L E A D E R 6*! continental . 14 16 church aald today that a commit reports that the <3ranlU state . 53 66 when the men assembled In the OLABBAMTOL^roi 1-2 cup coldX mllk and fat. Pool to lukewarm, then • DVLUX P1NIBHED I .. I llni lis Com Exchange . tee to be named by him will short, lower dining room and were served Germans Capture chief sxteuUve would seek second 1 I wj • it,*-. Conn. Sfocki First NaUonal ... 1910 1060 lace on the Republican tteket ta 1-4 cup com\starch pour over yeasL Beat and add two CABINET . 292 802 ly take up the question of making a dinner. To this Selectman 1 cup brown cups flour. Mix, add eggs, other 1 11 I I nil>M n.">oo Guaranty Trust . recommendationa for alterations David Chambers. Chiefs Albert Foy French Prisoners be event Bridges’ quest for the RIVBR" /•'I • INTERIOR UOHT Manchester Irving Truat — . 12 14 BerUn. March 18-(46 - German preridsntlal nomlnatloB faUed to 1-4 teaspoon I flour and curraats and fruit. Mix $ 19 and changea tn tha church build­ and Uov Griswold and former Fire w ith DON AMECHE 2 egg yoUta until soft but not sticky. Cover .95 I w M | P Representstive Manhattan ■. ■ ■ . IT ing. The nature of the changea detachments scouting on enemy matsrhltlze. AL JOtBON • e v a p o r a t o r d o o r 6ato9TMf*sNDrt 1 MORIARTY Maaufact Trust . 89% 41% (Tblef John F. Umerlck were ta The battle of peraenaUtles oo 2 tablei^Miis )Uar and let rise uaMI doubled ta bulk. JOHN V. LAMBERTON has not'yet been decided upon, he vlted. soil dlspened a body of French £ TaffMiNifto S S e : 1-2 teas]sp(m Ptach off dough, and poll Into one N T T ru s t...... 118 116 ^ d . troops and' took sev*tal prisoners, the Republican sMe drew out a Pins! *Onr Nslghhara. Carton^ 1| 114 Chesimt Street . 82% 84% '' Atteinoon Seealoa. Heat sugar, I hot milk and a-half Inch balls. Place inch ¥ - 1 m ia hadi 1 BROTHERS PubUe National . The afternoon session was ad the Army high command reported BUbstanUaHy larger vote than that TeL Manchester 8819 Title Guarantee . 8 4 It appeara that work on the today. oast In the Democratic baUottag. Nowi auPEB snow n iq w ti together until au{ dlsaolvsd. apart oa greased- baking sheeta. :ml .n c . nJ« r « I , 1670 1730 dresaed by H. J. Bberly, repre­ Mrtie a paste of milk and Cotor and let >lhe until doubled la U S T ru s t...... building of the new gasoline sU; senting Clark McNeary, federal Tho communique aald; I goth Democratic and Republican •*EVSRinrHINO HAPFENB tlon at the corner of Center and "In^ th# region ot the Palatinate I delegations to tha national coo, AT N io in r com s ta i^ . Slowly t ^ to hot rise. Bake 13 mtaiutcs ta modefat* Inspector, who passes upon reports BiU)c opd stispr ariai atirriag bvto! Oral etlrtitly, mark with Linden stroeta will atart Immedl and allotments of thoney paid to forost on French------,soil ^ a German | venSons win have eight votes. •XUBCO k id a n d LADT" , SPECIAL f ataly. Tha property haa been con spouting squsd raided aa aoemy I Former Nashua Poltca Oommls- ceastaaUy. (took an4 over hot croes' inode of frasting. tha state for fire flghUng te for­ w ^ f until thick. Coni cook* m s a e f f t f . . . f * SM **r 1940 Da LUXE 6’ v ey ^ by WlUlam Walah to the ests from Federal funds. The group marching with mules, dls-1 Colonial Baacbn OU oompany. parsed It and took several prison-1 'lag for 30 minutes, from All tto New Vhshleas,fai Spring 2139.95 BUDGET TERMS afternoon's program ended with, fire and' proceed as other Cents ^ Once Again Federal Oommo<}ltlea cooalat- a demonstration of forest fire ap­ •The air fOrca continued recon­ cceoBi plea. are seen ta the racks of bedoming FAMIiA MASTER EASILY ARRANGED Ing of butUr, Sour, oatmeal, ral- paratus. a, pump being ta Man­ naissance over France." tweeds, twUls, and Shetland wools DcLUXE 6169.95 aina. pruaaa and applaa_wlU ha chester foi* the demonstration. ■ PraMaaal^ for the toung miss, her teen age Wilrose Presents glvtn out hara Friday. The Bla- In your new Bastar Mottov and sister and mother' herself at The aaO straet food depot 'sdU be open State’s Prum Corps SIAYE a skBi^ 'm y to twy ttoav-MOat- WUroee. Adorable types for Uttls CLEAN—SAFEr-FAST—CHEAP. . . juflt lik« filfictric from t ajn. to 8 p.m. Tornado K ills 1%: NOW p l a y in g gomery Wa^ offer, a dtoic* of a sister from $6.96 up, teen age light That’s thfi storj^of tlsctric cooking. THE AUTHENTIC FASHIONS hit tor41-69, your selection of a models ta fitted reefers snd other \ The OonnacUcui (kimpany. In 13 Persons Asked to Compete' 'Spring coat in the new faah:- stimhUig boxy, styles 91043 and atatemant Sled with the Public ___ MKnrKKnMai ^ 99.98 and a yvqthful Baa- lip. BtUto'ahuq, dusty rose and of ring and Easter! Utilities Commission, has noted PLUS frock in rtttor print or aoUd rauhw navy lead In popuMir ooIots. that the branch plck,;up line eatab* (Oontlnu^ From Pago One) Hartford. March 13—The Clinr- EDITH r, 58.98—the total outfit oOst- G.E. Ushed hara recenUy ta the ricintty ___ MORTHWESt, FELLOWS tog only 91645 which 'you can''v ‘ Ufa Withtot ter Oak Council Drum OofP* « t As Owen Meradith put R: ot Oak nnd Spruce streets for con­ S m r while you pay tor it by 93.00 stepchildren and grandchild of Pat this city te sponaoring n state-wlra | vcniencevenience of aircraft,rcraft plant workers contaot of Connecticut drum corps I '6 U ttl9 ^ w n and the test nwathly. , * We may live without poetry, mu­ / Is being discontinued ns no neces- McKinney, 38. Negro; and on sic a to a n : FURNITURE CO. unidentified Negro. at Fo^ Guard Hall on Bnturdny.l Cay Bolero i slty______for it has h*ea found, Police March SO. This corps la composed P«WW» ^ ' ' AdvtotWag'rowar. We may tfva wlUiout conactanfie CORNER MAIN AND SCHOOL STREETS todsay re e v e d a copy of the state­ Mrs. Banks Rohorts, 66. was At ii9 toat stqtotoeat or tto and live wttheut toprt; - killed at Elyslon Ftalds when her of registered Scouts and ScoutersI ment of the Chartar Oak Council, Boyj M m iiM in p r HoRlfi*’ u g power of advertlalpg, w* Bto may live without friends, we Oppmita the High School Frock 57.98 house collapsed. Her daughter, RabL taiing « lS & Bmniiw»Ruft Htfiwy waa made by Bridgaport’a ' may Hve wlUiout books, • Indications are tHat the new Mrs. C. A. Hightower, and Mrs. Scouts of America, of Hartford I ...a t atowasaB. P. T, Bsrnum. But dvIUsad man cannot Uve In True Navy Manchester Oorporatlon, formed Hightower's 18-month-old daugh­ and ta sponsored by the Robert RNG SCHOOL! have obsarvad,” said Bar- without cookfl. to deal In real estate, is to begin ter, were Injured. Two Negroes Collins Post. American Loglo^ Al­ AT 1 P. M. DOORS OPEN 13:99 inn,'"that if a man has gooda to la euly eaa of a group of ptetty I (mratlfins at once. Tbe office of were'reporteid killed between Ely* though the corps LAST SESSION — FREE PRIZES! ■ n hSa’doea pot advertlae them, A NOW "Ctofipt Mm " M Metot Frocha fer the new aeUaeu. OthmfAM I the Secretary eC SUta has Issued Sian Fields and Bethany. ed msny events of this nno i TO BE OlVEN AWAT FBIDAT in tto tod tlpi stirtW rtiu advarf Tto towly ranpvfitsg :Ceitar ONLY to glf.98. Blaec 11 9a 17. I t 9e 99. St I noUce of the flitac of a certlflcate Nntlenal Onhid OBlIed Oo*. stace it wss formed sixteaa y*v*| GAS RANGE • WASHING MACHINE! pharatficy and The MUrpby Drug, ta 64. 19% to 29%. National Guardemen were called ago, this Is the first compaUttonl Uaa theai for hita.” of organisation. Details nro given 16 B A SK ETS VoluhMa might to written on Depot Sq., win in a fow d i ^ cOer today ta the pubtte recorda out Immediately to prevent loot­ It has held. Many corps from fiU a unkiue sendee a t ttoir soda ing of homes. Th the fiinoiiat i CASH New **Long Tot»o** Look Bight the needy. n e Lender of tha corpe Is rtaidi If Ypa-Aia'' "Af* H( ot tto puidUM. R.wUl to .yoqirs] SET with Mra H. P. RoMnson erho, erlth Scout OommtaaloBer "AI” Heme BINGO— THURSDAY NIGHT you w|U want to 'h ay ntBB. Tou wlll to their '9(ueat" Ik a Vtmg Tana Tho Bonrfi of Seleetmen will her husband, escaped serious In­ way. Mr. Hemsnway is «by cookies from DRESSMAKER COAT open eenled Mds for prtcee on the jury as their home eollapead, sold by Charles Haslclns ot tbe Amari-1 . (laatalM On lat ,aad 2ad Floors « DIAMONDS supply of gneoUne for town depnrt- she didn't know "exactly how tt can Legion nnd Scoutmaster A.'| Odd Fellows Hall [Tto- Ctortfi Bsheiy, ■hpter Bag Ofibe IN TW ILL menta Monday night. Tha Mds came." Guardlanl, It was tor a major the I ■—I harpfi, 3 3-4 cups stftedtoke Sour la One, Two or Thraa-Fafiafly Hotiaafl) BtaMk m S Navy have bean advertised and spectflea "It eras just like midnight and well-known "BueUr" Harfay. who Sponsond By Kiav DfivM Lodft, 3 9-6 taaspaons douMe-eettag Slaaa 11 9a IT. 19 9a 99. Hone may ba obtained nt the office the lights had rone out and ere has been major of this corps alnoe I LO.O.F. ‘ gteST'lto a t o f ^ ' hahtag fwmger '■ subtly H itler Ml Temia 6 S 9 - S O f t o B*«h lBaiM|^. 116.91 and 619.98 F o r of the Town Treasurer. Term la couldn’t see anything." sha said. It was formsd nt which ttara to I ePatiiak’fi 39c ffick on order 1-3 taaspeen salt |i Tlifi for one year, and this ttme there Many eommunleatlens linee was only three yearn bid. The ^ 1 ------REGULAR GABIES i too. Tto ppoelislfi thfi* wstn fsfir 34!cup butter or other storta|i-(| This hondtemaiy Wfooghl hridrt t r t i ^ wO be Included the Bupply------of gna- erer* torn down., Lights erere ex­ Ject of the oorp* la musicnl trata- l,turcd Ifirt "unk. to toS ■ ' i fiOCK^BEER fealured at o slrifiinghf low pritol 9arv.( DriSBPsrsdfi. • n i A i T A t fiat Lang Tecaa oUn# for tbe PeUeeI Department tinguished and tM moira broken tinr tor Seouta and sartrtee to tto l lar M rM rtfi has dscMhd le make 1* 1-4-CUM sugar •XlMkUmmtWkP (eclly metcha«l diomonil erttingt heM iii 1 ^ tkem alto to cfder. any tiine you a SHE yofka POCKET COAT Tufidfi FroRt Costa whieb. srttb Its new patrol ecbed- open. community. For this aarvira Iti 1st SPECIAL CABIE—610.00—or 886.00 AwaH. URf lUCtaK UWlfo linked eegnMete. Momoade hr* Mfivorta. ulo, uses mere than formerfy. tw d SPECIAL GAME—610.00-or 625.00 Award. drsira- ^tot 6^ M6A .' 5-6%FAldft Alaa la VWfli ar nH«M« of Twin was pr esentsd an American Snf. 1-3 toaifoto IsaM lel diiploying unueual briNlone*. A r«t*;‘ 610.98 — 616.98 Blan H ^ In 3rd SPECIAL SWEEPSTAKES—615.00—Gasiantafid. A W oM 'Atoto Hato Sift aour once, i IN borgoln at this low prkel. 116.98 to 684.98 During early Cbitatlaa Osys ta | Otkara Ta 1964a. Roma, entieage was hnaasd as an I 4tli SPECIAL GABIE—410.00-620.00—«r 62540 Award- haktaf yOmOmt and salt and aift| Mary * Black • Mua and Bai Btara U «o 9fi OBl IS «• 66. New York. March 13.—(41—On# tataum sntT tto devU toennae of 5th SPECIAL GABIB—110.0»—or 645.00 Award. i UUy Datoe. Astotltoa modists, together throe ttmea. Cream but­ Elmtra. .N. T , Marob 18.-{aM SMALL FULL Matthew enwr of New Twli la 1935-99 nnd iwlr wnilam B. Leeds, was rammed Play Binio Slttlag At Tabka With tha Ettuipaiant Toa naalataBt naeratniT Of tbe U. S. tar coal benras eaity today ta tha More than 90 trillion M Lika! Ground Mig ftjn should Wear a hat CREDIT TE9II9. IM river (ft nst A rat rmads Batura’s iiH wt iMVk t o '' Mlto tosgtoW' BOTTLES QUARTS YILROSE DRESS SHOP Traasoiy tn ch an e of prahIMtton tbtagt ■ad deadly eaaoi too 999 Mata Straat onforcomoat Cuotome and Const Henneeay, S3, the yneht's purser, ixK>R PRizB 610.00 ^ AOIUS8ION w cram jn coetiiiueus fjlieain.^ nil Oaim- Msta SIrsdt H«(d flhfiridss BoUilBg Ouord fi« n U9T te 1953. died te- suffered Isoernttaks ns he attempt­ con be crowded I doF. Ho wnnTl. ed to tits the banns to the ynaht

Advei usement— AdverUSCB A,dvertiaemeot— well mixed and fluffy. (If the York on a char|fe of suspicion o f, S i BIf Plae* *f Paredato t W ardens Allies Prepare Children of Three Towns cottage cheelte Is in large curds Hatchet Victim murder. McCrea Avert I* FawWi ia Ckiditn press through a sieve.) ^ u r into EASTER FASHIONS tiUth K ills ! buttered custard cups and place In Shipped to Home gslviition Army Vetenui Dirw.' T han otwa was u hlddy jaHh Gather Here To Make Own injured While Coasting is pan 5>f )>ot water. Bake In a Tok.vo, March 13—(Ai—Guni>el. FOR GIRLS- Move Olegal aa appetlts for glass--but aha moderate oven (350 degrees F.» for Yamsmiiro. 68. vetersn of 4ft is no mors. Her voracious grosd t .. *^*W^ years service In the Salvation Elderly Pair Adama Bxp 30 ifiinutes. O>ol, immold and^ New Haven. March IS—(S')—The - FEATURE- Air Itaduc — led bar to pleh up a bIm , ahlny Sixty of Them Meet to War Intense Three chUdren, ratidenU of three rtlid l^ and ^ I sprinkle with the cinnamon and Army, died (oday of pneumonia. Alaaka Jun ... ChaDeiigea Snspenaion bit of porcelain In her yarda in saparate towna, wars treated at hospital for bar hurts and remains [sugar mixed together. Serves six. body of Mrs. Helen Rosai. 23, vic­ He was commissioner of the Aripy WALT DISNEY'S jiple Commit* Suicide Allegbeny . . . . a neighboring town, and Diseuas Radio to Help (CeuUauea from Page One) Memorial hospital yaaurday for In- as a p a t i ^ tim of a hatchet slaying in New for Japan. Allied Chem ... A* Prosecutor by Gov­ stranga to say aba Bvad jurisB rtcelvad In coasting acgl- Glenn ^?s York city Sunday, was shipped through the Ordeal of trying to { Coatumei Jewelry la very Impor­ AutheoHo l^tMCoupk Came to Aid Am Can ...... In Fighting Blazes. Scandinavian countries to allow dents. William Wright. 10. of 146 also bad trouble f * * * ^ ^ ^ * Bargain Hound tant This Easter here for burial today. Am Horns Prod ernor Dickinson* digest It ^ the passage of military aid was South Main atroet fractured an and m a w u lt I ospecislly thooe sweet flower pins I Mra Rossi, killed In tha Amster- ' in d Tg estiq n P IN O L C H IO Granddaughter. Am Bad at 8 . But there comee a time when arm while coasting near hla home movable object '*'****• dam avenue apvtm ent of Louis Sseislissil Rslisl frea Iwkfuum all biddies—whether they are A meeting of District Forest fire decisive,” said Tha London Dally ' to pin on the lapel of your suit or | •sJ Oos Dm* Prsfes ll FASHIONS Am Smelt . . . . Detroit. 'March 18.—<0—Chal* wardsDs and their assistants from Herald, yesterday and was treated at the the glai» cruetjwd suatMned ^ i coat and you will find a grand se- Grondine, 46. s him itsl attendant.; It ew tm aw. .t iM. (iw.ui-l.Maw mn. addicted to following dIeU H MaaA laMM bfttti f«u tka taaKaal an4 «aa| ' Chlcs(o, March 18.— crip* Am Tel and Tel lengbig tha togallty-«f his suapsn* northsrn ToUand County, towna In U m authorltativs British Press boanltal and sent homa. J«»ry to was atentlfied at 'the New York j iemn*i purs gralaa nails or broken : lecti'-)n of these at Matthew Exclu.lxely At pouth oomiBlttad sulctdc attar Am Tob B . . . . Hartford County east of tha Oob* Association, bowevsr, quoted moat Betty Bickford of Rockville auf- Uw. the hospital M a ^ O laim w a Wlor's. also stunning new brace­ Morgue yesterday by members of wT-nia JfWSS? Am Wat Wka . alon by Gov. Loren D. Dickenson, crockery—coma to the butch* firad aa Injury to h « nose while allowed to coavalearo a t hie hoaM BatF* tfe* MA* SBaaT IbbA. il'M ipta* aa aJdarljr o o ^ who »n- Prusseutor Dtmeaa C. McCrsa, un* oectlcut river and from Portland EngMsb papers as agrosing that lets for $J .00 and up. Lovely pen- her family, including her mother, ■aiaa Um wtaM atciai tmm kanBlaat mS lata Anaconda ...... cr'a block. Today this Mddy did in Middlesex county, was bald at tha offer to aid Flaland waa made ly with milk, a Uttla at a time, dents, heart shaped lockets, gold Mrs. Margaret Figuenick, of th is' MR.MB *Bt aM tBa baartarho DoRfliRtBC sad iMda tmsis mb m r **A.stim ForaauiM Robt wtL FRADIN'S ^ ail»iopt«> to Armour IB ...... dsr todlctmsnt on gambling con* come to Um block and when the Hotel Sheridan this morning In city. i mtsm eieeaeb MaktatTBl faal ssm um thair (raaddauchtar. her glaaard waa opened there* too late. sioner J. Howard OUe, lone R e-^^-v , beating tboroughiy after each ad-1 crosses and chains, and lustrous fO aoap Ji'rroyOL n m u d Balt-Ma «B Atchison ...... aplracy charges and facing ouster, a gathering that numbered 60. The That the Russtan-Flnnlab armis­ ditton. When aU flour is added. [ pearl beads are displayed, rea- L Grondine is being held in New' mssW fBliar. 2N ataiyBbai^ The youth waa Howard Larimer. Aviation O o rp ...... I In rested the Up. ehall we say. publican to run as plodgad, finish­ u IS'iiiwarnad all Detroit Judges t ^ y meeting was In charge of G. 1* tice would kill any AlUad plana of beat thoroughly again. Add lemon sonablv priced. I • senior in the Morrill Schocrt Baldwin CT ...... ' of a broken apotheeary'a pestle Fascists Vole ed far out of the running. Ha 1 COATS CAPE AND SKmi 5 'they would be violating state laws Lathrop, assistant state forest fire allied military operations through was committed to Thomas K. extract. Bake In three greased 9- ' ------with Bags end Hate . ■ Crippled cailldren where he Balt and O h io ...... If they obeerved the suspension ' handle, all rounded off nice and warden. Scandinavia against Germany's inch layer pons in moderate oven iil^een regarded ae a brilliant Stu- Bendlx • .'...... 88 smooth In the hen'e Innards. Dewey's candidacy, and rsfuaed to .A Value Unsurpassed Anywhere! I Ixits of new squared shoul­ Jaunty swtriing cape, with k; ... 78 order. .The meeting waa held In Uw hall flank or Russia wafi evident In Lon­ Large Budget withdraw at tha Now York district (875 .degrees F.) 18 to 20 minutes. is a stunning, yet practical five- Beth Steel ...... MeCrea sent n almllar m aaaw Meat cutters In the J. W. In the upper part of tha hotel, ar* don. Only yeaterday In Paris, Prs- Spread Pineapple Filling between ders and flared -skirts as well military air, lined with *^**Sua ricUma war* Hugh J-W el^. Beth Steel 7. pfd ...... 11914 Hale Health Market say that attomoy'o roqosst that tha New way Jacket dress' as It may be as simple fitted coats. Soft . . . 88«i to the Wsyna county (Detroit) ar Daladlar told tha Chambar of Hampshire field be left clear for layers and Seven Minute Frosting, worn wllh or wltho\it the bolero j I nocchio prints — over s 1/ 'tJ, and hla wife, Mary 70. The Borden ...... Board of Auditors which yeaUrday this was the Isrgeet foreign ob* ipuUes that 50,0*0 Allied troops tinled a delicate yellow, on top Our Choice For 1940 wool weaves In bright colors, Maying occurred late yeaterday In Can Pac ...... ® ' i For Defense bridges. Prof. James P. Richard­ and print gllrt and can be changed i' pustels, checks and nax"y pender skirt that swlsgs. .. . 87% took him off the county payroll. ' Ject the cutters aver sxtracted ware momantarUy raady to m> to son of Hanover, a former state and sides of cake. Tint 1-2 cup with the lingerie vestee that all ' Color; Nax-y. S elr south aide apartment. Cerro De Pas ...... •rta prosecutor described hie ' from a ban’s digeaUve appara* Finland—If aha callod for help. blue. Cute matching ppke Ches and O hio...... 89'* (Ceotiansa fraoi Page One) representaUvo. who, whUo running moist, aweetened cocoanut a deli­ come with it. Of rayon crepe In ' bonnets, and hats. Hyaterleai Several Hooia ...8 5 % suspmsion by the govetnor aa “an tua. FrooTo angoly Oannano cate green. Arrange five small Bernsdette Welch, 17, vicUnn of Chrysler ...... Invalid and autocratic attempt by aa unpledged, publicly indleatod either navy or black, aisea 18% to i ...130% ■4*---- ■ Now tbara araa the prospaet that hla preference for Dewey, also arse cocoanut nests around top of cake; l24% and only 87.98 at Fradin's. the attempted attack, and Coca C o la...... an exscuUva ofllcer of the state to Russia, with bar campaign against Ing that Italy had fortified her S5.98 $5.98 Col Gas and El ...... 8% daprtva Wajm# county of tha serv- defeated by a eubBtantial margin fill centers with Jordan almonds or ter, Mary Ann. 1®. were hjwtericri ...6 5 % Finland ovar, would ba fraa to aup- frontier with Germany as well as for a convention seat as a diatri^^. jelly beans. CROSLEY ssU for several hours after the shoot* Cbml Inv Tr ...... pes of lU duly elected prosecuting ply 800 waiting German divisions Solve toe Cklldrfn'* Easter | ... 14'/, with Francs. delegate. 'v d ivllh fuUness all around are Ideal. rtolbee Problem Col Solv ...... attorney." A bout Tow n with tha materlaU for an offensive Not Artificial System T W CHILL WINDb BLOW , pillboxes If they are round, ***MiuTf Ann, a schoolmate of t^ rl* Corn Edleon ...... 8 1 Heeka To Oust Bhsriff James J. Powers of Manchester Throe Furnlturo Bargains IndMrt! by investigating the grand values 7% a ^ n a t tha Maglnot Uim. Italian fortifications, the under- Wlntor bolds us in h«r iron obLonr The Only Refrigerator ' mer, ^scovered her grandparents’ Cons on ...... esu Almost simultaneously Governor Tbs BrltiakAnd FrancI: praaa re- was tha only candldsts who brefts Good looking studio couches, for offered by Marlow's. They have ■ecretary went on, are not so Into an official aUto of RoostvaR- grip of snow sod Ice as yet. but -conlcS haU are becoming to only 834.95 that were formerly s(lorable dreaaea, slses 1 to 6 for 3-Pc. SUITS^ ;*odias. She summoned a neighbor, Cont Can ...... 2? 4 Dlcklnaon formally deslipiatad At tha adjouned aaaual maaUai rdad the war In Ftnliuid much an artificial system like tha don't you be fooled, Spring, that faces, rjire. Mercedes Carlson, who found Corn Prod ...... a« Probata Judge John U Hollander of St. Mary's pariah, bald 1 Slahed bualneas. The "harsh” and pledged delegates filed by ' State priced 834.95. Solid maple break­ 59c and a fine collection of sizes For Olris, 18.14,1* Del Lack and Waat Maglnot and Siegfried lines hut Democratic OommltUe Chairman capricious elf. ia biding right b e -f^ -p h e older, gray-haired woman 6 to 16 dresses for older sister Ssliertmer struggling with Bema* to preside over an ouster hearing night, reports of officara and com* "oneroua” terms, said Tha Britiah more an “Integrating and hiqd Winter's aklrta ready to,^^„ sailor baU flattering, fast seta for 822.50, a reg. 829.95 With The .^SetteTshe said Larimer fired at her Douglas Aircraft .., iegalnst Sheriff Thomas C. Wilcox. mlttacs which had been held over Press Aaaoclation, apparently were Robert Murcble. Powers, Who value and with your purchase you from 81.00 to 81-98, also sweet • .'Iwt missed. WhUe he was reloading Du Pont ...... teoS ilidicted on charges of having col* atrengtheoing of natural obato- headed the New Hampshire dsle- burst forth with warm weather. ^ Turbans, too, providing they dip receive a 10 pc. set of dishes white confirmation frocks 81-00 to 152% from the prevloua meeUng were forced upon the FInntah delegatee. clea." vloleta and blue skies. Just think, oyer one eye and show the hair $16.98 "the gun Bernadette and Mrs. Carl* Eastman Kodak ---- I'cted "protection" money from "Germany exerted all of bar In­ gstton to the Democratic conven­ FREE. A mattress special—85.00 83.29. Cute suits for baby brother, 88'4 1 recrived. Tha address cams amidst gen­ tion four years ago, ran aa aa la- ehO is due to arrive in Just eight | the side. A High School Ags fs son escaped. Larimer later was Elec Auto Lite . . . . . operators of bawdy houaaa and fluence" to end the conflict. It add­ for your old mattress Mrtth your sizes 1 to 6 for 59c and sizes .3 to SHELYADOR All three pieces ta sort I 88% eral axpreaslons of Italian aatia- days. March 21at. However, ..ij . ^ r your hair straight, found fatally wounded^____ Gen Elec ...... gambling eatabllahmenta. ed, "but It remains to ba seen depondent, but also waa commit­ purchase of a Rest-Easy Inner- 10 for 81-00, 81.49 and 8198 that ringbone twsed. Pertaet-{ Gen Foods ,....■ ...... 47 <4 Judga Hollander already has The spring bulldlag activity ap­ faetlon that Ruosla and Finland ted to support of the president. in the meantime, we have Easter turban with height at the spring mattress bargain priced at are genuine values. Extra dhclves in the door add 25^, in storage space! 53% parently Is aUrtIng sarlv In Man­ whether abe now will get from her had signed a peace treaty. to think about. Whether you feel j front. ting Jacket, swinging i Gen Motors ...... bean named to preside ovy the Soviet ally the suppm she ap With Ubulationa complete In 814.50, at Benson's. and s smart fitted coat 8% oiutcr proceeding! against Prose chester. After a perlad of delay "We began this fortification It will perhaps be too cold for 1 ..jf yoy ^re very__ young, and Gillette ...... In construction, tha Building In* parently exacts." some time ago and carried It out 380 of the 294 precincta, Mayor Goodbye again, and to the moth­ . new packet tresttnen lother Shower Hecker Prod ...... 10'4 cutor McCrea. Damase Caron of Manchester led much Eafter finery. Eaatfr forehead U not low. try a ers who read Judy, a bit of philos­ 8'A apector Is again being called on Commenting on Bucharest re­ on aU frontiers, convinced that comes ao early this year, reroem- chignon turban with loops at the' A Sensationnl Hpectal In Tweed or Nsx*y. Hudson M otors...... for permits, a new dwelling having ports that Berlin and Moscow the DcniocraUc alato of delegaties ophy by Helen Welshlmer. Int Nick ...... 85another miscel* Loew’a ...... Faralahed By Putnam sad Oe. would be only the start of a Balkan Flnnlah-Kuastan peace treaty when caiarlcs A. Burke, pledged to Far­ Be Sure to See Thlu Value for summer cottages, youths' and Herself .so chtldren conrUng home $4.98to8|0^j Lorillard ...... 25 8 Ceatral Row, Hartford Ing for New York to attend the er at Eaatertime, every woman You can get toe proven, trou- V J bmous bridal shower last evening. 64% Sixteenth annual convention of rangementa for tha gathering In campaign. be arrived here today from Berlin ley. headed the non-Rooaavalt list wa^ts a new Spring bat.. and by maids' rooms In ^ t o regular and From school on eager feet Checks end plaid te ^‘^55a party was given by Mrs. Ray- Mont Ward ...... Manchester being made by District but ha made no commenL with 4,335, followsd by a n i u i ^ blS'>free "electro-aaver” freestag twin sizes. There Is a limited Will think their mother prettier Nash Kalv ...... 8% lasunuMia Stories the 0>lumhla Scholastic Press Aa mate. James J. CReUly, with 8,438. the looks of the modala dli^ayed unit In .toe 1040 CrMley Shelvador ored for Spring Into i Coleman and Mrs. Georg# 34 <4 Asked aoctaUon at Columbia University Forest Fire Warden John Jensen Italians * viewed the Moscow along 3tata street If the flowers quantity, however, and only one Than any on their street. perfect fitting Jockstoj avell at Mrs. Coleman's home. Nat Blsc ...... Bid of Manchester. Wettet Winding Vp treaty as a compromise which They were trailed by WOfrOd refrigerator. A full 0 ft. size, with large size or two twin mattresses Nat Cash R e g ...... 14% Aetos Clasualty . . . . 120 181 Chevrette, pledged to Garner, with that bloom in the Spring. M . la, light and other new features for versatile skirts. Aqua, i i M Hiniard street The gUU were , 18% 54 Ressom for Gathering Talks With British stopped the treat of general war­ are a bit late this year, there will are allowed to a customer. Frequently a woman should Beige, Blue. , ^l^Ebd to streamers of yellow and Nat D airy ...... Aetna Firs ...... 52 Daughtera of Liberty, No. 135, There were several reasons why fare spreading through Scanda- 8479. and two unplodgwl caniH- 190.95 at R. S. Potterton'a. Glance in a looking-glass Nat DlsUII ...... 25 Aetna Ltfe ...... 32',4 8414 L. O. L. I., observed their .37th an­ London. March 18.—(P)—While dates, Robert H. Sanderaon, arlth be no scarcity of Maoma bloaaom- ■•purple paper, extending from a 16 87 the gathering wsa held at this Sumner Welles was winding up hla navla, something both Premier tag on milady's hat. Color Is big From The Sealtest Advisor this Remembering bow children choose j^uratering can decorated la the N T Central ...... Automobile ...... 85 niversary last nIghL They met In time. Since Uat fall two towers, Mussolini and Adolf Hltlar, are 3,697, and John O. Mareton, with Fsney Cokes A pretty teacher's class. North A m ...... 31 Conn. General ...... 37 39 Orange hall at 6 o'clock whan a talks wrlth Britiah leaders today. news too In toe 1940 Etaster cha­ is a dessert that is sure to become £jnine colora. . 4 one at Storrs and another at Ster­ The London DaUy Mall declared eager to prevenL 3,068. peaux. Navy blue and black hats For small, festive cakes, cut a favorite: Since mothers are ao very good. Packard ...... Hartford Fire ...... 85 87 short bualneas meeting was held. ling, have beenr equipped with a Faadats, also said tha treaty plain cake baked ta a shallow It makes it more the pity Easter Fi -?•. Tfce party was attended by mem* Param Plct ...... , 7% Hartford Stm. Boll.. 01 65 1311! waa followed by a dinner that the prealdent’a decision on a are splaahad with scarlet or a|l- Cheeae Dessert Viennese ^jtUers oif a bowling club of which two-way radio system. There are third term depends on Welles' re­ was further evidence of Britiah square pan into fancy shapes with 1-3 cup butter That now and then they should For Girk 7 t« 12l Perm ...... 33% National F ir e ...... 01 68 served In the lower hall. The offi­ ple green, white hats which are cookie cutters, Ice and decorate j^jUMa Patten la a . member, and . 37 84% cers were attired In while and the now two mobile units slmllarl'.’ port. and French Inability to aid small Public Records numerous are touched with navy 1-2 cup confectioner's sugar forget Phelps Dodge ...... Phoenix ...... 82% equipped Which are expected to bet­ nations. appropriately for the occasion. But ‘To keep their faces pretty. HATS FOR GIRLS Also ’TccMm IS erfrienda. Phil Pet ...... 89% Travelers ...... 460 470 decorationa were In keeping with The newspaper added that the blue. Dusty pinks, misty blues, 1 egg Tho Hsts Teen-sgers end Jun­ . 41% ter aeslst In fighting of forest fires. American underaacretary of stata, don't discard toe leftover pieces. 2 cups cottage cheese Pastels end Prtnto.^ In ] Pub Serv N J ...... rublle UUlIttro the colors of the order. The range of the mobile ayatam sort yellows and greens and some Store ta s covered dish and serve iors adore—new stem-top roll­ Radio ...... 5% Conn Lt. and Pow.. 68 67 here after Ulka in Rome. Berlin entictag plaid taffeta sailors head 2 teaspoons grated lemon rind er kettle-edge boplnsta, wide- csss models end . 15% has been found to work at 8 mllas. and Paris, had "so far found no next day with custard sauce. Add 3 teaspoons lemon Juice styles. Cuts flared iek Relief from Reading ...... Conn. Pow...... 53% 84 >>4 The hearing scheduled by the There la soon to be added another Building Iniqwetor Edward C the favorite shades. diced fruit and whipped cream If brimmed rollers, Rcotties. Ds- Rem Rand ...... 9% Hartfofd Elec. LA. . 69% 71., and aca It covers so well that one coat Is foods PRADIN! St Gas and El . . . . . 1% Colt's Pat. Flraarma 79 83 American Legion will meet to­ erson’a Ointment today, or 60c . 33% organisation plan. Thera have bassador Joseph P. Kennedy and gatoa-at-Iarge. was tntorpr*t«d by organised with the foUowIng offi­ the new Jewelry ae- often sufficient to produce a satis­ aba with applicator. Money back St on C a l...... Eagla Lock ...... 16% 13% night at 6:30 at tha home of Moses aa a definite Indication that cers: Irving Stitch of BroOkM, N. lectiona to oomph* definitely. m St on N J ...... 44 Fafnlr Bearlnga ... 128 186 Elaine Krob of 88 Unden street. been several changes made In Uie his staff and for dlnnar at No. 10 fying result on any item of house­ ara not deUghtad with tha rulea governing firs fighting and Downing streyt. Prime Minister "Styles Bridges Is the state’s fa* y„ president. Sidney BIIIb o* ment your new Eas­ hold furniture you may wish to 4 Tax O orp...... 46 Hart and Cooley . . . 180 140 ts, clotoea, or to give for Easter S i y MlRRl Timken Roll Bear .. . 49% 10% the Issuing of permits. TTicre Chambertalh'i residence. vonta son,” and, ha added, "the cheater, vice president, and Philip brighten or, any woo^^rk. NOTE THESE Hendey Mach., Com. 8% Mrs. George Prior of Jewett Welles will leave for home to­ delegation from New Hampshire Batchker of Forest HOI*, L. I, remembrancea Cfiiarmlng sterltag Trana America...... 6% Landers Frary k Clk 38% 80% will ha more care given In Issuing . 88 City, state president of King's permits and' there wlU be a spe­ morrow, traveling by way of Rome now has an opportunity aft4.r more secretary and treasurer. The offi­ silver pins in enamel tinted lloarer Perhaps you have a yen to make., “Patacakl patacake. iaking day. FEATURES Union cartH da...... Naw BrlL Mch., com 87% 89 <4 Daughters, waa preaent at the shapes set with marqulsite, ador­ Unit Aircraft .— . 47 84 cial effort made to have land and where a final conference with Pre­ than a half a century to make ~ cers also are the directors. your own hot croaa buns tor Etas'- PUBLIC SETBACK North and Judd ... 82 meeting of Ever Ready Clrcla held grass burned over during thin mier Mussolini la In prospect. bold bid for the prealdeacy.” Warrantee able old foahiooed gold naeklaces ter breakfast and If you de, tola NEVEI a FAILIIE FII IS; •Y', Unit C o rp ...... 2% Pack. Stow k Wll. . 4% 6% last night In the Whiton Memorial TONIGHT .. 18% month when It la least likely to From Bridges, himself, came tha By terms of a warrantee de^ r e - set cultqred pearls- 9rossea recipe ta excellent; • SHELVADOR Unit Gaa Imp . . . . Ruastll Mfg. Co. new 10 13 Library. A aoctal followsd Ui% simple sUtement, “1 feel I have and chains to make lovely gtfta The MEAMtEt MEAT IS EVEN ANI TIDE. V. F. W. HOME U 8 R ubber...... 88'4 Scovlll Mfg. Co. . . . 39% , 81% evening's bualneaa prografn at spread. No permlU ^11 ^ L |rf/H #»rV Fire corded at the office of the Town Hat Cross Buna Com drawer Witk llft- .. 87 ( 16 sued■ during■ ■ g January to March and E s r e reason to express my gratitude to aerk today, property at Center too. Exqulalte cameo pins and 1 cake compressed yeast up IM. This la a deep MudiMtcr Green U 8 Steel ; . . . Bllex Co...... 14 which Mrs. Maurice Tniatenltxcr, the people of New Hampshire for pearl beads, also lockets set wlto When i iaie EiECTiic-iEEr Western Union ... .. 38% Stanley Worki ---- 49 ' 60 Mrs. Milo Wells, and Mrs. Jessie permlU will be Issued from WeStem Front and Linden streets has been con­ 1 1-3 cups milk ^ disk for roeato, bever­ Andereon-She* Auxiliary. ..113% June 15 to October 16 but from Parts, March IS—(A5-Artillery the confidence they have- shown In veyed by WlUlam Walsh to the tiny diamonds. Hand patatMi com­ 1-3 cup granulated auger ages, etc. West El and Mfg . do., pfd...... 28 Sweet, were hostesses. pacts and parfumettes, ta sterling Prlies! Eats! Adm. 25c. Woolworth ...... 41% Torrington ...... 30'4 83' October 16 to December 15 all fire broke out on various sectors Colonial Beacon OU company for 1 teaMooo salt Elec Bond and Share (Curb) 6 80', vrardenii were warned to use cau­ of tbs western front today, French With returoeta ^ , consideration tadicatod by stamps sHvOT or gold filled cases, and all 1-3 cup tot (port butter) • 8TORABIN Ve«der*Root ...... 58’4 Several of tha local G. O. P. wo­ of tha stota'a 294 pr^cta, form- gig m o . taexiwnalvely priCfR. Naw York Basks tion In laauing permlU. millUry quarters reported, accom­ 2 eggs, beaten / ■ Morabla for noerve men attended the luncheon meet­ •nils waa gone Into more toi de­ ar Gov. Huntley Spaulding was " cups flour f. ' V. ' Bank of New York. 485 455 ing this noon at tha Hartford Y, W. panied by the usual scouting ac­ leading Gov. Francis P. Murphy, 6 storage, nttllseo all '4 1; \ M , 1 \ M ) I 1 I I Bankers Trust 59 61 tail by C. D. Bldwell of Stafford, tivity. * In answer to a request for a 1 cup currants / 1 apaee la the refrigera­ C. A., when Dr. O. Glenn Saxon a atato ranger. E. C. Finch of Neverthelosa. the regular morn­ 34438 votes to 23,674, for the butterscotch pie 'fllUnig, we hope 1-2 cup chopped citron. tor. Central Hanover . 105 106 spoke, the discussion later being fourth place. ^ MansBdd & Co. . 34% 86% Willlngton waa the loot speaker on ing communique of tha French TnURSDAT . FXIDAT you will like this one: 1-2 cup rad maraschino cherries Chase ...... led by Mrs. Lewia Rose. the morning program. merely; May Seek Seoood Place B QUICK KBLEASE 48 Peari 8 t T tL f-SISI Chamlcsl ...... 51 53 high command said Interest in tbs eUmlnation coo- Butteraoet ek Fla chopped up. ■ -OIL- Dinner Served. "Nothing to report” (Gourtcoy Deway-Rlchman Co.) Crumble jrsaat In n large bowl. HAETFORD. CONN. a t y ...... 2814 80% The Rev. J. 8. Neill of St. Mary's teat was enhanced by pre-primary, CIRCLE BICE TBAY ; I,,, M 1 I : . 14 16 A rcceaa waa taken at 13:45 1 cup scalded'milk Scald nlilk, pour in sugar, salt SEE OUR LEADER 6*! ConUnantal church sold today that a commit­ when the men assembled In | reports that the Granite aUte OLASHAKE TO LADOait Coro Exchange . . 53 55 chief exertitlve would eeek second 1-3 cup cold milk and fat. Cool to lukewarm, then BDULUX PTNISHEO J ^ 1 IMM C onn. Stocks 1910 1060 tee to bo named by him will short­ lower dining room and were served | \rem ans hapture 1-4 cup com atarch pour over yeast Best and add two CABINET First National ... ly take up the question of making a dinner. To this Selectman place on the Republican tiekat la M M IMIOM. n ." ,u o Guaranty Trust . . 293 803 S sirirrtF ^ Frsnc/i Priso^rs Um avent Bridges' quest for the 1 cup brown sugar cups flour. Mix, add eggs, other Manchester ^ recommendations for oUeratlons David Oiambers. m v E R " 1-4 teaspoon oalt flenir and currants and fruit. Eflx BINTEBIOB UOHT Irvtng Trust .... . 12 14 and changeo In tha church build' BerUn. March 18—(ff) German prertdential nomination faUed to w ith DON AMBOHE PttdwglBSS' Representative . 17 10 and Roy Griswold and former Fire • 3 egg yoika until aoft but- not sticky. Cover Manhattan .... Ing. The nature of the chongea CTilef John F. Umeriek were In- detarhmenU scouting on enemy matarldUze. AL m u n v J B EVAPOKATOK DOOR $eve Yev BeMBTfi I MORIARTY MaaufacL Trust . 89% 41% has not yat been decided upon, he soil dispersed a body of French The battle of peraooaUtlee on 3 tableqMons butter and let rise imtiJ doubled ta bulk, 1 JOHN V. LAMBERTON . 118 116 1-3 teaspoon vaMIta. , pinch off dougb and roll Into ono 1 N T Truat ...... said. Afternoon Seeeloa. troops and took several prisoners, the RepubUcan side drew out a Phm! ■’Our Nalghhaw. CartawT IH Chestnot Street Public National . . 82% 84% tha Army high command reported subatanUally larger vote than that Heat sugar, sett and hot milk and. a- half Inch balls. Place Inch ".J; ^ T - ' ^ BROTHERS TeC MuMhaater S619 8 4 The afternoon session was ad­ together until sugar is dissolved, apart on greaaed bMlog sheeta OrnaafmS Title Guarantee . It appeals that work on the' dressed bv H. J. Eberly, repre­ today. east in the Democratic baUoting. NOWi aUPBR SHOW WIOWIl MM I .11.» ( Mit'-r ‘sir. «’t V a T ru s t...... 1670 1730 building of tha new gasoline sU- The communique aald: Both Democratic and Republican "EVBBYTHINO BAPPBNB i Mwe a pasta of oMd milk and Cowr and let flee until doubled ta senting Clark McNeary, federal com starch. Blowly add UM* to hot else- B ^ e 13 mteutes ta modeimto tlon at tha comer of Center and Inspector, who paiwes upon reports "In tha region of the Palatinate delegatiooa to the national eon- AT NMUfT* __ Linden atreeto wiU start Immedi­ forest on French soil a German veaUona sriU have eight votes. •xaaoo KID AND LADY" mUk apd auHEgr aalxUire: aUrrlag O06I eUfdiUy. Bsark wlto . SPECIAL and allotmenta of nwney paid to Former Nashua PoUce Oommla- ooastfDtiy. Cook and stir oVer hot mside a t frosting. tta t ately. Tha property has been con­ the aUte for fire fighting In for- scouting squad raided an anemy veyed by WUllam Walsh to the group matching with mulaa, dis­ ivater until thick. OmtiJiue cook- m t 9 dsts. e. ft Iff fir 1940 Dfi LUXE 6’ eaU from Federal funds. TOe ‘tag tor 30 minutes- Remove from Ail toa Naw FbsUaaa la Spring BUDGET TERMS Colonial Beacon OU company. afternoon's program ended with persed It and took several prison­ $139.95 ers. fire and*proceed as with' otoeh . Cbata' f B i t Once Again a demonstration of forest fire ap­ 'The air fores continued roeon- ceeap) pt«^ are seen in toe racks of beooming FAMILY MASTER EASILY ARRANGED Federal Oommodltiaa constat­ paratus. a. pump being In Man- T.IMMitSl—. An. _____MBW ing' of butter, flour, oatmsaL rai­ nalasance over France.” tweeds, twills, and Phctland wools DeLUXE $1«9.95 sins. prunes and apples will be ebesUr for tha demonotratlon. tor toe young miss, her teen age z f.. Wilrose Presents given out hero Fridsy. The Bls- slater and mether' beraelf at The S T A ¥ | a slmi^a -way to buy, tbeto-r-Mont- WUroee. Adorable types for Uttla CLEAN-SAFR-FAST— CHEAP... jiMt lik* tlocUic s ^ Btrsst food depot srlU be open Slate’s Prum Corps \mllW MARaNsaTSK from 8 ajn. to 5 p.m. Tornado Kills N O W F l a k i n g gomaty W a^ offer,# dwlce a t a sister from $5.96 up, teen nge light That’s tha atory of alactrie cooking. THE AUTHENTIC FASHIONS hftt tor-|1.99, your aelecUon of a models ta fitted reefera and other The Connecticut Company, In a 13 Persons I Asked to Compete' 'aptiiig eoat ta toa new faab- atuhnifig ta xy, styles $l0.9S and statement filed with the Public ____ MKnrauTJMiLi I toi^ 39.9a pnd a yoiftl^ Bia- up. Blues, 'ahua, dttaty rope and of For Spring and Easier! Utilities Oom mission, has noted pL ua .(Mttc .ta etUier print or aoUd eourba m vy lesid la popuMir oolors. that tha branch pick-up Une eetab- (Oenttausd •0"«> I Hartford. March IS -’Tb# Char-1 EDITH 83.9*—the total outat ooist- G .E . K E IT H .NOWI Ushed here recently In the vicinity tar Oak (touncU Drum <3o^ of] ____ ^MORTHWEST, FELLOWS 114*5 iffbteh 'ydu can UtoTwSieut of Oak and Sprue# streets for con­ this city la aponsoring a atate-wlde I He you pay tor it by $3.00 As Owen Merodito put tt: venlencevenience of aircraftrcraft plantilsnt workers I stepchUdrrn and grandchud of Fat p a s s a g e bwn and the rest monthly. Wa may live without poetry, mu­ t m Is being discontinued as no ncces-1 McKinney, M. Negro, contest of CwmacUcut dnan corps I ^ *! '5 U ttla FURNITURE CO. (litti Nnr iwiwjMa \ m sic ati; PoUee I unidsntiflad Negro. ,a t Food Guard Han on 8nturdaa%l P s v p s n Ki C ay Bolero WMI March 80. Thla corpa to compoowl .'AdvntReing'rnwer. Wa may Uvd without eonadsaae CORNER MAIN AND SCHOOL STREETS Banka Roberta, At best ntsdetoent of tbii; pus- and live wHbbttt heart; $7.98 H o m e " and potrer of advettialpg* trt W a may live without frtwida, we Oppofiit* the High School Frock ' “*"*• . b<^ ^ la ^ Her daughter, of the Charter Oak anMYIaniid*<^BrMmin«WM»H«Miy^ was made by Brldg^ort’* may Hve wlUlout books. ' IndiesUena are t9at the new Mrs. C. A. Hightower, and Mrs. Scouto of A m eri^ of Hnrtforai abowman, P. T, Baronin, But clviUzad man cannot Uve In True N avy - formed I Hightower's 18-month-old daugh- and la eponrored by the Robert M j HNG SCHOOL I ' ^ • • Two Negroes OolUns Poat. American Logics Al- have obaarved," said Bar- wltoout cooks. t o ^ S K r e ^ e a S i ^ to' bMln I ter7 wars Injured. Two Negroes I OolUns Poat. American Legwm tk.j^ AT 1 P. 3L DOORS OPEN U 4 * Mto,’''(fiat if a nun baa gbeda to la ealy ana of a group of pretty SelJtiaS 7t oiSo'-hM ^ c e * S r e ^ — • tka corpa------**sad*l m i kind LAST SESSIO N FREE PRIZES! s e t MA’dqep pot'gdvertise toem. ..A itaw TkM d Maa” S t U m i Frocks ter tha nowr aaSaeu. O thara|8Ja ?Se aecrotaryaecratsry of Stota haa Issued alan FleWa and Bethaiv. |ad many evenU of thto TO BE GIVEN AWAT FRtDAT In toa end tps aheriff wlU adver- The Rfwly nnovaMd :OaBtor I ONLY to $13.3*. aiooo 11 90 IT 13 90 39. aa 1 notiea of the flUng i-...... at a certificate I Nanoua) Ouard OaDad OoL since It was formed steteen yearal NATIONAtlV AOVItTISIO to 54. 19% to 39% National Guardsmen were cnll^ I ago, this Is tha first compe;liltlonl G AS RANG E * W ASHING M ACH INE Use them tor him.” Phsrtnaey sM 'Rm Nhirpliy piug, j of organisation,at. Details are given I Vdosaes might be written on D ^ o t Sq., win to a tow d i ^ oHcr' I today In the public recordai out Immediately to prevent loot-1 % has held. Many corps from ^1 I IS BASKETS tag of homes. They were Joined ever the State have promlatd to the subject 'wUboUt saying any­ a uakitte sendee at thttr aoda' thing more conclusive than thia tountain—a a u ttt y cbaek idea. G e ^ v i n e D r a f t Your Coat Hag The Tha Board at . Selectmen lalby CCC camp anrolleea and volun- attend and tha advance sale of -^Brtdfqtort PnsL scheduled to...... hold Its aeeond ■ regu­ ^tMTS In the eearch for victitaa tickets Indicates a large local With each pufdim> a dMck is The Rad Croaa stepped In to aid Uurn-Out Ivea. and M tka stub ta marked IRIOAL lar meeting of the meoth Monday it Tpli'Asli'l SL 41k a star, no matter ths’aaiooat > CASH New **Long Toreo** Look nighL the needv. Tha Leader at tha corps la Field Mrs. H. P. Robtaaon who, with I Scout Ctammladoner "Ai” HemaO' t tha purefeaat. It will ka yoqra i SET with The Board Sttaetmen will I her husband, escaped aerloiu In-1 m y . Mr. Hamenway la y»u will waat to buy FREE. Tou Will ha thafr Ipieak” at BINGO— THURSDAY NIGHT lehy eoeklss from Jen aaalad Uds for prieaa on the I jury as their home eellapaad. aald I py Charles Haaktas of the Amen- (laatalM Ob la t aad 2r4 Floora 4 DIAMONDS DRESSMAKER COAT iiu p ^ of gasoUna for town depart- she didn't know "exactly how lt|e s n Legion and Scoutroaatw .A. Odd Fellows Hall [.’Tbs Darts Babafy. Iter Bag Osks IN TWILL manta Monday night. Tha bids came.” ^ ^ Guardlsnl, It was tor a major the sRatapneka sad banw, 3 8-4 eu| I atrtaqealra Sour Ir Ona. Two or ThNa-FaaUIjr Hohsc*) IM Btaek ani Navy have been advertised and spactflea------' ”n was Juat like midnight and waU-kaown "Buatar” Harvty. who ^ naorad B y K ing DavM Lodg*. bttaaly Itod am 3 a-4 doUMMCttag aisao 11 to IT. M to 39. tiona may ba Obtalnad at tha efflca I tha lights had atma cut and wa haa bean major of this corps alaea LO.O.F. ^gtotti 3$e a ^ a“ Sligiitly H iller (Bn Timna War.] I16.M and $19.98 For of thatW a Treasurer. Term la couldn't see anything." aha aald. lit was formad at which ilma ba| Ira M U S 's eajiaa 30e 9*to on eedar 3-3 teaspoon aalt $ 3 i 9 > Tha for one year, and thia tima tbara I Manv communications lines was only throe years Old. Tha oh. 1 ___ REGULAR GABIES t-too. Tbs gpaclala tHal waro ftfir A4 cup butter or other ahortan- This henrftomsiy wfougM bridui sol..'.. wm b# Included tha supply of gas- were torn down. LtghU ware ex- Jact of Um oorpo la muaical train- t tund. Mat wrok. proved w poM ing BOGK-BEER tsotursd ot • iilHiiiiifliy low pHti*l H fr.i Droaa Farad* . . • a n d taz b*8 decided la anka l'l-4'cups sugar "PAST A* i i M XlEANaimCflfAf Laug t t n o oUna for tha Potioa DspartmentI tlnmilshad and gas mains hroktn tag for aeouts and asrvlea to thol feetly motchs* diamond tsMint* hslta popularity a t fcasta and ravata. $th SPECIAL G AM E— $ 80. 00— A w a r d . i ^ T k a wemaa whqae face ia tor, add sugi^r gradually, -and The AAenchester Electric Division amnnour Lowman. Itautanant gov- 9|tMR4 8R4 ftfll 9bo«»d rtear 4 kal cream togeUier iptil floBy.’ Baft] MMir of How Talk la 3*88-3* and SIr WUllam B. Laate waa rairnned P lay B iR go SittiB g A t T abk * W ith tha E q-jIgB iaat T m ftwtto o r a t '' least madt i w SMALL FULL Matthew Wiori aoeroUrF ' natma’a amailiat Uvina L i k a l BCnTLES QUAirrS CREDIT TERM B- WILROSE DRESS SHOP Trtoaary in ad deadly enamlea M :’k«a>-5to 999M«iB8trc«t ^ antoroooMat DO O B PR IZE $ 10.00 ADMISSION 81 C E N T S fans. ta oonUnupus atnam . - Ad n i l Bald SharMaa BRikUag Guard M m ______can ba crowded lato a S a r, Bo was TL to tiaa tto bahna'la Iha ynOhL ia a n ^ kMto MANCHESTER EVENING. HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18.1948

MAJfCHESTEtl EVBWllfG HERALD, MANCHESTER, CX)NN. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, W40 April 8 Naarog A rm y Day and poMSMlcwi to aid etvie bodlas Into tha nubile Itbraiy, hoadad Li­ t'wght to - nmln ivom M isi^ionary T ells Lose* 2 Wives; Do4$tt*t In Its obeervanee. State governora brarian Ralph Shaw a book and took the book GRDA failed ,to head a Anal arara- Waabiagton, March 18—(ff>— were Invited to Issue similar proc­ said he’d stolen It in 1927. Hien stranger he’d done all ba ing: "Pm not kidding.” Sblons Disagree on Policy Keep Spouae He Wants PreoldeBt Roosevelt today pro­ lamations. he asked Shaw what else be. oouM Balloon Peril Woman, After Three Yeart, on Verge Guard to Aid In Washington John 8f. Ckr- O f W ork in Field claimed April 6 as Army Day and do to make up for the theft ”1 ^ Worid averaga mody, Fadaral Public Works Ad­ . V ------■ ordered military ufilts throu|d*out joined the church,” the stranger snow and rate M l) Of Learning Which Hu$band Legal ministrator, commented caustic­ ^ Of Supplying A Hies Planes Seattle, March 18. — (Ml — tha UBlttd States, Ita tarritoriW Gary, Bid.—<8iy-^ n a a walked ■aid, "and this la one of tha thlags »aUy Radio R ro yams In Dam Fight ally; An tntereatlBg account of mle- Floyd Trimble has loot two of To Airliners “The only marching troops that Hawthorne, Calif.— ridnary work tn Africa, Including hla three wives—but he didn’t the eight ballp: Pdlca booked a Washington, March IS—(J^—«alao repreacoted aa aaaklng raleaae keep the spouse he wants. 1 know anything about are march­ youth on suspldon of stealing of the neweat, fastest Army and motion plctiiref of the people and Houywood. March about It all, .‘r . Sand T Tthara J L Smight S l ba a Oklahoni* Governor to ing In Europe and Asia. . . . In Hints that the Army baa a new their custopu and living condi­ Superior Judge Roger J. ^Runaway* in Air Four Plaraon Brooks Many Brin la aa raeoncmatlon—1 raaUy don’t know. this country wa are accustomed to eight »««ua from a bowSng alley. pursuit ship which outdoes the Navy planes. tions. waji given by the Rev. El­ Meakim ruled that wife No. 8, tha varga of laarnlng, afUr naariy Use Martial Law to Pro* present 400-mlle-an-bour Agbter Stephen T. Early, a prealdmtlal Maxine, la h£i legal apouse, WKAF-NBC—1:80 la t’a Talk It ’’If tha Ventura decision la re> present our disputas before ragu- failed today to check congressiaa- secretary, expressed the view that mer Danielson of Meriden at the and hla marriages to wives Ovar: 2:46 Hynina of All Churchaa: Houra as It Drifts 200 thraa yaara, who bar lagal huahaad' varsad, than 1 think 1*6 go back to larly constituted oourta” Emanuel Lutheran church last vent Closing of Gap. W ear a al argument on the queation of foreign war orders havs helped No. 1 and No. 2 were void be­ 6 Oueat Book. WABC-CBS— I Miles to Settle. Is, but sha Isn’t sura what aha*n do Kano, wbara 1 atill maintain a legal Ray McNaughton, GRDA chair supplying American warpltmea to rather than hindered deUveriea on night. Rev. Danielson la home on cause neither had been divorc­ Uumy Roaa; S:16 Ootdan OaU rsaldsnes, aid Ma suit for dtvorea man, advised Phillips he had triad furlough from the Augustaoa about it whan aba Snda out. Oklahoma City, March 18.—<^— France and Britain. Army and Navy aircraft. The ed from previous husbands. wnc Quartat; 4 Kay Block Pranants. Har appaal from a Sugwlor from BUL And aftar th a t- I don’t uasuccassfully tor, assurances from War Department aald It was ad­ Synod’s mission fleld at Tangany­ Akron, O., March t l —(61—A Disagreement over thia policy Trimble, 23 year old mes­ WJZ-NBO—12:89 rarm and H o « court dadalon annulling bar Yuma know. Gov. Leon C. PhllUpa looked to the PWA that OkUhoma would be ika, East Africa. i m tm. ______“runaway'’ baUoon parilad airway 5ntaiii-| oxno contrasted with the one-alded hering to Its established policy of senger service operator, and Hour: 2 How Do Tou Know; 4:10 elopamant amrriaga March It, ’’I do know, bowairar, that If I the National Guard today for aid reimbursad. House approval yesterday of a releasing existing plane models Slxty-llve persons were In at­ Maxine had asked the court to in tha Nawa. MBS-^rlSl traffle four hours laat night aa It 18W to WllUam Hunaaker Brill, j aver marry again, R won't ba In a Tha controversy began Its swift when a superior type was tendance at the meeting, sponsored ______fM«ll 1» in hla Aght over tha 820,000,000 8655,000,000 expansion blU which j only when a supei by tho Women’s Missionary Soci­ annul their marriage so Trim­ Ralaigh, N. C.. High School Olaa driftad 200 mllaa, flaally aatUlng Loa Angalaa sportsman, burry. Grand River Dam. march to a cllmaa two weeks ago anJ Hava a f jL would add 48 ships and '* 1,0111 ready. ble could remarry Norma, auba . . . Short aravaa: HAT4 at KIttannIng, Pa., 50 mUaa north heard yaatarday Iv the State su­ Sha and Brill pirtad the day Tha pugnacious, red-beadad gov­ as Phillips learned that oontrac- planes to the Navy’s strength. I Oppoaitton Aatldpated. ety. Miss Ruth Benson led devo- Wife No. 1, mother of hia five iTiMEl«Mksta(t WU«. Budapaat 7 Hungarian Kranlnga; preme court b> BacranMnto. afUr their w eddi^. She subse­ ernor, ardant advocate of state’s tors hoiwd to close the reservoir SM ART f o r m ! r The new purauit craft, congres- j Meanwhile, the naval «expansion Uonals and Rev. Thoreten A. Gus­ month old son. The judge 40 6—Stells OalU*. " 13SD QSC L rlghU, declared he would call out gates In time to catch the spring sional sources disclosed, already is bill went to the Senate where aald he couldn’t annul the ' I jOD I m r u t JooM- tha Naws; HVJ Vattcan a t y 8:80 Ventura, Calif., a few months laUr, H um A ar Brill, for 8100,000, claim­ troops "eometlme" today to place rains, no later than April 1. being tested and Is smaller and greater opposition was anticipated. lowing the lecture, refreshments marriage so .daxine said she > 4)46—Tounc W M ^r Brown. News and Conunant; DXB MCI tudea through fear of a skyway on the ground that her Nevada dl- ing alienation of affections. *rha ^^ourae ij at were served. collision. Commercial airlines, martial law In effect at tha hydro­ ReJeeU Oaraaady*B Offer more easily maneuvered than the In the House, only 37 votes were Would ask for a divorce. ^•:M-OlI^Aloa•■ Berlin 10:00 Talk In English. voroa from Gaorga Many, New suit was postponed pending ruling «N llui CworW's QWml ^B ta u liju l csist against It, with 303 votes for 606—Mdatreain. warned of the unnuuined bag, had on legaUty of tba'annubaent. electric projMt and prevent dos­ He vowed he would not permit present model. Its development Instructed pilots to remain above York merchant, was not legal. ing tha laat unAnlabed gap In the InundaUon until the state was paid was said to be one of the principal I t C ^lnnan Walsh (D.. Maas.F 6 !tft— Anaatrong. Mrs. Brin, or Macy, onca- ffailtSan ffauaJalioa 11 of the Senate Naval Committee 4 b an d o n m eiit Seen 6)46—TIm CMeUla. 10,000 feet oasa lataaaat Payment, b dam. and rented an offer from Car- reasons why the War Department tempestuous Birmingham, Ala., Seeks RdrabaraeineBt nJbdy to submit tha matter to the ouaooBSgnniwnx H rtiASEDTO sanctioned release of the 400- has argued that appropriations V66—N«wa and Waathor. Rlpa Away From ONw society girl, has been living quIeUy BloomvUle, N. Y.->vp—E. W. ,• 0 6—Know Tour Stata Oovam- The 75-foot, torpedo-shaped bal­ PbllUps seeks 8850,000 reim­ courts. CALL AT YOUR HOME. AND SHOW mlle-an-hotir type. should be voted first for vessels W HAT TO WDRC for months, keeping out of the so­ Simmons, machinery dealer, picked YOU n o m EXQUism cseations. already authorised. As T lire a t to Safetv loon, owned by The Goodyear Air­ up a letUr—with a 8200 check bursement for state lands, roads The GRDA, a sUta organised WITHOUT ANT OatlOATION. Desire More Information. •OO^^^ranadera; Pag t*Cantra. UarttatS craft Oorp„ ripped away from a cial whirl in which sha once was a agency, was set up In 1835. The House committees, however, The Navy bill provides for three gay Agura. attached—and read: “ThU should and bridges which would be Inun­ Fashions For Men And Young Men - • 146—LowaU Thomaa. Its# ko. ground crow here while being pay my debt to you." When Sim­ dated with the Aooding of the PWA loaned It gllAAS.OOO and showed a desire for more informa­ aircraft carriers and an unspecl- "If the Supreme court rules my made aa outright grant of 88.457,- SMART FORM tion on the War Department’s ac­ ftd number of cruisers and sub- Boston, March 18—(P)— With TELL YOUR ’ tS 5—i^ed Waiing’a Orcheatra. Drought dWn from an altitude Reno divorce was Invalid and I mons checked his ledgers, ha found reservoir. the proposed abandonment brand­ T06—1 lioaa a Myatery. test. Five man sighted tha bag HU decision for a showdown 000. ton. A military subcommittee nmrlnes. Information on these Weiaaaday. March 18 never WBb legally married to BID that tha writer had left town In SHOP wras not Included In order to keep ed a threat to a national safety ; JllO Tnrtiln of Sporta with Jack drifting to near Kittanning and 1022 oaring him $114. The check with the Public Works Administra­ Chief Engineer W. R. Holway .‘8S called into secret session to Pa Me managed to bring It down by loop­ Brill, I think I'll go back to Naw said that if the gates were kept decide whether to hold a formal secret the sise and exact number and to Industrial development, an DAUGHTER Mtvttw. 4:'0Q—Music Off the Record—Ray York and try to pick up my life took care of that, the letter said, tion and the Grand River Dam Room No. 9, Rnbiaow Bldff. Interstate Commerce Commlaalon'^ As Featured A t HOUSE*S \ • fHB—Clark DennU, tennr. ing tha dangling guide ropes Authority was reached after the open during Aood season "there investigation. of ships in each category. I! ra w flaoebl«H»*e *«»ls g wn n i b enfl sa d Barrett where I left off,” aha remarked. "plus Interest” Informed quarters . agroed that hearing on the Old Colony Rail­ ran poUaa aba’a sattlsfl laauaM, s m n w s s 4 ‘ g:06-HoUywo^ niw 4:46—Ad liner—Dance Program. around a tree. In the background were reports : Sog—Variaty Prograin with a in The bag will be deSated, folded that the btllion-dollar Allied air­ the cruisers wrould be considerably road’s petition for permission to pwedr—It aba’s batbarad by «aaars4 haaO- 5:80—It nHiponad In Hollywood, larger than the present 10.000-ton halt service on four segmenU of B a b a . ambartMalPS falsU as spaUs dsa as Arauat(ite. 5:45—Scattarjgood Balnea. up and brought back on a truck. craft purchasing miMion has been Its lines south of Boston entered fenuila foBcttoasI ‘in a ta lsillia a " —bT aB S.’OO—•—’Iha 1Nawaw Frad Allen Show. A Goodyear spokesman said the exerting pressure to have Ameri­ "treaty” maximum. Larger wiaana kata har try I^rills B. PlaUhaB’a College of 6:00—Ease Raportar —News and cruisers would be able to cope Ita third day today. VasauUs Ceapeoafl. clBiSO-Kay Kaysar'a Weather. . balloon escaped aa an anchor line can military plane ordeYs •side­ Mualcnl Knowledge. snapped, and added the Arm had tracked In order to speed deliver­ with vessels of the "pocket battle­ Some unofficial observers pre­ n r t b a a ’s CeapsoBd la oa s a( tha U O rr 6:05—Dinner TlaM Music. “absolutely no suspicion of sabo- ship” type. dicted the hearing might end by ErrECTIVk iM is sMda to help vm as U M —Nawa and WaaOier. 6:20—Edwin C. HUl. ies to Europe. The missicm was tonight, OS the Associated Indus- wha sra wash, ropdaws ar parwoos froaa ; 1 1 :16—When Day la Done—l^rry 6:30—H. V. Kaltenborn. U ge."______tSBeUoeal asaaa, Olra this waiilflsa Itoa Board, Baritone. Bud Balney, trieo of Massachusetts prepared to prsaas far eaar •• yaaia by tbnQiasfli af 6:45—The World Today. call a group of wltneases In oppo­ siataM viitoan s chasea to halp YODR Narrator. : . . 7:00—Ainoa *n' Andy. daasMar aa ■alHws Umi "dUBeidt d v t ,’* ' Hi46 Sleepy HaU’s Orcheotra. TcNlay’s Standings Business Session Ansonia Woman sition to the abandomeht proposal, 7:15—Lum and Aboar. BOMMUUUS im H O B VS F” which would mean cessation of nipairlal tar sae. toa, toatbar. rvy at '1)0S—Cbarlaa Barnet’s Orchaatra. j)SSJ-W in Bradley's Orchestra. 7:80—Burna and Allan— Ray servloe at 47 stations between Bos­ Nobla'a Orehaatrk. _ I n S e t b a c k T d u m e y Of Trades Bureau Painfiillv Burned ton and Middleboro. f«:66-Nasrt. •:06—AI Paarca and Hla Gang 1 1«6—SUent. '• BUly Houae; Don Bald: Carl Roofing & Siding Temerrew'e Program Hofra Orebaatra. The etandlnga of the eeventh In Twonty-flva members and guests Ansonia, March 18— tTi —Mrs. 8:80—"Dr. Christian.” the winter eeriro of setback games Mary T. Burleigh, 60, le In Griffin Oar Specialty A-M- 8:55—Nawa—Elmar Davis. attended tho meeting of the Build­ •:0S—Blue Grass Roy. spoasoted by ths North End Sre- hospital with painful burns and an WAKE UP YOUR 9:06—Tsxaco Star Theater-Ken­ msn la as follows: ing Trades Bureau of tha Cham­ ankle Injury incurred this morn­ A. A. Dion, Inc. s S -5 rim c la Cronin. Organist. ny Baker; Francea Langford; ValvoUne OH Company ...1566 ber of Commerce at the Hotel ing when ^ e l from an oil stove Ken Murray. Boo Ami Chicks ...... 1467 LIVER B IL E - 81 Welh St. TeL 4860 7 :66—Morning Watch. 10:00—Glenn MUUr’s Orcksstra. Sheridan last night A roast ehe was lighting set fire to her :40—Nawa. weather. ColonlaU ...... 1481 dinner was served by the store at 147 Jewett street and WHwai Cslnad-Asd Yeal Jsov OM el Evory littio chickon likot a ;16—News Hera and Abroad, 10:15—Public Affalm Hartmans ...... 1436 botai management after which a Ignited her clothing. Flames bar- Bed Is g» M « M lUria’Is Ge fJ U6-IUdlo Baaaar. 10:30—Emo Reporter —Nawa and Hose Cb. N a 1 ...... 1426 short business meeting was held her escape through a door and n * Bwr ShwM pssr sot tee riets of Weather. Hoas Ob. Jra...... 1420 with Chairman Ruesell Paul pre­ lenid fcOe lato loor bow^ d ^ r. If tlili B:48—WTtCs Program Parade. 10:85—Musie Patterned for Done- she leaped from a window, Adam »M Is se t Sewiaq fredr, rear food mer THE ELECTRIC woll-drotfod egg on Easter •:60—Rhythm of Um Day. G-Men ...... 1418 siding. Barnasb, a neighbor, extinguish­ It aasr Juet decar la Ibe boweli. •:00—Gretchen McMullen. Mere Barbers ...... 1411 Tite program consisted of two ing her fiaming clothing. __ I bteata op rour eUanach. Yon get eoatti- FURNACE MAN 1 1 :0 0 ^ ^ ul SulUvan. Community Lunch ...... 1397 patad. Ten faal1 aeur, nmk and Iba werld Lowest Cost Automatic Heatl I TS,A GOOD OLD Ametclan omom to deck 6 :16 —Food News. 11:15—aSvorttt Hoagland'R Orches­ motion pictures of the manufac­ Fire Chief Thomas J. Bennett, loqki peak. . SrSO—Mary Lee Taylor. Siinrias M arket...... 1385 ture and application of rad cedar estimated damage tb the building It takw thoaa oeod, eld Gartai'a UtUc Sold Exclusively By yoofadf oat in a new Arrow ihiit on Eaatcc. 6:46—Gaorga Hinkla, Peddler of tra. PorterSelda ...... 1862 U tar PQIt to sat Umm two Plata of bn* 11:80—Sammy Kaye’s Orchestra* ...1851 obtaiglea, shown by Samuel Olson, and grocery stock at 81A00. Mrs Hewlns traair to make ran feel “hip and Melody. Keeney's Garage .... field tachnlclan of the Red O der Burleigh was burned about the op." Amaalns la maUns bOa flow freelr. G. E. WILUS A SON, INC. Arrow’s i^ e aooat visin Baropc twice a jonr 12:00—Night Owl Request! Pro­ Pick-Ups ...... 1850 for Cartar'i Little U eer Pllle h r neme. 2 Mate Street TeL 8128 JISKIO—Tha Man I Married, gram. ...1847 Shingld Bureau of Seattle, Wash. hands, arms, and face and has 104 and 2S4. Stubbernlr rehiie any thins elea. to bring yon pattocn that an a )nmp ahead ia fv 3S:16—John's Other Wife. Mohawk' ...... Hie pictures showed the operation fractured ankle. 1:00—Sign Off. Royals ...... 1338 ityie. And Airow ddtta an Sanfori^-Shrank . . . 1 36:66—Just Plain Bill. Reid’s Auctioneers ...1316 of londng camps and the varioua ' 86:46—The Woman In White. Tenwrrow’a Program ...1303 stages of manufacture of the Betirog ExecatiTo Dies, fabric ihriakage Icm dun 1%. '‘is m —David Harum. St. Bridget’s ohlngles to the finished product J1 G6—Road of life. A. M. Buckland-Manchester ...... 1287 and proved moat Interesting and ANNOUNCING 7:00—Music Off the Record Tha high score of laat night’s Dajrtmi. O., March 18—(M)— THE OPENING OF Pick Toon ont Im(% befon Eaator. gt to gg. ^6IM6—Against the Storm. Instructive. Elxey O. Burfcbsm, 67, rattred, Cars Washed ^ : 46—Guiding Ught. Barrett. play was made by the Hose Co. EnltiSS—Mbon—Lunchaonalres. 7:15—Easo Reporter —News and No. 1 team with 128 and second former president of the Burkam- It costs only $1.00 to T w e e d * ! Ammp «H dsdgato MSdoSp fw Iks Itorta a aad BAe. V r.u . Weather. high by the Mohawks with 121. Herrick Publishing Oo., publish­ ' 86:16—Day Dreams. 7:20—Music Off the Record-Ray Civil Service Tests ers of the Dayton Journal and drive a dean car. ( tSMS—Tour Family and Mine. Barrett. Herald, died here today after Sport! Shop 7:55—Esso Reporter —News end Constable Kills brief niiMM. Try 789 MAIN STREET - 86:46—Slngln’ Sam. Weather. Upheld by Court IMS—News. Weather. State Theater Bolldinff 8:16—Elian Randolph. 8:00—Today In Europe. High School Girl Aged Widow Dlea IMS—Marjorie Mills. _ 8:15—Shoppers Special-continu­ COOK'S TH U RSD A Y , MARCH 14 ed. Bridgeport, March 18.—(JPi—^The Newtown, March 18. — t n — >WHh iBiportmt L i t t l e 6MS-Laura C. Oaudet, , 9:00—Woman of Courage. power Beorte-Master Bogina ia the Nsty. Mrs. Margaret M. Gannon, widow 6:16—NalU James, Tha Petticoat way for the Bridgeport Board of Hollywood Service Blonfies, Dressiw, Hats and^ 9:15—American School of the Air. Ironton, O., March 13.-(4')— €AUM. m x r t I A CfkgffVIOJtff'A Tbeonlylpw. STA10MMM9 MQVIVMMIVir, of Patrick H. Gannon and one of ViBsAbond. 9:45—Bachelor’s Children. Constable Bert Maya, 28. shot to priced car erlthewdata coll spring alt aredid. i t OHo prfees 6egla sf ggOf ftair CeepeW ' Police Commissioners to appoint Newtown’s oldest ^ n ie n residents, 342 East Center Street Mixed . Matched SweatinM" IMS—The Career o f Alice BUlr. death Elolse Roberta, lS-yenr-o1d romwmrAvmrM fouM M S aaoHA K um ti" four new lieutenants was cleared 6:46—Meet Mias Julia. 10:00—Prett.- Kitty Kelly. MXTMtA QVAMM Tr f Peatnro after 8456 for geifeoSi delfvarvd at i iaoefoA died today at the age of 92. She TeL 8987 and Skirts. 10:15—Myrt and Marge. Kitts Hill high school student,-and H ieU iu u Prtoam laetwdh Wmmpara, Spaiv today as a result of a Superior had been lU a week. t« 6 —Mary Marlin. then killed himself at dawn yes­ Momm nscosr,O M »9 m x m A m w m m r Inalde' ead eat I fsatore nmally found only In htfb-priced carsi •MS—Ma Parhitia. 10:80—HlUtop Houae. Who#4 T W TShe, Dmol TrmmpH S o n u , court decision upholding Civil Serv­ 10:45—Stepmother. terday In her bedroom. m tvma r o v A ansAMM Loocai—19744 liichas from bompet to bampM. m X T H A r M U ta m a tr Bnglnasred Imatnamamt Panel Mood-Look. AataoMtfe ice examinations for the post |*RevcmiM e SMS—Pepper Young's FamUy. 00—Rhythroelodlsa. Coroner W. W. Lynd returned toOns-c^ Btaadarda—bnlltin the Sne-cer way. •H 6—Vie and Bade. or AMor Mom* MM KXTtUk STMMM f From eoeal to eoael, Chaka, Vaetnan Booster Pmmtn, Miultar Ito Judge Edward J. Quinlan yaa­ 11:16—Life Begins. a verdict of murder and suicide. they call it,‘‘the best looUog car on the road r D raft VaatUaUam, S ofaty Olaasb .Ckr nme tarday dismissed the appeal of •aSIpper M nsd . He said Mrs. Maya told him that pima MCOMOanr TH AT _:80—Big SIsUr. E V B M w rarxa / costmAMMma a m r t m m mmar Window Raraala, Ckreme Xstarter Hard* Swgt. John J. CkiToU from hla rat­ 11:46—Aunt Jenny’s Stories. her husband had been "ninnlng MxrttA rowmmr Big 99 Herald warm, 6 WlodaUald Wlyara, 6 Baa Pleanv ing tn tha examinations, and de­ 12:00—KaU Smith Speaks. around" with the Roberts girl 2 Promt Seat Arm Resta. TYeeqporlamw nied aa apifiteatioa for a per- *Rtifi|1ar Styles 12:16—When, a GM Marriaa. since laat November. he sad on rail rotes, state aad iM al tOMoa maneat lajunetioa reatralntaff the lRa«lio°S.y 1^:80—Romahea of Helen ’Trent. | Sadie Roberts, 30-year-old blind (If any), sptteasf squfpewet aad aosssso board from maktng tlie anxdat- II b 12:46—Our Gal Sunday. sister sleeping with Elolse, related rtee—sxtrs. Prtoes engfect tachaags wttkent meata until his ease was dlspoaod Hongf'S'j&cehigive Headqnarten 1:00—Easo Reporter —News and that Maya walked Into, their bed­ oottso. A OBNBRAL MOTORS VALUE of. Men's and Young Weather. room, awakened tho girl and said ^_g_ ^Ima fftmLSn Msw Yorii. March 18—(SV-Both Oarron was ooa of a number of 1 ;06—Us On a Bus. only, "You know what I told you 'p^eo sorgoanta who failed la the Men's For Arrow Bhnvhandise in Manehegler Iks fusaa of The Nsthsilands and 1:16—Ufa Can Ba Beautiful. laat night,” before firing a revol': OEDSBIOBIUB •* lO O n m CAM 4KV THE BOADI*- oumlnatlons, given to 28 men. 'fgMSdant Boaasvalt ara to ba In- 1:80—Tha Bight to Happlnoaa. ver shOT Into her head. Commissioner Harold J. Morris StaSaS In tha group of apsakera to 1:46—Main Street—Hartford. Maya then killed hlnuielf. aald the appolntmento- probably 2:00—Lanny Roes. Manehester would be made next Monday night ••rtld p ata la Sabirdai^a apscial 2:16—Joyce Jordan—Girl Interne. The child born on the Mayflow' 512 West Center Street SUITS ‘hour aad a half broadcaat under 2:80—Afternoon Melodies. er during its epic voyage to Am­ MAMCHBSTER MOTOR SALES, Inc. of the foreign mlaaions 2:46—My Son and I. erica was n am ^ Peragrlne White. fa thg Newegt Egbrlca of North America. The 8:00—Sodety Girl. Glastonbury Girl ii Sadleatsd to the cauas 8:15—Golden Gate Quartet. aad Styllnss of world peace. 8:30—Eeso Reporter—Newe. S m l d s s ^ NBC, CBS and MBS 8:36—Strictly Swing—GU Bayek. Reported Missing *Clipper Gndt BOtworka, the program wlU be •■ t on the abort waves. Queen B whaimiwta Will spcsk from Ths CRastonbury, March IS— (IP)— *Year Oralt ■affus aad Uw premdsnt from ths Overnight News itoa Evans, 14, daughter of Mr. Y m te Houae. Othera to ba heard sad Mrs. Harold M. Evans of New •Middfahade wlU talk from a convocation In Of Connecticut Loodon turnpike, has been miaatng Now York. atecc late Friday afternoon, her * Knppenhelmer KEMP’S, hic »a father reported to police today. A Iphirga” In taiavlston la gat- According to Mr. Evans, oke Newtown—Andrew Cnaridy, 88, triephoned a nrighbor Saturday at New Toik area and later on Phils was found dead at the toot of the Here Is the Greatest Rafrigenitor Bargain Wa Hava Ever Offered — Look Hhat This Sensational Low d a. m. and aald that she was go- •jlphla and other communities. In- stairway In tbs main roaidence of . teg out of the otote and would be up ofBttva eras given through plans an estate where he was the care­ bgck Tuesday nlght/^ Her father MBOunced by RCA and Its broad' taker. A medical examiner said tM police toifaiy that she bad not $22.50 Price Buys — A Brand New Big 6 Cubic Foot Frigidaire’For $114.75 cast unit, NBC. he apparently had suffered a frac­ imuiiwd. RCA part Included a 8205 tured skull In a fall and had been .The gM to ropoitod to havo told fadnctlon in the price of Its 8600 dead about 24 boun when a neigh­ aalglibm that aha waa going to vaaelvcr and corresponding cuts In bor diacovered the body. Igutftnd for a otegtag andtUoii. A other models aa well as plana be Hamden— Hamden selectmen I M In a ear ookad diiactloaa to u p lag put under way to start a tele opened blda on the oonstrucUon of booM IffMay afternoon while Boys* Suits Virion net;work to Philadelphia by an underpass beneath the New hgr parento woro away. Mr. Evans T aans of automatic relay etatlons, Haven railroad tracks and a high­ that this was tho man MaMStoTSYsMB to be ready by the end of the year. way bridge over the Mill river, I ^ m toed hor tho anditloo and Lri*r on it would be extendi to announcing that the Charter Oak I took hor away. Sha was ba* O tW elUee. Construction Company of Hart­ to he with another gM but NBC contributed by announcing ford had submitted the low bid— : havo net boon ablo to learn STETSON HATS a s axpiuidad program schedule $23,300—for the underpMS project latter’s Identl^ . $1 2 * 5 D "p wMch would Include the televising and the D. V. Frlone Company of fa AH the New Spring Shades. Now Haven the low offer—822.- Bbuty poltM notified state Of oartaln network aound programs who heoadeaot her desertp- aad suOmhmimI sound—alone pro- 900—for the bridge. V gm am on tte static-free television Naugatuck— Borough Warden ' idtn riiort wave station. Harria Whittemore, Jr., announced Tra Val nqplod with tha price reduc- that because of his health and tha $5*00 preasura of buelness he would re­ Frlan to Welcome WBS something of a precedent sign early this summer from tha lia radio Held. This was not In- THE NEW lad la the announcement, but It chairmanship of the Republican THE NEW 'l^own^s Newcomers reported to be refund to pur­ Town Committee, a post he has SHIRTS Arrow Shlrls and Shorts lers of the ffrst receiver models held several years. their outlay down to the Hartford— Governor Baldwin FRIGIDAIRE FRIGIDAIRE FRIGIDAIRE FRIGIDAIRE « levela. announced that the operation of Tho wolriniidag eommtttoo o f tho Shirts 50c Shorts 65e additional units recently complet Sfotaon'n AuxBtary of tho Cham Ti‘“*1»’*"g tonlcht: Europe—CBS ed under the state’s building pro­ hft o f Oommoroa, conatotteg of rii. U: liB8 9. gram had made necessary an In­ 1 Piece All Steel Cabinet lin . Goorgo Waddril an chaliman Pioneer Dress and Sport Sospenden . .$1.00 WBAT-NBC—• HoUywood PUy. crease of 160 persons on the and IM . DavM K. OaldwaS aad Each taste o f ioe i i M cut as the next step of a study It cvsly is mridng. At pi^nt the 'riate Radons. Millions thrill to its taste and V.4 am 'iiir'.'A g'j.m :i’in-f-i'i:hdik/i.’ij Johnny Presents: has two Institutions for the deaf, 'y Quia; 9 Green the American School In West TRU VAL PAJAMAS 10 Rap. Laa B. Gayar on Hartford and the Mirstlc Oral Torrtagtoa, March 16.— (T — the refitted feeling that follows. Tax;" 10:80 l^alrii SebooL Never Before l^uch Values—^Thiidc' .4.brahsm Nttkta, gO, proprietor of a cloUilag hurineaa hare tor .M tiMBSe-TOM. P.-.B Now .Program, Sheep DMat Ommsm Staff. yapra, dtod ondgwdy today. Dr. INC Canbi .SriO Bandmaatera ’Tsrin Fans. Mabo—on—A ra­ Of It A 6 Cu. Ft. 1940 FRIDIDAIRE R . B. R anehstt madleni oxai >AUSt THAT REFRESHES t:60 •orenada for dio foasd la a doeiway was turned atMhutod 4iath to natural a ___ noocAcotAca sr TIM STORE CP CHIAlirr over td tha itiorifra offloa. Dapu- Bo waa ptaridant of A. Ntthia, lha:,n vm ha aatabltohad after Umi triid WMRiCMMfuny to find For Only $114-75 andiv. Budget Termsf COCA-COLA BOTYLINO OOMPANYa HABTFORD^ CONN. Other Pajamas to $5 tho ownor. Thai Ihty found out owilwg hors from WatorhiBy la - ' ■ 'W- - > ■ - 38fK v’S'J t jft.i.S6gW<'' V ¥"■ ■>' v'- V" 'ftsvrr.. ' MANCHESTER EVENINO HERALD* MA^ICHESTER, CONN. WEDNESDAY, MARCR18,184® MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHFaTER, CONN. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13,1940

maintained for so long a struggle BriUah news agency. It said toe against overwhelming odds.” rant; SidUfylfe^ent of *111# Nor­ ^ S B an 11 o’clock armlatlee endod- Hore-Belieha Asks Question R i^ t Munler Charge Finnish ministers o f war and-adu- The House cheered this state­ Plan Reporting walk Hour: Rogw A. (fonnoUy and 1 — Skeptical the confilct as agreed In I f o s ^ . Says M’Gloon caUon already had resigned.) O bituary ment loudly. I Carl C3yma of The New Haven The Flnnlah high command, te- Under the treaty, Finland would F u ll W ar Debate Of Zone BoarcK^ Storm in California Register; W. J. G. Myers of New Faces McCuistion suing Its ‘tost communique ’ of the yield to Ruiato: _ Kaven, retired chief of Th* New Check These Prices For Sayings! ForeigiirOffers war. reported a few houm a m r Ran Inflation Of Conventidns Haven Bureau of ’The Associated The enUre Karelian Isthmus, In­ fleas Pag* One) Spending Estir the fighting ended that there bad cluding the Wtteriy-contested (Oanll Press; John T. MUar, the present Fnnerab At $26,000,01 DaUy Town Interesled In De­ Will^ Benefit Gam er New Orleans, March IS—(71— m m F n i s Om ) been no ceaaatloh unUl the very Mannerheim defsnsO line, strewn btirrsu chief, and Louie G. Black Save These. Savings By Comparing! which Finland ceded to Russia An indictment charging murder O f D rug Firm with Russian and FlimUb corpses; Mis. R. DsvM Oaagui London, March 18/ (#) — The Connecticut Circuit of of the bureau staff. mote territory than was demand­ cision Handed Down the vice president to Wsebington. ih« ama rad "bad **^‘On the rooming of March 18 The wrecked but unesptured city IlM funeral od Mrs. R. Dsvld British government,jaatimatlng Its was on file today against WilUmn ed lost fall, and In particular to Opposing Slates o f D el» hes been oppoelng New Deal poli­ Associated Press Holds In tbt oromlaea o f other* to UiR enemy continued to nttnek end (Coatlsaed Fiwm Page One) of VUpuri, along with Vllpuri bay Dougan of 94 Valley streeL who spending at iSfiOOjOM (8 8 6 ,^ ,- By Superior Court* C. McCuistion, Dies Oommlttea our troops counter-attacked on the debate Britain’s part In th* Rus- cies sitbougn bs waa a supporter In tM usoqual atrugglo and Its lalanda; died Monday will take place tomor­ 000) a day. asked Parliament to­ gates Favoring Roose> Spring Meeting. vritneas and former National Mari- Isthmus, northeast of Lake Ladoga slan-FInnlsh wrar. day to appropriate' a £700,000,000 of the premdent a few yeara ago. Prison Escape a to* 80 tlBiaa her tgn, fake bank In Canada known a* A ll th* shores of Lake Ladoga row afternoon at 2 o’clock at the (Jbamberlato defended Britain’s Whether or not M an tyster’s time Union ((710) Otnetol. Mo- Everybody Saves A i There he* been no campaign ac­ and at Kuhmo up to 11 a. nr., (4 a. “Manning and Company." and soma territory northeast of the Dougan Funeral Home, and 2:30 at (88.800,000,000) lump sum for con­ velt May Be Placed Culstlon haa not )>een arrested. decland. help to Finland. He expressed the zoning wKttfaOons reg a rd to j^ ^ tivity in Waahinyton otate. except­ Hartford, March 13.—(O —Plan* m.. e. *. t.) when both side* Th* prosecution brodght out Uke. (Where th* FInna have re­ 8L Mary’s Episcopal church. Rev. nation’s "admiration for tbs cour­ duct of th* war. Plot Uncovered The indictment, returned yester­ Sir John Slmoni chancellor of forced closing ot liquor establish­ Before Democrats. ing a recent visit by Thomas for reporting on the epring and fall nac*«* "*** ceased,’’ the communique said. that over a period of years th* ported th* slaying of thousands James Stuart NeUI will officiate age" o f the Finns and repeated day by the Orleans parish grand XttnMdlateljr after tha torelfn th* txohequer, that £800,000,- ments that suspend busing f o i^ Dewey of New York, a candidate Three Hnrt in BaM McKesson Company of OonnecU- of Russian troops); and burial will be In the East ceme­ that “wre had mad* preparations aaU political conventions In Omnectl- Jury, chargaa him with the tolling ^aUBlater'O broadeaat an 0*I». The Finns said their A ir Force Lesss On PesMssIs 000 (81,800,000j)00) out of a £800,- days are legal la r a l ^ to a ^ i j ^ (EMitor’s Note: This is the \for the Republican prealdentlal cut entered approximately glA.- tery. to throw the full wrelght of all Sion which has been handed dowdto cut were discussed yesterday at the Pltteburgh, March IS—(ff)—Po­ of Philip Carey, union official, shot >%ublie buUdlhfa war* lowered ceased action an hour before peace 000,000 In fictitious salsa on Its A 80-year Russian lease on th* In the obituary notlc of Mon­ 000,000 fund appropriated last third of six articles outlining nomlnatloiL to deatn as he sat to his automo­ availahle resources Into the scales by Judge Edwin C. Dickenson dr ■i Waohington eelecte its delegates spring meeting of members of the lice claim to have uncovered a plot EYERYBODY^i September hod Men spent and % ja i staff. came, but that at least three books, and that McKesson and Peninsula o f Hanko, Finnish day, the name of a brother of Mrs. the current political situation bile last Sept. 17. on hearing that this was In aC' predlSted anoth^ £100.000,000 the Superior Court. to ths national conventions at par­ I'onnecUcut Circuit of The Asso­ to dynamite Western State peni­ . Helsinki’s newspaper* y P * ” ” ctvillans had been Injured by Rus­ Robins, Ud., of Ctonada, faked up­ "Gibraltar" at the mouth of the Dougan, Harry Sinnamon of De­ In various parts of the coun­ New Orleans police, who had cordane* with the desires of the point Involved a Hartford liquor ty meetings. The Democrats Irnve iirlth heavy Mack moumlnr oor- sian air raiders earlier today. wards of 88,000,000 in sales, al­ Gulf of Finland, which Russia In- troit, Mich., was Inadvertently would be spent by April 1. try.) ciated Press. Other business affert- tentiary’s north wall and open a been looking for McCuistion to Finnish government.” Sir Johns request for more store which had halted Its regular not aet the date for their etste Four Russian planes were ^ t though It waa a non-existent com­ tento to convert Into a military and ing the circuit also waa disposed possible path to freedom for 600 question him about th* shooting, omitted. Orlticisea Detoy funds mad* In the House of Com- business to bankruptcy pro­ convention. The Republlcsne will Y " S iw * of the paace h * ^ * '^ down yesterday as Soviet flierr di­ pany. Naval base; Ry tVUbnr Sander* of. prisoners. tried to extradite him from Wash­ WBlebration or acene* of ^ ta Hel- rected their atUcks chiefly at Various Islands) in the Gulf of Hore-Bellsha criticised the gov­ mons, coincided I with eloelng of ceedings, and then desired to re­ meet to Tecoms on May 88. gMt Wrote Nambera San .Francisco, March 13.—(P)— Tboo* who attended were. Arthur Detective Inspector Walter ington lost December when he ap­ BIARKET! ernment for delaying sending men the public sale n. Thompeon end James W Peterson FANCY BALDWINS esaoooet >eeeeee**es*s ...... 16-qiwrt buket ffC' like atreet found It difficult to be- n je high command, speaking of became so cumbersome that the with the Gulf of Bothnlaf appeals had been made by that sutement by the Bank of England Washington, March 18. — OPi — (Osnttanad froes Page One) Court, Judge Dickenson ordei ‘ Such a BBlit would increa.se Vice of The Torrington Regtoter; M. T. /Hove It neceaaary to ff>ve up now, a war that had ended, recounted McKesson Company bad difficulty Operation of a Russian airline country for assistance In material was expected lator. The Coast Guard baa mobilised success In repulsing the Russians the zoning board to r^eeclnd Its m aldent Gamer’s clianccs of Kane -of The Stamford Advocate; eatiiouch he aeeroed to feel that U getting cash on fake letters of across th* Petsamo district be­ and men.” Sir John divided up Britain’s a fleet of more then 300 sports­ George E. Clapp of The New Lon­ ttha sovemroent decided to end the on all fronts while the Finnish credit and that as a consequence tween Russia and Norway and no as being opposed to the slate of tlon and allow the business to be winning the delegation and re- Fancy, ^PYeah, Green . I Large, Local, Strictly Freeh Chamberlain denied that “ re­ daily war expeues thus: peating his 1932 victory, when he men’s motorboats In the Missis­ don Day; Ronald Ferguson of The 'fitmggle It would be suicidal to government was arranging peace the fake Capadlan bank was es­ restriction on passage of Russian amendments drawn recently by Army, Navy [and Air Force re-opened. peated requests for men had been Whether or not this order would carried the state primary over Mr. sippi and Ohio river valleys In esse Manchester Herald; Harvey __ M. with Russia. tablished. citizens or commerce across this the special Houp* Investigating \!oentlnue It. made by the Finnish government” about £4,000,000. hold In all cases where busineas is Roosevelt and Alfred E. Smith. spring rains send Ol’ Man River on Bri^giViHi'rrto^n C^Noyro Md ClTf- ASPARAGUS lb. 19c I EGGS doxen 27c “A Wall atreet firm suggested area; (tomnrtttee headed by RepresenU- A ir Raid Precautloim, shipping VaeoaqaeraMe ObalheJe and declared that every request for suspended and then re-opened, un­ Later the 44 Gamer delegates a rampage. ford C. Oat of The Norwich Record the establishment of the dummy A promise that no Finnish war­ Uve Smith (D.. Va.). They call and food—£1.00k>.000. The boets and their 400 ama­ firaat Britain and France yeater- Atk$^ American Help materials was answered and Fin­ helped assure Mr. Roosevelt of the end Bulletin; C. H. Tryon of The bank,” he said, adding that the planes, warships or submarines, for creation Of a new labor board Other Government expenses — der the same or different owmer- teur operators many become the day offered to send 60,000 troop* presidential nomination when they Meriden Journal. Seedlena system of receipts for fictitious except for small Coast Guard boats, limited to Judicial functions, dele­ land was told that Britain was £1,800.000. [ shlp, or Is applicable only to spec­ nucleus of rescue efforts If a new ‘to Finland, but Tanner said, 'the For Finns Be Continued gation of administrative functions prepared to send men also If they ial Instances, Is iMt set forth. It switched their support to him lii Francla S. Murphy, Ward E. Duf­ ^aaly poaalble route waa through good* waa set up by McOloon, will operate In the Arctic ocean. He declared '(d government, at- disaster occurs, because the Coast fy, Max Father, Frank Ahearn, Helsinki. March 13.— Pres­ In return, the Finns get peace to an Independent officer and num­ ap p ^ ed for them. is Indicated, however, that the rul­ the nations) convention. H o r w i^ u d Sweden, who refused “A ll accounts receivable and tempting to ho ' down prices, waa Guard has only about 28 boats of Theodore Holden and Carl E. Lind- ident KyostI Kalllo of Finland sent payable were under the direction and a yearly rental of 8,000.000 erous changes to board procedure. Lloyd George Glad n meat and other ing would not apply In cases wrhere A committee Is active in behalf Grapefruit 3 for ■ to let the t r o «^ through. Thl* a cable to Herbert Hoover today taking a loss Its own In this area (not Including etrom of The Hartford Times: of McGloon,” he testified. Finnish markka (about 8120,000) Wotod "Repear Aet supplies over ilch it has estab- the bualneas had been closed out o f the vice president, who to the the Great Lakes.) 'fuaal proved an unconquerable asking that American help for David Lloyd Ghorge, the white­ only candidate entered In CtoUfor- cniaries McGill and William J. Earlier, be had described how for Hanko. . Mrs. Norton said o f these pro­ llshed mmonopolles. by removal from the premises. LteuL Comdr. Merlin O’Neill .abstacle. Finland be continued. — maned World wrar prime minister, nto against the chief executive. Walsh o f The Bridgeport Post and "Thu* Finland waa left alone to McKesson and Robbins, while sell­ Mast Moke Trade Pact posals that they wrould “ pracUcal- declared that “ In my heart I am said the craft belong to the re­ Juicy Lemons 6 for He thanked Hoover for the aid They must negotiate a trad* According to the dictionary, a Olson Leads One Group Telegram; E. B. Harvey and 'fsM an enemy of superior num- already sent by Hoover's commit­ ing “ huge quantities” of Its irod- ly repeal” th* Wagner Act they glad of the news” from Finland, The famed 'erslan ruler, Ghas- cently organised Cfosst Guard Re­ Arthur J. Sloane of The New Ha­ ucte to bootleggers In the late treaty and make a non-aggressldn stew Is; a hot bath; a small room; Governor Olson, against whom yV.>AVl^.% tee. are now before the Norton Com­ but continued: an Khan, won ils greatest victory serve. Enrollments throughout the ven Journal (fourier; E. E. Elsen- ’20a sought to pyramid Its finan­ alliance with Russia. (Russia de­ is opposing mon- a heated room; a low resort or recall petitions are being cireulst- country exceed 1,000. Hs highly pralssd the conduct of mittee, and Mrs. Norton said that “ But It Is the old trouble — too but out-eating heimer and Harold F. Grimes of Firm Onions 3 lbs. for The cablegram said: ces. nounced the previous non-aggres- la, the SyrlM . The dive; a dlah of meat and vege­ od, to leading one group of Demo­ .Vtaluid's stubborn defenders, say- St today's session they were taken late. ,Too late for Czechoslovakia. The Meriden Record. “I hope with all my heart that Had $6AM,009 Holding* slon pact Just before Invading Fin­ under consideration In tha same Jealous of their tables; a stewpan; a state o f ex­ crats seeking to elect delegates Isdiau Fighter Dies The pnbUc—which reacted to the president of the Bridgeport Trust agreed 17 to 1 to end Its own hear­ .. ^ '*»*■ the'other lUld dictate terms time Indian fighter, died near here American; James L. McGovern and the ceded areas wlU bs moving Into less sever*. ’They offered Finland tie or both. That Is the road to ^ loser, ing that It would support any G row n-up .igeace with numb bewilderment— Company, and four others charged ings, storied last May 4 and which oysters, etc. • yesterday. He served against Edward Maum of The Bridgeport Beets 2 bunches for S m w a s lauded by Tanner. the territory of the republic. with mail fraud In connection with n of Soviet Karelia on Finland’s for a time paralelled those of the disaster.” ' third term move for the president Opponents of the governor have Apache CTilef Oeronlmo In the ’nmes-Star; George B. Armatead. ’"The home front acted beautlfut- “ We have signed a compulsory Coater-Musica's activities, Dietrich irag eastern border In return for a Smith group. “While associating myself with peace, yet we hope that our strug­ ^been considering plans to enter Bouthwest from 1886 and saw John Siidarksy, Robert Byrnes, and IN STYLI . . . • % and tha people’s morale w m declared that his brother, who small strip of the Karelian Isth­ "W * disetuaed the Smith amend the expressions of sympathy with gle for right has gained us the '-another slate pledged directly to Geronlmo surrender to the Army. Philip Rose of Hie Hartford Cou- iamisewerthy,’’ he saikl, under *1- committed suicide after being ex­ mus northweat o f Leningrad; a menu.” she said, “ and by and the Finns," said Hore-Bellsha, “is Carrots 2 Ige. bchs. for sympathy of the civilized world 'M r. Roosevelt. ’They have taken :v|aiost dallbr bombing attacks and posed as a swindler, once bad Mc­ lease on Hanko; part of the 8redni large from the talk around the It not a fact that repeated appeals IN TAILORING.. :«th*r bardtoipa of war. and trust we shall not be left to Kesson holdings of a market value and Rybachl peninsulas; and ex­ table 1 gained the Impression that have been nude by that country no definite action, but they have our own resource* In the work of ^ until March 29 to select delegates ; The reopons* o f this public to of 88,600,000, change of some Islands In the Gulf a mniority of the members feel fop assistance In materials and Spinach 2 lbs. for reconstruction.’’ .. and qualify for a place on the bal- ■Itoe paac* was uncertain as yet, hut Although these liad depreciated of Finland. they have gone too far.” glen and It is not a pity In relation IN iVIRYTHINO observers took It tor grant- enormously In 1988 upon th* dis­ The new. drastically-revised to the magnitude of these events ^k>t Reeeire* Supply Bill - Secretary Ickes to en route here that a change In tha govern- covery of Ckiater-Mualca’a rigging fronUers are ouUlned In a map ap­ and their far-reaebtog character Fancy Parsnips 2 lbs. for The House, meanwhile, received \ apparently to bring peace between • UT THI RRICII _____t was ImmliMnt. o f the books, the witness adde£ pended to the treaty, but detailed to plead as an excuse for Inaction from Its appropriatlona committee the two factions and get them to tha equity still wto large when determination 1s provided by a a pure technicality?” Weddings a 823.907,744 supply bill to finance ■ agree on a single slate. the exposed president of McKM' mixed commission to be formed (^amberloln retorted; “ It Is not ■8Y; SPRinC BUVERS WARDS Fancy Bananas 2 lbs. fbr ‘ S afen alv^, Tanner asserted: son and RobMna allot himself on within 10 days. the operation of Congress and its SttuatlOB OompUealeff. - •'The surrender Is not our fault— dependent agencies, such a* the correct to say that repeated re­ f Ths recall movement agstost Dec. 16, 1938, amid a widening in Listed 8peoMcany . quests (or men bad bem mad* by to the fault of our being for- Congressimial Library, for the Olson has complicated the situa­ veatigatlon o f his affairs. the Finnish govemmenL” ' gaken by our fellow demoeradea.’’ CominK Marriage Listed specifically In the treaty fiscal year beginning July 1. The BENSON’S MARCH OF VALUES M A ^ S IT EASY tion. *111* Olson Recall Commit­ Foncy Peas 1 qt. for “ Was there an Inflation on th* as concessions to Russia are the V Deepit* loaa through the treaty Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Arner of total of the measure waa 81.877,- AU Requests Answered tee, Inc., makes ten charges books of McKesson?” dsked gov­ towns of 8ortavala, SuoJarvI and TO BRIGHTEN UP YOUR HOME F^R EASTER! iL o n g ie V « f an th* KareMaa Isthmus, VU- 120 Walnut atreet announce the ernment counsel. 868 below the toUl of recom­ The Finnish government, said S i ^ s t the governor In the petl- all the shores o f Laks l a ­ Kaklsalml north and west of Lake mendations for appropriations Chamberlain, “ made repeated re­ „tions. Among them are kllega- coming marriage of their daugh­ “Thera waa,” said Dietrich. Ladoga; the territory east of DeUdoofi, Jaley, Tree-Ripened | Paaey Mclaleeh th* atrategle penlnauU of ter, Harriet Pauline, to Bruno Gi­ "W hen?” which the committee had received. quests for materials and every one tlons that the governor to Incom- :o on which Ruasto will put a Markajarvl near the Arctic circle, The Senate continued debate on of those requests has been answer­ T ; petent. Impractical and Inefficient; ordano, son of Mr, and Mrs. Peter “Well, there was alw’ays a little and the town of Kuolajarvl on the S u it s Orange* 2 doz. 29c I APPLES 6 lb*. ""^f.|ntvsl base, and groat chunks of Giordano of 48 Spring street. The window dressing.” extension of the Hatch ontl-poll- ed.” , COUCHES ' has violated dection pledges; has land In the Arctic, ’Tanner said It Sella front. tlcs bill to state employes paid “They had been informed aa long 1 supimited legislation to set up diC' PINK CRAPETOUm I t e lle I Itecr IMLDWIN APPUSt wedding will take place on Friday, “Why was that?” (These localities have figured In .('maa wlsast to make peace while “ In order to uphold the top- partly by Federal funds, and Ma­ aa Feb. 26 that If they were to ' tatorial commissions; has encour- April 12, at th* parsonage of the th* war news In connection with Regal $34.95 Value! ^'-yWland’s defenses remained “ un- heaviness of the merger (McKes­ jority Leader Barkley, an advocate make an appeal to us we should be ' aged Communistic and alien labor Coat, Vest, / South Methodist chur^. ” Mr. reports of smashing Finnish vic­ A fine CMMh /. ■ ■rtniALt ':M t^reken.* * Giordano la employed at Cheney son wa- formed through the com­ of extension, said he hoped for a prepared and were nwking prepa- . agitators, and has Jeopardised : ftorms "Usswpsrtadly Sm-ere" tories over the Invading Red' ratlona to send them men as well perior eoui Leon Scotch Ham lb. 29c lUBea M Brothers and Mias Am er la a bination of many companies) and final vote today. Senator Minton m ater ia ls . state credit by encouraging state Tkaner described the terms of support the leaning structure." Army.) (D., Ind.), declared that discussion as materials,” said th* prim* t competition against private todue- CODFISH ( i i bookkeeper at Brown Thomson’s The lease on Hanko also would kwt) “unexpectedly severe” in Hartford. Hair Toale Alcohol of amendments would delay final minister. ttr y - Leon Bonelesc Honr Ibe 29c '1 Large Can ‘ , J include a number of nearby Is­ Only yesterday Premier Daladler A recall election can be called "much mot* sever* than those ’There had bean previous testl- action at least until tomorrow. OODnSH CAKKS (U by the Soviet union last lands and the adjacent waters, the of France declared that Britain between 60 and 80 days after sig­ Tbs longies are p/*st*d/ Th* mS* aMed, however, that “ Finland yesterday by hla brother. 400 tons each and any number of A House m lllUry subcommittee and daughter Emily were Sunday His narrative went back to 1912 Here Bellsha. dissatisfied with I tiona have selected 44 delegates \tolll oace more axim to he a vital TOO tons or less. decided to “ look Into” th* adinlnls- Leon PoHc Roll lb. 49c S T "*' * 2 1 'gtote and Its people will find a guests of relatives In Hartford. when the Musica family fled from the Chataberlato statement on Fto- V nominally pledged to State Sens- Join Ihs smart shoppers . . . buy your Henry Hayden who Is employed The Finns wrould have to build ti*tlon’s ^ l ^ « « |ku»d. asked for a fun Commons de- > tor Jerrold L. Seswell. He haa ■nr ons amjil oatbag^ ,>|Bsana o f sustenance.” New York after it became Invtdved during 1940 a railroad from Keml- tory plsM and mwdUon^m mle ^ events Sprhfl ouHH o f WordsI $#* lha latest "What kind of peace?” Tanner In Hartford mad* a brief visit at in a million dollar swindle, center­ *< agreed to release the group from Rotl^'e Leon Bocoh lb. 19c the home of hla parents Saturday Jervl to the Russian border to con­ to foreign on the whole conduct of th* war, - voting for him ao that it actually jsslud. "A severely wounded na- ing about a human hair firm which Woodring waa requested to testify ra w -e fashions in our Spring catateg N O W l ■8wcia.i.v' ‘ ^ evening. nect with a Russian line to be ' w ill go to the national convention O M Is surrendering Important In- Coster-Mualca headed. built from Kandalaska. (A s th* aa the first witness tomorrow. " • Threat T e Neutrsmy ^Ur^fspectotdPef Land O'Lokec Butter lb. 35c Mrs. Dorothy Walker haa an­ It was then, the witness said, ' uninstructed. There has been no Feel oduoljam gjss o f Ih# dr*M mote- ^ffustrlal and agricultural ter- border. Is now drawn, two-thirds In discussing the labor act situ- Chamberlain declared to reply to nounced the engasement of her that Coater-Muaica launched a “ move to qualify any particutor M^ndetM .fltarles." of this 160-mll* dlstonc* Is to Fin aUon Mrs. Norton declared her a questton that “ at no time did we rlob, suit woolens ond hosiery. Through Kraft Cheece 2- •lb. box 49c GsBs tor United Nattea daughter Mias Dorothy to Rich­ drug firm under the name of Girard committee would not unnecessarily threaten th* neutraUty oi Sweden." r candidate for the Republlean ptl- m y N ew ard Wilcox, son of Mrs. Grace W il­ and company. In auburban Mount l*nd.) « mary, and indicatlona ar* that the vieoneer-^ j m s , said th* forelgB minister, This rout* would connect with delay action on th* proposed | Sweden’s neutrality w u pm um ed our Catalog Order Ssrvics, you con cox of Rockville. I Beawall ticket will be unopposed. .^^idt«Btea new responalbltltles and Vernon. the present railroad from Keml-' to have been Involved in the ques- 4 cone 27c Mr. and Mrs. Leon Clough and The products were hair tonics, changes pending before It. Some > Likewise, no Republican contest buy at moa-ordsf prices wMwut even Dress $hirto X l^ r'c Milk ew building program Jarvl to the head of the Gulf of tkm'of transporting British troops] 1 Swtftni "rrenttam” son Leon, Jr., wrera week-end shampoos and similar preparations persona believed that a report NEW ENGLAND MADE to apjiarent to Oregon. A t pres- 3 ^ 2 5 | He called for a united Bothnia, and the treaty provide* to Finland.' poybig letter-postage or mengy-order guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. —all with a high alcoholic con­ might be mad* to th* house qulck- ^ ent the only name put forward la to carry out th* reconaoll- the right of Russian transit over ly^after Mr. Roosevelt dlsclosea his Asked fo r a statement on tha I YatYao 2 Alva Eaton Chough and family. tent, he said. Z that of Senator CThsrles L. Me- foe*. Your goodsororashedhsro from Cprned Beef Large cone 35c datton. it to Sweden. vleprs. actual amount of asslstaneo given ] N fO a h “ W e have risen from ruin be- Rev. Valentine S. Alison and Eventually,” th* witness con­ Finland, Chamberlain said he )L E S E T S f Nary, minority leader tinued, “it (hair tonic) found its The tregty would restore auto- e CIO lost no time to announe- S o li d our Worohouso at reduced shipping J m *.” he declared. “We have plenty Emery Clough attended the minis­ would have to have notice o f that way to people who used It Intern­ maUcally trad* relations between ing oppissltloa to the Smith Motberl I f you Darts , .>> , « f land le ft ters’ and laymens' banquet of Nor­ which It de- question, nriahlhg that he required Regular 98M8 Valnet\ s tu d y table and fear attrastiv* box I As to California, the contest at ally as well as externally." Finland and th* Soviet Union, comnhtte* ^ tbs Oregon Democratic primary costsi You con ovon poy lotsr on erssr neat, frsab-1 ■{ "The United front Is needed just wich District held at th* Norwich with a formal trade pact to )>e ne- * a ^ ic ^ ^ * to th* Labor | Um* to consider an answer. c n \ebnhra th e htoi that a a n i a ^ I Dletrich-Mualca further testi­ ClSTSd -r— ______a May 17 will be between Roosevelt patterns, get them at ^ .ns surely during peace as war. Inn In Norwich last Saturday. n a i miitea w s i» “ dtrootsd toword Rusaton Ambassador Ivan Wordq MonMy Payment Plan. CRAB MEAT CLAMS Boking Fovf Mrs. Norma Anderson commutes fied: goUated. _ ^ ^ . 5 0 -\abnaa Tour cheles o f axtanslan ar ■ sad Gsrasr. ’Tbs Oiegoo Oom- O f csorM yen svast eias«r. "There Is th* foundation for a Naa-AggtesalM <*•?“ ^ tho dastructlon o f the rights of la- MaURy sat to th* dlplomaUe gal- dally to Hartford where ah* la em­ That by 1926 hla brother was 9 moBwesIth Federation has dreu learafeering fabrics, fast asw dawn tor on* nation In th* Nott-oggression la provided to bor guarantoad" by th* Wagner lery during tha debate, leaving future." ployed at the capltol In research able to gain control of th* 100- 7 toted petltloaa to put th* presi. col ors' Wards have tbenil . 2 ^ 45c 3 cons 25c 2 cSr 27| year-old McKesson and Robbias th* fo llo w ^ ; clause: a c t ^ ^ soon afterward. I dent’s nsm* before the voters . It was announced that President work for the state. “ Both con&acUng parUes under­ ss* Mra L. Ernest Halt haa had drug firm for 81,000,000. “N o ovldenc* hos been produced 'Asked by ths Oonservatlve sir lO-PC SE't OF DISHES FREE 3 Charles H. Martin, former Demo- ISrga 1-lto Its B^raatl Kalllo would broadcast at take mutually to refrain from any to Justify these emaaculatory Archibald iteuthby If he was “ sat- j p. sa. (7 a. m., *.s.t) and Field charge of the Tolland Library That Coster-Mualca coped with 1 eratle goveriwr, has announced the dlfflcidtiw of handling the vast attack upon each other, not to con­ amendments,” said the CIO atato- Isflsd that to thoM harsh peace that he would enter Garner as Marshall Baron Carl Oustaf Man- rooms during the Absence of th* clude any alliances and not to par­ WITH EVERY MAPLE SET 2 regular librarian Mias Luclla corporation on a financial shoe' msnt, drafted by Lee Pressman, terms accepted by the Finns there candidate. SPAGHETTI (Ne. 1 ) ...... Sftg.28c I JELL4) ar ROYAL...... 3 phtsk] jMChelm at 4 p. m. (9 a. m. e.a.t.) ticipate In any coallBons against genoral eounael of th* labor organ­ ,824-828 Main Street TeL 51tl (Routers, British news agency, Agard. string by floating large Issues of Is a guarantee they will really be Onpousut ot New D eal, TOMATO PASTE (Madonae) ...caaSc I CONFECTIONERY SUGAR ...i' one of th* oontracUng parties.” isation. observsd to spirit-by Russia" and Msrun, who recently talked to 'towted a dispatch from Helsinki to The teachers and officers of the stock. The treaty eras drafted In the KRAFT DINNERSi ...... Iphg*.27c I PIB PILUNG (Goad LaefcL t pkga^j That officers of a Oanadlan cor­ whether "th* help offered by Brit­ •1.00 ' in* French news agency, Havas, as Tolland Federated church school Russian, Flrmlsh and Bwedlsh lan­ uaylng that ‘in some Finnish dr- met at th* church yesterday after­ poration. organised to manufac­ ain and Franc* to Finland had ture the firm's products In Canada, guages. rendered Impossible by ac­ Delivers ties there are fears that today may noon from 4 to 8 p. m. In a round Toss, official Soviet news Hoover Drive !!!!S not see ratification ofith * treaty table discussion in the Interest of never perform ^ any duties and tion o f th* Norwegian and Swe- that the project waa "window- agency, said the treaty was signed imments,” Chamberlain | . .hut a coup overthrowing the gov- the church school with Miss Mar. ^ esd a y , suspersedtog Its p r e v ^ dressing.” Will Continue (10 lb. cloth bag) -m nent,*' Jorle Stephens of Vernon, th* report that six days of negotia­ S U G A R The defendants are Rowley W. (Th* Havas dispatch said War guest speaker. Mrs. Gertrude Mill­ tion were concluded at 2:80 a.m. ^Ttto obvious that I can glvo no Mlnlater Jubo Niiikkanen and Rdu- er furnished light refreshments at Phillips and Horace B. Merwin I Pnga One) such guarante* as asked for in th* Connecticut financiers; John H Wednesday. ' (Oanl entioa Minister K. Hannula had re­ the 6 o'clock recess. It Itoted signatories as Premier first part o f th* question. Aa re­ signed.) A t the last town meeting It was McGloon, former vice-president of gards th* second part, a request the drug firm, and Leonard and Foreign - Commissar Vyachealaff tltute who need to b* carried over Parilsment in Heaslon voted a 20 mill tax on the grand Molotoff, Soviet Presidium mem­ until employment can be teauisied.” for this help was not mad* by th* Doubtful Assets — C O O K O I L John O. Jenkins, brothers-ln-law Parliament was In session last list of 1939. ber An«lrey A. Itodanoff, and Bri­ He axprassid hope that th* fund' Finnish govem m ent" of Ooster-Muslca. Maxwel Haase M gh t and there were unverified r*' The Tolland Grange will sponsor gade Oommander Alexander Mik­ would conttoue to racelv* "the ' norts that It already was debating a public setback party at the Com­ hailovich VaaeMOsky for Russia; united support o f th* American Foreign Secretary Li»d Halifax munity House Friday evening. UM terms tor peace but a Foreign and Iw Premier Rlsto Rytl, Juhu peopte.” made a statement similar to ] Office statement that the signing Prizes are to be awarded and re­ Russians Gain Paaslklvl, Gen. Karl Rudolf Wal­ Urgea Relief far 1 Chamberteto’s In the Ho u m of,J H uH*b the claMificRtion thRt crii be ' o f a treaty had not yet been con- freshments served. ' C O F F E E , (>>»•-.) den and Prof. Valno Volonraaa. Last night. Mr. Hqpver, who Is iXiords* ' itomed asemed to rule out such a The Lenten service In the present for Finland. . chairman o f th* Commission for Lord Snell, Labor leader o f tha | IN TRADE ghrefi to hoarded Mvings depofiited in ;gosa^lty. series will be held liext Sunday eve­ Broad Footholds Polish Relief, told a rally of 18,- upper house, anawering Lord HaU< ning at the Rockville Methodist For Your OMMattrtffff Aoeotfllng to Moscow reports, 000 at Madison Square Garden ( u l expressed “satlsfactlea that $5.00 5 P R Y (CUP FREE) I 3 lb. can chnrch at 7:30 when Tolland Fed­ $5.00 ■eoret hideRWRyB in the honae. Sneh :tha agresment providea for ratifi­ (Ooattooed From Png* One) Hospital Notes that before the year Is over rOUaf tiM phyrical agony of this miracu. —8 cation within three days and an erated church people are expecting to Poland “ on a huge scale’* must icnu utU* people, has now ended, Cheek These to be represented. .rostehange o f ratifications within 10 be found and that It may coat as put with a feclU g of regret that •RvingB are chay prey to fire and theft Thursday evening, March 21 at page the treaty text and an editor­ SLEEP ^toldch wrould saean that the Finnish ial aosertlng that Anglo-French much as 880.000,000. the spiritual Injuries they have EASTER '^jtovnnakers must decide before Frl- 8 o’clock Holy Communion will be “ I presume that all the need we («c*lv*d wUl end(ire; that right and even may be destroyed or made obser\’ed at the Tolland Federated Imperialists were responsible for Admitted yesterday: Mrs. Anna IN CXIMFORT! O X Y D O L ( ^ ) are looking for the next slx],|iu once more been defeated and church. the hostilities because they wanted Fisher, South Coventry: Mrs. K ^ U v S h im b la Broadcasting Sys- Agnes Woodman, GUead: Lois months could be covered with one- ]urrong once more triumphed to the valndeae by rodents. VALUES $)toui correspondent at Helsinki Mrs. Ida Gold with her son Stan­ to spread the war to northern Eu­ On A NSW ley and friends from Hartford were rope. Now they had lost their Wells; 281 I^daU street. half of on* per cent of that which ^rld.'* $1.00 BOYS’ SPORT COATS ^ jjkiephonad New Torfc that Parlla- piacharged yesterday: Fred we ar* spending on our own un­ Prim * Minister Chamberlain told " ~ m t would meet at noon (6 a. m., Sunday guests of Mrs. Gold's par­ most Important base for their con­ DoHvm! REST-EASX c o m 2 5 c ents. Mr. and Mrs< Jacob Chorches. templated crusade against the Banning, GUead; Moses Lamars, employment," h* said. "Am eri­ tha House o f commons today that •6.98 Compb«ll SoupK 3 RAISINS B. L ) ca Is still rich enough to stretch Mrs. EUen Ward of Tolland and U.8.S.R., Pravda declared. Vernon. “it always has been understood Smart people keep thdr money in Maas Hinds! * [' A ll aigna pointed to a thorough Discharged today: Perry WUkes, another one-half per cent.” Innerfipring MattarcM BOYS’ WOOL SLACKS "dn of the treaty by Par- Stafford Springs was a recent visi­ The editorial concluded: “ Now that It was for the Ftonish govaro- 174 Maple atreet; Mias Grace Ste­ A message from President ment to dedde the coutm of action nipzliiary BSMisli o Hiseyf ' Packages '2 5 i K^gbty-flv* of the 200 tor a t the home of her son Clifford peace reigns triumphantly over all itor Frias Only fUUd savings aceonnts in Mntnal Savings Heine Soupc 2 cone 25c tmakdcassirtaslil fronUers of the U.8.8.R. This is vens, 336 Porter street; Mrs. Peart Roosevelt------was reml at the Garden _ ithey considered to be to their to- •1.49 ate held by th* Social Demo- Ward and family. > gg. For OH lUMraaa ■I ' V ! Easter Sunday wtU he observed a great victory for the 8tallnlst Bain, 399 bfeto atrsrt. . meeting praising American efforts tareats to the light of aU avallabl* Banks. Get the habit of depositing reg- B u j b * BuBter TIei party headed by Foreign O n siu : 75 paUente. $ 1 4 * s o BOYS’ WOOL SWEATERS Heins Ketchup Ige. 14-oz. 16c nr Valno Tanner, a p r in d ^ with special exercises at all serv­ peace policy. The U.S.S.Rcontinues to eatabfiah relief In war-tom knawledg*.’ kaewiedge.” ( unwaveringly to safeguard peace lands as “ eloquent witness to our said to descrtblag eC attack la Russlaa p r o ^ ices March 24. A t th* morning wror- adaily in dfis matnal savings bank— •1.00 n a rU W a m m a 1 0 ' MeeMefo((TaBBeii shlp new members will be received. and remains th* support and hope traditional tntarast In allaviattog last Bight’s MOSCOW peaca to th a) OPEN YOUR ACCOUNT TODAY . . Green Giant Peoc I 14c a in lc schedule tor the week of '/ In the evening th* Toung People for all tollers.” ^ human suffering.” Rusaton Finnish nrar: SEW SWEET at has headed -the foreign March 10: WHERE YOUUAN SAVE MONEY! BOYS’ SLACK SOCKS Hors ars toil sUclMet. Btrlpe% ariatotry to th* coalition will present the “ Life of Christ” to Thrss Days to Ratify "As I Informed ths bous* 2 cone 19c A ll cllaic* unlea* otherwls* noted Monday wa bad mads preparaUons I dots, sad fiSarss ysd’v* svsr Del Moiz Nibletc CHOCOLATE! ■ant tonusd after tha start stereoptleaa pictures. HoaUllUes ended at noon today Bslsemuffs Betnwl lOe are held at the Health Center on to throw th* fun ereight o f all seeal Lfe#d,t*e, for extra wearl w ar and hto party haa th* (4 a. m. ea.L) tha announcement Haynes street. con 10c paitlam enta^ leprssenta- Reward DowMee Lots Lincoln, Neb.—(ff)—C. L. Webb, available resources into th* scales ^ bors 23< said, with th* Finnish government Tuesday, 9 a. m.--Dental clinic; on hearing that this was in accord-1 The Savings Bank allowed three days to ratify the 10 a. m.—Tonzll and adenetd clinic. {.ecretary of thd Nebraska High McKaesport, Pa.— (ff)—^Th* fel­ School Athletic AssoelaUon. gave anca vrtth ths dastraa o f th* Fto-| 4 low who Itttod th* money box from treaty. Wednesday, 8 p. m.—WeU balqr a grunt o f surprise when he opened elan government." Aeporagus 2 cone 25c AUaeks ^ a ptoban machine at the Jallhoua* (There was no Indication to eUnIc at the • V . _ a box of trophies to be ai— " ' O f the Finns Charobsrtatn saldi can hit a two-to-oo* If he’U Helsinki that the Flnnlsb Diet had Thursday, • a. m.—Fre-natal "Bi thair dsdston they asay to Benson's of Manchester to End give himself up. PoUee are so ds- ratlAad tha treaty or would do aa cUnlc. wtanars o f the annual swli Kelb^g's All-Bran Igst. 21c in fhet, a H atotokl dt^ateh by Friday, 8 p. a t—Wall baby .'uimaxBent InsMo waa a fet, _ aasured that tto P*aP>* i'lJilfci'I.l « li! T H M R * " 28. (jn Rus- termtoed to find the 888 worth o f aitols. oountry are unKsa to sympathy | Havas, French nows agency, said plated pig. H * deduced that i answerod by nickels stolen from the machine for the situation to which they find __ today to thay’ra offering overthrow of the .Finnish ^vem - During the Egyptian depression salesman’s scrawl tor. a “ swim' treaty trtato has ‘ baan Interpreted w5¥‘T^7'7^,'jnp.|

MANCHES'TER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18,1940 u A - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18,1940 Club Sets Date Woman Chief aaaaon arould then ba duo, laatlng ^eriA l s t o r y j Planes of Enemies Fly Side Finlaiid can again baooma fraa By HMdrlk WUka t b h Loon For Field Trials Fnriey Doesart i aloog^ fraatti^ tor about throe waaka. niBBtfBtod ky tho BEtkor Health-Diet Advice Itoirlrtftfr Bovakia. fraa Polanit ttm Oar- W ar time prohibition and than THE STORY OF DEMOCRACY BY LOUISE HOLMES Fools Jokers Wsukegan, Rl.—(87 $15 A W EEK By Side in Soiith America ter Joseph P. Daly and i nany, Austria and Spain. the "taal McCoy" dry law knockod By DR KKANK McCUY tVhlle there ia Ufa there ia eowmioHr, laao. ' 'i ' * The Field Trial committee of owner Harry Kilbone' ark Cnntii9 llfratt the home off tha bock beer goat • lagart la MaaHB and OtM wUi be MBA aXNVICB, INC. the Manchester Coon and Fox friends—even though J ta hope. But an extinct people can *New York, March 18.—(P)—Oftyears. They quit because the only Reelected by Wide Mar* never ba resurrected into a new and alnca repeal the Inatitution of Denfocraciet of Early Days Had to Be Built by Dr. MKlay wba aaa be addraasad Club wtu meet Friday evanlu at dldn;t come to hmeb. all the aaomallM In Europe’s w a r' takeoff pointe m the A fri­ 7:30 at Jim Rolston’s home, nans gin by Admiring Vot­ didn't spare tbe horses after I national life. tha early aprlng beer haa been but « tMa papae. EaeiAse stampM eall- Cast ot Charactora can weet coast,' Bathurst and On Foundationi That Recognized Slavery Btepping our budgote, pretending | together as if the short separation I on the western front, none Is will, be made for the coming field 'phoned that bs was Bo In thla and many other alow in getting back to ita pra- eavekipe tae reply. .Ana Brown — orphan danghtor to be what we are not, but It’a i had been unendurable. Dakar, are controlled by the Allies,. ers of Warren, N. H. countriaa there wUl ba today an j stranger than the elaborate indif­ triale that tha club will hold on Poetmaster-Gefteral Farley TiiW Ai riMtnoM prohlbiUon aUtua But it la gat. of a gambler, alone In an unfriend­ fun, Paul—auch a lot of fun." Paul said, "Don't flirt wtih me, Itallanz Kepiace Oenanaa four others to lunch. He Oanarsi _ urgent hope that tha Finns will ly clly. May 12. Ann.” ference wltls which French and Warren, N. H., March 13— (A)— tbe back room. He bought) V»«aM OeteWr VlMl yield before thla davllish da- Ung back. Tha algna went up Cbaptar NIm Paul Hayden — etock roona boy Lately an Italian line baa re­ The Elastam. Connecticut Field «p ea r to ba better developed aa I f Ann wanted memoriee, ahe "AU righL" German transport planes fly side placed the German on the South Trial Association o f which the table. He borrowed Btructhm of a flna race day before yaatarday. Democracy ia like medicine. 1 tha with ambition. Mrs. Dorothy Clark, an old-fash­ *Bkltali*4 l ^ r ? Iv n lM ■■***! Taoon as their muscular supper is made them that night She stood “ You could be quite upsetting if by side In South America. Atlantic nm, flying by way o f the local club Is a member will hold a ware and installed a radio, J***|[tJ,A* •her. This aannaa*RuoaiaB Bock la an ancient tradition Both of them existed la naam; yo Oaybaumo — wealthy out, a bewitching individual, I allowed you to be." ioned mother of four who was Jok­ 5 a PMt OyllM At llAAthtd^y brand of blood*thlrsty totallUrt* Women desiring to bring about i strengthened, but toelr w t l ^ Bo far as French and German Gape Verde Islanda. trial at tha Norwich Fish and when Daly and live KUT m »AAAArClA»» MaII HAttAf among brawara. It U a ^aolal at least in ancient times aa they , among a hundred girls. Her white "I’U be careful." pilots down there ere concerned, ingly elected New England’s only showed up. Farley wakk^ an tam carrisa within Itaalf the • better appaarance o f the body i wlU alao seem changed aa they bo- Brooko—dime atore poun- Indicative of increasing competi­ Game Club. Sunday, March 31. . and gold slimness, the glory of her "W e’re frienda,” he said seri­ the war abroad does not exist. tion In South America among the The proceeds from tbe associa­ woman police chief a year ago, those preoent. Insteno''* ^ •OBBCKirnOM BAT** ~ aaeda of its oaan deatructloB brow made in tha autumn, with do today and therefore wa talk Abava the waistline are Interested ; come raised. , < / girl. ously. ’T d hate to have you be­ hair, her expression of naive de­ Moreover, In aplte of the close foreign-owned alrllnee of both bel­ tion trials are used for tha pur­ fooled the Jokera by doing her Job spread their own meal on BM TM f l « MaII ...... ***'!*'S which nothing on earth m more malt and fewer hope than glibly about the Democracy of the in bust development. The chief In addition * ® * * * * ^ ***^2111! •i Temple — aoclety debu- come an enemy.” so well that admiring townspeople i Kir M M tt M MaII ...... ••••••{ *2 may be to buUd up and exerdses It Is a good P« ^ ^ light, drew eyes to her. She knew political collaboration between ligerents and non-belligerents are chase and liberation of wild coon table, ate, left a four-cent prevent from rlpienlhg. other beeri, heavy, Bweat and Qraeka and the medicine of tha [ tan to. the eyes followed her as she went reelected her by a wide m a r ^ . H l^ A 0»W ...... Middle Ages aa if they could really i flET^t the breast which Is too ; tlso deep breathing exerdses ahd Germany and Italy in Europe! the new Farman 4-motor monoplane in public taunting areas. Tbe asso­ departed. PAtlTArA^ Op » Taat Russia baa aligned peraalf with flu out the breast through the lounge to tbe dress­ The S4-year-oId woman, Monde strong—which last quality la what bo compared to our own brand. | to firm and ; to chock on your posture. As they passed tbe stag line Italians eschew cooperation with acrosa the South Atlantic to speed ciation haa released 32 coon since Nasi Oermany on tha rbad to amaU, or It may be on ay: Steio Clay bourne ing room. She overheard mur­ and blue-eyed, surprised the vot­ MBMBBB OF TTiAhAA the trouble. People who But although the labels are the! tone the breast which:h seems t o ' An article is now a ' aake Ann to the fraternity dance, Steve stepped out on the floor. the Germim airline In South Amer­ its communication with Its South laat October. THB ASlOCIA'reD rBBjl* _ doom. And whan tha now d« li^minine murs. "Who Is she—who Is that He touched Paul’s shoulder. Ann ica in favor of the French. ers laat year by accepting the post comes to Europe four m illi^ same, the contents o f the pack­ droop or sag. Developing the Bust, ie much aurpriaed when abe teUa American continental service. ThA AAAOOjAfAtf PTAAA W can gat along all right with ordt readers who are intemnw u ui« girl—whom did she come With?” found herself in another pair of Alrllnee of ■ the two countries Lufthansa la awaiting tha ar In the flrit place and gave them • MlUUaa tA tba AM •» Finna will ba hone too many to ages which they cover have so At the present Usba there is a him the already haa an Invitation. Ann would not have been human another aurprise by beginning S ab Af All nawA diapatahaa eraAlt^ nary lager or light ales are vary subject are wdcomo/to sand for arms. A fter that it was a succea- share weather,, redio and other rival of four-motor Focke Wulf contribute their sanity, their in­ completely changed as to have be­ erldeapread desire among eromen Ana nankea her dreea and It la a if the admiring eyes and tbe mur­ Venereal Diseases strict enforcement of the law. She lOUBLEVM lA It or oot othararlaa aradltal Ia liable to stub their toes over to Dosaesa tho bust which haa a ' it. The article deacribeo t ^ ex- aioD o f arms, music, rhythm and facilities to the exclusion of Luf­ transports to replace the trt-motor dpA AAPar and alao tha loail aawa dustry, their rectitude to the come something entirely different. beauty. She la thrilled, but fenra murs had not added to her heady made many arresto but her vote­ natem T^U -rounded appaarance. erdses may u ^ w d breath Uking rapture. thansa. the German airline. Junkere which have been In uae AAbllanad baralj. creation of the new order. bock. To modem man, for example, tbe evening may end In dianp- elation. Show Reduction getting ability was not impaired f$r raltff tff Probably tha principal reaaon vrtiy ) each oxerdse Is l l l u s M ^ so t l ^ polntment. Now and a ^ n ahe danced with Fly Sokedulea Eegninriy for aavcral years. I f there had aver bean one Tha bock la alwaya kept fbr at the idea of a Democracy baaed Girls in the dressing room eyed For more than 8,000 miles down and ahe was reelected on the first ABaoial SlBAAtabaa baralo ara alao entirely upon slavery seems aa suchn ^ d development ^ eloom ^ U ^ Interest is'you will know oxacUy ^ ^ Paul, morb often she foUowed Pan American Airways soon will least 120 days. Instead o f the 60 O a p U r X IX her gown approvingly. A t the Steve’s well-timed steps. She the coast of Brasil from Rio de ballot at yesterday’s town meeting. COLD! chance In a hundred that the absurd and Intolemble as the because present day fashions place it. Address your request to me groom a new 260-mlleTan-hour When Ann walked into the liv­ powder bar they talked to her as passed Paul with different girls. Janlero, through Uruguay to Hartford. March 13. — (8V-Dr. " I am death on the illegal aiue BaU aarrlaa allaAt af N. Finns could arin that war we nev* or 90 days ripening given to ordi* so much emphasis on the figure in care of this newspaper, and en­ iondplane for service in South noUon of trying to cure the plague ing room even Florabeile was If she were one of them. When Pasalng, they alwaya smiled. Buenos Aires and across the Andes Henry P. Talbot, director o f the of liquor," she Mys. " I don’t be­ Ba^iaa Ia a ______by mumbling some absurd hocus- possessing normal curves. Dress- close a large, self-addressed en­ America. er in the avorld would bava writ* nary beers. That brings the open apeechleoa. Theae girls, cheap in she returned to Paul be was It was almost midnight when to Santlsgo, atriiners of Germany Bureau of Venereal Dtseaies, re­ lieve In gambling. I don’t smoke, fAbMaMra BapraaantAtlaaA, TAB pocus over the body of the patient M are styled to this type of figure, velope and 4c. in stamps. ten that editorial. If there had season for bock along in March. By beginning your everdsei. their wants, tawdry in their ideas, laughing with a group of young Ann discovered that Steve was and France have been flying their ported yesterday that for the sec­ either. M aiba*. •"*;«! while giving him a drink of pol­ and la o r ^ r to loOk well in uiem. for Just a moment sensed some­ men. Aim had never aee him so quite drunk. He bad been grow schedulee regularly. New Reaponatbllity High. ond oonsecutive year cases of " I am very old-fashlonad— not Tork. Cblraso. been even a remote likelihood that And that’s why March used to al* It is necessary that every woman now, you should be able to pro->f itaa. luted water. * dace an appredablo Improvement thing beyond themselvea, some­ aUve. For that little hour he was ing a trifle more so with evety The Buenos Alres-Santlago leg Dee Molnea, Iowa—(F)— Iowa syphilis and gonorrhea la Con­ up with the timaa—ao my hus­ Ormt Britain and Franca would arays produce more than lie ahara have a good iHiat line. necticut have shown a reduction. Therefore, in all our discussions In your appearance by the time thing made up of breeding and not a. stock man in the 10-cent dance with him. She saw Paul in of tbe German route now haa been sbclal welfare officials believe this band says. I gussa that's why I ' H B m a R ADDTT aintBAO o r of “ accidental" intoxication, A fter an. U fa I had to go ea before the inventton of Iroa There were 2,282 cases of zypb- come to FlnUnd'a aid with the of Democracy as it was practiced In trying to develop the bust you want to wear a bathing suit, culture. atote, be was a oollege man, fra­ the stag line and signaled for aid discontinued, but Lufthansa ex­ one zete a new high for civic re­ got where I am.” ieScULATj£NB^_ Bhsvea. which is too small and likewise in ilia reported in 1989 aa compared same self forgetful valor with There isn’t any technical reason in ancient Ume*. we should r»- .next summer. "Gee—’’ said Neddy. ternizing with bis own kind. See­ As he shot out acrooe the floor, he pects to resume service' as soon os sponsibility. The aged aastst' I Husky Mrs. Clark—she weighs "Tba Baroia PHntiDi OoBMiaAr. member that Democracy, as ' attempting to give a firm tone to "Gee— ’’ came Teddy’s echo. ing Ann, he. held out hia hand to was stopped by Irene Temple. She some larger, faster German-made once system entitled one pensioner with 2,4;i4 cases in 1938, 'nilbot 185 pounds and brags about It — AA. ABAPfiiaa aa finanalAi- raap^aal- which the Finns have fought, the why bock bear couldn’t ba made understand it today, is of very re­ when that happens there will be the a a i^ n g breast, tho best re­ Clara boasted, " It’s all written her. held out her hands and. perforce, planes ore received. Tbe British to $3 a month more than he had discloeed In the monthly bulletin managed two homes for a while M Hf far Irporrapbleal arrow a^ raoditation, 1 would like to offer Qneotloas and Aaswms. situation arould have been very any time, now that there la such cent origin. Indeed tmt much more a flock of other difflcultlea because sults will come from exercises. up on the society page.” She got "This la Ann Brown,” he said, blockade has made tha date in­ been receiving but tae turned It of the State Health Department. during her first term, one here and AaanBi Ib advartlaamanta Ib (ba tho following answer. It'p ro b ­ (Klneolthempy) he danced with hefT fUMbaatar BaanlAA HaralA different Indeed, But there never general and inexpensive refrigera* than half a century told. For even ably bad dawned upon them that these coal-miners will be out of a exe'rclaes which do the most the paper. ’’See? Athena Club naming the men in turn. She Steve was mumbling in Ann’s definite. down. He explained he had man Cases of gonorrhea showed a con­ one at nearby Campton whero her our ovm experiment in self-gov­ Job and frill go hungry. good are those which strengthen Question: Cord G. wants to spring ball— Oh, Ann—I ’d be stood In tbe center of the group, r, "Come on — let’s out of The Germans abandoned one of aged to live on the smaller amount stant decline for the five year husband was employed on a gov­ Whal’e«aie,Hiratki was such chance__ or such llkell* tion. But it used to be made only slavery was somethlag that could •>>*• floor. dent embrace. yesterday avhen the capitulation come really ripe .bock. But be­ go on and before the invention of would refer to the same treatment Tha war in Finland ia over. Rua* state of their Bank account, mtwt slaves. der. I f you will raise your arm, It was another adnUsolon. :’I wish I'd ient you an orchid, "Do you know what you make cause brewers are tradltloniata tho Iren Blavoo there was no other )w calling it curative exercise. and Finna ara not kilting was aignad. forever bo excluded from all par way e f koe|dng society going than For there was no other way out you will feel a movement In this Teddy opened her mouth to re­ Ann,” he said. "You and orchids me thing of ?" he asked. ’The Finns have written on the they still only make it in the fall ticipatlon In the management < and whan there is no other way muscle. Persistent exescise will (R oIsIm ) iterate, but Florabeile broke in “ No," ahe . answered indiffer­ each other any more. For that with the help of human chattels. Question: Mrs. L. I. B. inquires: are in the same claae.” heavens In letters of blood one of and release it in March, their own affairs. •The founders o f all old Democ-' out, people can invent the most make this muscle firmer and lazily. , "That’s a very pretty speech and ently. BttUona of people will be thank* *Ts it all right to use stewed rais­ "Theze fraternity dances are all Which Is probably Just as well. Yes, even ao enlightened and raclea lUio tho idea of slavery marvelous of arguments to fool stronger, and the appearance of I ’ll treasure it long after an or “ An icicle— s damn little Idcle." the moat magnificent pages in ins for breakfast as often as three right," ahe granted. "Personally, M no matter how bitterly they liberal a statesman aa Thomas Just as little aa you and I like tho themselves, as naost of the inhabit- the breast frill be thereby im­ chid would have wilted and died. When she eald nothing, he added, military hUtory; have given one And there are a lot of people who Umes a week? We have been I prefer a amaller party.” feel about the war'a outcome. Jefferson, probably tho most intel­ Idea of people being Obliged to itants of the different totalitarian proved. Tomorrow, when I ’m a weed I’m going to kiss you, Mtez Btlll wonder why they make It at cooking up a lot o f them, but my of the most glorious examples of ligent among the founders of the work in our coal-mines. But we states are doing thla very day. Most of the exercises taken for Myrtle came timidly from the again, it will be something to Brown, and my klaseU are guaran­ ONLY 4 MORE DATS TO WIN On the day after the war atart- all, considering it terrible stuff. Democracy had proved a failure the desired purpose will consist of neighbor says they should i » t be background. "Can I touch It, think about.” She laughed up at teed to melt the mdBt stubborn shear courage and martial re- Republic, wrote his noble sentence need coal to keep on living and eaten so often, as the grape sugar ad, in tha iaaua of Friday, Decem- so we discover all sorts of plausi­ and Hitlerism and Btalinlam were arm and shoulder movements. The Ann?" ahe aaked. him. "There is no tomorrow icicle.” aourcefulneaa that have ever been about all men being bom free in them is too sw eet Is this His feet were not quite sure, his Tika adTaatagn el lew lipoNlion 1 laat, thla newapaper printed while he owned seventy-two black ble alibis to make ourselves forget the only way out. ’That is the old, amount o f Improvement it ia pos­ Ann held up the swlrt for her •ITiere is only tonight.” \1 held up to the world. old vldous circle which has al­ sible to obUin ia often surprising so?" Inspection. . "I got It cheap be­ Suddenly they came face to face diction was more than a . little WankpiloaBandn ohaaon towto editorial article for arblch, it la slaves. that hundreds o f thousands of men Answer: I see no reason why But to what end? must spend most of their waking ways been the curse o f Democra­ to the patient. It ia not advls-. cause the pattern goes hay-wire," with Steve Clayboume. His eyes blurred. With difficulty AnnNkept tha Gas Applianon yon buy FRH. Which Invariably makes people you should not keep on using tho her little gold slippers of of wefl airare. it received conaidar* And what moral right have we ask, "How was it possible that hours digging coal in some dan­ cy. And it will continue to be that able to try to change the shape of ahe explained, pointing out the slid over Ann In unfeigned admi­ W ashington way until some one comes along the breast through attempting to stewed raisins. They are perfect­ discrepancy with difficulty. ration. With him was a dark- clumsy way. Hia arm tightened •Me eritlclam from among itk •any of iia—to get our inspira­ people of the Intellectual and gerous bole in the ground. ly wholesome, and tha natural Meanwhile we are forever re­ and toows us how to break change the glandular tissue, as the "It’s swell,” Myrtle sighed. "I haired glrL Ann, glancing at her, and she looked frantically fob Tononow Night bau Cad Sozby It haa alnce, it la equally spiritual Integrity of a Pericles grape sugar is beneficial, rather Paul. tions in true patriotism, in devo­ and a Jefferson could accept with­ assuring our troubled consciences through this vicious circle which mammary glands may thereby be wish Bill could see you. He likes knew that ahe was about to meet la n buakMou% nduenlioaal daai- been criticiaed in Boma Daybook in the end may destroy us all. injured, but It Is safe to rely upon than harmful. I find them a val­ pretty things." Irene Temple pnd that they two (To Be OMUaued) tion to Justice and right,, at tha out any qualms of conscience a that sooa our scientists will invent uable addition to the diet and often oaalraliea oi aMdma ooeking, ignartera for failure to uae Ita a substitute fOr coal and then exercise to tone up flabbv breasts. Paul arrived and was greeted by were strangely alike. cost of one splendid little nation By Preataa Orevar system which they must have recommend them. KaztfoidGtaaConpaayAudileciuaL t effort to aid in tha promo* known to be completely Arrong? there will be an end to all our Next: ’The Monarchies Grew You sriil-flnd results wUl come if tbe audience. He had eyes only "Hello, Steve," she said easily, for whom are can do nothing but " I want you to know my friend, TharaagauMdialUsdraeailratioa o f relief funda whoae only To which, after considerable worries. But we forget that From the I^ r ly Democracies. you are faithful In performing the for Ann. He wore a nicely tailored Vets^ Association cheer it on in the road to destnic- Washington — It’s a long leap exercisos. Although the rate of Although a jrield o f considerable tux, not double-breasted and mid- Paul Hayden." will bn givaa away F m that aigbt *Z0PM 9ziim t teal effect, it ballevad, would ba from the banks of the river Oyde improvement may be slow, tho re- quanUty Is not reached untU they ni|^t blue, but most presentable. The men shook hands. Steve UonT are about five years old, ooffw said, “M in Temple—Mias Brotsm, Selects Officers to eatend tha duration e f tha war. In Hcotland to the swivel chair of coat e f the port’s receipts of about night tho two sides were far apart warri o f persistent effort will grad­ He held the evening wmp and stuff. These aren't Roman baths; , plants reach the bearing state in Mr. Hayden.” He looked from In view o f tha fact that now a mlUlon p i^ d s a day, expires after two weeks of discussions of ually appear. Ann slid her arms into the wide the congressional gymnasium o f­ they’re places where a Congress­ the breasts ap- their second or third year. sleeves. She smiled her thanks one girl to the other. The tilt of JPInland la compelled to accept man can relax right and keep Friday and negotiators said last a new contract. Not only will That Ware Crm fice, especially If a fellow makes to FlombeUe. Irene’s bead was no prouder, no A t the meeting of Epieds Chap­ conalderably more aevere most of the Important ports of call himself fit. O f all the deaths this more assured, than was Ann’s. For a month the town of Ware, The girls hung over the rail as ter, Yankee Division Vetersna As­ thoaa the acceptance of along the way. year, not a member of the gym ­ they descended. Myrtle had Steve had come alone to the party. Mass., has been the subject of nasium has passed away. Why—’’ He had come for two reasons, to sociation bald at the Arm y and Brhlch laat November would have But Pete Henderson made It— rushed on ahead to dust the stairs. newspaper comment aroused by a after a fashion. They found her at the foot, rub­ see If Ann had been lying and— Ns'vy Club last night, officers for ?«*Olded aU the killing and deatruc* news item printed several weeks Not that Pete isn’t a vast suc­ End To Itching bing nway industriously. She to see Ann. the ensuing year ware elected end flea and which arould have ,left cess. He is. But he doesn’t like scampered to the back o f the Irene said, "Steve baa been tell ago, relating to what the inhabit­ Pete would-go on forever de­ will be InstsUed st tbe next stste swivel chairs. ’They always tip house, not answering when Ann Ing me about you, Mias Brown. He TWO n U T OAS lAHei VAIDIS Vtaland atronger and more Inda. fending his charges if you’d let meeting of tbe Connecticut De­ ants had done by way of rehabili­ called, "Good night. Myrtle.” things we resemble each other.” it *ban Aha la now to ba, wo him back too far. ’Then Pete’s got him. A ll you have to do, real­ partment to be held at the Armory ■ , , ' I tating their community after eco­ a pretty bad disease for a swivel Wedding just around the corner? Driving down town in n cab, " I am flattered," Ann answered in Manchester on Sunday,. April that wa are Juitlfled in re* ly, to prove what he’s saying is Thousaadf oi thaae gieal gas langas were oold at flw lag n lt pdeafl. chair worker. with the radio humming softly, sweetly. V The new officers are:' Arthur' nomic disaster. Ware’s big enter- sneak down to the gym any day. Irene looked her up and down. Jftating the expreaalon of our •“The wanderin’ foot," you might You’d be surprieed how many Ann said, " I suppose It’s because McCann, Commander; William And «ta worth byety penny. How look what you got — THIS WEEK prisB, a cotton mill, closed I ’m unsophisticated that I feel so "You’ve got a better figure,” she etowa aa of laat December 1. call It,” says Pate, eyeing a vivid Congressmen take their health ^W alkins' D«coralor-Approved Room Schemes Shields, senior vioe-commander; ONLY — nt a o m io trootton at fiw ooal. Bolb rangan bava tkn atoal aM dant down and moved South. About print of the Queen Mary on the thrilled. But I love It. I love the said. seriously, and obey Dr. Calvin's They all laughed and parted. Ernest Peterson, Junior vice-com­ n ia Ruaalan attack on Fin* half of tho town’s workers were wall. She was built near his home feel of my dress, I love for you to iaahuafl — AutoAnli^. Top lig hting — **CUdt” fiiasawr Buraan-^-lkO Rule No. 3 about drinking water. will simplify the task of home-making Stepping to the polished floor, mander; Clyde Beckwith, secre­ Ibnd coat the Uvea of a oonaider* look like that. It makes me feel tary; David McCollum, treasurer; Speed Bnden — Slow Spaed Low Tanparetuia Ovens—> Coupiar- able number of peaceable men, thrown out of their Jobs. No oth­ town. Pete took his first vacation last precious, somehow." Paul took Ann in his arms. They George Hawley, chaplain; Frank women and chUdren. It coitB er textile company, or any other year. He and hbi wife went to He Uughed understandingly. danced without speaking. Her bdanoad and Lined Covto-AUs — "Tbanaal Eye" Ovan Heat Contiala — In\-ettta A Game Scotland to visit his old home. Blanchard, sergeant-at-arms; Bert the Boviat Union more than kind of Industry, could be found "Even people like us have mo­ hair brushed his cheek, ahe was Minuto Miadors and uMny otoar aspanaiva Jaatuiea. And tba KUeban- Nobody knows tho title of Pete’s They had a thrilling ride on a like fragrant thistledown.. Inman and Alex Toumaud, color that. It daatroya every ahred of to taka over the mills. ’The owners Job. The high falutin’ way would ments, Ann. BeeauM they are so “ marked" vessel through the war few we miist make the most of “ We do all right," he said as bearers; George Booth, Walter Haaling Binge b u a Room tlnmparaluia Conlfol •• waO. •ympathy and respect for what be to call him the physleal attache tha property put a price of zone. them.” tbe music stopped. Hall, auditors. The board o f gov­ ■any peraona throughout the to Congressmen. A plain everyday ernors consists o f the lost three world regarded aa a genuine ao* 880,000 on it. •” Twas good for my wanderin’ She looked out at the myriad Ann nodded. "The first time A i r a t th is w e o h ’a low prkteM — a n d g e t 16 to 22 epppona witk^ tlUe would be “ gym attendant." foot," says Pete. “ It don’t itch any Ughts. " I ’lfl going to make'every girl dances with a man is some­ past commanders; Clyde Beck­ CtaU experiment, with a certain Then Ware whooped it up in a He’s really neither—and both. He which to win your 2ango F M of idealism behind It more.” single mlnqte count. Tonight thing of an experiment,” ahe said. with, William Alien and Edward Bava Ware’* campaign^ raised the simply ’ attends to congressmen’s must be more than tonight. It “ It can be delicious and it can be Frasier. n u gb banded methods and locker room wants, helps them ruthleM disregard for human money .by selling 86 stock shares must be n lovely memory. Who dreadful, you never know until The CoUowlng committees have i exercise, and keeps them from been named to aas*st la entertain­ Ufa. It displays Russla’i Stalin to Ita own people—all kinds and knows, it may be my nicest mem­ you try.i’ overdoing it. Gannett Brands “WIdeh category do I come ing the State Department: Ernest aa a fitting partner and aaao* conditions of people but most of ory." Back In 1921, It meant not a Paul reached for her band mad under?" Paul Inquired amusedly. Peterson, food committee; Ray elate of Adolf Hltlei^-and it them Just owners of little aavlnga tinker’s dam to PetO Henderson brands the Soviet regime as a New Deal Failure I thought better of It. "You’re n "De-Iovely,*’ she said, glviiiig Smith, refreshments committee: DE LUXE acsounte. ’Then— and this la tho when CorkTressman Jim Mead funny youngster," bs said. him a glaiice from under her Winiam Shielda, UUea and cbalm traat hypocrisy, Bolshevik Rua* from Buffalo got up and ad­ way it is almost alwaya expressed " I guess we’re ( two funny amasiiig lashes. committee; William Alien, enter­ Ma as a structure of Ilea, for dressed Congress for one minute the Brat Ume utterly contempti­ Boston, March 18—(8>)—Frank youngsters," she returmM, "over- The music again. H iey melted tainment committee. —’■diversifled industries were per­ on health. But out of that speech, KOPER GAS RANGE ble in the eyes of decent human­ suaded to locate in the old mill,' through slow and painful proc­ Gannett, Rochester, N. Y.. newspa­ $98 ity. esses. grew the present gymna­ per publisher and Republican Tbere must have been many and today there are seventeen sium in the basement of tho now e f us, here in America, who concama In the- buildings, with presidential aspirant, believes that house office building. President Roosevelt “should have were secretly praying that the payrolls totaling more than twice SAVE MONEY! GET THE $79s6 Pete didn't show up in Wash­ Ftena would not fight, but that been impeached" for his proposal aa much as that of the absconding ington until 1933, a victim of the to revise the membership of the | a t tha last moment they would TRUCK THAT FITS YOUR JOB U « M « t M I aava themselves from quite use- cotton concern. depression. Pete’s California con U. S. Supreme court. Scheme 1 grassman got him a 10-day Job I f tha president’s proposal had laaa slaughter by granting Rua- ’That’s tha story, and most of I raking capitol leavea Then the been carried out, Gannett declared Mopuhdr $120,00 Ma So much of tha latter’s da- the numerous edltoriala And It the s. ffiAiuia AS would serve to avoid maintenance department sicked laat night la a speech before the Man’s and Women’s Republican Sofa - 2 CKairs - 4 Tables - Rug - $275 Him aftad Ropar to bel^ Ms glvo actual conflict between tha lit- occasion for high tribute to tha him on the plumbing. Clubs of Massachusetts, "the inde­ tie, sparsely peopled republic co-operative and courageous spirit By that time the gym had sim­ Bfliliotd a range baipala AmI wUl' mered down to a five-man gang pendence of the three departments and the vast, strongly armed of the people of the community. of govemraant would have been | iNvaaTiBATn ba talkad abeul far yeera. Knra Boviat Union. of volley-ball players. One of Last year our Decorator-Planned Room Schemes proved exciting But we have never yet seen any them spied Pete, and ntade him destroyed." 'Aie Finns are a flna raclial He branded the New Deal " a I news for young homeplanners. Bei^use we have had numerous fi ia and bow your fctoadi end stock, sturdy, brave, intelligent, explanatloa o f how tha Ware equipment keeper-upper. Soon he boosters "persuaded" asventeen was playing volley ball with complete failure" and charged that nalgbboti era going lor HI devoted to the soil and the sea, tha president was assuming the] requests from young folks who saw, i or heard about last year’s Boaflfl,^MtoMTIUICKS ImlMied with the ideals of free­ industrial concerns to locate in them; his reputation was made for life when he Invented the "powers ot a dictator." ' dom and Justice. ’There are none th^r town within two years~and schemes, our decorators have planned a group of new ensembles too many of them. And when Congresalcmal game of "paddle Dodge tm dt inglne far tte hast, we feel some curiosity about that. hall.” It’s the easy way to play for this year. Here is the first one . . eight pieces in all for • Bafera yon inveat yenr §eoi to any war a little nation fights moat economical perfoarnumee in “to the death" against over­ Low rentals conceivably may handball on Capitol Hill. May Have Spoiled only $275. Theie are the things our decorators have selected BMmay in aiiy tnidt, o f any caRae- whelming odds annihilation of have been a valid inducement, be- In ’33, the Ufw House office endi field! Tour next tm dt can * j*9 •*$52 SERVEl building was going up, so the ity, for any type of knaUng Job, ROPER Its people, or something very cause tha small price paid for tha as being harmoniously scaled and color-right. The best i« r t of L L L C T R O L U Close to annihilation is never an gym gang and the capitol physi­ Marriage Plans] invaatigato tha inoney-iaving fea- Imt tbe host tm dt you over owned TuTammon, Jmpoaalblllty. Witness the case mills would make them possible cian; Dr. George Calver, Joined these room schemes is that they are basic. But you don’t have famffrsIsenmOsf forces and wangled a part of the turofl o f Dodgo Job-Boted trndn. —low in cost, oconoodcal, deitoBd- mm mmolfte trUk eif Paraguay, which had a popu. But it would not be surprising if to take these identical pieces. You may substitute many others KITCHEN-HEATING •rnkmidi B»AA latlon of about a million and a it were found, on Inverilgatlon. basement for a physiotherapy Loe Angeles, March IS.— — They’re engineered right, built abio“^>a Do^go JoMtetod tmdc room. Aided and. abetted by Pete, Reporters are wondering if they rzaetoflli fteefli thbd when in 1866 it went to that there may have been some at the same prices from our floors! SUU further, you nUy select right jmd powered with dw right — f tmefc thot $18 YO Vn iebf enoM ewd set o# war against Brazil, Uruguay Representative Mead and his spoiled tha marriage plans of | hommMUnetiowr and Argentina and when the direct or Indirect tax abating, too dally dozenera worked up dues to Monty Banks, motion picture di­ your own color and fabric scheme for the upholstered pieces and GAS RANGE re/rlgernrer war ended, five years, later, bad —the results of which Arlll have to buy equipment. rector and producer,., and Graciel Osfles. ttotUma ctily 28,000 living men left with­ be reckoned with one of these Now they've got 110 active Fields, BagUsb stage* and act the floor covering., in addition to the pieces sketched here ejrffe to flnyf 1 3 2 0 1 in its boundaries. Almost nine- members, each of whom aub- star. that Two Jobe With One Foat^ days. are an end Uble with bookshelf, a Chippendale drop-leaf Uble, 'I- tentha o f its male population aertbea to Dr. Calver's Health A couple appeared at the License Boon Ettehon ^ Caaka Food been destroyed and mors It is always! gratifying to en­ rule No. 8, tacked on the gym Bureau yesterday to file an appli­ and a 9x12 Axminster Broadloom rug. All tobies In the ensemble cation to wed. They gave their than half of ita women and counter an example of community wall; f 049.75 I W t he Im M to bw plow qastol e e ’toM isr 'Drink plentifully (OF WAf names as Mario Blanchl and Grace ara Grand Rapids Guild Quality. Sofa is covered in striped ' ehildran. | courage,' civic co-operation and h r wklok yee swU key ceka eqeipeMeL This is a O0M> They ware great patrioU, | TER)." Stansflald, listed as the real ahmes | good will—to And fellow clttsena those Paraguayans, but they < f Easy-Tempered But— bf the producer and aetreaa in mohair; lounge chair in needletex frieze; wing chair In colorful tarn Hi $ 8 8 ® ^ m iILT IQinmD taedal De Use flctvW’ByoMhia’ almost all died, and their deaths |I pulling together and making ^ r - Thirty-nine, blue-eyed, tall and motion picture almanac. ’’ linen. Don’t miss this smart group o f Watkins Quality Furniture, Oto MUesrWor — lOtck w ib rsgalsriy let did their country and their de- i sunal sacrlflcei for the general bit stooped, Pete'e had more Queetlonad by reporters, the I we've liitosd laaoo « l Oe pim hr flto aoasidanta no g o ^ vrhatever. |weH being—and we are far. from ups and downs than a circus couple denied they were the film | ylsf 4M08m$ $40uOO l$t y o v oU MMlMBlOtl 1 I t would be very dreadful In- acrobat. Bom in Scotland, m took figures, and fled. begrudging Ware all the favorable er iHXOO hr yew sM tw hoe. lleWs flto I Baad if aw aUeb fatef were to to the sea — an adventure that Banka and Mtes Fields eame I •vartake nnland and Ita people. celebrity |t has gained. We do, gave him his wanderin’ foot. But here several months ago to dla- kit I wtcI B setnim — dm sely < They are few and the Russlana however. Insist that before admon-! he really wanted to come to CUM ploturs plans. They have Wo didn't fnd nip el fiw prtoe— h ^ s slwsyc fflsBl— ae ■oviat psits to evw to p 4mm Anaan Mr U-M* aMk BW Mm dr •ra tamumerahla. They are not lahlng oVh»r stagnating communi­ America, ao he learned tho auto­ seen t e t h e r frequently | ashy, west s a i ass4 isasir. Tkto walk flfs yonn at a I •sty well armed, save In small mobile trade and worked in Pat­ since. tmet af Mas NUmr, MSinl Maai SaMM—

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18,1949 P A O i ^ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18,1940 n i i G i i T Club Sets Date oppoaltion Woman Chief _____ - - season would then be due, lasting SERIAL STORY Planes of Enemies Fly Side Finland can again becoM free By Htadrik W Uka vaa Loon Ooeent lOaifle. Finland, eloos a d t o f r e e t t e ^ for about thrie weeks. F or Field Trials DlBBtntai by tbo aathor Health-Diet Advice Fools Jokers Waukegato R|.-h F)- JUnrlffiltr War time problMUon and than THE STORY OF DEMOCRACY BY LOUISE HOLMES Slo vakia, free Poland, trm Oer- By Side in South America ter Joaapb I^\paly and i By UR. FRANK MeCUY $15 A WEEK Bwny, Austria and S p w . the •‘real McCoy*' dry law knocked The Field Trial committee of owner Harry \KUban9 arb While there la life there 1* eommioHV. loao. the boms off the bock beer goat H — - w fegatd *e Healtb aite DM ww he MSA OSRVICX. INC. ■ i th* Maacheater Coon end Fox Reelected by Wide Mar" friends—even thqugh Jim hope. But aa extinct jpeople can Democracies of Early Days Had to Be Built I New York, March 18—(F)—Of ♦years,I. 'They quit because the only Club will meet Friday even lu at didn’t come to never be reaumected Into a new and since repeal the Institution of ay Or. MKisy wka ana hr addressed V K taU U IB O all tea aaomallea in Europe’s w a r . feaatblafeaalb takeoff points on tes K in - 7:30 at Jim Rdlaton's home, nans gin by Adm iring Vot> didn't spare the htopas aftef 'Mm a Sd fitiSrrw o o a . national life. the early spring beer baa been but 4 tide paper. Earl see slamped. sell- Chat Of CImroctera together as If the short separation L - ,K. 1. «®*at. Bathurst and ■ |i iMMU o^« On Foun^tions That Recognized Slavery ^ stepping our budgote, pretendl^ I on the weatom front, none la controllsd by the AlUes. will be mad* for te* coming field 'phoned that he So In thla and many other plow In getting back to Ita pre- Ana Brown — orphan dnnghtor to be VIwbat*we ' are not. ' 'but ...... It’i i had been unendurable. triela that tea club will bold on ers of Warren, N. H. Poatmaster-General eountrlaa there wUl »>• today an of n gambler, alone In on unfriend­ stranger than tea elaborate Indlf-. iu j im i, Ooramas prohlbltlon status. But It Is get­ tun, Paul—such a lot of fun.” Paul said, "Don’t flirt wtlh me, May 12. four othera to lunch. Ho urgent hope that the Finns will ly city. Ann.” ference with which French and ^ ^ line has re- ting back. The signs went up Ckapfiar Nkw \ Th* iCastern. Connecticut Field Warren, N. H., March 13—(F>— the back room. H* bought yl2d befom thla davUlsb ■ de- Paul Hoyden — stock room boy ' I f Ann wanted memories, she "AU right.” Oermaa transport plaaea fly aide puced tea German on tee South table. He borrowed fine Democracy Is Uke htedlclns. B w l. ^pear to be better developed aa Trial Association o f which the Mrs. Dorothy Clark, an old-faah- * WaUllhaO B «*rf OvaBlM ■■***! itructlen of a Sne race g y *}«• day before yesterday. with ornMUon. made them that night. She stood "You could be quite upsetting If by side to South America. Atlantic run, flying by way of the ware and Installed a radio.. " I ther. Thla Oermaa-Ruaelan ______Tso6n as their muscular supper is Stove Onyboam* — wenlthy ! local club to a mamber will bold a loned mother of four who waa Jok­ Bock la an . ancient tradition Both of them sxlsted la naaM out, a bewitching Individual, I allowed you to be.” So far aa French and Gennan , Cape Verde Islands. trial at te* Norwich Flah and when Daly and five eon brand o f blood-thirsty totriltari- Women ii—*-*~g to bring about i strengthened, but tbelr playboy. j " I ’U be careful." ingly elacted New Etogland’e only among brewers. It Is a special at least In ancient times as 81»*y a better appearance o f the body ! will also seem changed aa they be- among a hundred glrla. Her white pilots down ther* are conceruad, ' Indicative of Increasing competi­ Game Club, Sunday, March 31. showed up. Fnriey srasnt’ anlsm carries within itself the C3ara Brooke—dime etore poun- and gold sllmneas, the glory of her "W e’re friends," he said seri­ the war abroad does not exist. woman police chief *a year ago, those present Instead brew made In the autumn, with do today and therefore we talk abova the waistline are Interested I come raised. . ter girl. tion to South America among the Th* proceeds from th* aaaocla- ' ' l O ^ I U m O K »A T * * ~ seeds of Its own destruction hair, her expremlon of naive de­ ously. “ I’d hate to have you be­ Moreover, to spit* of tee close forelgn-Owned airlines of both bel- fooled th* Jokers by doing her Job spread their own meal on tha l glibly about the Democracy of the in bust development. The c h le l; In addition to tek^ ’’W Irene Temple — oocioty debu­ tton trials ar* used for the pur­ which ndthlng on earth ^ more malt and fewer bops than light, drew eyea to her. She knew come an enemy." political collaboration between llgerenU and non-belllgerenta are chase and liberation of wild coon so well thnt admiring townspeople table, ate. left a four-eeat jt o j g f j:^ X “Ji'.;::::::::::r8 revent from ripening. 8 o ^ Greeks and the medicine of the Dtoblem may be to build up and i exerclaea It Is a good id * ® ^ prac- tante. reelected her by a wide maiirtn. other beers, heavy, sweet and Su oS“ ^ b ^ which & too i tise deep breathing exercises and T the eyes followed her aa she went Germany aad Italy to Europe, the new Farman 4-motor monoplane In public hunting areas. The aaao- departed. ' Sluaala has aligned Jieraelf w ltt Middle Ages as If they could reaUy through tee lounge to the dreae- The 34-year-oId woman, blonde taHLg^ Ta-r.::::::: V" strong—which laat quality la what - i k i i , or It may be to firm and to check on your posture. ^ Aa they passed the stag line Italians eschew cooperation with across the South Atlantic to speed clauon hae rcleaaed S3 coon elnce Nasi Germany on the road to be compared to our own brand. Yeeterday; Stevo daybourne ing room. She overheard mur­ the German airttoe to South Amer­ and blue-eyed, surprised tee vot tone the breast which seenu to 1 An article is now available on oaks Ana to the fraternity dance, Steve stepped out on the floor. its communication with Its South laat October. doom. And when the "*w diW makes the trouble. People who But although the labels are the murs. "Who la ahe—who la that ica to favor o f the French. era last year by accepting the posi same, the contenta e f the pack­ sroon or — - Developing the Bust. Feminine la much eurprieed when abe tella He touched Paul's shoulder. Ann American continental aervlc*. comes to Europe four rnlU l* can get along all right with ordl girl—whom did ahe come with?’ found herself to another pair of Alrllaea of ■ tee two countries Lufthansa ta awaiting th* ar In the first place and gave them Finns will be none too many to ages which they cover have so iU the present time there is a I readers who are Intermried to tee him she already has aa Invitation. Ann would not have been human another surprise by beginning s.;r.r..s.rR «s. nary lager or light ales are very widesDTMd desire among women . subject are welcome to send for arma. A fter that It wan a succes­ share weather, radio . and other rival of four-motor Focke Wulf contribute their aaalty, their In­ completely c h a a ^ as to have be­ Ann make* her drees and It le a If tee admiring eyes and tee mur­ Venereal Diaeases strict enforcement of the law. She liable to stub their toes over S m t S T b ^ t w ^ h has a Th» article deecribee ^ ex- sion o f arms, music, rhythm and facilities to th e. exclusion of Luf­ transports to replace the trt-motor lO IB LE V i dustry, their rectitude to the come something entirely different. beauty. She le thrilled, but feUre murs had'not added to her heady made many arrests but hsr vote- S !"*.“ i.vvis's. isa'tu: natiirM well-rounded appearance, arrises which may be used M d breath Uktog rapture. thansa, the German airltot. Junker* which have been to ua* iff creation of the new order. bock. To modem man, for example, the evening may end in dleaihi, elation. ' Fly flckednlee Bagninriy Show Reduction getting ability waa. not Impaired ftrraltf Probably the principal reason why t each exercise is U lu s^ M so t l^ pointroent. Now and again ahe danced with for several years. I f there had ever been one The both Is always kept for at the Idea of a Democracy based Glrla in the dreastog room eyed Paul, more often ahe followed For mor* than 3,000 mile* down Pan American Airways soon will and ah* waa reelected on the first •^Mlal karala ar* aia* entirely upon slavery seeau as such development U .of toter^. »• ' ? «* ± Chapter X IX ballot at yeeterday'* town meeting. COLD! t p w w * ______chance In a hundred that the least 120 days. Instead o f the 00 It. Address your request to me her gown approvingly. At tee Steve’s well-timed Steps. She th* coast o f BraxU from Rio d* groom a new 250-mll*-an-hour absurd and Intolemble as the because present day fasblona place Janlero, through Uniguay to Hartford. March IS. — (F)—Dr. " I ami deatK on tee Illegal Mue or 90 days ripening given to ordi­ to care of this newspaper, and en­ When Ann walked Into tbe llv- i powder bar they talked to her aa passed Paul with different girls. landplane for service to South ran aarHaa allaa* Finns could win that war we nev­ notion of trying to cure the plague so much emphasis on the figure Ing room even FlorabeUc was Buenoa Alraa and across the Andes Henry P. Talbot, director of the of liquor," she says. 'T don't be­ : gwattalae. close a large, self-addressed e n -, If ahe were one of teem. When Passing, they always smiled. America. er In the world would have writ­ nary beers. That brings the open by mumbling sonm abaurd hocus- possessing normal curves. Dress­ apeechleas. These girls, cheap in she returned to Paul he waa It was almost midnight when to Santiago, alritosrs of Germany Bureau of Vencisal Dlaeaaie, re­ lieve to gambling. I don't amok*, Bapraaaatatlaaa, pocus over te* body of the patient es are styled to thla type of figure, velope and'4c. to stamps. ported yesterday teat for the sec­ fe ^ k H r t « r » ten that editorial. If there had season for bock along In March. By beginning your everriad.- their wants, tawdry In teelr ideas, laughing with a group of young Ann discovered that Stave was and France have been flying their either. llua_ Matkawara Bpa*' * while giving him a drink of pol­ and to order to look well to them. for Just a moment aenaed some­ men. Ann had never see him so quite drunk. He had been grow­ achadulee regularly. Naw ReapoMriblllty High. • ond oonsecuttv* yM r oaaea of " I am very old-faahloned— not T»fh. Chtraeo. been even a remote likelihood that And that's why, March used to al­ It Is necessary that every woman now, you should be able to pro-'k art>bllla and gonorrhea to Con­ luted water. duce an appreciable Improvemeht thing beyond themselves, some­ alive. For that little hour he was ing a trifle more so with every The Buenos Alres-SanUago leg Dea Motnea, Iowa—. the best re­ Clara boasted, " It’s all written her. held out her hands and, peiforce. planes are received. The British to 33 a month mor* than he had disclosed In the monthly bulletin managed two homes for a while -----: I W l typo«raphteal arro« ^ any time, now that there la such Questions and Answein. of th* State Health Department. * In 'advartiaamanta A^vttrllROfnAlltR ^Hi situation would have been very cent origin. Indeed not much nuire the following answer. It prob­ a fiock of other difficulties because sults will come from exercises. up on the society page." She got "This is Ann Brown," be said, be danced wlUi hefT Blockade haa made te* date In­ been receiving but he turned It during her firat term, one here and (Ktoeaitkerapy) Cases of gonorrhea showed a con­ ■ g S iS —t»f«ar STaalai Rarald different Indeed. But there never general and Inexpensive refrigera­ than half a century told. For even ably had dawned upon them that these coal-miners wUl be out of a The exercises which do the most the paper. "See? Athena Club naming the men In turn. . She Steve waa mumbling in Ann'a definite. down. He explained he had man­ one at nearby Campton where her good ara those which strengthen Question: Cord O. wants to spring ball— Oh, Ann—I ’d be stood In tbe center of the group, ear, "Oome on — let’s get out of The Germans abandoned one of aged to llv* on tbe smaller amount stant decline for th* five year hitobaad waa employed on a gov­ Wb*t'sw«*,it«erias | eras such chance or such likeli­ tion. But It used to be made only our own esperintent In self-gov­ slavery was something that could Job and wUI go hungry. toetde—aete whai* ernment was originally based Our anoeators were leas afraid tbe muscles over tbe chest. know; “What la the meaning of scared to death— I wouldn't know like a white and gold lily against here — too damn hot. Let’s go their commercial airline operations all right, adding that ther* "un­ period, 1935-1939, the amallest ernment timber project. In the fall because winter was the not be tolerated to any sort of the word kinealtherapy?" the eeld to Bhh to Wedneaday, March 18 hood. The defeat of the heroic upon the presumption that several of unpleasant facts than we are Most o f the exarristog wUl be how to act." It waa her admission the dark tuxedos. She made tee down to the bar." to this bemiaphere when tee war doubtedly are other persons in the number being 1,188 reported laat Th* voters alio elected her community which prided Itself up­ Answer: This la the old name vMaadas A aad D. Uttle nation was aa Inevitable on only season where the product categories of our fellow human and they therefore realised very directed, toward moving tbe pec- of Inferiority, . right answers and tea masculine “ I ’d rather dance," she said, started— th* South Atlantic air­ state Who need It aa badly as I year. Th* largest number was in overseer o f the poor to thla town IS W M R M M M r^ on' being dottiacratic. But after for the science of curing disease cwild be kept long enough to be­ beings, on account of their relig­ clearly what would happen were toralls liiajor, which is the muscle Neddy scoffed, "Swell folks act circle grew. A t last she and Paul holding herself spay from hla ar­ mail aervlc*, a fixture for several do.” 1935 with 1,805 caaee. o f fiSfl peraona yeaterday over the Then and Now laat Thanksgiving day ap It was all, life soBMhow or other bad to by movements o f Qie muscles. We come really ripe bock. But be­ ion, the color of their Skin or the go on and before tbe invention of they to give equal rights to tbelr between the breast and the shoul­ Just Uke we do at the taverns." drifted toward the dance floor. dent embrace. yesterday when the capitulation would refer to the same treatment I t was another admlasloa. "Do you know what you nuikt n a irar in Finland la over. Rua> cause brewers are tradltlonlste state o f their IMnk account, must the Iron Blavoo there waa no other slaves. der. I f you will, raiae your arm, 1 wish I ’d aent you an orchid, was signed. ver be excluded from all par­ For there was no other why out you will feel a niovenMnt to this tor calling It curative exerclss. Teddy opened her mouth to re­ Ann,” he said. "You and orchids me thing o f?” he asked. toaa and lUuia ara not kUUnf w ^ o f keoidng society going than (Balsine) The Finns have written on the they still only make It In the fall ticipation In the management « and when there la no other way muscle. Persistent exercise will iterate, but Florabelle broke to are in tee same elaaa." "N o," ahe answered Indiffer­ •eh other any more. For that wltb tbe help o f human chattels. Question: Mrs. U I. B. Inquires: heavens In letters of blood one of and release It In March. their own affairs. The foundm o f all old Democ-* out, people can Invent the most make this muscle firmer and lazily. I , "That’a a very pretty speech and ently. T s It all right to use stewed rais­ "These fraternity dances are all "A n Icicle—a damn UtUs IclcIc.' adlUana of pOople will be thank- Which Is probably Just as well. Yea, even so enlightened and racies like the Idea of slavery marvelous o f arguments to fool stronger, and the appearance of I’ll treasure It long after an or­ the most magnificent pages In themselves, aa moat o f tbe tohablt- tee breast will be thereby Im­ ins for breakfast as often as three right,” she granted. "Personally, chid would have wilted and died. When she said nothing, he added, M no matter how bitterly they And there are a lot o f people who liberal a statesnum aa Thomas Just as Uttle as you and I Uke the times a week? W e have been military history; have given one Itante of the different totalitarian proved. I prefer a smaller party.” Tomorrow, when I ’m a weed 'T m going to kiss you, Mlsi my feel about the war*a outcome. Jefferson, probably the most Intel­ Idea of people being obliged to cooking up a lot of them, but my of the most glorious examples of still wonder why they make It at work to our coal-mines. But stotes are doing tills very day. Most of the exercises taken for Myrtle came timidly from the again, It will be something to Brown, and my.kieses are guaras' ONLY 4 MORE DAYS TO WIN ligent among the founders of the neighbor says they should not be On the day after the war atart- all, considering It terrible stuff. need coal to keep on living and Democracy bad proved a failure the desired purpose will consist of background. “ Can I touch It, think about." She laughed up at teed to melt the most stubborn sheer courage and martial re- Republic, wrote hla noble sentence eaten so often, aa the grape sugar Icicle.” so we discover all sorts of plausi­ and Hitlerism and Staltolsm were arm and shoulder movements. The A nn?" ahe asked. him. "There is no tomorrow. Taka advanlaga el lew Cipoailiea ’ ad. in the laaue of Friday, Decern- aourcefulneaa that have ever been about all men being bom free to them Is too sw eet Is this His feet were not quit* sure, hla ble alibis to make ourselves forget the only way out. That Is the old, amount o f improvement It 1s pos­ Ann held Up tee swlrt for her There 1s only tonight.” 1 laat, thla newapafwr printed while he owned seveiity-two black diction was more tean a little Waak pilaaa and a ehaaoa to held up to the world. that hundreds o f thousands o f men old vicious circle which has al­ sible to obtain la often surprising so?" Inspection. "1 got It cheap be­ Suddenly they came face to face , editorial article for which, It la slaves. Answer: I see no reason why cause tee pattern goes hay-wire," blurred. With difficulty Ann kept But to what end? Which Invariably makes people must spend moat o f their waking ways been tbe curse of Democra­ to the patient. It Is not advls- with Steve Clayboume. His eyes Ika Gaa AppUanoa you buy IBB. > wefi aware, It received oonaldar- cy. And It will continue to be that able to try to change the shape of you should not keep on uatog the ahe explained, pointing out the slid over Ann in unfeigned admi­ her little gold slipper* of of hla And what moral right have we Washington ask, "How waa It possible that hours digging coal to some dan­ stewed raisins. They are perfect­ clumsy way. His arm Ughtcited gerous bole to the ground. way until some one comes along the breast through attempting to discrepancy with difficulty. ration. With him waa a dark- fOMe crttlcUra fram amond It* —any of ua—to get our Inspira­ people of the Intellectual and ly wholesome, and the natural and she looked frantically for ToaooRow Night baai'Cad Soiby Meanwhtte we are forever re­ and shows us bow to break change tbe glandular tissue, aa the "It's swell,’’ Myrtle sighed. " I haired girL Ann, glancing at her, era. It haa aince. It la equhlly spiritual integrity of a Pericles grape sugar Is beneficial, rather knew that she waa about to meet Paul. tions In true patriotism, In devo­ and a Jefferson could accept with­ assuring our troubled consciencea through this vicious circle which mammary glands may thereby be wish Bill could see you. He like* In a bnm0(ou% aduoattooal daa^ '^Mrare, been crlUdaed In aonia Daybook in the end may destroy ua all. Injured, but It Is safe to rely upon than harmful. I find them a val­ pretty things." Irene Temple pnd teat they two (To Ba OMtianed) tion to Justice and right, at the out any qualms of conscience a that soon our scientists wiU Invent uable addition to the diet and often enalraltoa el awdan oooking, f^joartera for failure to uae Ita a substitute fOr coal and then exercise to tone up fiabbv breasts. Paul arrived and was greeted by were strangely alike. coat of one splendid little nation By Praeton Orevee system which they must have recommend them. "Hello, Steve,” she said easily, HartfagdGtoaCompanyAudltedum. effort to aid In the promo- there will be an and to all our Next; The Monarchies Grew You will find results will come If tbe audience. He had eyes only for whom we can do nothing but known to be completely wrong? " I want you to know my friend, TbarangauaadinthladamonatrattoB To which, after considerable worries. But we forget that From the E^riy Democracies. you are faithful to performing the for Ann. He wore a nicely tailored Vets- Association ^tten o f relief funda whoae only Washington — It's a long leap nercises.' L Although the rale of Although a yield o f considerable tux, not double-breasted and mid­ Paul Hayden." will ba givanawajr ra n that nigbL *2JOOHJOOMIIfm cbeer It on In the road to destruc­ mal effect It believed, would be from the bank* of the river Clyde Improvement may be slow, the re­ quantity Is not reached until they night blue, but most presentable. The men shook Hands. Steve tion? ward of persistent effort will grad­ are about five years old, ooffw He held the evening wrap and said, "Misa Temple—Mias Brown, Selects Officers la v te n d the duratloB e f the war. In Scotland to the swivel chair of stuff. These aren’t Roman baths; cent e f the pMt's receipts e f about night the two aides were fkr apart plants reach tbe bearing state In after two weeks of discussloni of ually appear. Ann aUd her arms into the wide Mr. Hayden." He looked from In view o f the fact that now the congressional gymnasium o f­ they’re places where a Congress­ a mlUlon pounds a day, expires the breasts ap- their second or third year. one girl to tee other. The tilt of Friday and negotiators said last a new contract. Not only will aleevea. She smiled her thanks it^tnland la compelled to accept Thnt Ware Cane fice, especially If a fellow makes man can relkx right and keep to FlorabeUe. Irene’s head waa no prouder, no A t tea meeting o f Epieds Chap­ l^tiema conalderably more aevere most of the ImporUnt ports of call himself fit. O f all the deaths this Tbe girls hung over the rail as more^'aaaured, than was Ann’a. For a monte tee town of Ware, year, not a member o f tee gym ­ ter, Yankee Division Vetarana Aa- thoae the acceptance of along the way. they descended. Myrtle bad Steve had come alone to the party. Maas., has been the subject of But rete Henderson made It— nasium has passed away. Why—" rushed on ahead to dust the stairs. He had come fo r two reasons, to soclation held at the Arm y aad Which laat November would have newspaper oomtqent aroused by a* ^ t e r a fashion i . They found her at the foot, rub­ see If Ann bad been lying and— N avy Club laat nijtot officers for I all the KUUnf and deatruC' to see Ann. news Item printed several weeks Not that Pete Isn't a vast suc­ End T o Itehlng bing away Industriously. She tee ensuing year ware elected and , tlea and which would have Jeft cess. He Is. But he doesn't like Pete would-go on forever de­ scampered to tee back o f the Irene said, "Steve haa been tell­ will be Instiled at tee next state ago, relating to what tee Inhabit­ house, not answering when Ann ing me about you, Miss Brown. He TWO GREAT GAS RANGE VALUES swivel' chairs. They always tip fending his charges If you’d let meeting o f the Connecticut De­ vfftaland atronfcr and more Inde- things we resemble each other.” \- ants had done by way of rehabili­ him back too far. Then Pete’s got him. A ll you have to do, real­ caUed, "Good night. Myrtle.” partment to be held at th* Armory at ♦»!«« aha la now to be, we Wedding just around the corner? Driving down town to n cab, " I am flattered,”, Ann answered tating their community after eco­ a pretty bad disease for a swivel ly, to prove what he's saying is to klanchester on Sunday.. Jtfir' Tbonaanda el thaaa giaat gaa nngaa waia aold at flw lagulat pticaa. |j ielleve that we are Juatllled in re- with the radio humming softly, sweetly. I'* The new officers afc:.'Artliu nomic disaster. Ware's Mg enter­ chair worker. sneak down to the gym any day. Irene looked fier up and down. attnf the expreaaion of our The wanderin’ foot,' you might Ann said, “ I suppose it's because McCaxm, Commander; WllUam And am worth avary panny. Mow look what you gat-"THIS W E K prise, a cotton mill, closed You’d be surprised how many “You’ve got a better figure," she call It." says Pete, eyeing a vivid ^Watkins' Dccoralor-Approvcd Room Schemes I ’m tmaophlatleated teat I feel so Shields, senior vioe-oommaader; O N L Y — at a n w m iractioB o i tha coat Both rangaa hava flw swat n w d am aa of laat December Congressmen take their health thrilled. But I love It. I love the said. down and moved South. .About print o f the Queen Mary on tee seriously, and obey Dr. Calvin’s Ernest Peterson, Junior vice-com­ ' The Ruaalan attack on Fin­ feel of my dress, I love fo r you to They all laughed and parted. iaatuma — AutoAatio Top lighting — '’CUde" Stiamar Bniaaia— Bell half of the town's workers \^ere wall. She waa built near his home Rule No. 3 about drinking water. will simplify the task of home-making mander;- Clyd* Beckwith, aac land coat the Uvea of a conalder- look like that. It makea me feel Stepping to tee poltobed floor, Pete took his first vacation laat tary; David McGOUum, treasurer; ^paod B n i l o n S l o w Spoo^ Low Tantporatnm Ovana — Countar* able number of peaceable mien, thrown out o f their Jobs. No Oth­ town. precious, somehow." Paul took Ann to fails arms. They year. He and his wife went to Georg* Hawley, chaplain; Frank women and cbUdren. It coata er textile company, or any otK^ He laughed underatandlngly. danced without speaking. Her balanoad and Linad Covac-AUi — "Thannal ly a " Ovan Haat Contnls — Invents A Game Scotland to visit his old horns. hair brushed hIS cheek, she was Blanchard, aergeaat-at-«rias; Bert ^ Soviet Union more than kind of Industry, could be fouw “ Even people like us have mo­ Minuto lA n d m and many iodiar aspantiva Iaatuma. Aad tha Kitehan* Nobody knows the title of Pete's They had a thrilling ride on a like fragrant thistledown. Inman and Alex Toumaud, color th at It deatroya every ehred of ir menta, Ann. Beeause they are so bearers; George Booth, Walter [to take over tee mills. The owners Sjob. The hlgh-falutln’ way would "marked" vessel through the war ^ I few we must make tee moBt of " W e do nil right." be said aa Haatiag Bang# haa a Boom Tamporatum Contnd.aa waU. ' aympathy and respect for what Hall, auditors. Tbe board o f gov­ I of the property put a price of be to call him.the physical attache zone. them.” the music stopped. asany peraona throughout the td\Congressmen. A plain everyday " ’Twas good for my wanderin' ernors consista o f tbe last three world regarded aa a genuine ^ 850.000 on It. 'She looked out at the myriad Ann nodded. "The first time a Bay a t thia wamk’a h w prieaa — and gat to 22 eoapona with title would be "gym attendant." foot,” says Pete. "It don’t Itch any Ugbts. " I ’m going to nwke every girl dances, with a man la aomc- past commanders, Clyde Beck­ > Wal experiment with a certain Then Ware whooped It up In a He'Sx really neither—and both. He with, William Allen arul Edward which to win yooT Banga'TBEE. of Idealism behind It more." single minute count. Tonight thing o f an experiment,” 'she said. "fiave Ware” campaign, raised tee almply attends to congressmen’s muat be more than tonight. It " It can be delidoua and It can be Frasier. tough handed methods and locker \room wants, helps them The following committees have tuthless disregard for human money by selling 85 stock shares must be a lovely memory. Who fireadful, you never know until exercls^, and keeps them from you try." been named to aaa*at to entertain­ Bfe. It displays Russia’s Stalin to Its own people—all kinds and Gannett Brands knows, it may be my nicest mem- overdoing It. ory.” "Which eateg«»y do I coma ing tbe State Department: Ernest as a fitting partner and aaao- conditions of people but most of Back in, 1921, it meant not a under?" Paul Inquired amusedly. Peterson, food committee; Ray oiete of Adolf HItleiv—and It ' Paul reached for her band and teem Just owners of Uttle savings tinker’s dato to Pete Henderson New Deal Failure thought better of it “You’re a "De-Iovciy,” eh* said, gtvtojg Smith, refreahmeata committos; brands the Soviet regime as a 1 DklUXE when CorsiroBsman Jim Mead him a g l ^ e from under her WinUm Shlelda, tables nirt chaim oast hypocrisy, Bolshevik Rus- accounts. Then— and this Is the funny youngster," he said. from Buffalo got up and ad­ " I guesa we're two funny anuuting lasbea. . oonamlttee; William Alien, enter­ Ma as a structure of lies, for way It Is almost always expressed tainment committee. dressed Congress for one minute Boston. March 13—(F)—Frank | youngster*," ahe returned, "over- T h e music again. They melted tte first time utterly contempti­ — "diversified Industries were per­ on health. But out of that speech, ROPER GAS RANGE ble In the eyes of decent human­ Gannett, Rochester, N. Y., newspa­ suaded to locate In tee old mill, through slow and painful proc­ $ 9 8 ->v • T-'V‘ ity. esses, grew the ^ s e n t gymna­ per publisher and Republican I There must have been many and today there are seventeen sium In the basemMt of the new presidential aspirant, believes that . f t m i Of usL here In America, who concerns In tee buildings, with house oMce building President Roosevelt "should have were secretly praying that the SAVE MONEY! GET THE $ 7 9 s o payrolls totaling more than twice Pete didn’t show Up In Wash been Impeached” for his proposal Blans would not fight, but that as much as teat of tee absconding In^on until 1938, a vtctUrn of the to revise tee membership of tee | ' V- a t the last moment they would depression. Pete’s California con U. S. Supreme court. Scheme 1 . 1.^ •- save themselves from quite use­ cotton concern. ■\' TRUCK THAT FITS YOUR JOB gressman got him a 10-day Job I f the prpresident's ■ proposal had That's tee story, and most of less Slaughter by granting Rus­ raking capitol leavea Then the been carneiled out, Gannett declared | Magalatjy $n0.00 sia so much of the latter's de- the numerous editorials find It the maintenance department sicked laat night to a speech before tbe ■isnds. as would serve to avoid Men’s and Women’s Republican Sofa - 2 Chairs - 4 Tables - Rug - $275 Wo afkod Bopar to halp Bs gtoo actual conflict between the lit­ occasion for high tribute to the him on the plumbing. By that time tee gym had sim­ dubs of Massachusetts, "tae Inde­ ...... r tle, sparsely peopled republic co-operative and courageous spirit Bartieid a raaga harpain ftal will’ mered down to a five-man gang pendence of the three departments and the vast, strongly armed of the people of the community. INVBlTiajaTB of volley-ball players. One of o f govemissnt would have been | Last year our Decorator-Planned Room Schemes proved exciting ha talkad aheul log yoam. Bare •ovlet Union. But we have never yet seen any. destroyed." > The Finns are a fine racial them spied Pete, and made him B l9’-*aad hew your frieadi and explanation of. how the Ware equipment keeper-upper. Soon ho He branded tbe New Deal news for young homeplanners. Because we have had numerous stock, sturdy, brave. Intelligent, complete failure" and charged that devoted to tee soil and tee sea, boosters ''persuaded" seventeen was playing volley ball with requests from young folks who saw, or heard about last year’s SOaBfl^MBa/nUICKt naighhera am going log Ml them; his reputation was made the president was assuming tbe | Imbued with tee Ideals of free­ Industrial concerns to locate In for life when he Invented the "powers of a dictator.'' schemes, our decorators have planned a group of new ensembles dom and Justice. There are none their town within two years—and too many of teem. And when Congressicmal game of "paddle W Bafluro jroa invast your goad ■ Dodge trndt engine fpr dhe we feel some curiosity about teat. for this year. Here is the first one . . eight pikes in all for tn any war a little nation fights hall." It’s the easy Way to play most economical porforsaaneo In \ ■ “ to the death" against over­ I>ow rentals conceivably may handball on Capitol Hill. May Have Spoiled ■Mmay ta aB][ tn id^ of any capae- only $275. These are the things our decorators have selected n to ia Meatoto" whelming odds annihilation of have been a valid Inducement, be­ In ’35, the new House office itgr, far aagr tjp a ^ haniiiig Jah, each iMd! Your naart tm di can building waa going up, so the flat L L t C T R O l Ita people, or something very cause tee small price paid for tb* Marriagie Plans! as being harmoniously scaled and color-right. The best part of ROPER M JMr • ( dose to annihilation is n ^er an gym gang and the capitol physi­ invaatigate the inoiiejr-aBviag fea­ bo the beat tmdk you aver owned Impossibility. Witness tbe case mlUs would make them possible. cian. Dr. George Calver, Joined these room schemes is that they are basic. But you don’t have —low in coat, ecenomical, depend- forces and wangled a part of the tures of Dadga Jeh-Bmtad tmdki. * -a w ok o f Paraguay, which had a p- But It would not be surprising If to take these identical pieces. You may substitute many others KITCHEN-HEATINfi lation of about a million and a it were found, on Investigation, basement for a physiotherapy Los Angeles, March 13.— They’re engineered r|ghi, built aUe— ■ D o ^ JoMtotod tmdt room. Aided and abetted by Pete, Reporters are wondering If they third when In 1805 It went to teat there may have been some at the same prices from our floors! StiU further, you may select Hgktjind powered with tihe r^h f trade that fUa YOVM joh f laWaafo# war against Brazil, Uruguay Representative Mead and his spoiled the zoarrlage plana of kmmmHNl0ftiwr and Argentina and when the direct or Indirect tax abating, too dally dozenera worked up dues to Monty Banks, motion picture di­ your own color'and fabric scheme for the upholstered pieces and GAS RANGE raFrlffarater erar ended, five years later, had —tee results of which wlli have to buy equipment. rector and producer, and Grade OeflaBi WaiUmi NoW they've got 110 active Fields, BtogUsh stage and the floor covering. In addition to the pieces sketched here mmhm la M y l ' Only 28,000 living men left with­ be reckoned with one of these D ooo Twa /oho With C^a Fhal in Its boundaries. Almost nine- memters, each of whom sub­ star. days. are an end table with bookshelf, a Chippendale drop-leaf table, tantha of Its . male population scribes to Dr. Calver's Health A couple appeared at the License rMeMtJiMwdt Jfeufs JEMehon • Coofto Feecf • V; 4 I- ^ • been destroyed and more It Is always gratifying to en­ rule No. 3, tackefi on the gym Bureau yesterday to file an appli­ and a 9*12 Agminster Broadloom rug. vWl tables in the ensemble than halt lOf. its women and counter an example of community wall: cation to wed. They gave their fcw IggIgA Dr Igre yilo$$ WMiGtl sflAsljft’l Children. courage, civic co-ojperatlon and "Drink plentifully (OF WA­ names as Mario Blanehl and Grace | are Grand Bapida GuUd Quality. Sofa is covered in striped tor whlek yoa mael H w aaks sqatoaMal. Ikle ii a OOli^ '^ TER)." Stansfield, listed as the real nkme They were great patrloU, good will—to find fellow citizens n m iT IQUimD m t i n O* Lana flateel Bielniaa'lg those Paraguayans, but they i V Easy-Tempered Bnt— of the producer and actress to mohair; lounge chair in needletex friese; wing chair In colorful M V I N I pulling together and making per­ t > • ^ 818® ® Qa* Itfciawalw — w l ^ 'aaUi. legalaily tor ttSMCkV almost all died, and thefr deaths ! Thirty-nine, blue-eyed, tall and motion picture almanac. linen. Don’t miss this smart group of Watkins Quality Furniture. did their country and their . (|e- sonal sacrifices for the general a .bit stooped. Pete's had more Questioned by reporters, the WCva darted tDOflO *■ flw pite* fw OIb ' acendante no good whatever. well being—and we are far from ups and downs than a circus douple denied they were tbe film ] ; ae«aiaamr;^7 are innumerable. They are not ishing other stagnating communi­ America, so he learned the auto­ wo e d a whelo lUad ef it tight oH. very well armed, save In small mobile trade and worked to Pat since. low prtee— ae liito ea flSJI a awaOl CM i taiQfl^ ties to obey the Injunction "Go ;Bait. and the Russians have a erson, N. J. Bttffalo, Detroit, • 2 8 .0 0 cH fho prieo plua $20X» 9 T U I OVAMIRB AT MO BOUL OOtT. ----- ,t war machine. They have thou and do likewise" we shall Cleveland, Chicago and Santa Fe, May mt fflte waeli*a Jaw pitaa* liwecy aaaity I no air force at all want to know precisely what It Is N. M. When the World War broke Seek to Avert Oedo4a eHewenee en your eld range wiUi wkUk tm wim a u » Bern iw M le the Soviet Union haa a that Ware has done—and how It out, he Joined the American army — fdS^lbtaial. ul one. Despite tee and fought to Franco. I nt terrain. It la Im- was dons. Fete’s the most easy-tempered Fish Pier Strike! S stu tS U z Motor Skdei to see where anything klfid of fellow j^ou'll ever meet e out o f a war but Oxtl Only one thing bums him up- o f Finland as a poll- Spring Bock people who think Congreeemed'are Boston, March 13—(FV^Ualon living tbe life o f Roman bathers entity and tiM practical Up to World War days every spokesmen and representotlvpa of from the scene of when they try to take care of employein scheduled another nego­ $ 1 7 . 5 0 people. police force to tee country knew, their I healtb. tiation sessloa for Friday In a last- OpdH 8t30 A. M, this period of wicked ag- la advance, that for a couple of A magazine printed a picture mtoute effort today ta avert a| Fboo* tor a apodal appoint- [ M an ch ^tei* llivisian eannot possibly last weeks beginning about tee middle o f a Congressman to one of Pete's threateazd atriite at tka moat (Manchartar U'ri) If' V nor oven far kmg. There bathtubs, and cMtioned It “ Asleep you can’t ooevanlaBtly rtiop Utl0P.U,DMy of March the oops einuld have to flah plsr. tb* aatioa’a laigast fiaak 7lU Bnirttord Gas Co. to come before maiw to the Deep.” Tnat was Just too flab aaariwt aurtag legular atoea hours. s new eedar in Europe, u deal vttb a special crop of dninks much. A watkliiff - ____ OpwTMoflay and thnieflar tm Hmrtford by eompromlse, by that Included SHny first-time in­ “ Tbese OOBgreasmen m for aU •vaalags v fl. Cloaad WATKINS the F*d*nSfl''FliU ^ Boata e(| nf A*k>ethiag, can still dividuals and peraona not at all their own oqulpnMnt Every last New Eaglaad aad the Atlantle Wadasadays at 13, Noon. i R o H I A geographical entity piece of It is their personal i ^ p Ftehanbaa'a Unloa (A F L ). rapra- at hOBW to tbs polios statkM can erty. 8oi»me pf It la second hand seattog TW emw mi mhem sbaardj ilw a ie i That wns beeause the bock beer wtoaan afford first claaa>W trawitta which bring la 90 par’ .V- MANCHESTEK EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. OOtm. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 18.1940

HAMCHESlCR EVENING H ERA ^. MANCHEST^ CONN. WEDNESDAY, MARCH IS, 1940 will occur at fairly fnquent later- then nrera Measles Cases vala rewnrencesv Irish Neutrality Is Source Hoover Always- Opposed Moodus Noises One such occasion came last had net heard night while about 400 Bteat Had­ tour y ean . Rcds Gain Strategic Finnidi Port Show Increase dam dtlaens were assemhlad at Neutral Zoiie Finland Signs Treaty Wire-Tapping \ Practice Rumble Again toe annual town meeting la the Pride and Amusement town house in Little Haddam, & ce Price Is Higher FoUows Truce Hartford, March 18. — (4^ — A about two mllaa from Moodus. Dublin, arch 18.—(Corrsspon-4'night train from Belfast to Dublin, ■harp increase in measles ^ases In Washington,’ March 13.—OP)—J.* Hs sald'that wire taps never bed Town Hall Shakes Dui^ Enjpyi With Pistol at Head deuce of The Aesocteted Preae) for Inataiice, runs with dim blue Connecticut, with most of the new __Edgar_ Hoover said today that usee i ing Annual Meeting at Eleven of toe 13 Itema’ In the Iteland'e (Eirb^) state ot neutrali­ lights and drawn blinds until it ' for "collaterar work in develop­ meeting's “eaU" had been dlspoaed Than Before Conflict It o f F i n n s W ill cases in New London county, was 'of wire tapping^y hie G-Men have ing leads. In June, 1938, he re­ ty in the currw war IS a source reaches tos Elrs border—then toe reported yesterday by /the .State far-between.' Little Haddam . of and a heated debate on wbetber Tha Chamiaado Friday on South- * eace I s Honorable Be-i of both pride aniT^ueem ent to its lights go on and toe blinds go up. fused to endorse legleUUon pro- to appropriate money for a high 'and becauie toe Finns bad no Health Department. / interviewed after toe Senate In- | posed to legalise wire tapping-evl- held m delightful DicUted Treaty faith In toe ^romlaet of o to ^ " citizens. \ Belfast is blsckcd out Uke London. There were 23S-cases of measles East Haddsm, March IS.—(F)— school gymnasium waa in program gram at Oentar eh PeaceTem s F r o n t . cause of Brave Finn In the first place,^s unique for Dublin had a brief taste of the terstete Commerce Committee' dence. when a sharp blast was heard, ap­ Not only has Finnish Independ­ in the state for the week ending recommended yesterday a general | ' Senator Norrie (Ind., Nab.) ex- The "Moodus Noises" are riimbllng day afternoon, a n m a d o Imraaion After Defense of Freedom ence suffered thus grievously, bttt ■outhem Ireland to broeutral te a blackout at the beginning of toe March 8, as compared with 150 parently coming from M t Tom in poser belag read h; Berlin, March IZ.—m — A D. war involving Great Brlteln. Fdr war—apparently at toe behest of Inquiry into wire tapping by Fed-1 pressed toe opinion that a con- again, and it'e Just possible that toe Moodus sscUon, and tos town Blood-Drenched I her Industrial life haa been givw a for toe previous week. The city eral and private police agencies,: gressionat ]Utvestlg*il*n of wire AlUoter. Ouaat ^ 1 0 5 Satisfy Nazis B., German news agency, dis­ In Face of Huge Odds. aerious set-back. When toe Bol- centuries toe Irish have b^n fight­ the British Yrito ftared the lights of New London alone reported 130 they can take credit for the new hall shook fo^ a good two mlnutos. fundahed fiehnbert patch from Moscow toilay reported 1 ing with or against toe Brttteh. Hoover declared that he consist-1 tapping was not needed as far as $30,000 gymnasium Nathan Hale Somebody ^suggested that It lor Finland.' sheuista Uke over toe big ihlght serve as s guide for German cases, and. Pawcatuok In that ently had opposed the practice. i tha FBI was concerhed, and voiced eluded Jamaa ihat a neutral sone one kilometer By Dewitt Msckeniie j and manufacturing center of Vu- Now this etate that calls luelf a aircraft seeking Briteln. But toe county had 42. High school here ia going to get. would be a good idea to put toe Bartel and Ruaeell *In Just Proportion to wide (Ave-elghU of a mile) wi free end independent nation public grumbled and the lights In feet, be said, he originally i concern that an Inquiry might be Off and on since Colmlal days gymnasium matter to a vote and lln pupils of Robert The tresty which tiny Fin- i puri (Vlborg) they will Just about < Declines were noted In other banned Its use by the Federal. used for political purposes. ^ n s Asiodatod P i^ established between the Russian tains officially it has no sympai came bMk on, though street lamps ccNnmon disesaes. Diphtheria toert have been queer earth tre­ then get out of there. The moder­ ran Wood aeeompanlad Sacrifices Made* Is and Finnish front lines immedi­ snd hfis signed with a pistol have pulled toe engine out of toe with either aide in toe present con>' Bureau 6f Investigation three , "We're too close to a presl- mors and rumbling noises center­ ator agreed, the appropriation toe piano. Soviet dictated treaty Finnish machine. now are fitted with cowls to mint- cases dropped from four to three, ately after toe cessation of hds- fit her hesd ie an “hohorable filet. Despite deep-seated griev­ ize the glare. lobar pneumonia from 90 to 70, months befoio a Supreme court dentiai election to expect a fair in- ing around Moodus, a small com­ passed 100 votes to 150 with no Mrs. Benjamin i£ the invasion of Fin- View in Berlin. ' Beyond the crushing of Finland. minority crlUcUed toe practice in vesttgatlon by Congreee,” be said.' munity in this town. OeologisU more debate and the dtisens bur tUitlea. peace,” ag no one can gainsay . tos peace tenna may have far* ances that still exist here, however, Exit Permit Beqnired scarlet fever from 82 to 69. and Miss Jende DowIta« after 106 blood-drenched The retreat of Finnish troops to most people concede that the ma­ travel direct from Britain to whooping cough from 53 to 20. 1928 Norris has protested to Attorney Imve talked learnedly about faults' ried off home. to be present; hut ' Berlin, March IS.—( ^ —Author- 'for her brave defense of reaching effects on toe rest ol Eu- jority of Ireland's public sympa- Relmteted In 1981 General Jackson what he termed below the earth's crust and whet The tremor was felt aa tar Sway toe program was . inflicts a costly peace on toe regions within their new over- ' rope. Possession of toe entire EUre I'Muirea a Brltleh exit permit. lied (Serman lourceB beamed with ftontlera fixed by the treaty, D. N.. freedom in the face of thlzea with the Britlsh-FYcnch None UMequired to go from north­ Mine I'nion Clerk Dies The system waa reinstated in ‘Inhuman, indecent and unlawful" not, but folks hereabouts Just call as East Hampton, about seven saaed and grsatly the Rua- Karelian Isthmus with its Manner- causes—or, as some put it, opposes 1931, Hoover said, on instructions treatment of pertons arretted by the phenomenon the "Moodus miles from here, where some red Se more than 50 B. reported, will begin Friday at lO whelming odds would render helm Une, toe great Naval base of ern to e ^ h e m Ireland, and when A. M. along too entire line bS' dictatorships. the Belfan. blackout becomes too from Attorney General Mitchell "to FBI agents In Detroit In an Inves­ noises" and let It go at toqL dents said their bouses swayad ■oelated membora Red Army invaded the re- jj, tem,,. they said, were "in any terms honorable so far as Hanko, together with other atra- Eire's neutraUty is one of para­ tigation of Spanish recruiting. Sometlmea they are not hdard or slightly. aodal tons with eecrlflces tween toa Gulf of Finland end teglc concessions, makes toe Mus- trying its fosldents take a run John‘’w"r£?,‘ 86^fo/M iblic’s soil. Juit proportion to the Licsks, on the main eoutbeaatem she is concerned. doxes and oddities. The govern­ down to Dubik for a bright week­ "But . I think that will be reme­ felt for years and then again they Up until a week or so ago, when lowed the musicale. the Soviet leaden. tMde' and in Just proportion to the Finland need hava no fear toe coritea masters of toe whole ment of Prime Minister Eamon De died wltoout any action at eon- LMt Oct. 6 front. northern Baltic region. end; Oistoms ^spection is main­ ol-* Am^.ric'i* 1 with the new hegemony needs and r.ecessUlet which cer­ North of Lieaka too Finns will world will think aught than that 'Valera tries hard to show complete tained St toe border, but it to not John L. Lewis, chairman of the greae, he explained, as to why one grees," Norrie said. “I have lots of their ImpUed threatt had tain stotes In large ‘living spacea aba baa made a magnificent fight Communism .Peril Near impartiality In tha war, but physi­ branch of toe Justice Department faith In toe attorney general, and atart abandoning ail ceded terri' The threat of the apread of rigid. ' gained over the BalUc coun- have a right to claim.” tory at 10 a. m. Saturday. to the utmost limit of her ability. cal factora keep throwing up People of Eire lodk across the I don't believe he will let such 'i5 BrtonU, liatvla and Uth- 'IhcM sources also expreased Pnet Terrible One Communism, which Sweden and obetaclaa. ss;n:.t,!s;rs;»°'5rs; i not; - things go on in hts administration. ■eda to Move Ferws J4orway have been fearing, now ia border into northern Ireland, con­ can Federation of Labor president, Sines Ita relnstetement. Hoover I, ile h t^ e d etmllar concee- opinion that toe treaty, as signed While too Finns are withdrawing Having aaid that, however, it Natl Envoy Lonely Figure gratulate themselves on^lng out- sent messages of regret. ‘To my mind, wire tapping or from Finland. _ St Moecbw, constituted no danger must be recorded that the pact is very near to them. It is nearer to The German minister, Eklward added, wire tapping has been llmit- use of recording taiachlnes to not ■4 to their new frontiers, toe Rua- the rest of Europe, for that mat­ Bide the war, smUe sm ugly at I ed to specific cases of such crimes n w a Tries To NegotlatS to Finnish living spaca slsaa are to move torward, toa a very tarribla one for 'he Flnna. Hempel, etlll functions in Dublin, their own type of neutraliw, and Await CVtamberlaln Talk nearly so vicious or bad as toe .Wary but diplomatic, the Mime Marfca ASM FaUara It stripa them of strategic ter­ ter. as kidnaping, extortion and "fla­ practice of third degree methods." ig b e r a r o w news agency announced. yet he'la a lonely figure. If he at­ wonder if it can laat. B C -L ‘ S to nMotlate, and the R>»- Autooiiaed sources further held ritories and renders them impotent The Anglo-French AlUea hava grant white slavery." D. N. B. said toe provialona for missed an opportunity of great tends any public functions, be is Moat persons apparently think London, March 13 — (IP\ — A I pcopoeal Snally boUed down to that conclusion of the peace toe neutral sonea and toe Rusriu In the matter ot defense. almost certain to encounter the it can. They say Britain to wMI .statement by Prime Minister “Wire Ups never have been The U. S. Bureau of Fisheries S pm sI EjtIMt, Nam at Tam marked failure of a so-called Brit­ Pric^ Exacted occupations were made in a-pro­ To all intents it puts armed strategic importance by not inter­ British representative, Sir John used In any case Involving rivll greatly Increased publle demand ish-French attempt to extend toe vening on Finland's side and thus satisfied to have Eire neutral, Chamberlain on toe Russlan-FInn- Nath Daaltr’s, Shtom You to be given a etrlp of tocol atUched to toe peace treaty. Bolshevist sentries inside the Fin­ Mi^ey, or some other British fig­ long os EUre coopemtea in eup- peace was expected in the llberUea," he eeld. "never in any for dogfish as a food by changing „et Karelta on her eaetem tor- area of combat into Scandinavia. Protocol Attached nish home. openi^ up a new arar front which ure. He has difficulty communicat­ Investigation Involving labor or the name to grayflsh. Aamting Facts am Eugimniag They spoke with greatest disdain could be used against not only plles and keepe in check those ele­ use of Commons about 4:30 p.m. in return for an undefli^ but Is/Oeen Cheap In short. It gives too Reds a ing with his government, for cable ments which would take advan­ ' 30 a.m., ea.t.) today. Mean­ subversive activity; and never haa aai 1949 Car VaJat/ Btly narrow atrip of tM of "those buffoons” who thought at doralnatioa which makaa toa Uttla Russia but Germany. This would communication between Eire and while official comment waa with the wire of a senator or member of tbs last moment they could use have been a ^erioua blow to Herr tage of toa war to make difficul­ letbmua directly north- To Peace Treaty Treaty Is Seen rapuUle virtually a dapendancy of Germany goes through London. ties for Britain over toe Irish par­ held. Congress been tapped." ou’ra heard a lot of amas- ot the Ruaalan metropoUe of Finland "the same way they used Soi|^e«fitern Europe Moaoow. Forclbla panatration of Hitler, and by toe same token the Eire haa a legation in Berlin, ing things about Nash. A rrad: teaw or aale to Rueala Rusao-Flnnlsh peace which he baa tition question. Y Poland. i/Wlll be completed by toe lOth of Foreed on Finns Oommunlsm would ba a logical da- now headed by a charge d’affalree. Soma persons suspect, however, ■pedal Bshibit new a t 5000-man Naval base of the •'Fortunately/*- they added, **th# Moscow, March 18— A pro­ ipears to React velopmant. engineered represents a big victory The poet of minister "became 5 Penlneula of Hanko. «»m- Finns proved more sensible than April, 1940. for him over toe AUiea. that German funds find toalr way Nash dsalsr's shows all it < tocol attoched 'to the Ruaslan- The only hopa tba Finns may vacant, by coincidence, Just before into the I. R. A. coffers to keep and how it dooa iti Shews how Bg the entrance to the Qulf the Poles. The whole affair la FInnish peace treaty, outlining toe 8.—The command of both sldek [opefully to W ar End. hava of raUaf from toeaa tarma FhUnfe Doesn’t Mean Olaaster the outbreak of the war. A new anything but honorable for Eng­ undertakes in toe coui;ae of with­ Berne, Swltxeriand, March 18— I don't say that tola failure alive anti-British agitation over C aipenters! tha Weathar Bya works its ma­ pilnliuMl; ceealon to Rueela an methods of Ita fulflllment, follows: would aaam to ba toe poaslbillty of miniater ie said to have been chos­ partition. gic la wiatw. . . how tha ararld's '^ ^ ^ d part of the Rybachl a ^ land and France. These western drawal of troops beyolid the state Budapaat, March 18.—(« —Neu (JPl—TUt Swiss, In toe words of toe AlUed dallvaranca at the and of means disaster for toe AlUes. It en, but the appointment has never u Penlneulee In the Arctic powers totally miscalculated.” The contracting parties flx toe i frontier necessary measures In newspaper Baaeler Nachrichten, certainly doesn't do that. But It Oeanllae Only Balleaed. only Msiilteid fiaalad aaghw trai aoutoeaatorn Europe appeared toe war with Germany. And one been announced. ' Gasoline to toe only commodity Union Q iarter B* exchange of eome lelands In following procedure for toe ceasay towns and localities which pass "learned with consternation" today wondcra whether in their atunned does mean tost a grand opportun­ aad the saw Fourth Ipeed For­ of Finland, and demlU- to rekrt hopefully today to toe of toe Rusplan-Finnlah settlement. Ireland haa no mereantUa ma­ rationed. That to bocauae Biro ward aria Oilssore-Yesesstto tion of hostmtlea and toe wlUt^lthe other side for tbrtr preservi and ahattefed condKion they have ity haa gone forever. rine or Navy, thus to dependent to dependent upon British shipping ., RoOpaned __—9inn of frontiers. Rusalah‘'FlBoUh peace. Many newspapera aaserted tost any hope at all. If their foreign The psychological effect of this E^cpect to Cancel draws! of troops beyond toe state! floh ****■•“' Autoorttatlvs quarters in Hun­ toe treaty waa “forced” on the upon Britain for its trade and eea or sources of supply. Bira haa ■sseslng new Arrow-Flight and prism In the 1848 cfiWd ^The Ftone refused, principally on . »k. tMiaMr.' to safeguard against damage minister, Valno Tanner, speaks for Hitler triumph may awing some ot - protection. its own auppUs* of h uttsr' and SPECIAL Bt of Henko and the frontier establlahed by toe 1 destruction of cities, small toi gary, bordering both toe Soviet Finns. them, they are feeling very de­ toe small neutrals In his direction. ' High Dtolco S«n Extol Join Carpenteni* Local apriaging . . . aaw fiaad-Mortaa Autemebae X-foqr Beck. Yen'B of their carefully bmlt-up Plans of Brigade 1. —Both stdea cease hoetlntlM, structures of defensiveUnion / and and Germany, aaserted that The Nachrichten blamed toe nteat, and now refines a major part -fiouadproflfiag pttedple...naw leara hew, value lar value, Nath serted and alone. It Is too soon, however, to assay The two countries fought a bit­ of ita own angar. rOR At letm Une of defeneee on at noon Marc^ IS, 1940, Leningrad ^ ^(.ouoniic significance (bndgea. the price exacted of toe Flnna waa British-French Allies for being Awful Indtetneot toe full meaning of the develop­ No. 757, A. F. of L. Caavartibit Bad. A lot has hop- easts tarn thaa the lesh Cease la lUrellan Isthmus. time. j dame, aerodromcN, barracks./store. "relatively cheap for ending a alow to aid and hesitating to break ment. We can only say that tola ter trade war which waa settled Irish newspapers have eansor- psasd sinee you lest hmightacar. w m That was an awful indictment two years ago, but hlgh-tarifl ahlp dlfficuluaa aa great as or on. BURNERS Beds Invade Finland London, March 18 — (JP) — The 2. —A one-kllometer (H mile) i honnea, railway Junctions./indue-hopeleaa war," and expreased be­ with Russia. which toe minister made this historic turn of events ia Indeed It win pay you to dMch on vnhMs BshIMt. Deni litl plan to send Ool. Kermit Roosevelt neutral lone will be eetabllahed i trial enterprlacs, telegraph com lief that German influence had * One aectlon of toe press agreed a real "thirteenth of toe month” duUcs eUII exist between them. greater than tboaa in Britain. ’The Meeting, Moose Hall, Oa Nov. 80, the Red Army ta- morning in hia grief. He declared Women of Ireland pay as much censorship to calltd voluntary, but ftidiknd. Itn planes bombart- and an International Brigade of between toe lines of advanced' miinlcationa and power atotlona). been predominant in preventing in­ with the National Zeitung of Baser Finland had agreed to Russia's affair. Brainard Place 5,000 volunteers to aid toe Finns units as from the hour fixed for tervention through the northern which blamed “Swedish treason' duty on a dram from London aa oa toe papers have to bo careful to be instalted on the most Malsinkl and other FinnlM evidently will be cancelled because 7.—All questions which may one from New York. what they. print. Inasmuch aa Just across the border, toe the cessation of hostilities, and In arise in the course of m nafer of countriea by toe British and for the "imposed peace.” 8 p . m . of toe Ruaslan-FInnish peace the course of the first day troop French. The contrast between Eire and many of thsm go into northern generous offer ever made in asUblished at Terljoki localltiea, towns and Mher objec­ Northern Ireland, toe latter stUl a Ireland or Britain. Mesner-Nadi, Inc. **pB0pl6B* OOVBl'RBMnt m twaty- units which in accordance with toe Rumanian officials were confi­ Friday, M arch 15 •It tK tlM .^11 Moat of toe brigade's khaki new sUto frontier find themselves tives mentioned In P^y^agraph No. dent that Germany waa diaauadlng part of Britain and thus alUed with Thia all goes to maka up Erie’s id” under Otto Kuuelnen, 6 of this protocol by one aide to the Scandinavia Sees Peace neutrality. our oil hamer history I 10 Htndaraoa Road PIhnm7268 __ Communist who had been uniformed men—Ciechs, Poles, on territory of the other side shall Russia from any attampt to regain Drastic Changes her In toe war. to striking. Ths Swedes, Auatriana and a handful be withdrawn tor one kilometer. other ahall be settled by repre­ Saaaarabla, at least while Ger­ iilla for SJ year*. of soldiers of fortune from toe two sentatives of both sidea on the spot I M M E ^ U T E f>teinHBg they would Sght to To Stort WItodiswIng Troopa many wants Rumanian oil alid Seen Inevitable With Relief War Ended Americas—still were quartered In for which purpose/ special dele­ gi;ain to withstand the Allied toe factories In Hartford and vi- I faM# xBan if need be, toe plucky London. 3.—The withdrawal of troops be­ gates ahall be apnointed by com­ cinlty for work and told that they INSTALLATION! gyppeslBd to tho noribuiio yond the new state frontier and blockade. Bessarabia went to Ru­ It was expected that Ckilonel mand for each m^n road of move­ mania in the poit-World war set- Elmer W. Feteraon 4^ before help bad arrived from toe School Board would bo given work if they bad of Nations, which prompt- Roosevelt would rejoin toe British the advance of troops of the other ment of both armres. Copenhagen, March 18.—(IP) — western powers," Dagbladet said. some knoeriedge of machine woric, Y O U P A Y lied Soviet RuaMa and aide toward the frontier shall com­ tlementa. Scandinavian political quartera ex- Copenhagen, March 13 — .{/Pt — Army, from which he resigned as & -The exchange of prisoners of Try to Keep Peace Scandinavia received toe Finnish T y p i^ Daniak Oonuaent tow would bo allowed to take the | coordinating aid to Fto' a major to take command of the mence at 10 a.m„ March 15, 1940, preaaed the belief today that dras­ Sets Calendar night course at the school along the whole frontier from the war shall be olfocted in the short­ The southeastern neutral coun­ peace today with reUef that toe A similar view'was expressed in fm n nantrals. Swadan, Brl' volunteers. est possible time after the cessa­ tries appeared generally agreed tic political changes wer< Inevita­ war was over, sadness at Finland's Denmark, ‘^rpleal of Danish presa i The teaching expenae would be | gynnca and other countries Meanwhile, gt toa Ftnnito lega­ Gulf of Finland to LIcksa and at tion of hostlliUcs on the basis of a ble in Finland following conclusion comment, toe Copenhagen after­ paid for ly too state. It NOTHIMG war equipment; the 10 a m., March 16. north of Ueksa. that Germany was trying, to keep of peace wKh Ruasla and that capitulation, and with forebodings THANK tion here money and clothing for special ngrooment. this area peaceful and productive for toe future. noon newspaper E8(strabladet aaid: Next Year Scl|4>ob W ill dedded to allow toe use of too I UNTIL NEXT OCTOBER , States and otoera gava non- compatriot refugees of toe war The withdrawal shall be effected formation of a temporary military Finland sacrificed more for toe school on School atreet for five | by daily marches of not leas than (Here followed the signatures of but that war would have extended government waa likely possibly Talk o ' a northern detenae union i Qofle June 13; Favors continued to pour in. quickly to southeaatem Europe, if in which toe little countries would ! cause of the north countriei by ac- weeka. \ J k M i I 7 kilometers (4.5 miles) In 24 the Rus.slai/-Finnlsh negotiators.) headed by Field Marshal Baron toa worid looked on In ad' the Allies had fought Russia in band together for protectKsi! cepting peace than by conducting With toa care at too Union I I aatoniahmaot Fin-! hours while the advance of troops Gustaf Carl Maimerheim, Finland's Trade School Plan. School out of toe haada of tbo| •No Intsr.st or UUNKIiM«SIIOI KNIlOEKi of toe other aide ahall bo effoctcU Finland. against more powerful neighbors i war. By taking the heavy burden Plnsnea CliBrg- MANCHESTER ona-Sftlato aa populoua as war leader. was bfought out into toe open at peace on bereeU she has pre- hoard a plan vrhlch would provide . os Until Ooto- dit toa invading bofU Terms Frontpagwl In such a way that rear units of ficiebrate With Beer News of the Finnish peace was It waa reported here that two A echoot calendar which will re­ for additional roome in the Robert- I btr 1st. For the epleedld reel ■tore eeavealeaUy Issatod far cask aad oarry i troopa being withdrawn and ad­ received happily In Bulgaria, where Finnish cabinet ministers already with a rush. 1 vented toe Scandinavian countriea at 1881 afola etreet. Ha I took advantoga at anr < ; aala prieaa and to rimm am qfprsclaWep 'a t tMB'i j n stanaitill for montoa. there Is strong pro-Busslan feel- Early editorial comment empba- {from becoming a new theater of sult In closing of toe local schOoto ■on School aad a heating system 1 Om a( toa eddeat wintora in half In Berlin Press vance units of troopa of the other Stockholm, March 13.—(/P)—The had resigned. to be located la toa Robertson side being marched towards the I ing. aised that Finland had made enor-, v-ar.” on June 18,1941, toe earUeat In toe • Tour Coal Ex- ' tnntiig aided Finland's defense Moscow correspondent of the | Finland, it waa said, ia now fac­ moua sacrifices In toe InteresU of { Swedes especially expreased School was considered. To install Dhangad (or olL CONTINUING THESE EXCEEDINGLY LOW PRICES ~ S ln ^ b aoldilsrB killed and new frontier shall be aeparated by 1 Yugoslav newspapers described ing a troubled period of readjust­ history of tot system, waa adopt­ an oil heating system, a tank that a distance not less , ttian 7 kilo-1 Stockholm newspaper Aftonbladets the peace aa "a blow for the Al- peace in toe north. grief for Finland and a developing the freeslng Rueeiena by Berlin, March 13— (/T)- While ment and rehabUltatlon in which In Sweden especially there waa concern that toe peace terms may ed by toe school board at its mast­ would store 8,000 galloaa at oil aad • Praetlcally an FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY OF THIS WEEK the Berlin press frontpaged the meters. describing the signing of the Rus- llOP.” military rule would appear necea- ■ _Vmlnav M^aa. Shawmmam Oeetm^mea’ai ing held last night. to properly brick toe boiler off aad thousands. sian-F''lnnlsh' peace treaty at the The aemi-offlclal Vreroe of Bel­ indication to:;t popular opinion, brlng new threats to Sweden's own S months Trial larly in January the Finns ah- terms of the Ruaaian-FInnIsh 4.—The folUiwlng time limits are aary. safety. Three schedules were presented trovide a fire door, a cost of about Period. fixed for withdrawal In accordance Kremlin, aald the end of hostilities grade aald the Allied offer' of shocked at Uu severity of toe by Superintendent nUng, toe one two great victories:, An- peace without comment today, troops for Finland was "very good terms imposed upon Finland, The proposed new railway to 13,000 was estimated. This would .♦iMi on'the eastern front of they unleashed an attach on Great with paragraph -No. 3 on various was celebrated with a round of which would provide tor a shorter ssparato too present > system of — JUST IN TIME FOR EASTER— beer, the F''lnnlBh delegates drink­ but came too late.” would insist that some guarantee Kemijarvi, In toe center of Fin­ • Inststla tlons _(Soviet U to and 183rd Divielone BriUln and France, charging they sections of the state frontier; be given that Finland will not land, from toe Russian border, 'vacation during the canistmas sea­ heatiag from too boilera ia toe mada In ordar had attempted to prevent an ing with the Rusalans. Si^lln, the Pravda Praises« son, hut would allow for a weak in Union School. It waa figured, la I raetivad. ! 8SJI00 a i^ 18,000 men each. On (A) On the section from the correaj)ondcnt reported, patted Dr. In Great Britain apricot atonca have to fight alone in toe event of making a through Une to Kemi k. 18 they announced toe slaugh- armistice. sources of the TuntsaJokl river. a new attack. across central Finland, especially Fsbruary, when it wna oonsldercd gettiag toe price for toe heater, to J. K. Paaslklvl of the Finnish are manufactured Into face pow­ Peace Policy toe most needed, waa adopted. The provide ouffieieat heat to take care a t toe Ikiviet 18th Division, The B-Z Am MIttag's treatment Kuolajarvl, Takail, the eastern g.'oup on the 'shoulders and paid der; in Germany’ they are made Norway Concerned brought concern to Stockholm. It itanlah/skl troops, with mopU- was typical. In a three-line shore of Lake Joukamo the with­ Norway too was concerned. The was pointed out here, ar In Oslo, ■cbsdule provides for 1S3 days, but of additional rooms in toe aehool | him many coropllmenta. into high exploalvea. in making this ptovtotoa, two more building. If aad when needed. m m nffSsMIng tl^ Soviets dieer streamer across Page One, it aald; drawal of troopa of both aides Oslo newspaper Dagbladet ' said that it may provide toe Rueaiana days than are required by law arc SPEOAL OPENING "England's Vile Play with Fire shall be completed by 8 p.m. that “toe peace conditions made it with direct mlUtary tranaportatton. A further extension at Mx waoks I nbera,Tscraiiipl^**^ * modem Moscow, March 18—(JP)—Pravda, Included. Hito la done to meet any jle. Many mUitqry observere of War In Nortoim Europe Fin­ March 20; Communist party organ, said to­ impoaelble for Finland to resist toward north Sweden. M granted to Principal BaUay, $147.54 toa tong-dreaded might of toe land Was to Become a New Case eventual new Soviet attacks. Seen Safety SaeHdoed amarganey that might artoe wlmn who had been granted six waaka DRY CLBAMID aad B) On the section south of Term s of Finn Peace Treaty day of toe peace treaty with Fin­ It will be nacaanry to eloaa aehool army bad been proven ~ of Poland." KuhomonJemI In the area of Latva, land that “not only toe entire "With a railway to be built to The newspaper Svenska Dag­ leave of aheeneob oorllor in toe | EzpwUr RESHAPED fw ( The article then aaaalled the Keml (on toe Gulf of Bothnia) bladet asks If “toe safety of toa for one day or ao during a bad year. Oamplatoiy Installed the withdrawal of troopa ahall be Soviet people but toe working peo­ ■tom. ■■ haa already taken pteM m k Altlea for offering to Intervene In completed by 8 p. ra. March 22. ple of toe whole world wll) wel­ toe Soviet Army can at any mo­ future has not been sacrificed for iWItk $16 OaOMi T U toe northern war If Finland for­ a momentary peace?" toto ywr during the atorm In Feb­ The board gave much tlm a to | SUITS ■lowly and ponderously, 1940: come with tremendous satisfaction ment cut Finland In two and get Putter disregard for casualties, mally asked for aid. to toe Swedish bolder," said toe •The Swedish government news­ ruary. Tba cloAg at tha school in consideration at ialarlca. Follow- (Bba'fi 2 (M S-PidM) (C) On the section of I.A>ngrnv- this new triumph of toe Soviet early June in 1841, wlU ba ana day lag too cnatom of paytiurteadmn THIS OIL BURNER MUST ovarwhelmhtg Russian man policy of peace. paper. "The whb’e south of Fin­ paper SoctaMemokraten said that Delegation Leaves Moscow aara, Vartalll and the station of land win be defenseleaa by losing “only a defense alliance in life and aorllsr »»««" tha schools will close aa lacrsoae onch year. $75 n yanr sr finally penetrated toe Man Matkaselka, the withdrawal of "The task which the Soviet gov­ this year, ■■ ths present school 4m line of defenses on the ernment set Itself have been solv­ toe Mannerhelm Une fortifications death between toa northern coun- la moat cases ia tot grades, and BE GOOD OR WE WOULD Stockholm, March 18.—(JP)—Ad­ troops of Ijoth sides ahall be com­ and in toe Russian doeupatlon of trica can give all even a relatlva year eaUa for n eloaing on Juno 14, $100 to $160 la the hteh school, ANY eUan Isthmus. pleted by 8 p. m. March 26, 1940: ed ,P ra v d a declared. "The aecuri- which to axpeetad to m in ample COATS ■warms of Russian bombers, vices received here today said that ty of our northwestern state fron- Hanko." feeling of aafety for Um future too astinintod antery bUI for the (HAUghtwaiilil) most of the Finnish peace delega­ (D) On the section of Matcaa- 'Hiis paper observed that "this ia which we are unable to procure aa tone to allow toa ehUdren to n t next budget wnnid ba $$M JM , or NEVER Dare Blake Thia Offer 600 or more at . a time. selka station and KoJtaanlahtI, the Uer and in particular the eecurity Into toa fielda to pick atmwbarnaa eUesaly devastated nearly tion had left Moscow en route of Leningrad—toe world's greatest a very hard peace, but under the Magic states." It continued: $5,515 morn than last yOar, an hi- home by way of Riga and Stock­ withdrawal of troopa shall be com. present conditions It wna toe best *We do not believe in the dura­ it havina baaa found that to bold eraaae at $45 par eaaC This will city and .hamlet In Finland, pitted by 8 p. m., March 22, 1940; working claaa center—has been ful- aehool during tha aaaaon whan ba given further eeaaldaratlon at 'for gb. not a single important holm, but that Dr. Juho K. Paaal- ensured." eolutloB." bility of toe new peace, and we do klvl, ex-ptepBler. was remaining (E) On the section, of Kojtsan- “If Finland had continued the not believe In peace guarantees ■trnwharriea are being pielnd has tha April maatlag, ao dodsien be­ ica yen pay n penny. Wa ■a hnrnar. Nat anly DRESSES community yet had fallen a bod affect on tha attendance. 5 H O U R (PkiB OlW-PidM) > Russian hands. for the time being to handle final lahti and Enso station, the with­ Rivers flow from toe seacoaat war. Germany m i|ht have fnnn a power which has .dismem­ ing raadwd by tha board last lartad tsdih 188 baraera an yen pay aiHriag atU drawal of troops shall be complet­ bered and vtolenced a free people." Teras Neat Fsfi night Thera ware three apaelal lia apaelal affer — whMi la n sn tM Z ro m i bat Finally, after three montoa of details of the aettlement. toward toa interior la Australia. In and taken the whole of fin - Under toe calendar adt^tod laat Service Available bad depleted Finland's man- ed by 8 p. m. Mgroh 25,1940; In general, however, Swedish re­ laa that wan dlacuaaad, but trtal wHh na la 1 days m fi- All articlea fnlljr inanred at no extra coat to yon. War Dommnalqae Brief (F) On the section of Enao ata- action was that of evident relief, night tha te rn next fall will open MS, Uk* nU of toa other 158 Jaat 18 are latt, wMek ptavaa and supplies peace negotla- oa Wsdnsaday Septamber 4 aad eases, win net ba dlspoaed at uaUl | M g p *• to y were started behind the tlon and the Island of Bate toe that toa immediate threats to r waa m prspsri SinaU AddM onal Our PLEDGE to tha PUBLIC Neutral Sweden acted as Moscow, March 13—(F)—Today's withdrawal of troops shall be com­ Sweden's neutrality had been re­ tha achools will ba cloaad oa Octo- tha maaUag in April. that waa aa gen- eaal anpply win ba < If aw QmdNy al Onr WathnmMMp b Nat Aa nna Aa Any Tan bw 85. November 11, November 38, Juat bmora adjourament at I tor ail. I intermediary. war communique of the headquar pleted by 8 p. m. March 19. 1940. Believe Peace Will Not moved. ■a halpinl la hav- C h a r g e Htol — A t ANY PAaa DONW rA V t Red Troops to Evsrnate The peace terms came most bit­ (Thanluglvlng Day) and oa No- 10:30 toa hoard voted to ask too tog_ bsuner bant !»> Wa had Jwt IW VBANB- Rananber: Just one week ago a Finnish ters of the Leningrad military area voatbar 38. Tto schooto will eloaa poUeo oomnalsaloners to lavcatl-1 ation headed by Premier said merely: "Nothing of Inymrt- 5.—Elvaciiatlon of Red Army terly to Swedish Activists, who had yanr heme ^ U N tTBClAL (ML BURN- YOU BE THE JUDGE! troopa from the area of Prtaamo for tha CSirtotmaa vaeatlen en Dt- gat* toe traffic eendltloa at Hoi- ■ ewn or rent Rytl went to Moscow to snee at the front." X.. Affect Loan to Finland campaigned for active Swediah In­ Bator aad Sunuslt atroeto, whan I Ruasia's new offer—al- tervention in toe war. This gronp eamhar M and reopen on Monday, HI Lmundry Special!! aasi now is to continue its entrgies to­ Paramhar 30. many e< the toOdian attaedlng toe I la n aa. Wa r». ugh Russian leaders had aald TiMra trill alee be a aebool HeUlaer atraat aehool. ereas Sum-1 Wa amka tola ^foetal affer ADDITIONAL SPECIALS! never would deal with any Washington. March 18.—(g)—«iah lllnlatzy of Bcooomlca who Is ward securing financial and other the tIgM to — hart on an official mlaaion dla- help for Finland In the task of're­ ■Ion on Tnesday, December 81, mit s tre e t at an ■■mahigly law ptiee, a a * r nfto r IN , government other than the The belief prevailed in the eapttal but there wUl be a holiday on Jan­ r wa are la tha foal ■■ they toemaelvea had set up at Sweden Urges Defense today that Ruaso-FInnlah peace cloacd that tba AUlos would like to construction. SKIRTS extend their blockade into the uary 1,1841, aeboole reopening on rinmnl Frankly — to get SHIRTS 9^ would not affect the recent $80,> January 3, 1841. The next i^a- ire paeple to kny qnnaiy Today. while Britain and France 000,000-loan to Finland by T te Pacific ao as to cut off American Texas Convicts SWEATERS 4NECKTI^ shipments of war auppUea to Rua- Uon pcriodrwUl he from Fahruniy ■one FR A N K liN FUffiL BnatifaDy Laaaddtdd nr u na or f o u b to Im ready to rush' 60.- Union to Insurd Peace B x^rtrlm port Bank, but would Experts to Aid OIL. Falranengh? Wbgira aohUeri to defense ^ Finland, enable toe mousy to ba uaad in 31 to Marth 8. Tha Spring Cut Off Le^ l aad Ezptrtljr IriMdd Bagnlar 18e! Finnish leaders chose a galling raeonatouctlttg toe war-toen eoun- The British', expert, lYnak Ash- (Ceea trill atart on April 10, the B L O U S E S *!SiA TSSSS. ' Matching Swedish optimism was toa-Owatkia. told raportera that On Appointment oehoola to reopen on Monday. n A N K L W S n M X A L (ML Stockholm, March IS — ( ^ -H try. ■ April 31 aad will continue Jn reg­ BUBNEB—nt n ridicniowly CiHaplPto Bachtlor Serried THOROUGHLY CLEANSED AND RE-SHAPEDI The terms gave Ruasla all the From toe welter of Swedish press resentmenF. openly expreased, Formal comment oa the Soviet toa AUlea bMlaved a large portion HuntavUle, Tex., March 13—(ffi l lyenbny fnel Isthmus, including the In- comment on the Flnnlsh-Ruwfian that the British-French aUles, announcement of a troato ending of the war materlala-HMpeclally ular seasione until eloaing for toe O. J. a. Emagton, general mans-1 war climax there emerged today a through an llto hour offer of an tin, a a p e a t and gnaoUne-^now /be­ Hartford. March 18.—(ffi—Out­ summer on June 18, with toe ex­ ger at toa Testae prison system, | ntthaetand- ' yanr ardar to city of 'Vllpurl. all the toe Baltic EBN n U N B U N to Russia were, polnt- terial ,and help the Finne could negotiators wars generaUy sup­ inations. In Manrtititir last weak posed to have been given govern­ Aa one high official said ■bow that total■1 Amerleaa exports ■FECUL whBa the Finns won not have held out as long as they yestaeday, "Finland wiB need n lot to RuaMa dacreaaad I f par e w t Thia procedure has been agreed plan vrna propeasd to allear the — da H M la aanet: A Trial Order Will Convince You! victorias. The Soviet did and added, “Sweden must ment approval before they signed jMm by Governor Baldwin and use (ff tba local trade aehool for toe treaty. of thinga whether the war goes en last year, dropping to 8o8.838.000 night MMlM to asMat thaaa lUcal leadere won at the stand side by side with Finland or not." from I00.001.o5o to 1888. January toe Personnel Advteory .Commit­ A. R. WiDde WE BBaBBVE THE BIGHT TO m aC O NTMTOB Tfl JUmamhar Ottr Slogan tablea an that with aU resources, including mill- Delay in making toa official lU regard to the dlplomatie axporta. however, Miow an incrcnac tee. State Treasurer Joseph B. ■Sjtot ba glvaa woefc In tha OFFBB AFTEB THE OBfiUNAL IN BUBNBBB HAVE A nay had faUau to selae tary." announcement at Helsinki was anglea of the Ruaao-Ftnnish war. (Iw ^y to eppper am. moUI- Ihlbott. one of toe five members, dfina ■hopa in Hartford, tha board ItWakwSt. Tdl8.18S BEEN INUTAIXCD. af arms. The Dagens Nyfaeter aald toe credited to "technical reasons." toa State Dapartmant has shown a w eraag naachtomy) to $.3,080,000, said totov* voted to grant tbia uaa and to pay DONT GET “IN DUTCH” thS Vtana got paaea war had demonstiated toe limlta- There waa even one report that tendency to wdd ttaslf aloof. 8tm- a- agatost fSJOO.OOO la January, tba ooat at light bant aad Janitor, aC gISOJNK) a year rent tiona of RuaelaB mlUtary power Dr. Jubu Paastkivi had attended a Map Indicates highspots of toe Soviet-Finn peace treaty a n n ^ ^ to Uarly. n Sonata ForelgB RdaUens 1880. fjrharht On flpnlal rilsrlin trbleb It waa aatlmalad, wnoid coat Paitairiied MDi -— GO TO HOLLAND and toe worth of Finnish arms, closed meeting of toe Helsinki Moscow. In toe large circle (J) are the Karrilan lethmua, Wpuri and Subcommittee voted recently to Exports of otrptonaa and parts Stockholm, March 18.—


WEDNESDAY^ MARCH 18,1940 will occur at fairly frequent toter- than w en reperte i I Measles Cases valA recurrences, ton "Mandl Irish Neutrality Is Sourced Hoover Always- Opposed Moodiis Noises One such ooeaslan eSBM. last had not been benri tm Show Increase night while about 400 East Rad- four yenn. Neutral Zone Finland Signs Treaty Rumble Again dam clttoena were aaeembled at Of Pride and Amusement / Wire-Tapping Practice the annuel town meettog ',ta tbe town house to Little Haddam, C ham m ade Hartford, March 18. — (P) — A Follows Truce Town Hall Shakes D i ^ about two miles from Moodus. Dublin, March 18.— (Corrtspihi- enight train from Bolffw^ to Dublin, sharp increase In measles cases in Washington, March 13.—(P)—J.* Ms said that wire taps never had HaU Sbakes Twn Mtoetaa E n jo y s With Pistol at Head dence of The Associated Press)— ' for Instance, runs with dim blue Connecticut, with most of the new Edgar Hoover said today that uses I ‘•'J* “ "'y ing Annual Meeting at Eleven of tbe 18 Items ta tbe Retreat o f Finns WHlj Ireland’s (Elra’a) state of neutral!- lights and drawn blinds until it cs^s in New I^ndon countyof wire tapping by hie G-Men have | to JunriOM, hi* ro' ting’s “caU” bad been dlepoeed of'and a heated debate on wbetber ty in the currant war la a aourca ' reaches tha Ehre border—then the reported yesterday by been "few and far-between." Little Haddatn. The Chemtnade Begin Friday on South-1 Peace Is Honorable B e - , te m j ^ a e ^ o t of both pride and amuaement to Its lights go on and tha blinds go up. fused to endoree legislation pro­ to appropriate money for a high I Health Department. Interviewed after the Senate In- | posed to legallae wire tapping evi­ held a dellghtfiri cause of Brave Finn ' faith m the promlaea of o th ^ ” citizens. I Belfast Is blacked out like London. There were 238 cases of measles East Haddam, March IS.—(P )~ ■chooiNgymaastiuB was to progrsas gram at (3snter ehunh eastern Front. In tha first place, it’s unique for Dublin had a brief taste of the terstate Commerce Committee | dence. when a sharp blaet was heard, ap­ day aofteraeoB, a i n • a an « i Not only haa Finniab independ- In the state for the week ending recommended yesterday a general j Senator Norris (Ind., Neb.) ex- Ths "Moodue Nolaes" ere rumbling pi^ef oa Defenae of Freedom ' autfend uiua grievouaiy, but eoutbern Ireland to be neutral to a bUckout at tha beginning of the March 8, as compared aith 150 parently tomtog from m l Tom In poiwr batog rend ] Barlln, Blarch 18.—<0— A t>. war tovolvtog Great Britain. For war—apparently at the bebeet of Inquiry Into wire Upping by Fed- pretoed the opinion that a con- again, and It's juat possible that the M ood ^ section, end the town AUtoter. Guest N. B., German newa agency, dia- In Farw n f Hnww O rlda i >>«' Induatrial life haa been^vra a P^v^c piflc7 agencies, i greaslonat Investigation of wire in race oi nnge ^ o s. .et-back. wben om boi- centuries the Irish have been flght- the British who feared tha lights of New MhdOT alone reported 130 ^ drolared that he consist- ' they can take credit for tbe new hall shook fw a good two minutes. fundahed BehiAert imtch from lloacow today reported tog Witb or against the British. might serve as a guide for German tapping was not needed as far aa $80,000 gynuieslum Nathan Hale Somebody \auggestad that it eluded Je _ ___ Bheulrta take over the Wg •'UyjJF cases, Md ^w catu ck In that; opposed the practice. I the FBI was concerned, and voiced I hat a neutral aone one kilometer By Dewitt Mackeniie and manufacturing center of VU- Now this state that calls Itself a aircraft, seeking Britain. But Uie High school here te going to get. would be a good Idea to put the Bartel and Ruaaell WUm a J wide (flve-eIgbU of a mile) waa free and independent nation main. public grumbled and tha lights ***** t ,4 I .u ! he said, he originally concern that an inquiry might be Off end on since Colonial days gymnasium mattqr to a vote end tin pupils of Robert DaoT Tht A*«oetaled Press aatabliabed between the Ruaaian The treaty which tiny Fin- i puri iviborgi they wiu juat about Declines were noted in other I by tbe Federal' uaed for political purpooes. have pulled the engine out of the tains officially It has no sympathy came______back on,_____ though_ street lamps common d^asea. Diphtheria bf toveitlgaUon three ; there have been queer earth tre­ then get out of Um*. The moder­ ran Wood aoeoeepanled- e Soviet dicUted treaty and Finniah front tinea immadi- Isnd has signed with s pistol "We’re too close to a prest- mors and rumbling noises center­ ator agreed, the epproprtaUon S Finnish machine. with either side to the present con- I gre fitted with'cowls to mliil CMea dropped from four to tbrre. „,ontha before a Supreroa court tba piano. indinir the invasion of Fin- ataly after the oeasaUon of hoe- her hesd is an “honorable filet. Despite deep-seated griev- | the glare. lobar pneumonia from 90 to 70. l!jrnAritv” rriUolz^~thV nVactlro dential election to expect a fair In- ing around Moodus, a small com­ passed 190 votea to 150 with no Mrs. Benjanria EM Beyond the crushing of Finland, more debete and the OUleene hur­ In d after 105 blood-drenched “**“*•• _ . . . peace,” S8 no one can gainss.v the peace terms may have far* ancesthat still exist here, however, Exit Permit Bequired scarlet fever from 82 to 69. and crltlUxed the practice in vestlgatlon by Congress," be said munity to this town. Oeologlata Mias JeoBle OowUng w< most people concede that the ma­ Norris haa protested to Attorney have talked learnedly about faults ried off home. \ to be praaent but tbq i B inflicts a costly peace on ______-'< »■ her brave defense of reaching effects on the rest of Eu­ To travel direct from Britain to whooping cough from 53 to 20. Betostoted la 1081 tb€ rcfflcniB wltmn tumr m w . « t ,*.1. .« ^ jority of Ireland’s public sympa- Eire requires a British exit permit. General Jackson what he termed below the earth’s crust and what The tremor was felt aa n r away tba program waa earrtad . Finns at a price far high- , Ised Oerm«n lource* beamed V»tb fronUe^ fixed by the treaty. D. N. freedom in the face of over-' n>P«rope. PosseoBlon of the entire The system was reinstated In not, but folks hereabouts juat call aa East Hampton, about seven lanned and greatly KareUan Isthmus with iU Manner- thizes with the British-FI'ench None Is required to go from north­ Mine Union Clerk Die* ‘inhuman. Indecent and unlawful" B. reported, will begin Friday at 101 whelming odds would render cauoea—or. as some put it, opposes ! 1031, Hoover said, on instructions treatment of persona arrested by the phenomenon the' "Moodua miles from here, where aome resi­ e more than SO activn helm line, the great Naval base of ern to southern Ireland, and when to BC..,.along the entire line be' any terma honorable so far as dicUtorshlpa. the Belfast blackout becomes too Indianapolis. March 1 3 - (;p> -- from Attorney General Mitchell ' FBI agents to Detroit to an Inves­ notaea" and let It go at that dents aald their houses awayed ■odated menben prase Ita terma, they aald, Were “In Hanko. together with other stra­ Eire’s neutrality Is one of para­ tigation of Spanish recruiting. Sometimes they are not heard or allghtly. aodal time with Juat proportion to the yeacrlficea tween the Gulf of Finland and she is concerned. tegic conccselons, makes the Mus­ trying Its residents take a run John Wllaon, 86. for 22 years chlrt ilic’s soil. Ueaka, on the main eoutbeaatem doxes and oddities. Thai govern­ down to Dublin for a bright week­ clerk of the United Mine Workers; ^ But I think that wHI be reme­ felt for years and then again they Up until a week or ao age, when lowed the must emit. Last Oct. B the Soviet leader*, made and In juat proportion to the Finland need have no fear the covites masters of the whole ment of Prime Minister Eamon De died without any action of con- needa and receaaltle^which cer­ front. end. C?ustoma Inspection la main­ of America, died yesterday. Both whv with the bew hegemony North of Ueaka tha Flnna will world wlU think aught than that nqrthern Baltic region. Valera tries hard to show complete John L. Lewis, chairman of the'I $reaa.grena. he explained, asaa to whywny one greas," Norris aald, VI have lota of their Implied thraata had tain aUUa In large^vlng apacea' ahe haa made a magnificent fight Comnmnlem Peril Near tained at the border, but It Is not branch of the JuaUce Department atari abandoning aU ceded terri' impartiality In the war, but phyal- rigid. Congrews of Induatrial Organiza­ faith to the attorhey general, and gained over tha Baltic coim- have a right to claim.” tory at 10 a. m. Saturday. to the utmoet Umlt of her ability. The threat of the spread of cal factors keep throwing up used wire tapping'and another did don't believe be will let such ot Batonla, Latvia and Uth- Tbeae aourcea /alao expreaaed Pact Terrible One Oommunloro, which Sweden and People of Eire look across tbe tions. and William Green, Ameri­ Bede to Move Forwaai obstacles. border into northern Ireland, con­ can Federation of Labor president. not. things go on to hla admtototratton. , damandad almllar concea- opinion that the/treaty, aa algned While the Flnna are withdrawing Having------eald that, however. It Norway have been fearing, now Is Nazi Envoy LoaMy Flgnro Fines Its reinstatement, Hoover ‘T o my mtod, wire tapping or from Finland, at Moecow, oo^Ututed no danger ThIa la a view of the harbor of Vllpurt, third city of Finland and an Important GuU of Finland port, which very near to them. It la nsfrer to gratulate themaelves on being out­ sent messages of regret. added, wire tapping haa been limit­ to their new frontlera, the Rua^ muat ba recorded that the pact la The German minister, FMward side the war, smile amusedly at uae of recording machines to not jlnaa Triad Ta Negotiate to Flnnlah Uvjhg apace. goea to tha Sovleta under the peace treaty announced In Bioacow, a very terrible one tor he Finne. the rest of Europe, for that' mat­ ed to specific cases of auch crimes nearly ao vicloua or bad as the Wanr but diplomatic, the Flnna ASIed raUww Maaa ate to move forward, the Hempel, still functions to Dublin, their own type of neutrality, and Await Chamberlain Talk Bigber Car-L ower Prii ter. newa agency announoed. It etripe them ot atrategle ter­ yet he Is a lonely figure. If be at­ as kidnaping, extortion and "fla­ practice of third degree methode," ‘ 1 to negotiate, and the Rua- Autborii^ eourcea further Held The Anglo-French AlUes have wonder If it can last. grant white slavery." D. N. R aald the provlalona for ritories end renders them Impotent tends any public functions, be la Moat persons apparently think London, March 13 — (F) — A propoaal Snally boiled doom to that concKialon of the peace In the metter of defense. missed an opportunity of great marked ^lu r e of a no-called Brlt- the neutral cones and the Russian almost certain to encounter tbe it can. They aay Britain la well .statement by Prime Minister "Wire Upa never have been The U. S. Bureau of Fisheries Sptrisl ExIMt, Horn at fenr Price Exacted To all Intents It puts armed strategic Importance by not Inter­ uaed to any case Involving civil _n d to be given a atrip of Ish-Fivneh attempt to extend the occupations were made in a pro­ British represtnUUve, Sir John aatlsfied to have Eire neutral, so (Jhamberlato on the Ruaalan-FInn- greatly Increased public demand tocol attached to the peace treaty. Bolahevlat aentriea inside the Fin­ vening on Finland’a side and thus Ubertles," he said, "never to any Mask DmUr’s, Sksm Tea Karelia on her eaatem bor- area jot combat Into Scandinavia. Protocol Attached opening up a new war front which Maffey, or aome other British fig­ long as Eire cooperates to oup- ish peace was expected to tbe for dogfish aa a food by ehangtog In return for an undefined but ly apoke with greateat dtadaln nish home. ure. He has difficulty communicat­ plles and keeps to check tkooe ele­ House of Commons about 4 ;30 p.m. Investigation Involving labor or the name to grayflsh. Amaaiag farts aa £agiawrfa$ Is Seen Cheap In short, it givea the Reds a could be used against not only ing with his government, for cable subversive activity, and never has ,0y narrow atrip of the of/thoae buffoona” who thought at Ruaaia but Germany. This would ments which would take advan­ (10:30 a.m., es.t.) today. Mean- amd U49 Car Valw/ ■»« la^mua directly north- domination which makea the little communication between Eire and tage (ff the war to make difficul­ whils official comment waa with­ the wire of a aenator or member of laat moment they could uae To Peace Treaty Treaty Is Seen republic virtually a dependency of have been a aerioua blow to Herr of the Ruastan matropoUa of Inland "the name way they uaed Germany goes through London. ties for Britain over the Irish par­ held. Conifress been tapped, ' ou’ve heard e lot of ernes Southeasteni Europe .n J * * • I Moecow. Forcible penetretlon ot Hitler, and by the same token the EUre has a legation In Berlin, lag thing, about Neib. A wd: laaae or aale to Ruaaia Poland. Rusoo-Flnnieh peace which be haa tition question. Y 'oOO-man Naval baae of thk “Fortunately,” they added, “the Moacow. March 1S-(F)—A pro- j will ba completed by the 10th of rorced on rinns (jommunlam would be a logical de- now headed by a charge d’affaires. Soma persons auspect, however, Special Bahiblt now at your Appears to React velopment. engineered represents a Mg victory The post of mtotater 'became Peninaula of Hanko, e Flnna proved more aenslble than tocol attoched to tha Ruaaian- April, 1040, for him over the Allies. that German funds find their way Nodi dealar'e thoma alt It dom g the entrance to the Gulf 6. —The command of both sides The only hope the Finns may vacant, by coincidence, just before Into the I. R. A. coffers to keep and how it does iti Show* how the Polen. The whole affair te Flnnlah peaca treaty, outlining tha Hopefully to W ar End. have of relief from these terms Falinre Doesn’t Mena Disaster gPliilaiMl;' ceealon to Ruaaia. anything but honorable for Bhig- undertakes In thf course of with­ Berne, Swttxertand, March 18— the outbreak of the war. A new alive anti-British agitation over the Weather Bye work, its ma­ methods of Ita fuIfiUmcnt, followa: would oeem to be the poaalbiUty of I don’t say that this falliu* minister Is aald to have been chos­ ed part of the R y b a ^ and land and France. Theae western drawal of troopa beyond tha state Budspast, lu rch 18.—(S ^ N eu (P)—The Swtaa, In the wordo of the means disaster for the Allies. It partition. Carpenters! gic in wintw. . . how the werld’t The contracting parties fix the Allied deliverance at the end of en, but the appointment has never MORE Penlnaulaa In the/Arctic powera totally mlacalculated.” frontier necessary measures In certainly doesn’t do that. But it Oasollse Only Batlenad. ONLY only Mwritold-awdei eogkw _ ; eaebange of aome^landa In tral southeastern Europe appeared war with Germany. And one been announced. following procedure for the eeaaa-' towna and localities which peas to atunned does mean that a grand opportun­ Gaaoltoa Is ths only eommodi Union Charter end the new Fourth Speed Fer- ® ilf of Finland, and demill- to react hopefully today to the Iraland haa no marcantUa ma­ rationed.. That is iMcausa B ln Uon of hoatlUtlea and the with-' the other side for their preserva­ and shattered condition they have ity has gone forever. i-- werd win Oilmore-Yeeen^ _.tioo of frontlors^ tion and take aultable measures Ruaalan-Flnnlah peace. Many newspaper* aaeerted that rina or Navy, thus Is dependent la dependent upon British riilpptog Re-Opened Tlw Flnna refuaad, principally on Expect to Cancel drawal of troopa beyond the atate i any hope at all. If their foreign The psychological effect of thia upon Britain for lUJtrade and sea to safeguard against damage and Authoritative quartera la Hun­ the treaty waa “forced” on the Hitler triumph may owing aome of or aourcea of supply. Birs has amaslag new Arrow-Flight end prtem totho 1848 oSMal It of Hanko and tha proj»««> frontier eaUbllahed by tha treaty: j ndnUter, Valno Tanner, apeaka for protection. Its own supplies of butter' and f b a n k l im s p e c ia l destruction of cities, small towna gary, bordarlag both the Soviet Finns. them, they are feeling very de­ the small neutrals In hla direction. Join Carpentera* Lo<»1 ^ringing. . . new Sand-Mortea AutemebSe X-Ray Bosk. Yon'S of tballr carefully btult-up Plans of Brigade 1. —Both sides ceaae hoatllltieeand atnicturea , of defensive and Union and Germany, aeaerted that The Nachrichten blamed the High Dotlsa Btm E xM meat, and now refines a major part _ helm lin e of defenaea on serted and alone. It Is too soon, however, to eosay ^SoundproeSng principla,, • new Item hew, value kw value. Neeh at noon March IS, 1940, Leningrad economic aignifleanee (bridges, the price exacted of the Flnna waa British-French AlUea for being the full meaning of the develop­ The two countries fought a bit­ of Its own sugar. No. 757, A. of L. Cenverriblt Bed. AIrthaihep. eoela len then the recL Cime In KaiVUan lathmus. time. I Awfnl ladtctmeot Irish newspapers have censor- dams, aerodromes, barracks, store, “ relatively cheap for ending a elow to aid and besiUting to break That was an awful Indictment ment. We can only say that thia ter trade war which was settled peneddneeyottleetboughtaeer. — ehedi thiee toeie. tee the NASH Invade Finland London, Ifarch 18 — W — The 2. —A one-kilometer (H mile)houses, , railway junctions. Indus­ hopelesa war," and expressed be­ with Ruaaia. two years ago, but hlgh-tariff ahip dlfficulUas os groat as or OlL BURNERS plan to aend Col. KermIt Rooacvelt which the minister made this historic turn of events Is Indeed It win pay you to cheek on vekwe BkhlML Dm!7ndMi»l 80, the Red Army to- neutral zone will be establtahed | trial enterprises, telegraph com­ lief that German Influence had ' One aectlon of the preae aneed a real “thirteenth of the month” duties sUII exist between them. greater than tbooa to Britain. *1116 Meeting, Moose Hall, and an International Brigade of morning In bla grief.. He declared censorahip Is called voliutary, but Ita planea bombard* )>etweon the lines ot advanced munications and power stations). been predominant In preventing In­ with the National Zeitung of Basel Finland had agreed to Russia’s affair. Women of Ireland, pay aa much ^ -I and other Finniah 5,000 volunteer* to aid the Flnna units aa from tha hour fixed for tervention through tha northern which blamed “ Swedish treaaon' duty on a d rM from London as on the papers have to ba careful to be installed on the^ most Brainard Plaee evidently will be Cancelled becauae 7. —All questions which may what they print, inasmuch as * 9 2 9 acrnai tha border, the the cessation of hoatlUtlea, and In arise in the course of transfer of countries by ths British and for the “Impoeed peace.” ona from New York. naUbllabed at Tertjokl a of tha Ruaalan-Flnnlah peace the course of the first day troop French. The contrast betwsen Eire and many of them go Into northern generous offer ever made in 8 p. m. \ttSiaagaa,: treaty. localities, towna and other objec­ Ireland or Britain. Messior-Nash, he. , "Peoplea' Oovemment of units which In accordance with the tives mentioned In Paragraph No. Rumanian officlala were confi­ Northern Ireland, the latter stlU a M A S M C I M . _d" under Otto Kuuainen, Bloat of the brlgada'a khaki new state frontier find themselves dent that Germany waa dissuading This oil goes to make up Erie’s Friday, March 15 6 of this protocol by one side to the Scandinavia Sees Peace bart of Britain and thus alUed with 10 Htndtraoa Road PIn n n 7S58 hb Oommunlat who had been uniformed men—Ciecha, Polea, on territory of the other aide ahall Russia from any attampt to regain Drastic Changes her to the war, la otrtktog. The neutrality. oar oil burner history! NOWMWA SWadea, Auatriana and a handful be withdrawn for one kilometer. other shall be settled by repre­ B»r 8J yearn. sentatives of both sides on the spot Beaaarabia, at least while Ger­ of solifiara of fortune from the two many wonts Rumanian oil and f w>iariiig they would fight to Americaa—atm were quartered In To Start Withdrawing Troops for which purpose special dele­ Seen Inevitable With Relief War Ended IMMEDUTE / - If need be, the plucky 3. —The withdrawal of troops be­gates shaM be appointed by com­ grain to withstand the Allied tho factories In Hartford and vl- London* blockade. Bessarabia went to Ru­ cinlty for work and told that they INSTALLATION! appealed to the moribund It waa expected that Colonel yond the new atate frontier and mand for each main road of move­ t of Nationa, which prompt. the advance of troops of the other mania In the post-World war set­ a:iwi»r w . Fetersoa ^ before help had arrived from the School Board would be given work If they bad Rooaevelt would rejoin the Britiah ment of both armies. . Copenhagen, March 18.—(O — MBM knowledge of machine work, YO U PA Y mmaUed Sovtat RuanU and Army, from which he realgtied aa side toward the frontier shall com­ tlements. Scandinavian political quarters ex­ Copenhagen, March 18 — (S’) — i weatern powera," Dagblodet said. adcoordlnatlng aid to Fin- 8. —The exchange of prisoners of Try to Keep Peace Scandinavia received tbe Finniah I T y p t^ Danisb Cemmeat they would be allowed to'take the a major to take command of the mence at 10 a.m., March 16, 1040, war shall be effected In the short­ pressed tbe belief today that dras­ Sets Calendar Hum nnutrala. Bwadan, Bri- volunteer*. along the whole frontier from the The aoutheaatern neutral coun­ tic political changes wert inevita­ peace today with reUef that the' A almlUr view waa expreosed In n l^ t course at the school nnnea and other eountriaa Gulf of Finland to Uekaa and at est possib'c time after the ceaaa- tries appeared ^ generally agreed war was over, sadness at Finland’a | Denmark, '^rplcal of Danish press The teaching axpenee would be Bfeanwhlla, at tha Finniah lega lion of hostilitioa on the basis of a ble In Finland following conclualon mi war aquipmant; the 10 a.m., March 16. north of Uekaa. that Germany was trying to keep capitulation, and with forebodings i comment, tbe Oopenbagen after- paid for I v tha state: It * NOTHING tlon here money and clothing for special agreement. of peace wUh Ruaaia and that THANK BUtea and othera gave non- compatriot refugeea of the war The withdrawal shall be effected this area peaceful and productive formation of a temporary military for the future. ! noon newspaper E^trabladet aald: Next Year Schools WiU decided to aUow the use of tbe UI4TIL NEXT OCTOBER aid. by dally marchei of not lesa than (Here followed the signatures of but that war would have extended Talk o ' a northern defense union "Finland oacrificed more for the school on School street for continued to pour in. Rovernment waa likely possibly Q o8 0 June 13; Favors Wt€kUi. the world kxdied on In ad- 7 kilometer* <4.6 miles) In 24 the Russlan-F'InnIsh negotiators.) quickly to southeastern Europe If headed by Field Marshal Baron In which the Uttle countries would cause of the north countriet by ac- the Allies had fought Russia In band together for protection , ceptlng peace than by conducting with the care of tha Ualan ■ and asUndahmaat, Fin* hours while the advance of troops Gustaf Carl Mannerhelm, Finland’s Trade School Plan. •No InterMt or aUfSmeth aa populoua m of the other aide shall be effected Finland. against more powerful neighbors. war. ^ taUnt, the heavy burden School out of the beads of the PInane, Charx- Terms Frontpageil war leader. board a plan which would provide MANCHESTI In such a way that rear units of Celebrate With Beer Newa of the Flnnlah peace was was brought out Into the open of peMe onjheraelf ahe has pra- Until Octo. fought tha Invading hoaU It was reported here that two A echool calendar which will re­ For tho aplandld rooponoe aoeordod tho opening of onr now plani nnd rotal) . m atandirall for mentha. troopa being withdrawn and ad­ received happily In Bulgaria, where witb a rush. vented the Scandinavian countries for additional roome to the Robert­ bar lat. ^ Finnish cabinet mlnlatera already sult to cloatog of tha local schooU son School and n heattog system at 1881 Main otnoL Hkndroda o f ...... took advnntngo ot oar ; On* aC tha eoldeat wlntera In baU In Berlin Press vance unite of troops of the other Stockholm, March 13.~(/P)—The there la strong pro-Rusalan feel­ had resigned. Ehirlyrly ededitorial comment empha- from becoming a new theater of aided Ftaland'a defenae side being marched towards the ing. sised that Finland bad made enor- I'mr." on Juna 18,1841, the earUeet to the to be located to tbe Robertson nTour Coal Ex- Moacow correspondent of the Finland. It waa said, Is now fac­ School was oonolderod. To toatall rinnlah adldiara killed and new frontier shall be separated by Yugoslav newspapers described ing a troubled period of readjust­ mous sacrifices in- the Interests of Swedes especially expressed hletoiy of the eyetem, wae adopt­ shangad tor ell, CONTINUING THESE EXCEEDINGLY LOW PRICES tha freratng Ruaalans by Berlin, March 13— While n distance not leaa than 7 kilo­ Stockholm newspaper Aftonbladcta the peace aa “a blow for the Al- peace in the north. grief for Finland and a develo01njg aa oU heatliw aystem, a tank that I ment and- rehabilitation In which ed by the ecluMd board at ita meet- would store 3,000 gaUans of oil and the Berlin press frontpaged the meters. describing the signing of the Rus- llcr." military rule would appear neces­ In Sweden especially there was concern that the peace terms may • Praoticallr an FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY OF THIS WEEK The aeml-officlal Vreme of Bel­ Indication th:;t popular opinion, bring new threats to Sweden’s own tog held laet night. to property brick the boiler off and I month* Trial Itu ty In January the Flnna aa- terma of the Russian-FInnlah 4...-The following time limits are slan-F’Innlsh peace treaty at the sary. Kremlin, said the end of hostilities grade aald the Allied offer of shocked at the severity of the safety. Three echedulee were preeented provide a Are door, a coat of about Parlod. wd two graatgraal vlctorlea: An- peace without comment today, fixed for withdrawal In accordance by Bupertotendent Bltog, the one they unleashed an attacl: on Great with paragraph No. 3 on various was celebrated with a round of troops for Finland waa "very good terms Imposed upon Finland, The proposed new railway to $3,000 was esUmated. This would | __>tlon on tha aaaterii front of which would provide for a ahorter aepaqite ths present • eyetem of — JUST IN TIME FOR EASTER— Sevlat 44th and 168rd Dtvlatona BrtUln and France, charging they ■eotlona of the atate frontier: beer, the Finnish delegates drink­ but came too late.” would Insist that some guarantee Kemljarvi, in the center of Fin­ dinatallatlone be given that Finland will not land. from the Russian border, vacaUon during the Chrletmas sea- heattog from tno boUore to tho mada In ordar ____ and 18,000 men each. On had attempted to prevent an (A ) On the aectlon from the ing with the Russians. Stalin, the Pravfla Praises mm correspomlcnt reported, patted Dr. In Great Britain apricot atones have to fight alone In the event of making a through Une to Keml oon, hut would allow for a week to Union SebooL It waa figured, to I raealvad. I. is they announced the aiaugh- armistice. sources of the ’llintaajokl rlyer. February, when It waa oonaiderad getting the price for the heater, to The B-Z Am Mittag's treatment J. K. Pnarilklvi of the Finnish arc manufactured Into face pow­ a new attack. across central Finland, espedaUy of the Soviet 18th Dlvlalon. Kuolajarvl, Takall. the eastern Peace Policy Norway Cooeened brought concern to Stockholm. It the moet needed, waa adopted. The provide suffldent beat to take care FHmkd> sHl troopa, with mobU' was typical. In a three-line shore of Lake Joukamo the with­ g.-oup on the shoulders and paid der; In Germany they are made him many compliments. into high explosives. Norway too was concerned. The waa pointed out here, ar In Oslo, schedule provldea for 188 days, but of additional rooms to the echool | oflBattlng tha SovlctF aheer streamer across Page One, It said; drawal of troopa of both sides Oslo newspaper Dagbladet said that it may provide the Russians to making this provtaton, two more buUdtog, If and when needed. aecompltahed a modern “ England’s Vile Play with Fire shall bo completed by 8 p.m. SPEOAL OPENING PM Moscow, March 18—(FI—Pravda, that "tbe peace conditions made it with direct military transportation days than are required by law are A further extenaioB of six weekqj V , e. Many mUltary obeervera of War In Northern Europe Fin­ March 20; impossible for Finland to resist toward north Sweden. Tlda la done to meet any M granted to Principal BaUoy, *1 4 7 .5 0 tha long-dreaded i ^ b t of the land Waa to Become a New Case (Jommuntat party organ, said to­ B) On the section south of Terms of Finn Peace Treaty day of the peace treaty with Fin­ aveityentual new Soviet attacks, Sees Safety SaerlSoed emargsney that might artoa when who had boon gnntod six wertu Boaatifti^ DRY CLEANED ia i army had been proven of Poland." KuhomonjemI In the area of Latva, ray It will ba necessary to cloae school loavo of aboonoob earner to the land that “not only tbe entire ■ .V”'With a railway to be built to The newspaper Svenska Dag- Exi The article then assailed the the withdrawal of troops shall be Keml (on the Gulf of. Bothnia) bladet asks If “ the safety of tha for ona day. or ao during a bad yoar. Campletoly InatnOod , Allies for offering to Intervene In T1 Soviet people but the working peo­ completed by 8 p. m. March 22, ple of the whole world will wel­ the soviet Army can at any mo­ future has not been sacrificed for atorm. aa baa alrqady tokan place ;WHk $15 OaUoa T an k / But slowly and ponderoualy, the northern war If Finland for­ 1040; come with tremendous aatlafactlon ment cut- Finland in two and get momentary peace?" this year during tba etom In Fob- The board gave anieh tlma to SUITS ttttar disregard for casualttba, mally asked for aid. (C) On the aectlon of Longrav- thia new triumph of the Soviet to the Swedish border." said the -The Swedish government news­ ruary. Tba doenv of tbs acbool to eonaldaratlen of aatafloe. Follow- (Maa*s 2 «r l-Plice) overwbelmiiig Ruaaian man paper. “Tbe who’c south of Fin­ paper Sodaldemokraten said that early June to 1841, will ba one day tog tho custom o f pnyiim tone THIS OIL BURNER MUST ir finally penetrated the Man Delegation Leaves Moscow aara. Vartalll and the station of pollcv of peace. Matkasolka,, the withdrawal of "The task which the Soviet gov­ land will ba defenselcaa by losing 'only a defense alliance in life and aarUar **»•" tlw sebooU win cloae aa toersaM aach yaar, $76 a year | riMdm line of defenaea on the ernment set itself have been solv­ the Mannerhelm Una fortlflcattons death between the northern coun­ this year, as tbe present school to BMSt coeea la the fradee. and kMllan lathmua Stockholm, March 18.—-(S^-^Ad- troops of both sides shall be com­ m GOOD OR WE WOULD pleted by 8 p. m. March 26, 1940; ed," Pravda declared. "The securi­ and In the Russian oceupatlmi of tries can give oil even a relative .year rail* for a clomng on Juna 14, $100 to $188 ’^ta tha Ugh school, Bwarma of Russian bombers, vices received here today said that ty of our northweatern atate fron­ Hanko.” feeling of safety for the future which to txpeetod to m to ample tbo osUmatod salary for tho LiglitwiaSiAy “ ^ 000 or more at a time, most of the Finniah peace delega­ (D ) On the section of Matcaa- ttoM to allow tbo ^ U d n n to got selka station and KojtsanlahtI, the tier and in particular tbe oecurity This paper observed that "this Is which we are unable to procure as next budfot would bo $$$44$$, or NEVER Dare Make This Offer ly devastated nearly tion had left Moscow en route of Leningrad—the world’s greateat a very hard peace, but under the Bingla atateo.” It continued: Into the Holds to pick atrawberrlee, $847$ toore than last year, aa la- City and hamlet In Finland. home by way of Riga and Stock­ withdrawal of troopa ahall be com­ It bavtaB bean found that to bold creaae'of $48 per oeaC T U s wUI pleted by 8 p. m., March 22, 1040; working class center—haa been ful­ proeent conditions It was the best "We do not believe la tbe dura­ ;h not a single Important holm, but that Dr. Juho K. Paasl- ly ensured.” solution." bility of the new peace, and we do acbool during tbo seaaon when be gtven further ooneldaratloa at dag offer. Own year community yet had fallen klvl, ex-premier, was remaining (K ) On the section of Kojtaan- etrawborriea are being pleked haa the April meettog, no declaton be­ lahtl and Enso station, the with­ " If Finland had continued the not believe In peace guarantees fen yen pay a penny. We M baraer. Net only DRESSES Ruaaian hands fur the time being; to handle fipal Rivers flow from the seacoast war. Germany Bright have stepped from a power which has dismem­ a bod effect on tho attondanco. ing readted by tba board loot starfei anth 180 bntners on yea pay aetbtog natU 5 HOUR (Plaia Oiw-Pifes) details of the aetttement. drawal of troopa shall be complet­ Finally, after three months of toward the Interior-In Australia. in and taken the whole of Finland bered and violenetd a fret people." TWwi Noxt FSB night. There were three special I this speeto) offer — wUek Is next OOtOWA b Sepvice AYailabk had depleted Finland’s man ed by 8 p. m. Mgroh 25, 1040; Under tbe calendar adopted laM MS that w en dleciieaert, but (F ) On the section of Enso sta­ In general, however, Swedlab re­ n trial arith no. In 7 days All artielii fnlljr ingnred at no extra coat to yon. and suppliea peace negotlS' War Oanunnal,k|«e Brief action was that of evident relief Bight tbo term next fall will open me, lUm aU e f the other 168 Jnat 88 am left, nrUeh ptovoa were started behind ' the tion and the Island of Bate the that the Immediate thieats to on Wodnaoday Boptombor 4 and eeaes, win not be diapoaed o f unUl Neutral Sweden acted as Moacow, March 13—(F)—Today’s withdrawal of troopa ahall be com­ tba will ba clooad on Octo­ the nieattog to AprU. SmaR Addhionffl Our PLEDGE to tho PVBUC Sweden's' neutrality bad been re­ lltheAt ANT Juat one week ago a Finnish ters of the Leningrad military area The peace terms camo most bit­ (Thaiduglvtog Day) and on No- 10:80 tba board voted to nek tbs | lag eU We bad jBSt 188 SmANK- ,tlon headed by Premier said merely; “Nothing of Import­ 6l—Evacuation of Red Army terly to Swedish Activists, who had vsmber 38. The schools will does poUee commledonera to tovaett* UN SPECIAL on, BURN- Ryti went to Moscow to ance at the front." troops from the area of Petaamo Affect Loan to Finland campaigned for active Swedlab In­ for the Christmas vaeatlOB on De- gate tba traSle condition at IM - wbetber yen eam er rent Russia's new offer—al- tervention tai the war. Tlila group eatobar 80 and reopen on Monday, Bator and Summit otraots, LmmdrySpecki!! igh Russian leaders bad aald now Is to continue Its energlee to­ Doeotobar 80. many of tlM ehUdiea attoadtog the I “ * ■ le a trie) wHh no. Wa ta- never would deal with any Washington, Marchrch 13.P—(FI lal,lsb lUalstry of Econoinica iriio is ward securing flnancia] and other •Tben WlU also be a school sae- Holumr street nebool, eraoe We make this apada) offer serve the right te wtlhdraw ADDITIONAL SPECIALS! ____government other than the The belief prevailed In the oapital ihero OB an offtdal nriastan dis- help for Finland in the task of re­ aien on Tnosday, Docomber 81, Brit otreeL of aa amegbigly lew price, tkle effer alter theee 188 { th ^ themaelves had set up at Sweden Urges Defense today that Russo-FInnlohnnnlsh peace ;doeed that the AUlsa would Uko to, construction. but ttaoro WlU bo a holiday on Jan­ far ara-Mta ta the fnal eB sk n tT S UoM. would not affect the recent ISO,* axtond their blockade Into the uary 1.1841, seboola ret^ontag on bnakMHt Frenldy — to get SHIRTS Ibday, while Britain and France January 8.1841. Tha next vaca­ Texas Convicts 000,000 loan to Finland hr PadSe so OB to cut off American IS** ferteble, edtoieat heat far SWEATERS 4 NECKTIES to be ready to rush BO,- Union to Insure Peace Export-Import Bank, hut would Bhipments o f erar suppUcs to,Rus- Experts to Aid Uon pmtod wUl ba from February $BMene FE AN K U N FUEx, year beaM tide atotei end Besatifalljr Lavaddred m l o t s o f p o u r aoldlera to defense of Finland, 31 to March 8. Tho Spring re- OBL Falrenengh? Wegive enable the - money to be noed in Cut Off Legs I many wtotoi a to eeme get sad Ezftrtijr Iroatd Regaler 18et Finnish leaders chose a galling reoonatructhig the wor-tocn eoun- The British expert, Frank Aah- ^cooa will otart on April 10, the ' r to aarfy oe that BLOUSES am. Pleatod^ Feady - Stockholm, March 18 — (F) - h Matching Swodloh optimism waa ^ Appointment FX A N K U N SPECIAL OH. je. try. toa-Owatkin, told reportere that BCboma to reopen on Monday. ■r BMy be toetaffod ^ CoaipleU Bsclwlor 8«nric« The terms gave Russia all the From the welter of Swedish press resentment, openly expressed, Formal comment on the Soviet the Alhes believed a large portion April 31 and wUl continue ta reg­ BUENEE—nt a rkSoalonaly laetallatlea^wffl THOROUGHLY CLEANSED AND B B -S ^ E D ! comment on the Finnlsh-Russian that the Britlsh-Freneh allies, Huntsville, Tex., March 18—:<4)| lew prioo — and yon bay fari lUan isthmus. Including the In- anBOunoenient of a treaty endiiig of the war materials—especially ular eeeelone untU^ cloatog fOr the O. J. S. BHIagton', gaaaral mana­ to the order re. city of Vllpurt, all the war climax there emerged today a through an Uth hour offer of an the Battle • onSlet was wluhaldihy by tin, copper and gasoline—now be­ Hartfmd. March 18.—MV-Out­ summer on June 18, with the ex­ oOfraane... .nttheetaad- hone year order to propoMt; that peace be Insured by expeditionary force to help Fin­ side experts will be called te to as- ger e f tho Tenae prieon ey«tem.| a iA e e of Lake Ladoga and adja- offtcieli until the State Depart- ing sent from PacUlc ports to ception of one day eloetog on May dtoclooed today two coBvlete I prien. It Is a ere It wm he givoa it territory, a big chunk of a defense union with Finland. land, bad sought to compromiss nt could study complete dla- Vlsdlvaotok, Russia, w en destined slst In the Miection of a new otato 80, 1841. b a s ilnaan p rip iiiain to Now, more than ever, the press Sweden’s neutrality. cut off thdr lega ta tbe lateot out-1 ;ern Finland near the to be ahimed over thr Trans- personnel director to aticceed Har­ ReUef far break ef ssIf-mutUalioa at Baet- wMeb we both gala. Ton— HftUand'i SHOE REPAIR DEPARTMENT Offers le Circle, part of the Arctic said, Flniui will aeed Swedish help. Bnehrmotta headll5es told the It fiacel experts, bow- Siberian Rraway to Germany. ry W. Marsh, who leaves by May The beard took under eonaidera- wHh a |0ainateei oO toua- TO OLD OH. BURNER The conservative Svenska Dag- ham prioon fann. He aald both| or wMeh yen wm theronghly Iidanda In the Gulf of news of the Moacow | negotiations prcdssssd no ooncera "And our Jofa^" ba oddad, "la to 1. Uon, but did not taka Unal ae- wero drug addlote. j USER8| MEJTS WOMBfTS and a 30-year lease of the bladet called the Moscow treaty a and crowds collected In front of about the moiiay loaned to Finland. stop all suppUes to Germany, In­ The experts will Interview can- . I Uon, en a racommandation that domsaotiBto for eight whale "hard peace" and asked what the Eight other priaonera have I mentha bofete yen pay. a R UB BiM m OAK TAN LEATHER ^ m :o peninsula. newspaper offices to read,bulletins Several months ago The Export- cluding thosa that aaep throu^ ad- cUdatea In co-operation with one tbo ebildrtn in the achoola con­ broken arms, thrss have broken New Be eae ineed eserate an TOPUFTS Finns muat help Russia to Finnish people woudi say when In silence or to comment"Tlorrow- Import Bank turned over 810.- johring neutral countries." or two members of the Personnel tribute to the aid of ChUdren to penny. We — tbrenghjn. eat, aaier off they learn its terms. lega and one eBced tha Saab off Me ureneei tael oil barieese. HEELS tZ .A - s o u s a railroad Unking Russian fully. 000.000. Then GMigress lacreaaed Cto Off Frem Nsrnml Sowo Advisory Committee which will Etuops and Aeia, the money to be hGitoe dUfliHtoH Mid d pnetioG oC I aer. So amaj Sea porta with Sweden, give “Man> wiU aay that Sweden is “ A sad peace," was a frequent serve aa a Subcommittee. rnieed by depoelttag eotoe to boxee TMs ofller le not tvetrioted WITH RUBBER HEELS' to blame,” the newspapiCF went on, the bank’s capital so that It could Amsricsn oSletsla, bowavar, said serving eoffee to o e a ta ths ffaldni ■fTM acoeaa to Norway, comment make imother 880,000,000 loon. The Mr Marsh wlU Insert public no­ to be ptaeed ta the seboola dnrtag rocaatfy waa dtoeoatlauad, ar to off BUke a trade treaty with the “but at least tbe peace now must thiat inersaasd Ruaaian purchases ' ^ ^ Ic P U T ONI BatUieatloa Only Famallty. jitter haa been aUocated but has of many articles not previously tices In newspapers that appli­ n p m m from AprU 38 to AprU tog enmity o f the priaonere. union. be guaranteed by Sweden In a de-' cants must submit their appllca- amy also have tho advaa- I yeate, that—for eav^ 1 FULL SOLES W|TH RUBBER HEELS...... $M* | It waa believed here that Hel­ not been used. bought ben result fronr ths fhet 88. j This win bo given further ‘m ere wOl be no tovasUgation." was written into fenae union with Finland and pos­ ttons together with tbslr quaUflea- attantlen nt the AptU meettog of be said." Tbere to aotbtag to to-1 togas e f eb heat. Whoa wo ■ , and treaty. sibly with Norway." sinki's parliamentary ratification that ths Sovlst has bsaa cut off eagr ■ VEST BOOT— wa — M of the treaty, yet to be given, waa Officials took It for granted that from many of its normsl sources ttona by Aprfl L After that date tbe bonrd. vMttfste." • f Owateet Vlctorlea The Stockholms Tidnlngen com­ the oia) interviews will bs held, DIM e f Timia ffeheaL r! and terrttortea specified only a formality. The Finniah the Flans would make pnrebaaas of supply. pay,_aa mented that without Swedish ma­ In the United Btotas with the Oommarea Department figures but there will be no written exam- Am n raeutt of a raoettog hold to Ruaaia were, point- terial and help tbe Finns could ne^lators were generaUy sup­ NEW MODBEN FBANEUM p e d to have been given govern­ money. Aa one high offlda) oetd show that total American exports toatloBa. In MSnehostor last weak when a wHere the Flnna won not have held out aa long as they 'nils procedura has been agreed p in was ptoperod to alleer the m S C U L wtrito this apoetal A Trial Order ‘ Will Convince You I victorias. The Soviet did and added, “Sweden muat ment approvml beforo they algned yesterday. "Finland wU need s lot to RusMa decreased i f per cent — de M offer to to effect! the treaty. of thlaga whether the war goaa en It year, dropping to $86,888,000 upon by Governor BaMwlB and OM of the local trade ■eboel tor BoUUcal laadera won at the stand aide by side with Finland the Persaanel Advisory. .Oommit- fright aasalen to ssMet these ra coaHeO taUea all that with all resources. Including mlU- Delay la making the official or not." from 868.081.000 to 1888. January A. R. RnDde WE EESEEVE THE EIGHT TO DI8CONTTNCE THIS In regard to the diplomatte exports, however, ahow an tocreost tse. State Treoauier Joseph B. iMght be gtven woilc to the OffPEH AFTBE THE OBiGINAL 188 BUENBBff HATE Remmubrnr OUr Slogan Anay had tallad to aaiaa tanr.” announcement at Helslhkl was 'Tslbott, one of tho live mombera, ehtee shops to Hartford, tha board er am. nMtoI- IfW a ft s r S l. T818.1IS BEEN INSTAUJEO. tha Flnna got tha State Department has shown a worktog machlaciy) to 8-8.066,000, said today. voted to grant this u m and/ to pay DON’T CSET “ IN DUTCH” war had demonstiated the limita­ There was even one report that the coot of Ugbt. boat and janitor, of SUOJMW a yapr rent tions of Ruasiaa mUltary power Dr. Juhu Paosiklvl had attendpd a Map Indlcatea hlghspota of the Soriet-FInn peace treaty annmmced In tendency to hold itaejt aloof. Sim­ 0.. agiSiat $8480.000 in January, and ths worth of Finnish arms, closed meeting of the Helsinki Moscow. In the large circle (1) are the KareUan Isthmus. Iflipurt and ilarly. a Sanate Foreign Bd aUens 1888. SchacM On 8 pa rial MlaaiBn wMdi It waa aeUwatoit, would coot •----- GO TO HOLLAND than 10 hours after Subcommittee voted recently to Bxporto of atrptonos and parte gtockhelm, March 18.—(BV-; *010 $188 tor tho ffva we sirs aehed tor. PiftairizedRGik adding that Sweden must giv* government laat night. There the shores of Laks Ladoga, aU of which go to Russia. Alao shown Iweal AppEoanOA THE RACKUFFE OIL co agreement was Finland all possible help "In the was, however, no direct word that (sawtooth line) is the)famed Mannerhelm Line which the Reds get take no acthm on a proposal to ap­ decreased from 85471,000 in 188$ nowspapar TIdntogaa said today of the KSrellan new sltustlon.** Paasikivi or any oUter members Russia gained a 30-yeajr-Iease on Hanko (8), FinlaiKTs "Gibraltar,” and ply the neutraUty act to that oon- to $8406.000 in 1888. No aMpments that Dr. Hjolnar Schaebt, minis­ was enplirined that aapUen- 278 FRANKLIN AVENUE HARTFORD their last, the Relief Without JuhUaUon of the Finnish delegntion had re­ the far northern Srednl and Rybachl peninsulas at (3). just north of met. Its dedsian waa to have of rubbor or> aluminum have been ter without poitfolk. to tho Ger­ tm iBM roii tin St ths siNoesF and dream TeleplwBe 7-TOM aad 1007 Mtia St.Manchester faded, and The general Swedish reaction turned to Helsinki. Fetoamo. Furtter, Rimla gets_eU the prmlego of frse tranolt to Norway n put before tbe full commit­ ide to Ruaato aUoe Novembw. man government, was being sent In » waa one of reUef wttbout JubUa- Some oommeotators cautloualy Petaamo. Duitng the year, a railway win ho built from Kindelaaka tee Uis Officials Slid, as a rsault of the to Btockluria on a ipsclal niisMnn. lo f $8 jrATCK aVK wmooms FI ttaa—nUM that ratlfioatloa of tha hinted thnt deh^ hi Flnlnnd’a own (4) la tbethe directionjUrwUon of the dotted linoline toKemtokem yatrl (S).(S) The latter city W< weal stobaiEo" on sniss of < Dr. Bchadi^ tonaar proMdrot of V. after they had called on tfoaty by Ftalawl would ^ _ ‘ the t ^ t y algn- le the eosten termteua of the rail line (shown) whidi now mna to the Whoa BoqBdaiy BuO J*-. .7 --y-i. — 1 During Services wait for a later date for the burial. Bridgeport, March 18.—.(ff)— a kick out of It" Shot three times as he stood at * Rally in Final H ___ Near Collapse Father Coatello, aaalated by troo-bound coda among prlaonera ♦ - bar to a Mato atreet tavern short­ Upset Rangers Legion to Hold M0^ting A doubles howling tournament ateams are entered, or aa long ■■ It rather McNeary and Dunn con­ regnrdlng “aquealerff’ today fore- Local Sport will take for each team to meat (Be Viewa His Family ducted the aervlcea at the grave ly before 1 o’clock this morning, to decide toe town ebamptonehip effort# xtf High Sheriff Ed­ la being arranged by Joe Farr of toe other entries once apiece. Vbiton Keep Zfvk|^' and the hundreda who had gather ward A. Platt and attendanta at M a n ch ester John Morgan, 36-year-old to*’®” *; In Vital Game Three games will be rolled each of Bmd Brook ed at the cemetery remained unUl tha Falrteld county Jail to team Is to a critical condition at the On Baseball This Friday Chatter toe (3>arter Ogk alleye on Oak , Monday i^ht. No entry fae Is be­ men*g Edge to SS-BT ' ____ tedio M tho tkroo mein- the ^ e f atrickep father waa help­ tha Idantitiaa of two men who Home Memorial hoepUal and street, and a total of 135.00 to ing charged, the only cost being for ed hack Into an automobile and D a te B ook Jerome Themae, 40, of 6 School- ( TIuree-Qnarter Hm tncodjMrtildMB Kaflo* broke out o f thatr baaement ccUa By 2 1 M argin The first call for candidatos for«pend|hg on the number of boys who Record breaking crowds view th* prises will be awarded If twelve toe bowling. In order to make ths taken to the home of a friend. He and atugged a guard with aa iron house Lane, 1# under arreat on a teams are entered In the event. It event as does and IntereoUng aa did not return to hla former home, American Legion Junior baseball turn out. eTestling bouts st Foot Guard But Fade Before fuMr *® • ®®“ * bad leg In a futile attempt to es­ TMa Week charge of attempting to murder icre'B a possibility, also, that Hall, Hartford each Thursday night la hoped to launch competition next poarible, Mr. Farr totatoa ths prtvt' isoo IS S t OotborliM’a Omo* haa not bean there alnoe Sunday cape late last night March 16 — St. Patrick's game him. One of the bulleto fractured waa isaiied today by Manager Felix and as a result toe Garden A. C. Monday night and all bowlers who j lage of paeelng on the teams. Ths party at Manchester Green school, Need Only a Tie With toe Legion will Iback a aenlor team In the Qofiing AH b|B06S o f bUSlOOM WOTO noon. „ Despite silence of ptisooeni In Morgan's left arm, another pene­ , ! McEvltt, who requests all boys of i/thls season and all players from haa been able to book all the top ■r* toUrsated should submit Uirir pair with toe best record of avtos M OefUBerol of tbo two There were teare notlcad In all the block. Sheriff Platt comment- auspices P. T. A. trated hla light dioulder and the metmen, Ed Hurley comes up with entriss at the alleys. sad losses for the tourney srtll b* eyM during the aervlcea In the March 16 — S t Patrick's Eve Canadiens to t j i n e n ' agM of 14, 16 or 16 ysars who ar*^ last year a■re asked to attend Fri- Tha Gnan’i poworftd and mother, who bad ad: "we have a pretty good Idea third entered toe right cheek and !enw n • ' Interested to trying out for the i day's meetlngmeetl to diacuea this mat­ unusual array of grappling All tcama must be-approved by the srinner. , In • St of liumnJty. chureh and at the grave, ahowlng who la responaibla for this. Both dance at Legion borne on Leonard lodged to the back of too head. 2nd Straight Crown; giants for this creek’s show and toe management to order to make The Charter Oak alleys also offer array trounced th* grief aa only a amall neighborly street team to report at the Legion's i ter. Mr. McEvltt uye that a team I M d tbla momliif. Early iMt auapecte In the break are awaiting Both men are Negroes. home on Leonard atreet, opp will probably be formed If it docs offers a varied card that will keep the tourney as even as peorible. Mr. a prise of $5.00 for tha hlgheat nock P. and R. quintet hi iw mfetitiiw death came vlo- community can eahlbit trial, and I can't very well make Next Week Police Sergt. John J. Cavanaugh 16,000 Fans See Tilt. Farr reporte that aeveral entriea ■Ingle gam* rolled on Thursday March 17 — Presentation of toe the State Armory, Friday niff not conflict with toe high school the crowd in an uproar from start fentnd League tuaile at the ^ Mrs. EUeabeth Eaglevich any etateroent concerning them un- and Patrolman Clarence Martin 7:80 o’clock. or trade school. to finish. In toe 80-mtoute time have already been received. It Is evenings. This, Incidentally, la the daiightera, Doria May, 9. leae 1 have poalUve proof." "Messiah" by Emanuel and Chapel obtained a signed statement from Boston, March IS—(JP)—Needing limit numbers, Gene Boorman rune planned to conduct the event over 13th year that Mr. Farr haa con­ ESost Side lu t night« $04j!7t', cbolm of Emanuel Laitoeran McEvitt, who has had 0arffe of The Legion haa been one of the i Mary, 3S. Only member Beam Off Two Blew Themes to which, they said, ha but one more point, and having the Leffion project for toy past-two leading contendere for state honors up agetoat another tough customer a period of eleven weeke. If 13 ducted hlB popular alleys. but only after th* inat-iilaei A bou t Tow n Morrison Dauchy, 865-pound church at 7 p.m. ^ admitted the ehoottog after he 'tw o gamee to get it In, toe Boeton In Leo Lefebvre; Bobl^ Managoff, family left la the father, March 33 — Annual meeting of years, will affsto be Mslried by during too past two years and invader* had icared th* Eaglevich, an Induatrloua guard, and the largest guard In the and Morgan had a row over toe ^ruins felt certain today that they Jim Foley, who WiU/liandle the hopes to put together another who has been laid up for a few __ f who remalna proatrated by building, standing six feet etx Biitlsh-Amertcan club. latter's attentions to Katoertoo tould retain tha Prince of Walee weeks with ■■ arm infection, vrlll ighte out of th* Zwlekaud^* Coming Events coaching. It hasn't been decided ■■ strong Junior team tola season. AU , terrible evenU. Troop 16, Boy Scouta, will meet Inches high, beat off the two men Drewey. 38 Hitt street, vtoa trophy, handsome emblem of toe yet whether or not fhe Legion will boys between 14 and -16 years of have 'Dm Limiehan, husky Boa- and forcad th*m to iintoggh , Broad Brook today ech<»U tomorrow night at St. Jamea'a with a blackjack and shouted for March 34—Etoeter Sunrise Serv­ National Hockey League ebamp- tonian. for aa opponent. In tha doaparat* rally in th* ice a t Old Golf Lota on East Cen­ Themae characterised as me ■poneor a local lea n a , as was done age are cUgihle to play and shotild State Title at Stake * —iplla o f the achool hall inatead o f tonight help when the attenmted break be- "girl." lohahip. in 1988, prior to the opening of toe make It a point to be prceent Fri­ seml-flnnl, Al Mercler will try hie period*, 8p«rk*d by th* younger of giut at 11:80 p. m. ’Tbey ran from ter atreet 5:15 *.m. .9 March 35 — Knights of Orium- Daaoad Wltk Woman By Eking out a 3-1 win over toe State League campaign, this de- day night at the Legion home. wreatltog akill on Shadow Waeton- ploy by Jimmy Murphy.- riw o fcughtera waa a atudent, Joaeph Rollaaon of 71 Waabing- the cell block, alaming the door The policemen quoted Themae New York Rangere here last night, berff and Weaty can wraatl* any­ shut behind him and locking the bua Easter ball at Sports Center. / _____ ■ In Clash Here Sunday outcom* l*ft th* Gnoai 1 the funeral, all being al ton atreet fractured one of hla March 37—Deaeert-Btidge, Man' aa atattog Morgan danced with toe toe Bruina, for all practical pur- way th* boys Uks It. The feature ^to ha ahaent from achool, riba Sunday In a fall on the Ice. He prlaonera In, even though they were woman to toe tavern and became poeae, eettled thla season's nip and bout brtoge together a raaallng Jim Morphy for first pI*o* with still free o f their oella. cheater Republican Women's club >alr of gtonta to Yvon Robert and Mbe morning. . , . will be conBned to hla home for ~ Ueanld Phatee at toe T. M. C A. enraged when Themae told him tuck race with their keeneet rivala. ton’* Rod Raiders, who which had been few daya. Foiled, the two returned to their not to dance with her again. Mor­ They will meet again to New York Crnaat “Dutch'' Hefner. This Jouri *A*fl and New Britain , the W. P. Qulah fun' cells quickly and when help arrlv- March SO — M. H. S.-Alumni Gi^ Broberg Selected m*d Simsbury, 4Mfi« Ball at Sports Center for benefit gan struck him, knocked him tomorrow night, when the Rangara will bring out all the action ff Sportt Roundup W Box sin Manchcater on Sun- down and kicked him, Thewaa close their regular campaign, but blood-thirsty gang can stand. Show Tied for Top Honor*, I Score : SB pulM^ aa upset, tba ihttightwt*’ aooo afUr Verplanck Fund auapteee o f starte at 8:80. nook hold toa Orssa to • H rlck'a Day dance In the new home, Manchester Orilega club. said, and he left toe Uvetn. w ^t a victory tor Lester Patrick's ■y found dead, and oulcm high 1^— waa celebrated by Rev. William Coatello, Rev. Charlea McNeary and-Rav. Richard Dunn, jjjj, ^p^infad place. home and returned with a JW w l- ■peedetera will avail them aothtog Meet at Sports Center Orssn A. 01 vantage la to* first qaartaa *1.^ Svenlng the mothei'a, Lwonard atreet on Saturday ave- ^ ______-■ I Sheriff Platt aald the two prla- April 1-3 — A S-act play The As East’s Best Gager than tninsd an a mnaridaf nlng, March 16. Mualc for the Bishop Misbehaves" by toe Man­ ber revolver and pumped five iinlasa the feeble Canadiens upset Hirsa local fomtotos boerlars In Vital Contest New York, March 18—VTh-A. B. at the Rockville ___ _ oners, housed with 32 others In the Bruina here to Sunday's wind- Moorbouss, rt .. 5 ■Uuuriit that produced a l*-u \brought to______the, dahce will be provided by the Sc­ t chester Community Playem a. shots-at Morgan, throe of which competed to ths Yanks*, swsep- good long distance d«rby bet Is Seo ^Gone With the Wind’ H/aalTcaasA one of two ceU "cagea" In the JaU's took effect. Otten patrons of toe aUkat at Hartford last Saturday carrier Pigeon, 30 to 1 . . . now Murphy, If .... 8 at halftlBM. Tbs riritot* Mb at 68 Park clety Orcheatra, Max Kabrick, dl- basement pried loose a strip of Whiten Memorial halt iDartmouth’s High Scor­ The Polish-Americana and toe fnaeral ,y after- rector. A large Ueglon committee While Wind Plgys Havoc l^ e iia re a Oliey April 4—"Neighbors’ Night” oa plaoe took toe empty weapon from Dead by Balf-Gaae A Blasts Tennis ■Florance Jolmaon turned to a they’ve got Bill Terry angling tor YoSt. c 8 form la that sscoad psttod . RoekvlUe. Police Court * I nMtalButel from toetha rear oof f toelrtheir cells,cells. TOemaa and held him untU the po* five-game total o f 549, Flora Nel- New Britain Holy Cross, Usd for Johniw H' ‘ W. Murray, rg 8 Orssa waa peemriria to ‘ ^held '^ I 'of tlie Legion and auxiliary la alleyway that Beandto Lodge, Order o f Vaaa, at Last night’s hard - eatuM ing Forward Unani> where the ■on bad 538 and Olive Chanda had ths Polish Lsagus Issdsrshlp with Lew RIgg Rsimsr, Ig .... I ■ggrearivs attarii but 1 I motnlag. handling a new aerlea o f dancea to Shreveport La., March 18.— entered Orange hall. Uce arrived. ^ , .w., triumph, toe second scored/in two girls be held monthly nt the new home. (tPf—Un. A. M. Ludlow and her Termed Costly April 17 — Reunion at class of Ttaemaa was arraigned to tna ■even eterts egalnst toe Rsiy^re, mouB Choiice for All* 483___ Helen Currie of Hartford fifteen erlne and two drissto, wtU Slip Madlgan ouster starUed the J. Murray. Ig .. 4 msn caUM back yrttt a nhl 9ba hodlaa o f the ^ a lavatoryvatory at toethe end of the cor­ was the winner with a score of iatermisstea aad loaasd a I hi caaketa o f whl< while the I The chairman la Otto Heller. 12-year-old eon, Oene, sat at ridor and then gained entrance to ISO of Manchester high achool at poUce court tola morning on a put toe Bruina on top by half- clash Sunday afternoon st the Owet .. . they say Nonnaa Strad­ Thara Court Frees the movies when -tomadli^ Hotel Sbeiidaa. charge of assault with Intent to game, 64 points to 63. If t(ie Rsn- Star College Five. 4 5 0 .... er, assistant coach, who'll taks I t 88 that aloMri swap! r'a caaket waa of toe block Itself. mmSer and waa remanded to t^ Sports Center, srito both toe over for the present, was hoi tos floor to gala * Soral offi The Legton Ways and Means wlnda ripped the roof from Council Urges State Put Waited In Bkadow April 30—Third Aimual Found­ gen reverse matters toatorrow, Itngue Utle and the league trophy toa thres-quartar mark. their home here yesterday. er’s Ball o f Temple Beth Bholom county Jail to default o f bonds of tit with Csnadlaiu urouldarould gl'i ve toe New York, March 18 — — Three members of Elleworth tha Loyola Job lem than two weeks committee will meat at tha Legton Accused Man End to Hit«or*Mis8 Than tbey waited to tbs shadow at stake. ■go . . .. Johnny Payebek will do Alubueky, rt . That ari toa stage for At 8:18 tha bodies were home tonight at 7:80. AH mem- They were eeelng "Ocne ci the cell block door for the guard at Masonic Tempi*. $35,000 when the case waa. Btotoa their second e^rhlgntit Utle, Seven basketbadl coaches made of­ High's state Class C-D cage la toe eariler mrittug betsveen tha undertaking roomato here are urged to be present With the Wind." to enter. At precisely 11:80 p.oi. April 31 — Fourth annual ban­ ttoued imtU March 38 to awrit toa deepiki toe fact they/would wind ficial today what everone knew all Champa earned places on the ell- hla drilling for J o e . Louis behind Patuska, If .. OrssB’a furiaua bariMm M M ethods.' quet Giuseppe Garibaldi society. outcome of Morgwi*i wounde. these two teanw in New Britain, locked dOore, Just sa Georgss Chr- Dudsck, c .... miaataa aa. ga*r __ waiting haaraea. The l ^ y Dauchy entered and waa struck up in a 65^65 tie wtto the New along—that Gustave (Swede) Bro­ star C-D array.. .the South Wind­ the local hoopatera came through Boda, age 9, waa oarrW w ICircumsUnlial Evidenre Sub Alptee club. Yorkers. ■ sor chotots wsre Charlss Musy- >enUer did for Dempsey . , . Frank Mackey, rg .. house, Jim Murphy, Bari There will be a choir rehearsal Hartford, March 18.—- Tha Hwld the one that has arou toe . most The holder of ths Isague’s indi­ Mike DascoU , of KlUtogly waa on the National Lasgua all-star reuL iNiflitniinrli tflM 1 ^urch on Cooper Mreet Evasion Charge. day' ' they’ll have to do aouM fast step­ squad. 11 18 8-14 87 to to* locals but l end to Its 80-year old hit-and-mlas treated quickly, went through toe motorist paid—with a smile— a 81 Anderson family la about ready to games, or lost toe fewest or ecored vidual acortog record and tbs named aa center and John Orockl ping aad play haads-up ball all the stay wtto ritim came tha body of tha fine for failure to feed a parking believe that toe cate that live to toe most gosla Is declared the wto- main cog to leadtog Dartmouth’s of Farmington and Maurica Beau­ fleor* at half, 18*18 Poquonook. Sacred Heart Dramatle] methods of studying welfare prob­ doorway at toe cell block and sray if they hope to come out on ' Mi*. ------EUsabath'^athEaglmllevleb. After a trial which laeted near­ riam m ^ toe door Shut behind him. meter. "Moat people argue,” said their home have nine lives. One cat ner. team to another title, toe Swede doin of Killtogly, toe latter ehartog top with the jMgue title la thrir ObservaUoa Ward Rsfsrss, Msdiund. Time, 10 mhnits on a wltosrtaM fiia thatr r bv John Muaka, John Bu- ciubXof Waterbury presented a lems which It termed "costly" and toe place with Pease, ss xuarde... ly an hour and a balf In town court Friendship Club In some Instances "Inefficient.'' leavtog toe two prlaonera as effec­ toe aurprlaed police Judge. "No lived for 30 years but hla brother, An overflow crowd o f 18,304 bad waa accorded th* only uiuutlmiMU poefearion. BUI Rand, Chicago promoter, Is quarters. 17 potato aa m tavadsm Joseph Palorie, John Za> | mlnauel show last at the thla morning. Judge Charles 8. tively locked up as though they argument," replied toe dependant. Michael, haa Just observed hie 31et to wait until the second last min­ vote as tha Ivy League mentora Inviting virtually avsry heavy­ OrsMi ...... 10 18 as 80 to six. and Michael street school for the bene- In place of numerous commls- birthday anniversary. He Is part New Britain Is as sstup, bring Poquooock ...... 7 18 81 87 Frank May House, presiding In the absence of Service Sunday riona authorised through the years still reinatoed to cella. He Identified himself as toe ealrii- ute o f |day to cheer the winning chose an all-star team for toe As­ The Bridgeport 'nroes-Stsr car­ composed of former High Bchool weight In tha country to enter i With Btaw Ooifraa, P*la Bridget's church. The af- Three other guards, George man who bad sold toe city its new Foratan, pert alley, toe owners goal. Which was Jsbbed to by Eddie sociated Preen . ries a report that a rule requiring seven-show elimination touras' and Pat Murdock an to* ' attended. Judge Raymond R. Bowers, found by toe General'Assembly to etudy ■tare who are at present featur­ =’.1Se aaakat containing the body some particular phase of public Boehm, Edward Rlxxy and Cbr- 'parking meters. a.M, and toe oldest eat to toe city. Wlsehmn after he got hie stick on Cloeeet to him came Jim Ben­ entries to the atate high school meat to find aomebody to fight Jos Ooneh MUm Bwtak ■ml the 88 yean rid daugh- Joaeph Kowalceyk of New Britain ing srito toa Hardware City not gUllty on a charge of evading aid, toe council la recommending nellus Ryan answered Dauchy's a k ^ angle pass fired by Art nett, who pressed Broberg ell toe bosketball tournaments to play at "Dusty" League sad toe New Brit­ Louis. B. T. mak* osvoral chaai waa tha last to ha brought Vlaltora. welcome, at a nom- The Men's Friendship Club cries for help and rushed to toe Jariiaon, his former New York way for scoring honors. The Oor-. least 50 per cent of thrir games Attention, Judge Landis: Tbs Holmes, rf .... 10 81 tot right the funeral home. This the annual muei-1 reeponelblllty. that acme "official but independent ain Cremoe of-toe State League. I Inal fee, to the South Methodist church are body be set up to study toe state scene, but they found toe cell Americane teammate. Up to that nell ace won five first team votes sgstost schools to thrir own clasri- leaesring speed sad srsU-drUled Oardlnala will conceatrats 88 farm Kosnk, I f ...... 0 a tkm waa fUuad tot waa cartlad by Fram^ cal of the >poUten Club at bald aa the result of ^ ’ ®***,**®J|* block deserted when they enteryd. late moment, Wiseman obtained to and two second team mentions to Bin flcatloii would be On the books nsxt hands at Columbus, Oa., hsglnnlBg Wajner, c ...... 7 14 la doubt. Ml , Warren Butler, Ernest tot church Friday to a parked Lo«bi sponsoring a Communion sendee particular, welfare probleme aa In court tricks to* AuMriu will the South Methi Meanwhile, three d ty ^ I c e cam BEAT THIS . . . IF YOU CANl the Ekldle Shore trade, had not earn a place on toe select five. yvmr... .which would dlaqusUfy a find plenty of compcUUon on toelr March 18 (looks like good NnpoU, I g ...... 0 from'guard to _ John ZavlaM, Leonard I'clock. Tha nro-1 Bayer of thla town. The Ba^r for tho men of the church Md continuing performanc Philadelphls, March 18— — Oobbey, Ig .... l afternoon at 3;: ^ f^ S o a SSth been left on West Center their friends to ho held in the Unleae some integrated poUey la rushed to toe scene but they Spedsl For Thorsdsy • Friday • Satnrday it been of any great aasistanca to toe Those two forwards, who netted team like Stratford High. Claes A heads throughout too tussle. With pickings) . . . tos aUafordn~wUl 'tout BO and Lawrence Ellsworth, gram will oonalai found everything quiet and or­ Bruins aa far as last night’s g^p 322 points between them this year, American tennis is to a bad state runner-up, which traditionally cnshiins tos No. 7 Jersey Immor­ Johnaon, rg .... 0 ■ys-fSttag thiaa bodlaa were p la c^ ^ t e ^ •treat February 28, and the eUte [church next Sunday eitabllshed toe council says Con the league title at stake, both vocal and Inatrui oueia diow that Kowalcayh, derly. YOUR CHOICE OF ANYTHING ON THE MENU— ping action was concerned. would form a grand scoring com­ of repair—take it from big Bill plays a predominately ’ Class B teanu will "shoot tho works," "do talised by Angelo LulsstU In a 1 Genevese, rg .. 9 ridpo warn dawi aataaaobUa haaraea at the Palm Sunday, at 7 o'clock. Mlnlo- nocticut caimot bops to keep In trophy ease slang with Bmls trios. Tea will be___ .driving a bread truck, had aldc- tera and delegaUone of men from line with atates that are today Sheriff Platt said a pair of black 50e FOR A COMPLETE DINNER! Nifty Winning Shot. bination. And toe three others TiVlen. schedule... ,’tls sleo eald that dle- or die” or erhataot to reach the Frldto ntohr* _~tlme, whOe tha funeral cor- shoes found at toe scene gt toe P The Wlaeman-Jackaon tally was the coaches named as bests would sension over the running of the Novers’ No. 1 football ^rasy . . . 18 18 I tocBMd faring south on Park nrighboring Methodist churches leading In social welfare progress. Roast Tarkey "Amateur players,” eaya toe coveted goal. WThatever the out­ tagtoa haa msb Tha Manchester Cinema Oub | ThSt slugging may be used to toentlfy aa exact duplicate of toe Rangers’ give them enough help to make state tourney Is rife among toe come, It will be a thrilling duel of Laaay Roas, too songster, who set In the Brat was {daoad Unued on to East Hartford. That JJdirattend. Rev. Earl E. Story Oilef Recommendation man who won seven U. S. elnglee tot lUaaii at will hold Its regular meeting "For several years,” Austin D. toe participants to toe break. He Roast ChidiMi counter, which -came late to toe the outfit a “dream team" to ev­ (NAC offIclaU.... wits and clever basketball between tos qusrtsr-mlle rscord for to* Fraher, r t ...... 8 y of tha older daughter, night in the East Side Movies same night Kowaloayk was In­ and Rev. W. T. Wallace wlU have Indicated however bis belief that Penn Relays In 1887. s t ill,k a ^ In an, hot a g*am trill ha volved In a coUlalon on Silver Lone, charge of the service. Barney, Farmington, council presi­ Gennino Native Calves’ first psriod. Ott HsUer, noting ery aeiise ot the word. titles back to toe golden 30e, "why too two titans ot too State PolUh C. BeUls, If .... 7 18 with a loadHig h taken In Florida by’ mem'l actual Identification of the men tsammato Itoll Watson at toa Bos­ Wellington Ramsey of Oornell When the Twilight League got ■hsM by trotting around Osatral J. Brills, e .... 1 ___ that of the younger chUd ^ shown. Phwu will and that atate claimed thla crash Following tho Communion eerv- dent, said today, "we have urged ' Liver and Bacon even toe term is a laugh, Lmgue. tty* that some central study agetusy may never be made, but added ton eresse, aimed a 40-foot angle was placed at center and two cap- could name 20 professionals play­ underway last week for the 1940 Park svery morning, mla or ahlaa Toman, r g ...... 1 fha third. _ the club to take a travel occurred after the mishap here. All ice ^a breakfast______— wlU be ooryed In that toe two men whom he sus­ In tha preliminary the PA'e hope Dixie Walker gave toe rest of In lari Bightk I evidence to prove this was dreum- church dining room at which should be set up to handle aU types Also Steaks — Chops and shot that wkissed toe puck Into trina. Bob White of Dartmouth ing now who are more truly ama­ ison it ran Into difficulties at to end their eeasrii with at least Wetsa, I g ...... 8 Have Meier Eeenr*. I Manchester at tonight's mi pects will be placsd under heavier tha Boston cage before that New and Thomaa Bhickson of Yale won teur than the present crop of so- once. Charles "Goad]!'' Rogers, last toe daffy Dodgem eometo^ to Wilson, t a ...... d cidas sksd out atantlal, however, and did not ea- I Jesse W, Randall, vlce-preal- of this Intricate problem. This guard. Dauchy. who suffered a Sea Food one more victory and will try to ■boot at by reporUag «t Clear­ tos “ tobllah the claim of the etate be- ©t the Travelers wUl speak on recommendation will be toe chief York forward could take a slap at toe guard bertha. called amateurs. year's chairman of the ^ard of do so st tho expense of toe Holy three Inch laceration of too scalp Ineladtag Sow - Deteset ami It Broberg, to helping the Indians Arbitration flatly refused to take water with a Negrovsgro vnlot la at- 8 18 uvovlag ao ■lad by BUta PoU ce^ Rue- Among tha VtcaX people yond h reasonable doubt. I <>nie Road to Success." one In toe fortocorolng aimual re­ which required three atltcbea to "The game has deteriorsted to Croon girls. Tha preUmlnary will tendance. that a rotui ^ Needed Mileage Reservations for th? breal^t port of toe counclL'' Coffe^Tw or Mpt. There was about an equal to 11 victorias in 12 league atarta, such an extent that toe entire em $5,000 cut to salary. To quote ■tart at 3:80 p.m to be foUowsd ficora at half, 18-1| Racketeem. •tnrit and Inland CaWa, ^ want to the New York Flow) rioae; waa treated by Dr. A. J. amount of luck attached to both of scored 180 pototo to break ths Rogers; "The Job la something that Roftros, Kennody, aaxt Taiadoy right at 1 traffic around toe ^ * 1 " 1 show by excursion today ira Mi Kowalcayk. aaeerted that he had mugt be made not later than The question was taken up with TuUes. JaU pbyalcton and later re­ phaale Is on winning. Most o f Immodlstely by toe mala attne- SMS Rae^Tka lsagus A been on Woat Center street at U^„rsday evening by telephoning Former Governor Cross and those chunters but Boeton’e first scoring mane of 159 he set a year these kids are ao scared of losing demands a lot of time aad I tor one tlon. Today’a Oaeat filar In Rockville Harold Qarrtty, Mrs. Thomaa ~ ceived nirtoer treatment at emer­ score, made by little Bobby Bauer, ago. C. M. GHbba, BalUmom fiun: m boa oooras fallow: m Start: and M ^ n h lc k ^ daughter, LucUe, —— the night In question. He said Robb or tho church office, also been diacuased with Governor gency hoepitaL that they don't plan to wto—tbey am not going to take any reduc la prsparation for Sunday's all Bmdetao. Fla.—L ficamoila. finished hla route at the north 1 Those men who do not care to at- Baldvrln, Mr. Barney said. He to' THE TEA ROOM rounded out a perfect play. Early Second to the individual scoring play not to loa*. And that makes tion to salary.'' There la a euaptcion In Florida Buddy Haseett aad Maxi* West Won aa a motor eacml to B ^ a q Mahoney, Mrs. James H. to toe second period. Milt Schmidt, rnce was Cblumbla'a Uttle Alhle Impoitaat Ult, Ooaoh Johnny Fal- tost them Is » rinlatsr awvs stoot give tos Boston Btas tors* Isft- At Bro^ McVeigh, Mrs. Mary M. Balf, Mm id, then drove south the length of 1 j tj,e breakfast are cordially In- timated that probably further con­ Wo Cater-To Banqnats ^ tor poor tennis.' kookl urlU put his chargss through , . * street to Hartford road, go-1 to attend tha Communion ferences would be held with the the lesgue’e top scorer, raced out Myers, who nosed out Bennett In Neither, he added, are pro profc This Is funny when qna considers to kill wmatong saUrriy . . . Itey nsad bittern st to* top a< tos bat­ fOraalngtan...... * ____a John Pttw*rrid, Qrasladlo. Mm William 888 Main Street Op^ St. Janwe^a Clinreh of hla own sons, sUckhandlad down th* stretch. He won a second a hard workout tonl^t at to* Osltnto Is being trucked around Btapbaas and James MeOor- Mlaa Florence Shaw, M m long that road to Bunco's Cor- ggrylce. governor relative to setting ui> pecto any too good. that last year the Isagu* trsatod Bporta Cantor bstwsaa 8:80 p.m. ting order, but assay fitsngri Bari Bartftod..*** * V.M. C . A. N ote* | to and around toe Rangers’ net team forward bertn, along with Big Bill, who had been living to the state, appearing na refsme la tofaikf he'll try It that way fUr * took care of traffic around Woodhouaa, Mrs. Fred Oria- id thence to the point of the some such independent body to the Board handsomely, not ei to 8:45 pjn. AU pUiysrs era urgsq moat of toe bouta." Hartford colllaion. Asked study welfare problems. ■nd then batted a perfect passout Chnrtea Lute, Jr., Harvnrd captain. England until toe outbreak of the whU*. Osasy Is sneoumgod by Os- 8 I rinneh and kept the road open ,man. Miss Beraloe Coleman, Mra. Today: The second team center Is Henry I living them complimentary tickets to be present on time. the arrival of the cortege. _e took this long way home, Insufficient funds prevent toe to toe well-placed Bauer, who rifled present hocttlitles, came back to Oo Uw ball games. Liks all the rest The league standing: , determlnatkm to uS* Ha Joaeph Wrigkt, Mias (torrie Long, 5-6:80—Men’a Badminton. toe rubber point-blank at goalie Soeliao of Penn^vmnla and Dan Sammy Baugh aaya briU ffMher Near OeOspae. Mra. Scott Simon, Mrs. Robert H. tho accused replied that “1 have to Officials Mum council from embarking on such hla native Philadelphia last night who attended the games they were MaoTa M vW mi regular hneup In today's SKhlbltlo^ I ri:80—7:80—Profesrional Worn- ] Dave Kerr from 10 feet out. Oarmicbaal and Ed Orssn both of footoaUII C M . mom Aa father of the glria r Jmlto, Mrs. C. W. Burck, and Mra. run up a certain mileage each day A M. Iextenilve study It to said. The after an nbsenoe of aeveral yeara expected dad dM pay fo r too W saying, "fisa now tough tony figuf* Princeton arc the guaiua.guaids. for a professional match with take a coaching coachlnff Job flhlpstssd I M l antamohUe with his employ- Kerton Hotchktoa. and 1 always taka this long route A t d ta m io ru council's budget for Uutoe current 7:80-8:80—Women's Badminton. I TIis eoaefaaa whoI pnrtldpatad to ehattca r i nrtontog too door prtoo Mnachaator ...... 1 8 Uwla Mayer, who with hie back.” fiscal year la ritghtly under $11,000 Btasn Trip Baagsra 8 ^ Pony, tonner Britlah Davis Nsw Britain ...... 1 8 ihnson, too fit Paul les 8:80-9:80—Norton GIrla’ lOym | t h e MANCHESTER tha voting are Pnul Moonm, star. Peny iron. 6-8, 1-8, 6-4. V promotsm and akatera. Bat­ SHlated tho father Into The regular monthly meeting of I Explalna 61arks which Is only adequate to carry on Oqlumhia; Blair OulUon,lulUon, Oornau: Genial Joe Hublard la hack wtto Now Haven ...... 18 The defendant explained certain (Oonttaned from Page One) Its present activlUes, It la pointed perio • .en. 6^ vote and one for second)'toUov' Blueflrids to anaouace what thrir W and the body of Anna to to be transacted at tola “ *•««« I r * * 0 admitted by I*tempt----- * —was nnade to «..»put into Into orac-prac gmey meaeures taken to meet Tomorrow:' Chickens, medium siae, for frying or roastinin^^g^jgc the loaers. Box score: ship In toe States. New Haven ...... 1 8 and hrip him gat ta nhapa . . . and aU members are requested to . —Women’s Badminton. Ftret team: |kuis tor toe coming ssason wfU Mf. There waa a torn toe defense that toe damage had tlco any of too recommend*- them aa temporary problems, now 1 3 OhnrtsrOnkl (68) RoekvUlo OS a * * ■ 0 e attend. A fter toe buatoeas meet 8-4—Women’a Badminton. B. BrriMff, Dartmotttlr (14),F. / Weather Note to the church, an eeaCa. not tsk*** place to toe East Hart­ Uona." seem toadequate to aolye them. P. F. T. Benna^ OonMll (18), F. / Hartford . a a wo * * ■ * 4 tog a aoclal hour will be held. 4- 5—Junior Gym cIsml Boneless Rolled VenI to Roast,* aH Hark, hark, our doga do bark— the exception of those ford coUlsloo which took place The Jury eald It found caoa of 'T o date toe public welfare pro­ Boy^ 8 Raffn, I f ...... 6 1-8 IS Ramaey, O onell (8), C Middletown AUigator’s All^Weatherj _____, __ Yraiid and deception" havlnff keen 5- 6:80—Men’a Badminton. 1 Bsmeoakl, rt .. 1 0-0 3 Moriartys to Fete The big quastloB that botosra TorryvlUs Tb^m dam aoar froaea stiff; In the center and a email ‘The Reward of toe Sun Ood", a February 33. gram to Connecticut has, like STEAK SALE White, Dartmouth (9). O. But they'll thaw out witoout a Both sides Introduced wltnceses practiced upon toe town, but that 6:80-7:80—St. John'a va. Eaglea. 1 A. Pueeo, rf ... .5 0-0 10 the lesxucI Is tbs status to* t * • e * a/a e e _.j on west Bide, were already Hopl Indian play from toe pen 'topey,' Just grown," says William Erickson, Yale (9), O. B i l ^ . . 0 doubt _ . . — 1 ^^ Indictments were returned be- 7:80-8:80—Bolton va. Highland | 0 Henry, e ...... 2 0-0 4 }LiQ ^ Hockey Team NortolEri. Lari ywu> too Meriden »■ ■ **• /• 0 4 * and many were standing. A of John L. Nelson was given yes­ W. T. Squire, council director. Sirloin Steak, cut from the best of beef ...... J!?* 2S Saeond Team—Myam^ Oolainhto Wbra spring con -when and erovnl was outside of the „ ______, cause the state's attorney made 'Whatever progresa haa Park. 0 Buecteo, Ig .... 4 2-3 10 (9 ), Lutx, Harvard (8 ), SriaUae, meat ot bringing, tos nocto ipaoavUla [ Gold Label T O P C O A : terday afternoon to High school not upheld by Judge House after I arrests In each case at toe Jury's 8:80-9:80—North Bnd»—Bye. Chock Beef Ground...... 0 Pagan!, rg .... 8 0-0 6 hall by toe Manchester Mothers' achieved has come about as toe re­ Lower Round Ground...... *'*********"!_zy Pennsylvania (7), Oinaldu*l, Now BritainBrital EXCLUSIVE WATER REPELLENT FABRIC As the bodies were being brought preliminary testimony, but on con- advtce. Four persons were ar- sult of a aerlea o f efforts often un­ 1 — Bridge • Luncheon, Mrs. Prineotan (8), Oraak Prineston Tba MsnehesterrMortarty hock­ was sot'exactly a howling Manchester •ssssos* Club. The play given by toe Jun­ elusion of toe trial, he stated that, rested after toe Jury Investigation Charles B. Loomis, hosteaa 81 8-5 ' 45 from any aaglo. H m tsam tho church Mra. Thomas ior Players, waa directed by Saul related and aometlmea to confilet" (8). ey teem is to ho honored with Ths Mnmbflrid (TVta) *eager0 _—Mg and Mra. Louts Plt- while he was not Imprewd by begmi on Jan. 33 and five before 6 - Girl Soout meettog; 3nd floor | Our Homo Made Pure Pork Sausage M eat...... Ib. Ifc WBHgifB (87) Honorabls Mantlon: Forwards— rspreaeatod again at too Lancourt. considerable of toe defense .^ tl 0 . H. Fay. I f ...... 4 1-1 9 banquet given in. their. honor by aMstlag aad whUa nos* of who lost *8 la a row, eaa move ttie church organiet, played, that More than 9,000,000 cases of aoclal room. SmaU Link Pure Pork Sausage...... •jo. 2^ Mayerhola, Prineaton (4 ): Taghy, Indians Take nd over . . . hers comas tbs Hsrarits for Me.” mony, ho nevertheless had to Issue Those under arrest are: Walter pineapple Juice are consumed to . Banquet HaU—Amateur Hour to I 1. B. McOeown, rf 4 2-8 Id Yal* (3 ). centers — PaanMO, their sponsors, Moriarty. Brothsie. were qusatlonod regarding 2 The finett fabric obtolnat^i Jotan L. Sullivan, of New Britain, a finding of not guilty as toe Campbell, former town purchasing [charge of Sparky Sardelle. Onr Home 1 V. Taggart, c . 4 0-0 8 what tha 1940 outlorit was It Is ■ad Chemical tsam ta Maritowoe, the starting of toe solemn in charge of toe Oonnacttcut divl- toe United Stotea annually. Dartmouth, (8 ); SulUvaa. Dart­ Although tha stasdn Is net over Wls., with 09 straight toMua . . . division Is ai«d in this n*W, high mass Rev. William state's evidence wss not totally agent: Max Epstein, a trucker, 0 G. E v a ^ Ig . . 8- 0-0 4 mouth (8)£Duitoar, OonMll (8); and'tho atato champions net yet gshersUy undaistood tost most of In Intam Circuit slon of toe United States cenmis, ooncluaive. , . Antonio Sabla and Nicola A. Ca- Tender Calves’ Liver, Western ...... - jh. 3^ 8 to* squads win b* baric sgmta, asvsrtbrium, to# b m am ta them pastor of toe church, win talk on Hartford area housing l,v P - WUaon, rg 0*3 4 Stavsna, Yal* (8 ). Ouaids— named, Manchester has a good albowlag every Frktay alghL Gold Lnbf 1 Cofite. Mads of i the bodies. The mass waa The atate was hampered by lack ruBO, offlelala of toe Genovese Fancy Sugar Cured Bacon,machine sliced...... lb. 25c •4 — . ■. . Buchlay, Harvard (3); Jolly, Cbr- stronger and faster. It smy and agriculture census before toe o f an actual wltnena to toe acci­ chance to finish nsar th* top. The that a miracle win tsks plae* and ply wonted yorna, dyed b*flBfg> itod by Father Coatello with Coal Company of Stamford; Ed­ 8 ' 17 8-6 81 n*D (3); Sarihach, Yal* (1); Pmr- rest o f the playoffs to all prri>- Manchester Women's Democratic dent on West Center " atreet In ward Hertx of Darien, head of the Score at half, 33-14, Blues. tbs north and corns through. By The Ansoeiatsd Presn Charles McNegry as deacon aub at toe YMCA tonight at 8 nwr, Dartmouth (1 ); Busao, abdity will bs. held to too New Tho InUrastloasl-ABMtlcaa ing to give a definite fini^ Rev. Richard Dunn, aa eub which toe Bayer car waa damage. Herts Oonstruetton Company of A SHIPMENT OF FRESH FISH DIRECT FROM li Jteferec, Bob Kerr. Prineaton (1). * o'clock. Other Casea Stamford; John Sorbo, former Haven Arson. hockey lasguo Has a lot la c H o ck ey lute faat color. Nothing the tetter two priests being BOSTON FISH PIER V t Th* data and plaee o f the ban. A group of bosiag fans Windsor Locks. There were Joaeph Baron, 44, of 68 Milford employe^ o f toe town welfare de- Nate’ s Men’ s Store talking about tos tsam ot local BMa with too AaMricnfi LMgM spared to moke thia superior Principal Edaon Bailey, echedul- atreet, Hartford, pleaded guilty partment; Joaeph Qerardl, a_ gre- Fresh SesUope ’ Chowder Chuns. ] qost has oot yot bean sot hut all basebaU raoo—the tntereet Has In altar boy*. ed to ^ a k before toe Blaneheater 707 BIAIN STREET JOHNSON RLOCK win ha taksa ear* ri at a meet­ boxsra that Psto Vsndrino had aa- who’ll tsko second plaoo. By The Aaaodntefi Prsig the offertory. Hra. Sweeney to dealing In Junk hero without a cer; Joseph MancusL a hardware , SnmU and Large Oysters ismWsd during too dtscuhston N*tlMml Lsagus Green PTA, not being able to ap­ license and waa uned 85 and coMs. dealer; and Robert MeKhmey, for­ ing which la to bo held toni|d>t at in . tot eastern divlaton of the "Pie Jasu" and at toe end of pear, Chester Robins^ vice prln He was held after a complaint had A Fan Line of Men’s Wear for Work or Dreos At Ptopalnr Fan .F o r .AO-—W ed ., T h om ., F ii., Sat. ■even o’clock at the West Sid* tost foUowcd toe gsndrsl opinion hockey seramMo at tbs momsat Boston 8, Nsw Yorir Rangars 1. Msa Mra. Sweeney sang and mer town foreman. Prices! Come In and Get Acquainted WiUi NATE! AT OUR VEGETABLE DEPARTMENT Bae. An membtra of the dub that Pete should hnvo a Intsmstlsasl-Aawrlssa Lssgns Single Brritoted, Fly Fron|L Pitney played. "■Softly and clpal will speak «» "Courses Open originally been lodged oonoerning toa fiprlngfield ladiaaa are toe to Freshmen” and Mias Gertrude scales he waa using. The scales, axa urged to he praoent as sc traiaor with his squad. This In no ptocors. Hwy noasd out Bpringflrid 8. PhltadsiphtoS. E o^iih , odJuatsU* 8l«*v» tabto^I irly. Jesus Is CsUtog."> Native Potatoes from Wapping...... '.* * * S * ROLLER BKATmO way diriracta from what to* Tsrigkrs gebeiris Oberempt will talk on “Guidance after examination, were Aei*iivi!h* present lari Bight to Bwve la over too Idle latsmstlessl Amsslcsn in back. Sleeve* end Seep yd^ l t caskets were opened and Indian River Grapefruit ,,••••••••••••••••••4 for 19c tone but If be waata succaas be Peovldsncs st Now Haven. ing tonight. had no licenaa. » „ ^ WORK SHIRTS SPORT SWEATERS Sptdal PtIs m ! Special GaoN i! to to bs taken as to wbsthsr the New liavea Eaglea. with fine quality Iridescent Ifadl^ who were standing to toe Edward Herron of Ifow Bedford...... 4 lbs. 23c mis win attend the A. A. U. must get Isomeasa in camp that [ Hsraboy at PbUndriphln. Ot Lucia Society Fancy Golden Doer Prise: 1 Pair Chicago Shoe Skates. But tbey amy aot bo there to- i CIsvriand at Pittaburgh. teems piped. Has full Ut the church, to toe choir A program of motion pictures MaaBaebuaette, cbargM with In­ CaHfomia Carrots ...... 2 bonchcfl for 11c cenfsrencs banquet urhlcb wttl be knows Just to oondltkm tbeaa night, for Now Haven has i outride peased down wtll be given In Pulaski Hall, toxication pleaded guilty and waa $1.49 High School Nights — Wedoeoday aad Friday. held la Meriden to the near fit' young fellows no that they wUI not chance to get back into the run sleeve, flo ^ pociste, giving the erest aisle viewed toe North street tonight There wlU be sent to Jail for ftve days. He waa tore. leave tl^ beet la the gym. A ning when they aotertnla toe and Irit the church by toe no charge. The pictures are being picked up in helpleee coodiuon The, Santa Luoto Society wiU GROCERY DEPARTMENT’S THURSDAY SPECIALS T h ^ ro An RoDiag At The nghter/tiilaed down too flno is a PiOvldeneo Rada. "That la an out-' inner pocket*. L or^ roomy (Spi, A sy were followed by shown by Dante Paganl and on East Center street yesterday. criebrate Ito fourth btrtbday with Butter, Fnlrmont Creamery...... • • • • • • • • \ Mandiester Sports Center, Wells St. lot wimm off than too chap sriw ■Ms chnaes, bowririr. for the M a n ch ester cut full for oom fort who had been Seated. The a banquet which erlU be held Sun­ FINE has not traiaod onough or wisely.' Michael E. Ewoaa. All are Invited On plea of counsel, the court 8h8®^» Puf® C®n®e*#***••• k**«**'«* clolli MSf 50® Last Night*$ Fights Baglso baesnt bean exactly to elew the bodies wet* the to attend. took under oonrideratlou a request day. April 14 at the Norman atreet DRESS SHIRTS 79c (Nb BeHer Skoltag Thh Saaday A iteraeoa i- Pteridsnes. in fact has sven' No. 1. SMFD, was called to 104 Providence, committed In connec­ founded March 3, 1986. The direc­ lapeooeoo ...... 3 cans 25c By The Associated Proas boxsn but tosy lack a training cams from toe altar PANTS 98c out of seven, to* ntoar two bsiag BOXINO West Center atreet to extinguish a tion with toe Issuance of a bad tor for the four coneecuUvo years B K ^ t ii’s Lten Bean Sonp ...... Ige. lOe New Tocfc-^olhsii Mann, 101, routoM that win bring out tos tlML blesaed toe bodies, fire In toe cab of a truck owned riieck. baa been Rina BeUucd. The com- New Haven, Ooao„ outpoiatod Gun- bast Out o f to* tan or- -twstvs TUESDAY, MARCH 19 tlda being Father DRESS 1'V, 1 '. -la ths wostarM race tos am by B. J. Hou. The Sra waa eauaed, ■talrioi EsaUtution mlttee to ebargo o f the lual Pure B n Noodles, ftpe, brood, and medinm, l$-Minco nor Bariuad, i . r & i ^ (10) bs hM four prowlriiqr 'M s aituaUoa Is'also latsroitlHg MfilB Briitx They thm approached It Is believed, by a short clreult In Soola waa an t to JaU here Feb- baiMiuet la headed by Mrs. Connie SHOES I * 0 e o o a a $ 1.98 pgQigges .8 for 25c BOWL FOR HEALTH s Angeiri! i kw Nesten, .101, , wldrii IsquUs n s nesipago ro- eonsMsr. CIsvsIaaditad PRto- to extend sympathy. He, C FLH> ANDREAS tbs truck wiring. Flremea forced naiy 7. after [It waa brought out Vltialo, aaaistod by Rtoa BeUucd. DBEi PANTS Tomato Juice, Kemp’s Son Rayed, UV^-onnee ca n s .... A t tho Los Angrica,' knocked out BUnsp ganOeaa. Coasmonta board diiriag burgh, busy cnttlag each otooris ; :*f N*w Leadok hgr his two friends, a door of the garage to reach tha that be had purehaaed farmerri Antotoetto ' Lupacchlno. Caroltoe WORK Winiama. 81R Loo-Angrim, (0). this dlacnssloii wars to to* affhet throat, havo anotorir of thsir sis- __m so he looked upon the fire and confined the blase to to* pndue* and bad given obseks to Krinjach, Maria Palusxl and Mra. SHOES $ 1.79 $ 1 .9 6 ...... • • * ; " 1?* Whtto Ptoto*, N. Y. — Johnny tost-Petr sllowsd to* h m to train ■ling asrisa oh tap tonIgbL - and IgtHstomUy. truck eabw payment wtdoh wsr* not backed Mary Oomntt. i Aprkots, whole peeled. Royal SearM .. . .faurgeat can 21c Charter Ohk Bowling AUeys BtoaML-MOjt, New Toili. out' too nmeh iuid' sven'on too day BarslMy -^ y s tos-PbfiadsIphlnan. JOIB WLONGO a ^ funds. Oounaal asked his rs- totpa-Not Flakes, new large 12riiance padm ge...... 15e S lfM iB tN a t poteted B d A E t ^ 14014, Pitts­ •to* lights toes* hoys want totougb If toe Barons and. tos Hoensta af N*W Rochsil* ' over 100 automobUaa lasaa, saytof hs had bean to JaU ) — ------It la r^ortod that tha State SHIRTS AND SHORTS .e « d i 19e RodLiM Golden Rwptom Com, Cnt Refugee Beans, and Open Mlghta — ItwHsgr, Toisfini burgh.. ($). thrir routoM. Ith scn agri ------r n*t careful tos Beam nio llnhls • OTHER Boirrst th* bodiea to St Highway Department' la eaek ■toes eonricoon and had asrvsd Freah Lima Beans, No. 2 cans, yoor choice, lOe «adi Jsrsey CUy —Uleksy 1 cos to help him hsadls fids larg* l)to Ift ®b$6d Ct to* whore the to eocuie from the Oonnoctleu: tors* week* prior to th* time of POPULAR PBKRfil Loo Angdeo—(dV-Tou may have Ook — to 147, Hnrrims, N. J., riitpriatsd •quad Ms boys srin get ' nlghto goao with tbs. RamMsm He was one company the right o f way oa Cen­ his amrignmanti H* Is to stand Eggn-Local, Strictly Freflh, Large, Fancy . . . .do«. ^ Mlk* nririo, IMH. rnshold, N. ■r sad have a bsttar egisaos la tos On OSIs At heard *bet lovehirds die If they are ■■ * la sa good a ptaM aa any to atart Jm the Mulh aecUoa ter strairi b o y m tha Irnecaection trial to i^ to South Windsor on n Fhayy Piok Ahmka...... tall can 15c J.JIO L . niQMe the older daughter, of (Hoott atreet Here a double ebsok ehnrgs, it was said. Defense parted. Leonard Doran, 84, ap- Altar n llta g tha imt four paiently had. He chased an aaoapsd Nate’ s Men’ s Store gaassa sf tbs sirias, thsRsam ap- I Msthar and to the troUsy track extends to toe Love oounari poliitod out rastttutlQn wns bird over roofs and Isdgss as, high d ia l S187 — FREE DKUVERT! Ivy, 180H. ^Swtfs^'^’^otttpolntod rock-drsUs Kegca. 183H. pamMly gut ths Phtladriphlam hi ywiffer daughter, IsuMMrich. The trarite no longer being to tho aggrisvod par* Johnaon Qtodi Kwcua Pitta, IMH, Puerto Bioo . oat Hos^ Mel to dig through are need (or transportattou pur- as tan stories, tor tors* hours I ji|tallopini|^ tkm t o . 6M I itoiwlw nturaM tt to tta mnts^ r, ' T ~ H,.. ' .• . , ■jT'l; ‘ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. RAN0HE8TER, CONN. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18,1946 RAGS xAUcanMfii* Evranro inntA i^;iiJU K {H EaTi», oon*. > .w t o m b t o a t ; i u * c h i t , iw ® •m r f o u B t m KED KYDBR Watchful Waitinff HY FRED HAI r T y ^ m r IBULUM R iO ( ------r c E A S S i r i r o Sense and Nonsense 'WHQTHATF BUY \ •o mABcooN n t a o rm .f The best thing to do about spiU- Yearning! Harold—Darling, I have but a | cd mil)< is to get more milk. Tls the night before pay-day, and ola|le thought. u .l til rough my Jeans Gladys - 1 coldly)— T ea anyone ] Slightly Inebriated (to girl on I’ve hunted in vatn for the wrays con see that and the means; street)—Do you speak to streng- No m atter how aenalble a plan rra on the street? Not a quarter is stirring, not evan I Tarry, "hut ha told bm he Juat Sweet Young ’thing—Oh, no! a jif: may be. nor how carefully drawn, Machinery iim I Toolt ( 2 wouMn t moka a doal for the amn." The kale la off duty, the green­ it Is not w-orth much unless put In- | AiiUNBobilcs For Sale 4 MackG>mbines SllghUy Inebriated—Well, then, t \ execution and carried through. ' ^ ‘ , U t Mt FWiad 1 Locking Leads Council Re-appoints shut up! backs have quit; h e r e is t h e p l a c e t* buy Calif.—Jimmy Dykea' •:_OtAMOm> l»w pm ^ 1937 PACKARD «. TW* dork green Paamtana, Fdtjvard, turn fonvard, O Time, In 4 door Mdon hoa radio and beater, your tractor. Large atock of naw big: problem atamai to ba what to do %hen the Sweet Young Thing gtTMt or in Um OtOTM. R«- and uacd tractora, Implemonta, Rink Scorers Vets, Rookies A man needs a place where he - * oeaU hereelf In the amoking eom- | very good Urea. Priced at >*96. vTui an hta aUpago White Sox In- j t t nturncd to Mrr. H«nry eU. Dublin Tractor Company, can get soma exercise, of course, 'And make tomorrow, Just for to- partment of a train, croosea tt M Pi«MV«et ottMt. Pbooo 5iai Now. Brunnar’a, SO fieMori. Ha i|koa Ammy Wabb aa Rockville’s Officials .he’s . the kind who la trained to do night! Wllllmantle. unSoTotudy to ibortatop Luka Ap­ lege, extracU a clgarst anu a | Oakland atraet. North Manekea- On Athletics the washing and wax the floora match from her amart bag, takaa ter. Syracuse S^p Pressed pling and Bob Kannady to fill In If A bright young man tells us AvtMnobiles For Sal* 4 Wmntcd—To Buy 58 Jack Hayea haa knee trouble again. Little Other Bufiineflfi committee In charge of the ar- i a long pull at the elgaret Inbalca 1»SS — CHEVROLET DELUXE By Three Rivals in Don Kolloway aloo looka good and rangementa. Jimior—Daddy, a man’s wife it that writers of present day popu­ it mid ejects two streams of amok* BY J. R. WILLIAMS UUK BUARDING HOUSE WITH MAJOR HUOFLi town aedan, new paint, mohair In­ Philadelphia Confident Tmn»acted at Meeting Lagion AnxlHnry his better half, isn’t she? lar songs have about run out of from her little nostrila, we art con­ OU’l UUK WAY Packard 130 bnalneoa coupe. WANTED TO BUY uaed combina­ may ouat Kennedy from the relief anything to write about so now I gray car la In ogcellenl con- terior, Motorola radio, heater, tion gaa and oil rang#. State Int*Am Loop Race Stanley Doboax Uifit No. 14. Father—Well. son. they are fre­ vinced that the inequality of the X WA8 JUST THINKIN'^ r NCR- SO FAST fiW BULLY BOY/— ' X Jtb. ___ _ , Of Good Showing This Lafit Night; Ca«e Be> quently referred to as such. they write their Songs about noth­ aexes has gona forever haywire. / lAAKING A HAT LIKE HER V Wfit*L, IP T SPEND i!. ITie former owner haa go<^ Urea, excellent motor, eaay price, make etc. Write Box H, American Legion AuxlUo^ will ■^OmwsAS 4^ .Jtaa OV AA< A. A4lA#Wpef» li AMOS^ I'LL BE FLAPPIN* h a n d e d YOU * 5 FOR ECRAMWOLO^ AMO leoa than 11,000 mllea. An term a *29?. Cole Motora—S4S8. New Havao, Omn., Marek 1*.— Year; May Rate as hold a meeting thla evening In the Junior—Then, If a man married ing. rsIBW ON6 O U T O F AN A QUARTER FOOLISH. Herald. Tampa, Fla.—Don’t look new­ • fore the City Cor*t* t- Ice, there wouldn’t be much of Junior watched the nurse while I X’M GOIN’ TO TH’ DOGS, MV WINGS ANY DAY. AW I HE'S AS LEGAL A PART OF MY ESTATE AE at value. Priced at I&0S. (S>)—Tha aooillig race In the Inter­ er maybe you’d better while It’e G. A. R. HaU. Mlaa LudUa Brig­ OLD H A T O3 F PA’S, JUST BMiiner'a. SO Oakland alreet, SPRING CLEANING HINT!—Call Threat Next Season. ham, Community Service chair­ him left, would there be daddy? Mother—Junior, you must not she weighed the new baby. Finally TO SHOW HER SHE'S GONNA ne IN POVERTV- G ET TURRIBLE LONESOME MV ADAM'S a p p l e /— 'BUT. «N CE YOU'RE Business Services Offered IX national-American hockey league ■till there—Manager Bill McKech- Rockville, March 13 —(Special) he could contain himself no longer: Itocth Mancheater. Phone S191. Wm. Oatrinaky and dlopooe of nle of the OncinnaU Reds thlnka man la chairman of the committee forget to Use tbe napkin. EKTRAVAGANTf SAV, BUT IF SHE SPENDS ON THE ROAD SOMETIME6 MV BROTHER^EGAP, YOU MAY HAVE HIM . your aaleabic Junk and papcra for moved into Ita laat week ~ today Anaheim, Calif., March 13—(43 —AU of the city officers were re- (n cbqrge of tbe social which will HoBywood Motto: Marry In haste Junior—Well. Tm using tt, Junior—Do you mind telling me WHV CANT YOU FIVE BUCKS FER A BACK ANY TIME AT ALL— -FOR •SOO/ PONTIAC coupe, 1*37 Chev- ELECTRIC REPRIOERATORa hla outfield U all ect for 1940. Mika bow much iny mother paid a pound | -c*-*- MBBBE T l L CHANGE ervloed and rebuilt, all niakea. naab. Tel. 6879, with Norm Locking of tha Syra McCormick from Indlanspolla —The very old and the very new appointed a t tbe City Council follow Die huatneae aeoalon. and repeat at leisure. mother. I've got the dog tied under DO NICE. KIND SLICE OF FELT AN‘ MV MIND ABCXrr GIVhN' MUt aedan, 1*37 Pontiac 2 door, Wayne W. Phllllpa, 68 Walker may combine to pull the Phila­ meeting held Tuesday evening with , The officers and membera of. the the table with It. for him ? im O ie^let aedan, 1934 cuoe St#ra leading throp preaaltig ■eema to plug that left field hole Mayor Claude Mills presiding. 'The | EUlngton AuxUlaiy have been in- THINGS INSTEAD A FEATHER. WHV-- YOU SCRAMMV— ' I'M ■ V atreet. TeleP^ooe 497S. Apartment**- Fist#— rivala for the coveted boiior by and alao to offer the posalblUty of delphia Athletlca out of the dol­ Mrs. Gotrorka (sdrtslng)—Pay OF ALWAYS STARTING WELL.TM NOT S-VOnath coupe, 1*31 Dodge aedan. drums and start them rolling into offlclala ’ were announced as fol-' vited to attend the meeting on ^your taxes with a smile. BY CLYDE LEWIS AWFUL ATTACHED TO TH ’ > |3We Motora, At Tlie Center— j I'enemcntS S.X four polata. * a AOO-bltting garden triO. lows; Corporation (Tounsel, Bern-, Marcb 37th at which time there HOLD EVERYTHING AN UPR O AR ? ARGUIN’-TM J 1S POP*— HE'E L T A The loop'a weakly tabulation Looka like be can do ’ 68 Hollloter atrect. both of^bom he paoacd la the loat pretty good flrat boaaman In Bert from the seventh place where tbe No one should be kinder or braver INSURE FOR RENT—FOUR room tene- fortnight, aa well an . Freddy Men of Mack wound up last sea­ Hunt. . today. They were married In than he—Tomorrow! WHh Hoaa. up from Noahvllle with the son. A few miscellaneous permits Ellington, March 13, 1890. Mrs- Repairing t n ment. Call .>804. Tburrler of the Springfleld Indiana. Southern AaeoclaUon patting title A friend who was troubled and 'lidlINNEY BROTHERS Thuriler contributed the week'a Jbltion Plug UUMd Lsaka were granted, and there was no McNeill being the former Miss weary, he knew—who'd be glad FOR RENT—FOUR room apart­ In hla cket. In fourr exhik Steps have been, taken—expen- ' Eoal Batata and laearaaoe __ r e p a i r i n g a n d rellnlJihlng beat abowtng with a five-point gamca. Bert haa batted In eight other business at the meeting, Nettle Royce, a native of Willing- of a- lift—and who needed It M.t. St Pkoae SOS* chalra, caning, apllnt, ruah or ment. 16 mtnutee ride from Mi aive ateps, too—to plug up the a t y Court ton. Mr. McNeill la a native of too—on him he w-ould call and cheater. Telephone 88S8. 'lump. «uns, four of tham with a pair of leaks in tbe Infield that cost many reed. Edward E. Fl*b. 104 Cheat- ______At 62 polnU waa Max Boanott homera off Detroit pitching yeeter- Raymond A. Faust, 30, of 33 Campbelllon, Canada see what he could do—Tomor­ a game last year, and for once Mr. and Mrs. McNeill are ob­ nut dtreet. Tel. 8688. f o r RENT—FURNISHED or un-1 of Syracuoe. while Wa teammate day. there is more reoerve atrength in Walpole street, Roxbury, Mass., row! furnlahed apartmeota. Call Cen-1 Ed CoOyey, rasked nextjvlth 49. was before Judge Thomas L. Lar­ serving the anniversary with ‘a Each morning he stacked up the LAWN MOWERS abarpened. and the outfield. family dinner today. letters he'd write—Tomorrow! Manchester tennial Apartmenta, 3787 Pete Beaaone of the PItUburgh Anaheim. CMHf-Southpaw Her­ The pitching staff, once It beglna kin In the City court on Tuesday repalrad. Prepare now for romlna HomeU appeared aafely ’’In’" charged with reckless driving and 36-46 CNb ' And thought of the folks h# would aeoaon. Pay May 1st. Phone 8618. man Beaa* looka like he ia going to realise It has steadier simport, There will be a meeting of the Evening Heraltl .among the penalty leadera with 96 to click for tbo Philadelphia Athle­ with driving an aiitoroohlle with­ fill with delight—Tomorrow! Xarleeh'a Lawn Mower Shop, should diillver that much better, 20-40 Club of the Rockville Metho­ I t was too bad, Indeed, he was busy AdvertiseaMnts Houses For Rent 85 mlnutea eprat off tha ice. * tics In three gamca jie has pitched and with several newcomers of po­ out the owner's permission. He Depot. St., Buckland. The Itague’a regular aeaaon enda was fined 236 on the charge of dist church t^is evening with Mrs. ., today, at eu averaa* worda »• e lioa FOR RENT—SIX ROOM alngle nine innings, eight of them score- tential winning ability In the fold, Laura Hickton. D - 0 _Ja, aambera and abbrewlatleae WANTED TO TUNE, repair and Sunday nTght. with playoffa elated leaa, given up right hits and four It may prove a big Improvement reckless driving and 260 on the And hadn't the minute to stop on . oaaat aa a word end eemaoead wllh aunparlor, oil burner. Nice to begin two nighta later. runs. He gave the Hollywood Stars second charge, together with the BUght Accident hiB way. regulate your piano or player location. Tel. 3149. over the 1939 campaign. Philadel- There waa a slight accident on werM M twe werda Mlnlmew eee* piano. Tel. Mancheater 6062. 'The leading aeorera: only one Wow in yesterday’s thrae phla’a baseball writers are con­ costs of 26. As he was tinable to "More Ume I will have to give T H.ailae ef three llnea __ G. A. Pt. pay the fine he was taken to tbe Union street yesterday aftefpooP others.’’ he’d say—Tomorrow! j .JS y letee aer day ler tfoaMiat frames. RooWe Catcher Hal Wag­ fident of thla. which involved autps driven by SPORT TOPS AND curUlna, lug­ Locking. Syracuse .. 36 81 67 ner and third base man Al Rubellng .jSack of all thla ia the cnthusl- Tolland Jail. ITjs greatest of workers, this mar / lONELINESS AND S is ------If, u a t gage and harneaa repairing. *0 ______Wsntcd To Rent _ Hudaon, Indlanapolia 37 26 63 Joseph Paloxle of South Wtndao^. would have been—Tomorrow! Caeb CMI also are showing Improvement. oam and maater-managing of the Faust who Is a chauffeur- took f Thiirrier, 'Sprln^eld 36 37 63 his employer to an airplane field and Louis Zwingleatein of Berkley The world would have known him eop« tiSoTvkt** BRCnrHERLV LOVE • m 4 K.swt.etr. eeeUve Oara,>.| 1 * Laklng**** WANTED BY COUPLE, rent 34 3* 63 old maater hlmaelf—Hr. Connie Terrace. Paloxle was driving*away ttvl he ever seen—Tomorrow! . TMB8iR».I WHY MOTHERS e C T GR AV MOJsal eU country, preferably smill single Hemmerllng. N, Haven Tampa. Fla.—Still hopeful of Mack. on Monday and then decided to from the curb as the Zwingleatein eta house. Must be within 12 miles of Bennett. Syracuse 24 38 62 Mr. Mack brought hla club here visit friends In Glastonbury, also to But. tn fact, he passed on, and he rarten leV irreiraiar iwnione LAWN MOWERS reimlred and getting some good results. Ray auto was paasing and the fenders faded from view, Manchester, pric.- reasonable. [I Convey, Syracuse 17 .32 49 Blades of tbe St. Louis Ckardlnals to train for the first time this take a few friends with him. He BYKDGARNAf taraed at the ene time rata sharpened, called tor and deliver­ 22 26 47 on both cars were damaged. Police And all that he left here when liv­ Bool'S AND HER BUDDIES Pug Still Says So mlee Cor Iona torn ovorr ed. Saw filing. F,. 8. Edgerton, 876 Write Box B, cafe of. Herald. Patterson, N. Haven . planned te use his right handers yeay,, California qnd Anaheim was Involved tn an accident when Scbulta, Springfleld .. 31 26 46 the auto collided with the rear of Captain Peter J. Dowgewics in­ ing was through, ^ rtuina a<»on epea Parjeer atrect. Phone 3290. against ancinnatl today. Three of captored him, and he returned the vestigated the accident. '2Fas a mountain of things ho in­ ...M'ljj _ etdorod botoro tho third or WANTED TO RENT—Four or five Toupln, Syracuse ----- 16 39 43 hla aouthpawa issued 11 passes yes­ compliment. He’s coming back an auto driven by Stanley F. Gill W M .9 U * -\ D04IT « U ANIYONS.I \T o*s-Kri, V® rt _ day erlll bo ohoraed only lor rooms, preferably alngle bouse, Tremblay, N. Haven . 21 30 41 next year, so pleased is he with of San Diego, Cal. In checking up PION Stamp Exhibit tended to do—Tomorrow! VIMb VnOEMEiN 65>W YOUR oatbal number of timoa the ed terday and tbe (Tarda lost 8-3 to The Rockville. Stamp Cfiub la IHAAIMATIOM eA9TA*i-JI* >b ■eared, ebaralna >t the nte^eern- Help Wanted—Female 25 modern, for adults. Reasonable. J. I Bartholome, Cleveland 16 38 41 the Reds. Blades probably could use the hearty welcome, and more im­ the accident the state police learn­ T i e *b5l ae dlloweaea er rofende m R. Dickson, 436 Farmington Ave. [wtltson. New Haven . 11 30 41 his heavy-hItUng holdouts, too, but portant, the climate to put hla ed that Faust took the auto with­ making preliminary plans for . a Earnestnesf of effort often CMFTNN** oieda en aim time ede stapeed WOMAN WANTED to wash dlah- Hartford. Corrigan, Springfleld 11 39 40 team In top condition. out the owner’s permission. stamp exhibit to be heh) In Wes­ makes up for lack of experience. GUEES Whb r the Bttb day, Joe Medwick and Don Padgett still leyan Hail on Saturday. April 6. (bOOOl » *^ll torbtda^i dioalap Uaae aet ea. Apply a t Cavey’a Orlll. 33 Blast are sitting tight. At the moment there are two Thomas M. Oliver, also of Bos­ j This exhibit is sure to bring out a S-rt C08B. 1989 IT IMC T M 8IQ. tl, I, FAT, 089. M' THE WORM Center street. ’Telephone 3801. flaws In the picture. One Is the ton, who was riding with him was OlbATFENES INiv*» ZONE a*« POSTAGE * re Uaa one time, Cleaners, 1007 Main alreeL tnor* H ratarion of !(> Alton atr«»l. geta his first teat under fire against will be exhibits of framed work, In 2 6 102 laadvertent emiaalea el la- Syracuse today and Manager Doc mend oatlstsctorily, but he will be before the court on the charge of Manchtalar, Conn., hnve fllad an ap- set back In training. addition to other attractions. BY SYLVIA I ■Mfeet pabileatton el ad v artlMGIRL WANTED—for checking and pltrallon dated Uth of March, !»♦« By The Aanodfited Prets Prothro la hoping he’ll do well. Intoxication. He was before the FLAPPER FANNY fiBt be raotmed only by eucolU m a wllh tha Liquor Control Commla- The very new aide of the club court on Saturday and fined on the Degrees Toidgbt ‘ obarpe- made for tbo oorvloowrapping, high school education Avalon. Calif.— The Chicago Danny, poosepaor of an imprealve The E llin^n Orange will confer __I ___ atun for a Paokaac 8 »ora minor-league clouting record, dla- includes several sparkling tnfleld same charge, and as the result of referred. Holland Cleaners, 1007 mil for til* aalc of alrohollc liquor Cuba prepared to aet out for the prospects, such aa the highly pub­ tb^ first and second degrees on a imetuauu meat opaforia £Iain street. on (h* i.rcmlaca of 115 Spruce atreel. mainland and their flrat exhibition tlnguished hlnwelf yesterday with Tlicsday’s appearance was given eopy and *ypesrbPW,.ff .MHiirhealer. Conn. The hualneaa I* licised 245,000 beauty, Benny Mc­ a 15 days Jail sentence and order­ class of candidates at ita meeting .■a enfereed w tba nabHeh* game with the White Sox today several long drives, any One of Coy; Al Rubellng, from Atlanta; this evening. The Ladies dBgree tkay leaerva the rlokt te owned by KIrat National Hlorea, Inc., minus a regular third aacker (Stan which would have gone for a homer ed to pay the costs of the case. SUj • rejeet any eepy aoe- of Park and Oakland Avea., Kaat BUI ' LJItard, from Baltimore; St. Patrick's Dance team of which M ra 'Horace 8. Me- Huge Gotun Dam Mode Help Wanted—Male 28 lurtford. Conn., and will he con­ Hack), a regular center fielder at Shlbe Park. Frank Chapman, from Springfleld. Knight is in charge will confer the leael ducted by tvilmor* H. Peteraon of (Hank Lelberl and their moat The members of the A.O.H. and degrees. Panama Canal Possible MUSICIANS WANTED— Accor- S6 .\lton atraal. Mancheater. Conn.. Moss., and Al Brancato, up from its Auxiliary wilt hold a St. Pat BY HOY ______day maat famous pitcher (Dlasy Dean). Williamsport, Pa. \ Fraak Harlow Grant W^SH I'UbBS The Upper Hand ^ U e’alaeh neea aater«dion-piano and violin to play every at permittee. ___ Hack, who haa been recovering rick’s dance this evening In the l^ITHOUT Gatun Dam there Saturday nlKht—near Manchea­ Wll,MO RE H. PETKnaON ProimMa lineup PrlncMS Ballroom. This Is being Fiumk Harlow Grant, died this ” , would be no Panama Canal. 2 £ ^ ' ter. Write Box K. Herald. Dated 11th of March, 1910. from an operation, waa due In from Escape Blocks Dick Slebert will be back at morning at his home 168 Union UlMMi R hmc \ OH.vifi you Tsw Waat Ate H-t-IS-tO. Loa Angelea today but holdouts observed eqrly because of the Next to the locks, the earth and AMVTWM6 TO DO IPUJt, fORSOUn WhltRS __ oeeapMd evar tbe tale* first, recovered from nijurlee which fact that the 17th falbi on Palm atrect. He- had b*^ Ul three stone barrier across the Chagt-es AID uptM oaniG tef at tlia tSAROB BATB alvaa Dean and Lelber haven’t been hampered him laat year; McCoy months. He waa'bMii in Rockville WITH V0UlfiCH8ME\) BAKE. *8m«APb TOU aa a aeavanatame ta elver* heard iTom lately. Maii^s Freedom Sunday. Buckminster'a orcheatra river Is the most Important part v o u ... veu nLTHv/Ane umnnm» Ttutr he M/l Help Wanted—Male or goes at second, Llllard at ahort. will furnish music for tbe dancing on Dec. 30. 1887, the son of Nath- of the canal system. Gatun Dam ju«rite,votnxi tlM CASn RAT O will ta and Rubellng may take over third, aniel and Agnes (Anderson) Grant. ^ ------HA4 A P»MW RtCORp owe 0* THE ae POLL PATHRMT It Female 37 Bradenton, Fla.—Hank Green- and Jim Rhodes pill prompt impounds the waters of Gatun ------M PBAMCE PIMMTMfU veuttoitefAWWt' _the hmetaaaa aSioe aa ar be* although Joe Oantenbetn and Mr. Grant leaves one son, Har­ Lake, insuring a constant depth _Recreation _ 11 berg Is hitting as hard as a left Replies of Cheshire Fu' Dario Lodjglani are also sqviab- The following Is the committee o u iA s m f . Ike aavaatk day fellawlaa thaWANTED—Experienced bookkeep­ In charge: Mrs. (Catherine Preuss, low R„ of Rockvtllp and one for the 24 miles of ship channel taaertloa el eoeh ad etharwiaa er. Give experience, age and M W £ * tn S t I hrider as he used to when he play^ bling for regular duty. daughter, Mra Bernice Grant ~ UtOR RATB will ta eelleat* * " a « *f?ag*eJ ||«d first base, but It appears be still gitive Arouse Suspicion Mias Anna Hartley, Mrs. Mary through the lake, supplies water teepeaslbllltir ter errerasalary la requlr^. Write Box J, Tbe old couM be pictured no bet Bluteau. of Springfield and three has a lot to leam about fielding bis ter than by Al Simmons. : Once Swlder, Mrs. Josephine Burns. for the locks. A hydro-electric led ode will ta asanmedHerald. and Of Springfield Police Mrs. wmiam Pfunder. Mlchsel grandchildren. IJe 'w $m d xhember plant at Gatun furnishes electric* latex nC OfimUeBtSonfioannel be ynaron* Today; , new position. Hank was over near Connie Mack’s star batter and a of tbe Union church aisd of Rock- center field yesterday When CkmMe hero of the 1930 aad 1931 pennant O’Connell, Thomas Kernan, Harry 1 ^ ter the Canal Zone. g.g_Busineas aud Cheshire, March 13.—(43—Bkl' Plnney andI.Raymond Mulroney, vUle Lodge, A. O. U. W. Madden Dam, built in 1935, im­ IR •••••••••*••••••• Articlea For Sale 45 'Lavagetto belted a triple that xlctoriee, Simmons Is 37 ytars did. Tbe funeral win be held on Sat­ • a**6*****n«n*nnnn6i* V Men’s Group E. B. Sparta Night pounds the upper Chagres Into started Brooklyn’s five-run rally. A ward Danletrics, 32, of 691 2Uon He’ll be a reserve outfielder, and be urday from hla late home with ■ •aa*eaa|p*ann«**i9nnnnn* FOR BALE—UNDERWOOD type­ Volleyball E. S. moment later he bad to do a lot etreet, Hartford, ia back at Che­ can still slug the ball, if exhibition Sports Night will be held by the Madden Lake, a reservoir to keep •C ThMlit writer, In first claaa condition. Handball E. S. more road work on Roy (TuUen- Rockville Lodge of Elju at their Rev. George Brookes oStdatiifg, Gatun Lake full even in drought ■RRHUS ev«***B«n**nnnn«* shire reformatory today with at game performances mean any­ Burial win be in tha Orovs HiU •M W9un4 I be seen at 94 Foster Street Badminton W. 8. blne'a pop-fly double. least 3 1-3 years to serve, but thing. home on Proapect atreet this eve­ Water level In Gatun Lake is 6- 7—Handball for men E ., 8. cem etery.. . ; i.<; . ■ ' , eontrolled by Gatun spillways, it# aa«**«MMMMBnn FOR SALE—MEN’S rebuilt and he’d be a trta man If be hadn’t Wally Moses, Sam Chapman, ning, with Alfale Booth, former I • * ******* amall gym. * - n> • 1 8*n Bernardino, Calif.—Manager walked away from the iiuUtutton Johnson, Wilson Miles and the Tele football star as the speaker shown during construction on the relaated eboea. Better than, new 7- 8—Box] SUgbt Earth fifeoek ffeit . iMes for tale ...... iBg for man E. S. amall Frisch says he doesn’t ex­ a month ago while working out aforementioned Gantenbeln will of the evening. The program U stamp above, and completed, be­ cheap shoes. See them. Sam gym Weoton. Moba, March IS—(ff)— low. The stamps are two of a set .jMlee ter Bxebiaae .*•• Yulyes, 701 Main. pect hla Pittsburgh Pirates to re­ Bide with a farm gang. make up tbe outfield talent. Eddie open to the public and mahy sports Aaeaaeoriea—Vlrea ...... 6 -9 -Junior Boys’ game room main entirely away from- alcoholic Daniewlca applied a t police Collins. Jr„ a speed demon on tbe fans are expected to attend The Weston College selsmognph Of 16 issued in conunemoration of W ell Mnke It a Parly BY V. T .H i Raaalrinr—Faletlaa • *e* recorded a “very slight" forth- tha 38th anniversary of the canaL ALI.KY OOP lls e « a e • a a e e a a #••*** open E. 8. and W. 8. . beverages duringhiring the champion-champion­ headquarters In Springfleld, Maas., I bases, has been optioned to Bslti- A roast beef dinner will be serv- 6-9—Junior basketball league ship gseason, ^ n . but any drinking dur- buoke approximately 89 .miles last WEEK, EHf THEN you WE'LL «WW,y ABOUT THAT . ip Py TfVPll •eeeae** V Fuel find Feed 49-A Sunday night for a lodging mrd, mdre, but should return to the A's ed at 8:30 o’clock followed by tbe ^ v e M H x fS ■lr« a•aaaaaav**** ® E. 8.B. Ing the training period la out. *T which would admit him to a social next year. talk by Albte Booth. He will also from the station at 8:39.32,(e^.t.i I MUST NOW BE ON VOUR uRrBa...wrLL raoBAMyj ca etoraxe *«• la 6;46—Bowling alleys hUte to appear an extremlat. * he last night, college aqUioritlaa a** RlS^~S9tf. agm BE CRAZY BS- __ .Weyelta ...... II FURNACE WOOD sawed atove agtncy In that city. Hla replies to Earle Brucker will be the Na 3 show sports motion pictures and vuay TD AMAOONIA>'IHB IBBEIMTHE length and under cover, 24.50 per f o r ------Mitchell group . E. 8. „„„ f. oon't------want to catch any catcher, with Hal Wagner, from nouitced today. The ebock was so LANDOF THE WOARIOR fORft WaiGffr AMINf Aatoa—MotoreTalaa ,,, II routine questhms aroused the there will be other types of enter^ m b t h k t s FfOMTHHiaE mm4 Pvafaaalaaal aaivtaia load. L. T. Wood Co. 6-* - Junior ping pong, pool and ^ players Uktng as much as curiosity, of PL. |c and he waa held Newark, and Bud Honcken. who talnment. Samuel J. Houston slight the direction was net ob­ WOMEN CRAZV/ TOO] . Oarvleaa Offared.... It games W. 8." beer while we are In as a auqpiclous peraon, a technical was with Seattle last year, scrap­ Manchester la rbairinsn of the tained. . iM fenrleaa Offared ....It-.A FOR b a l e —.SEASONED bard 6-7—Cogpers (Trite iBtraetlse ..,.* ••• I* charge beihg>euig placplaced against him ping for tbe third string Job. They 'Karaariee ...... ;•••** II wood, cut any length fur range game W. _ ~ „ may all atay If Hayes remolna sb- TT ‘Let’a not stay longer than we nbs’lutely have to—right Dlreetert ...... 14 or tlreplafe. Donal^ Gebring. Tel. 7.g—BosketbaU game. Yale vs. Orlando. Fla__ Proaidant Clark While being flngerpmted and ■ent. iMa*—Raeftat .. IT 8758. (TomeU, W. 8. after they serve the ice cream.” __ II OrtimbaniilUi ofox Waahlngton’B WSMunsAvn • Senatomc photographed, he confeoaed be es- caster Heads Hurters ____iryi OratamaklnK II g.p —I Racketeers basketball aaya Alejandro- - Carraaquel - juei {a going George Ooater hbsde tho return­ year be- C04ied from the Cbeahlre reforma­ Daily Pattern ieSw—Treeklee—Storage .. M game. W. 8. to be a better pitcher rois ; tory . Feb. 5. ing pitchere, but several of the HY KON IAINE 80X * Paaaaaaer Service....in-A > Huusehold GtMidfi SI e-tO -Four bowlliig alleys open. cauae of a tonetiuk anoutabout letletting up newcompra may prove valuable JOONEKVILLE l>'OLES aOaa*-Pap*rlaa ...... Supt. Oebrge Ersklne of the ifaoBleaal Sarvloat ...... tl SEE THE HONEYMOON —3 W. S. against certain batters. "I took Chephir* reformatory eoid this ■urprace. Among these ore Ed "Irtog ...... a* rooms of funitture 1168.00. 810. him up In my room fbr an hour and mofnlng Doaiewtes was ellgtbte Heusser. right hander who won 19 .With New Knepeafk XP t h e m il k m a n WASH*T 80 PUMB, Hfi*P HAVE KNOWN THE ^ Hag—Oyainx—Claaning .. 14 Tomorrow; really pourA tt on about letting and loet 7 for Memphis last year; A Qeeda and Sarvtea ...... U down—18 months tojjay. Alberi’s fOr refeoae on parole March T or 8, itaS-'Builnain Sarvlea tt Furniture (To., 43 Allyn etreet, 6-7—Handball for men E. 8. up. ” said Oriffltb. "He board things having served 3 l-X yeere of ■ five- Eton H ogsett who had 16 and 9 Patterw 8881 SKIPPER WAS PLU66IN8 THOSE CROSS-TIES WITH OUNPOWPIR! f] RdaeaOanal Hartford, Ooun. small gym. he won’t hear In a long tlma." year sentence on a breaking and for Minnaapolia; Johnny Babich, areaa and Claaata ...... tT 6- 9--Junior boys’ game room I entering chom on which be was whb won 17 and dropp^ 6 with jM .ta laoUaetloaa aaa*eae*#a FOR SALE—sm a l l "OBEY AND St. Peteraburg. Fla.—’The two Kanaos City; Herman Besae, 17 Here # on exeepUonally good ••••••,24•A open E. S. and \V. 8. convicted In Hartford county Su­ design (8867) for the casual [-"DraBiatlc •••«••••••* 14 whi(e gaa stpve with oil bunirr. 7- 8 - Women’s beginners swim- moat recent arrivala In the perior Court. A report on hla es­ and 11. with Meinphla. In good condition, 125.00. Phone York Yankees’ camp. Joe DiMa^ It Isn’t nkely ttat Mr. Mack’s ■porU frock that you Boar any­ ABHMEMdor A t tc n B BY NEKRILL i itad—laatraetloni ming class E. S. cape end capture must he filed where and everywhero, fftcept FKEUHLES AND H18 FHIHNDB Oiaanclal 4639. g.9—Badminton for women E. 8. glo and Red Ruing, er* full of beloved A’s .wHl hnbek over the :oekt—Mortgagaa ••• *I ambition for tho coming aeaaon. with the court. Yankees this year, but they may for parties, during opring and Opportunlttaa Of OVER-STOCK SALE of SOLID large g>'m. Superintendent Ibrsklne. answer­ summer rnontha Mode with ac­ IN aTb swaux/ NOW V te Loan ...... •• 5:30-8 - Junior batketball league DlMaggto hopes to lead the league make R tough for Um rest' of the N o w N THE 9 8 ts r 44els and illnatlMa maple kitchen and dineltc seta— in batting again am^ take home ing e query, sold Donlewlcs knew also-rans In the American League. tion back, front buttoning and A Taxicab is P I ^ E . B‘ IS TTEA T E A------.jn^-- Wantad—Kemala ...... 44 25 styles. Reductions up to $10. E. 8. large gym. he bed but a month end two days ooovcrtlblc collar, tt W crisPi N » MACS n u A IS ziriiNff HIE ■■■“ ------T-IO- -Bowling alleys open E. S. runs and runs-batted-ln honors eeantad—Mala ...... 44 Select a new set for Easter now well, saying, "I Ihink that If Leon to serve when he n'olked away.. I tailored, w e lH tttta aRd BABS^U KOTO TELL W Wantad ...... 44-A a t Benson's, 713 Main street. Tel. 6-9 -Junior plog pong, pool and ful, the b e st‘typV .fqr RfOStiitai TD G T AN L E O l^YOU, tad—Male er remala 4T 0 through tha asoaop without gat­ lORA AOI088TO . Wanted ...... 4t-A 3636. games W. B. ' 8ing hurt I oon do It." im m ng says Shower Is Given SpektSs . ; • J • ' I- • ieno Waated—Female ... 41 he expacU to win al legal ^ games Peace Offer Made A high p ^ t td chic Is.lha od- I- Wanted—Male ...: 44 Retired Bishop Dies. ditioii of big knapooek phektt* lant AgtncUa ...... M Loulsvlllfe. Ky., March 18-(43— this year. For Bride^Elec^ MONEY/ glealt Pi«a Penltyr—' ■piaehed on at tha hinp with Vehlelaa The Rt. Rev. Cberles Edward Winter ‘ Haven. Fla.—Retribu­ To Plait Faction flaps pulled over the baft—a dc- ilrda—Fa.ta ...... *4 WE HAVE A CLIENT Wowicock. retired Eplacopal bish­ VahIcUa ...... 44 op who delivered hla moat famous tion wasted no Uma catching up Mise BsUmt M. Noren. daughter tsu th at otqmpa tt dcAnitcly MBR RSPPlIP® •ageeeeee l 4t «m» Johnny Paocoek. Boston Red of, Mr. and Mrp. Stanlsv Now*, of spring. 1940. iUka, tbip stun- —Fata—reultry- gteek ' 44 \^lio Wants To Trade A sermon on the subject, "Worry.’’ died laat night. Ho was 85. Ho Sox catdMr. He tossed a pw ft Bridgeport, March 18—:<#)—An 147 North Main straet. was the n l ^ droas to r iaomadtOtc « « ar Irrt» ■ Fer Salt ...... *4 Modern 6-Room Single In was bom In New Britain.. vs,™.Oonni. Jl«> Tabor and hit him on a fiw r offer m peace ta the Rapubttcaa gueft of honor M a mlscriianeous la high-oMds flonMl or spur aad Aoetaaerlaa...... 44 that bad been cut. sending the tlUrd facUonal fight In Fairfield county showor Monday evening at the rayon, tailored print or flat g Matarlala ...... 4T Excellent Location For A June 12, 1864, and came today from J. Kenneth Brad­ crepe. Later on tt wtU bf per­ J id4 —WaMhaa Jawalir 41 ^r 'Bc'rkeirDivi'nity fehooi. Mid-1 hlt^ home of Mrs. ’Tbomas Smith of the 1. Aapllonoao—Radle.. 4t 2-Family House. dletown. Conn., Hobart, college and minutes later Peapoen n_aa nil on ley, county leader. same sbvet. About 0 relotivea and fect in abarAbi. UhcB or pjqqo Faed ,44-a (he University of the ^ th . the leg by a hatted ball, a vein Sold' Bradley at a meeting of frifnds from this and surroiindiag Guided by the atcp-ky-otep fc* Dairy Fiedatlt 4* Call snelled up. and he. too. hjiftled out county- pnr^ workera here last towns attended- c h fft th a t oomoo n m yoqr pat­ Ooada ,•••••,#••**• 41 ef uniform. night: tern. youH find, tt vary osay *4 and Teela •#•••••■• 42 A feature the-buffot iw h wss BY JOUNCL' f - 'T h e doort are 'wtd« op«» to tailor. E v e r S(N A P tceei W o rk ia f 7 jtyamenta ■••••••*■ 22 Robert J. Smith, Inr. natural enemies than any other San Antonio. Tex.—Aa fans at a three-tiered wrodding c4ke, mods BUIKCUY SMITH gtera Cquipmaat . . . 44 flab, being preyed upor by cod. tbooa who wish to join the organi­ and decorated by Mlaa Irene Burna. at tha atorea ...... Id the St. Louis !»rownt’ comp ota It. sation, IT they ebooM to oppone Pattern NflTIter J* tetisnod «04 rsBnsrsrm m rrm a- Avparel—Fnra ...... II 963 Main Street pollock. Laddock. allver lake, the broad smile on Mano|^r PYed the organisation, that's their buoi- Games and a moek marriage creat­ aisea 13^ 14. 18.18 V d 80; 4 P .^ —'o Buy 22 mackerel and aharka, as well as Haney’s face may be attributed to ed considerable amusement The and 46. Rise 14 ram irap 8 T-ff yoidi tala R«eat 4a whales and squids. neos." brid«*«^t reoeivcdj numerous use- of 8*-iheh>mi»t^ wdtiMxit a*p r | ta tbe hitting Chet Laab*. tha im­ Hla rematka were interpreted as ~ She is to hs married in loard ...... le proved hurting-arm of Joha W a^ being directed' s t feUeWera of ftti gtfU. For a yattqm «ttr»«tfv< ■•...... 22-A and the impreaaive fielding e( Joe Bdwfird A. P la tt who leads i l l to Gustave Araafft of'BrtO' modM sand IBC In o oK your m p m % >rta Id ■ddNpa style, miiphar and atoe tt ita a,,...... 41 Gallai^er. Johnny Berapdlne’s a bloe in the ^rty opposed to The following flUed tbe vortoua ^ % i ' < Board ...... 42 1929 Plymouth 4-Door De- quIcH recovery from an attack e( Bredley’a leadership. yW Tod«K* pattern Bw ____Fee Rent FOR SALE Luxe Trunk Sedan. g ri^^ may have something to do relea in the mock marriage cere- vice, 108—Tth Avs., Now York. M FlatO, Tonanaala 42 Worklag moa'a opportuotly to meny: Mtnioter. MifS Irene T " M Beat .. 44 1938 Dodge 4-Door Trunk Bums; bride. Mioe AMlne Hoimes: it .. buy ^ 4*Bomr Cottoffa with >o(2r oopy of the nowr 8prtni euough tani far • gaideiL One- Sedun. Curb Stocks greem. Mrs. le ti Peteraon; bridee n c k la n Bo(A In wMttnff *mr yma R m t Whiter Havw. FU.-BOl Terry moM, Mrs. Riehstd Diohofer; heat a For Rant ear garage. Hoiiae la good re­ 1938 Rfid 1939 Ford Con­ kaepe trying hard to moha trades Older now, and oroYI w te It m pair and modera. Good loo*- thatwlU atrengthen hla New York man. Mrs. Moifforct Uriah; flower ones! TotfU thrill to ass the man; I r tla« near HortfOrii Bead. Prtce vertible SedniuL OUnta but alt he's been sblo to get Am O ta Pow and Lt B giri, Mrs. Anna Irioh: rlngbeiuer, charming otylaai for oU olaaa og« Only ,g8696, 1939 Bnick 41 4-Door 8«* so for was ■ ground keeper who Blqe Ridge ...... Mrs. Doris Proverman. and occMiona that you con qrosb f ty ■■ rent—with wnoll dewn dan. h u been oarvinf the Cleveland In- O te serv ...... with • few on^ ahaara t pgjrmant . dhuo. After Mondoy a gam* he Ota Serv., p fd ...... U p « K t «4 89 w p; drevaboVditV)ert Hyarp t* c ^ « r wtih El pond ^ Phfrs .... p S u S i m s . March I STUART J. WASLEY S. D. C lfv M ^ eiffletala ^ and ^ te d tin Ihtd Umjted ...... Ufoie B. Bowy of Bar MqiMr; ^ 9 " 'lEiJ Baad Eatgtn and Inouraara •Baton Boos ■Vi ErsdsDtsn. wk* 5 * m .H 9 d fw r foroMT Maine chief JoaUee. diMl L.J1 TMephoae ddtt * 714d 8egal Lock...... t ^ y In hlf hotel apartment here. t ifm) Akv ' od Bob Quiim to name hla own price on tbe man 1 wantad," ooM UiSt-Itt and Pow A -v. He w a s "