— < P K. L. Tka WaaUMT •V TU1E8DAT. MABCH It, 1940 Arcrage Dally CireoIatkMi al D. a. Waathar I fIV B L T B itattr^Htnr Cvniitio BwaOi For the Meath of Febceiacy. Itt# late tanight ar ' Fire Is DiMovered ICoBiHopolitan Club 6,355 Bag, pralm ^ rhangt Mary Bushhell C3Mnay auxlUary. To Confer Degree or rahi Thim gay) To Give Lecture la Reporter’s Gteve Measber of the Aadtt V. 8. W. V.. win bold lU regular Great .Flower Exhibit Bnreaa af ( i^About Town buslneaa m e^ng tomorrow eve­ At Temple Tonight Musical on iTiday V ning at k o'clock In the State^ At Trade School Tba Herald la able to give an Manehs$ter— A City of VUIage Charm Armory. ' exclusive etory thla morning on p4T. T. a . Toy U bn ry will b* In N. Y. Is.Described a Ore In Manchester that evan • Tbe COsnopoUtan Club will bold (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE 'THREE CK An Important roeetliV/bf Maq- (CInaaMed Adverthaug an Papa 10) MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH IS, 1940^ tte m n i two wMka be> - A ----------- 1--------------■ ------ at thla tline la unkqown to| Its annual musical at the South VOL. LIX., NO. 139 Rev. Elmer DaalelaoB of Mart- E u g ^ M. Davla, leeal op- eheater lodge of MasoM win be either of the Are departments. i Methodist church, Friday after­ i‘«fp mwvmt of Om «(|nlpBwnt den. missionary now home on fur­ I «M Unton aelioolhoua*. tometrlat/PiU ba tha Apaabar at f <....1 fsitliifalnat <>«>■ aiflass caaa containing held at tha Temple tonight. It le A t 8:01 this morning the odor noon at 2:30 o'clock. / _______ ■ ' lough from TangankOca, East My of tba local SUU L A C a l Ivarden l!<mnUBiaBV p i^ t, ,uch as sundew, tbe regular communication of tbe of burning clc^ attracted tbe ' The program will cooalat of, Africa, will deliver an Illustrated ClVM ‘Word Picture o f butterwort, bisdderwort, the Venus lodge end the eeselod will open et attention of several Herald re­ solos, both vocal and Inatrumeni moaUily mooUnc of the lecture at the Emanuel Lutheran Trade Bchool tomorrow afternoon tsives w o ra I'lcaurm ,,ound only In North and at IjkO o'clock. "Better Vlakm 7:30. porters who were soon sniffing dueta and trios by the foUoj^ Zhw r chib wilT b* bold church tonight at 8 o'clock under South Carolina), and tpe pitcher Tbe Master Mason degree wlU ht at 7:S0 o’clock^at 'Ui« Week” la being obaarved through- International Show at In asarch of the Are. It waa artlata: Mrs. Harold R, ^rjBlafftoa, the auspicee of the Women's Mla- iant'of tha East Indies,—to name be conferred by the lodge officers found condng from an overcoat I ban on araliiard Place. slcnary Society. out the country thla week and Dr. soprano; Mrs. Earl P. Davta'a talk wlU ba on tha ganaral Grand Central Palace. gut a faw of ths atranga and In- on three locsl men. A large num­ pocket hanging on a rack. N o ' tralto: Mlaa Marlon WsMbuf^ subject of ayes with stress on trigjilng growths. ber <'f friends of the three candi­ alarm was turned in. The trou-. contralto; Harvey Woodruff of ^ Finns End Bitter Struggle with Russians ItM meetUy maellBf of the Km- Rev. Ptanela Barrett of Water- sight conaarvatlon. By lAa BneMani Oaiden Clali ExhMto dates will be on hand to see them ble, It waa found, was a burn-' BerHn. violinist and baritone aolo- btoai etab wm be held tomorrow bury will deliver a lecture Wednes­ receive the degree. Dr. Dsvls recently appeared be­ To all flowar lovers the an- To niany of you ladlea, the fourth Ing' glove. The pocket waa not irt. •ftamocn at the B3ke borne in day evening at 8 o'clock in St. fore the Bolton Grange and tomor­ O f particular interest to veter­ damaged, nor was the coat, but Mra. Volney C. Moray will be ' Roekvine. Several mature of Im- James's school hall, to which the nounoensent of the Spring Flower floor will be well worth the effort, row night will addreas tba Parent- whether It be sttalned by stairs or an Masons will be action during . there wee one Anger burned the accompanlat and Mrs. C1»eater ' fiovtaaoe will be attended to. public is invited. Teachers Asaociatlon at tha Green Bhowa here In the east la some­ the business session on a propoam from a right hand glove. E. Robinson wtll be hostess. Tss t m n g them tbe appointment of a elevator, since It contains tbe ex­ school. thing long awaited and eagerly hibits of the Garden club of New made by one of tbe trustees with “ Keep the story to one will be served by the Hoipltallty Eight Injured in Hospital Blast Bomlaattnir committee to briny In The nominating committee of reference to obligations to the committee of which Mrs. E. E. a elate of new offlcera. The In- looked forward to, but to have tbe Jersey and the Federated Garden stick," said the city editor. the Women's Aualliary of the Clubs of New York State. These fraternity. This matter has been Fish Is chairman. Changes in Labor 1 Lack Arms, Skeptical ^'ftallatloa will take place In May. priyileia of seeing the iiXMt epec- Chamber of Commerce met yea- two exhibits alone occup. tbe larg­ prevloiMly discussed at a lodge terdny afternoon to diseuse a slate Recreation tacular one of them all, tbe Inter­ est jmrt of this floor, end rightly session and evoked considerable The Motbera Circle of Oibbona of officers for the coming year national Flowsr Show at Grand so. 'Though it would taka a volume debate. It Is expected that a fashion show with professional and ^'^kaaambly, CaUioIlc Ladiea of Co- and will meet again tonight along Central Palace In New York, la a to describe their beautiful arrange­ large turnout of tbe older mem­ loual models. In Hartford. Act to Be S-jSabUe, artaedtiled fOr tomorrow with the welooming oommlttee Center Hems thrill Indeed. Besides renewing our ments In proper detail, I do want bers of the lodge will be on hand The Guild donated $500 to com­ “halbeetns. baa been poetponed tintll with Mrs. Joseph Pero, temporary belief that. In spite of thla last to go on record as saying If you tonight to take part In the discus­ plete improvements In the infanta Of Allied Aid Offers; evening, when the group chairman, presiding. determined stand that Winter le miss tnese you miss one o i the best sion. formula room last year, according Bieet at the home of Mre, Today; 0-7— Handball for men, E. 8. making just about now. Spring will' parts of the whole show. to speclflcatlons drawn up by the Dial ird I»bynrty. I l l Rldye afreet ically come. It Is a feast of delight In Congress Soon KIcetlon of offlcera will take (Imall gym. At this point T am aware that 1 state, made Improvements in the place at the annual meeting of 0-0 -Jimior boys’ gama room to the soul. have neglected to mention the ex­ St Agnes Guild kindergarten and the two play- 3230 lira. Annie Smith. Miae Oiidrun Rpleda Chapter. Yankee Dlvlaton dreumstsnees this year made It m and Miaa Hazi l Ore<'n- open. G. 8. and W. 8. hibit of the Garden Club of Ameri­ flelda; sent ice cream to the home Reds Gain Footholds Veterana Aatoclatlon, tonight at impossible for me to attend, as 1 eyery Sunday as-well as holidays Clean, ComtorUbto Uarat of the Beauty Nook are at- 7- 8—Women's gym clasa, E. 8. can on the second floor, but In ao \ "Mystierious Whistle** 8 o'clock In the Army and Navy have In the past, both the New brief a space I can do no more Starts Campaign throughout the year; provided for Courteous Sewtoe At All Thuss! Chairman Norton Indi­ iny the Halritreaaera’ ronven- large gym. York and Boston shows. To many Cpiiies'^rpm Fsthir’s Lips thia week at the Hotel I’onn- club. 8- 9-rIntermedlate and advanced than sketch tbe highlights which the Christmas celebration of the cates Committee W ill of us tha fact that the three great most appealed to me, and say etilldren, and cooperated with , the Finland Yields More Soil and Elconoinic and^^ New York. \ swimming classes for women E. 8. eastern shows (Including Philadel­ Mrs. John Lappen, past regent Center Church Women’s (Tuild 7-0- Rewlng classes for women, whole-heartedly that the whole sewing department by furnishing CITY TAXI Recommend Proposals Omaha, Neb., March 18.—(fli Fascists Vote will meet tomorrow afternoon al phia) are being held the same week ahow is well worth seeing. of Bt. Margaret's Circle, Daugh­ supplies and making children's gar­ '—Cruiser Offlcera Harold Kelly Military Independence Than Demanded Befoi lira. Henry J. Schaefer of .IS R. B. this year, seems distinctly unfair. ters of Isabella, Mrs. John W. DENNIS MURPHY, Prop. 2:30 at the church. The gueat 0-8 - Girl Scouts In Franklin ments. In Near Future; Roose­ and Hugh Ashburn were sum­ etreet waa 8S yeitra old However, florista, and nurserymen Holden, senior trustee of tbe same moned to investigate a "mya- War; Courageous Army Stops Fighting at ,y. Membera of her family speaker wilt be MIsa Caroline DeF. room. velt Said W illing to Large Budget Pennlman of Long Lame Farm. and gardnera to some extent, feel organisation, who were recently terious whistle” in an apart­ to congratulate her and 7- 10—Bowling alleys open, thatE.
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