
NOTICE TOrCREPJTOJBa BitaWof John A. Qulnn, deceaied. The Beason opened last Saturday with Hfttdqqartera den. O. A. Russell Post, Pnnuaut to the order of Efliannel REPAIRED N0.68.0.A. B., Sarro<»te of tbe Qonnty of, Att«ntio, made cm two games. The home team need more HainmoniOD.N. J., May 12th, 1904. the twenty-sixth day ol Mar6h, nintteeu hnu^, and 3Eteeo#er/ed,— practice, of coarse, but played a pretty General Order No. 1: / i dred and' four, on the »ppiri»tip.t( of ihe. From 40 oenta'up. aodersigned, admlnUtralor of «a1eF deoedenV fair game. The features were Abbott Members of the Post will assemble at notlw i« hereby given to the oiedltorlortB* on first, and the battery work. headquarters on Memorial Sunday, May said deeedent to exhibit to the subscriber,, W. Dodd* under oath or affirmation, their debts, demands The score: 29th, at 10 o'clock a. to., for the pur- and claims agatntt the eitate of the said d«te. Hammontpo., pose Of aitandttUi Jlvtiiu mrvica at ttm ffiffijK d»at. trjttln nln ' " $1.26 Par Y Sohwarz's Greenhouse AnKdoir. o '... they will be forever barred from proieontiag Uolvarsnlist Chorcb. All comrades of S. or recovering the same agalnit the robioriber. 12th St. *nd Chew Boad. Noylor, cf .,-.. other Posts are cordially Invited. s Designs imado tap at shortest notice. WII/LUM L. BLACK, m®Mm Abbott, 4b I Administrator, Hwafcouton, N. J. Fun«i*l designs a specialty. Baskets My rose, SB ... and 'designs for baits, parties, General Order No. £ : &.& J;^|^ !NQ.m Goggey, 3b». ; weddings, etc. Button, rf Members of the, Post, and visiting I.;"p'- Rogers, U comrades, will meet at headquarters on : EMBABMBB1 ~S.fBAPT.8T MUSICAL Black, p Monday, May 80th, at one o'clock p.m., fl Chas, Cunningham, M,D. and proceed to Oftkdale Cemetery, to The Booklets. . ELWOODJP. JONES, ' We Ktve below tbe fall programme of Physician and Surgeon. Wnterford... decorate the graves of our departed Bnoceasorto the musical to be given in Union Hall HegKan, 2b •*vf». *a Ten thousand ^booklets of the- DAt comrades. Will meet again at 4 o'clock Of ^ next Monday (Memorial Day) evening. W. Second 8t_ Hammonton. Bates, p o o Town of Hammonton, beautifully OfBee Hooxt, 7:30 to 10:00 A.M. ' Bagger, at)- in Greenmonnt Cemetery. -•'. B' W. A. HOOD & CO. Note the fact that all tbe participants Gaskill.lb— 2P , Comrade George Huntsman will have o 4 illustrated, have jnst been issued by .« «V»H*WV«'^PWU1V 1 .-flO to 8;00 and 7 :00 to 8.-00 r M. ,, Office and Residence, 216 Bellevue Ave. Phone 3-Y except two are Hammontonians,—somVM e MoDouRall.o ..... charge of ceremonies at Pleasant Mills, \| S the Board of Trade. Every citizen o„»»».*».—i-j-f them newly derelope• d- talent. Miss m Wray. of. » S Green Baud, and Lower Bank. is entitled to a cqpy, free of charge,, Fortiner is from Haddonfield, a grada- . H.Bernshouse Comrade Hen. Jarvis at Elwood. whicb may_be_grocured_ by calling:, HAMMON TON ate Jnjel»cntIraj Lake^ie^^^^^^^^^<^ Waldlogle at WatertofoTandr j)a_Jihfi_Secretary, Dr. Cbnries-Gca— 1n~&adnixm, ITT J. *__: :_ Insnrance Agent Bates Mill. ningham, at his residence, Second fAS.fl Hammonton The Post Cummander. will take charge Piano Dnet...Tbe JoJly Blacksmith... Waterford... 0._ 2 in person, at VVInslow Cemetery. Street> • Harrison Mutual Burial Agsocia'n The Junior Baracas are developing — -By order of copies may be obtainei —— • • —tftRTHglited Dec. 13, je6g \ Commiesioner of Deeds, into a flrst-clagBteam , aad play an in- / GEO: BBBKSHOPSB, F. C. . the following prioc _VagalPolo. for decorating the-graves teresting game. They defeated the A. .T. LOBI.EY, Adjt. eight tier 25 cents; three for 10 • - •; Qluseppe Villa Folsom team on Saturday bv the fol- i Young People'* Societies. '. Mrs Donald M Chapman >• in our cemeteries. Office, 101 Railroad Ave lowing score: BO YEARS' cents; or 5 cents each. These prices Violin 6oIo...Melody In F-. A Babeniteln -\ EXPERIENCE ,MrJohnBlrd8all '•:.."; Baraca,Jr.._.... we have not reduced the price include envelopes for mailing, when Thii spa«8 la devoted to the Interests of , Hammonton E IB ro A E tbe Young Peoples Societies of the yarloua B«adInff...JamIe...._...... Bobt C V Meyers NO, desired. They can be purchased of Churohea. Special ttcnu or lolerest, ana .; MlMLanra Virginia Firtlner. B.E. Plants fer beautifying our own homes F Werner. lb.. 3 ' 2 :17 01 annoanoemeQ t iyman.lf. 4 8 .1,0 0 is: to •nbdorlberu In this Oonnty, f 1.00 the Secretary, from P. H. Jacobs, FLOUR ' Cornet BoIo...Hearta and Flowere... Small, 3b «.„.. .54 IS 1 per jear; to those outside, $1.25. We Chairman of Printing Committee, • • ', Theo^I Tomanl G Weecoat, 2b...».. .58 0 10 gite gatisfiiotloD, bat not ohromos. Y. P. 8. 0. E;,— Prestry terisa Church : . /. '.';.... ' MrMOYoa •.. .; •. - '; Summer blooming bulbs, including choice 1^ DanniDg.cr 8 21 0 0 aud at Benson's news room. Meets Sunday evenintr, it 6:30. Piano 8olo.-8prtbg 8png._..,MendeIa>onn IVotary' Public AWesooat,o 6 *__4 0 0 TMDC / : /for/Nepr Jersey, :' Oman* • Topic, "What Christian Endeavor 4s ; Mrs Frank Banaom • French-Oannas and Caladium, ' Seely. 6s.~~- 48120 CWVMMKTS Ac. The cost of these booklets largely doing In mission lands." Lake 1 : Vocal 8oIo,..Oh, Promise Me...' fltrdersbis services, Cmlg.rf....'.—...... 2 501 1 atafliK a akateh and 4 We have as good a ion vouchers executed. A Werner, p..~...... 3 i 2 S 0 aaeanaiB «m» c——— -^ exceeds the above prices, and all ___4ftjg._J«ediby Ml^ooftry Com. . . Beglnald De goven HFaorbertABtewart 8S -33 V 19 ST be kept separate from the genera) rr^rox!S^~SiipiH8t^n^^ Violin 8oIo._AugeU' Serenade..; . ^ — Folsom.....™ BLENDED WHEAT Meets Snnday evenins, at 6:45. . "~.'*~". •:'*::..('•"" •• •":''• .'':.•• ;/"Apoiut«er Sohjllhafl. o ..... 8 8 funds of the Board of. Trade, and be v - : Mln Katharine Anstln IVoveltles in Hanging Baskets P Helrer, If ..... 1 1 Topic, "What Christian Endeavor)* Ip Chancery jrf New «! ersey. EHelzer. p .„.. -.. 1 0 used exclusively for advertising the Vocal Qaart«tte...Tentlng To-Night™ doing In mission lands." Lake! * :.••-.-•; Walter Klttredce T» Eobert A. Mttean, H. Abrenitedt, J. D. Little, lb —.-.. Town in other ways. and as good a. _ « GHelzer. sa 49-W. Led by MUsIonary Com. Mlsa E BonrrllUOn Mlw Kama Layer • (or Joaopb) Arnmronr, Mary F. Arro- ... 0 . Ml«a tiettle Lehman ,• Hias. Nellie Layer atrong his wife, Fannie A. Newman, Tim- Blazer, Sb ...... _.. 0 To-day Jr. O. &V Sunday afternoon at 8.-00: O, my Back! Ouch! . brook- Newman her hatband, D«»id E. Kelbel, 2b... .- 0 SPBING WHEAT •_," ':'•-.. •:• fASF.ii-..:-:^',- •••••:••:'.' . Zaiak, and Mr«. David S. Zaaek his wife: Deppy.cf — .. 1 Topic, "A /ather »cd eoa: bow Piano 8olo,~To Ihe Spring^ ' -\ By__yfrtuf of an order of. the Court of Hohqltz, rf—...... 0 tibd tested tbetu." Gen. 22:1-14; 1 ':'.'. "Gr|eg op. 48, No. 8 Such charp and lasting pains! > C Chanoery of Kt>w Jersey, made on the day of Heh. 11:17-18. J^^, Fanai^ Mn W W..WriHiaMa : tte date hereof, In .a oaan wherein Rachel 6 8 27 13 9 at &OUB ypeal HOlp,,..!*»y,l)ew.-W'J3ternil«le-— - •- : : -Miller i» complainant and you and each of TOO -f.-Deao;^--:-^-'- r-r~^~r:~---.., -^--•t Is there no relief ?> - ^ • -- ~~ '-&'£2&^i Folsopi 2/0 2041000-6 (WEST JERSEY & SEASHORE B. B.) 7 ( , ; Bennett^ op. 33, No, a •ra defeDdanti.'joa- are required to appear, Baraca...—...... 40 0 2 O 11 1 413—85 ,-•:. .; ,,:: : .. .••• .' ; ''-/-•;;: . . (• , 1 {•lead, answer or demnr to tht bill of laid Schedule in effect 21 ay 0,18C4. Subject tp change. Epwortt|League,TrlLJ!. Cburob: ' ''• Mlsa Emma Kannoe ___ tfomplainaiit, on or before the ninth day of This'afternoon, Hammonton versus [there 10 in the market. -Violin Solo^Oranga BlOMOtns... '" -"• K^E&jHt^^ iane next,' or tbe "id bill will, be taken u the Nesco team. SMALL'S DOWN TRAINS. - Up TRAINS. Our price on them Meets Sunday evening, at 6:80. • Adamiaelbel 25 cento. •oofxied. against yon. San. Topic, "Tbe wort; of Christian women - '-.;• MrJohoBlrdgall m .::•,' ffboBaid billio filed to foreelote a mortgage : Gor. Second and Bellevue, Ace. Ace. EX. Ace. £x j-Acc. Ace. S^TATIOK Ace. Aee Ace.) Ace ju • In non-CbrletlaD lands." Acts 16: Beadlng...Blddy'» Trlalu among ti^ cv*en by Robert A. HoL-esn to W. A. Clougb, We must not forget the "kids." The P. P>. » m. p.n [ is right. ^:;:::;;:;;;iSl^:ito^ . Truatee, dated February 4th, 1897, on certain H. A. A. defeated, the "Youths" on 11: 15; Phil. 4: 3 ; Botn. 16: .Hiis'.Portlner'..".'. Undc in the Township of Mnllles, Atlantic Saturday morning, by 17 to 15. The Hammonton. 430 8 10 8 00 6 tO ft 4< 4S2 101V 1000 800 ...... IhllaiJti*)! la... 7 SI B Si 811 1*0 067 945« 15- 487 818807 6 08 5 60]4 89 1052110 07 8t-7 -™- .C«»n)«ti ,„... 818 1 42 66B»k7«W , 1,2. Leader, Mrs. P. S.Tllton. •Vocai 8olo...I mill yon. dear.n Second St, and Bellevue Aye., Hammontott. . 887 «~'X 464 10 SB 824 700810 123 Junior League on Sunday afternoon, ' j ' Mrs Chapman 'Sober* A. McLean, H. AJtYenitedt, J. E. (or 6U5 847, 6S8 SOS Iu8tf| 883 8 47 7 69 111 £«»*« : Jofaph) Armitrongj Fannie A. Newman, and the Youths made. four home runs, and 518 900 653] 5 14 1061 84H 6 34 7 47 loo 16 H ..._._ at 3.00 o'clock. Topic, "Church PlanaSolo,..Aa Matin.,..- .Benj Godard David X. /nek are made defendant* because the other team none. S2> 900 859 6 30 1067 861 „....,.. ,._*tc«.... « 2-> 7 4U 1366 5 W. 8 Mi 17 MIsaLebmao : op. 88 881 eis 709, «40 1106 869 ...... Watnfonl 618726 1247 5 00 I 4*608. fryom extension.," I»a. it: 2-4. Leader, yon own laid Undi or acme part thereof) and •534 •71B 544 •110» 008 »...— ...Aacora.. 6 18731 1242 Xngene BmallwooU. Vocal Qnartett«...Sol(llen.'Fiireirell „ . yon Marjr J5. Armstrong,' Timbroolc Newman, T 538 »C8 .. Giiy ]^reM 923 721 649! U 18 8 08 7 17 »*7 I 60 8 Sit •ad lira. David E. Zasek are made defendant* 645 9 80|8 43|7 S0l8 21 5 68 1130 1J 20i 915 ^.Huononton . 600710 7 29 13 SO 4 « BOn < , • Johanna Klnkel •aeanae yoo gjay have lome cl'lin of dower or 858 948 U08 9 24 ...... Elwood ...... 7fHi 4 S3 XIV Y. P. 0. U.,—Uolversallst Church: MIM Bourrllllon Mian Nun™ Layer ' ' ' . ' :' •'' • ";l .''•'.'.• • ' • ' .;' ' ': •'•'*;''; ." ••;. '••'. • ' ',...• oirteiy U iald land* or gome, part thereof. 803 • 68 887.(I 1811481 9 HI Bartwr.... 863 » 86 d U I Meets isdndsy evening, a 1/7^6. MIW Lehman • Mlaa Nellie Layer 1 ; / ; Dated April I, fBO*. 823 1015 860682 948 686 . 4077 M 4 , Butter Vocal 8olo...For all Ewrulty...... ':•••••;". . "•.. - '; V';/^^;own/maJ^;bf 'M :"^.': 6S5 1027 120] 1 Mi|« 42 IMtt 968 ..... AU«ntlcCIIT.._.. 88&1 7 00|^-_ 8 M 7 4» < < , J08BPU K. FRANKS, Topic. "The sacrlBces of the faitbfol t'- .' Angelo Mnsoheronl Bolloltor of Complainant, * Btopa only on notice to conductor or af «nt, or on slgoal. and Rood. Oar profit therefrom as Mr Stewart ; , 800 Broad Street, Newark, N. J. i SINGERS An«rno«n npnsa dovn, IMTM Pbllada. at 3.00, Hammonton J.40, Atlantic 3,18. Both «re firat-clasa. illustrated In our national life ; ID Piano Trto...The Pride of the Flook... ' Sausage] f and Scirapple. ET»nlD( «xpna> np, IMTM AtUntlo at 630, OuiaxiDtoa (Uit.'Phllada. at 8.46. our borne life; in lives of Jesus and Fr«dTBaaier S«tari>*7 OKU, ezpras IMTM Pollada, 1.00 p.m., Iltmmontoa 1.42, anMag at AUaat|« 2.16. Mrs Wllllanu / Mlsa Lettle Lehman VEGETABLES -. CANNED GOODS Declare that there is, in the rich mellow tone of the others." Isa. 63 : 4-6. Leader, illea Oladya Lehman W W ATTWIBDBr, Gen'l Manager; ' / J/B WOOD. P«»'«'r Traffic M.ns^.c Mrs. A. D. Davis. OM W BOTD, Qeo'l Paia'r Agu General admission. 25 cents. Tickets can be secured at Leib's, Henson's, Our prices on A cordial invitation Is extended to all Simons1, Ar Lenev Reserved seat tick' H. L. MClNTYiK SOUTH Atlantic City R. R. to attend these meetings. ots, 85 cents, are now on sale at Heosons. Hortday, May D, 1904. OQWM TKAIHB, - fiatqect to caaagt. • CP TBAIR8. BALL MASON Jars Lester UunUiHuodjaundi Ac Church Announcements. p. 0,|*. n> |«. ni.|p.m.|p.D.|i. m|a,Bi,|>.ai DTAT10KS. «.»i- » n. n. » li.m jp. n.jp.m Tin Cans, and Proposal^for Wood, M 1140 THISPAPER 600 900 8 00 « 50 R. 00 U OH 1016 7.10 »!U> K 4t . ^ WaxStringa v 6 12 010, H 10 6425 129 10 I06A742 810 )« 684 1180 014 Kotlcea of Church meetings are of public Sealed proposals will beVrooeived by 619 8 19 0 60 5 2« 760 e«5 ('A (10!) « 17 tutereat, and no charge la made for tbelr 5 a! 760 . llnddon RC4 7Ui AM • 89- are low. . iioertloil. Weekly oliangei are urged. the Board or Education of Hammonton 6 40 8 48 7 12 8 W B III Lin Mis 741 * 40 S 4tiA 44 Bohool District, until 12 o'clock, 'noon, io the only newspaper 644 8 48 7 10 5 8» 821, ...... 6 7S7 5 SO 83« 840 Baptiat Church. Rev. Wiltshire W. Saturday, June 18tb, 1U04, for supplying -'•'. , is for pale every Saturday morning at 664 861 7 28 8 47 'Kail o»B Jcnc. 6 »0j AV8 B27!61* said district with One Hundred Oord» of i * ' • ..... '. . ,••"••• . • \ 8 Oil U067M661 MO .., f tdur Btoot ..... f. 521 821 628. Williams, Pastor. ,10.80 a. m., "Tbe printed in Hammonton. OM 1)11 7 ,16 B llliio Anetif r«... S 6 M, SI* All Ideal soldlei," 7.46p.m., "No man can dry Oak Wood, to be delivered atOeutrnl uia 9 IS 7. M IS 6«| l> J2 ..) 6 .7 16 D -in ,_... Kit 614 Bohool Bouse, as follows; Twenty-fl»e a quality that compl jtcly fits the to'ce ;T 619 944 924 7 69 8 19 9 42 1127 II IB . Bommonton ~. 05706 •I RH 8 Ulllt «',o-«r~ ran away from God." cords on or before) Sept. 20th; thirty J551.25 a year, post-paid om f028 824 »K4 ..U.foitn...... 4 KH , 7 r,»|o M eaa unn 880 4 1W , 761 468 GEORGE ELVIN& U. B. Church,—Rev. G. B. Middleton oords on or before Nov. 1st; the balance Henson's News Room a quality not found tj the same degree 6 HI) .957 1)44 6 »6 1189 9 40 Kg* Uartor».. 048 «mi £i ,74- 4 488 of forty-five cords before Duo, 'JO, 1904. 01.00 in the county. » M| 848 0 48 lirlk«nilK« Jan'... 040 7« 4 1C' .... 78Si4 Yt Pastor. Preaching by the Pastor. a <7 T-Tc.wntvlllr ..... III 80 a en.... 7 K>\4 IK All wood to be ranked as delivered, aub. 8«« 1001 ! 1120 f'ao 1(16 « B<1 7 Wl jeot. to moaauremnnt by Property Cora- Back numbers can be had at th«i KEPDBI.IOAN Office. in any other instrumeat. 704 10 '.0 in i^ 7 0611016 KOOIIOlOl .... All. r'llrOII?—. Presbyterian Church. — Rev. B. mlttee. Wood la to be out four feet Up nKoraniodiillon loves Haiunolilon »l 6.85i.tn., nnoblngFblla'ia.att.66. Marshall Tburlotr, Pastor. 10.30 a.m., In length. All wood 6 inches and above H. Chandler, llnrnln txprets up \ntft Atlantlo TM, n»mmonton 7.39. arriving at rhlladt. at 8.W. ."Lessons from Harmon." 7.45 p.m., 1 In diameter to be split. Proposals must Kx|>r«w IMTII l'hlladi!li>K«X|)rcM down l«t*r« I'lillacln. (V.ilO, Il»iunionton (1.18 arriving at Atlantle BW. Univortaliat Church.— The Rev. J. tblnt of wood to be four Inches nod less Camden Safe Deposit & Trust'Co. Kr«nlo«r »pr>H up Unw AlUnllo 5.80, llnmuonton 0.07, Wlnilow fl «H, I'litUila. tM ; or In diameter. Proposals must state If the At Law Harner Wllsou,, Pastor. ' 11.00 a. m., •Vti Federars-A l« Street•"•- ' , —Csunden Kxpruuduwn IttTM PMIiilk, at7.l5p.in., lUmmunton 7.61, aud Atlnullo 8.46, "The areater Uve." John 16 : 13. wood U out from burnt or unburiit tim- itt, 1904 Rumtnonton, Horning llnnmuinton »c«mi. down IMVM I'bllnJa. «i 6 !)<>, arrlilng ti'to 7.*7- , \ Hammonton, N. J. ber. Duiut timber, to bu uacopMil, wnsc Mc.rnlnn nccom. up I>ITM ifommonton K.4U, rwrlilng P)ill»d«. 10,40. Tbe O. A. R. will attend In tbe morning. be solid, Wood out the liist of August Capital ... ^100,000.00 by Mail Bulldlnff, LASTS Wi>rliil»)r iil«li( iccoui. down IMKM 1'hllula. *t 8, ruoblng lUmroonlcm >t 1,11. St. Mork'a Church,—Rev. Paul V.' or early In September'will be accepted. Suri)lus nnd Undivided ) „.. , H nod 10 8.Tonne»He«> Ate. Bund.y ulglit *xprfu up IMTM AtUntlo 7JO, K« Harbor 7.M, lUmmoliton H.ll, FblltiltlpbU 0.00. Tbe right to reject any and all bids Is Fronts. ... .| 557,630.34 . done ' W Hiiiiil«y »Tcr)initti»prtMilo», safely and economically.* • < Miiinliijr mornliiK »xprr« up loam Atlnnllo at 10,16, lUnitnonton 16^I>, Plillsda, 11.3(1. 't -,*• and Frofita, . {8131,000 'Blda for Woqd,'v to Board «.f Educa- In. Uavuiionloii on Butiirdnyt* A.T. 1IIOB. ami.SuPI. . B0HOK J. W*KKB,Osn,PaMtngerAg«Bt Ladles' Aid Hoolety, ««oond Wednesday; A LIFETIME tion. W. n. tiEKLY, DUt. Olnrk, Safe Dcpoilt ami upw^ru. \Viil* kept without I'riiotlco lu all Oouvtn of tbe State. 8t.Paul's Burver's Guild, third Monday; Hammonton, N. J, Rectory Fund Boolety, last Tuesday. Pa}'s Interest for first uiortprige loane Three per cent interest paid 3 per cent, on Dcpmil,, 14 Dap' Notice. on time Depoaita. CO YEARS' • pocceut. iubjertto rdcck wllluiut nollcr, un Average,Dalanc*aoff{C It will only cost One Cent A Woiidorlul Huvlitic. BXPBRIENOB Acli •» Kicciitnr, A* In tht h«nd« of 4v«ry lov«r of al Illustrated Agricultural Weekly for Farmers / M. Ii. JAOKSOW, Vioe-Proa't palut made was less than $1.90 per gal aVrwart, crow«^ of Vig«ut>l«s, and far j;i«r ID and their lennlirt, and BVKRY l*atte contains oo. tit*'country. Contilnt «ol pit-in «u4 •)* W. H. TILTON, Oashior. ••• full (?•(• bl». F. A. NORTH & Co. Tin price la «1 i>ery«ar, bnt If yon like it DIRS M. sndTtbreegalliiDS L3ltL I PIANOS ) S«nl by ami) to any «4dr««« on r«c«lpl 1308 Chestnut Street, ' .\ Scknfific Sitcrkan. civc urc toNC sAnsrA I)otb papers oiia year for only 41.W. ^CUtn Btookwell Wm. n. Dlaok of llns««>d oil mixed therewith, r«f «•« In «UMIS or »llr«r, With »l>y Win. J. Smith J. 0. .Anderson Wflura aqd ouvera Ilk* gold. EASY TERMS '•• a**< fr«< •"• packari •««, Drstr'a Bend your ordar and mo<»y 4o tlio Tliese. Cclubrated Palnta am old by PHILADELPHIA, Pa. .1. B, Parkhnrst W. II. Tilton a. JloD. Little. SOUTH JERSEY REPlBLIWN,. ' '''SSi£i.')•''. • . . i.ir.J.

Vl> i M

^^•^.iK; ;,r»..' >^\ .'/x^f,, \ • t' >.rt>W*-,>"<'.*''>« r .•'•*_<'?•*•• .•u'l-'- . __. , ""And SeTthfougli ttie" eilenci &i tBta elev* iOTKn^ufnft--ta!ughi'nimself--eighte'cn:ah\ ; ; A SERMtiN FOR "'entlr'-Ipar', -ibrougJi' tb.e..shadowfedf. 'jW-,—Tj. •v '.I cicnt languapca itnd twenty-Jwo European :, place, of ybiu-Jife/s acMyities,:yoa. may Shear* Sunday School Lesson | 'languages .while wnitine for the horses to' ':•' ,| ., •.. --'.'.. ,' ,<,''':.''.^••r"'.;'.-.' ,: '-I'',.. , '^•~-~^• .; v AND FANCIES.' Not* '.to-tught 'the' voice;ot'infinite' love, and 'tcn-i I* be ehod in .his, bjacksmith^shbp. Such ex' : ' I r- ' t 'amplesteaoKusToriiibJy enongh how abuji' dernesS calling,, und •ailing yet agai5 n i. •Ijesaon 9.'- May-29, 'Tlie Passover; • Miss'Mary Gallagher, who has made dant are/the .hours of;the ;day for the*noj 'fWhy,siand'y* here all the;day •idle?' It •Matt 26: 17-30.- (Compare MaVk. J4:- iilStfl MlAN la abput ai : is the eleventn hour, and ChVietclaima that a bust ot Edgar Allen Poe, which has blest',tasMci£-life^,')f we'WoUld but'.seis;; 12-26: Luke 22: 7^0. 'Bead Luke 18:'36 itt.ra6.ted turner-attention la Baltimore, likely to have a WiOT'to'. tiafrVthem'aHg1itii:'''Bedeeming the: ieleveath.' hour.^'Hedeem : the; .time in 'Biff to 19:..28; Mark'11: l-lS'.i John .12: 20-50; iwnfl up that, one of nhe Implements tooth for scandal •tinie," eays, the apopfle.:.: Hpwr miiny,' of ;'-'•,',r'V;;'j'"''",'"-''r'' lift. ' » Should Not WMte Effort In TaUciri* lithe.' twelv^ nours aright. for»His" glory MV day^fye \vill(liear His voice-^and remem-' Golden•'•/ Text:1 For.; 'e*enr";tChri8t our A man's Idea of iAliont .the^Bhoxtoeu ' tot.the.heB^Ji^m-.felloW^entif-^ ber, "I^re are twelve hours in the^day.^,-; isselgr.'JJfl _^^dcrlfice^itai^l3~~r^- •: :.Coif. b« ; The latest recipient ot honors tronr ime- let tr» /BirjOpr ana all , !'WY'W -,<& f ;; ! ; 5! .',?;'•.-• i':••' te French Government >is Charles Hoi-; vi-iy.;; ;;:; :.: AfflllcUbii;Tliat P»jm.,...-''•''-;'.-. " ; , An old deacon)ia, isanctifled-looklngi ^ll known by the use : ^ Niw; YoikTCrlT.-^A( *ermoh -prfeached' hours,.h; day .sufficiently?,:; I aM 'quite' sur irSage: MacKay,; in Collegiate,-Ghrirch?;TB'iftly might:'.le&r&. Thy statutes." , He might: ijtpw-tb Ipca'te-,thls;,leBBon: ,- , rs on Important Subjects ; : : waste so much, time in talking i>latitUit? you ask. respectable loafing,' that, many of us -give greater disadvantage, the :deserted -farms Were 'common '•....' ly gate. : ourselves up to. throughout the day. it is were, it n't; for affliction''. Throug ; h sor-' especially oft, the part of .JudaS Mat- are here?"!, "Oh.'ye's," calmly re)-.-.,..,,..,.,. , . , . , 1 or impure, but simply that our minds get tif..love and: affection,, marvelous' m its; Sunday the triumphal/entry occurred. • : small- capital,'and leave'the homestead .to go. back to wil- naval medal of honor. He was high- than getting on. .-..;•- . It; is'indeed one'of; trie dreariest, as it"it into a state of suspended animation, dur-' Bweetness and power. It was'not until On Monday vthe "temple was again up- this evil. inetitution/' , • ' which as yet they have not fairly, faced, but . one .of the" oldest of moral reflections, 1 fie;was' afflicted that the psalmist saw the derness,' rather than to% remain and be starved. This state ing which an uncurbed fancy makes,havoc cleansed. On Tuesday, after the flg- Miss Helen Gould waa recently.«i which they must face if they are to make sure which forever; dwells upon the shortness of^our 'wijl power 'jparaly2es';Our, *nergy,. glory; of ,the'.nc!y;]aw. ",,It ;'• ip Affliction' tree .was found withered away, a of affairs, ;in aggravated' symptoms, obntlnuedl-untll near iro^^e"n performanc^e of his dutr.aSft/'qWr-:-.?,'.-'™ ?wors t mcn> -•of..time .and the'swiftness'of ita -flight. ( ; also, that the nr-ory of human Jovi shines tertnjning one of'the girls' clubs, U. in times of emergency of the efficiency of their the 'close of,.the, nineteenth century. •••? " * * As cause' for More 'mournful 'eloquence and doleful and robs us of the day's, moat precious,opV put; richer by far because it .is charged agents. The growing, hunger for money as the terroaster ori the United States Steam- Goodness is the essential component* portunitiea. Meditation, indeed, is nob . which Jesus silenced all .his opponents; which she,Is interested,^at her hoin« the reaction which we, chronicle, Is the splendid 'increase in Nipalc In the Samoan,hurricane of'•^tf^fM ta^ greatness. -/ S v,;; ' poetry; have been: inspired by; tHat 'one idleness—quiet, restful thought, i in which Mth the holy love of God. Yes. it is a i the scribes and, . Pharisees were ';• de- on ;the Hudson.5 After the girls &a groundb' and ccm> jnorlieta__Ck>mnifirglal ;e^panplQn dtnV ' wmfed tim°: '!Pu -' tK" -iniatalte "• toe shall be able to say that it was wortb 'aln Greeks wished to see Jesus; '51' bouse for Ihe nome itself; . uliortM«* l», ulilmidL ikitaa UI($UIfligfatrirwiftr"/ JO — * ns make is that our momenta of -'- -^ 'it L'nion. . ' ./ : ~ e prediction ol the' destruction hurvutorje^foriu: Uiuu, Bhe/ the expor- nottwelve hours in pr~-T<> each nrn Ipnfc ji\ hptirB.of idle dreamr of . the temple , a-long, discourse was them" tio wander over 'the' house- aad: •velopment. flit "corruptlon"~IiF~n3 officlarseissBrinHi tatlon of nearly everything the farm produces. Our :oie'Ui'-;iiiria B^atioa by One pf the Swami. Bethany, where the'party lodged dur- ' -' ' ' ' '••••"" .... ''...I... 'lV-_i I on; we have only to Insist, on the open door principle and too; what waste in gossip, in fidlngiy, to a', companion: "Say, Ma ' , because under our social conditions'the class he farmer can apply his whole attention Kuropei _to lnyestlgate-^th.ej joriditlon .fkn mpni aver'found-the pieasurM dt of time, but its sufficiency for the tasks oi tulle. It is not that As JB-wcll known a great majority ing the feast. • life. Ai'e thtiro not twelve hours in the riaees.—BKtliany, on the feast Hlop'e" hoaveri won't fcassp' Mist •which really governs has been taugut from eatly chlldbawd to the lnc"rease of products, and the conquest .of Insect and that t"makea its live stocK industry BO 8In to be"anything~Hke the'pictures of — are deliberate scandal-mongers, but f Hindoos are firm believers in th< profitable. day? That us otir subject, the value of a ply that to pasa the time we indulge in of..the, Mount of Olives; Ihen Jerusa- Gould, after this place," %> regntd bribe-taking asjiuworse dlshonofreyen than cheat- fungoid enemies. Agriculture is proving tts"elf to be .once sin. day, abundance of time to do the duties transmigration qf the soul. The doe lem, and an upper room.in a house In ing, at cards, and because those who suffer are absolutely 'a kind !T6u ,*eaV no twenty yeawigo, howiauch better 61M how many of OB nse up the twelve hours ^'To -live-in-^Vc- w^th-all-tiaMIvea 4_pasBovet^_But-thIs-may-refer-to-4he- for the whole energy of the corrupt Is devoted JtrVwHyn mndftyn «nrt nrmi»d 'with long-range Beekman Wlnthroo who waging ahaltered^Bolong as you keeplf ihaH ti«ii»n tn.rfao." <>T.« ..ii... .,.,,1.,;..,,.—nmf r entlrp fAqtfva)t and tn number of long-rango fort guns for the defense of her south ernoemur num.Hunt,. iaIA. a membeuicmutrir uofi uitqnec vofi hi>tthe. real effort. to better it. -To euch a man an oasis in the desert of self-deslrei pression In John. Other reasons, urged swrrnptlpnJ makes energetic administration nearly Impossi- 'coast, and it is calculated that these guns will easily be oldest families In New York, is a grad- mountain as easily as some men mako jthatwe have no time io spend for the-com 1 ver mind the past; | jmon good, for the heeds of man, or the to strive^ ever, 'even here and now, , ble, tor no. Government ever loses the hope bf preventing able to throw a twelve or thlrteen-lnch shell acrosa the uate of Harvard, and Is a personal a mountain out Of a molehill. recall it: but aw,1 .glory fGod. Twelve hours! and all of after true love and wisdom .and thi is highly improbable that Jesus and) When^President 'It; and. to: prevent It most of them apply ijnjlnfinity of friend of Prerident Roosevelt. ,_ _ , . „ ,_,»,„„ o his disciples Straits, of-Do,ver,: so that it would not seem?to be worth _ - J. lou can no more have civilization i the day? ,Dotthfr|lthein strangled uppnithei altar of ^elf-not perfect peace—this Is for the Bnddhlst the, paschal ____„ _ _-. .,„„.*, . , . . •.• i . .,, ..v^i. "•'checks/' every one of whidi';occnples part of the time of while'for France even to take her'Channel squadron out Henry Norman, the well-known Jour- | without Christ than you can have a >y;an*ltBipreetpw | lone given iip'tb^CfodTrto '\tiOg its way- up- .the.sopreme ideal,:;the glory of-hh regular ~tfme. The date here~upheia is1, sala:r W:hnve stepped np.^nd : sola Wt r the past are the wardlikeMetaebefore the eterna-1'throne! : Vie executive officer, and increases the load of; responsi- of port, much less to attempt to land in the face oT such an nallst. has met the Czar, and says that i literature without an alphabet he re dhamma and the hope of all bis ways therefore Thursday, the 14th of Nlsan, a member of the presidential party»•; bility under which at last he dare do nothing without pre- Instead of having found him a weak- » .1. .u - v. .°*^ P sent. Look back upon the week uat is gone,.-- ~ —-T — - v—• - ea Rome answerlnK to 11 overwhelmbag attack. "But this" is mere theoty. The truth Some men don't know how to take it, on the other, hand, these words apt ;with its treasury o£ hours, and what record! All else—all thought of future gait A D°30 ^' ''A'Pf 6.(>Whar's the president?" Bti:'Boose-? vious Sanction, And, in the third'place, corruption Is not ling In mind and .body, as frequently strongly;rebuke,that: opposite,spmt! 'have they left upon the tablets of the'soul? 'on life for self—is bu'fa mockerv nnd Yei is, that, although the weight and range of these gnna have described, he Is obviously in the best ,the spice of life with a pepper-shakers r c t D Persons.-Two disciples (Mark). Peter t scenting,;,something goody sajdt- , •only tatal to the very Idea of duty, but to the habit of ItteffJfrHSLISK"*? !L f A ?™ ^ i How many hours .of. lasLweek^i'-nessed ™, "B,L !!^"^-^K™ ' ouen steadily increasing the human powers which axe to of health, and presents the situation In they want the -whole box at one swal- AJo« vista of^v^oV^oe^ and John (Luke), were sent Into-the "Do yon wish tO'.see'him paxacnjaiv (performing jt ' ' use them have not shown» and are not likely; to show a cor- the Par _East in a j»ne, clear, and low. - - - — prodigal of ita time, thinks that the dutiet j ioors'did you give~ttf prayer^ How many - Buddhnghosa••; tells; us, there rises ir •• They^ met .one bearing a, pitcher'ly?!. /'I never seen bnt-one:president „ . A perfect remedy for corruption Is hard to find,1 becaus| strong manner. of the present can well enongh be mart •nfpr Anrt Hior*- *Tirt- „*«_• _* +1— - • • ' • • • responding progress. While a gun can carry a shell across It is one thing to* admit the exlst- ed on the opportunities of the future. -•hours did yon give to 'studying the Bible? us the thought 'I am,'. 'I was,' or T 3t requires a change in the motives of the'corrupt which the Straits of Doyer, the gunner who could make a bit of Marquis Ito, the Japanese statesman, ence of Christ In )Hy and another Tiat does it matter, after all, if o younj, How .manr to tfiinkinc thpuehts »f. love shall be,' And it is all Jllusion, thi language of Mark ("my guest-cham- to see him on gih'rel prindples^* governments cannot-producej-and which society will not be twenty mile's Is yet unborn; neither eyealgnt nor Oneness is an indefatigable reader of European thing to admit Him 'your heart per. •man squanders a few years in sowing his; and translating them into deeds ot Kind- dewdrop deeming. Itself n permanent ber") Implies' some previous arrange- "plied the cotintrjman, "but What fi •at' thei pains to encourage effectively;'but two or three of hand are equal to tbe task. Nor would the atmosphere and American literature. wild oats? Nature is generous. You can ness? How many to crucifying self and and separate entity, though the watert '' fur mos> ?pafflativea might at least be tried. One is to protect those sonally. lank on her resources. A few years oi enthroning Christ? How many? Perhaps piermlt it, if they were. Attacks by fleets ire made by sea: Bdward- F. Searles has nearly.com- not even one. And yet on these hours wo which compose it lay yesterday la th< Order of Events.— There"was a reg- cnlar Is to see It-he's got them ::wl»jwmplaln. Another is to pay: all those who have any- mis-spent time—well, it won't matter twen- L : and the sea is proverbially' untrustworthy In the matter of pleted a fireproof school building which PEABODY AND CARNEGIE. ty years-_after this." So in effect manj are building character for eternity; out of ocean's:depths and .with the dawninj; ular ritual at the passpver' supper, and ^r'elteeth the papers say he has." •thbrg •«rhatever.to rlo with contracts at-least decently, a rule he has' caused to be erected at Me- men argue. So they stake life:and immor- .these hours is growing that immortal self: weather, i Air currents, mists, uneven radiation, mlragf •with which at last we must stand before light will rise and melt into the. wan- the Gospels are then and there the president displayed ••often .neglected""in 'the case of the experienced but subor- and a dozen similar causes deflect the shot and the vision thuen. Mass, at a coat, with its fur- Philanthropy Now So Coramoa a* to tality on the chancea of the future. And dering airs. ,SSSSl£