-»^0* NOTICE TOrCREPJTOJBa BitaWof John A. Qulnn, deceaied. The Beason opened last Saturday with Hfttdqqartera den. O. A. Russell Post, Pnnuaut to the order of Efliannel REPAIRED N0.68.0.A. B., Sarro<»te of tbe Qonnty of, Att«ntio, made cm two games. The home team need more HainmoniOD.N. J., May 12th, 1904. the twenty-sixth day ol Mar6h, nintteeu hnu^, and 3Eteeo#er/ed,— practice, of coarse, but played a pretty General Order No. 1: / i dred and' four, on the »ppiri»tip.t( of ihe. From 40 oenta'up. aodersigned, admlnUtralor of «a1eF deoedenV fair game. The features were Abbott Members of the Post will assemble at notlw i« hereby given to the oiedltorlortB* on first, and the battery work. headquarters on Memorial Sunday, May said deeedent to exhibit to the subscriber,, W. Dodd* under oath or affirmation, their debts, demands The score: 29th, at 10 o'clock a. to., for the pur- and claims agatntt the eitate of the said d«te. Hammontpo., pose Of aitandttUi Jlvtiiu mrvica at ttm ffiffijK d»at. trjttln nln ' " $1.26 Par Y Sohwarz's Greenhouse AnKdoir. o '... they will be forever barred from proieontiag Uolvarsnlist Chorcb. All comrades of S. or recovering the same agalnit the robioriber. 12th St. *nd Chew Boad. Noylor, cf .,-.. other Posts are cordially Invited. s Designs imado tap at shortest notice. WII/LUM L. BLACK, m®Mm Abbott, 4b I Administrator, Hwafcouton, N. J. Fun«i*l designs a specialty. Baskets My rose, SB ... and 'designs for baits, parties, General Order No. £ : &.& J;^|^ !NQ.m Goggey, 3b». ; weddings, etc. Button, rf Members of the, Post, and visiting I.;"p'- Rogers, U comrades, will meet at headquarters on : EMBABMBB1 ~S.fBAPT.8T MUSICAL Black, p Monday, May 80th, at one o'clock p.m., fl Chas, Cunningham, M,D. and proceed to Oftkdale Cemetery, to The Booklets. ELWOODJP. JONES, ' We Ktve below tbe fall programme of Physician and Surgeon. Wnterford... decorate the graves of our departed Bnoceasorto the musical to be given in Union Hall HegKan, 2b •*vf». *a Ten thousand ^booklets of the- DAt comrades. Will meet again at 4 o'clock Of ^ next Monday (Memorial Day) evening. W. Second 8t_ Hammonton. Bates, p o o Town of Hammonton, beautifully OfBee Hooxt, 7:30 to 10:00 A.M. ' Bagger, at)- in Greenmonnt Cemetery. -•'. B' W. A. HOOD & CO. Note the fact that all tbe participants Gaskill.lb— 2P , Comrade George Huntsman will have o 4 illustrated, have jnst been issued by .« «V»H*WV«'^PWU1V 1 .-flO to 8;00 and 7 :00 to 8.-00 r M. ,, Office and Residence, 216 Bellevue Ave. Phone 3-Y except two are Hammontonians,—somVM e MoDouRall.o ..... charge of ceremonies at Pleasant Mills, \| S the Board of Trade. Every citizen o„»»».*».—i-j-f them newly derelope• d- talent. Miss m Wray. of. » S Green Baud, and Lower Bank. is entitled to a cqpy, free of charge,, Fortiner is from Haddonfield, a grada- . H.Bernshouse Comrade Hen. Jarvis at Elwood. whicb may_be_grocured_ by calling:, HAMMON TON ate Jnjel»cntIraj Lake^ie^^^^^^^^^<^ Waldlogle at WatertofoTandr j)a_Jihfi_Secretary, Dr. Cbnries-Gca— 1n~&adnixm, ITT J. *__: :_ Insnrance Agent Bates Mill. ningham, at his residence, Second fAS.fl Hammonton The Post Cummander. will take charge Piano Dnet...Tbe JoJly Blacksmith... Waterford... 0._ 2 in person, at VVInslow Cemetery. Street> • Harrison Mutual Burial Agsocia'n The Junior Baracas are developing — -By order of copies may be obtainei —— • • —tftRTHglited Dec. 13, je6g \ Commiesioner of Deeds, into a flrst-clagB team, aad play an in- / GEO: BBBKSHOPSB, F. C. the following prioc _VagalPolo. for decorating the-graves teresting game. They defeated the A. .T. LOBI.EY, Adjt. eight tier 25 cents; three for 10 • - •; Qluseppe Villa Folsom team on Saturday bv the fol- i Young People'* Societies. '. Mrs Donald M Chapman >• in our cemeteries. Office, 101 Railroad Ave lowing score: BO YEARS' cents; or 5 cents each. These prices Violin 6oIo...Melody In F-. A Babeniteln -\ EXPERIENCE ,MrJohnBlrd8all '•:.."; Baraca,Jr.._.... we have not reduced the price include envelopes for mailing, when Thii spa«8 la devoted to the Interests of , Hammonton E IB ro A E tbe Young Peoples Societies of the yarloua B«adInff...JamIe...._.........Bobt C V Meyers NO, desired. They can be purchased of Churohea. Special ttcnu or lolerest, ana .; MlMLanra Virginia Firtlner. B.E. Plants fer beautifying our own homes F Werner. lb.. 3 ' 2 :17 01 annoanoemeQ t iyman.lf. 4 8 .1,0 0 is: to •nbdorlberu In this Oonnty, f 1.00 the Secretary, from P. H. Jacobs, FLOUR ' Cornet BoIo...Hearta and Flowere... Small, 3b «.„.. .54 IS 1 per jear; to those outside, $1.25. We Chairman of Printing Committee, • • ', Theo^I Tomanl G Weecoat, 2b...».. .58 0 10 gite gatisfiiotloD, bat not ohromos. Y. P. 8. 0. E;,— Prestry terisa Church : . /. '.';.... ' MrMOYoa •.. .; •. - '; Summer blooming bulbs, including choice 1^ DanniDg.cr 8 21 0 0 aud at Benson's news room. Meets Sunday evenintr, it 6:30. Piano 8olo.-8prtbg 8png._..,MendeIa>onn IVotary' Public AWesooat,o 6 *__4 0 0 TMDC / : /for/Nepr Jersey, :' Oman* • Topic, "What Christian Endeavor 4s ; Mrs Frank Banaom • French-Oannas and Caladium, ' Seely. 6s.~~- 48120 CWVMMKTS Ac. The cost of these booklets largely doing In mission lands." Lake 1 : Vocal 8oIo,..Oh, Promise Me...' fltrdersbis services, Cmlg.rf....'.—........ 2 501 1 atafliK a akateh and 4 We have as good a ion vouchers executed. A Werner, p..~....... 3 i 2 S 0 aaeanaiB «m» c——— -^ exceeds the above prices, and all ___4ftjg._J«ediby Ml^ooftry Com. Beglnald De goven HFaorbertABtewart 8S -33 V 19 ST be kept separate from the genera) rr^rox!S^~SiipiH8t^n^^ Violin 8oIo._AugeU' Serenade..; . ^ — Folsom.....™ BLENDED WHEAT Meets Snnday evenins, at 6:45. "~.'*~". •:'*::..('•"" •• •":''• .'':.•• ;/"Apoiut«er Sohjllhafl. o ..... 8 8 funds of the Board of. Trade, and be v - : Mln Katharine Anstln IVoveltles in Hanging Baskets P Helrer, If ..... 1 1 Topic, "What Christian Endeavor)* Ip Chancery jrf New «! ersey. EHelzer. p .„.. -.. 1 0 used exclusively for advertising the Vocal Qaart«tte...Tentlng To-Night™ doing In mission lands." Lake! * :.••-.-•; Walter Klttredce T» Eobert A. Mttean, H. Abrenitedt, J. D. Little, lb —.-.. Town in other ways. and as good a. _ « GHelzer. sa 49-W. Led by MUsIonary Com. Mlsa E BonrrllUOn Mlw Kama Layer • (or Joaopb) Arnmronr, Mary F. Arro- ... 0 . Ml«a tiettle Lehman ,• Hias. Nellie Layer atrong his wife, Fannie A. Newman, Tim- Blazer, Sb ........ _.. 0 To-day Jr. O. &V Sunday afternoon at 8.-00: O, my Back! Ouch! . brook- Newman her hatband, D«»id E. Kelbel, 2b... .- 0 SPBING WHEAT •_," ':'•-.. •:• fASF.ii-..:-:^',- •••••:••:'.' . Zaiak, and Mr«. David S. Zaaek his wife: Deppy.cf — .. 1 Topic, "A /ather »cd eoa: bow Piano 8olo,~To Ihe Spring^ ' -\ By__yfrtuf of an order of. the Court of Hohqltz, rf—... ... 0 tibd tested tbetu." Gen. 22:1-14; 1 ':'.'. "Gr|eg op. 48, No. 8 Such charp and lasting pains! > C Chanoery of Kt>w Jersey, made on the day of Heh. 11:17-18. J^^, Fanai^ Mn W W..WriHiaMa : tte date hereof, In .a oaan wherein Rachel 6 8 27 13 9 at &OUB ypeal HOlp,,..!*»y,l)ew.-W'J3ternil«le-— - •- : : -Miller i» complainant and you and each of TOO -f.-Deao;^--:-^-'- r-r~^~r:~---.., -^--•t Is there no relief ?> - ^ • -- ~~ '-&'£2&^i Folsopi 2/0 2041000-6 (WEST JERSEY & SEASHORE B. B.) 7 ( , ; Bennett^ op. 33, No, a •ra defeDdanti.'joa- are required to appear, Baraca...—....... 40 0 2 O 11 1 413—85 ,-•:. .; ,,:: : .. .••• .' ; ''-/-•;;: . (• , 1 {•lead, answer or demnr to tht bill of laid Schedule in effect 21 ay 0,18C4. Subject tp change. Epwortt|League,TrlLJ!. Cburob: ' ''• Mlsa Emma Kannoe ___ tfomplainaiit, on or before the ninth day of This'afternoon, Hammonton versus [there 10 in the market. -Violin Solo^Oranga BlOMOtns... '" -"• K^E&jHt^^ iane next,' or tbe "id bill will, be taken u the Nesco team. SMALL'S DOWN TRAINS. - Up TRAINS. Our price on them Meets Sunday evening, at 6:80. • Adamiaelbel 25 cento. •oofxied. against yon. San. Topic, "Tbe wort; of Christian women - '-.;• MrJohoBlrdgall m .::•,' ffboBaid billio filed to foreelote a mortgage : Gor. Second and Bellevue, Ace. Ace. EX. Ace. £x j-Acc. Ace. S^TATIOK Ace. Aee Ace.) Ace ju • In non-CbrletlaD lands." Acts 16: Beadlng...Blddy'» Trlalu among ti^ cv*en by Robert A. HoL-esn to W. A. Clougb, We must not forget the "kids." The P. P>. » m. p.n [ is right. ^:;:::;;:;;;iSl^:ito^ . Truatee, dated February 4th, 1897, on certain H. A. A. defeated, the "Youths" on 11: 15; Phil. 4: 3 ; Botn. 16: .Hiis'.Portlner'..".'. Undc in the Township of Mnllles, Atlantic Saturday morning, by 17 to 15. The Hammonton. 430 8 10 8 00 6 tO ft 4< 4S2 101V 1000 800 ...... .IhllaiJti*)! la... 7 SI B Si 811 1*0 067 945« 15- 487 818807 6 08 5 60]4 89 1052110 07 8t-7 -™- .C«»n)«ti ,„... 818 1 42 66B»k7«W , 1,2. Leader, Mrs. P. S.Tllton. •Vocai 8olo...I mill yon. dear.n Second St, and Bellevue Aye., Hammontott. <Joun,y, New Jersey, which said mortgage was victorious team made no errors, while 443 81* 82P 447 ., ..... Oolllngswoo*... July aailgned to Complainant; and yoo, '1018 8 It 709817 ISO 549U»,S56 i •••'•. Frederick Williams their opponents are charged with 2; but 45~> 887 «~'X 464 10 SB 824 700810 123 Junior League on Sunday afternoon, ' j ' Mrs Chapman 'Sober* A. McLean, H. AJtYenitedt, J. E. (or 6U5 847, 6S8 SOS Iu8tf| 883 8 47 7 69 111 £«»*« : Jofaph) Armitrongj Fannie A.
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