I I-

18 THE SUN THURSDAY AUGUST 1908 I I r U s > ttSFFKIKH m FINS OMV1MT0V CAlUUAGF- FOR PACERSRUN P 1 RULE TIlE YACHT ItACE COMPETING ATT STARES IN THE WORLD t t Plfnt MOWTRESOFS Only Arrival in Kan Francisco SlwwiTH i Shaw Minltn the Number or Pnwensers the Cleveland Shut Out Chlcagoi In the Money EataWlsheit tlW iiI of Corbett VAN TASSELS tc KGAKNnT Played Iat rot Fleet Sl > Carry Game Auction Sates ROUT IOTB- League game scheduled MACK COLLIDE SAN FBANCHCO Aug i3Jeffrl earns or nonsns AND WINS UNITED STATES HOTEI- WAHHINOTOS AUK I SecreUry Shaw A7il IRK NATION The only American lION COZINE AND oocom- cAitnivrE I yesterday between the Cleveland and down from Harbin Springs today ARK HELD RKGLLARLY idsued thn following special onlvr thIs after- ST LOUIS CARDINALS wa SULKIES ARE SMASHED ponied the rest of his TtiNIAV ANt 1lflDVY-lift EVCKT FItO1l niiliCE- Chicago and the latter were shut out AIt by Delaney and all Cammenclnff i 10 ocloclcl- noon Ilinlling number of potwongcr training went directly to the Hotel till Cleveland Chicago 0 retinue and ATTUKUUIORSK rtbCT10N StART yacht t there ever was inn sail Eml 13ih Hi- tho patrol left niiiy wirry luring the Miiniti b the STANDING TITO CLVDS Patch Goes a Metropole In Oakland If ln V V Hides nn il to Victory- fine Fleldlnic Furnlsbrd Or Doth lUdly InJurwlTnmn 1 netween Third fourth Ava Now York Ambrose Mark rnciM- a man who fit for a hard fight Jeff art HomeTemii IMtUburits nnlshOnollun lobs IV L Clots II t IM- Mile In aOO t Empire Track In looked Catalogues reaily of each Mle Pur- In Slppplwhiwe Ilandlrsp for i1 IC 14 thr Thr Si try of tne Trei iiry author m 31 MH Detroit 48 41 SI that man Tanned by sun and mountnn air chasers will always tinS a large aunt Ahead of DronKlyns ChlPAKos and Itoston Beat Itecord R> thmlc Ilent- FanlconDrlilBf Frank Farrrllt Duel Iwd by Mt tit lit lo dilall lit hi dl Philadelphia 41 VW St Louis 42 49 40 Iffort to with eyes bright and every action showing list to select Irma revenue cutters tam the enforcement of tin host ens Split non a DoubUlleailer New York 41 531 Chicago 12 53 liT l ITInce of llarw Those desiring la tell ran make entries m- Runs a Game n ce Entries Mr- OranseOIJier health vivacity the Oaamplon towered ft lit rules and regulation prepared anti tip Cleveland SO 44 520 Vatlllnfftr 20 81 and any titus up to P N the day before the Sal- CHICAGO A I 0 over his companions and looked like a bronz It T Wilson proved by the Tho New York Nationals found St LouIs lRVhLVMD 0 Another day of good racing for thus epee SAHAlona Aug U Jrrt 110 govern Inter- t which are to the en y prey yesterday while their llrooklyn CIKVKLAND 12 In the fastest nlnelnnlni and another tiny of hard guesulnl Hercules Ornament colt Montreson won the 10000 national yacht nice that has been witnessed thIs season here tator All was one look u ALt > U4l SAIlv tSl IHIItSi UOIIa scrtloi neighbors lost to the Iittsburgs Chicago only for the speculators were the features of the that sporting men needed White Web Single Ilmiry lUrneja United BUte Hotel Stakes for twoyear EIght of tilt revenue cutter Cleveland lIefnted CIIIaro I100ahue was Champion they that all the t si furlongs this afternoon to patrol the cours but won anti lot in Boston Kmultic batted safely In three inning huh fielding third day of the Grand Circuit meet ut Em the and know Other Buggy at KM 1775 4 olds at flTosndahnlf thereon runs Tile batting of llradley was stories about his not training were rot ills Largeauortmcut of 1ony Harneti Sheets ec Whins the of New York U St Louis 4 reverted pire Park yesterday The cool breezn that A heavy play on Mnntrenon reduced hh hllJl In thIs particular Iiature garments If they were mtde Surrey Harness 11500 tMou HMIM llapld been rittsburg 0 Urooklyn 5 swept stretches was not favorable for fitted him as Double Farm H rnr I2ltti price from 4 to I to I to first choice Socretar of the the CLRVFLAXD CHICAGO tho answer Chicago 7 Doston 4 I K A R time wan not a day for a man twIce his girth Jeffs Dump Carl Ilarncw livii Water made the running for the llrst cjuarter Onottdatit to hiinsIf and other onlcfr and Ilrst fame n II A Lit P highest rate of speed It Kiprea httuttnesq o I a I 0 0 I 0 l 0 to an Inquiry weighed 2J5 pounds Light or harness Jijo Illght friends AdmissIon thereto will Bo toiillClilciKolOSeconilirtimeST- Flick rf Hntlman It for record breaking although the worlds was that he Mr Lap Tile I I only to give way to Ormondes after I I 2 0 0 0 1 0 Sheets Dusters liiilller Sets Jt21- 111 l y permits signed by the Sn retnry or Hayef Isbcll Ills to but be looked very much heavier CO- Mon to the front by- AND1NO or via CLfBS 2 9 3 4 0 0 I 0 0 0 champion pucer was to innko an effort lIJTKUSlIAUMiSS ft SAIUtLICRV which Montr was rushed Drndiy 3b tones el ¬ no MT i > Secretary Cl n Ono of the first questions fired ut the cham- Mrnalwav neBrChamhrrsst Redfern scorlnii a clevnr victory with two Ho at tho dis- ¬ auks II t ciuft w L ra- 2 3 3 0 en rf I ZOO wipe out nil existing records has Ireshani rP1101 14 40 473 2blI I 0 I I I I 4 0 pion by a you going win V Whitneys posal at Port Flttshurg03 33 Ilruoklyn Hkman lb Vttn 3liO When thn sport opened the wind blew half friend was Are to AT HAHuAlsS lianusonw family ounv IS14 ODd a half lengths over f of the ollertor of Customs the 51 1X1 I 0 0 o h 0 II 2 3 I officers at said SeW York 57 37 001 Boston S McCsrly Ito MaiOOn was Jeff Of course I am was the reply hands 7 chestnut sorrcli v uml 10 I wan ln t nt Iho of Now York other 51 MOT > t R1 817 2 II 0 0 0 I I 0 a gale but It kept moderating until It eye ruaranl iit Reliance to The latter will Chicago 41 Loul U Abbott UO T In my suid lathes canopy top family ¬ port friends Admission 837- 00 I 1 a I 0 0 o- tO cant lose Never felt In such trim rub head of the stretch but Untuned with remark- Cincinnati St 43 1131 Philadelphia at 01 rriinnucrssl Slnttery oO just u nlcu light breeze tinder the conditions bertlreit top bugr ninalniut upon permits signed by Donahue P 1 I IUiity n wonderful life You euro for yourself whether I I able strength under Uurnas persuasion these Algonquin will be NRW TORK V L 14 ST LOUIS N 1 4 2 2 p0 0070- the mile paced by Dun Putoh was lee harness Oanchman private stable 2K West 0ui- weight The wjuenReri Ad 13 13 3 0 3 SO I performance Yesterdays was practically have been working or not l near Uroaitwa- 1 j Conjurer was anchored by the the only cutter Slipshod pitching ragged fielding and bard TotalI J7 Totals It will he ermltfi n 1 3 < ho Is yet After seeing champion in no v- was 112- to thtt vessel ¬ Cleveland 0 I 0 0 hut first start of the season und not the there yiiusiNEs4 WAiioss usii MIKIV z time but unproductive hitting marked the Car- < Howdy Kl ned the Secretary of floe Treasury or Cnleaio U ii 0 II 0 0 0 0 0 quite carry great fll ht of doubt of titer being a heavy play on him MKVFSl ALSO FUHMTimn VANS AT IIFI V Ambrmo Clark rude his geldlnc seasoned to the > the Assistant dinals game at the Polo Grounds yesteraay Two Orttn rUm e biun liltx Gorli I thlw his FORD WAOOX nOKKS 754nil Dltll- I leading moat half Kpeed enough He went the mile n 2flOtf- from on It was the doubt about llii to victory in the steeplechase In addition to this representatives of the seeming of IIralll Home rOut ilradlcy First base far AV TEL IU1I WILLIAM I In contrast to the ulinlowne nauer condition that tins kept Corbett money idle of journey and bsatIn the odds on favor- ¬ presa actually In or on errors Cleveland I Clilcfgo Struck out Th second Quarter In o24t and the middle IllTRR l the no to St Louiss playing the Sill YorkH SUVA up to the present but this wan ite by five lengths In 413 2iv for to event will admitted 3 Kacrlnie hlu Itlckmaii Orern half In DtfHK were a little too fast for his ir Tankard patrol upon evidence of definite and set purpose all the llay Mailman pints Flick stilt that Jeffries would CARRIAGES L up all vessels of the fleet Stolen liura Double quarter cost him all some light Design I he Ahort course Fuller put the cleverest b of the time that purpose being to rout the toe Gochnauer and IIJol Ililnrty Maroon Iud tniwdcw and the last for exercise tomorrow of Quality anti FInish 8- but other titan preparation was itt Moderate Irlcej kind of a ride on Frank Farrell Duelist Treasury This modification lf mild In the and thin home team did thoroughly Isbell Left on bases4livelaml 5 Chicago lihiuiiM of beating thus record of 109 this his geld will os the UmpiresOLoughlln ant Connelly Time I hour completed W n GuArs j j to 1 In the third event the Oddfellow public safety and uniformly Thai racing of tho day In point of In B M SI nrnnm- t several revenuu New Yorks fielding was good anti 13 o vtnt Corbown hit cia hUn nter near I Inc coralnff from behind and winning n a enforced lv monetary value was the Empire Stake of the foreground tip present the cutters will he held responsible and several times brilliant It was brilliant to hut DISINKSS WAflONS LiireeM sMnrini nt cell drive by halt a length SHAW In second Inning which exceptional f5 00 for dust trottvro Jay MoOregor opportunity- wagons liiwrat Ml WAuic- the was CLOTHIER DEFEATS 2n to see what fine hit U In able pet TL 4 i In th handicap nt u mile stud tlireetilx- Secretary of the Treasury De- vtiiovr the Imndunme son of Jay Hawker driven by condition COMIANV SI2 u near Charles for llghtnlngUIn handling of the ball tim complexion of things materially and it to I n threeyear tho Treas- ¬ miidii the favorite with t teenthn Faulconhrldife There is isoinc conflict between inontrevlllo was on first base when Ilackett Three lined Kouxlil Sis In Southampton Scott Hudson wait Is more money will cAitniAci- > Hard pull at the weights Department of II strong Herond choice IIM t IiI old on of The with a ury Department and tho hit to the quarter roost for two hoses Mertes John Tuylor The q begging even ut odds of 3 to nn Uummi fur all niirnn r- < In the Tennis Timriiiiiiirnt- I liifi ft ran over Bonand second choice hut mmroo to tim gauged ulcely brown liars Klnney ton driven by tho hun an uuuHiml of short WM K IIISIIWP 10 WAIIIIKX ST the rebound from the boards I Aug end money dim t furlong and heal him easily by two length ing the course The have SorniAMpTos j II Three of veteran Kudd Doble sold its third choloe and This was partially to the and hurried the mall to Babb who rim ut IH < Jorl = Dell five lengths of tho Treasury tennis players uci hint pin III the eini flumfilmeut fact ttn I with the favorite Cold heretofore been in to short left field Dabb and the es In two ito succeeded In pullin nlfluent Inns has wheeled threw In ¬ thrilll condition Imil more to do with W C Whitneys Hippocrates second Department but the AttorneyGeneral final round of thin sliiulDM today tin tourna- Is- 1 L hack squarely into Warners hands DemonUrevllle off the rich stake tu Htralght healn John this state of affairs While little bettlnir I fln race for maiden t o the duty to ment on the rourts of tint Mention Club In being done by big i choice took the t being put out at the plate In fun same Taylor was really the runtendlnK horse the Buns deal of geldings at flvo and a Cortelyous department The Enll1 hilt IA II II I Doliorty won his 1ms betu email amount 11 yeurold fllllos and Inning Hnckett took a long lead off second each and he was fairly beaten on the merits belle furlongs place then otter defeating the llnrvnrd The prevailing price was still 3 to t LOU DILLON I halt base Warner shot the hail to Gilbert Thicket Hudson gave Jay McGregor an easy drive audi mit will he tion Ella Snyder who cloned favonto SARATOGA RACIM GOSSIP champion Edgar IV Leonard arid the Ynio In this when THE TROTTING i KEN I Qua tried for third on the throw and Gilbert toad flit heat hut he mine to make ruling figure Much Corbett still player A W Post William A Lnnied ¬ with Glorlosa captured the for the ball to Dunn nhend of him hula drive In the second he found that both Luke Kelly the book- u lennth rtiomsj Shields Get Cold tUxlin lohn ranking American nt the Ramp export yesterday roll at six furlongs She finished Dunn had to a to handle the Kinney Lou nnd John Taylor could slay In maker and marls a- iA Loose be contortionist working his way played 11000 to win J Blserta who beat Olorlo Drake Cots enced littln difficulty in tVtf half before JIll eccentric bounders that camo his way front fable wits loudly cheered Lynch of Lot Angeles dropped Into Brighton Track I through to till round while another of the a neck Four favorites were SARATOGA Aus U Tho new racing firm but he took care of every one no matter Into An accident occurred In the first mite th- town a reports were The Alex- ¬ contingent William J Clothier but all the winners composed Edward R Thomas and American IA ¬ Is was all the fternoon- of what tuber shape he hurl to twist his body pact Don Cozlne was made thn favor- considered unbeatable city Next Monday wenthor I real busi- ¬ of harvard distinguished himself hy de sod says It is stealing coin to bet SEAT I i and track was still heavy ander Shields squaring Itself for In the eighth Inning Browne caught u tine ite lit PIn money over the field and the ADMISSION II I j the the other day renting Harold S Miihony the h While I was he I placed ness It was told in Till Six drive flat on the ground anti a chances looked favorable for the Speedway I 1 nan UACL- double three hard set 1400 two and iiuvc more money the firm was looking about for new veteran after fouxht stable scorn winning I will AVTO3lOIRlLlS I Tor maiden tllllea and that play ensued Warner caught u fine came to a performance Jut which invent before the battle at San live and a halt may bo Mid now the search It was thin first appearance of Doherty in time Howe 4 I to carry no lofto added horses It that until retired with n swollen digit Ho was M horses swung Into hue backstretch Francisco ut odds Lee horseman TWO AfTOJIOIIllrM- I tournament und his work was of the Is Angeles has been completed and the horses selected busy keeping this in the first heat Cozine rondo what horse- ¬ mother Los Jeffries- RLIYKKY UACKNS ii Betting also kept Taylor steady The ¬ ¬ fUosVund Ai m Joey fn except one same steady nfrgreMiveness that wan char- men term a standstill break nod W J An ¬ Hn came from yesterday and an- ron SALE FOIl lAHTICtLATtS > 110 BtuiM VI II- They are nit twoy vuolds I 4 I Hippocrates Cardinals hits were too scattered for them- who was nounced that he to 400 and M H v IH1 Sun Ofllie 211- threeyearoldf- acteristic of lola play In the Internntlonnl- drews at his wheel Address I f 2 110 Iledferu lll- even One horse selected is the to In reducing 1500 1230 win 121- 3 be of use New Yorks lend He met whllo that outcome could not avoid a collision Doth sulkIes to on Jeffries chances to I I Naughty Lady 2 noCochran 81 Mr Shield ha had his first 71 4 ioldon Mount and the latter part of aine Wits tlre ome of the was for a time In doiiot the were wrecked and both went out Corbett did his host reiu training yesterday i r Hob Hoy 2 llo uUman JOl antI much Nil IIIIIIIS 101- eye on this colt for some tints and after McUm Ire wrlllllll1I to no without serious injury The Bes- and is now for DDS b Testimony 2 110 Belaud 41 not alms the gnniM to deuce with boxing i 121- a a few days ago he asked the umpire Leonard had Hushes of great In sie also hit but while her driver work which consisted of bouts with FOIl SALK itrlctli thoroujhhred i s r v Ti I Salads 110Mtrtto ni examining him t UNt Tommy Ryan hedeclures him very I t Ancestor 2 UOHle f 81 31 7 to Five an option on him NKW TUSK sr loirs which pawed II I Doherty find cross was unseated the sulky wits not broken Lehorn females Ofarllticin at l0ii each litj of LID R Mr Kraner Thl him pointers as to 26 S C V Leghorn tnulM j 2 PuUer l UH H ii r f r K n r A It courted so cleverly that the When non Cozln the crash hs started much ten or more iyenrlin do whereupon Shields 1 I I t Ointment 2 no Creamer flot OI 0 Kruncr refused to llrowne rf 2 I larreji b 0 3 4 4 I did not even attempt return on H wild run tout missed hitting any of the methods to draw out Corbet from 200 to liCO each HCItMAN- Monochord3 ltOHa ck l 201 10 made him o conditional otter of a little more itrnan eli 2 0 0 0 Donovan rtl S I 0 0 Doherty I hall to Leonard left horses In Mnco was turned has no tear of being out n blow nt Wayland N Y Time MS 4 S- was McCJaan 0 in 0 0 smoot cf I 2 I U 0 short Discussing the coming mill bite than for th colt The condition Ibt with such persistency Unit the Harvard man completely around and ran the reverse 1 I Poor start won drtvlnj g2 leMon In or trial over MTtc3lt4 0 2 I 0 Burke 1 2 I 0 errors on netx and outs way the he remarked that hi flxchnnun punches by W C y- that Maxim a rare I Sh1 track In homestretch the I by ItakHftfloftflE owed hln do a mile in I I or better lialib 3 I 2 3 lidrclny If o 2 i n I allowed Doherty to win lioth wets lit In two torsos collided and ach continued at close and will be able to get llillI0tFhfI n fair track should Dunn In I 2 I I II mOil I 2 3 n4 j SECOND HAC- should cool out lie MO 0 0 hl Doherty his to run until three circuits of the track better of such warfare la should sound 2 I 2 2 I Ib 0 2 H 0 0 other outdated sound b Dr lucrt3ti lUrlirtt A V Post un laud no lIlt boon mode Even Don Cozine I believe otter advising with he l SSteeplechue handicap for and nod should be Warnr I II 3 3 0 Ryan e 0 Z 4 2 I opponent llnl then was still 1700 added course running like continued Jeffrien Is apt to become weak JA3K LONDONS r 1 u riders short Alexander of Toronto and Dr HuwerjincO I 2 1 0 Dunleavy II 3 2 the victory a wild horse and was secured HI Wl pl I ¬ In he gone fifteen rounds iind Act JocktV lleHni PlO Taylor p 0 t 11 2 0 After IIlhon hnd defented II II Whit- with difficulty the arms after has 5 IBS U- I will give you a pointer on Friday i lou Mr Clarktl4 89 The conditions were ns well us Totals I IS Il 13 5 man In their unfinished inntoh of yesterday lhi distanced Don Most Fisclntnv new novel TanDard 8 IBS Mr Hsly 44 14 W will to- 14 10 27 17 3 who luau H the cause night not he I will keep 3 the price nnd Maxim start Totnlt he met Clothier wine of the arid allowed the Self Protection s 170Mr pare 61 even mile h and will bl I morrow the third lit a for three JTew York C 0 0 5 I n 2 strenuous three t rontet with Watson of other horses to chart If able Mace was Itelow Zero 4 142 Mr Sl- rice 1114 I OF WILD Ten MabeeMi meet- I he will ee in nil directions THE which have not won at this M LilUll II II l 1 0 0 O 2 4 the Oniiiei club In the opnliuu set Mahony cut and he was drawn 1011 Canine was also until fists can llefusrd Ing Among the other entries Ire Air V tilt wan very nnd his ork at tht net rom badly Injured Alcrane won the heat easily know I am faster nnd cleverer than he and m Time 412 2V- 1liil ttiut on errorsNew I LouL 2 1 Shields Yarditrm I volleyed for passes resulted in hi the second also giving race believe shall be able to ntiiy the route won llowdy h by nf PAn Thoini Left on l Vew York N Louis him the iood Mart r i rs St II Ilnt 2oS clues a Lady noyster owned by r Amhrnie besides Injunction and Irascible hnse on hiJIs OiT 8 off Dunlnivy 10 laldiiB it after Hhlr the gaines Tho pats out splendid Itoek of 120 pounds while a lid once been wit bin a point- field so good Clark tarries top Mruck out lly Taylor 7 by y nlT to 11 had that not one was out LOCAL FIGHT BETTIM- GOLF I 114 the w- sid the In In ENGLISHMEN II7V 4T T RAC- Golden carries wobur hU l1I1lI1 I of nct the fatt time ° which is n story told In connection with teDonovan lIe McOann Clotliiern 14hl1il to cover his court made the race wIts WOO Panel the form r queen I BSelllnir for three Ill oldi and upward KMW Tlnrc kltI Sacrlflc1 lilt Halih ls slid several months Warner Taylor < cs him invincible Hgnlnst of the Speedway away Cnrliett hiss More Irlcnd IcffrlM Still a Intercollegiate by II to 3 In- lidded allowances one mile and seventy yards this trjinaction that Stolen ba Mertei haiti an almost marched the I Defeat Tram Jfitkry OfUna Ftn- n ro Kroner trave title to nil his homes to Donovan IJnirilfi plays rarnII and Haikitt tIme passes of the Englishman lie WUH very money heats each raster than Hot Favorite hors ant lot in Duiiu Ollhert McUann Tvvo lays Ila llnellit S ins Fuller 1 76 It A man of the name of Do Cordova It could ami llrouue anti llciann fHilt second set and the two taco x 200The 4 5 Cor- ¬ Jilt by lly Uualeavy to- ¬ If Corbett should happen to Mldell 4 ina Frasoh 4M 121 not b leiirncd whether it Mns Alfred De 2 ra fil balk ome sharp volley In which closing race of the duty brought Jim detest BOSTON AUB 12 Vntil nn eitrn hole ha < lij- IH Wanirr Hy o Enislle heats I toe T tflrlen ISt 51 dova Whoever h Is he said ta be a Wall Tlnie2 hours Clothlcrn swift to of the court gether the three crack trotters of Jim Jeffries when they meet at San Krnnclsro played won hy Allison In 3 it lookc- 1 anil 10 mtamev 4 arm been and lu KmbarraMment 3 103 ONeill 710 4 Street man tlenitnnce won at 6 4 Jliihony tried to lob In the Orange 207K Rythmle 2 and Kereno- on Friday night his friends will clean up I 4 lOt Walab lots Hi s e At oa though the two days match nt Myop Carroll E ot iii I Having thus disposed of stable Kroner UTTSBUBO final t which win lo which llbllllllu IHH1 won VMnll money During tow TI S i d 0 DROOILTN 4 tIme nl quite a bit of the lint Intercollegiate Golf A Hob Hllllonl M wilktuon avi of the horses so Clotliior won arid took match Tho he wai made the favorite nt almost any odds I botwcen the ociatioi 9 87 7 exchampion been gaining Anklet MCafteriy20l 71 trait they till run III hU name The reason The Jlrool lrr played un almost game Doherty brothers played tIne opening contest Many of tin books refused to against days the has and the Oxford anti Cambridge Ciolllns So- i Star and Darter 8 M C neil HVI 31 8 move was according to the story yesterday 111 beat o hi won Ivo In the next two heats Prince of a lot of supporters who have grabbed up- S U 9- for thl the 11 ciety would bo a tlo at S points much but Roarkle EJher OBrien ol heavy lo p were onl home- ¬ 2l1 Kmnor hnd uslnlned one run behind nt the finish ease aKiinst team composed of Colllet outtrotted the favorite In the a of enticing offers lucId out by the t totm Barleycorn 4101 Farley l 10 was of a were scrub number Chicks defeat turned the day ugaln t ihf- 14 Wail Street antI he thut toni 1or time they ahead but their lead and Kelts- stretch and won the race The time 208- ¬ I Tlnie 4S was I Jeffries men The followers of the Boiler 0 lo- I won driving DuellM b S by Odd hU creditors mieht attach his stable before short Heid In to do tho Mens Invitation preliminary round Zos S 2n 4 Is as fast as either horse ever hom players who were beaten by 4 Poor start Hnnnces nualn Pitching for Brooklyn IrslM maker think It I all over the explana- ¬ Fellow Klla Duke owned hy Frank Farrell he had his focelher the but was hit for Wlllliini Clothier lIn alrll II Colke- trotted three heats In this order However thl may be If Golden Maxim ssfehles lid our runs and was relieved tIhlladelphta 03 64 hubert I The card for today will the 223 tions and that Oorbett has not even a J voIftrn hACK up will have by Jones In the third Meadow Club Harry Eagle a OXTOKD AND CAiZRUXIK INTVtCLLEO1A- rome to the mark Krnner The champions defeated Torrance Jr class trot for of llooo the 2Gft pace look In The price which they are willing TsFHunter 0 The tOILed StutM Hotel stake of 110000 fur In night found It advisable call on e wood Field Club Mount I FJOAtsop- nearly 25000 tomorrow to 81 78- for the Vernon Stake JSOoo 1 elrold8 Moo lo tile winner penalties and of two pItching string Klral Hound William A Lamed Orange Tennis to lay 2 to Is considered a fine Investment 1ATBramtoa 0 I 10 may be add vl that none the Uever lasted four Innings for 312 class trotter with a grand field 01 T I hi S Campbell allowances flvr and a half furlongs S Club Meadow ore taking wagers L Low r picked out bv Mr Shields U then his place Veil gave Ieh defeated Robert P Ilunllneton horses antI the 217 In Major Slid the Corbett adherents I I N A Ag Orlllnt Ftn- 4 V < lI B Ellis Muirdoe- florw and nt Jatkrv trom the John K Madden When IIHSS on balls but needed to ¬ rinli V4 8 Ilirry Allen ndmont Cricket Delmnr will hn sent against his own record- without much persuasion At least this was 0 Montrtion 117 nedfem even trans Club atM Meadow Club kTMIlunler LhIConkhin- ia6 Shields heard thnt Mnfldon asked 71000 for form the Klfta Into runs were riot on drf ronl Ilintlnirtiin 204 with a view of equalling H SY I I Smith I 110 Buras 1W 41 e I IIrlllAte of the 2osH the order yesterday and the change Is all P t nellince3 colt Abdel who was beaten in hue fielding un Beau- ¬ edwin Ill rued Princeton 117 101 riiiudlt both sides was good fII fl held hy The Abbot P ilienumtngs- I Uoharlb2 rtillman 4t Sit ¬ Louis K Hahon Columbia Harold H the moro significant because last week there Odom 4 his first Mart thn Canudlan turf mont a linn catch of a It of Strung 81 pacing purse JIooo- GIJFRansoa0P G 0 t Conjuier IJi 72 75 In England defeated H H Whitma- 21 duo few men In sight Probably Winstonit0- 127 Martin 4ni 121- man remarked that he uuesaed th Madden donation the first inning and 4 Alcrane b g by Alciyon Alien I I were Corbet JW I nIlararil 6 WlllUni J Clothier LsathartI I hI top 81 5t W Ormondesni 2 I2 ONeill frl 21 brand was too rich for lilt blood around like a while handling a hot Harvard defeated C P 8IWaston Orange Tennli Kwlra b g mh 5 2 the reports from San Francisco that Jeffries C1lAtllaon 7 old grounder got Jr m 30flelor Highball3 117 Fuller 1S1 iohn A Drain rut loom in time fashion but he his ratio Club S 7 8 2 A V Post le defeated Mimic Brown b EcUers t 9 Is not In the best of trim may have en- ¬ 117 Gannon IJ1 ll s- He SlOnoo on Embarrassment 8e Lucre b a Maloneyl Itobadll2 St todIl itrrHHLau naionirv- Kumell Sard Harvard ft1 81 II L Doherty j J couraged 0 Totals F 2 117 IVInnkeld 71 In rtfl on Lord llailge In the Mercury VllUe ch K f Davis 4 the Corbett enthusiasts Totals Itapld Water the first rate R II K H H I A K Kniflund defeated 1dzar 8 Leonard Harvard 112 Jl PA Iiesste C h m Kben 1 speedy It Is Foursomes S Foursome Tim fifth anti llonn on Mia Snyder in tin lat I 3 > II Strong ft 4 J Corlntt clever and and cleverly e 7 trmontrfl 3bl l 0 81 Marc b g f Andrew 7 AT Hood Mart won Montreson eh were In one there were It 1 2 o i o- 5 Second Itound William A Lam d Orange figured If It not really In the T B Wilson These bets Clarke snkirillfO 0ia o 0 Don Cozine blk s that Jeffrie Grand total 0 Grand total l OrnamentAda IV owned by T Jr He a few thousands winner Leacu 2 2 o n o Tennis tutu defeated Harry F Allen Philadelphia dt others 3bl I I nobbscfo 0 < host of trim Pompadour Jim may turn In one V With nil the matches but the scon1 rtrrn SACS on the dn ol William P James of Tone diner MO I A 4 u Doyle lb t 3 IS o o- 8 2 I Clothier defeated Mlhon 6 7 rt Tlme2lJ2lli got I 220 class trotting purse 15000 the trick If he should win he woud no stood S nil If Chick heel won the Ameri- all ages 1000 added one mil and Branch Baltimore and Inkewood aboard rirlleld IbO 0 12 0 Dalilen MO 0 4 4 I R8 H tl Dolierly England defeated Tost Handicap for n J- Lou a by Doble t I cans have secured a tie on the tw Faulconhrirlge in the fifth race won KllchefJb0 0 I I MCry 2 0 0 II 82 br doubt retire and for this reason there ore would three 1 0 rfO I John Taylor g Wilson 2 2 He led ill the and was i e Wl Jeckty Fin 14hY MOO Sebrlng 0 0 Flood S Meni Invitation Doubles First Round many who would like to see Jeffries retain Jor Drttint for rfl 2bo i I U Doherty M Jay MeOreicor b fa Hudson g up hole They inlj 8 Martin 81 42 Ii Plielpi c l I 3 I I rklteeh I I I 0 Doherty aol F defeated ColUet i at the sixteenth halved the Faulconbrldge 1 a a Ms laurels he has always been ready even 21 Leaver p I 0 2 0 Heldj p el0 0 o o 0 and V H nell Philadelphia and Yale Texas Henlck 3 II because seventeenth In I was on the eigh- Rostand 112Fuller lJ 84 82 Senator Mills b g Howell 4 g- BS 3 5 31 iTRFMEX RACK PROM SARATOGA VeIl p 0 1 0 I 0 lonesp I U 2 0 to defend them teenth green In 2 Allison drove Into Gold Bell J lOJONelll I McAdams Jr hr Johnson 4 Badge4 100 Hicks 76 4 Cieiisler I 0 0 0 II t t Billy Delaney JeffrleVs manager says grass WAR out well and laid his third dead Lord 4t a < SEVEREST OF AlTO COTESTSI- Lady Iatcben b m Kckers e 110 rtedfern 5 Total 8 27 IS Hdtler n o > nd Allison won the nreus4 41 61 Peer Track and nmlhrr a Source of Ills 0 0 0 I t b f Tllert 8 L his big prot tg Is adhering to strict took three 0 S5 Mariaret that In 4 match sill even Al 1 Time Cole Direct hit s 7 7 toe the won easily c ennracnmrnt to Many Totals S 7 27 i > Oer training lines and Is in trim despite reports 3 gave ft lend start ch i for lUg lion tot love- Kalrlnka D ti m Miller o A lison won the extra hole in This tin A W lules 1 by The owned by For flatted Reldy In D contrary In a loiter to a frlena a by 6 points 5 he t I BardRoulette Many turfmen have already returned hero for the third Inning land and PlttMmrff Free Sitter a lemarest n m to the in visitors victory to scores irXTB HACK Snratoga here the poor condition Hatted for Jon In the ninth Mary Joe m Curry 12 12 town Delaney has this to say by mutches from 3 2 Maid m Dryder Selllni for mares three old end Upward- Illttburg 0 0 0 2 o 0 o The rules for the reliability contest of the Iabhen Ut Jeffries Is training and is ii trim Low Oxford and Cambridge beat Campbell of the track coupled with unfavorable weather llrnoltlyn 0 I 2 2 0 Time Jffl 207M Intercollegiate X I to play MOD added allowanced sU furlongs 0 I 0 of manu- ¬ will be In fine and will urely h and S discourage u3 National Association Automobile purse He condition rind Cambridge Itnra lid Act Ht Jotluv BiMng Fin conditions has served to both Klr t on I 25 class Il2d0- He wl I be bo beat Smith hast error Flttiburg Left on facturers from New York to Plttcburg were Da tel m by heat Corbett heavier than 3 to play BUt Bnyder 3 04 31 even ut owners nnd trainers Along Broadway yes tiasesIirooklrr II ot First b McDonald tt l win probably weight In the neigh- ¬ IM Flicks a l 2 > on announced yesterday and they reveal plans Carl Wllks ch g A McDonald 2 z- Uehr Intercollegiate beat Oxford alto Wen 21 were numerous bookmakers Iiall3Off Kcldy 2 ofJ Jones 2 off Leeverbe4 borhood of 230 Even this 105 31 even Si- lerdny there oil Shaitoxv Chimes b g Spear 8- 4 up 3 lo play ilorloaa3 Dinn Veil s Struck out Jones i by Veil S Two of n novel character calculated to make the handicap him I think he Is nulcKer t lAdy Radnor 4 10BOelll 121 61 4 clerks and other employees who have come- Vlnftelil Stratton b e V a wont Lcathart Oxford anti beat Dakoi ¬ base hits Leaeh Doyle Sacrlllce Interesting important In ou know < M 109 Fuller ft1 21 6- down from the Spa because of tho light busi- event the most and of Iltlle ida m Aldburj 4 today than former Intercollegiate by 4 up and 3 lo Cotu ldJ Stolen buea OeaumoDt Clarke Sheckanl Mo- U a fellow and tt woud ba Cambridge Cnledonlle S 10V Cnehran 121 41 s ness ring Severn layers of note Creery Double plays Dihlrn Itt kind that ever has been lucid Charley lloyt b s Snow 8 Corbett heat Winston n 0d anti Don Derby ca 5 to predict how long It will take Intercollegiate by I up In nineteen holes blue nlDller a 4OBrien 81 63 7 have decided to rest up here open- MranilelJ unaaslstedi run will from New York 7 i unwise Just TIpi > Rllre Warner and Tho start at g If M i VA meeting Indians r McCarthy 7 for to him Rot Corbutt Conklln beat T Hunter Ing of the riranstleld Mil by pitcher Dy u il Leever I on the of Oct 7 It is a 7- 4 I Fair start won handllf lilla Snyder eh I 8 reported offer of Capt- oclock morninst to Terrace Quern comes to JolT and tries him the mill Oxford and Cambridge by and to In to the by JoneS 2 Wilt pltebReldy Hum s II 10 10 N b St Flarl th oneo by loaac- 71000 000 t 2 ar finish at Pittburir on the evening of the Ananlu Shank over In shot order wont Alsop intercollegiate beat r Hunter Oxford S S Blown to bet to no th Time hours awl minutes Attendance 3iooC- ii 5- n 2 frank can J K Mnddens Tlme2 i 2 help forhett much Is going to and Cambridge by up anti to play J colt Broomstick defeat N fc 7 N 14th On Oct 15 thieve will he brake mini hill In Mndrlen Is IIICAOO BOSTON L 4rmST 0111I- 2C 11200 Corbett on different lines he did beat Hanson Oxford Aristocracy a match rare climbing contests and on the following days orange b g and Cambridge by I up quoted as that while ho would not be toirroN tug 12 Patton anti Prince of by Prince of India t Coney Island If Jeffries doesnt win J SaratoKa Entries for Totliy alna oars will be thoroughly examined Some Coil f- w any Ryan heat Bramstran Ol wager he would even In their double header this afternoon the wont have excuses thinks 1 to mike any such side when rHjthmlo b j llmKonl i j 3 ford and Handicap for all ares seven fur o Arl < hutton had the base full and Stanley put of thin novel features of the rules will will win Is not Infallible and arid I First nice l run either VuNin turrI the hall that Fereno br m llenyon 2 J 3 Kills Oxford Cam In Id ire beat Murdook lenf s- any afternuon for tile over right Held fence tar n run In the fourth distinguish h will be wrong again this time I against Broomstick this contest from ill others are 20tt hOti4 Intercollegiate bir t g HermU US Mollle Drint 103 thing und Moran repented the feat In the fifth One of Jeffrlesi admirers In and Cambridge heat Chick 114 ICYl fun of that the ears will be classed according to Special to equal or beat 1S1H < RlKOdo- 1ngtd secured first call on CIIICAOO B08TOX the has been ileornn Considine Intercollegiate by 1 up tn nineteen holes > 110 05- t Belmont hn Time 1 nukeof Uonlel n A selling prices lnntvad of weight Is Kendal 3t the services of lockey liullman from Iohn n r R n p A s- that the Dun Patch br a WcHenry j latter however for tome reason now on on Stamping Ground 104 SlsgH 0 2 0 r0 Cooiey thin Coneldine There was a crowd the links to watch V Schorr wasj In Mr Beltnont IfS f 0 I 2 0 0 carrying capacity and the rendition of the orbctt end thinks that starting drives apd finishes There Second R c F r lw yearejds aelllnr Ova license wits re Casey I 2 3 0 Tenney lh1 I 12 I 0 2 to 1 Corbett Is a false and he- the employ last until his JbO 8 o cars at the finish will he considered In the was n strong wind end on this account the sad o half furUnca- Jockey Club Chance 2 0 Stanley cf1 2 I 0 II M wagered Eddie Burke the book- 11 by the stewards of the lbl I 2 striking all departures were nigh Only men out Latheron Mlsi 192 < Jon s 0 Carney rf l 2 > o 0 awards Most of the and oo to 2000 will win four went for ei foul riding When he was rein ct1 I Crack Pacers Trotters Entered for maker si that SB Grenade Ill Auf Wlederaehea 07 Tinker si I I 4 I 0 Moran e 0 1 3 i 0 though Is that providing for the critical was a Jetirios man to a few under 40 Low and doing Eever slanted to ride for CI Meeting Conidne H Bath Beach IM Uo f- tsted Kllng c 0 I 7 0 Abbey bO 0 6 I n nrlchten ago 37 and Conklln 35 In Bruce lOT Mr who sold the hulk of his observation of the cart on the road and strict days Dan OHoiirke of this city who I Bailor Kn t Tower t Schorr henry rfO 0 0 0 I r 3bO I s s n Time for the Grand un of Smith R y anti a to play showed 107 nandervll 94 racIng stable antI practically threw liullman- 2 4 0 on their behavior- entries Circuit meeting Intimate friend Jcffrien has received I 0 0 Aubrey sj0 3 e a 0 despatch from no less seven fours out The Wizard 109 Mildred M 01 th market I 0 2 0 In coming the competitors which opens at Brighton Bnach on Monday a Jeffries to the effect that p L m Wicker Ptfngr p1 0 o 2 o tho cutest h is in best of fettle On race to the turn Conklin and Hunter 1 Destiny 104 PI o 0 and manufacturers will he nsked to nominato next have been made public ID tile 0 0 0 and the list Is In- ¬ was a grand one hut aided hy two threes and tbreeyesrolAi Wln Kempton Iarli- Total 7 7 27 10 I nn for strength of this willing to Third Iiee For which have Keene nit at iimpetint pr observers preferably one of the largest received by any associa- ¬ at ing figures a two the Intercollegiate player was then won at tills meetlnit one mile Total 4 10 27 13 some thoroughly vest the Jon rot vprttal to TUB 51S- 0 tion this year V Is another Jeffries who Is 3 tint Conklin held Hunter on long game ii Injunction ISO Payne ins riic nuwtli tOuted fur Plttenjer la time ninth Inning mechanical 1 no circumstances In 114 12 City willing to place a tidy sum on him to win and beat him ft Goldon Maxim Drumatlst 104 Lnxnox Vug The race for the I 2 will un observer be allowed to ride on any oar For the lloimer Memorial Stake of 120000 Chicago 0 0 2 I 0 I 0 7 2 1 Tho visitors will the Massachusetts 1 Mont Carlo Ill Bad ews 101 liOO o by U for 212 oltws trotters an even says he will give to Joe w of London Jlree hers Foal Plot value Uosttn 0 I 3 0 I 0 0 0 rnmle owned or rntlt the man have State Golf Association team at I Iraaclble l Orion 101 04 he is named or employed Always- hecn nuonied and tiuc list Its a formidable one Ward Bench who figures that tomorrow K sovereigns distance one mils and a quarter I S wlnim the County Club Yardarm Left on baiej oston First base tIme u as follows Hilly Buak winner of every Jeffries wit have easy to < was run U OIT 5 ofT wicker he he car At the of thin Intercollegiate r Fourth Race The Amaterdam for threeyear for on balls 1lri titer I will be changed every night one race be has ben started In this year Jim few customers for hit commission to match Park today Mr Tumis It Iveinen colt 5 by Wicker 4 SS he Irom car the were driven to Essex 1 Ids and upward atlllnc one mile outHy Ilttsigw Three Ferry 2tO a winner at Muffulo place on Jeffries Ive got about boo of IM hy the Anvriean lorkiy ViUy Stanley Jones Txvnhncn hit i to nnother money County links nine miles away where Io al Cnrbunfle ss In10 Into which time will be Promise and left said yesterday and Tarn o ins Vlrnln Soil on Lucien Lyne won Mr Arthur lImelt Jlonin Tinker Chance Sacrifice The clause Mrs 2l2i If Is I get for the match Massachu- ¬ t ha1er I Carne hlts hire all local favorites Hawthorne that taken eon some more Irascible 101 Elsie L ol was nnd Sir IVitton Sykess fancy Itarley Stolen Wild divider A Association which plsc Judge John McAuthoress I Jack Herman of the International C setts bit takes Klrhlander 101 Cnunt rpolie 8S filly Baroness La Fleche was third Pnej bellMnrllll Umpire CKi A 11000 and l s CMS D 11001 to Jt800 tomorrow The feature that course to ¬ t I ueur 47 and Lou of Fort Erie that hn is holding several at Fifth Hae For Iwoyearolda handicap six were seven starters ODay Time and minutes Inclusive Onus C IIM1 to Inclusive COM wagers on mill for Wakely- day was the lowering of the amateur record ftftl In 4 JW Illvlv lass P ni tn nm For the Brighton stake of 110000 for fulling- BOSTON n u ill cmcAox N It tt I 2io heart and soul for Jettries of 79 to 73 Walter J Travis In n tour to laflEconn 3 htt eltus there are eleven nomination that t Votan ill 112 to Death GAME Inclusive Clm f J3DOI to inclusive Class he still has 2500 to on champIon ball match with A G Lookwood as a part- 117 Brood Mare Valuable Starve over MMO- nnd the list includes all havv the Lang Shot St Jolly lOll U but avers that it I hoe pulling to get ner against Charles B and Don loha us lI1a kamoor lot LmttNOTON Ky Ali is Frank B Harper BOSTON CHICAGO heen sensational winner down the hinn of the I A K Tho division of the journey with it clown the professional Toledo 115 R H R n F A E each rand Circu t Tom Keene by dsmfh thoroimhhred brood- I mllKige has lost the Cooley If 0 S 0 0 Slajlelf 2 0 2 o 0- days follows time hot by the records and following in Sixth Race Tor mares and ireldlnirs ear Droeclt Elastic mare ViJunble in old by Ten Tenney lb1 0 10 0 0 Z o i 0 Wednesday New York 10 Plnehlll 1K miles Pointer Trilby 3o 5f King VCTM OF nnKELUEI- PERCY OWEN olds and urward one mile slid a llIe nth on turf 1 B Hiigain J 2 n I I TIlE TALKS I rTyln dam Lizin lone by inquirer Stnleycfrfl Clunoclb2 3 7 0 0 to Blnnkanilun HAl Direct Frank SUmpIni Ground Ill Ship inn w 3 0 0 mile A D Girl an once rtilcrol i5 Site starved Carneyrfpl J Jonesrf S t 1 o o Krlilay lllnjhaniton to Corning 03 miles Hal Brown H- leeier Patron At nM Ill Aibn I 3 I Bock Proceeding of Views of I 208 from being unable tn masticate her Dextercofl 0 Ttnltsrjr 0 Saturday Coming to Buffalo itS mlKa ntrrMtlni Astoolateil of the the American Auto Carbuncle Vlrirln Soil 06 2 0 1120A- and Armorel let food hbey2t3 I 0 Kllnifc 0 I 4 o o Sunday Rut C K O Billings will ship > Cycling bibs Cup Tram to S 2 1 0 harley o Lou lleturn Omnjr3b2 a 0 0 Monday UulTdlu to Krte 102 miles to Brighton Beach start her for RECORD GIlA Aubreyss I 2 I a I mi2bOrfl i z 4 0 Tuesday Rrl to Cleveland 102 miles i An Interesting monthly meeting of the Percy Owen the third member of the Ameri- ¬ VAir nr > OPERA Iurf Noic 0 0 n worlds trotting record John A McKeron Williams pI J Mnete a o I a Wednesday Cleveland to Ilttnburr 150 miles will b Associated Cycling Clubs of New York was can team that went In vain to Ireland after sole of the Falrvlew Stud Morano 1 UelmerpO 0 I 2o alto darted against The annual auction 3310 0 l meeting held Monday night at the time Kmaitlien horse Rum Itllln and 100 Yards ye rllniH under lUo management of Total 827 mIles of Cresceiis The promises to be i house of the Monroe International automobile cup and the last thoroirhbrcd 27 10 10 of boiL of year 12Stli the coiniiiny lakes place on Friday Totals ii 14 31 Total 10 34 0 t- one the the Wheelmen on street near Bovcnth lo return to this country arrived in the city In 144 nR on Harlem Truck race- ¬ n The total mileage Is likely to be Increased nd Saturday of al the Saratoga 0 4 4 I 2 1 I nolton 0 0 ¬ venue on Tuesday He camo from Cleveland whither I 12 Opera course Iunimcnclng at noon Mcsir Charlei Chlrngo 5 0 I 4 0 0 a detour between and CmcAoo Atiff Orand formerly a throng 0 a 0 10 log In order to the distance Kentucky Trotters Off for Grand rircnlt- A committee was appointed to promote lmu went after landing heua on last and A J llceil have seat out notable of on errors Chicago 3 increase for tin the property of Plttsburir Phil nnd now tine Iulrvlcw Sliid First bate Left on naaea to the neighborhood of publication n monthly organ bn from the When discovered by n winners from no ton 5 Chlroiro 4 FIrs baa on that LexisnTf Ey Aug 12 Bob Burdette of to de owned by E E Smatheru and trained by tiallaon one hundred miles to interests of the associa- ¬ reporter of THE SUM and asked he Williams 4 OfT Menefee J oil I and Qu fn two sensational trotters kept K C Illldreth won the Owners Handicap 2 by 2 tion and of the club it moments secret Mr Owen said Women on the Ne port Truths Courts out Hy Williams Carney by Menefee a leave here tomorrow for the Grand Circuit that he a great amount neglected It and t a new track record of i 44 by Welmer I Home mm Stanley Moran Caey President oatman offered it silver cup fora of 3i Aui I Soiiely turned out SKIPPERS HACK YAXKEE H7VS- races Bob Hurdett Is n threeyearold halfcentury run to ovvur in business to look after Ho added for a mile and 100 yards nt Harlem today XFWioiiT hitMoran next Chsnce colt by Berniidett 229 > A committee of five with appointed con ¬ Anti there is nothing morn to be said final matte en masse at this tiwlno this iiionilnv to icu Stolen bueaWUIlIlInt Double brown i dam to ot until the jumps were did the Wllllatni and Tenney uu by nltche- IronUequolt Defeat Strathcona Again In owned by J w Nosh duct the event In which such about the race It and there Is tile In the starting games In the ladles singles ten- ¬ and Bmathers horse Ret neck front Grand ny Mnelo I WIld s 1 < Ito ha are utuuill carried on the hundln bars no need of The story In TIIK yes- Ja r nadi np ontesti- Cochran lro trains of Whim nis but the heavy rain of DAY ¬ Opera woe always tin favorite at 4 to S Dick tournament jballDeiler Umpire Tlme tour and by Clem Beacliy Jr here andbrhas gone a bicycles will ba given M souvenirs instead of htN that Mr oath were re- made it I le to use 60 minutes Attcndanc S- Aug ITannn I quested to leave the course before Welles prohibitive favorite at 1 to 5 terday had the TonoNTo 13Mr the New mile 2i Queen has a trial tilt the time the for courts and the playing was postponed until She is by was correct I thought we a knocked Tork yachtsman won another rues today of 2ISi darn 9 the fifth event sixfurlonc dub this afternoon I gaines first Eux ne by 2iz She wa soYl re i A match race Ixlireon Champion Frank should have had the full run for our mooney n fraction off ths track record moiling the round and two In tho second were 8lueball Genies Today from the Strathcona the defender of the Chem to W W Kramer and his clnso but I that neither of cotm cup throughout Evan iI distance 1U3 1s the result of todwy playing NATIONAL UAOUB- Canada The race woe Beth are entered In the Kentucky has been arranged for a side of 600 have finished course by o oclock Mr UUs Twombly Miss on be In Wlnlon covered 304 Hoee One mile oail twenty yordaPronla- First Round Florence beat St Loiilt at New York Plllaburg tt nrooUya looked here as one between th two skip Stuck Farm Stake to tcottet at apiece a purse to be decided the bout the course Mr lint B 4 wooers a too 1 ¬ IB 5 won 104 LouUe Scott Un Brook Chicago at Boatoa peril us much as between the boats It Boaciu two of third at next little less than miles and coy in Davl to Adkl Miss t3 8 8 9 Win wits 20 IOU teat Iannle licllo anna Sand Baiurday Tho first heat will be a ered miles I 12 to I aeoond James J Corbttl WUsoa- 7 AUiniCAN LEAOC- what local call a skippers at third < teat illu Anita Saudi t u After the race M in 1 third Time i 3 26 Charlie 01 04 New York at Cleveland wind Vtliletlo Note f mile the second bout at a mile and the the came Alurawotcr CKibor Second Hound HIM Cynthia Hoche beat Mlu at Chicago race The was from the northwest third If ssary to be chosen by the toss to me and tluamuked tn for pulling out nnd al Altlla Haroa Rabunta Ruto Twombly 3 U l Mrs V L Pruyn beat BBoalon Detroit waaalattoa at Si Louis necf of a M Limelight J tt and blow fresh most of the time The course I The UnltrJ States Life Saving Corps coin lowIng him to pass HP Olve lIb Frank Mai Bendlx and TUerese brim f41 has helped hint SIT lao ran Jack DOYle left at Ibe- All 01 was nine miles with wind unit docile to hold a series of swimming win the I n mile one the back races In n t nanebal Jiolt The race over last of uttoil opert ulrilhs itt this bathing payllln the ditch to allow him to pass but it was Second Race SU furlonici Mack 03 Defeat at the half tho course Sir Thomass llcprrscntatlvc on the sonic time before he Frefliootcri lluiinuni lolo 18JI- tockuway Boxoi on SunJay- he hud CIIOUK IWIlson 40 to I won Buccaneer W Adkloa- F FYes In was very exciting There was much Jockey Reliance ArrIves room to do so It Is nonsense to say thu icing u r SEA S J Aug 3J in to i arcond Floral Illrlferianl even Iliuom feature of P Yea 2 Yes hug and this At the Hillside truck Belleville N ¬ 12A CorcoranL blwiltotlnK on tacks and the J on M our track races lucre do not give one experi- third Time 114 26 Instructor this polo gutno ut the Humiton B 6600 Saturday Aug 22 H Mcfilldownoy of the Floyd Ulster is 11111 afternoons E L Grand stand total seating capacity nklpper to Mens ence that valuable on the road Mllwella Toll Waters Coroner Kelly Qua Yankee seemed set the better Tacht Chili arrived lucia yesterday on racing Quarle and Bill Nolan also ran campus was Umile Prlers playing on the about i000 of it very often Dloceiun Vnion of the Diocese of Newark the one how much room l needed one Rumson team He icored S on J J M Yej b U not forced after third base will hold a set of athletic games steamship Mnjodtlc Hn will nail on tho Re to and that Is the most Important Ihing Iloeewneri mile and u The beat batik showed even morn clearly than A 1 on I tin yardsflrand 77 Wilson 4 to 6 won SOPl were opposed hy the Freebooters aaa been touched nuanaer of tue gamc the lanro an the of Sir tile road stick to my text and not I v Thomas Draft 71 Knapp III lo 6 second Jock Ratlin who won by a score ft III to ft Four Tho All Cubans will be the attraction at Ridge the run out that Mr lUnan was no novice it iiarinoioinew A at Park on Lipton In the Cup races Mr race more hut I must say tutu running iIfJ nnerl S to I third lime 144 36 Havl periods were played The wood put Sunday The curtain raiser wilt have Commodore JarvU held on In the hops of 3opt a has secured the entries of the best a car at full speed on such a course when you lan < l also ran teams for contenders two strong amateur teams Mr Hunan dawn toward the most prominent athletes In the ¬ milt on the other side opinion of know It Is U tho grandest thing In tho Fourth Race Steeplechase short eonriw 1 Sunday t he Protectory grounds Heights so would the tan world 135 Freebooters fJn A T floes No 2 Sewart- Next Van that tilt Stnithcona there was that she win I lor Mitt SIn I won lalllal4 Kelly Carey a Nest tht rilllj for first off time heights and get u clear One of thy Brent features of the had hopes of While there was no fatal accident R to I second II 14S S 10 II P Sleeker back IL S fEm tin lie her Janots Indian Houston It to 1 time the wellknown Cedar Baseball Club buoy deollnod to- to Park on Labor Day escape was ln 1B I h nl Time 383 46 Mr e l lllumwna No J I1aveme er No 2 of The un for thn but Mr end said the races be very Interesting mitt lute that his John Owens Irving Hrokawj No 3 Emile IUzer buick W Cotdny- nroumz n forced he HHW tho purpose will hn tlue eonteit at slinging the ear rolled over three or four i Oliver Me Lingo and Ituatlara alia ran Dc tlflliihiltOCi times with him Mnlie fell liew if his adversary iuul did t o fur enough wtItthit ttifl It a the under It and that the steering wheel was on first limn thai this style of throwing rrllinfnarlr of truly rintol Shoollngt us ehBHt Filth Race Six fiirton nick Welten 113 Baseball Poln Grounds 1 two < down Ir Jirvln the ndvantairn hunt i thn and he on thu ground whim the aine lit hiivw li d- It uighit bus been In country of It Knlichi I to fl won A D Gllmin 1113 Wllsnni- 0 11 i Iw thug beg 3 P M St Louis va Now York dri M- might iralneil if tin Irnmlricil tIlt but Tournament haft broke lr I it is the out Intl lieu used In I fi to I second Deloioa M 20 to l ihlrci IJ leen les skilfully bandIt V TIJT v > i n Kraielseo his received an ofTtr- I liaello mimics The thrower will Tour NiAdAtu g rv iIIP pro t12 j Mi nntoniion n III lir j in be allowed tt II I HKIr Md scnuli1 to it only r j Iolo at SarntoKH- lenilln anti Dr ONeill Mv ron ii at hut has been rout 4 rt War rinls- use one nil Imtnarli of tin n cpt III tivellnc II Uln JIlUirball Itaihlntlnn Iark V Jl M Sinn ltiwe One mitt and threesliteenihs piHed bvcautu hand which he In llrooklyn vs Inilnt lUMI 11111 n S The National A of has de-¬ rtuiueiu I al iliut KIIUTOIIA tug II a nitaliurg Ladle Day Ati- 1 83 I 04 3 45 of tlu vii1 lodiv- Meadow Brook l0 a w Iii JhllP S 22 to I won Major Tenny fiw inontui Ill nut not yet mended rondequol- 11 It U 13 rided to hold uu excursion and games lea Niagara < UThfl 11 13 I 07 U 8 14 M at t Tort Thirv ls men competed Junior polo team this afternoon lot rn to Idl Natty Jacobs of this city li out with a tJtratbcona It lloton Point on o h i finals will be shot defeated the 14 to 1 third TIn 00 a IJarrlca Lou Wood l meet Iatay flweency uf Ireland Jacobs Basebtll Jersey City West Side Park TcAay- Irondequolt won by I minute and 4 conds of swimming The Saratoga team in a match ala Another series races has been four nest scores will represent the Depart- ¬ for the Learord Tuft anti Uarney Burk also that be wilt nihtSweeney before any wIser He i Rochester r Jersey City P R B ttrrlos Time boats now have two races ch to their announced by N w A W of the f1cups handsome ran a purse- 4PM 0 for dne ment In the array tournament nt ronhU tan lecura fund Ad credit Uy Aug 19 dan on Aug 25 offered by the 8ar tog Polo Club The final score was u to 4 Tf9 1


+ M H P 4 7 ft M s4 bHi ft S es