I I I- 18 THE SUN THURSDAY AUGUST 1908 I I r U s > ttSFFKIKH m FINS OMV1MT0V CAlUUAGF- FOR AMERICAN LEAGUE PACERSRUN P 1 RULE TIlE YACHT ItACE COMPETING ATT STARES IN THE BASEBALL WORLD t t Plfnt MOWTRESOFS Only Arrival in Kan Francisco SlwwiTH i Shaw Minltn the Number or Pnwensers the Cleveland Shut Out Chlcagoi In the Money EataWlsheit tlW iiI of Corbett VAN TASSELS tc KGAKNnT Played Iat rot Fleet Sl > Carry Game Auction Sates ROUT IOTB- League game scheduled MACK COLLIDE SAN FBANCHCO Aug i3Jeffrl earns or nonsns AND WINS UNITED STATES HOTEI- WAHHINOTOS AUK I SecreUry Shaw A7il IRK NATION The only American lION COZINE AND oocom- cAitnivrE I yesterday between the Cleveland and down from Harbin Springs today ARK HELD RKGLLARLY idsued thn following special onlvr thIs after- ST LOUIS CARDINALS wa SULKIES ARE SMASHED ponied the rest of his TtiNIAV ANt 1lflDVY-lift EVCKT FItO1l niiliCE- Chicago and the latter were shut out AIt by Delaney and all Cammenclnff i 10 ocloclcl- noon Ilinlling number of potwongcr training went directly to the Hotel till Cleveland Chicago 0 retinue and ATTUKUUIORSK rtbCT10N StART yacht t there ever was inn sail Eml 13ih Hi- tho patrol left niiiy wirry luring the Miiniti b the STANDING TITO CLVDS Patch Goes a Metropole In Oakland If ln V V Hides nn il to Victory- fine Fleldlnic Furnlsbrd Or Doth lUdly InJurwlTnmn 1 netween Third fourth Ava Now York Ambrose Mark rnciM- a man who fit for a hard fight Jeff art HomeTemii IMtUburits nnlshOnollun lobs IV L Clots II t IM- Mile In aOO t Empire Track In looked Catalogues reaily of each Mle Pur- In Slppplwhiwe Ilandlrsp for i1 IC 14 thr Thr Si try of tne Trei iiry author m 31 MH Detroit 48 41 SI that man Tanned by sun and mountnn air chasers will always tinS a large aunt Ahead of DronKlyns ChlPAKos and Itoston Beat Itecord R> thmlc Ilent- FanlconDrlilBf Frank Farrrllt Duel Iwd by Mt tit lit lo dilall lit hi dl Philadelphia 41 VW St Louis 42 49 40 Iffort to with eyes bright and every action showing list to select Irma revenue cutters tam the enforcement of tin host ens Split non a DoubUlleailer New York 41 531 Chicago 12 53 liT l ITInce of llarw Those desiring la tell ran make entries m- Runs a Game n ce Entries Mr- OranseOIJier health vivacity the Oaamplon towered ft lit rules and regulation prepared anti tip Cleveland SO 44 520 Vatlllnfftr 20 81 and any titus up to P N the day before the Sal- CHICAGO A I 0 over his companions and looked like a bronz It T Wilson proved by the Tho New York Nationals found St LouIs lRVhLVMD 0 Another day of good racing for thus epee SAHAlona Aug U Jrrt 110 govern Inter- t which are to the en y prey yesterday while their llrooklyn CIKVKLAND 12 In the fastest nlnelnnlni and another tiny of hard guesulnl Hercules Ornament colt Montreson won the 10000 national yacht nice that has been witnessed thIs season here tator All was one look u ALt > U4l SAIlv tSl IHIItSi UOIIa scrtloi neighbors lost to the Iittsburgs Chicago only for the speculators were the features of the that sporting men needed White Web Single Ilmiry lUrneja United BUte Hotel Stakes for twoyear EIght of tilt revenue cutter Cleveland lIefnted CIIIaro I100ahue was Champion they that all the t si furlongs this afternoon to patrol the cours but won anti lot in Boston Kmultic batted safely In three inning huh fielding third day of the Grand Circuit meet ut Em the and know Other Buggy at KM 1775 4 olds at flTosndahnlf thereon runs Tile batting of llradley was stories about his not training were rot ills Largeauortmcut of 1ony Harneti Sheets ec Whins the of New York U St Louis 4 reverted pire Park yesterday The cool breezn that A heavy play on Mnntrenon reduced hh hllJl In thIs particular Iiature garments If they were mtde Surrey Harness 11500 tMou HMIM llapld been rittsburg 0 Urooklyn 5 swept stretches was not favorable for fitted him as Double Farm H rnr I2ltti price from 4 to I to I to first choice Socretar of the the CLRVFLAXD CHICAGO tho answer Chicago 7 Doston 4 I K A R time wan not a day for a man twIce his girth Jeffs Dump Carl Ilarncw livii Water made the running for the llrst cjuarter Onottdatit to hiinsIf and other onlcfr and Ilrst fame n II A Lit P highest rate of speed It Kiprea httuttnesq o I a I 0 0 I 0 l 0 to an Inquiry weighed 2J5 pounds Light or harness Jijo Illght friends AdmissIon thereto will Bo toiillClilciKolOSeconilirtimeST- Flick rf Hntlman It for record breaking although the worlds was that he Mr Lap Tile I I only to give way to Ormondes after I I 2 0 0 0 1 0 Sheets Dusters liiilller Sets Jt21- 111 l y permits signed by the Sn retnry or Hayef Isbcll Ills to but be looked very much heavier CO- Mon to the front by- AND1NO or via CLfBS 2 9 3 4 0 0 I 0 0 0 champion pucer was to innko an effort lIJTKUSlIAUMiSS ft SAIUtLICRV which Montr was rushed Drndiy 3b tones el ¬ no MT i > Secretary Cl n Ono of the first questions fired ut the cham- Mrnalwav neBrChamhrrsst Redfern scorlnii a clevnr victory with two Ho at tho dis- ¬ auks II t ciuft w L ra- 2 3 3 0 en rf I ZOO wipe out nil existing records has Ireshani rP1101 14 40 473 2blI I 0 I I I I 4 0 pion by a you going win V Whitneys posal at Port Flttshurg03 33 Ilruoklyn Hkman lb Vttn 3liO When thn sport opened the wind blew half friend was Are to AT HAHuAlsS lianusonw family ounv IS14 ODd a half lengths over f of the ollertor of Customs the 51 1X1 I 0 0 o h 0 II 2 3 I officers at said SeW York 57 37 001 Boston S McCsrly Ito MaiOOn was Jeff Of course I am was the reply hands 7 chestnut sorrcli v uml 10 I wan ln t nt Iho of Now York other 51 MOT > t R1 817 2 II 0 0 0 I I 0 a gale but It kept moderating until It eye ruaranl iit Reliance to The latter will Chicago 41 Loul U Abbott UO T In my suid lathes canopy top family ¬ port friends Admission 837- 00 I 1 a I 0 0 o- tO cant lose Never felt In such trim rub head of the stretch but Untuned with remark- Cincinnati St 43 1131 Philadelphia at 01 rriinnucrssl Slnttery oO just u nlcu light breeze tinder the conditions bertlreit top bugr ninalniut upon permits signed by Donahue P 1 I IUiity n wonderful life You euro for yourself whether I I able strength under Uurnas persuasion these Algonquin will be NRW TORK V L 14 ST LOUIS N 1 4 2 2 p0 0070- the mile paced by Dun Putoh was lee harness Oanchman private stable 2K West 0ui- weight The wjuenReri Ad 13 13 3 0 3 SO I performance Yesterdays was practically have been working or not l near Uroaitwa- 1 j Conjurer was anchored by the the only cutter Slipshod pitching ragged fielding and bard TotalI J7 Totals It will he ermltfi n 1 3 < ho Is yet After seeing champion in no v- was 112- to thtt vessel ¬ Cleveland 0 I 0 0 hut first start of the season und not the there yiiusiNEs4 WAiioss usii MIKIV z time but unproductive hitting marked the Car- < Howdy Kl ned the Secretary of floe Treasury or Cnleaio U ii 0 II 0 0 0 0 0 quite carry great fll ht of doubt of titer being a heavy play on him MKVFSl ALSO FUHMTimn VANS AT IIFI V Ambrmo Clark rude his geldlnc seasoned to the > the Assistant dinals game at the Polo Grounds yesteraay Two hit Orttn rUm e biun liltx Gorli I thlw his FORD WAOOX nOKKS 754nil Dltll- I leading moat half Kpeed enough He went the mile n 2flOtf- from on It was the doubt about llii to victory in the steeplechase In addition to this representatives of the seeming of IIralll Home rOut ilradlcy First base far AV TEL IU1I WILLIAM I In contrast to the ulinlowne nauer condition that tins kept Corbett money idle of journey and bsatIn the odds on favor- ¬ presa actually In or on errors Cleveland I Clilcfgo Struck out Th second Quarter In o24t and the middle IllTRR l the no to St Louiss playing the Sill YorkH SUVA up to the present but this wan ite by five lengths In 413 2iv for to event will admitted 3 Kacrlnie hlu Itlckmaii Orern half In DtfHK were a little too fast for his ir Tankard patrol upon evidence of definite and set purpose all the llay Mailman pints Flick stilt that Jeffries would CARRIAGES L up all vessels of the fleet Stolen liura Double quarter cost him all some light Design I he Ahort course Fuller put the cleverest b of the time that purpose being to rout the toe Gochnauer and IIJol Ililnrty Maroon Iud tniwdcw and the last for exercise tomorrow of Quality anti FInish 8- but other titan preparation was itt Moderate Irlcej kind of a ride on Frank Farrell Duelist Treasury This modification lf mild In the and thin home team did thoroughly Isbell Left on bases4livelaml 5 Chicago lihiuiiM of beating thus record of 109 this his geld will os the UmpiresOLoughlln ant Connelly Time I hour completed W n GuArs j j to 1 In the third event the Oddfellow public safety and uniformly Thai racing of tho day In point of In B M SI nrnnm- t several revenuu New Yorks fielding was good anti 13 o vtnt Corbown hit cia hUn nter near I Inc coralnff from behind and winning n a enforced lv monetary value was the Empire Stake of the foreground tip present the cutters will he held responsible and several times brilliant It was brilliant to hut DISINKSS WAflONS LiireeM sMnrini nt cell drive by halt a length SHAW In second Inning which exceptional f5 00 for dust trottvro Jay MoOregor opportunity- wagons liiwrat Ml WAuic- the was CLOTHIER DEFEATS 2n to see what fine hit U In able pet TL 4 i In th handicap nt u mile stud tlireetilx- Secretary of the Treasury De- vtiiovr the Imndunme son of Jay Hawker driven by condition COMIANV SI2 u near Charles for llghtnlngUIn handling of the ball tim complexion of things materially and it to I n threeyear tho Treas- ¬ miidii the favorite with t teenthn Faulconhrldife There is isoinc conflict between inontrevlllo
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