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ESTABLISHED MAY, 1895 —-wia^ ^ VOL. XXL MANASSAS, VA., FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1915 $L00 A Year in Advance CmC LEAGUE'S PROCRAM FIELD DAY AT CATHARPIN McDONALDNOWPRESiDENT mm TAX EXPLAOPA SUNDAY SCHOOL PUM WSHmEOFf. C T. U. Dr. Garnett Give* Excellent Talk Next Wednesday Stonewall Wastwood Hutdmoa Elected u W. N. LqMcomb Appears Before Trinity Episcopal Sunday SCIMWI Successful Bi-County Convention On "Flietand Mo»quito««" — Council WiU Hold Their Aa- Vice-Praaident at Natiooal Merchants' Association in Spends Eivoyable Day at HeM at Wanmton Friday Good Miuicftl Number*. nnal Grand Fidd Dejr. BankMeerihy. Alexandria This Week. GNnpton Wednesday. .of Ust Week. Affording the p<=uple of Ma- Catharpin next Wednesday will' The directors of the National W. H. lipsGomb, examiner of The scholara and teachers of (CommanieMad.) naristts and surrounding country be a bustlmg little place for on ^*^^ o^ Manassas held an im- records of the sixteenth judicial Trinity Episcopal Sunday School The W. C. T. U. Institute for an opportunity to become better that date StoOfi»»U r^mril. N» portan t meettey Wedrtesday. j^rcyt went to Alexandria Wed- wpnt on ajuJrnjp tn Cnmpfnn Wml th&, cgunti^ fif. Prince William - informed oh two very important iieHday morning anfl BpoK^ Ue-^ and Fauquier was held at the 43. 0. F. A., will hold their an [With much regwtthey accepted fore the Retail Merchants' Asso nesday. Shortly after ten o'clock, health matters, (lies and mos the resignation of Mr. C. A. Methodist church in Warrenton nual field day. For several years ciation of that city. His appear- two large wagon loads left the on Friday, July 9th, quitoes, and giving' them two the pebpleofXa£Kfit*nnaHr the' Herneken,-who; owtngr to hisHi- ancrwro- iltA buggie8'~aml' liORNlHG SESSioK ~ good musical numbers, the Ma- neighboring communities have 5®!?> ""^f"^ ^^ relieved of memberthe s ot the association who carriages followed later. After wished to have explained to them Devotional exercises were con nasijas Civic League on Monday • IT Zif "'"^"^"'=» ."^"•^ duties of the office of president, reaching the pi(^c grounds, the ducted by the pastor. Rev. Hazel, evening started tne program at enjoyed the many entertaimng The board thereupon elected Mr. the provisions of the new state features of this field day. and.Chas. R. McDonald, of Cathar- license tax as. based on the boys went in for a ball game and assisted by Mr. J. M. BelT, of •^8 o'clock in Eastern College aud this year the events promise to be pin, as president, and Mr. West- amount of business done by, the the little tots for a wade Din Manassas. itorium. It is to be regretted up to the usual g^od standard. | '"'^ Hutchison as vice-presi- merchants during the year. ner time did not C(Hne a minute The address of welcome was that attendance at the meeting The Alexandria corresi>ondent too sooa, as was attestied by the priven by Mrs. Williamson, pres JriL^^.^r'f" ^ft.'^l'^^Mr. McDonald, the new presi- to The Washington Star reports ident of the Warrenton union, was not what it should have scheduled to take place. At 10:30' dent, was elected to the vice- cordial reception given the delic and the respcmse was given by been, for the program was pro the meeting in part as follows: a. m., Catharpin will phiy Green presidency of the bank on Janu For years, Mr. Lispconib ezpUuoed, ious food. Mrs. E^2und who also iiUroduced nounced a very good and enjoy wich. This game between two ary 16th of this year. For sev it hue Dein a custom of merchants not In the afternoon several of the Mrs. Hoge, the state president able one by those present such rival teams should prove eral years he'has been one of the to g^ive in all business done by them. boys went for a swim, othera of Mrs. Hoge made a short but in- leadhig directore of the institu "In order to be £tir toother teetioDs." ter&ting talk after which the The president of the league very interesting. In the after he said, "we most do that, and I ask the party fished and "took life tion and his sterling integrity, your cooperation. I would suggest business of the day was taken up. presided and opened the program noon, at 3 o'clock, Catharpin will his keen busioess sense and his takinj; the stubs from the checKbopk easy" until about the middle of There were papers and discus- by reviewinsr the -past of the Christianly bearing have en anifyou will g^et mighty close to it the afternoon when'^ air were mons on^'Tlie Best Plan to Col cross bats a second time bat then Hardly any merchants have heretofore league'6 endeavors, and urged it will be with Centreville. This deared him to the hearts of aB of given in the correct amount The idea called up and served ice cream lect Dues," "How to Advertise the cooperation of the towns- his associates. Our only rogfet of the law is to equalize taxation, and the Meetings," "How to Secure game should also'prove a draw- I believe it will ultimately result in a la eone." Another roosing New Members. The total num- -•people in the wprk which the is that Mr. McDonaM Ant^.^gt tee^canl: ;; ^ 4ive in our-audst. ball game wan oiitered into now league will take up in the futqre. ^Athletic events, consistins: in gether it will be more helpful" in which many of the boys and a year was 6,689, a gain of 1,602 Mr. Westwood Hutchison, who Mr. Lipac<»nb told the merchants Miss Margaret Rpop, daughter races and jiunps will also come is now the vice-president, served that the state auditor of public ae- few of the ladies took part An over the previous year and it is of Dr. and Mrs. Boop, then off. Three 100 yard dashfes are as cashier of the bank up to Feb- counts, C. Lee Moore, had mstiucted other helping to ice cream cones planned to have a gam of 26 per him to «m ha^V tun yaars on intanyibli played a piano SOlO Which WBS scbedoied; eneior boy»fourteen ruoiry 1, 1016. when he was at>- and the homewai-d bound jenmoy cent this year. pointed tothe (^ce of solidtor. property. The merchants are sup] The W. C. T. IT. paD6fB.^"Tte- highly enjoyed by all. After yean and under, another for tn gn haf.V on their books for a>*e »i«i 4 got under way. Manassas way Union Signal,'* ^'VaJnnia Call" this solo the speaker,of the even When the bank first opened Ita of five years. The blanks wfaien had boys teo year^.and under and a doors to do business, Mr. Hutchi been furnished, he said, explained alL reached aboi^t seven o'clock. and "TheYoung Crusader, "were ing, Dr. R. W. Gamettt of the third open to all. A 220 yard son was serving as caeltier ^id Mr. Lipscomb said he had no denre The picnic was one of the best discussed and their good points to hold up merchants and he would give liEOUght out resulting in a num State Board of Hadth, was in- daab^open to all,, will also benin this position he filled both faith aU a reaaortable oppoituiiit^y in whien to ever enjoyed by Trinity Sunday trodueed, fully and saec«s8fally for mae- make their reports, altiicntgh-he ;saidi School and Will be lOHg rcmcm- ber of new subscriptkms. A talk off. There will be two classes onhOw b(^ tojpret the repOrCs-i^ -^—Dr. Garaett firnt took ocraBinn teen years. __ ' his letter sent oat recently specified for high jump; one, for boys 14 During Mr. Hutchison's »d- thant rcportroportna moot "be tead» within five bered by all who attended. The the several departments was to congratulate &e town upon yeara md under find anc>Uier open dw^»s afteuteBrTr its receipt The law pro- day was an ideal one and the k>- given; minlstraflon, the bank majde viaet that merchants shall pay a tax of its progresuve civic leagoe and td all. Throwing the baseball great progress in every Wj 96 per year on the first $1,000 boaineas cati(m'served admirably for the Mn. Hoge suggested it a good the .work it had_dS)Qe in the re- and. iungo hitting, will offer_iar-_ To show how subi^ntial done by them during the year and $2 picnic fi^mmds. Great care was plan to keep the blanket reports ~pro^re8s~has been, we nied additional 11,000. together and i^of-^esuperia-^- ceht "clean up.'^ He bespoke ther diveraion to the program ezeicisei in looking after the tendents get together and fill the cooperation of the people of to dte the raise in the value ioif in an interview with Ito JOUR- safety and pleasure of the little Lunch and refreshmeiris wil, l ^e stocks Thepu;v^ue«^ Ifee them oQt, have them read bef on Manassas wij& -the- I«a^e -^j^ tbejirtack was tlOO.- Dwiiog Ur. jria^ tota^ and that i^waa your k>cal um<m and then send fhPt hAaia oiieer. and he added admiwrion charge will be ten. Hntehfaom's Mshiership the yalne- the merrhants of thp mxteenth by ™«g them to corieaponSi^ of the stoek jroee to ^iw «bd jadidal cizpuit wooiaget to woi^ beaming oMmtenaatea tJuoo^ mi^ secretary te be-read wffie" that tb« towii should IDride itMlf cents for all persons oyer uz bi-c(mnty conventkm.