Modular Train Path Pricing System 2001 DB Netz AG Wolfgang Bohrer
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Modular Train Path Pricing System 2001 DB Netz AG Wolfgang Bohrer, Head of Marketing Rome, 09.07.2004 DB Netz AG, N.MM TPS 2001 1 Table of Content 1. DB Netz AG - Facts and Figures 2 • DB Netz AG - The Infrastructure Provider of Deutsche Bahn AG 3 • Competition on the Track is Reality 4 • Facts and Figures 2003 5 2. Train Path Pricing System 2001 7 • Main Features 8 • EICIS 9 • The Price Components 10 Overview 11 Base Price 12 Line Categories 13 Utilisation Factor 14 Products 15 Supplements and Deductions 19 3. The Legal Framework 20 DB Netz AG, N.MM TPS 2001 1 1. DB Netz AG - Facts and Figures DB Netz AG, N.MM TPS 2001 2 DB Netz AG - The Infrast r uctur e Pr ovi der of D eutsch e B ahn A G A network in the Scandinavia heart of major Facts and figures of 2003 European transport flows Length of lines operated: 35.593 km Poland/ Rotterdam/ Length of all tracks: Russia Antwerp 65. 782 km Operational performance: 988 million train-path km Number of employees: 44.080 South-Eastern Customers: Europe France/ 307 Spain Turnover: 3.774 million EUR Gross capital expenditures: Italy/Alpine transit 6. 254 million EUR DB Netz AG, N.MM TPS 2001 3 Competition on the Track is Reality Number of external clients External railway undertakings 350 286 use already about 50% of the operated 300 260 250 Number of lines o f DB Ne tz AG 201 207 200 160 external railway 150 130 undertakings in 100 100 69 Germany 40 50 50 0 5 7 0 2 96 98 03 99 9 99 9 00 00 0 1994 1 1 1 1 1999 2 2001 2 2 Development of train -path km 1200% The turnover of 1000% external customers 800% grew 1998 - 2003 600% about 586 % while the turnover of 400% internal clients 200% remains static 0% 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 (Plan) (Plan) (Plan) DB Netz AG, N.MM TPS 2001 4 DB Netz AG - Facts and Figures 2003 Extern al Costume rs * Passenger traffic Freight Traffic External costumers External costumers 6% 12% 92% 88% Internal Costumers Internal Costumers *Source: DB Netz AG, N.MVV 2003 DB Netz AG, N.MM TPS 2001 5 DB Netz AG - Facts and Figures 2003 Divissoion o f t h e T urn ove r* Division of turnover overall Division of external turnover Long-distance Local-distance passenger trains External passenger trains freigt traffic 15% 35% 22% FihtFreight Traffic1,8% 63% 65% External passenger tra ffic 21,8% *Source: DB Netz AG, N.MVV 2003, train-path km DB Netz AG, N.MM TPS 2001 6 2. The Train Path Pricing System 2001 DB Netz AG, N.MM TPS 2001 7 DB Netz AG - Train Path Pricing System Main Featu r es • The current Train Path Pricing System TPS 2001 became effective in April 2001. It replaced the System 98 - a two-stage sy stem with q uantitati ve disco unts . Main Features: • SINGLE-STAGE No quantitative discounts - linear price per train-kilometre irrespective of the volume of train-kilometres • FREE OF DISCRIMINATION All customers pay the same price for the use of identical services (train path products) - irrespective of their contribution to infrastructure capacity utilisation • MODULAR The modular design ensures a high level of transparency • FULL COST RECOVERY ThGThe German trai n pa thiith pricing sys tem is en trepreneur ilial or ien ttdtated an d a ims for fllfull cos t recovery (tki(taking into account grants and interest-free loans), marginal cost pricing provides no incentives for private investment DB Netz AG, N.MM TPS 2001 8 DB Netz AG - Train Path Pricing System Paatort of EIC CSIS DB Netz‘s Train Path Pricing System is Part of the European Infrastructure Charging Information System (EICIS). EICIS participants: B-Rail, Belgium ProRail, Netherlands DB Netz, Germany PKP, Poland CD, Czech Republic ZSR, Slovakia MAV, Hungary RFI, Italy SBB, Sw itzer lan d BLS, Switzerland ÖBB, Austria DB Netz AG, N.MM TPS 2001 9 The Price Components The single-stage Train Path Pricing System contains three modular pricing determinants: 1. Line category and utilisation Base price 2. Train path products Product factor 3. Supplements and deductions Special factors DB Netz AG, N.MM TPS 2001 10 The Modular Train Path Pricing System TPS 2001 - OOevervie w 2 004 Base prices Product factor Special factors LINE Supplements/ PRODUCTS CATEGORIES Deductions Fplus Express Path • Steam engine F1 High Speed Long Distance Regular Interval P. • Out-of-gauge tanttant F2 Rapid r trainsr trains Local Regular Interval Path eeee ssss ssss F3 High Performance Economy Path lineline F4 Priority fast Lokomotive train Path TRAIN F5 Priority slow x = PATH x PassengPasseng Long-Di Long-Di F6 Local fast PRICE Express Freight Path Regional Factor Standard Freight Path Z1 Regional (local passenger Feeder Path trains only) FreightFreight eedereeder lineslines Z2 Periphery FFFF Lokomotive Train Path S1 URT (S-Bahn) + S2 DC-URT Load weight lineslines UrbanUrban Axle Load >22,5 t Utilisation factor (1, 2) Tilting x on busy sections DB Netz AG, N.MM TPS 2001 11 The Modular Train Path Pricing System 2001- Base Price (2004) StreckenkateLine categorygggorien and undutilisation Auslastun g GrundBasep reiseprice Base Price normal utilisation high utilisation [€/Trkm] [€/Trkm] Long-Distance-Lines F+ 8,30 9,96 F1 3,51 4,21 F2 2532,53 3043,04 F3 2,28 2,74 F4 2,20 2,64 F5 2,03 2,44 F6 2,00 2,40 Feeder-Lines Z1 2,13 2,56 Z2 2,20 2,64 Urban Lines S1 1461,46 1751,75 S2 2,09 2,51 DB Netz AG, N.MM TPS 2001 12 Line Categories (2004) Short description of the line categories Line Category Type Basic Infrastructure Parameters Long-Distance F + High-speed line + Vmax > 280 km/h, OHL, double-track F 1 High-speed line Vmax > 200 km/h, OHL, double-track F 2 Upgraded line Vmax 161-200 km/h,,, OHL, double-track F 3 Mixed-traffic line Vmax 101-160 km/h, OHL, double-track F 4 Priority for fast services Vmax 101-160 km/h, OHL, double-track F 5 Priority for slow services Vmax 101-120 km/h, OHL F6F 6 Fast local passenger services Vmax 101-160 km/h Feeder Lines Z 1 Complementary lines Vmax 51-100 km/h Z 2 Freight railways (primarily) Vmax < 51 km/h, simple form of operation Urban Lines S 1 Dedicated URT lines Vmax to 120 km/h, OHL, double-track S 2 Dedicated URT lines (Hamburg) DC (direct current) urban rapid transit DB Netz AG, N.MM TPS 2001 13 The Modular Pricing System 2001- Utilisation Factor (2004) Kiel Rostock Stralsund Utilisation Factor Lübeck Hamburg Schwerin To enable better capacity management Bremen and redirect traffic flows an routes with low traffic volumes, a supplement of 20% for Hannover PotsdamBerlin Frankfurt/O. routes with extremely high utilisation ist charged. Münster Magdeburg Hamm Duisburg Göttingen Essen Halle Kassel Leipzig Bebra Görlitz Köln Siegen Dresden Erfurt Aachen Gießen Fulda Hof Frankfurt a. M. Trier MannheimWürzburg Saarbrücken Nürnb Karlsruhe erg Stuttgart Passau Augsburg FibFreiburg Münc hen Kempten Basel DB Netz AG, N.MM TPS 2001 14 The Modular Pricing System 2001 - Product Factors (2004) Trassenprodukte Produktfaktoren Train path products Product factor Product Factor Passenger Traffic Paths Express Path 1,80 Regular Interval Path 1,65 Economy Path 1,00 No-Load Path 1,00 Freight Traffic Paths Express Path 1,65 Standard Path 1,00 No-Load Path 0,65 Feeder Path 0,50 DB Netz AG, N.MM TPS 2001 15 Train Path Products (2004) Passenger Train Paths Express Path offers the fastest and most direct connection between the conurbation centres in long-distance and local passenger traffic, as well as cross-border express services (e.g. ICE Sprinter). Express train paths are given top priority in terms of planning and implementation. Regular-Interval Paths Local Services refers to all local-service paths interlinked by means of regular-interval and connecting services. Long-Distance Services refers to all long-distance paths interlinked by means of regular-interval and connecting services. Economy Path is an inexpensive option for both local and long-distance passenger services that do not run at regular intervals. The railway undertaking has to accept lower priority than express and regular-interval- products. No-Load Path gives passenger traffic customers the opportunity to effect operational locomotive and traction unit movements as well as transfers of defective locomotives and wagons to maintenance depots. DB Netz AG, N.MM TPS 2001 16 Train Path Products (2004) Freight-Traffic Paths Express Path offers the fastest possible direct and reliable connections between major centres in Germany and is given top priority in planning and implementation terms within freight traffic and in relation to passenger economy and no-load train paths (e.g. PIC) Standard Path is available to all freight paths that are neither Express nor Feeder paths. Freight traffic standard train paths are normally interlinked with each other via connections or are subject to certain restrictions, such as fixed arrival times. Feeder Path can be ordered for transferring loaded and empty wagons locally between freight traffic points and train format io n fac ilit ies o f DB Net z AG . Feede r t ra in pat hs must be d irect ly co nnected to th e usage of a freight traffic standard path. No-Load Path gggives freight traffic customers the o ppypportunity to effect o perational locomotive and traction unit movements as well as transfers of defective locomotives and wagons to maintenance depots.