Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial August 2015 • Volume 73 • Supplement 1 August 2015 • Volume 73 • Supplement 1 • pp 1-62 73 • Supplement 1 Volume August 2015 • GUIDE TO SUTURING with Sections on Diagnosing Oral Lesions and Post-Operative Medications INSERT ADVERT Elsevier YJOMS_v73_i8_sS_COVER.indd 1 23-07-2015 04:49:39 Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Subscriptions: Yearly subscription rates: United States and possessions: individual, $330.00 student and resident, $221.00; single issue, $56.00. Outside USA: individual, $518.00; student and resident, $301.00; single issue, $56.00. To receive student/resident rate, orders must be accompanied by name of affiliated institution, date of term, and the signature of program/residency coordinator on institution letter- head. Orders will be billed at individual rate until proof of status is received. Prices are subject to change without notice. Current prices are in effect for back volumes and back issues. Single issues, both current and back, exist in limited quantities and are offered for sale subject to availability. Back issues sold in conjunction with a subscription are on a prorated basis. Correspondence regarding subscriptions or changes of address should be directed to JOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY, Elsevier Health Sciences Division, Subscription Customer Service, 3251 Riverport Lane, Maryland Heights, MO 63043. Telephone: 1-800-654-2452 (US and Canada); 314-447-8871 (outside US and Canada). Fax: 314-447-8029. E-mail: journalscustomerservice-usa@ (for print support);
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