The Wakan Dialectic As Polemic
Purple Displaces Crimson: The Wakan Dialectic as Polemic The cultural phenomenon known as wakan, the creative juxtaposition of Japanese (wa)and Chinese (kan) elements, can be difficult to articulate given the ambiguity involved in defining the boundaries of what makes something Chinese or Japanese, especially over time, or according to the unique perspectives of any given individual. Even at the seemingly irreducible level oflanguage, the apposition oflogographs expressing Chinese poems (kanshi), for example, and syllabic kana script expressing Japanese waka poems are not without nuances that render them fluid, interdependent, and aesthetically unified. Consider a 1682rendition of the Wakan roeishu (FIG.1), the famous eleventh-century anthology of Chinese and Japanese poetry, in which four columns of darkly inked logo graphs render fragments of Chinese poems nearly twice the size of the attenuated columns of kana to the left.' While the powerful Chinese graphs brushed in an assertive running script may at first seem clearly distinct and visually dominant, a closer look reveals an underlying merging of wa and kan in the work through, among other things, the paper decoration. Images of Chinese-style dragons contained within horizontal lines studded with golden dots roil across the upper register of the paper, breathing life into the design suggestive of a variety of associations, from Chinese emperors to serpentine kings beneath the sea. On the other hand, forms reminis cent ofblue clouds, invoking Japanese methods of paper manufacture, encroach toward the center, spilling over and neutralizing the visual force of the dragons, whose golden hue harmonizes with golden hills below. Beneath the calligraphy gold designs ofJapanese bush clover create a local setting for this synesthetic theater of poetic performance.
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