United Nations Office for the Coordination Of
UNITED NATIONS OFFICE FOR THE COORDINATION OF HUMANITARIAN AFFAIRS Myanmar Cyclone Nargis Pathein Hub Update No. 2 12 December 2008 (Reporting period 26 November - 10 December 2008) OVERVIEW & KEY DEVELOPMENTS • Organizations that are active in Middle Island for Nargis cyclone emergency relief and early recovery activities include, Pyi Gyi Khin, MRCS, Garuna (Pathein), Myint Myat Ahlin, Yadana Myitta, Mingalar Myanmar, Myitta Development Foundation, TLMI, Malteser, Save the Children (SC), UNDP, IRC and MBCA (Myanmar Business Coalition on AIDS). • According the health cluster, coordination and cooperation among the Department of Health and INGOs have contributed to the prevention of outbreaks of some diseases such as water born diseases like diarrhoea. Disease surveillance continues to be important. • World Vision has suspended its WASH programme in Hainggyikyun at the end of November to undertake assessment with plan to resume activities in early 2009. World Vision will end its food aid programme in April 2009. • OCHA Pathein team visited Dee Du Kone on 28 November to participate in an informal livelihoods meeting, which was attended by MRCS, Save the Children, TLMI, Pyigyikhin, and Garuna. On 6 December, OCHA Pathein visited Hainggyikyun to facilitate addressing the overlap between MRCS and World Vision concerning the plan in which the latrine construction activity will be overlapped in Kanchaing village tract. • The inter-agency field coordination training in Pathein was held on 5 December. The members of 12 agencies participated, including UNDP, UNICEF, MRCS, The Leprosy Mission International TLMI, OCHA, World Vision, Save the Children, and local NGOs, Phi Gyi Khin, Garuna (Pathein), Myitta Development Foundation, Myitta Yeik, and Myint Myat Ahlin.
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