
Trans. Japan Soc. Aero. Space Sci. Vol. 57, No. 4, pp. 238–244, 2014

Escape Trajectories from the L2 Point of the - System

By Keita TANAKA1Þ and Jun’ichiro KAWAGUCHI2Þ

1ÞDepartment of and Astronautics, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan 2ÞThe Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Sagamihara, Japan

(Received May 14th, 2013)

To use the L2 point of the Earth-Moon (EM) system as a space transportation hub, it is absolutely necessary to know the available orbital energy of a departing from EM L2 and how to obtain required excess to the target . This paper presents a successful acceleration strategy using the combination of an impulsive maneuver and the gravitational . Applying this strategy enables the spacecraft to efficiently convert the energy of the maneuver into its orbital energy.

Key Words: Escape Trajectories, L2 Point of the Earth-Moon System, Sun-Earth-Moon Four-Body Problem

Nomenclature vation and communication. Among them, EM L2 has re- cently attracted attention again as a new base for long-dura- a: semi-major axis tion habitation. It is considered as a desirable candidate site L: Lagrangian for extended ISS operations, which are very important to G: understand human space capabilities. M: 1.2. Problem statement r, R: It is a major topic of astrodynamics how to gain the nec- U: potential essary energy to navigate a spacecraft in the interplanetary V: maneuver space. Over 3.0 km/s of the relative velocity with respect x; y; z: Cartesian coordinate to the Earth is required in order to reach even the nearest : angle outer planet, . In considering the use of EM L2 as a : mass parameter hub for interplanetary transfer, it is absolutely necessary to !: frequency know the available orbital energy of the spacecraft departing Abbreviations from this point and the acceleration strategies to obtain pre- SE: Sun-Earth scribed relative velocity. EM: Earth-Moon 1.3. Related researches BCR4BP: bicircular restricted four-body problem Gobetz and Doll3) surveyed various types of escape Subscripts maneuvers in the two-body problem. They summarized S: Sun the available escape of one-/two-/three-impulsive E: Earth transfer from circular as a function of the magnitude M: Moon of the impulse. Their results formed the basis of this L: libration point study. As to the escape from L2 of the Sun-Earth system, 1. Introduction Matsumoto and Kawaguchi4) investigated one-impulse modes and derived effective acceleration patterns. They 1.1. Background conducted an exhaustive search on different magnitude- The locations where the gravitational and centrifugal ac- and different direction-impulsive trajectories and showed celeration balance each other in the restricted three-body desirable control strategy. They also showed trajectories system are known as the libration points (Euler1) and with multi-impulse or low continuous acceleration. Lagrange2)). There exist five equilibria in the system and Nakamiya and Yamakawa5) conducted optimization calcu- they are constant with regard to the rotating two bodies. lations on escape trajectories from SE L2 and calculated Three of them, L1,L2 and L3, are located on the line passing how the control should be to attain a certain energy at the through the two bodies and the other two, L4 and L5, com- boundary of the Earth gravitational sphere. plete equilateral triangles with the bodies. The L1 and L2 One common explicit solution from their studies was that points of the Sun-Earth (SE) and Earth-Moon (EM) systems the maneuver works efficiently when it is applied at the attract lots of attention for various space uses, such as obser- position where the spacecraft has highest velocity. This property held true with regard to the escape trajectories from Ó 2014 The Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences EM L2. Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Jul. 2014 K. TANAKA and J. KAWAGUCHI: Escape Trajectories from the L2 Point of the Earth-Moon System 239

is selected such that the of the Sun and the Earth-Moon becomes 2 and the orbital is 1. In addition, the following mass parame- ters are defined. M þ M ¼ E M SE M þ M þ M S E M ð2Þ MM EM ¼ ME þ MM

SE is a of the Earth-Moon system with regard to the Sun-Earth-Moon system and EM is a mass ratio be- tween the Moon and the Earth-Moon system. In the normalized rotating coordinate where the origin is Fig. 1. Sun-EM rotating coordinate. The origin is located at the barycen- located at the Earth-Moon barycenter and the negative x axis ter of the Earth-Moon system. The x axis lies along the line connecting lies along the line toward the Sun as shown in Fig. 1, the po- the Sun with the EM barycenter. The Earth and Moon revolve counter- clockwise about the origin. sition vectors can be expressed as 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 RE cos E RM cos M r ¼ @ 0 A; r ¼ @ R sin A; r ¼ @ R sin A 1.4. Contribution S E E E M M M 0 0 0 In this study, the escape trajectories from the L2 point of the Earth-Moon system to the interplanetary space are con- ð3Þ sidered. The paper begins with the direct escape schemes, with which are the easiest to achieve. The spacecraft leaves the RM ¼ð1 EMÞaM libration point with an impulsive V and directly arrives R ¼ a at the boundary of the Earth gravitational region. Next, E EM M ð4Þ the technique of the trajectory-correction using the Sun per- M ¼ !Mt þ M0 turbation is proposed. The spacecraft is guided to close E ¼ M þ to the Earth by the Sun gravity and experiences the Earth where aM denotes the distance between the Earth and Moon. gravitational assist with an impulsive acceleration, realizing !M is the mean motion of the Earth-Moon system in the the high escape energy. The V of 400 m/s at the perigee rotating frame. Normalizing Eq. (1) and substituting can generate of 3.0 km/s at the boundary Eq. (3) into Eq. (1) yield the simplified form of U as of the Earth gravity. 1 SEð1 EMÞ SEEM U ¼ð1 SEÞ þ x rS rE rM 2. Preliminary Development ð5Þ with 2.1. Equations of motion r2 ¼ðx þ 1Þ2 þ y2 þ z2 In the Sun-Earth-Moon bicircular restricted four-body S r2 ¼ðx R cos Þ2 þðy R sin Þ2 þ z2 ð6Þ problem (BCR4BP), three bodies are assumed to move in E E E E E 2 2 2 2 a circular motion in the same plane. The Earth and Moon re- rM ¼ðx RM cos MÞ þðy RM sin MÞ þ z volve around their barycenter and the Earth-Moon barycen- Then the Lagrangian L in the rotating frame is expressed as ter revolves around the barycenter of all the system. Here is 1 L ¼ ðx_ yÞ2 þðy_ þ xÞ2 þ z_ U ð7Þ a brief description of the development of the equations of 2 the motion of the BCR4BP. Finally, the Euler-Lagrange equation gives the equations of The potential of the Sun-Earth-Moon BCR4BP is ex- motion of the BCR4BP pressed in the form x€ 2y_ x ¼Ux 1 rS r GME GMM y€ þ 2x_ y ¼Uy ð8Þ U ¼GMS 3 ð1Þ jrS rj jrSj jrE rj jrM rj z€ ¼Uz where G is the gravitational constant. r is the position vector 2.2. Libration points with respect to the Earth-Moon barycenter and Mi stands for The position of the collinear libration point is represented the mass of the body i. The subscripts, S, E and M, indicate as a relative position with regard to the primary bodies. The that the value relates to the Sun, Earth and Moon, respec- distance between the smaller mass and L2 is obtained by tively. Szebehely6) and is expressed in the form For simplicity, the system is normalized with the follow- 1 1 2 31 3 ing values. The unit of mass and length are selected as the L2 ¼ rh 1 þ rh r r þ ... ð9Þ 3 9 h 81 h sum of the of the Sun, Earth and Moon and the dis- tance between the Sun and the Earth-Moon barycenter. The with the Hill radius rh defined by 240 Trans. Japan Soc. Aero. Space Sci. Vol. 57, No. 4

1 of EM L2 can be represented by that of the Moon as an angle 3 r ¼ ð10Þ measured from the Sun-EM line M as shown in Fig. 3. In h 3ð1 Þ the following discussion, the term ‘‘initial Moon age’’ shall Thus the position of EM L2 in the Earth-Moon rotating indicate the position of the Moon when the spacecraft frame is obtained as departs from EM L2. T xL2 ¼ðxM þ L2; 0; 0Þ ð11Þ 3. Escape from EM L2 where xM denotes the position of the Moon in the x direc- tion. 3.1. Natural escape 2.3. Earth gravitational boundary The trajectories from EM L1 require maneuvers to open On an ordinary planning of the interplanetary missions, up the energetic barrier around EM L2 and to reach the the method of the patched conics is employed. A trajectory boundary of the Earth gravitational sphere, but this is not the is divided into several parts depending the mission phase. case with the trajectories from EM L2. The potential of L2 is The sphere of influence gives an estimation of the range higher than that of L1 and thus a spacecraft leaving there can where the gravity of the subject planet is dominant over escape the Earth gravity field without maneuvers. In this other gravitational perturbations. The radius of it is gener- section, the trajectories which can reach the exterior region ally defined in terms of the ratio between the Keplerian force of the Earth gravity from EM L2 without maneuvers are and the perturbation of the and has the form of discussed.

2 The following results are obtained by employing the Sun- 5 Earth-Moon BCR4BP of Eq. (8). The initial position of the rSOI ¼ ð12Þ 1 spacecraft, which is identical with that of EM L2, is obtained According to this equation, the radius of the Earth gravita- from Eq. (11) as the value in the Earth-Moon rotating frame tional sphere is calculated as 925,000 km. V-infinity, an and is transformed to the values in the Sun-EM rotating incoming or outgoing velocity with respect to the subject coordinate. planet, is generally defined as the velocity at the crossing Figure 4 shows the escape position of the trajectories of the sphere of the dominant planet. from EM L2 as a function of the initial Moon age. The It is, however, inconvenient to adopt this definition of the position is expressed as the angle measured from the x axis gravitational boundary on the escape problem with low in the Sun-EM rotating frame. These non-maneuver trans- orbital energy. This is because the Sun perturbation cannot fers can be divided into two categories depending on their be neglected and its influence works at least within the Hill’s escape directions. Trajectories of one group escape to region of the Sun-Earth system of which radius is about around 30 degrees (i.e., in the direction of the anti-Sun 1,500,000 km. In this paper, the boundary of the Hill region as shown in Fig. 5) and the others are symmetrical about is adopted as a new gravitational boundary of the Earth as the Earth as shown in Fig. 6. These two families of trajecto- shown in Eq. (13) and in Fig. 2. ries are generated by the effect of the Sun gravitational per- turbation, which accelerate the spacecraft along the x rSOI ¼ rh ð13Þ axis in the direction of leaving from the Earth. 2.4. Moon age Figure 7 shows the magnitude of the relative velocity EM L2 rotates around the barycenter of the EM system with respect to the Earth at the boundary in the Earth- synchronizing the motion of the Moon. Thus the position centered inertial coordinate. It reaches a maximum, 0.69 km/s, for the initial Moon age around 40 degrees and 220 degrees. The paths of the two have their apogee in the fourth or quadrant respectively in the Sun-EM rotat- ing frame and then escape. The Sun gravitational perturba- tion works to accelerate the path along the x axis and that is why the escape velocity increases.

Fig. 2. Definition of the gravitational boundary of the Earth. It is repre- sented as a spherical shell centered on the Earth of which radius is equal to the Hill radius. Fig. 3. Definition of the initial Moon age. Jul. 2014 K. TANAKA and J. KAWAGUCHI: Escape Trajectories from the L2 Point of the Earth-Moon System 241

Fig. 4. Passing position of the escape trajectory at the boundary as a func- Fig. 6. Family of the natural escape trajectories heading for the x direc- tion of the initial Moon age. tion in the Sun-EM rotating frame. The initial Moon age is between 220 and 30 degrees.

Fig. 5. Family of the natural escape trajectories heading for the þx direc- tion in the Sun-EM rotating frame. The initial Moon age is between 40 Fig. 7. Magnitude of the escape velocity in the Earth-centered inertial and 210 degrees. frame as a function of the initial Moon age.

3.2. Escape with an initial impulsive ÁV The next scheme is an extended version of the natural escape discussed above. The difference is to add an initial impulsive V at EM L2. This is categorized as a one-impul- sive trajectory and can be called a direct escape. Here, the word ‘‘direct’’ means that the spacecraft leaves the vicinity of the Earth-Moon system without encountering either the Earth or Moon. The initial impulsive V at EM L2 is defined by its mag- nitude and direction as shown in Fig. 8. In the two-body problem, a tangential acceleration can most efficiently Fig. 8. Geometry of the initial impulsive V at EM L . increase the orbital energy of the spacecraft. On the other 2 hand, it is not the case in the three- or four-body problem, where the influence of the perturbations of the bodies other is supposed to be tangentially applied and its magnitude is than the dominant one cannot be neglected. In addition, the selected from the values between 100 m/s and 500 m/s. start position also affects the results. Therefore, the direct This figure indicates the escape velocity and position at escape trajectory has three independent parameters to select; the boundary change depending on the magnitude of the in- i.e., the initial Moon age M, the magnitude of the impulse itial V. Figure 9 also shows the typical orbital profiles of jVj and its direction V . this escape mode. A trajectory which has almost the same Figure 9 shows plots of trajectories with an initial impul- shape can be obtained under the condition of the other initial sive V when the initial Moon age is 270 degrees. The V Moon age. 242 Trans. Japan Soc. Aero. Space Sci. Vol. 57, No. 4

Fig. 9. Escape trajectories with an initial impulsive V at EM L2 in the Fig. 11. Direction of the initial impulsive V to achieve the escape ve- Sun-EM rotating frame. The initial Moon age is 270 degrees and the locity shown in Fig. 10. impulsive V is tangentially applied.

craft most efficiently. Meanwhile, when it is small, there is a maximum of the escape velocity at the V angle other than 90 degrees due to the non-linearity of the system. In addition, when the inappropriate V angle is selected, the spacecraft could proceed in the direction of the Earth ending up trapped by its gravity, which means the failure to escape to the interplanetary space. 3.3. Escape with the Earth powered swing-by The so-called three-impulsive escape normally requires three independent maneuvers at the initial, apoapsis and periapsis. The Sun-Earth-Moon four-body system, however, can remove the first and second impulse by the effective use of the perturbations of the bodies instead. The following discussion begins by designing trajectories which can pass nearby the Earth and then constructs an escape mode with Fig. 10. Magnitude of the escape velocity in the Earth-centered inertial the perigee impulsive burn. frame as a function of the initial Moon age. 3.3.1. Earth swing-by trajectories Plots of the Earth swing-by trajectories from EM L2 are Figures 10 and 11 show the magnitude of the escape shown in Figs. 12 and 13. The spacecraft departs from L2 velocity at the boundary as a function of the initial Moon of the Earth-Moon system and moves along the unstable age and the corresponding injection angle of the impulsive manifold associated with EM L2. Then it is slowed down V, respectively. Five curves of each graph denote the val- by the Sun gravitational perturbation and finally arrives at ues calculated under the different V condition. We can see the Earth and its vicinity. To obtain a trajectory which re- from Fig. 10 that the available escape velocity bears a pro- turns to the Earth, it should be allowed to cross the boundary portionate relationship to the magnitude of the initial V once. These types of trajectories are very sensitive to the in- when it is large enough. This means that the more initial itial Moon age and need to choose an appropriate departure V can be available, the more escape velocity the space- date. A few degrees difference of the initial Moon age re- craft can obtain at the boundary. For example, the spacecraft sults in different approaches to the Earth. Figures 12 and obtains an escape velocity as much as 1.25 km/s at a maxi- 13 clearly show its sensitivity. When the initial Moon age mum when the magnitude of the initial V is 500 m/s. On is 204.21108 degrees, the spacecraft approaches the Earth the other hand, when it is small, the of the from the left, and when it is 206.83193 degrees, it does from spacecraft remains small and the following motion is gov- the right. They both get a perigee of 1,000 km height from erned by the high nonlinearity of the multi-body system. the surface of the Earth and have approximately the same As a result, the escape velocity loses the proportional rela- value of the perigee speed, 11.1 km/s. If the spacecraft tionship to the magnitude of the initial V. departs from EM L2 at the time between the two cases, it Figure 11 also shows the desirable V direction at EM ends up the colliding with the Earth. L2. When the initial V is large, the magnitude of the 3.3.2. Earth powered swing-by trajectories escape velocity reaches the maximum around 90 degrees, Applying an impulsive V at the perigee can increase the which means the tangential V can accelerate the space- orbital energy. A plot of the trajectory with the Earth pow- Jul. 2014 K. TANAKA and J. KAWAGUCHI: Escape Trajectories from the L2 Point of the Earth-Moon System 243

Fig. 12. Escape trajectory with the Earth swing-by in the Sun-EM rotat- Fig. 14. Escape trajectory with the Earth powered swing-by in the Sun- ing frame. The initial Moon age is 204.21108 degrees and the altitude of EM rotating frame. The initial Moon age is 204.21108 degrees. The the perigee is 1,000 km high. spacecraft passes by the Earth at an altitude of 1,000 km with 100 m/s impulsive V.

Fig. 13. Escape trajectory with the Earth swing-by in the Sun-EM rotat- Fig. 15. Magnitude of the escape velocity in the Earth-centered inertial ing frame. The initial Moon age is 206.83193 degrees and the altitude of frame as a function of the impulsive V at the perigee. The initial Moon the perigee is 1,000 km high. age is 204.21108 degrees.

ered swing-by is shown in Fig. 14. The path from EM L2 to an elliptical orbit and cannot escape, but the multi-body sys- the pre-swing-by is all the same as the trajectory represented tem can accept low energy and escapes rather than being before. Applying the tangential impulsive V of different captured in a hyperbolic-type orbit. In this figure, the mono- magnitudes at the perigee can generate various escape tra- tonically increasing of the escape velocity with respect to the jectories. magnitude of the impulsive V at the perigee can be found. There is clearly a major difference of the magnitude of If the spacecraft obtains the V of over 400 m/s at the peri- the escape velocity when one compares the trajectories gee of 1,000 km altitude, the following escape velocity of Figs. 12 and 14. The result insists that applying the reaches nearly 3.0 km/s. However, the larger the swing-by impulsive V of only 100 m/s at the perigee generates the radius is, the less the efficiency of the acceleration becomes. difference of the escape velocity of about 1,000 m/s at the A plot of the Earth powered swing-by trajectory of M ¼ boundary. 206:83193 degrees is shown in Fig. 16 and its escape prop- Figure 15 shows how the magnitude of the escape veloc- erty is shown in Fig. 17. The escape velocity and flight time ity increases with the magnitude of the impulsive V at the at the crossing of the boundary almost keep the same level of perigee. Two lines denote the values under a different the previous escape trajectory. The difference between the swing-by altitude; i.e., 1,000 km and 10,000 km from the two lies in the position of the escape. Because they have a surface of the Earth. When the spacecraft swings by the different approach direction to the Earth, the post-swing- Earth without the V, the gained escape velocity at the by trajectories proceed in a different direction. In the previ- boundary is small and the corresponding orbital energy with ous case, the angle of escape monotonically increases with regard to the Earth becomes negative. The negative energy the magnitude of the V at the perigee, but in this case in the two-body problem means the spacecraft is captured in the angle reaches a maximum for the V near 30 m/s and 244 Trans. Japan Soc. Aero. Space Sci. Vol. 57, No. 4

the two-body problem. On the other hand, when the V was small (around a few hundreds m/s), the optimal launch direction was not always tangential as shown in Fig. 11 and it also depended on the initial Moon age. Thus it had no choice but to be numerically calculated. The third option, the indirect escape mode, referred to as the Earth powered swing-by trajectory in this paper, had a great advantage of the V efficiency. It had a similar shape to three-impulsive escape of the two-body system, but could be achieved with one-impulsive V by utilizing the planets’ gravity. This strategy could generate a larger escape velocity than the former two options. Figures 14 and 16 showed plots of such trajectories which successfully gained large escape velocity at the boundary by amplifying the energy through Fig. 16. Escape trajectory with the Earth powered swing-by in the Sun- the perigee-V. Figures 15 and 17 indicated that the veloc- EM rotating frame. The initial Moon age is 206.83193 degrees. The ity was accelerated up to nearly 3.0 km/s by applying the spacecraft passes by the Earth at an altitude of 1,000 km with 100 m/s 400 m/s impulsive V at the perigee of 1,000 km altitude. impulsive V. Thus, this strategy was recommended for missions aiming at the deep interplanetary space from EM L2. 4.2. Significance of the results The result of this paper supported the possibility of EM L2 as a space hub. By adopting Earth powered swing-by, a spacecraft could efficiently obtain large energy. This trans- fer scheme can be also combined with other orbital manip- ulation strategies, such as EDVEGA (Kawaguchi7)). 4.3. Extension This study proved that the Earth powered swing-by escape trajectory could generate large energy enough to reach other planets. However, in a real case, it is necessary to consider not only the available energy but the orientation of the Earth, Moon and target body. Thus the next step of this study is the trajectory design including the position in- vestigation. Fig. 17. Magnitude of the escape velocity in the Earth-centered inertial frame as a function of the impulsive V at the perigee. The initial Moon Acknowledgments age is 206.83193 degrees. This work was supported by Japan Aerospace Exploration gradually decreases. For larger value of the V, the escape Agency (JAXA) and Japan Society of the Promotion of Science direction is almost parallel to the x axis. (JSPS).

4. Summary References

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