Department of Commerce Delegation of Title VI Responsibilities to The
6004 NOTICES Done at Washington, D.C., this 10th the Title VI complaints of any person Dated at Washington, D.C., April 7, arising out of the conducting by any insti 1967. day of April 1967. tution of higher education of a State CHARLES G. CLEVELAND, Technical Services program or project. We [SEAL] JOSEPH L. FITZMAURICE, Chief, Registrations, Bonds and will notify you of the specific institutions in Hearing Examiner. Reports Branch, Packers and volved in this program, and Commerce will [F.R. Doc. £7-4103; Filed, Apr. 13, 1967; Stockyards Division, Con cover the other aspects of the program 8:48 a.m.) under Title VI. sumer and Marketing Service. I shall appreciate your reply regarding [F.R. Doc. 67-4118; Filed, Apr. 13, 1967; acceptance of this assignment. [Docket. No. 17875 etc.) 8:49 a.m.) ~incerely yours, A. E. TROWBRIDGE, SERVICE TO TUCSON CASE Acting Secretary oj Commerce. Notice of Hearing DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Dated: April 7, 1967. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Office of the Secretary DAVID R. BALDWIN, the provisions of the Federal Aviation Act Assistant Secretary of 1958, as amended, that hearing in the SECRETARY OF HEALTH, EDUCATrON, for Administration. above-entitled proceeding is assigned to AND WELFARE [F.R. Doc. 67-4080; Filed, Apr. 13, 1967; be held on May 4, 1967, at 10 a.m. <Iocal 8:45 a:.m.) time) in the Montezuma Room, Aztec Assignment of Functions Regarding Inn, 102 North Alvernon Way, Tucson, Civil Rights Ariz., before the undersigned examiner. Notice is hereby given that the as Dated at Washington, D.C., April 7, signment of certain enforcement re DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND 1967.
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