The Ukrainian Weekly 1972

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The Ukrainian Weekly 1972 Three Pass Pli.D. Exams at Harvard APPEAL METROPOLITAN MSTYSLAW ATTENDS SYNOD IN AUSTRALIA CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — studies as "Anarchism and Ukrainian philosopher Sko- (Of UCOA Board of Directors and Ukrainian Central NEWARK, N.J. — The Manko, Rev/> O. Pihulevsky, Three students, one in ЬМогу Nationalism — A Case Study voroda for his dissertation Organizations and Institutions to the Ukrainian Most Rev. Mstyslaw, Metro­ Rev. Teodorovych, Rev. V. and two in Slavic languages in Makhnivshchyna," "Pan- topic. Community in the U.S.A.). politan of the Ukrainian Au- Chervaniv, representing the and literatures, enrolled in slavism and the Ruthenian Mr. Tucker, a 1904 gradu­ tocephalous Orthodox Church clergy, and Messrs. Bazylyc- the Ukrainian studies pro­ Trinity," "A Historiographi- ate of Trinity College, receiv­ To the Ukrainian Community! and of the Ukrainian Ortho­ ky, Chyhyryn and Lubchaki gram at Harvard University} cal Analysis of Hrushevsky's ed his M.A. at Harvard in dox Church of the USA, pre­ representing the laity. Elect­ have successfully passed their Works," and others. His pa­ 1956. Having chosen Ukrain­ We, members of the Board of Directors of the Ukrain­ sided over the .Sixth Synod ed to the auditing board doctoral examinations and per on "Nestor Makhno and ian as his minor, Mr. Tucker ian Congress Committee of America and representatives of of the Ukrainian Autocepha- were: Rev. Dzibij, chairman, are now engaged in research the Ukrainian Revolution" attended courses and semin­ Ukrainian central organizations, gathered at a session on lous Orthodox Church of Au­ Rev. Hryciuk, vice-chairman, on their Ph.D. dissertations. will appear in volume 13 of ars within the Ukrainian pro­ April 15, 1972, in New York City stralia and New Zealand, held Messrs. Hura, Radion and the Harvard Series of Uk­ gram here. He wrote papers Frdnk Sysyn, a 1968 gra­ in Sidney, .'Australia, Satur­ Hubariw, members. rainian Studies. on Tychyna, Skovoroda, Kvit- duate of Princeton University Do Hereby Announce day and Sunday, April 1-2. ka and Stefanyk. His disser­ Also elected was a by-laws who holds an M.A. degree in Mr. Hantula, who spent his The Metropolitan, who tation will deal with metrics і committee consisting of Rev. history fyom the University undergraduate years at, the the convocation of the Xlth Congress of Americans of Uk­ whiled a month in Australia, of eighteenth century; Rus­ ' Plichkovsky, Rev. Zelinsky of London, completed his University of Michigan, en­ rainian Descent This Congress will meet in New York City returned to the United States sian literature. і and Mr. Chumak. It will func­ course work towards a doc­ tered Harvard in 1967 and re­ on October 6, 7 and 8, 1972, at the Commodore Hotel. We Sunday. April 23, and made tion in between the Synods, torate last February. ceived his M.A. in Soviet area The March issue of the are fully cognizant of the great importance of this Congress a stopover in Los Angeles, which will be convened every studies in 1968. He has been Harvard Ukrainian "News­ for the, cause of liberation and freedom of the Ukrainian Calif., before arriving in Richard Hantula, who has three years. a Ph.D. candidate in the Sla­ letter" reminds Btudents that people. Bound Brook, N.J., the seat been majoring in Russian lit­ vic Department since 1969. five courses in Ukrainian stu­ There is no doubt that events taking place in Ukraine, of the Consistory, on Mon­ Wide Coverage erature with a minor in Uk­ Minoring in Ukrainian, he dies will be offered at Har­ namely, the arrests and incarceration in concentration camps day, April 21. Metropolitan Mstyslaw rainian, passed his exams last took courses in the Ukrain­ vard this summer. A course of Ukrainian intellectuals, persecution of the clergy and ian language, literature and faithful, the burning of historical archives, the destruction unity for the good of the The Australian press gave fall, as. did Thomas Tucker, and a seminar in modern Uk­ Pay Tribute a seminar on Shevchenko at rainian history, beginning and of centuries-old monuments and the official Russification Church and of the enslaved wide coverage to Metropoli­ another graduate student en­ tan Mstyslaw'8 sojourn, car­ Harvard. Among his papers intermediate courses in the policy — all these constitute a Mew assault of imperialist The Synod in Australia Ukrainian nation. "The doors rolled in the Ukrainian stu­ rying stories and photos of were "Drai-Khmara's Lebe- Ukrainian language, and a Moscow against the Ukrainian people with the purpose of commenced with religious of our Church are open to his visitations in schools, dies program here. - di," "Vocabulary of Zerov's eourse in .Ukrainian literature crushing their aspirations to freedom and national statehood. services, pontificated by Met­ all," said the Metropolitan. Sonnets," "Pushkin's and comprise this year's Ukrain­ This assault Moscow is now expanding by other methods ropolitan Mstyslaw who was Elected to the Consistory parishes and Ukrainian com­ Fubrlght Scholar Hrebinka's Poltava," and ian summer school program against Ukrainians who live ІП the free World, endeavoring accompanied on this sojourn were the following: Rev. I. munity organizations. others. Mr. Hantula chose the at Harvard. by devices means and false information to break the spirit by his personal secretary, Mr. Sysyn, a Fulbright of free Ukrainians, to undermine their stability and to in­ 9 Rev. Yuriy Pocheniuk. SAY UKRAINIAN TRIED FOR scholar at the University of fluence them to change their attitude toward the situation The Synod participants London, also spent a summer Prof. Pap Heads Cleveland * in Ukrai'#j and thus break the internal organizational paid their last tribute to the NEW YORK, DEFENDINN.Y. — A wifGe SOLZHENTTSYof Svyatoslav KaravanN- at the Leningrad University Human Resources Agency strength and efforts of Ulcrainians in the free world, espe- memory of the recently de­ young Ukrainian political sky, Nina Strokata, Oleksa on a 'McjEtonnell traveling CLEVELAND, O. — Prof. •ially those in the United States. With the enemy using all ceased Metropolitan Ilarion of economist, who specializes in Riznykiv, Dr. Prytyka, Yuriy scholarship. His Master's ^he- Micbael S..Pap, head of John possible means in the struggle, the Xlth Congress of Ameri­ the Ukrainian Greek-Ortho­ dialectical materialism and Shukhevych, and others ar­ sis dealt with "The Orthodox Carroll University's Institute cans of Ukrainian Descent therefore should: dox Church in Canada, to has been teaching the subject rested last December and Nobihty and the Khmelnyt- of Soviet and East European — Manifest full readiness of the Ukrainian national Archbishop Donat of Autra- at Sverdlovsk technical col­ January, in preparation of eky Revolution — Special Re­ Studies, has accepted the post community in the United States of America to stand in de­ lia, and to Protopresbyter lege, was reportedly arrested trials. ference td Adam Kysil." As of Director of Human Resour­ fense of the rights of our people in their native land; Ananiy Teodorovych who died in early April and tried in There are widespread rum­ part of hie study, he spent a ces and Manpower Develop­ — To denounce and condemn Russian colonialism in last year while visiting the camera in Kiev for defending ors, according to the press summer doing research in Po­ ment in Cleveland, O. Ukraine; United States. the Russian Nobel Prize win­ service, that the thrust of the land, Since his doctoral dis­ As reported earlier, the — To remind the free world that the opposition of the It was during the second ning novelist 'Aleksandr Sol- investigation is to develop a sertation will deal with Adam poet was offered to Prof. Pap Ukrainian people to imperialist Communist Russia datee day of the Synod that the zhenitsyn. case of "state treason" and Kyafl, Mr. Sy»yn will again last January by Cleveland back to 1918, which opposition was manifested in the war clergy and faithful witnessed "collaboration with foreign travel to Poland for research Mayor Ralph J. Perk. In con­ waged by the regular Ukrainian armies of the Ukrainian the moving ceremony of ele­ Anatoliy Reshetnyk, 35, imperialist' centers" against work. He has already been firming the offer^t that time, National Republic and the Ukrainian Galician Army, and vating Rev. Alexander Teodo­ reports the press service of the arrested Ukrainian intel­ accepted for the Polish-Ame­ Mayor Perk sa"id*that"^'re^ in armed uprisings and struggles whlcV continue to this day ;-. rovych to the rank of dea­ the Ukrainian Supreme Lib­ lectuals, і • rican student exchange pro­ garded Dr. Pap "very high­ — To remind the world of the barbaric methods which con. He is the son of the late eration Council (Abroad), Threats, severe moral pres­ gram next academic year. ly" and expressed hope that Prof. Michael S. Pap Moscow used to break the resistance of the Ukrainian peo­ Protopresbyter Teodorovych wrote an open letter to "Lit- sure and other tactics, re­ John Carroll University would At Harvard sirtce 1969 on ple 40 years ago — by organizing a man-made famine in who served as the Church's eratumaya Gazeta" publish­ miniscent of the wave of ter­ allow the Ukrainian scholar a scholarship, Mr. Sysyn Pap taught political science Uknvne in 1932-1933 which resulted iu more than six mil­ administrator in Australia. ed in Moscow, in which he de­ ror in the 1930*8, are applied a leave of absence"so he can participated in the seminar at Notre Dame.- lion victims among the Ukrainian people, who died from The Synod heard reports fended Solzhenitsyn. The let­ by the KGB on the relatives serve the city." on Ukrainian studies and the Born in Ukraine, Prof. hunger and starvation; of the outgoing officers of the ter was written in reply to an and friends of the arrested.
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