Biometrically Enabled Smartphones the Pla Orm for Mobile-ID
Biometrically Enabled Smartphones The PlaBorm for mobile-ID Jonas Andersson Director Mobile Payment, Mobile ID Fingerprint Cards AB WWW.FINGERPRINTS.COM Fingerprint Sensor Main New iPhone 5S Feature Phone 5s and 5c Sales Stascs Sales Total number of iPhone 5s units sold 9,750,000 Total number of iPhone 5c units sold 5,800,000 iPhone First Day Sales Sta$s$cs Number Sold Number of iPhone 5s sales in the first 24 2,750,000 hours Number of iPhone 5c pre-orders in the first 1,320,000 24 hours Stasc Verificaon Source: Apple, AT&T, Sprint, Verizon Research Date: 11.12.2013 Another huge launch for Apple as they release their latest iPhone the 5s and 5c. Early reports show that the iPhone 5s will break the iPhone 5 first day sales records. The 5c hasn’t faired as well with die hard apple fans. A surveyor from Philip Elmer-DeWiN interviewed a number of people camping at the Apple Store and none were there for the 5c. 2014-02-01 WWW.FINGERPRINTS.COM ConfidenKal 2 Mobile • 1st phone launched to the market in July (Japan) • Most demanding operator (DoCoMo) Most experienced finger sensor phone OEM (Fujitsu) • 1st Korean player (Pantech) launched in August • 1st Chinese manufacturer (Konka) launched in September, First launch with 1080A Several Chinese manufacturers soon to follow • Finger sensor high-lighted as key selling point by OEMs • FPC selected in several plaBorm reference designs • Repeat Customers is proof of Market Success WWW.FINGERPRINTS.COM ConfidenKal 3 Mobile • Happy and saKsfied customers give fast follow-up projects • Fujitsu announced another