Contents List ~ The 6th Edition Triumph CD Collection The Sixth Edition is again on DVD format, and has over 30 new additions to the collection plus some revision/additions to the Service Sheets. As always, there are lots of memorabilia, reproductions of old advertising material , much material for the twins and triples of course (including a fabulous rebuild guide for the 63-67 650cc twins), a complete revision and addition of the Service Sheet Collection, and a whole lot of new material for the Service Section – some of it originally “Dealers Only” stuff. Again, I am indebted to many people for lending me material from their collections including Greg Snider for the TR5t, 1973 handbook, Simon Beard, and various others over the years. This Edition’s outstanding contributor is Peter Hemingway from Bristol, UK. Peter, I thank you more than mere words can say! Oh yes! Add Torsten Beck at Ago's Motorcycles, Residenz am Ulrichswäldchen, 61197 Florstadt, Nieder Mockstadt, and Randall Cadby in NSW. What you have below is the Contents of the TRIUMPH DVD, folder by Folder. The main SUB-HEADINGS reflect the Folder Names on the CD, the smaller Bold Print reflects the actual file names within the folders, the unbolded writing is simply the description of the actual file contents. Anything with the word NEW next to the file name is NEW to this latest edition. Don’t forget, if you like this DVD we also do ones for BSA, NORTON, and AJS/Matchless. Please contact us by e-mail at
[email protected] . Kim The CD Man IMPORTANT NOTE ON PRINTING I have found that a very few customers have had trouble printing some of the pages on some of these files, where they come out as “mirror images”.