Niantic River Watershed Protection Plan Update
Niantic River Watershed Protection Plan Update prepared by JUNE 2020 Acknowledgements We would like to thank the following individuals and organizations for their contributions of time and effort to the development of this Update to the Niantic River Watershed Protection Plan: Niantic River Watershed Committee Ralph Bates, Town of East Lyme (Alternate) Melissa Bezanson, Secretary, Town of Salem David Bliven, Town of Montville Donald Danila, Treasurer, Town of East Lyme Susan Gonzalez, Town of East Lyme Peter Harris, Waterford/East Lyme Shellfish Commission John Jasper, Town of East Lyme Eric Kanter, Waterford/East Lyme Shellfish Commission (Alternate) Donald Landers, Vice-Chair, East Lyme Harbor Management & Shellfish Commission Douglas Lawson, Town of Waterford Judy Rondeau, NRWC Watershed Coordinator Christine Tomichek, Chair, Town of Waterford David Turner, Town of Montville Other Involved Stakeholders Sam Alexander, Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments Kim Bradley, Avalonia Land Conservancy Victor Benni, Town Engineer, Town of East Lyme Colleen Bezanson, Assistant Planner, Town of Montville Eastern Connecticut Conservation District Maureen Fitzgerald, Environmental Planner, Town of Waterford Friends of the Oswegatchie Hills Nature Preserve Gary Goeschel II, Director of Planning, Town of East Lyme Justin LaFountain, Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments Joseph Lanzafame, Director of Public Utilities, City of New London Ron Luich, President, East Lyme Land Trust Peter Linderoth, Save the Sound Deborah Mosier-Dunn, Save the River – Save the Hills Eric Thomas, CT DEEP (ex officio representative to NRWC) Katie O’Brien-Clayton, CT DEEP Dr. Jamie Vaudrey, University of Connecticut, Dept. of Marine Sciences Waterford Conservation Commission Waterford Harbor Management Commission Waterford-East Lyme Shellfish Commission (WELSCO) Watershed and Open Space workshops participants Watershed residents Watershed Towns of East Lyme, Montville, Salem, and Waterford Woodsmen Land Trust Consultant – Fuss & O’Neill, Inc.
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