Germany’s Greens and finance The 10 big questions David Marsh, Andreas Meyer-Schwickerath and John Orchard 2 Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum 6-9 Snow Hill London EC1A 2AY
[email protected] June 2021 About OMFIF With hubs in London, Singapore, Washington and New York, OMFIF is an independent forum for central banking, economic policy and public investment — a neutral platform for best practice in worldwide public- private sector exchanges. For more information visit or email
[email protected] Cover image of the Greens’ co-leaders Annalena Baerbock and Robert Habeck Photo on page 10, (c) a.canvas. of.light, 2019 and made available under a Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0) © 2021 OMFIF Limited. All Rights Reserved. Strictly no photocopying is permitted. It is illegal to reproduce, store in a central retrieval system or transmit, electronically or otherwise, any of the content of this publication without the prior consent of the publisher. While every care is taken to provide accurate information, the publisher cannot accept liability for any errors or omissions. No responsibility will be accepted for any loss occurred by any individual due to acting or not acting as a result of any content in this publication. On any specific matter reference should be made to an appropriate adviser. Company Number: 7032533. ISSN: 2398-4236 ©2021 3 Greening of Germany Baerbock will come under scrutiny - but September’s election may be a turning point, writes David Marsh, chairman of OMFIF. Germany is heading for a change in its political constellation that could rival in importance the post-war turning points in 1969, 1982 and 1989-90.