UNCLASSIFIED THE LONDON DIPLOMATIC LIST Alphabetical list of the representatives of Foreign States & Commonwealth Countries in London with the names & designations of the persons returned as composing their Diplomatic Staff. Representatives of Foreign States & Commonwealth Countries & their Diplomatic Staff enjoy privileges & immunities under the Diplomatic Privileges Act, 1964. Except where shown, private addresses are not available. m Married * Married but not accompanied by wife or husband AFGHANISTAN Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan 31 Princes Gate SW7 1QQ 020 7589 8891 Fax 020 7584 4801
[email protected] www.afghanistanembassy.org.uk Monday-Friday 09.00-16.00 Consular Section 020 7589 8892 Fax 020 7581 3452
[email protected] Monday-Friday 09.00-13.30 HIS EXCELLENCY DR MOHAMMAD DAUD YAAR m Ambassador Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary (since 07 August 2012) Mrs Sadia Yaar Mr Ahmad Zia Siamak m Counsellor Mr M Hanif Ahmadzai m Counsellor Mr Najibullah Mohajer m 1st Secretary Mr M. Daud Wedah m 1st Secretary Mrs Nazifa Haqpal m 2nd Secretary Miss Freshta Omer 2nd Secretary Mr Hanif Aman 3rd Secretary Mrs Wahida Raoufi m 3rd Secretary Mr Yasir Qanooni 3rd Secretary Mr Ahmad Jawaid m Commercial Attaché Mr Nezamuddin Marzee m Acting Military Attaché ALBANIA Embassy of the Republic of Albania 33 St George’s Drive SW1V 4DG 020 7828 8897 Fax 020 7828 8869
[email protected] www.albanianembassy.co.uk HIS EXELLENCY MR MAL BERISHA m Ambassador Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary (since 18 March 2013) Mrs Donika Berisha UNCLASSIFIED S:\Protocol\DMIOU\UNIVERSAL\Administration\Lists of Diplomatic Representation\LDL\RESTORED LDL Master List - Please update this one!.doc UNCLASSIFIED Dr Teuta Starova m Minister-Counsellor Ms Entela Gjika Counsellor Mrs Gentjana Nino m 1st Secretary Dr Xhoana Papakostandini m 3rd Secretary Col.