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China National' Light Industrial Products Import & Export Corp., Hubei Branch. Address: 99 Shengli Street, Wuhan, China Cable: INDUSTRY WUHAN Telex: 40119 HBLIC CN Jiangnan Paper Mill produces art paper with imported equipment. Product quality is up to international standards.

A Look at Shanghai's Light Industry

A corner of the Qianjin Garment Factory. The Shanghai No. 3 Bicycle Factory.

The Shanghai Huaguang Brewery attaches great importance to introducing techniques from abroad. VOL. 29, No. 39 SEPT. 29, 1986"


NOTES FROM THE EDITORS 4 ] ~:Far, SoGood~But.:.-: : ... :, ~ So Far, So Good. But .... ]

EVENTS/TRENDS 5-9 • One of our edi,tors reviews the path China tias Good Prospects for Sino-Finnish followed since 1976, and discusses the question of its future Ties direction (p. 4). Wu Xueqian on the Namibia Question Red Guards: Yesterday and Today

INTERNATIONAL 10-13 United Nations: UN General Assembly Meets • ProfessorJin Chunming commentson different views Egypt-Israel: Summit Meeting of the origins of the "" (p. 14). Improves Relations In a companion piece, an item in the "Events/Trends" Sudan: The Civil War: a Merely section looks into the experiences of former "Red'Guards" (p. Military Matter? 7). Latin America: New Paths to Economic Recovery

What Caused the 'Cultural Revo- lution'? 14 End of Turmoil Brings Economic Growth 18 • A review of the country's economic development Post 'Cultural Revolution' Chro- during the decade since the "cultural revolution," focusing on nicle of Events (October economic reform and the open policy (p. 22). 1976-1986) 22 Democracy and Science Vitdl to Good Policy Making 28 Pictorial: Ten Years in Retros- [ ] pect (centrefold)

BUSINESS/TRADE 30-31 CULTURE/SCIENCE 32-33 • In a recent speech Wan Li, a member of the Political LETTERS 34 Bureau and a vice-premier, stressed the need for genuinely COVER: Evening at Tiananmen Square democratic and scientific policy-making processes in a socialist on National Day. (Upper right) society. This, he said, should constitute an important step in the Farmers in north China celebrate a current political restructuring (p. 28). bumper harvest. (Bottom right) Hori- zontal economic associations, (Left)

Published every Monday by Distributed by Chine Inlenl~)~ml Ikmk Sukariptt~ prtws (I year)= BEIJING REVIEW TNWlint C~ (GUOJI SHUDIAN), , Awtmlla ...... A.$ 22,00 USA US$~ 24 Boiwanzhuang Road, Boijlng P.O. Box 399, Boiling, China New 7.ealand.~.. NZ.$N.~ UK ...... £17.N The People's Republic of China Ca.ada ...... Can. $21.00 ! llrvi'ig-ll-Tffq ;|iI1 -=[OiS] 1#! So Far, So Good, But .... by Jiang Shanhao

t was late afternoon on October continued unabated, a new cult of and a new round of political" ~ 9, 1976. A call came to the the new Party chairman was being chaos. But it turned out that Mao office that all Party members cultivated. The media continued Zedong was given an objective, occupying leading posts should to repeat that the "Great generally accepted assessment. assemble in the meeting room to Proletarian Cultural Revolution" Peasants in Shaoshan, Mao's hear an urgent inner-Party was a good thing, and that the birthplace, who were understand- message. The boss of my country had to "grasp class ably more sensitive on this issue, workplace at that time was a struggle as the key link." But composed a "Spring Festival veteran woman revolutionary. She people had had enough of all that. couplet" to put upon their doors: read out the message from her The whole nation was longing for "We'll never forget Chairman notebook, while trying to dispel a change. Mao for liberating us from the the smile on her face. "According The change came in the form of miseries of the old society. But we to information from higher the Third Plenum of the l lth owe our new prosperity to Deng authorities," she said, "Wang Central Committee of the Xifioping." This reflected the Hongwen, Zhang Chunqiao, Communist Party held at the end national consensus of opinion. Jiang Qing and Yao Wenyuan-- of 1978. The session criticized Others feared (or hoped) that the gang of four--have been "whateverism" and reinstated shi China was departing from Marx- arrested by decision of the Party shi qiu shi (seeking truth from ism. But gradually they are Centre." Dumbfounded, every- facts) as the Party's ideological coming to acknowledge that while body looked at her, waiting for line. It replaced "class struggle is Marx foresaw the coming of elaboration. "That's all," she said, the key link" with "socialist socialism, he did not, nor could he, "Please keep the information to modernization is the nation's first prescribe the specific form of a yet y.ourself for the time being." priority" as the Party's political non-existent socialist society. So if People moved out slowly. No line. It condemned the person- China is "departihg" from conversation. No cheers. But there ality cult and stressed the anything, it is not Marxism but the were occasional exchanges of sly importance of socialist democracy "orthodox" Soviet pattern trans- smiles and nods. A few young and a proper legal system. It also planted to Chinese soil in earlier colleagues, who had been more decided to speed up the develop- years. But even the Soviet Union' deeply influenced by the rhetoric ment of agriculture by initiating a now wishes to reform that of the "cultural revolution~' process of economic reform that is pattern That's good; we Chinese looked puzzled. now attracting worldwide wish them every success. The news spread fast on the attention. Then there were others who grapevine. Within a few days the To foreigners not well versed in thought that the heavy burden of a stocks of liquor and wine of all Chinese politics, the change of population of one billiqn would Beijing stores had been sold out. "lines" at the time seemed to be nullify any economic growth. Tens of thousands of families mere juggling with political Now they know that China is celebrated behind closed doors, slogans. But in fact it was a great successfully feeding 22 percent of scraping together their pork.ration turning point in the history of the the world's population on 7 coupons(1,000grams per head each People's Republic, and perhaps in percent of the earth's cultivated month) for a pitiable "feast." the history of China, too. The land. Some even say that China is But eventually the excitement open policy followed since then becoming a "major grain export- gave way to anxiety. For people has enabled me to meet many ing country." But that's being a realized that the turbulent previ- foreigners, both well-wishers and little too optimistic! ous decade had left the country critics, and to hear their views, Still others share our own with "problems and difficulties including doubts and criticisms, of worries about lack of funds and piling up like mountains." The the fast-changing Chinese scene. expertise for industrial develop- biggest problem of all was the still For a time many were worried ment. However, almost beyond dominant "whateverism" (what- that the Communist Party might our own expectations, collectively ever Chairman Mao said was launch a Krushchov-type "de- o~ned township enterprises and sacrosanct). And while the Maoification campaign" that privately owned "cottage indus- deification of Mao Zedong would create an ideological rift tries" are mushrooming through-

4 BEIJING REVIEW, NO_ 39 out our vast countryside, stimulat- heresies. ing and complementing the In the field of foreign relations, growth of the large state-owned many of China's friends, parti- enterprises. Not a few peasants cularly those in the third world, have become manufacturers of once suspected that the country sophisticated goods suitable for was drifting towards a tacit al- export. liance with the United States. But In most parts of the country, they have been relieved to see that people are working hard and China, after some policy modific- trying to find ways to achieve ations, is continuing to adhere to common prosperity. But every the principle of independence, rose has its thorns; too rapid judging every international issue growth has led to an "overheat- on its merits and refusing to toe the line of any big power. ing" of the economy and a host of region, where the economic troubles. On the two paramount issues of peace and development in our reform has been remarkably Earlier this year, some ob- time, China has adopted a more successful. If Beijing has pros- servers said that China's reform positive and participatory role. pered in recent years, there things programme had run into serious After careful reappraisal of the have moved ahead even faster. In difficulties and the "reformists" international situation, our policy- the ancient city of Nanjing I went had had to put the brakes on. It is makers have decided that a third to the once neglected "Worry-not true that the pace has been slowed world war is not inevitable and Lake," and found it cleaned up down to allow for "digestion and and packed with visitors. Canned consolidation" of former gains. that peace can be defended. The government is engaged in active beer and ice-cream sold like hot On October 1 this year, cakes. Colourfully dressed girls however, new labour regulations diplomacy, and exchanges of state visits with other countries proceed and their boy friends sang a will be introduced aimed at current hit: "No Worry, Worry eliminating the jobs-for-life sy- apace. The decision to reduce China's armed forces by one Not." stem known as the "iron rice million men has been followed by It would be naive to believe that bowl"--another major step of people really have no worries now. reform. the voluntary ending of nuclear tests in the atmosphere. One hears many well-founded Many foreign businessmen complaints. But as a popular Commenting on the Chinese complain bitterly about the saying has it, "Nowadays people situation today, a Western friend difficulties they encounter in pick up their bowls to eat meat and of mine recently said to me: "So China. But the government has lay down their chopsticks to utter far, so good, but .... " The "but" listened to their complaints and abuse." Any government, I was followed by the perennial now appears to be taking believe, will be on safer ground if it question: "What about the post- measures to improve matters. enables people to fill their Deng era?" Westerners often say that stomachs while allowing them to CBS TV interviewer Mike democracy, freedom and "human speak their minds. Wallace put this question to Deng rights" are absent in China. On Could the Chinese people himself on September 2. The 82- these issues, the fundamental accept a return to the type of year-old leader was both modest ideological gap between China "socialism" that was synonymous and the West is difficult to bridge. and confident. He said that it is with asceticism? Would they agree Nevertheless, even some bitter the people, not he himself or any to endure again the type of critics have remarked that the other individual, who decides "proletarian dictatorship" that once fast-wilting "'one-hundred- China's way forward. had been twisted into feudal flowers policy" seems to be True enough. Ten years ago the tyranny? Not very likely. regaining vitality. They may also Chinese people had been suppres- As the economic reform have noticed that China's law- sed into almost complete silence. deepens, political reform is now making body, the National Then "amid the silence comes on the national agenda. This will People's Congress Standing Com- the crash of thunder," as a poem further extend and give legal form mittee, recently debated a new law says. The gang of four was toppled to the socialist democratic pro- on bankruptcy so heatedly that its without a single shot being fired, cess. It will give people a greater enactment had to be postponed. despite the enormous power they say. Again, many Chinese writers are had. Why? Because the seemingly Like most Chinese, I am not calling in the press for the inarticulate people had little love complacent. We see a lot of rehabilitation of "humanitarian- for what the gang represented. difficulties ahead. But a return to ism," "human dignity" and" Two months ago I toured the the path of ten years ago~ "human values," long regarded as Yangtze (Changjiang) Delta Impossible! •

SEPTEMBER 29, 1986 5 Good Prospects for Sino-Finnish Ties

Finland considers the arms race a most worrying phenomenon. It also stands for disarmament and hopes to see the international situation improve gradually because it is in the interests of the Finnish nation, he added. Speaking of bilateral relations, Zhao said China attaches im- portance to developing bilateral co-operation in the fields of politics, economics, trade, science and technology on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. China will adopt new measures to improve its investment environ- ment, and welcomes Finnish industrialists to invest in China, he said. Sorsa said, as one of the first Western countries to establish I)eng Xiaoping meets Finnish Prime Minister Kalevi Sorsa. diplomatic relations with China, Finland pays heed to developing its relations with China. He said Finland has had trade relations with China for several decades and hinese leader Deng Xiaoping on a six-day official visit to China there are good prospects for eiterated in Beijing that in at the invitation of Chinese developing economic and other removing the three major ob- Premier Zhao Ziyang. relations between the two stacles to better Sino-Soviet Meeting Sorsa on September countries. relations, the primary one is to end 15, Zhao said China and Finland Finland is watching China's Vietnamese aggression against share many similar views on the present reform with great interest Kampuchea. international situation. China and respect, Sorsa said. His Deng, Chairman of the Central stands for disarmament and is country is willing to help out with Advisory Commission of -the opposed to the arms race, its accumulated experience and , told especially to the extension of the advanced technology. Finland can visiting Finnish Prime Minister arms race into ~pace. China co-operate with China in the Kalevi Sorsa during a meeting that follows an independent foreign forestry and timber-processing China stresses the question of policy, which can play an industries, in mining, chemicals, ending Vietnamese aggression important role in safeguarding machine building, telecommunic- against Kampuchea because it world peace, he said. ations and in many other fields, he represents a flashpoint in Sino- added. • Soviet relations. China also regards Europe as an important factor in promoting If the Soviet Union can detente and preventing war, Zhao eliminate this flashpoint, it will be said. More and more European Wu Xueqian On good for both the Soviet Union countries, whether in Eastern or and Viet Nam, and also contribute Western Europe, whether in a bloc Namibia Question to peace in the Asian-Pacific or neutral, stand for disarmament region and the rest of the world, he and detente. t a special session of the United added. Sorsa said that ~'inland, a A Nations General Assembly on Deng extended a warm welcome neutral and non-aligned country, the question of Namibia, State to Sorsa as the first Finnish prime is willing to develop relations of Councillor and Foreign Minister minister to visit China. Sorsa came friendship with all countries. Wu Xueqian reiterated on Sep-

6 BEIJING REVIEW. NO. 39 tember 18 that the Chinese unity, overcome numerous dif- government and people firmly ficulties, continuously tried and support the Namibian people in carried out various forms of their struggle for national inde- struggle in accordance with their News in Brief pendence. They support the just national conditions, and have struggle of the South African made significant headway in many people for racial equality and that areas. They have thus created a of the independent nations of very favourable political situation ~cientists have successful- southern Africa to safeguard their in their struggle for national '~Plv estimated, to an sovereignty and security. independence." accuracy of 95 percent, the "Though colonialism as a Wu stressed, "South Africa yield of two million hectares system has already been finished must implement Resolution 435 of of winter wheal in the with in human history," Wu the Security Council immediately Beijing and Tianjin munici- pointed out, "its remnants have and unconditionally, and end its. palities and Hebei Province not disappeared completely from illegal occupation of Namibia." by means of remote sensing the world arena. While practising "It has always been and will technology. They have been apartheid at home, the South continue to be a basic national experimenting with this African authorities still cling policy of the Chinese government method for two years. stubbornly to colonial rule in to strengthen its solidarity and co- Namibia." operation with African countries "At present," he stressed, "the and support the African people in main obstacle to Namibia's their just struggle. In their independence is the so-called struggles against imperialism, • • • 'linkage' formula, i.e. linking colonialism and racism and to win Namibia+s independence to the and safeguard national inde- he Zhejiang Branch of the withdrawal of Cuban troops from pendence, the .Chinese govern- T China Bank of Industry Angola. The 'linkage' formula is ment and people have unswerv- and Commerce has issued in fact a deliberate attempt by the ingly stood by the African 110 million yuan (nearly South African authorities to sow countries and people and provided US$30 million) in bonds confusion and find a pretext for them with assistance and support since August I to help delaying the implementation of to the best of our ability. On the finance the economic devel- Resolution 435 of the Security other hand, the Chinese govern- opment of Council. The Namibian people, ment and people have always the province. This bran'ch the countries of Africa and the valued highly and appreciated issued 70 million yuan international community have deeply the help and support that (almost US$19 million) in categorically rejected and sternly the African countries and peoples bonds lasl year. condemned this formula, and have extended to us in intern- most of the Western countries ational affairs and economic have also explicitly expressed their development." disapproval. It should be pointed out that Namibia's independence • • • is one thing while the withdrawal of Cuban troops from Angola is another. Linking them together Red Guards: he autumn grain crops in will only further complicate the hina's central Henan question of Namibia's inde- Yesterday and Today province have been hit by pendence and prolong and sevcre drought. Of/he 128 intensify the miseries of the co.unties in the province, 108 Namibian people." have been devastated by the p u Dahua, a 38-year-old drought with rainfall 40 to Wu continued, "Over a long computer data analyst, is busy 70 percent less than normal, period of time, the Namibian working on a computer microfilm affecting about 15 million people have waged an unremitting project. One can see no sign of the hectares. Rivers, reservoirs struggle against the South African "Red Guard" in his appearance, and po!2d.s have dried upl authorities' illegal rule to gain yet he was one of the founders of creating a shortage of their national independence. China's first "Red Guard" drinking water. Under the leadership of the South organization two decades ago. West Africa People's Organiz- Chen Zhifeng, 34, a porter ation they have strengthened their turned assistant manager of the

SEPTEMBER 29, 1986 7 Tianjin Waterworks Engineering my arm, some slogans to shout how they grew up. Two decades Company, was sent to herd cattle and a few charges against society, later, they have a sense of during the "cultural revolution." we could change the world." independence, thinking minds and Known by his pen name Bei It was this faith arid passion that a realistic attitude towards life. Dao, 37-year-old Zhao Zhenkai led many of them to play the role Some have written their expe- became a building worker during of the cat's paw. In August 1966, rience into novels, such as Chen the 10-year chaos. He wrote about the "Red Guards" rushed out of Jiangong, Ke Yunlu, Zhang 100 poems, a novelette and a Beijing's schools, broke into Kangkang, Tao Zheng and many dozen short stories based on his homes, shops, government offices more. Others expressed their unhappy experiences in those and churches, trampled on dignity feelings in the "Tiananmen years. All of them had to be passed and safety with deafening shout- 'Incident," a campaign against the around in hand-written copies, ing. There was a breakdown of gang of four in 1976. But most of because no publ.isher dared print public order and a catestrophe the "old youth" carry their them. Today his poems and stories spread throughout the country. nightmarish past around with have come to the notice of Although not many young people them and are trying to make up for specialists both at home and had a hand in criminal activities, a their lost time by working and abroad--the name "Bei Dao" majority of their generation were learning hard. Some are taking a has been entered into the English involved in one way or another. hard look at Chinese culture, in Who ~ Who. Two years afterwards, however, the hope of removing the soil of Today, 10 years after the the "Red Guards" and other the tragedy they experienced two "cultural revolution," a gener- students were sent to im- decades ago. ation of thrusting adults after two poverished hamlets or factories to But they haw their own decades of struggling and rethin- be "re-educated" by farmers and problems. Hua Li, 36, for king, is coming to the fore in every workers, but were soon forgotten. example, is trying to get a Ph. D. field of life in China. Aged The "Red Guards" disappeared~ degree in history. She found it very between 30 and 40, they manage from the Chinese.scene. challenging because she has a the country's businesses, pro- Pu settled in a cave in northern three-year-old son to look after gramme its computers, run its Shaanxi, where people were still and the housework to do. "I have machines and teach the children. having trouble making ends meet. No matter what they are doing "I came down to earth with a big to manage," she said, "Otherwise, my son will look down on me they are widely considered a bump," he says with an anguished when he grows up." unique generation of intelligent expression. and competent people. A recent Li Yuan, 35, has been teaching Having been deserted, Pu and himself English and Russian for Chinese television ~ programme his generation had to rely on metaphorically called them the eight years. But he is finding it themselves completely. They came difficult, without a college degree, "old youths." to realize how the country and its to get a satisfactory job. In the Hudong Shipyard, people really lived. And they All the "old youths" are doing Shanghai, more than 1,500 started to question things. That's employees were students at the beginning of the "cultural revo- lution." They are now viewed as a During the Tiananmen Incident in 1976, many awakening ex-"Red Guards" joined the rare reservoir of talent. Some 400 Chinese people's fight against the gang of four. of them have been promoted to leading posts. The ex-"Red Guards," about 12.5 million of them, are stamped by their unusual experience, which has itself been an education .for them. Two decades ago, Pu Dahua and a few schoolmates, most: of them children of veteran revo- lutionaries, formed a "Red Guard" group avowedly dedi- cated to their parents' cause and loyal to Chairman Mao Zedong. "I sincerely believed when I joined the 'Red Guards'" Pu recalled, "that with a. red band on

8 BE[JING REVIEW, NO. 39 China & the World

A Fore~ man said in Beijing on September 17 that alt three obstacles to better Sino-Soviet relations are very important, but the primary one is Soviet

aggression against Kampu- chea. But "China has not underestimated the impor- tance of the Afghanistan issue." he noted.

• • •

m Polish Leader Jaruzel- ski to Visit China, Wojciech Jaruzelski. first secretary of the Central Committee of the Polish United Workers" Party and Chairman of the State Council of the Polish People's Republic, will pay a working visit to China at the end of September at the invitation of the Chinese Retirees Bicycle Around the Country government.

Seventy-year-old Wu Jisheng (left), a retired worker of the • • • Chongqmg Clock & Watch Industrial Company of China, and 61- year-old Chen Kaimin. a retired official of the Chengdu Physical i, Queen of United King. Culture Institute. arrived at Lhasa. capital of the Tibet dom to visit five Chinese Autonomous Region, by bicycle on September 5. Wu passed cities. Her Majesty Queen through 29 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, Elizabeth [I of the United covering 27,000 kilometres in three years and two months, while Kingdom of Great Britain Chen travelled 7.000 kilometres through nine provinces and and Northern Ireland will autonomous regions. tour Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou. Xian and Kunming during a state v~sit to China at the invitation of their best. As Yao Zheng wrote in disaster is.'" From the bitter past Chinese President. Li Xian- a footnote to one o1" his stories. "'II Tao and his generation are trying nian from October 12 to 18. [the 'cultural revolution'] was. for to help make something sweeter us. a long and expensive for others. • schooling. We learnt what a by Wang Xin SEPTEMBER 29, 1986 0 ...... ; " ~ ""

Believing that it is the UNITED NATIONS international community's re- sponsibility to create a favourable environment for economic devel- UN General Assembly Meets opment, third world members, including China, will stress the need for developing countries to The questions of peace, disarmament, development and make adjustments to their co-operation dominate the current 41st session of the UN economies to meet their own General Assembly. national conditions. The developed nations, parti- cularly the United States, taking 41st UN General Assembly UN Security Council "to convene advantage of temporary economic T pened on September 16. urgently to take action for the successes, are refusing to negotiate Humayun Rasheed Choudhury of immediate and unconditional seriously with the developing ~angladesh was decied presideni hnisldaaiitat:16n 6f UN lan d6ufi~i:~ 61] [~: ~o.'O,major ;l~ue~..... of the session. Of the various for the independence of facing the World economy, and to problems to be discussed, dis- Namibia." make necessary concessions. In- armament is the main one. On Viet Nam's refusal to imple- stead, they are urging the September 16, the International ment UN resolutions calling for developing countries to adjust Day of Peace of 1986, UN Secret- the withdrawal of its troops from their economic policies to sustain ary-General Javier Perez de Cuel- Kampuchea will also come in for the present world economic order. lar sounded the peace bell in front censure. The eight-point proposal The current assembly will also of the United Nations building for a political settlement of the hear the demands of the and issued a call for all nations to Kampuchea question put forward developing countries for a narrow- make joint efforts to end the arms by the Coalition Government of ing of the economic gap between race. He sti'essed the necessity of Democratic Kampuchea in March North and South in order to completely banning nuclear tests this year is expected to receive the encourage the development of the and destroying nuclear weapons support of many members. world economy as a whole and to to free mankind from the fear of The Soviet Union will be faced help maintain world peace. self-destruction. with a demand for the complete The financial crisis of the Other important issues on the withdrawal of its troops from United Nations itself will also be agenda include the regional Afghanistan, which it has an important matter before the conflicts in Africa, Kampuchea, occupied since 1979 with 120,000 session. Owing to the delay in Afghanistan, the Middle East and soldiers. Despite its promise to paying or refusal by some member Central America. move six regiments out of the states to pay their membership The General Assembly devoted country, the call for an immediate dues, the UN financial crisis is so its first four days to the problem of end to its armed intervention severe that it threatens the Namibia at a special session. In his remains urgent. solvency and viability of the speech, Choudhury described Discussion of the problems of world organization. South ATrica's continued illegal the Middle East will be resumed at The session will not only urge all occupation of Namibia as "a the session. UN members will member states to meet their challenge to the international reiterate that permanent peace in financial obligations promptly community, and specifically to the the area will be impossible so long and in full, but will also consider United Nations which bears a as Israel continues to occupy Arab belt-tightening suggestions by a unique responsibility for land and refuses to restore the high level inter-governmental Namibia." rights of the Palestinian people. group, including cutting down the Sanctions against South Africa The session is not likely to reach number of meetings, documents, were urged in the hope of forcing any agreement on the problems of employees and departments to it to comply with UN resolutions Central America since the Con- reduce expenditures. Tim uni- on Namibia. Congolese Foreign tadora group's peace efforts have lateral US decision to reduce its Minister Antoine "Ndinga Oba, stalled. Nevertheless, the recent own contribution and also its speaking on behalf of the US decision to provide US$100 proposal for "weighted voting," Organization of African Unity, million in aid tb the Nicaraguan which would enable it to gain said, "Ringing words of condemn- rebels in their attempt to control of the international ation are not enough; effective overthrow the legal government of organization, will undoubtedly be pressure is required against South Nicaragua will undoubtedly be opposed by the majority of UN Africa." The special session ended opposed by a majority of UN members. • ;with a resolution calling upon the members. by Xin Sheng

10 BEIJING REVIEW, NO. 39 cabinet agreed in principle early EGYPT-ISRAEL this year to accept international arbitration as a means of resolving the Taba issue. US Assistant Summit Meeting Improves Relations Secretary of State Richard Murphy was sent to the Middle East in early September to help Though a breakthrough, the recent summit meeting negotiations between Cairo and between Egyptian President Mubarak and Israeli Prime Tel Aviv, but Mubarak rejected a Minister Peres brings little hope of peace in the Middh, summit until two weeks ago when East. the two sides agreed to go to I international arbitration to settle ragmatism in international Aviv have been in a state of"cold the Taba dispute. p relations, combined with the peace." President Mubarak has Although strongly opposed by desire of political leaders to better demanded that Israel withdraw its the Israeli Likud bloc and many their image and strengthen their troops from Lebanon, improve Egyptian cabinet ministers, the influence by achieving a breakth- the lot of Palestinians in Israel- two leaders met in Alexandria for rough, took precedence over the occupied territory and settle the a two-day summit meeting. deeper significance of historical dispute over Taba before it will Mubarak " announced that an disputes when Egyptian President normalize relations with Israel. ambassador would be sent to Tel Hosni Mubarak and Israeli Prime The possibility of improved Aviv, while Peres said he was glad Minister Shimon Peres met face to relations between Israel and Egypt the "cold peace" between the two face recently in the Egyptian port arose when Shimon Peres assumed countries had gone and normaliz- of Alexandria to discuss bilateral office in 1984. The Israeli coalition ation of relations restored. relations and the long-standing disputes in the Middle East. Both the president and the MEDITERRANEAN --'" PALE prime minister claimed that the outcome of the meeting was satisfactory and that it would give an impetus to the peace process in the region. They agreed on an international conference to settle Middle East problems, before Z SINAI PENINSULA which a preparatory committee will be set up through negoti- ations. Such a conference may never come about, however, since [h~ I~i§putes~ old and new, in the region run deep. CaJr° Taba \ Egypt earlier ruled out the possibility of a summit meeting before agreement was reached on a settlement of the dispute over Taba, a one square kilometre coastal enclave that Israel kept when withdrawing from the Sinai Peninsula in 1982. Egypt regarded this as a violation of the Camp David accord, while Israel held the tiny strip of land as a bargaining counter. EGYP In 1982 Egypt recalled its ambassador from Tel Aviv when Israel invaded Lebanon and forced the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) out of that country. Since then, Cairo and Tel RED SEA

SEPTEMBER 29, 1986 I I For M ubarak, it was only worth declared that the Palestinians reservations about the convoc- his risking the loss of Arab "have the right to participate in ation of an international confer- partners if Egypt won more aid the determination of their own ence on the Middle East in which from the United States. Economic future." But Israel has made no the Soviet Union will take part. difficulties have long bedevilled concession on the Palestine Both Israel and Egypt will hesitate the country. Despite angry Liberation Organization (PLO) as to take further steps in the peace protests from Arab countries and the sole representative of the process without considering the the Palestinians, Mubarak could Palestinian people. US attitude. • not refuse an additional US$630 The United States has expressed by Ma Baolin million in US economic aid, for which he had to pay by meeting the Israeli prime minister. Shimon Peres has anticipated the normalization of relations SUDAN since he took power two years ago. As leader of the Labour Party and prime minister, a historical The Civil War: a Merely Military Matter? breakthrough would raise his reputation and put him in a favourable position in the struggle Increasing miKtao, confrontation between government against Yitzhak Shamir, leader of Jbrces and rebel troops in southern Sudan make a the hardline Likud bloc and political settlement seem remote. foreign minister. According to the terms of a rotation agreement made by the two sides in 1984, Peres will change posts with Shamir next month. l~be collapse of ceasefire talks of the state's power. In March As an active mediator between etween the Mahdi govern- 1972, the 17-year-old civil war was Israel and Egypt, the United ment and the southern Sudan ended by an agreement that gave States is believed to have played an rebels, caused by the shooting some southern provinces a certain important role in arranging the down of a Sudan Airways degree of autonomy. A High summit. Washington has assumed passenger plane by the rebels, has Executive Council for Southern that such a meeting will perhaps brought renewed fighting to the Sudan was established at that time keep Soviet influence out of the once quiet battlefield in southern but was soon dismissed. !n Middle East. The United States Sudan. September 1983 the Nimeri also knows that both countries government imposed strict Islamic need dollars and this was one of There are deep-seated histor- law to replace the existin~ ~iYi] ical, political, economic and the factors that brought the two i~c.al code. l-his measure pro- le. l ra tagethc-r. roliRisua roots beneath the surface voked anger in the south where of military clashes. Historically, However, the summit was not to most inhabitants are racially the British colonialists' "divide blacks and Christians or animists everyone's satisfaction. Yatzhak and rule" policy planted the seeds Shamir publicly rejected the by religion. Colonel John Garang of hatred between the north and then led the resumed rebellion. agreement on an international the south, which are different There are certain foreign conference, because, as he put it, religiously and racially. After influences at work, too. The "we would find ourselves up independence, though efforts were Garang rebels, which have grown against the whole world.Everyone made by the four governments to in number from an initial 5,000 to there would be for a Palestinian maintain unity and peace within the present 20,000, are equipped state which we have opposed." Sudan, the situation improved with advanced weapons such as The Palestinians have also little. The southern revolt against condemned the Egypt-Israel sum- Soviet-made SAM-7 missiles. the rule of the north broke out in mit, calling on the Palestinian It seems the Sudan government 1955. factions to isolate Egypt and is trying to use military force to prevent Jordan from sliding into a Economically the south is rich resolve the present problem. Yet it new Camp David accord. Both in natural resources, but the remains doubtful whether it can Mubarak and Peres have told country's economy is controlled win an over-all victory against the reporters that they discussed the by northerners and the govern- rebels, for the Sudanese civil war is Palestinian issue comprehensively. ment has paid attention only to the essentially a political issue rather Mubarak said that "the Israeli development of the north. As a than a military one. • position is improving a lot." Peres result, the northerners hold most by She Duanzhi

12 BEIJING REVIEW, NO. 39 I.AT1N AMERI(;A Pacific to sign new export contracts. President Raul Alfon- sin of Argentina visited New New Paths to Economic Recovery Zealand, Australia, Japan, the Philippins, Saudi Arabia and Portugal. All these visits were In the .face of Western protectionism, countries in Latin successful. In particular, Argent- America have had to find new ways to shape their own ina is to remain Japan's largest economic future. grain supplier. Meanwhile, the foreign minister of Uraguay paid his first visit to the Soviet Union since the two countries established diplomatic relationship in 1926 in rhaps the most urgent pro- agricultural products, the Soviet order to encourage greater lem facing the countries of Union, by subsidizing US sales bilateral trade. Latin America is the economic reducing Argentina's export in- Diversifying exports is another depression caused by their come of which agricultural way these countries have tried to enormous external debts and trade products accounts for 75 percent. extricate themselves from a deficits. For a long time the Because of the decline in their difficult situation. Colombia has governments of these countries exports, the countries of Latin added some new items to its linked their economic fortunes to America do not now have enough traditional export list, including those of foreign investors, and foreign currency to pay their edible ants, crocodiles, frogs and depended too much on external debts. To cope with this situation, even coffins. Some countries in the area have turned sugarcane fields markets. This in turn has put them they have decided to rely on their into financial straits in the 1980s over to rice as the price of sugar on own resources. It is believed that the world market has waned. as the trend towards protection- only by self-reliance and by ism gains momentum in the Things will improve for Latin strengthening regional co- America if the countries on the developed countries. The latter, operation can they finally throw hoping to shift the burden of their continent can open up broader off the yoke of the developed paths for their economic develop- own economic problems on to the creditor nations and find their developing countries, have taken a ment by adopting the policies of own way to develop their self-reliance and international co- number of protectionist measures economies. such as "anti-dumping" regul- operation. • Sharing the same interests, the by Xiao Fangqiong ations, export subsidies and five major steel exporting import quota cuts which have countries-- Argentina, Brazil, struck hard at the economies of Mexico, Nicaragua and Latin America. Half of the Venezuela--set up a steel co- continent's exports have had to operation and co-ordination com- fi~d 6thor buy~, T~aditi6~ally, mittee on May 9 to promote me half the exports of Latin American export of steel products from the /-" ~-d"~;' countries go to the United States region by exchanging information or the European Community, 48 and experience, and by trying to percent went to the United States open up more markets in the • 7I-, '[ !i- last year. industrialized countries. Other examples of regional co- For example steel exports to the operation include the Latin "~' 2 '=11 21 United States, one of the main American Integration exports of Brazil, Mexico and Association's decision to reduce '~ ~ -, ; ~'~!, Venezuela. have declined by 16 internal preferential tariffs by 10 percent over the last year. Again, percent, the proposed establish- the agricultural exports of most ment of a common market in Latin American countries have Latin America, and the decision of suffered from the low prices in five Central American countries to i ii! international markets resulting pay for one another's exports in from the subsidies given by their own currencies. Western countries. The United In the past eight months, many States recently captured Latin American leaders have Argentina's principal purchaser of crossed either the Atlantic or the

SEPTEMBER 29, 1986 13 _~-I ;t i [~] I =[z

What Caused the 'Cultural Revolution'?

Professor Jin Chunming, director of the Mao Zedong Thought Research Office of the Marxism Research Institute under the Party School of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee, has studied the "cultural revolution"for many years and has published many important articles on the issue. On the lOth anniversary of the conclusion of the "cultural revolution," "Beijing Review's" correspondent Jing Wei interviewed him on its origins.

JIn: From my reading of domestic political parties in the West. Do Jiang Qing were seeking power, of and foreign newspapers about the you agree? course, but that was not what origins of the "cultural revo- JIn: Yes. triggered the "cultural revo- lution," I have divided the BR- But It can hardly be said that lution." In a sense, their different views into five categories. there was not the slightest tinge contending for power was only a The first I have named "the of power struggle. product of the "cultural inevitable outcome of class Jin: The power struggle as revolution." struggle" between the proletariat discussed in the West centres The third school I've called and the bourgeoisie and the around the struggle, for power "feudal monarchism." Last year a struggle between two roads, the between individuals as well as Hong Kong monthly published an socialist and the capitalist. It was factions. As you know, China's article called "Cultural Revo- an important means of combating supreme power lay always .in the lution, A Product of Mao Zedong and preventing revisionism. hands ofMao Zedong. There is no Monarchism." It said that Mao Initiated by Mao Zedong, this evidence that Liu Shaoqi was Zedong was a founding monarch point of view was explicitly stated contending for power, much less. pure and simple, not a Marxist at in the documents of the 9th, 10th to say+ Zhou Enlai. Lin Biao and~ all, much less a proletarian and llth National Congresses of the Chinese Communist Party. Many accepted it as unquestion- Prof. JIn Chunming. abl+ truth+ Although mo~t hava come to realize that it was wrong- headed, eliminating its influence is no easy task since it had dominated for so long. The second category I've called "the power struggle." It is quite popular abroad and in Taiwan and Hong Kong. Its proponents say the "cultural revolution" was the eruption of contradictions between different factions within the Chinese Communist Party, a product of a power struggle. They say there were factions: the Mao faction, the Liu faction, the Zhou faction, the idealists, the pragma- tists, the radicals and the moderates, all within the Chinese Communist Party. Do you think ~.:~:i~:¸¸¸ ~%~ ; L,~,;~:i:~ so.'? BR: I think there was Iocalism and sectarianism but not fac- tions like the ones we see in

14 BEIJING REVIEW, NO. 39 Mao Zedong misjudged the situation and thought there was a large group of capitalist roaders within the Party. However, he alone could not have launched the "'cultural revolution. "" It was the Party which made serious "'left'" mistakes in its guiding principles and policies that led to the nationwide upheaval. revolutionary. His history was he wanted to establish his own to the Chinese Communist Party entirely the history of a founding dynasty. with Mao Zedong as the supreme monarch. Many veteran cadres were leader. Mao did make serious The most powerful evidence the framed and criticized during ~the mistakes. However, he alone article brought was one of Mao "cultural revolution" simply could not have launched the Zedong's poems written in 1936, because Mao misjudged the "cultural revolution." It was called Snow. In the poem, Mao situation and thought there was a because the Party made serious describes such famous emperors large group of capitalist roaders "left" deviationist mistakes in its as Qin Shi Huang, Han Wu Di, led by a bourgeois headquarters guiding thought, principles and Tang Tai Zong, Song Tai Zu and within the Party. It isabsolutely policies that the nationwide Genghis Khan as "past and untrue that Mao wanted to upheaval took place. gone." "For truly great men, look eliminate those who did marvel- to this age alone." It is in this ous services to the revolution just All these mistakes originated poem, according to the article, in order to establish his own from a wrong approach to the that Mao Zedong's monarchist dynasty. question of class struggle under thought comes out most clearly. socialism. It is true that class Of course this is erroneous. The fourth category may be struggle still exists to a certain When Mao wrote, "for truly called "conspiracy of treacherous extent even after the elimination of great men, look to this age alone," officials." It pins the blame on Lin the exploiting classes. But it was he simply meant that the Chinese Biao, Jiang Qing, Kang Sheng, wrong to "take class struggle as people, after they became their and their like. We must admit that the key link" when the struggle own masters, added up to more without their trouble-making, the between classes no longer repres- than all the most accomplished "cultural revolution" would not ents the principal contradiction of emperors in Chinese history. It have developed to such an extreme Chinese society. does not mean that Mao himself degree. But their role should not BR: When did the "left" thinking wanted to be an emperor or a king. be overestimated. Lin Biao, Jiang begin? It is a pity that the writer took his Qing and Kang Sheng did play a Jin: About 1957. misunderstanding of the poem as a hideous role in the "cultural BR: But I remember the slogan proof of Mao's monarchist revolution," but, in the final "take class struggle as the key thought. analysis, they were taking advan- link" being initiated in 1963. tage of Mao Zedong's prestige. Jln: Yes, it was officially put BR: How.did the writer associate They added fuel to the flames, but forward in 1963. But the thought Mao's monarchist thought with they did not light the fire. that generated the slogan began the "cultural revolution?" BR: What explanation do you much earlier. It evolved. You Jin: According to the writer, in think tallies with reality?. might remember the anti-rightist order to consolidate their hold Jin: The fifth, the one that says the struggle in 1957 which developed over the country, China's dynasty Party committed serious "left" well beyond its intended scope. founders always eliminated those deviationist mistakes. I was once Mao Zedong made a speech at the who contributed the most to the asked how I could blame the 3rd Plenary Session of the 8th founding of their dynasties. Mao Party, given that the "Resolution Party Central Commit%e (held in Zedong launched the "cultural on Certain Qu.estions in the October that year) where he revolution" to destroy those who History of Our Party Since the reversed the proposition made at founded New China in order to set Founding of the People's Repub- the 8th National Party Congress up his own dynasty. lic of China" (passed by the (held in September 1956) that in Clearly, this viewpoint does not Chinese Communist Party Central China the principal contradiction measure up to the facts. Although Committee in 1981) ruled that was no longer that between the Mao was somewhat influenced by Mao Zedong was the principal working class and the capitalist feudal ideology as can be seen m person to be held responsible l~Ol" class but between the People's his patriarchal behaviour in later the "cultural revolution." I do not need for rapid economic and life and the selection of his see an inconsistency here. The cultural development and the successor, there is no evidence that Party in question, of course, refers actual situation falling short of SEPTEMBER 29, 1986 15 I I

The "'left" mistakes can be traced back to 1957. They came to a head when Mao Zedong put into practice the theory of "'continued revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat" by launching the "'cultural revolution. ""

those needs. Instead, he proposed that throughout the period there plished people as class enemies. that "the contradiction between would exist bourgeois and const- These manufactured struggles the proletariat and the bour- ant dangers of a capitalist themselves created the evidence to geoisie, and between the socialist comeback. Thus, slogans like support the theory and promoted road and capitalist road is, "take class struggle as the kc~.' its development. The more the without doubt, the principal link" and "deal with the class circle accelerated, the more leftist contradiction in present-day struggle, and all other problems the theory became and the more Chinese society." can be solved" were put forward. serious the class struggle seemed This was approved by the Party In early 1965, another targct to be, culminating in the Central Committee and again at was set up: people in power who thoroughly mistaken belief that a the 2nd session of the 8th National took the capitalist road. This was revisionist restoration was Party Congress the next year. The behind the "theory of continued imminent. identification of the principal revolution under the distatorship We were constantly told that social contradiction, which is of the proletariat." Mao made a "more than one-third of the essential to a basic analysis of the grave mistake in putting this political power in the countryside situation of a country, is a matter slogan into practice by launching is not in our hands," and that the of great consequence. An incor- the "cultural revolution." leadership in an overwhelming rect identification would inevit- BR: Do you think such a disaster number of the industrial and ably generate a series of mistakes. was caused by theoretical mining enterprises was not in the It was from this incorrect mistakes alone? hands of Marxists and workers; identification that the serious Jin: This theory was not empty that bourgeois intellectuals domi- "left" mistakes of the "cultural talk. It was a theory designed to nated the schools; that most of the revolution" flowed. bring about action. As early as artistic and literary organizations 1963, many political movements were on the brink of revisionism; This "left" thinking gradually were conceived under the guidan- that a big group of revisionists had evolved, going further and further ce of this "left" theory. First came infiltrated the Party, the govern- towards the extremes and becom- the "four clean-ups" movement* ment and the army; and that a ing increasingly dominant. The in the countryside. In its wake bourgeois headquarters had taken 1959 Lushan meeting, at which came the "five-anti's" shape in the Party Central Peng Dehuai was criticized and movement**in urban factories. Committee, which followed a identified as a target for class Then the series of political revisionist line and had agents in struggle, was held as a continu- movements expanded to encom- every locality and organization. It ation of the life-and-death struggle pass the ideological field, in which was in this paranoid environment between the two major antagon- many films, novels, dramas, and that Mao Zedong made mistaken istic classes Ithe proletarian and famous writers, philosophers, decisions and was determined to the bourgeois. economists and historians were launch the "cultural revolution." This accorded with Mao unjustifiably and heavily Such things are unthinkable Zedong's suggestion that the criticized. today, but at that time many Party's general line for this believed it. This is why at the historical period of socialism be Thus began a vicious circle: Political movements guided by beginning of the "cultural revo- this "left" theory inevitably led to lution" millions upon millions an expansion of the class struggle plunged themselves into the *This was a movement in the countryside and to a deliberate creation of movement. il]ili~lll~ d~ignGd I0 o~amin~ rural accounts, storage, property and work tZurther class struggles which BR: Are there any other reasons? points arrangements. In a document of the denounced honest and accom- Jin: Of course. Once the "left" Chinese Communist Party Central Cofia- deviationist mistakes became the mittee issued in early 1965, the movement ** A mass movement launched in 1963 in was expanded to include "cleaning things dominant trend, they inevitably the cities against graft and embezzlement, expressed themselves in every up" in the fields of politics, ideology, profiteering, extravagance and waste, organization and economy. decentralism and bureaucratism. field. Since not everyone was a

16 BEIJING REVIEW, NO. 39 "leftist," and people veered "left" tion that to prepare against war, the "cultural revolution" has only to varying degrees, ideological things at home should first be just begun. My analysis may leave differences became paramount. swept clean. much to be desired. I do hope As these differences were exagge- The "cultural revolution" was scholars, both here and abroad, rated to the level of principles, cataclysmic and pivotal in modern will continue the study and personal relationships within the Chinese history and had its effects exchange their views on this Party became so strained that no on world politics. But the study of subject. • differences of opinion were tolerated. Furthermorc. the devel- opment of tim personality cult undermined the collective leader- ship of the Party Central Committee and deprived the Party of its major mechanism to rectify its leader's mistakes. The long practice within the Party of China City Programming Review criticizing "right" mistakes in- (in EnglL~h) stead of "left" ones created an atmosphere where "left" was better than "right" and being "left" was preferable to being "right." The growth of the "left" in China. City planners, especially deviationist trend created ideal in the third world, will have a conditions for Lin Biao, Jiang unique insight into China's urban Qing, Kang Sheng ".and other development policies and their, careerists and conspirators to application. flourish. All these factors, while Published by exerting quite an influence on the The China City Programming outbreak of the "cultural revo- Society and the China Academy of lution," were only derivatives of City Programming and Design the serious "left" deviationist Address: Baiwanzhuang, Bei- mistakes in the guiding thought. jlng, China Tel: 8992683 BR: Do you think international Telex: 22477 CSCEC CN factors also accounted for the Distributed by start of the "cultural The China National Public- revolution?" ations Import and Export Corp. Jin: Of course. However, facts Address: P.O. Box 88, Beijing, have proved it wrong to assert that China there was a capitalist restoration Cable: PUBLIMEX BEIJING in the Soviet Union, the first Telex: 22313 CPC CN socialist country founded by Lenin. In fact, the verbal conflict between the Chinese and Soviet The China City Programming Communist Parties at that time Society and the China Academy of did contribute a great deal to the City Programming and Design growth of the "left" deviationist present: the China City Pro- trend within the Chinese Commu- gramming Review. This all- nist Party and to the birth of the inclusive English language quar- slogan "combat and prevent terly should tell you all you need to revisionism." know about China's urban and In addition, the Soviet deploy- rural programming. A quality @ ment of a million or so troops academic reference magazine, the along China's northern border quarterly will be an indispensable and the US military presence in source on present-day socio- Viet Nam stoking the fire of war at economic and urban development China's southern gate made the slogan "prepare against war" important. There was the conten- SEPTEMBER 29, 1986 17 End of Turmoil Brings Economic Growth by Zhang Zhongji

en years have elapsed since the crease of 9 percent, greatly 1985, grain 46.8 percent, cotton ndofthe cultural revolution exceeding the average rate of 3.3 130 percent, jute 86.5 percent, in Octorber 1976, following the percent in the previous 10 years. sugar cane 73.8 percent, and downfall of the gang of four. Average annual output of the peanuts 97 percent. During the last decade, particular- principal farm products were: With more and more surplus ly since the Third Plenary Session grain, 343.71 million tons, up 38.6 rural labour power being shifted of the llth Party Central percent over 247.95 million tons of to other fields of production, the Committee held at the end of 1978, the previous decade; cotton, 3.415 number of people engaged in China has placed itself on a million tons, up 51.1 percent; industry, construction, transport, Marxist course once again, sugar crops, 362.19 million tons, commerce and the service trades carrying through a comprehensive or 2.2 times up on before; output reached 67.14 million at the end of economic reform, introducing the of tobacco, tea and jute increased 1985, double the 1980 figure. The open policy and greatly speeding several times over. In addition, total output value of these rural up its economic growth. forestry, livestock breeding and trades made up 42.3 percent of the Between 1977 and 1986", fishery have developed well. This whole product of the rural China's national income rose an year's plan to increase total economy in 1985. This demons- average 9 percent a year. During agricultural output by 6 percent is trates that a diversified rural the "cultural revolution" (1966- expected to be fulfilled if there are economic structure is taking 76), the average rise was 4.9 no serious natural disasters. shape. percent. National income created The efficiency of agriculture by social labour reached an rose markedly. Between 1977 and Industry Shows Growth average 954 yuan per head, up 50 1985, the output of each farmer Between 1977 and 1985 China's percent on the previous d~d~; ro~e an average 5.~ percent a year; total induntrial 9u~pu~ y.a.l.u.e rose individual consumption rose an greatly exceeding the figure of 1 an average I 1 percent a year. Light average 5.8 percent a year, percent for the previous 10 years. industry rose 12.5 percent and compared with 1.9 percent. Compared with 1976, the per-unit heavy industry 9.6 percent. This output of the main agricultural year China's industrial production products rose by a big margin in is planned to rise 8 percent. Strides Made in Rural Areas

The household contract re- sponsibility system has been introduced in China's vast rural Rate of Growth of National Income areas, with a population of 800 million. This has overcome the Z~-06 defects of overcentralized man- (Unit: RMB¥ I00 million) ~ .~ agement and absolute egalitarian- ZZOtZ) ism in distribution. The contract system, combined with increases z.oo in the prices of farm products, NN X which had been kept artificially low for a long time, has increased 180 farmers' enthusiasm for production. 160 Between 1977 and 1985, China's total agricultural output value 140 showed an average annual in- (planned figure) i [ I I I I 120 The author is director of the Department of Integrated Statistics under the State IO0 Statistical Bureau. ~976 77 78 7e 80 81 82. ~ 84. 85 fl6 *Figures for 1986 are planned figures (planned figure) only. 18 BEIJING REVIEW. NO. 39 TEhi YEARS IN RETROSPECT

Chairman Deng Xiaop- ing and British Prime Minister Margaret That- cher after the signing of the Sino-British Joint Declaration on the Ques- tion of Hong Kong. The declaration, a fine example of international problem-solving through negotiation, embodies the idea of "one country, two systems."

Hu Yaobang chatting with farmers. In the past decade, Hu has visited 1,500 of China's 2,200- plus counties. Z/too Desu


Chairman Deng Xiaop- ing and British Prime Minister Margaret That- cher after the signing of the Sino-British Joint Declaration on the Ques- tion of Hong Kong. The declaration, a fine example of international problem-solving through negotiation, embodies the idea of "one country, two systems."

Hu Yaobang chatting with farmers. In the past decade, Hu has visited 1,500 of China's 2,200- plus counties. Z/too Desu


Chairman Deng Xiaop- ing and British Prime Minister Margaret That- cher after the signing of the Sino-British Joint Declaration on the Ques- tion of Hong Kong. The declaration, a fine example of international problem-solving through negotiation, embodies the idea of "one country, two systems."

Hu Yaobang chatting with farmers. In the past decade, Hu has visited 1,500 of China's 2,200- plus counties. Z/too Desu

.... ~ The gala night on National Day at Tiananmen Square.

"Let the sugarcoated haws mak,e our love sweeter." Xiao Yaa 4


A rural bride moves into her husband's household with her dowry.

• J V i '¸~ the domestic market. Except for Makeup of Industrial & Agricultural Output Value grain, edible oil and a few other items which are still rationed, all goods are in unlimited supply. (At constant prices) From 1977 to 1985 China's retail sales rose an average 13.9 percent ~ "~ Light Industry / a year. Taking price rises into A~'icu.tlu.t~e I Light Industry Agncuitu~ Light Industry "-~ /' 30o(,%) account, the adjusted figure is 10.5 /'.:~41"/'ii)1 ~o.'rY. ~ t[~i~.~[~ 30.%v. ~ Industry & Agriculture percent. A further increase is e~pected this year. The commercial system has also been reformed in recent years. w While retaining the guiding role of state-owned commerce, great efforts have been made to develop collective and individual trade. Currently there are 10.67 million ~rnparable pric;s ! I retail, catering and service es- ~'7_._. ,*-~ [ r I t ~ I I I .... t ; I i i . ' I I jo o tablishments, employing 25.26 1976 "rT 78 T~ 80 BI I~. 85 84 85 86, million people--8.5 and 4.2 times (planned figure) as many as in 1976. The number of people now engaged in individual The variety and output of from profit delivery to tax businesses is 12.22 million, more textiles and other light industrial payments and more than 3,000 than 40 times the 1976 figure. goods, which used to be in short state-owned small industrial en- Of total retail sales, the share of supply, has increased consider- terprises had been contracted out state-owned commerce dropped ably. Compared with 1976, output or leased to individuals or from 90.3 percent in 1976 to 40.4 of cotton yarn was up 80.4 percent collectives. percent in 1985, while collective in 1985; cotton cloth, 66 percent; Markets Thrive commerce rose from 7.9 percent to woollen yarn, sugar and sewing 37.2 percent. Individual and other machines over 100 percent; With the development of commerce increased from 2.1 woollen fabrics, canned foods, industrial and agricultural pro- percent to 22.4 percent. detergents and bicycles, more than duction, the Chinese people's Urban and rural markets and 300 percent. Output of ~rist- purchasing power has increased fairs have been revived and watches increased six fold and and big changes have occurred in developed. There were a total of beer 10.3 fold. Refrigerators, washing machines, radio cassette- r' tape recorders and colour televi- sion sets have been developed from scratch and have sold in large Retail Sales Turnover ~o5.0 numbers. There was also a big increase in the output of heavy (Unit: RMB¥ 100m~ industrial goods badly needed by society. Electrical products have doubled, rolled steel rose 2.5 fold, cement, plate glass, motor vehicles and small tractors more than 3 fold, and locomotives, passenger cars and freight cars more than ~,14~.0 doubled. As a result of the retooling of old factories and the import of new technology and equipment, China's technological level has ria n :r ntly. With the reform of the urban economic structure, 71.8 percent I$T6 ?1' ?a TI 80 il 82 8~) 84 85 of state-run industrial enterprises had, by the end of 1985, gone over ~, SEPTEMBER 29, 1986 19 61,000 town and country fairs in r 1985, up 48.8 percent over the Composition of Retail Sales 1980 figure. Their total transac- tions reached 70.5 billion yuan, up three times. These fairs have played an important supplemen- ood tary role in promoting trade between urban and rural areas and making people's lives easier.

Foreign Economic Ties

China's total imports and > exports in 1985 amounted to US$69.6 billion, five times as much as in 1976. o, o. I Over recent years, in order to attract foreign funds and ad- Fuels vanced technology, the govern- ment has established four special economic zones-- Shenzhen, been approved. In addition, 36 ing 300 large and medium-sized Zhuhai, Shantou and Xiamen, offshore oil co-operative prospect- projects. By the end of June this opened 14 coastal ports--from ing and exploitation contracts year, 127 of these had been Dalian in the northeast to Beihai were concluded. These projects completed and had gone into in the south, and set up three open involved a total of US$17.5 production, helping to improve economic zones-- the Changjiang billion. Foreign businessmen have China's basic industrial and (Yangtze) River Delta, the contributed US$5.4 billion of this communications facilities. Im- Zhujiang (Pearl) River Delta and (compensatory trade excepted). .ported 300,000-kw and 600,000- the southern Fujian area (com- Up to now, about one-third of kw generators, 500,000-volt electr- prising Xiamen, Zhangzhou and these companies have started icity transmitting and transform- Quanzhou). More than 6,800 operation. ing equipment, programme- Sino-foreign joint and co- During this period China im- controlled telephone exchanges, operative ventures and wholly ported more than 14,000 technical satellite ground station equip- foreign-owned companies have innovations from abroad, includ- ment, and the technology for making colour TV tubes have all filled a need in China. In the past five years, China has also entered the international project contract- Value of Imports and Exports ing and labour service markets 2 o00 and has been involved in more than 2,700 construction projects worth US$5.7 billion in 88 Note: Statistics prior to 1980 are those 1 different countries. 150~ ~- of fore~gt) trade ..... l/ Capital Investment Between 1977 and 1985, invc,,t- ...... V ment in fixed assets of publicly 10oo Iota value of imports and exports J I ." owned companies amounted to _ ~ I /' 8o~) 799.3 billion yuan, up 110 percent over the prc~i0u~ ten ye~r.~ The 300 -- ~~ previous emphasis on investing in LG4,I ...... heavy industry at the expense of light industry and service facilities 34.g 0 ~34.g ...... has changed. Investment in heavy 197a 77 78 "79 80 81 82- 8~ 84 85 industry has dropped from 50 percent to around 40 percent; that in productive capacity from 83

20 BEIJ|NG REVIEW, NO. 39 percent to 63 percent; while that in across the country with a total subjects was basically completed housing and cultural, public enrolment of 1.7 million during the Sixth Five-Year Plan health and urban public utilities students-- a record. In addition, a period (1981-85). has risen from 17 percent to 37 large number of post-graduate Most of the 38 programmes for percent which is slightly higher students have been trained, and the popularization of science and than the figure of 33 percent tens of thousands of people have technology sponsored by the state attained during the First Five- been sent abroad to study. were fulfilled on time during the Year Plan period (1953-57). Initial changes have been made Sixth Five-Year Plan. More than The drive to upgrade and re- to the structure of education. At 40,000 scientific and technological tool existing factories has been institutions of higher learning, research findings won prizes from accelerated. From 1977 to 1985, of subjects such as economics, State Council and local depart- investment in the fixed assets of politics, law, and the study of the ments of government, and many state enterprises that in capital textiles, foodstuffs and electronics have already been applied in construction dropped from 77.4 industries are now being stressed. production and yielded economic percent to 67.3 percent, while Attention is being given to making benefits. Some scientific achieve- investment in upgrading and re- primary education universal. Pri- ments have reached advanced equipping enterprises rose from mary education is already univer- world standards, such as the 22.6 percent to 32.7 percent. In the sal in cities and in one-third of "Galaxy" super-computer, capa- light, textile and machine-building county towns. Junior middle ble of performing more than 100 industries, the emphasis has school education is universal in million operations a second, the shifted from pursuing extensive many cities and counties. Cur- launching of a carrier rocket from production to focusing on intens- rently, secondary vocational and under water, and the successful ive production. technical schools have a total orbiting of telecommunications A number of important projects enrolment of 4.61 million. The satellites. have been completed in the past number of radio and TV ten years, for example the first universities, workers' collcgc~ Living Standards Improve stage of the Shanghai Baoshan farmers' colleges and other In 1985 the average per-capita Iron and Steel Complex, the 1.7- institutions of higher learning for income of China's farmers was 398 metre rolling mill at the Wuhan adults has reached 1,216. There yuan, almost three times the figure Iron and Steel Conpany, and the are also 600 correspondence and of 134 yuan for 1978, an average 300,000-ton ethylene project at the evening colleges run by insti- rise of 16.8 percent a year. Taking Daqing Oilfield. In addition, more tutions of higher learning. price rises into account, the true than a dozen petrochemical works A total of 1.72 million people rate of increase was 14.8 percent. have been commissioned at the now study on regular and special In cities, per-capita income Shengli Oilfield in Shandong courses at colleges for adults. In averaged 752 yuan in 1985, up 2.4 Province, at Luzhou, Sichuan addition, there are nearly 50,000 times over the 1978 figure of 316 Province, at Anqing, Anhui secondary schools for adults with yuan. This represents a real rate of Province, at Liaohe, Liaoning a total enrolment of 5.47 million. increase of 8.5 percent. Province, together with energy The task of educating some 30 Between 1979 and 1985 con, and communications projects,. million youth and middle-aged including power stations, oil wells, workers in general and technical (Continued on p. 3a) coal mines, railways, highways, ports and harbours. Between 1977 and 1985, new oil exploiting capacity and the capacity of Per-Capita Income of Farmers' Per-Capita Income of Workers' generators increased 13 percent Families (RMB¥) Families (RMB ¥ ) and 30 percent respectively; chemical fibre production capac- ~98 "7"52 ity rose five fold, and harbour ,~,~~, ~ handling capacity increased 62 ,I,, ,iitji ~ percent. 2.6 times more than in]~ Education Strengthened 1978, allowing forl~-- 1978, allowing for I inflation. J ~ Jinflation. tilt[li!l The national university and college entrance examination I' 1 ii |~l 'I'1,,1'' system was revived in 1977. There , , i i r I , , II,li I1,111II II ,,11,1. I,,,1,l~ are now a total of 1,016 JlOl, I],i,lltJ i j,l,iIr ,I,, :,, , I I i, I I hl , r 'F,Ii J,:| institutions of higher learning I r, , rl i,i i ll,r:'l' "ii • i r,llf t I I ' I ' lJl ' ,h " i~ L ' L.I L l:i,hl.l,l,,I{ li ....l l=,J ...... I SEPTEMBER 29, 1986 N J@Tg 19~ 1.978 ~985 .... r-

Post 'Cultural Revolution' Chronicle of Events (October 1976-June 1986)

1976 approves 's appoint- handle cases of unjustified perse- ments referred October 7, 1976, cution. October 7 Political Bureau of and resolutions restoring Deng National economy quickly CPC Central Committee appoints Xiaoping to his posts, expelling restored. Hua Guofeng chairman of Central the gang of four from the Party Committee of Communist Party and dismissing them from all their of China and chairman of CPC posts. 1978 Military Commission. Appoint- Endorses decision of the ments referred for confirmation to Political Bureau of the CPC February 26-March 5 Beijing, next CPC plenary session. Central Committee on convening 1st Plenary Session of the 5th October 7-14 Political Bureau l lth National Congress of the National People's Congress: Hua of CPC Central Committee holds Party before the due date. Guofeng reports on future work meetings in Beijing attended by Deng Xiaoping speech: says for the nation, underestimating leading members of CPC depart- Mao Zedong thought should be the economic dislocation he ments, provinces, municipalities interpreted in the spirit and not the proposes 120 large-scale projects, and autonomous regions and individual words. and shortages of state funds and circulates notice on the Jiang Qing August 12-18 Beijing, ]lth economic disruption ensue. anti-Party clique--the gang of National Congress of Communist March 18-31 Beijing, national four. Party of China: Hua Guofeng science conference: Hua Guofeng December 5 CPC Central reviews struggle against the gang delivers his: "Raise the Scientific Committee issues circular to of four and announces the end of and Cultural Level of the Whole rehabilitate everyone persecuted the "cultural revolution." Nation." Deng Xiaoping emphas- for opposition to the gang of four. Reaffirms fundamental task of ises that intellectual labourers who Increase of only 1.7 percent in the Party to build China into serve the socialist construction are industrial ~ind agricultural output powerful modern socialist coun- part of the toiling people, and the value in 1976, and financial deficit try, but at the same time adheres to necessity of training a large reaches 2.96 billion yuan. the theory, policies of the contingent of scientific and "cultural revolution." technical personnel. 1977 August 19 First Plenary April 5 CPC removes label Session of l lth CPC Central "Rightist," work completed in February 7 Editorial by Renmin Committee: Elects Hua Guofeng November. (By the end of 1980, Ribao, Hongqi and Jiefangjun Bao, Party Chairman and Ye Jianying, those wrongly charged as Righ- "Study Documents Well and Deng Xiaoping, Li Xiannian, tists are rehabilitated.) Grasp Key Link." With Hua Wang Dongxing vice-chairmen. May 11 Guangming Daily: Guofeng's approval it pronounces August 13-September 25 Na- Initiates national debate with its the slogan, "We must resolutely tional conference on college article "Practice Is the Sole support whatever decision Chair- enrolment, Beijing: Restores stan- Criterion for Testing Truth." man Mao made and consistently dard state college entrance exam, Article warmly welcomed, and follow whatever directives Chair- after its abolition during the debate encouraged by Deng man Mao issued." The "two "cultural revolution". Xiaoping, Ye Jianying, Li Xian- whatever's" aim at perpetuating August 30-September 8 Josip nian, Chen Yun, Hu Yaobang; Mao's left mistakes. Broz Tito, President of the League discouraged by Hua Guofeng and March 10-22 CPC working of Communists of Yugoslavia and Wang Dongxing. Debate spear- conference: Chen Yun, Wang President of the Socialist Federal heads nationwide campaign to Zhen, others propose restoring Republic of Yugoslavia visits emancipate the mind, in prepar- Deng Xiaoping's posts and China. The Party restores rel- ation for convention of 3rd rehabilitating Tiananmen Inci- ations with Yugoslavian Commu- Plenary Session of l lth Party dent. Proposal warmly supported nist Party, marking the start of Central Committee. by participants but turned down reestablishment of relations with August 12 Beijing: China and by Hua Guofeng. Communist Parties worldwide. Japan sign peace and friendship July 16-21 Beijing, Third • December 10 Hu Yaobang treaty. Plenary Session of 10th CPC appointed Minister of Organiz- November 14 Party committee Central Committee: unanimously ation of the CPC and proceeds to of Beijing Municipality, with 22 BE1JING REVIEW, NO. 39 approval of CPC Politbureau, People's Congress of People's Political Bureau of the CPC reverses previous position and Republic of China to compatriots Central Committee. declares the Tiananmen Incident in Taiwan for the reunification of September 29 30th anniver- thoroughly revolutionary; re- the motherland. At a meeting of sary of the founding of the habilitates all those who had been the National Committee of the People's Republic of China persecuted for their connection Chinese People's Political Consul- celebration: Ye Jianying recalls with it. tative Conference Deng Xiaoping great achievements of Chinese December 16 China and the says issue is on the agenda. Party and people since liberation, United States agree to restore January 11 CPC decides to delivers self-criticism of Party's diplomatic relations January 1st, remove labels of "landlord," "rich mistakes during "cultural 1979; USA undertakes to termi- peasant" from people who had revolution." nate diplomatic relations with been living by their labour since Taiwan. collectivization in 1956, but not December 18-22 Beijing, 3rd from those who persisted in their 1980 Plenary Session of I lth Party counter-revolutionary stand. Central Committee: concentrates January 18-April 3 Beijing, February 23-29 Beijing, 5th on shift of emphasis in Party's CPC discussion on basic prin- Plenary Session of the l lth CPC work, criticizes the "two ciples: March 30, Deng Xiaoping Central Committee: Approves whatever's" and affirms necessity enumerates the four basic prin- Guiding Principles for Inner Party of correctly understanding Mao ciples for realization of the four Political Life. Zedong thought. modernizations-- the socialist Elects Hu Yaobang, Zhao road, the proletarian dictatorship, Ziyang additional members of Meeting praises "sole criterion" Standing Committee of Political discussion, defines the guidelines the leadership of the Party, Marxism, Leninism and Mao Bureau of CPC Central for the new historical period as Committee. emancipating the mind, seeking Zedong thought. February 17-March 16 Chinese Establishes Secretariat for CPC truth from facts, and looking Central Committee, elects Hu ahead in unity. troops counterattack Vietnamese invaders and win victory. Yaobang general secretary of the Session ends use of slogans Party. "Take class struggle as the key March 1 State Council: On suggestion of CPC raises purchas- Approves requests .of Wang link," "Continue the revolution Dongxing, Ji Dengkui, Wu De, under the dictatorship of the ing price of 18 farm and sideline products including grain, cotton, Chen Xilian to resign their Party proletariat." Decides systemati- and state posts; Rehabilitates Liu cally to correct past leftist edible oil, pork. Farmers' income rises by 10.8 billion yuan in the Shaoqi, former vice-chairman of mistakes. the CPC Central Committee and Endorses decision to concen- year. June 18-July 1 Beijing, 2nd former chairman of People's trate on modernizing socialist Republic of China. construction from 1979 on: Plenary Session of the 5th National People's Congress: April 14 Delegation of the --reform the overcentralized Central Committee of the Italian economic structure Endorses focusing on economy. Approves drafts of Criminal Law Communist Party headed by --readjust national economy to General Secretary Enrico Berlin- overcome imbalance and of the People's Republic of China, Law of the People's Republic of guer pays friendly visit to China; dislocation relations between Chinese and --develop agriculture China on Joint Ventures With Chinese and Foreign Investment Italian Parties restored. -- expand Party rules and May 18-21 First Chinese regulations and five others. July 15 CPC and State Council carrier rocket reaches destination --improve democratic centralism in the Pacific Ocean successfully. --strengthen, systematize and ~lllow four special economic zones in Guangdong and Fujian, and August 18-23 Beijing, enlarged legalize socialist democracy. meeting of Political Bureau of Elects Chen Yun [~arty vice- special flexibility in their econohaiC ties with foreign countries. CPC Central Committee: Deng chairman; Deng Yingchao, Hu Xiaoping speech: "Reform the Yaobang and Wang Zhen ad- September 25-28 Beijing, 4th Plenary Session of the llth CPC Party and State Leadership ditional Politbureau members; System." Says to reform the elects the Central Commission for Central Committee: Approves Decisions of the CPC Central overcentralized Party and state Inspecting Discipline headed by leadership is also to: Chen Yun. Committee on Some Questions Concerning the Acceleration of --strengthen democratization of 1979 Agricultural Development. political life of our Party and the January 1 Message from Standing Elects Zhao Ziyang and Peng state Committee of 5th National Zhen additional members of --strengthen democratization of

SEPTEMBER 29, 1986 23 economic management reprieve and permanent depriv- these workers congresses as basic --strengthen democratization of ation of political rights. Wang form of democratic enterprise social life Hongwen, Yao Wenyuan and management, ensuring workers --proceed with the moderniz- eight others imprisoned. rights in decision-making and ation drive May 29 Soong Ching Ling, cadre-supervision. State-owned --bring into full play superiority vice-chairman of the Standing enterprises instructed to fully of socialist system Committee of the National implement the Regulations. Puts forward the historical task People's Congress and honorary August 26 Deng Xiaoping of resisting the corrosive influence president of the People's Republic meets Fu Chao Shu.a public figure of bourgeois ideology and of China, dies in Beijing. May 15, in Taiwan and Hong Kong, eliminating pernicious feudal had been accepted full member of elaborates Party's policy towards influence and major measures to the Party by the Political Bureau reunification with Taiwan: "one reforms. of CPC. country, two systems." Taiwan August 30-September 10 Bei- June 27-29 Beijing, Sixth would not be made to practise jing, 3rd Plenary Session of 5th Plenary Session of l lth Party socialism, current socio-economic National People's Congress: Con- Central Committee: Adopts Reso- system would be unchanged, siders long-term plans for lution on Certain Questions in the standard of living would be economic development and History of Our Party Since the unchanged, foreign capital left reform. Founding of the People's Repub- intact, Taiwan could keep own Approves Nationality Law of lic of China; armed forces, and would become a the People's Republic of China, Resolution reassesses Party's province or region of People's the Marriage Law, others. major historic' events, the "cul- Republic of China. Removes Hua Guofeng from tural revolution" in particular, September 20 Successful post as premier of the State over past 32 years; reassesses Mao launch of three space physics Council, Elects Zhao Ziyang in his Zedong's role in Chinese /'evo- experimental satellites with one place. Accepts resignation of 11 lution according to principle of carrier rocket. veteran Party and state leaders seeking truth from facts; elabo- September 30 Ye Jianying, from posts of vice-premiers of the rates significance of Mao Zedong chairman of Standing Committee State Council and vice-chairmen Thought as Party's guiding of the National People's Congress, of Standing Committee of Na- thought. Marks end of process of grants interview to Xinhua: tional people's Congress. • setting Party's guiding thought to enumerates nine-point policy on rights. Taiwan's return to motherland, September 14-22 CPC meet- Session unanimously accepts proposes talks between the CPC ing attended by first secreataries of Hua Guofeng's resignation from and on a reciprocal all provincial, municipal and chairmanship of CPC Central b:~sis so that both 'could co- autonomous regional Party com- Committee, chairmanship of Mili- operate for third time, to mittees: Discuss the agricultural tary Commission of the Party accomplish peaceful reunification. contract responsibility system. Central Committee; elects Hu October 9 Beijing, rally to November lO-December 5 Yaobang chairman of Party celebrate 70th anmversary of Nine successive meetings of Central Committee, Zhao Ziyang Revolution of 1911 led by Dr Sun Political Bureau of CPC Central and Hua Guofeng vice-Chairmen Yat-sen, Hu Yaobang speaks as Committee: Discuss and approve of Party Central Committee, Deng one of Party leaders: invites personnel changes to submit to 6th Xiaoping chairman of Military Chiang Ching-kuo and others to Plenary Session of l lth Party Commission of Party Central visit the mainland and their birth Central Committee. Committee. Standing Committee places. Agree to revise draft Resolution of Political Bureau of Party October 17 CPC Central on Certain Questions in the Central Committee is constituted Committee and State Council History of Our Party Since the to include chairman and vice- promulgate Regulations on Open- Founding of the People's Repub- chairmen of Central Committee: ing Employment Channels, En- lic of China, in light of suggestions Hu Yaobang, Ye Jianying, Deng livening Economy and Solving made during discussions. Xiaoping, Zhao Ziyang, Li Problems in Urban Employment. Xiannian, Chen Yun and Hua Clauses stipulate that after state Guofeng. found 26 million people jobs in 1981 July 13 CPC Central Commit- last three years, jobs in collective tee and State Council: Promulgate and individual sectors should be January 25 Special Court of Provisional Regulations concern- emphasized, as should people People's Republic of China ing C~ngresses of Workers and finding jobs for themselves to ease sentences Jiang Qing and Zhang Staff Members in State-Owned youth unemployment problem. Chunqiao to death with two-year Industrial Enterprises; affirming Noveber 30-December 13 24 BEIJING REVIEW, NO. 39 I ¸¸.¸¸'...... II rl II II"']r III

Beijing, 4th Session of 5th Parties on the basis of inde- November 26-December 10 National People's Congress: Pre- pendence, full equality, mutual Beijing 5th, Session of 5th mier Zhao Ziyang delivers: respect and non-interference; National People's Congress: Present Economic Situation and expresses willingness to further Adopts Constitution of People's Principles for Future Economic develop relations with the Republic of China; approves Sixth Construction. Restresses need to Communist Party of the Five-Year Plan for Economic and pioneer a course of steady Netherlands. Social Development (1981-85); economic improvement and give September 1-11 Beijing, 12th approves national economic and more economic benefits to the National Congress of CPC, Deng social development plan for 1983, people. Xiaoping opens, says "In our drawn up on the basis of the Sixth Session adopts Law on modernization programme, we Five-Year Plan. Economic Contracts and Law on must proceed from realities. To Income Taxes for Foreign integrate the universal truth of Enterprises. Marxism with the concrete 1983 State Statistical Bureau releases realities of China, take our own 1981 figures: road and build socialism with March 13 Beijing, CPC Central --Revenues and expenditures Chinese characteristics." Committee holds mass rally are brought into line On behalf of 11 th Party Central (10,000 people) to mark centenary --commodity prices are mostly Committee, Hu Yaobang speaks of death of Karl Marx; Hu the same to specify general tasks of CPC in Yaobang speaks. --balance of agriculture to the new historical period: Unite April 23-May 6 Delegation of industry, heavy and light, people of all nationalities in Communist Party of India improving working hard and with self- (Marxist) Central Committee, --production and construction reliance to achieve the moderniz- headed by General Secretary EMS have advanced. ation of industry, agriculture, Namboodiripad visits China: national defence and science and Relations between Communist technology, to make China a Parties of both countries resumed 1982 culturally advanced and highly after 15 years. democratic socialist country. June 6-21 Beijing, First Session January 1 CPC Central Com- Congress examines and adopts of 6th National People's Con- mittee approves Summary of new Constitution of CPC; elects gress: Zhao Ziyang pays tribute to National Rural Work Conference: 12th Party Central Committee, the great achievements and Over 90 percent of rural leading members of Central surmounting of obstacles of past production brigades have intro- Advisory Commission and Cen- five years. duced multi-forms of responsi- tral Commission for Discipline Elects Li Xiannian president of bility systems. Inspection. the People's Republic of China, February /2 CPC Central September :12.-13 First Plenary Peng Zhen chairman of Standing Committee issues Summary of Session of 12th CPC Central Committee of Sixth National National Conference of the Committee: Elects 25 members People's Congress; approves United Front Work: States united and 3 alternate members to president's nomination of Zhao front still 'magic weapon' for Political Bureau; Hu Yaobang, Ye Ziyang as premier of State entire new modernizing period; Jianying, Deng Xiaoping, Zhao Council; elects Deng Xiaoping 35,000 new members joined eight Ziyang, Li Xiannian, Chen Yun chairman of Central Military democratic parties in past three Standing Members of Political Commission of the People's years. Bureau; Hu Yaobang Party Republic of China. February 20 CPC Central General Secretary; Deng Xiaop- July 1 Selected Works of Deng Committee formulates Decision ing Chaiman of Military Com- Xiaoping (1975-82) published; on Establishing Retirement Sy- mission of the Party Central CPC Central Committee calls for stem for Veteran Cadres. Committee. (July 12) the whole Party to study April 13 CPC Central Commit- September 13 First Plenary it in an earnest way. tee and State Council make Public Session of Central Advisory July 29-August 2 Beijing, Decision on Combating Serious Commission: Elects Deng Xiaop- national legal and political work Criminal Activities in Economic ing chairman of the commission. conference: Transmitsdirective of Field. First meeting of Central Standing Committee of Political June 7 Hu Yaobang meets Commission for Discipline In- Bureau of CPC and Secretariat of Henk Hoekstra, chairman of the spection: Elects Chen Yun its first the Party Central Committee on Communist Party of the Neth- secretary. crackdown on serious criminal erlands: Says CPC develops October 7-16 Successful launch activities; discusses guiding prin- relations with other Communist of submarine-based carrier rocket. ciples for improving public

SEPTEMBER 29, 1986 25 security, which does improve front, national unity and religion. enumerates its elements. States thereafter. March 26-April 6 Secretariat of that socialist economy is a planned October 11-12 2nd Session of Party Central Committee and commodity economy based on 12th Party Central Committee: State Council forum attended by public ownership; is indispensable ~dopts Decision of CPC Central representatives from coastal cities, stage in economic growth of Committee on Party Consolid- Beijing: Suggest opening up 14 society, and prerequisite for ation: to achieve ideological unity, coastal port cities including: China's economic modernization. rectify Party style of work, Dalian, Qinhuangdao, Tianjin, Deng Xiaoping says this Decision strengthen discipline, purify Yantai, Qingdao, Lianyungang, is Chinese-style socialist political Party's organization. Nantong, Shanghai, Ningbo, economy. October 12 CPC Central Wenzhou, Fuzhou, Guangzhou, Session agrees to convene Committee and State Council Zhanjing, Beihai (Hainan Island national Party conference in issue Circular on Separating was opened to foreign investment September 1985. Government Administration and in April 1983). November 1 Forum of Military Commune Management, and Re- End April Chinese frontier Commission, Deng Xiaoping says establishing Township Govern- troops counter attack in self- army's work should be subservi- ment. defence Vietnamese who have ant to, and supportive of nation's December 22 Renmin Ribao invaded Laoshan and Zheyinshan economic construction. reports: China successfully pro- areas of Yunnan. December 29 4th National duces its first super-computer, May 15-31 Beijing, 2nd Session Writers Congress: Hu Qili makes Gal.axy, capable of over 100 of 6th National People's Con- congratulatory speech on behalf million operations per second. gress: Premier Zhao Ziyang of Secretariat of the Party Central Year's End Economic Daily: stresses two major elements for Committee. Says Party's leader- 28,110 industrial enterprises (88.6 future: restructuring economy and ship of culture should be improved percent of profitable ones) have opening to outside world; calls for and strengthened. Party should replaced profit delivery with tax stepping up of urban reforms. create conditions most conducive payments. September 26 Joint Declar- to free creation; writers' thoughts China's gross industrial and ation of the Government of the and creativity must be in harmony agricultural output value reached People's Republic of China and with the free atmosphere provided 920.9 billion yuan, up 10.2 percent the Government of the United by the state. on previous year; national income Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on the Question rose 9 percent from 1982. Targets 1985 for 1985 reached in: gross of Hong Kong and three annexes industrial and agricultural output initiated: British government will February 20 "Great Wall" value, output of grain, cotton, restore Hong Kong to Chinese science research station in Antarc- edible oil, 30 other major sovereignty on July 1, 1997, at tic: ceremony to celebrate its industrial and agricultural pro- which point a special administra- founding. Polar research enters ducts. Relative proportions of tive region will be established new phase. agriculture, light industry and there, leaving social system and March 2-7 Beijing, national heavy industry were rationally life-style unchanged for 50 years. science and technology con- balanced: agriculture 33.9 percent, December 19, Premier Zhao ference. light industry 32.1 percent, heavy Ziyang and Prime Minister industry 34 percent. Energy Margaret Thatcher formally sign March 13 Decision on Reform of the Science and Technology production and transport the joint declaration, Beijing. developed. October 1 Celebration of 35th Management System, issued by anniversary of founding of Party Central Committee. Aims at reforming operational and 1984 People's Republic of China: massive military and cultural organizational structures, and February 27-March 28 Beijing, parade. personnel system of scientific and forum meeting on Tibet held by October 20 3rd Plenary Session technological sector. Secretariat of Party Central of 12th CPC Central Committee March 4 Deng Xiaoping meets Committee: In light of Tibet's follows six days of preparatory delegation of Japan Chamber.of special features, meeting deides on meetings: Unanimously adopts Commerce and Industry: Deng practical policies for development Decision of Central Committee of says world faces two major long- in Tibet. Calls on Party commit- Communist Party of China on term questions: peace and devel- tees and governments at all levels Reform of Economic Structure; opment. Says danger of war still in Tibet to stress economic details need urgently to accelerate exists, but notes gratifying streng- construction, culture and socialist economic restructuring, with em- thening in the forces for peace; ethics and improve work of united phasis on urban economy, and adds that development of the third 26 BEIJING REVIEW, NO. 39 world, especially its most popu- sums up the almost seven years eliminated, people's income rose. lous country, China, is important since 3rd Plenary Session of l lth Problem: demand outstripped factor in that strengthening. Party Central Committee as supply, excessive investments in March 27-April 10 Beijing, 3rd crucial and best since founding of fixed assets, intemperate imports Session of 6th National People's the People's Republic, due to two increases, substantial price rises in Congress, concentrates on things: setting wrongs right and some goods. economic construction, and launching comprehensive re- economic structural reform. Ses- forms. Says material progress will 1986 sion has wide-ranging discussion falter without accompanying cul- in democratic spirit, decisions and tural and ideological progress. March 25-April 12 Beijing, 4th laws are adopted. Exhorts younger cadres to emu- Session of 6th National People's May 15-20 CPC Central late their predecessors' heroic Congress: Adopts Seventh Five- Committee and State Council spirit in maintaining revolution- Year Plan (1986-90), approves hold national education confer- ary struggle; requires all cadres to Zhao Ziyang's report on it. ence. May 27 CPC Central study Marxist theory. Session endorses General Prin- Committee issues Decision on Zhao Ziyang explains proposed ciples of Civil Code, Law on Reform of Education System: Formulation of Seventh Five- Compulsory Education, Law on --Responsibility for develop- Year Plan, which is accepted by Enterprises Operating Exclusively ing elementary education is on the meeting. on Foreign Capital. local governments; Meeting accepts resignation of Zheng Tianxiang, president of --Nine years of compulsory some old comrades from their Supreme Court, speaks: between education to be gradually intro- posts in CPC Central Committee, August 1983 and 1985 end courts duced; Central Advisory Commission, at all levels handled over 1.102 --Secondary education struc- and Central Commission for million criminal cases, and sen- ture to be readjusted, with efforts Discipline Inspection, elects new tenced over 1.395 million cri- to develop vocational and techni- members. minals; the rate of criminal cases cal education; September 21 Xinhua news: had dropped 0.526 per thousand --Enrolment plan for insti- Says second-stage reform in rural in that time. Between 1982 and tutions of higher learning and job areas, begun this year is encourag- 1985 end, cases of economic crime assignment system to be reformed; ing: market regulation under numbered 183,000, and 224,000 -- Greater administrative guidance of state plan has mostly criminals were sentenced for such power to be given to universities replaced state monopoly and crimes. and colleges. production planning. April 4 Deng Xiaoping meets May 23-June 6 Beijing, en- Irrational structure of rural Radovan Vlajkovic, president of larged meeting of Central Military business is changing, relation of Federal Presidium of Yugoslavia, Commission: Deng Xiaoping cash crops to cereals being says: Five-Year Plan, beginning announces strategic decision to rationalized, new co-ordinated 1986, crucial to comprehensive cut China's army by 1 million agricultural development reform of China's economic men. emerging. structure; Says right course is June 1 State Council promul- December 29 Hu Qili, member being pursued if we adhere to the gates Report on Price Reform and of Political Bureau grants inter- socialist road, if we persist in Measures to Stabilize Prices view to Xinhua. Says Party's safeguarding peace. submitted by State Commodity foreign activities most extensive, 'May 5 Xinhua news: After 30 Price Bureau. alive and fruitful ever: Party has years of effort, the 50 volumes of Collected Works of Marx and June 4 CPC central Committee had contacts with close to 200 political parties and organizations Engels (Chinese edition) are and State Council issue circular on published. Work is composed of wa~e reform in state organs and worldwide: stresses main purpose Is to sai~eguard world peace ]2 millian China a eharne aP institutions: Introducing a struc- (Excerpts from materials tural pay system varying accord- through wide-ranging exchange of views. supplied by the Party History ing to position held; a reform plan Study Office of Party Central is also made public. (Early 1985 Year's End Total production Committee. -- Ed.) fluctuating wages system depend- rose 16.2 percent in 1985 over the ent on performance was intro- year before: industrial and duced into large and medium- agricultural output value up 16.4 sized state enterprises.) percent, national income 12.3 September 18-23 Hu Yaobang percent. Domestic market vibrant, opens National Conference of state revenues and expenditures CPC, Beijing. Deng Xiaoping balanced, financial deficit SEPTEMBER 29, 1986 27 ...... [~OC, OMENTS ...... Democracy and Science Vital to Good Policy Making On July 31, Wan Li, a member of the Political Bureau ofthe Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party and a vice-premier, made a speech entitled "Making Policies Democratically and Scientifically-- An Important Problem of Political Restructuring," at a national research symposium on "soft science," or policy research, in Beijing. The following are excerpts from his speech. by Wan LI

ver recent years, China has protect-the interests of the state generation to reshape political life. O made some progress in policy and the people, genuinely democ- Soft ~science or policy research is research.. Scientific feasibility ratic and scientific policy-making developed to serve policy-makers studies have begun to be applied to processes are all the more and leaders at various levels. some of the country's principal necessary and possible in a Frequent exchanges of views and construction projects, and socialist society. In this respect, information, and discussion of methods of quantitative analysis much work has been done and problems between leaders and have also been used for the first some results achieved. But we are researchers on an equal footing, time to work out policies on some far from having established a must be encouraged. Every of the big social and economic perfect and correct policy-making leading department should have issues our society faces. Strategies system backed by support, its own panel of researchers to rely concerning important aspects of consultancy, appraisal, supervi- upon. Every leader should also the country's modernization that sion and feed-back systems. This is have a couple of close friends who were arrived at after prudent and a result of the continuing influence speak their minds freely, and who systematic analysis have proved to of the feudal society and the small- are far-sighted, and courageous be well-founded. Soft science scale production economy that enough to put forward different research has grown to become an lasted for several thousand years, ideas from his. important part of the national the backwardness of the country's modernization programme. science, culture and education, Free Airing of Views and its inadequate legal system. Political Reform Essential To develop a scientific appro- Other factors such as the quality ach, it is necessary first to create a However, making policies by of cadres and their sometimes less political environment in which democratic and scientific means than democratic style of work also democracy, equality and the free has not received enough attention have their effect. exchange of views and inform- in this country. One of the Whether policies are based on ation are the norms of life. Leaders obstacles to this comes from scientific analysis or not goes must respect other people's traditional ideas about authority. uncha41enged, and possible errors democratic right to air their It also reflects the main defect of in decision-making are not spotted opinions without fear, including, the existing political structure, in time. Up till now, it xwl~. a of course, those that contradict namely the over-centralization of common practice for some leading their own. This is all the more power in the leadership and the officials to formulate policy on the important for soft science re- resulting imperfect p01icy-making basis of their own experience and search, because it comprises pr0eedure . It ig th r f0r m0gt individual jud ment, When a mental work involvin p01iti al important in the.political re- policy proved to be impractical or well as academic qucstions. Only structuring to' bring socialist a complete failure, measures to in an atmosphere of complete democracy into full play and to redress the situation would be academic and political freedom adhere faithfully to democratic taken, but always too late to can one hope to form true and scientific approaches in prevent the ill effects of a wrong judgments and feel free to speak policy-making. decision. out and argue with others. Socialist society is a society It is high time that we resolve Policy research must be conduc- based on the public ownership of this problem, for until this is done ted on the basis of facts and truth, the means of production and we cannot regard our socialist not subject to the blind worship of large-scale production. In such a system as a sound one, and it will any authority or tO the will of any society,-leading officials at all be difficult to sustain the cQntinu- individual leader. Conclusions can levels are the servants of the ed development of the national only be arrived at after research, people while the people are the economy. It is the unshirk- not before it! They must be tested masters of their country. To able historical duty of this by practice. Some leaders would

28 BEIJING REVIEW, NO. 39 like to use their research panels as upon as they were in the past. talking, how can we speak of a tools to piece together various However, we have to make "highly advanced" democracy? I "theories" to justify the policies decisions as conditions permit. So think that we should break down they devise. This kind of so-called policy-making is somewhat differ- all the restrictions on the free "scientific" demonstration of the ent from the discussion of expression of ideas and carry out correctness of policies involves academic theories of natural and to the letter the freedom of speech duplicity and danger, and is worse social science and of art and laid down in the Constitution. A than none at all. Leaders can literature. In this respect, it is great socialist country with one disagree with the views of unnecessary for the leadership to billion people cannot be researchers and decide not to make any decisions. Policy- overthrown by a few words that adopt their proposals. But they making should be a process of may be unpleasant to the ear, or by should not attempt to force them research, decision and execution. a few people attempting to make to change their views against their Once a'policy decision is made by trouble by taking advantage .of will or alter their conclusions to a leading department, everyone this or that problem, if the suit themselves. To provide must carry it out. If researchers guidelines of our leadership are further guarantees for democratic still have their different views on correct and we have a stable and scientific policy-making in the policy, they should be allowed political situation nationally and China, we have to take legislative to air their views through the usual thriving national economy. measures to protect researchers, channels and to continue to When we put the stress on the and thus gradually to rationalize discuss the policy to a certain implementation of the "Double and institutionalize the process of extent, and it may be reviewed Hundred" policy and on freedom policy-making. after some practice. Take the in debate, we on no account mean We must unswervingly carry Constitution and the law~ far that we can break away from the out the policy of "'Letting A example. We must abide by them ideological guidance of Marxism. Hundred Flowers Blossom and A without question. Communist The fundamental principles of Huncired Schoois o[: Thought Pari, y members must also carry Marxism are universal 'truths. Contend," not only in the fields of out the decisions of the Party. There is no doubt that soft science science, technology, arts and Generally speaking, all the research must be conducted within literature, but also decision- political principles specified in the the framework of the Marxist making and policy research in the Constitution and the laws and world outlook and methodology. natural and social sciences. It is 30 Party resolutions are correct, since Practice has shown that the years since the "Double they have undergone the test of greater one's knowledge of Hundred" policy was advanced time. But suggestions concerning Marxism, the more effective and but it has not really been some of the regulations embody- better results in research he will implemented for a long time ing them can still be made through achieve. But the general Marxist during this period. One of the normal procedures and discussed principles cannot be applied main reasons for this is that within certain limits. Historical rigidly in soft science research. alternative views on political experience shows that conscien- Marxism is not a dogma but a issues were often mistaken for tious and practical research and guide to action. It developes and is views directed against the Party, discussion are the basis on which enriched constantly. It is not socialism and the revolution. This the Constitution, laws and the permissible to treat modern has had serious consequences. If Party's decisions are constantly scientific theories and findings as we do not change things, people improved and developed. "sugar-coated bullets" or heret- will think that academic issues The Party's sole purpose is to ical beliefs, and to refuse to enrich may be debated but political issues serve the people wholeheartedly. Marxism with them on the pretext not. But the two are often related. Our Party, leading the Chinese of safeguarding the "purity;' of When something is questioned, it people, overthrew the three Marxism. Soft science is a multi- becomes a political matter even if mountains of feudalism; semi- disciplinery discipline, and its in essence it is an academic one. colonialism and bureaucratic theories and methods are bound to The point is that the "Double capitalism and abolished class go beyond some of the existing Hundred" policy should be oppression and exploitation after formulae of the Marxist classics. applied to encourage political a hard and protracted struggle. It Soft science research, conducted debate and policy research, not to bought emancipation, freedom in highly developed socio-econo- separate political issues from and democracy to the people, mic conditions and based on academic ones. All political and making them the master of the modern science and technology, policy problems must be studied new society. If the people cannot must and can further develop and and debated before any express their views on political enrich the theories and methodo- conclusions are come to. Different questions among themselves, and logy of Marxism. and carry them views and ideas must not be fired only leaders are allowed to do the to a higher level. • SEPTEMBER 29, 1986 29 Petrochemicals: The Next Five Years uring the Seventh Five-Year Furthermore, all the equipment en&ineering contracts. It has D Plan period (1986-90), China's now in use in China was representative offices in Japan, annual ethylene production manufactured either in the 1960s USA and Hong Kong, and has set capacity will increase by 930,000 or 1970s and is technically up a joint venture SINOCON tons. The 1985 output stood at backward and needs refashioning. Petroleum Co. Ltd. in Houston, 550,000 tons. Plastics and chemical fibre USA. CPIC is also running four Deng Wensen, deputy general industries are also due to expand, joint ventures with US companies manager of the regional depart- says Deng Wensen. A nitrogenous in China, including the China Sun ment, China Petrochemical Inter- fertilizer plant turning out 300,000 Oil Com]oany in Shenzhen. national Co. (CPIC), told Beo'ing tons of synthetic ammonia Deng said China abounds in oil Review that the first-stage 300,000- annually is planned in Ningxia and natural gas reserves. The next ton ethylene project, commis- Hui Autonomous Region in 15 years will see great strides in sioned last August at Daqing in northwest China. development of the petrochemical northeast China, is one of four Each of the 40 oil refineries industry. CPIC welcomes foreign similar ethylene projects China under the China Petrochemical co-operation in trade and will bui'ld in the next five years. Corp. has a capacity of 2.5 million economic and technical to 3 million tons, with the The first-stage Qilu ethylene exchanges. project in Shandong Province and maximum at 7 million tons. In the Yangzi ethylene project in 1985 these factories processed Jiangsu Province will be com- 7H3 ,iilli6n [0ns 0fcrude o;1 and pleted next year. The fourth will be produced commercially over 100 gorelgn gunds built in Shanghai. Deng said petroleum products. By 1990, Help Development Beijing's Yanshan and Shanghai's China's crude oil output will come Jinshan ethylene factories will be to 150 million tons and its refining n 1985, Liaoning Province updated to reduce energy con- capability is expected to increase ~ signed 1,195 contracts worth sumpti.on and increase output. by 22.5 million tons. Deng pointed out that the In 1985, Deng said, the China US$880 million with foreign Chinese constitute one fourth of Petrochemical Corp. exported businesses. Of these, US$390 the world population,yet China's 6.59 million tons of petroleum million, 44.5 percent of the total have already been invested. ethylene output accounts for only products, up 8 percent over the previous year. CPIC is in charge of Foreign investment and tech- two percent of the World's total, or nology "are being used more and 1.7 kilos per capita a year. In the corporation's import and more in Liaoning Province. The industrialized countries, it is export business, technical intro- duction,joint ventures and foreign forms of foreign co-operation dozens of kilos for each person. have gone from compensatory The Qilu 300,O00-ton ethylene plant. trade and assembly of imported Sill PANQI components to imports of tech- nology and technical co- operation; from imports of complete sets of equipment and assembly lines to imports of major precision equipment and special-purpose technology; from buying of technology with foreign exchange to direct use of foreign exchange through joint ventures and co-production. Between 1979 and 1985, Liaoning Province signed 2,689 contracts worth US$1.59 billion. Among these, US$640 million have been used directly, represent- ing 40.2 percent of the total :volume of business. To date, the province features 74 Sine-foreign joint ventures invested with

30 BEIJING REVIEW, NO. 39 ...~ ...... , ...... : ...... ::.~.., . ., ...... ~:..:z :::......

US$220 million, US$49.11 million Rattan.weavings from Zhejiang One of China's oldest joint of which was made by foreign Province have always been known ventures, the Xihu company has a firms. for their superb workmanship and total investment of US$0.41 Liaoning Province co-operates distinct national style. The Xihu miiiion. ¥i e perlod (or jo:mt with more than 20 countries and company has introduced modern operation is t0 years. Since its regions, including Hong Kong, styles into this ancient handicraft inauguration in July 1980, it has Japan, USA, Federal Germany, and also produces rattan-wood, increased the number of its Britain and Italy, as well as East rattan-bamboo, rattan-steel- subsidiary factories from three to European, South American, wood and rattan-wicker furniture 24, enlarging its production l¥om Southeast Asian and Oceanian for bedroom, sitting room, dining 10,000 pieces to 600,000 pieces of countries. room, bathroom and courtyard. rattan articles. Its export capa- The fields of co-operation cover To .date, more than 2,000 varieties bility has reached US$3 million. electronics, light industry, ma- of rattan products are exported to Last autumn, the company's chine building, textiles, petro- 17 countries and regions including board of directors adopted a chemicals, agriculture and fores- Hong Kong, Japan, USA, development programme aiming try, aquatic PrOducts, culture and Colombia, Britain, Australia and at US$20 million worth of rattan education. Singapore. Ninety percent of these exports by 1990 which would be a More than 700 Liaoning go to Japan, European countries 9-fold increase over the export enterprises have introduced ad- and America. volume for 1986 Yao Jianguo vanced technologies from foreign countrieS, and 380 old factories have installed 400 new production Xlhu rattan furniture on display. YAO JIANGUO lines and 20,000 sets of new ~'~i~ ...... equipment. The electricity trans- mission and transformation in- ~ ..... dustry, equipped with advanced technology, is capable of export- ing complete sets of equipment and of contracting engineering projects. Advanced technology in Liaon- ing has produced new products. Of the 12,700 new varieties, 8,963 have gone into commercial production. Some 1,331 of them have reached international stan- dards, including the low-speed marine diesel engine, the feed pump for boilers and the plastic film macl'rine. LI Rongxla

Rattan Exports Grow

rom January to July, the Xihu F Rattan Products Co. Ltd., a joint venture run by Zhejiang Province and Hong Kong, received export orders worth US$1.89 million, double the value of the same period last year. The exports actually delivered are valued at US$1.36 million, 2,3 times as much as the same period last year.

SEPTEMBER 29, 1986 Art Fegtival Delights Visitors

e 1986 Summer Arts Festival pastoral life in a humorous and role in the third opera and Lushan Mountain, Jiangxi interesting way, delighted au- impressed audience with her Province from July 20 to August 9 diences. For example, the dwarf's exquisite performance. She is the offered visitors a comprehensive dance and the fan dance in which only remaining practitioner of the survey of the traditional and the dancer swirls her long sleeve Wang School established by the recent culture of the area. around with one arm, while late Beijing opera artist Wang waving a fan with the other, were Xiaonong. Performances by Artists enjoyed enormously. Lantern Exhibition of Cultural Relics Tang Xianzu (1550-1616), a Fairy, which tells how the lantern Porcelain on display from master of Chinese classical drama, festival came into being, was lively Jingdezhen, a town in Jiangxi was born in Jiangxi Province. He and beautiful. Province world-famous for its employed the form of the Professionals and amateurs porcelain, included pieces dating romantic dream to relate four performed folk songs and dances back to the Shang Dynasty (c. 16- legendary tales, which impressed together. Colour Lanterns (a dance I IBC), blue-glazed ones from audiences with their clarity and with paper lanterns) and Nuo around the Ist century; as well as artistic charm. Two of his plays Dance (in which dancers wear items produced at different times were performed. A Dream o/" masks to banish pestilence in over the last 2,000 years. In Handan, based on ganju, Jiangxi's primitive society) are special to the addition, work in bronze, gold, local opera, depicts a scholar's province. jade, jewellery, paintings, calli- dream covering several decades Children's performances are graphy and pottery were on show. and depicts ironically corruption always a great delight, Photographs showed Jiangxi's among feudal officials. The Return Beijing Opera: Three operas ancient architecture, religious of the Soul, an aria from The were staged at the festival-- stone inscriptions, and some Peony Pavilion, a well-known Selling Water, which demands revolutionary places in Ruijin, Chinese love story, sung without delicacy and vivaciousness of the from where the Red Army started accompaniment, showed another actress; Yandang Mount, about its Long March. aspect of ganju opera. the fantastic techniques of the Other photos and relics retraced The caicha opera (tea-picking martial arts; and an historical the travels of 12 famous scholars opera originating in a tea-growing opera Weeping at the Ancestral who had been in Lushan over a area of southern Jiangxi), created Shrine. He Yurong, a 73-year-old period of 2,000 years. Among a sensation at the festival. Four actress with the Jiangxi Beijing them are: traditional operettas, portraying Opera Troupe, played the leading Tao Yuanming, a famous poet

Eleven-year-old plate-player Hu Zhlyong. GONG ZHENG and essayist of the early 5th set in beautiful Lushan, is the story festival. century. of two young lovers. "If possible, we will organize Hui Yuan, a founder of Chinese The Nanchang Uprising is about the art festival annually," said Buddhism. He built Donglin the successful uprising led by the Yan Zheng, the director of the Temple in 384, the earliest ancient late premier Zhou Enlai and other Jiangxi Culture Bureau. site remaining in Lushan. communists in Nanchang, the Li Bai and Bai Juyl, two great capital of Jiangxi, in 1927. Porcelain Plate m poets of the 8th and 9th centuries. The Village Beckons, Counto New Musical Instrument Zhu Xi, an educator and scholar Couple and The Hut Under the of the Confucian school of idealist Moonlight portrays the lives of philosophy. He built an academy modern people. The Hut won the t the 1986 Summer Arts named the White Deer Cave, best feature film award at the A Festival held on Lushan where a seminar about him was International Children's Film Mountain, one of the favourite held during the festival. Festival held in India. performers was an l 1-year-old Zhu Yuanzhang, the first Love and Pen also won an boy named Hu Zhiyong. emperor of the Ming Dynasty international prize at the French With a pair of Chopsticks, one in (1368-1644), who built the Stone film festival. each hand, he struck 37 blue and Tablet Pavilion, one of the most Some documentary films about white porcelain plates arranged in at.tractive places in Lushan. The Jiangxi were also shown. three rows, producing melodious road to the pavilion, along which and pleasant music, like pearls stone tablets were transported up Academic Exchanges: Scholars falling onto a jade plate. the hill, has 99 bends and takes from Jiangxi and other provinces His first piece The Joyful Fishing two hours to walk. gathered to exchange views and Boy, a popular melody, was Xu Xiake, a well-known travel- experiences in their research areas. delightful. In Song of the Ants, ler and geographer at the turn of A discussion on "The Current adapted from an ancient song the 16th century. Situation and Tasks of Film Script popular in the famous porcelain Writers" was held. There are more centre of Jingdezhen, the theme is Art Exhibition." than 30 script writers in Jiangxi repeated over and over again. Calligraphy and painting: alone, who since the late 1970s Accompanied by several tra- Works of artists ranging from a 4- have written about 200 scenarios, ditional instruments, the boy year-old child to elderly people, as 43 of which have been turned into played with great ease, sometimes well as free style ink and wash films. rapidly, other times slowly. His paintings by Zhu Da, a celebrated The local magazine New self-confidence and composure 17th century painter of Jiangxi Scenario sponsored a seminar on won him a big applause. Province, were on display. Dem- "Chinese Play Writing Today and Hu is a member of the children's onstrations were given by some of Tomorrow." orchestra of the Nanchang the artists. Azalea, a local bi-monthly on Children's Palace in the province. Photography: Apart from popular literature, with a circul- Three years ago he began to learn photos of landscapes and local ation of 800,000 focused on the to play the dulcimer at the traditions and customs by pro- present flourishing state of children's palace after school. fessionals, there was a photo popular literature. Melodies played on a dulcimer are exhibition by farmers from During the festival, the Jiangxi always quick, flowing and joyful. Shanggao County about their new Archaeology Society and Museum Zhong Jianhua, Hu's teacher, lives in recent years. Society were established and held said that the porcelain plate as a their first provincial academic musical instrument dates back to Rare copies of ancient books: exchanges, involving many papers the court music of ancient times. The exhibition included books On local archaeological discov- But the present instrument is a and local chronicles by ancient eries of pre-historic times--stone new one, made by Yao Quanrong, writers. The one-thousand-year- slips of the late Old Stone Age, a member of the Jingdezhen Song old wood block prints and a Taoist cave sites of the early New Stone and Dance Ensemble. He selected scripture written with gold powder Age, ancient silos and a kind of 37 out of 10,000 ordinary plates are the only ones of their kind in burial by placing coffin on a cliff. and arranged them in order China. About 1,500 writers and artists according to their size.The plates from different parts of Jiangxi cover two octaves and 12 hall" Films introduced the culture and notes. • A few good films with scripts beautiful scenery of their home Another 42-piece instrument written by local writers were towns. It was estimated that about also exists. They can be used for shown at the festival. 20,000 visitors a day from around accompaniment as well as solo Romance of Lushan Mountain, China and abroad came to the performance. •

SEPTEMBER 29, 1986 33 An Expert's Anxieties methods are not always successful that is exactly what official when applied in other countries, as delegations and politicians are I am moved to write after has been proved in many doing. reading the article "Beijing's "'development" projects. Karl Klahspies Ancient Charm Endures" m I have travelled in China o'n a Munich, FRG Beijing Review, issue No. 13. I feel study tour. From what I saw in that your decision to "open to the your country and read in your Three Suggestions for outside world" is definitely publications I predict a future Economic Development important. But, I'm afraid that quite different from the optimism I like reading articles about your great culture will disinte- I: perceived among the Chinese China's economy. I would like to grate, and may be destroyed by the themselves. I predict these un- offer some suggestions in this "charm" of the West's "progress" favourable outcomes will become respect. (which is disputed even in the West apparent in the next dozen or so i. I am worried about China's itself.) I learn fi'om your magazine years. trade deficit with Japan, the that China will try to keep a clear I make my anxieties known to United States, etc. China needs to hcad during the coming changes. you as an expert with international import technology, but I hope Yet while coming into contact experience. I helped redirect imports of consumer durables, with foreign culture, even the wise Western town-planning strategies, such as automobiles, TVs and are not immune to error. by listening to criticism and watches, will be absolutely If you take a Western model to suggestions at the grass roots. prohibited. When Japan was in the construct your city, you may well My anxieties might prove process of modernizing, importing suffer unavoidable problems. I unjustified. A country like China consumer durables was forbidden, suppose some of your foreign which has a long cultural tradition in order to save foreign exchange. advisers promoted Western pro- could find an independent town- 2. Encourage saving--China ducts, but they were working from planning system, which will be must rely on Chinese people's their own narrow perspective. different from the West, and will savings to achieve modernization, Many of those products are not be' the "Chinese way." not on foreign borrowing. necessarily needed by the Chinese. Chinese development differs 3. China must continue to Please note that most of the so- from the Western, by preserving enforce population control. If the called Western luxur2~ and con- its cultural identity and taking population keeps growing, savings sumer goods did not gain favour from the West only what will be spent on feeding people, because of natural human need, reinforces that identity. You rather than on modernizing 'the but through costly long-term should heed the criticisms and economy. Hence, there will be no advertising which convinced suggestions only of those Western saving and no investment. people that they wanted them. experts who are not seeking to Pearl H. Chen Successful Western strategies and promote sales--and generally Virginia, USA

Economic Growth new housing has been built in the become over-heated and the rate (Continued.[i'om p. 21J cities and towns, and the farmers of accumulation become too fast. sumption levels rose an average have built 3.2 billion square The volume of money in 8.6 percent at comparable prices. metres of housing for themselves, circulation went out of control for The consumption of edible oil, the emphasis being on spacious- a time, increasing consumer meat, poultry, eggs and fish rose ness and good design. demand and putting a great strain by a big margin as people tried to However, Chinese living stan- on energy and raw materials improve their diet, rather than just dards are still very low. Urban supplies and transport. Some concentrating on having enough public facilities, such as transport enterprises began to pursue profits to eat. In clothing, interest has and nursery schools, are inade- at the expense of quality, and shifted from cheap, durable quate, and workers live in disregarded rising costs. clothes to stylish, varied designs. cramped conditions. Moreover, The problems inherited from People's preferences in durable there are still 60 million rural China's history, its backward goods have moved from func- people living below the poverty production technology, poor tional to "luxur~¢" goods. Televi- line and who rely on state benefits management, irrational industrial sion sets, washing machines, to eke out a living. structure, inefficiency an~ low refrigerators, stereos and cameras New imbalances have emerged living standards, are not likely to have entered many people's in our economic development be solved in a short time. The task homes. Housing conditions have during the last decade. In the last of economic reform will remain a improved too. In the last five two or three years in particular difficult one for some time to years, 650 million square metres of investment in fixed assets has come. •



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A Girl Making Kites. An Orchardin Autumn.

Woodcuts by Liao Kaiming

~~kl~ 7~_~ Liao Kaiming, born in Chongqing, Sichuan Province in 1940, now works at f lll;lli l Iiili ,,o ChineseArtA self-taught Gallery painter, in Beljing. Liao mostly depicts Chineselife and customs.By using ~iiii!~i!l ~ both Chinese folk and foreign artistic styles, he produces engravings of great distinction.

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