Vincent Price Affirmative Action Dispute Crowd
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Vincent Price crowd spent examining that terror of the BySharD", Rooney them horing_" playillg Aristotle's true villain in the theater. the villain. Wheo he first began acting, Price "I love playingvillains-IfeeJlhave film llragOllUJYCi&. in thc movie, Price said he thought of changing his name. plays a man who poisons his wife with Fer decades. Vincent Price has li. close connection with Villains:' "Vincenl Price-what a pedestrian a cake made from oleander leaves. He been charminlt and chilling the hearts Price explained.. He said th.a1: audi kind of name. It sounds lik:e I'm from and minds of theater-gaelS. Not ~t_ ences an; drawn to the devfutlB also enjoyed his ""icled tole in Angel MisGuri, and I am." Price ooosidClS Street. and comented. "when the play an actor, he is also known as au art chuacter. They often identify with Boris Karlaf£ a classic villain's name. collector, gourmet cook: and critic.. him rather than the hero. hecaru!e was over and I came oot 00 'ruge, the Price-said he "likes villains bee2llSe whole audience stood up and hissed_ :ili~~g~c:: v:Jie~ ;J:.,?ero~!lO good, you want to kill they Iast_" When ahero grows old. he Oh, it was wonderful! It was the loses his looks and his chiUDL. A when he appeared on stage-in ~o~ . Price ha...~'t always played the bad turning point of my career." villain becomes better with age. Price describes acting as a "double Auditorium_ .- guy in the theater. His- fun major Price- also said that "manv of the Price, whose topic was "V~, hreak:wasintheI.ondonprndnctiono[ make·believe. Yn bzve to greatest heroes of the motion picture !cun;elf helieve that you are that Still Pursue Me," spoke for aD h~ V'"u:toria ReJ!ina. -the story of Prince iJldt15lry started as viIlains.'~ He character; and if I can make myself and a balf to an enremdy receptn"~ Albert and Queen Victoria. Pril:e had mnsiders Hnmphrey Bogan the "ubi believe it, then [ ca.o make yon believe audieiJ.ce-. He discu:sed. his fiJms~' the male lead_ . mste . non·hern';~ because Bogart lectures, and experiences, and recited «I had trouble identifJing with it." fulfills the goal of any "J1lain---"to Price has starred in "about lOS and read favorite ",orb from Edgar Alben because he was too good. I keep up the suspense.,. picture5," his favorites including Allen Pae, Oscar Wilde. Willi~ couldn't find any humanity in him:' Price discussed the Aristotelia:u Shakespeare and George BerDJ[I"d he said. addulg. "I sumed lllJ" career Theatre of Blood. T1:e House of Wax: close connections with villians." theory of dntnui and Yi1Iain::. Accord and The Pit and rhe Penddum_ Shaw. However, mort ofhis time was playing: 'good' people but soon found Of the ing to this theory~ a. perfect vil1rin las!-named he said. "It's marvelous shonId he "a man of ~ chann~ ._.Poe bas created every element of cultnreandhreediog,"hecallseif such human fear in that 5tOry_" ligr--ciitmiilisfuroa!tupa;yfurhfi Richard ill is Price's '''favorite sins,werealizethatwemustpaJfnr villain in the history of literature." . *~ OO1'S,too. r----:;------, Price said he came clo!est to Continued on page 3 I Flyin.·g Disc Fest I Orion L___ ~~~e~ ___ J California State University, Chico Cenler for Informollon and Communications Studies Vol. 6, No. S * 00. 17, 1979 The Only AJI-Sludenl. On-Campus Newspaper Affirmative action dispute by Michellene McCoy applied solely to the foundation. Ford opportunity concerns_ dation bas issued an amended aWr~~ said, "He made bmadhase geoemli The iIl'eIl£ in which the unWeT!!ity ative at:tion plan drafted by WI!fiaI .,. e heated issue of affirmative zations with respect to the univer· itself was found deficieot included oat Locke., the fouruiation personnel of~ Ilct' !l at CSU Chico has surfaced sity." updating its affinnative action pro lieer; Cy GoutaIes, the campus. af· age . sparked by the Sept. 26 issue In the repon, the fouodalioo was gram !!ince 1916. not baring a written Hrmative attion officer; and the of: _ UPC Advocate. which charged found to bave a deficient dTinnative plan for disabled veterans and Viet· Department of Liliar~ which sub- that there was an "adm'inistrative action program, specifically in a nam em veterans and for· too sequendy endorsed the phm. Covet-up" of affltmative action prob. ""mten plan for disabled Velerl!lls and many lower-paying faculty positioDs I! was appro'red by the ;mtboritJ of lems at the university and the for vetelllllil of the Vietnam era. The (56 percent) and not enough higher I]ni\'ennv Fmmdation Ettcutive Of university, founda(ion. foundation also failed :0 maintain paying faeuhy jobs (37 percent), filled ficer Len 1.1cCandlW; .;;ud was accept· TheAdl.locate, newsletter of the "vital applicant flow illformatioo," by women_ ed bv the Boardof~ars at their United Professor:s of CaIifo~ia. a the tepon ·'Uid. rmally, the univeIEity and the Oct.' 11 meeting_ The new plan faculty unio~. claimed that Marjorie The on-site review also determined foundation bad a commoo deficiency corrected all the deficiencies cited bJ Downing Wagner, systemwide vice that the foundation's equal employ. in failing to lilt'; periodic quarterly DOL chancellor for faculty and staff affairs, ment opportunity coordinator's job repons with the state employment - Forbes stated that in the futlUe,it said "Chico is !,lot in compliance with dest:fjption did· not permit enougb federal nffll'mative'action guidelines.' time to undertBke eqo·llr~pTojriieot se~: :e~pr:~~~ cd .-!;-Coruinued GD-page7.. _ pro Wagoeris alleged io have made the statement at a meeting of the Presidential Selection Committee. 'CSU, Chico radio station Contacted by the OriOIi. the vice chancellor indicated that meetings of the Presidential Selection Committee are closed sessions. She declined to receives a federal grant make further comment. the monej frmn ;mivelSity fuuds alld The federal department of labor The campUli radio station, KCRO, and books which are read by voIun· private donatiol15," he said.. recently hIlS reviewed the uoiver:sity hIlS been awarded a SIO,800 grant by teers !ii:x hoors a day_ The grant 5 contingent uptJ1l foundation, which handles non·slate the federal government to extend the In order to obtain a receiver, a approval of the transmitter stations by funds, to determine if they had a coverage of non·commercial educa· persun mllSl. submit an application 10 the Federal Communications Cam· suitable arIirmative action plan to tional broadcasts. KCHO. These applicatioOB are avail mission_ As yet, the FCC has. out enable them to qunllfy (or a more than Tbe U.S_ Departmeot orCommcn:e able ilt all public libruies. given the perm.W101l and lIIere £5; w 11 million grant from Lhe National made the award to KeHO to fund The station currently bas 55 of the indicalion of when KeRO will be Aeronautics nnd Space Administra· low·power repealer transmitters to be reecivers.Whid.arebeingusl!d in the notified, "We aped 10 be ill full tion. installed ncar Redding, Red Bluff and Chim, Paradise., Oroville. Coming service in Septem.hcr. 1980," uid Mark Pasqual, department of l!1oor the MZIl)'5viUe-Yuba City area. The and Druham areas. The receivers Abbott. monitor, prepared a report onluly il transmiUers wiD rehroJldCll5t the sla· were pu.n.:la5ed by CSU, Chico funds KCHO trBMIDinen and rtuditi ue noting tl total of eight deficiencies. tion's programs. IIOd printe donations. With the located in the Leuning Attrritic5 Four of these applied solely to the These areas uill also receive grant. KeHO will be able to purchru;e R.!souree Ct!nle~_ Th<!! 5tn.'c:: is ~ foundalion, three applied 10 the KeHO'! service for the blind and approximately 40 mote receivers. by braadast mljors in the Center (or university as a whole and- one visually handicapped suhchanneL A Due Abbott. the litation's chief Information and Communication! deficiency applied to both. special receiver is nc!!ded to listen to cngineeeT spent almost a monlh Studies_ this subchanneI. Theile receivers are preparing the grant appliClllion. Ac KeRO's regular jan IlDd dassic:al According to Allan Forbes, vice· loaned to visually b.o.ndimpped people cording to Ahhot4 thc grant will paj lliE MASTER OF VAlLAiNY - VIncent Ptlee, who has "a close mll5ic and informational prognffi5 connectfon with villains," spoke at CSU Chlco's Laxen Auditorium preaident for administration, Pas· who can lislen 10 magazine and for 75 percenl ohbe-project which will may be ~ed hy tuning into 91.1 Monday night '" lead a double life· in real me I'm a pussycat." qual's on-sight review should have newspaper articlcs, adllertilements COSI 114,400. "we will get the rest of on the FM band. Alcohol prohibition policy to he enforced on esue campus Aftn three wed.. of meetingll Ind t!m!"fpm.e~. wbo. entered a motion to II. ItftU de:1Il of IIludenl input,. tilt! on:nule the Stud;:Jl1 Union Bo.rd'. Aattot1lted Stud~ElI!I Bomrd of DI~ct· decillion. oM!.buedon. ~como.nd.tiun by thl'! kiw~ll II.rgllcU fOf ~n atttlnC!melll Student Unian Btlurl. hid decided I,~ ~nlll:t pl\l~"1 thai 'Would flU tht rill thl:'l Adivltir.!l IfIi!MUn:t! Center \'.caney with .. nlv(!1 Mel'Yice .nd ~~f I:~~~ {:!~r:~b:!.~ ~::r~: ,.,mt~ ~JlICC!'_ Contlnunl on Il4IJt'J ARC. which i. IQt.I~d at the earner o{ St!wnd and UlJru .u(!el~. i. 1180 , hI this issue Ih~ homt o( the A.S. Rel::fl)ll.tian Ct'.ntef, The t..