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Taste of Arts

Food with a « Alt nytt begynner med kaos. » Power and sense of place – Mosse Jørgensen The Wave Read more on page 8 Read more on page 15 Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 127 No. 14 April 15, 2016 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidende $2.00 per copy On Norway’s roads less traveled

NAW’s new travel series asks the experts—Norway’s diplomats—for recommendations on their home country’s little- known marvels

Photos: (above) Kristin Folsland Olsen / Visitnorway.com, (right) Ambassador Kåre Aas Above: Dogsledding is a good way to get out into the stunning Arctic scenery on display in Svalbard—but sometimes the dogs need to stop and play. Right: Spitsbergen is far from everywhere, even the rest of Norway! Located halfway between the Norwegian mainland and the North Pole, the largest island of the Svalbard archipelago is home to a few thousand researchers and other inhabitants who live and work in a laid-back community. Story on page 9

What’s inside? News 2-3 Journalistic legend Søyland to get book Business 4 Sports 5 Victoria Hofmo ing on a book that will fill in the facts and give did so for close to four decades. In 1940 he be- Opinion 6-7 Brooklyn, N.Y. flesh to this important Norwegian American. came the paper’s editor-in-chief and remained First, a little about the man. He was born in that position for more than 20 years. Taste of Norway 8 Legendary man of letters Carl Søyland in , Norway, in 1894, yet raised in It was fortunate that he was the editor Travel 9 wrote hundreds of articles for the Nordisk Ti- , one of ’s most of the paper in 1940, the same year that Nor- Roots & Connections 10 dende, where he worked from 1926 to 1963, western towns. At the age of 25, he came way’s occupation began during World War Obituaries & Religion 11 and two books in the to America and explored the country from II, because he wrote much about the war ef- Langs landeveien Along The Highway and coast to coast as a vagabond. I for one would fort in Norway. From 1942, he broadcasted In Your Neighborhood 12-13 ( Byway), 1929, and Skrift i sand (Written in love to know more about this part of Søy- from the Office of War Information at Man- Norwegian Heritage 14 the Sand), 1954. He also took his journalistic land’s life, which seems to be a mystery. His hattan. This BBC broadcast gave Norwegian Arts & Entertainment 15 skills to the airwaves, presenting many radio time traveling across America was pivotal to citizens living in occupied Norway (those Back Page 16 broadcasts. many important historical events. I wonder who had hidden radios, anyway) a connec- Much has been written by Søyland, but how it influenced his writing. So I am espe- tion to the outside world and delivered news how much has been written about the man? cially looking forward to reading about what of current events free of Nazi propaganda. $1 = NOK 8.201 Although he died almost four decades ago, Haakenstad has uncovered. Also, “numerous letters and personal inqui- updated 04/11/2016 the reach and depth of his life’s work has not Seven years after his arrival in the U.S., ries from and those of Norwe- In comparison been forgotten. Norwegian researcher Liv Søyland settled in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, gian ancestry in America, about the war in 03/11/2016 8.3994 Marit Haakenstad has taken on the task of where he began to work for the prestigious 10/11/2015 8.0832 giving this giant his due. She has been work- Norwegian newspaper Nordisk Tidende and See > søyland, page 10 04/11/2015 8.1001 2 • April 15, 2016 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter Bergen satser på inkludering UiO-rektor: — Gjorde vondt å høre på Listhaug Bergen oppretter etat for Rektor ved Universitetet i , Ole Pett­ inkludering av flyktninger, er Ottersen, mener han ser et mønster i at regjeringen misbruker og bevisst mis­ og oppvekstbyråden går tolker forskning. I et innlegg publisert på sin egen blogg og på NRK Ytring, hardt ut mot Sylvi Listhaug skriver Ottersen at «det gjorde vondt» å høre Sylvi Listhaug på Politisk kvarter Simen Sundfjord Otterlei på NRK. Der måtte hun svare på kritikk NRK fra forskere som mener hun har misbrukt forskningen deres for å begrunne egen Sylvi Listhaug svarer på kritikk fra opp­ politikk. — Listhaug hadde muligheten vekstbyråden med å gratulere, men slår fast til å rette opp sin mistolkning. Denne at ingen kan vedtas integrert. muligheten brukte hun ikke. Det var Byrådet i Bergen gikk i byrådsmøte inn simpelthen vondt å lytte til hennes bort- for å opprette en egen etat for inkludering av forklaringer, skriver Ottersen i innlegget. flyktninger på torsdag 9. april. Han sier han ble «veldig overrasket» da — Vellykket integreringsarbeid er viktig han leste hvordan Listhaug tolket dataene både for den enkelte flyktning, nærmiljøene i kronikken og hvordan hun forsvarte det og bysamfunnet, grunngir byråd for sosial, etterpå. — Hun burde ha beklaget, men bolig og inkludering, Erlend Horn (V). Foto: Sølve Rydland / NRK det gjorde hun altså ikke. Jeg mener dette Kommunens enhet for enslige mindre­ UT MOT LISTHAUG: – På tross av at regjeringen går i motsatt retning, skal Bergen være en inklud- dreier seg om fundamentale prinsipper i årige, som i dag sorterer under oppvekst­ erende by hvor gamle og nye bergensere føler seg velkommen og blir integrert, sier oppvekstbyråd statsforvaltningen. Politikere skal ikke vri byråd Pål Hafstad Thorsen (Ap), legges Pål Hafstad Thorsen (Ap). og vende på forskning for å få den til å sannsynligvis inn under den nye etaten. passe med egen politikk. Det er en veldig — Bergen kommune skal gjøre sitt ytt­ ningene som kommer til Norge, sier opp­ som for eksempel på Landås (mottak med farlig grense å krysse, sier Ottersen. List- erste for at barn på asylmottak får et godt vekstbyråden. ca. 500 beboere i Bergen, journ.anm.), får haug skriver at hun tar Ottersens utspill til barnehage- og skoletilbud mens de venter på Han viser til Listhaugs uttalelser om utbetalt 390,- i måneden, som er nok til én etterretning: — Utover det har jeg ingen å få behandlet sine søknader, sier Thorsen. at «en kan ikke bli båret på gullstol inn i utflukt i uken. Regjeringen har gjort det fryk- kommentar, sier hun. Han sier han er oppgitt over måten Norge», og mener regjeringens kutt i lomme­ telig vanskelig for asylsøkere som ønsker å (NRK) statsråden omtaler flyktninger på. penger i fjor høst gjør den kommentaren komme seg ut og delta i samfunnet mens de — Hun har helt sikkert rett i at ikke alle enda mer urimelig. venter på å få behandlet søknaden sin, mener I verdenseliten i terrorforskning barn ønsker å flykte, men mange familier har — Det er på høy tid å avlive Listhaugs Thorsen. Måten Norge klarte å lage et av verdens ikke et valg. Som forelder vet jeg at jeg vil myter om gullstolen. Regjeringen gjør beste forskningsmiljøer rundt terrorisme gjøre det meste som står i min makt for å integreringen­ av flyktninger vanskeligere­ English Synopsis: The Bergen City Council has de- gi barna mine en trygg fremtid. Det tror jeg med sin dårlige oppførsel. cided to create a new agency to improve inclusion of bør inspirere norsk akademia til å sat­ refugees. se på flere ekspertmiljøer. Tankene som også er utgangspunktet til mange av de flykt­ Menneskene som bor på transittmottak, ble tenkt på norske universiteter pleide å være, for å parafrasere forfatteren Dag Solstad, «et kortvarig ekko av en inter- nasjonal vekkelse». Spesielt gjaldt dette Vil Norge bli Trenger nye løsninger samfunns- og humanvitenskapene. Når norske akademikere en sjelden gang Gamle løsninger med vakte oppsikt utenlands med noe hjem- Republikk? mesnekret, var det gjerne innenfor sære velferd for alle er nisjer som understreket annerledeslandet moden for historiens i nord, av typen fredsforskning eller Hadia Tajik (Ap) vil for­ kriminologi. At Norge skulle skape et kaste Kongehuset og skraphaug akademisk miljø i verdenstoppen innen forskning på jihadistisk terror, kanskje inn­føre republikk i Norge Robert Gjerde vår tids mest relevante og minst forståtte Aftenposten samfunnsfenomen, ville gitt høye odds. Lars Joakim Skarvøy Torbjørn Røe Isaksen (H) mener de Men det er akkurat det som har skjedd. VG gamle løsningene med velferdsreformer som Forskere som Brynjar Lia, Petter Nesser omfatter alle, med penger til alle og enhver, og Thomas Hegghammer kommer alle Arbeiderpartiets nestleder Hadia Tajik er moden for historiens skraphaug. fra samme forskningsmiljø. Deres bøker (32) og over 80 prosent av den yngre Ap- — Vi kan ikke lenger tro at gode in- får glitrende anmeldelser i klodens mest gruppen på Stortinget vil forkaste Kongehu- tensjoner og penger skal løse alt, sier kunn­ viktigste aviser og magasiner. De opptrer set og innføre republikk i Norge. skapsministeren, som også skal meisle ut som eksperter både for globale tv-kanal- For bare tre år siden satt Tajik selv ved Høyres nye partiprogram for 2017–2021. er, beslutningstakere og nasjonalforsam- Kongens bord og var kulturminister. Nå er Isaksen er en av svært få som nevnes linger. Foto: Olav Olsen / Aftenposten hun Arbeiderpartiets mektigste kvinne og som ny partileder den dagen statsminister Torbjørn Røe Isaksen (H) mener tiden for de nye, (VG) leder arbeidet med å lage partiets nye poli- Erna Solberg forlater sjefsstolen i Høyre. store velferdsreformene for alle er forbi. tiske plattform foran neste års stortingsvalg. Nå bekler han den viktige posten som leder Ønsker flere foodtrucker i Oslo Og Hadia Tajik har bestemt seg: Kongen må av Høyres programkomité, og 7. april åpner — Det må tas politisk grep for omstill- Oslo kommune ville ha 20 foodtrucker på bort. regjeringspartiet sitt landsmøte på Gard- ing. Samtidig må folk omstille seg, mor- kommunal grunn i fjor. Det gikk ikke, og Men Ap-nestlederen er ikke alene i ermoen. Der innleder den tidligere Unge gendagen blir ikke lik gårsdagen. Det ligger nå tar de opp igjen prosessen. — Vi har hverken Stortinget eller Arbeiderpartiet om Høyre-lederen den politiske debatten med samtidig en utfordring i at forventningene til vurdert å søke oss til kommunens food- å ønske å avskaffe monarkiet. Hele 28 stor­ følgende hovedpoeng: hva det offentlige skal levere vil fortsette å truck-ordning, men det hadde vært kulere tingsrepresentanter stemte sammen med Ta- — Vi kan ikke fortsette å bevilge oss stige, påpeker han. om det var større frihet for hvor man jik da et grunnlovsforslag om å innføre re- stadig nye velferdsordninger på stadig nye — Midt i dette øker arbeidsledighet. De kunne stå, sier Dan Alexander Nypan. publikk i Norge ble stemt over i Stortinget områder i de neste ti årene, slik vi har gjort nye arbeidsplassene kan ikke skapes i of- Han er daglig leder hos LOKK, som har den 30. mars. Av disse var hele 18 fra Arbei- de foregående ti årene. Det regnestykket går fentlig sektor, først og fremst, sier Isaksen satt Oslos foreløpig ferskeste foodtruck derpartiet. ikke opp, sier han. og legger til: på veien. Matbilen Ragnalokk ble lansert — Dersom vi avskaffer monarkiet, så — Vi vil få en betydelig mindre olje- og — Derfor sier jeg at jeg tror tiden for de under X Games i februar og tilbyr det de vil vi tape et av de samlende symbolene vi gassektor, samtidig som vi skal gjennom et nye, store velferdsreformene for alle er forbi. kaller «ufin dining». Gatemat er i vinden. har igjen i et samfunn som blir stadig mer grønt skifte. Og det samtidig som eldre-tsu- Vi må tilbake til hva som er de viktigste tin- Som et motstykke til fine restauranter kan mangfoldig, mener kunnskapsminister Tor­ namien vil slå inn for fullt. Det handler om å gene det offentlig skal drive med. du kjøpe mat fra alle verdens hjørner i en bjørn Røe Isaksen (H). trygge velferden på sikt. Han sier ikke at det pappanretning fra en bil på gata. nødvendigvis er helt slutt på nye velferdsre- English Synopsis: Torbjørn Røe Isaksen from the (Aftenposten) English Synopsis: Hadia Tajik from the Labor Party former, men de må være målrettede og treffe Conservative Party (Høyre) argues that old compre- wishes to abandon the Royal House and introduce a hensive welfare reforms need to be replaced. Republic in Norway. dem som trenger det mest. Norwegian american weekly April 15, 2016 • 3 news from norway

This week in brief

First female Chief Panama Norway’s star lands major film role After 200 years, Toril Kristofer Hivju has joined the cast of the Marie Øie becomes latest edition in the Fast & Furious fran- Papers chise, TheWrap reported. first female Chief The impressively bearded Hivju, Panama Papers issue best known for his role as Tormund Gi- Justice of Norway’s continues for the antsbane on the wildly successful Game of Thrones, will play “a tough henchman” Norwegian bank DNB in the film, TheWrap said. The eighth edition of the Fast & Fu- taff ompilation S C Michael Sandelson, Sarah Bostock & rious franchise will see Vin Diesel return Dagens Næringsliv & Aftenposten Lyndsey Smith to star as Dominic Toretto. Other stars The Foreigner confirmed for the film include Charlize On February 19, Minister of Justice An- Theron, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, ders Anundsen announced the appointment DNB executive management was not and Jason Statham. The film will be di- of Toril Marie Øie as the new Chief Justice aware of contact with Mossack Fonseca’s rected by F. Gary Gray. of the Supreme Court of Norway. representatives in Luxembourg, reports say. According to TheWrap, Theron will “Toril M. Øie has outstanding profes- Revelations of the part state-owned play the main villain in the film while sional qualifications and excellent personal bank’s involvement in the global Panama Hivju will be her right-hand man. qualities for the office. She also has leader- Papers affair first surfaced in Aftenposten The 37-year-old Oslo native Hivju ship experience and will be a unifying leader on April 3. They reported that DNB, whose Photo: Tom A. Kolstad / Aftenposten will be back on TV screens worldwide of the court,” said Anundsen. Chief Justice Toril Marie Øie. largest shareholder is the Norwegian govern- later this month when Game of Thrones The 55-year-old from Oslo comes from ment, with 34 percent, organized Seychelles- returns for its highly anticipated sixth a family of lawyers and received her law de- University of Oslo for many years starting based mailbox companies for almost 10 season. gree in 1986. She then started working for in 1994 and has written several articles and years on behalf of their clients. (The Local) the Ministry of Justice as a higher executive textbooks. Since 2004, she has served as one Norway’s national daily is one of over officer, became acting legal advisor in 1988, of the Supreme Court’s 20 justices. 100 media worldwide who have participated and served as the acting judge Øie replaced former Chief Justice Tore in the investigative journalism case. Increased export of Norwegian seafood and magistrate for Strømmen county court Schei on March 1, who reached the manda- German publication Süddeutsche Zei- Norway exported seafood worth NOK from 1988 to 1990. Øie then returned to the tory retirement age of 70 this February. She tung was the first publication to obtain ac- 21.3 billion in Q1 2016,—an increase of Ministry of Justice and became the division now holds the fourth most important posi- cess to some 11.5 million documents from an 22 percent or NOK 3.8 billion compared director. In addition, she was an adjunct as- with Q1 2015. sociate professor with the Faculty of Law at See > chief justice, page 6 See > DNB, page 13 For the month of March alone, - food exports were worth NOK 7.4 billion. This is an increase of 14 percent or NOK 937 million compared with March 2015. The average price in March for New proposal for asylum bill whole fresh Norwegian salmon was NOK 59.11 per kg compared with NOK 41.46 Hardline asylum and per kg in March 2015. Poland and France were the biggest buyers of salmon from integration proposal Norway in Q1 2016. Norway exported trout to a value of was presented to the NOK 906 million during the first quarter. parliament April 5 This is an increase of 99 percent or NOK 450 million from Q1 2015. The biggest­ buyers of trout from Norway in the first The Local quarter were Belarus and Poland. (Norway Post) The final version of the bill saw the Nor- wegian government scaling back its contro- Most Norway Church members “not versial requirements on family reunificaiton for refugees, saying that it will be enough for Christian” them to have been employed or in education Less than half of the 3.8 million baptized for three years before bringing their family members of the con- to Norway. Photo: Jorun Vang / NRK sider themselves Christians, according to Even with the reduction from four to Heba was a teacher in Syria; now she dreams of a teaching job in Norway. a new poll for Aftenposten newspaper. three years, the family reunificaiton rules Only 48 percent of the church mem- will be much stricter than they are today, pri- In the final version, the so-called nally proposed three years. bers polled by Respons Analyse said they marily because of changes to the so-called 24-year-old proposal for family reunifica- It was also reported on April 5 that the considered themselves to be Christian. “maintenance requirement” (underholds­ tion remained in place, barring all under-24s government has a political majority behind a This compared to 33 percent who kravet), which will now require that refugees from obtaining spousal reunification, as did plan to allow police to jail “groundless” asy- said they were atheist, 14 percent who can support their family members from day a controversial proposal to give all unaccom- lum seekers for up to 72 hours as their cases said they believed only in a “a creator,” one before they can be brought to Norway. panied minor asylum seekers only temporary are processed. and one percent who said they were act­ Integration Minister Sylvi Listhaug, residence until they turn 18. Prime Minister Erna Solberg said that ive followers of another faith. who represents the anti-immigration Prog- Refugees will have to be in Norway for none of the government’s asylum and immi- Helga Haugland Byfuglien, Praeses of ress Party (Fremskrittspartiet), has been five years, instead of the current three, before gration plans would run afoul of internation- the Norwegian Bishops’ Conference, said criticized by opposition parties and a number they can achieve permanent residency or ex- al conventions. “We are on solid ground,” that the result was not surprising. “We rec- of outside agencies for the 40-point plan she tend their temporary permits, but the govern- she said. “It’s important to remember that ognize that we as a church are challenged introduced in December. ment backed off its self-sufficiency require- [the UN’s] High Commissioner [for Refu- by new trends at this time,” she said. The 150-page document has now been ments, saying now that foreigners must only gees (UNHCR)] has an activist position on “There are many nuances when it through its hearing phase and was presented be employed for 12 months before achieving comes to faith, and for many the church to parliament on April 5. permanent residency rather than the origi- See > Asylum bill, page 6 means a lot as a bearer of tradition and cul- ture.” Andres Vassenden, a sociologist of This week’s news from Norway is brought to you through partnerships with: religion at the University of , said that Norwegians’ attitude to religion was “complex.” “People can define them- selves as an agnostic but still experience their membership­ in the church as un­ dramatic,” he said. www.thelocal.no & theforeigner.no (The Local) 4 • April 15, 2016 norwegian american weekly Business Business News & Notes ArcticZymes awarded funding from the Norwegian reports solid passenger Encap wins award Horizon2020 program growth in March Biotec Pharmacon ASA is pleased to an- Increased demand from both business and Startup Encap Security is thriving in the nounce that ArcticZymes, a subsidiary of Bio- leisure passengers contributed to Norwe- tec Pharmacon, has received EUR 460,000 gian’s growth in March. The company car- FinTech industry with its secure and adaptable over the next four years in a project funded ried almost 2.2 million passengers this authentication solutions for digital banking by the European Framework Program for Re- month, an increase of 27 percent compared search and Innovation, Horizon 2020. to March last year. The project “Viral Metagenomics for The March traffic figures are character- Innovation Value” (Virus-X), is a large col- ized by growth and higher load factor. How- laboration project between a total of 15 ever, it needs to be taken into account that partners from European research institutes, the Scandinavian pilot strike in March 2015 universities, and industry, with a total budget affected the figures last year. In addition, the of nearly eight million euros, funded under traffic growth is affected by the fact that Eas- Horizon2020—Research and Innovation Ac- ter did not extend into April this year. tion (RIA). Norwegian CEO Bjørn Kjos said: “We Viruses represent the largest reservoir of are very pleased that an increasing number unknown genetic diversity on earth and the of travelers are choosing Norwegian, not project aims to advance the understanding least business travelers both on domestic of viral ecosystems, diversity, and virus-host routes in Scandinavia and European routes interplay by DNA sequencing environmental in general.” libraries (metagenomes) from a number of Norwegian’s fleet renewal program con- different biotopes. Through an analysis and tinues with full force in 2016 with 21 brand discovery pipeline, new enzymes for mo- new aircraft entering the fleet. The company lecular biotechnology will be developed, and took delivery of three Boeing 737-800s from ArcticZymes is one of the industrial partners the factory in Seattle in March. With an av- that will participate developing and bringing erage age of 3.6 years, Norwegian’s fleet is new viral enzymes to the market. one of Europe’s newest and most environ- “This is a milestone [that] acknowledg- mentally friendly. Photo courtesy of Encap Security es ArcticZymes’ experience and knowledge Norwegian operated 99.3 percent of its Encap’s team, way outside the office. as a leading enzyme company within in the scheduled flights in March, whereof 75.6 EU system,” says Svein Lien, CEO of Biotec percent departed on time. Pharmacon ASA. (Norwegian) Rasmus Falck sion is to enable banks to offer the authenti- (Biotec Pharmacon ASA) Oslo, Norway cation method most suited to the user, their device, and the transaction taking place. The Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance FinTech (Financial Technology) is an company was founded in 2006. Three years (April 11, 2016) economic industry made up of companies ago they expanded into North America with Winners Losers that use technology to make financial ser- the opening of their first international office Norsk Kr. 8.2013 Name NOK Change Name NOK Change vices more efficient. The industry is facing in Palo Alto, California. In 2009 the seed Dansk Kr. 6.5239 Prosafe 5.09 25.99% Sparebanken Sør TR 7.55 -16.11% a wave of digital disruption that is starting to fund Alliance Venture funded further busi- Nordic Nanoventor 27.30 13.75% Scana Industrier 1.91 -7.73% Svensk Kr. 8.1101 reshape the sector. ness development and product innovation. TTS Group 2.80 10.67% Norway Royal Salmon 105.00 -6.25% Encap secured $2 million USD in funding Islandsk Kr. 123.36 Siem Shipping 94.00 9.30% Intex Resources 0.45 -6.25% The rise of the smartphone has mas- from Proventure Seed in 2013 to boost the Canadian $ 1.2905 DNO 6.87 9.23% Axactor 1.82 -5.70% sively changed the behavior of consumers. Thanks to the increasingly digital culture, global footprint. Euro 0.8765 For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no. people can not only access information and The company’s smart authorization plat- data they had never been able to previously form is designed to increase usage and adop- but also check their online account or set up tion of banking services by offering friction- Vesterheim an online investment portfolio. It is a huge less and uniform access to all channels. The the national Norwegian-American museum and heritage center opportunity for businesses, and soon no en- platform is built for consumer scale and can • The largest collection of Norwegian-American artifacts in the world terprise will succeed and flourish without the be used across all channels and applications. • A national center for folk-art classes • Open all year in Decorah, Iowa right FinTech services in place. In Norway Within corporate banking it can improve us- FinTech is becoming a hot topic with invest- ability and reduce fraud, secure any type of ments tripling over the last five years. transaction with the same platform, and save Recently Susanne Hannestad, CEO of cost by moving away from hardware-based FinTech Mundi, presented the Nordic Finan- security. cial Report of 2016 at a seminar in Oslo with The company’s solution is simply an DISCOVER THE GRACE-FILLED 600 attending. The report explains that it is alternative to the one-time password-based JOURNEY TO GENEROSITY the region’s banking culture that has done authentication commonplace in the financial the most to inspire FinTech innovation. The services market. Encap employs a user’s mo- new industry is establishing itself as a pio- bile device to enable in-app, banking-grade YOUR NEW MONEY MINDSET: neer in the creation of customer-first digital security. The company has the potential to CREATE A HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP WITH MONEY financial systems. We are seeing easier ac- disrupt a traditional market. The opportunity is enormous! Coauthored by Thrivent Financial CEO Brad Hewitt cess to straightforward products distributed and licensed psychologist Dr. James Moline. by new FinTech entrants. The big enabler is mobile technology—smartphone app use has Rasmus Falck is a strong Your New Money Mindset helps readers discover a radically altered consumer demand for inno- innovation and entrepre- generosity mindset that is grounded in God’s grace. vation. When we receive God’s gift of grace, we are neurship advocate. The au- In the Nordics there is also local enthu- compelled to live generously with our time, thor of “What do the best siasm for technology and innovation. Trust A SPECIAL OFFER FOR YOU: energy and money. do better” and “The board in Nordic banks remains strong and in order of directors as a resource for banks to maintain a loyal customer base, in SME,” he received his they need to focus on the customer. masters degree from the The startup Encap Security won the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He currently Norwegian FinTech Award 2016. Their mis- lives in Oslo, Norway. • Go to newmoneymindset.com and click on Order Now. • Use code Discount511 to receive the discount. Subscribe to the Norwegian American! Discount price offered by:

Appleton, Wisconsin Minneapolis, Minnesota (206) 784-4617 • [email protected] 29090NA N2-16 news • business • sports • opinion • recipes • & more norwegian american weekly April 15, 2016 • 5 sports Bjørndalen to continue biathlon career The King of Biathlon announces decision to compete through the 2018 Olympics

World Championships in Oslo. “I look forward to embark on a new sea- Chelsea Little son,” he continued. “The reason I continue is Faster Skier that I have a huge motivation. I feel as moti- vated as when I was 20 years old.” “I was getting old, and the subject came Some changes are on the horizon, how- up again—but I defied the experts and ran ever. He has agreed to step down from his on ahead.” position with the International Olympic When Ole Einar Bjørndalen decided to Committee, for example. push forward with his biathlon career after “I must apologize that I have not done as two tough seasons in 2012 and 2013, it was much as I should have done,” he admitted. “I with a big prize in his sights: the 2014 Olym- like to keep on with what I do. I think I can pics in Sochi, Russia. accomplish more in sports than with the IOC There, he won a gold medal in the 10 right now.” k sprint to become the oldest Olympic gold And the biggest change? Bjørndalen medalist, at 40 years old. will become a father. He has been in a re- But a new and perhaps sweeter prize lationship with Belorussian biathlete Darya beckoned: the 2016 World Championships Domracheva, although the two have rarely at home in Oslo, Norway. Again, Bjørn- explicitly addressed it in the media; fans in- dalen ignored those calling for him to retire stead have gathered the details through me- and give younger Norwegian teammates a Photo: IBU / Faster Skier dia photos. chance on the World Cup circuit. Norway’s Ole Einar Bjørndalen celebrates silver in the men’s 10k sprint on April 2 at the first indi- Domracheva, the 2015 World Cup Total Many assumed that after the Oslo races, vidual race of IBU World Championships in Oslo, Norway. Score winner and a three-time Olympic gold Bjørndalen—now 42 years old—would fi- medalist herself, took the 2015-2016 season nally call it quits. And though he didn’t say off due to exhaustion. that he would for sure retire, he gave hints, said that he hadn’t yet decided about retire- ference. “When I can perform so well with Bjørndalen announced that the two are for instance telling the IOC that he couldn’t ment and would make an announcement dur- a tough introduction to the season, and the expecting a child in October. fully fulfill his role on their Athlete Com- ing the spring. body is responding well, it shows that the “The decision was taken together with mittee until after Oslo because he was busy That announcement came on Tuesday, difference is small from 25 years ago.” Darya,” he said. “It takes a bit of organizing, training to be in his top form. The implica- April 5, when the star—the winningest bi- Bjørndalen has 94 World Cup biathlon but there are some who have done it before tion was that after 2016, his duties as an ath- athlete of all time—said that he would con- victories to his name, plus one in cross-coun- us… It is very exciting to be a father. I have lete would be lighter. tinue two more years, to the 2018 Olympics try skiing, and is searching for more. He has great family home and am used to kids… I But in a press conference after winning in PyeongChang, South Korea. won a total of 57 World Championship and look forward to it. It is a new value in life. I bronze in the 15 k mass start Oslo, his fourth “I still think that I can perform at the Olympic medals, including 28 golds—the really appreciate that I get to experience it.” medal of the championships, Bjørndalen top in a few years,” he said in the press con- last of which was in the men’s relay at 2016 Sports News & Notes Tippeligaen: Norway’s Premier League results Standings Boxing: Hansen continues in Olympic Lene Mykjåland scored the game’s only goal qualifiers on a penalty kick. Norway is in a shared first 4/08 Sogndal 1 – 0 Haugesund Tippeligaen PLD PTS place with Austria, who also has 12 points. 1. Rosenborg 4 9 Boxer Marielle Vermedal Hansen won 3-0 4/09 Lillestrøm 4 – 0 Sarpsborg 08 on April 11 and is continuing in the Euro­ Norway has played one fewer match. 2. 4 8 pean qualification for the Olympics. In the (NRK) 4/09 Stabæk 2 – 1 Vålerenga 3. Odd 4 8 next round she meets Armenia and must Curling: Norway out of the World 4/10 Brann 1 – 0 Bodø/Glimt 4. Brann 4 8 make it to the final to get to the Olympics. 5. Bodø/Glimt 4 7 (NRK) Championships 4/10 Rosenborg 1 – 0 Aalesund 6. Viking 4 7 Norway won their last game in the round Start 1 – 1 Molde Tennis: Ruud impresses despite loss robin stage against Switzerland 7-4 but 4/10 7. Sogndal 4 7 8. Tromsø 4 6 The 17-year-old Norwegian tennis talent was still eliminated from the Curling World 4/10 Tromsø 2 – 0 Strømsgodset Casper Ruud lost in the final of the presti- Championships on April 7. After losing 4-6 9. Haugesund 4 6 4/10 Viking 0 – 2 Odd gious Junior Masters on April 10. South to Canada earlier in the day, they depended 10. Lillestrøm 4 5 Korean Hong Seong Chan won the match on a loss by , the U.S., or Japan. 11. Strømsgodset 4 4 That did not happen, and Norway ended in 7-5, 6-3. The young Norwegian athlete was 12. Start 4 3 fifth place with seven wins and four losses. nevertheless praised for his efforts. Ruud is 13. Stabæk 4 3 ranked as the world’s 11th best junior. He is (NRK) 14. Aalesund 4 3 1.5 years younger than Hong. To read more about football in 15. Sarpsborg 08 4 2 (NRK) Handball: Norway loses to Croatia Norway, visit www.uefa.com Norway had to win or tie in the April 10 Eu- 16. Vålerenga 4 0 Football: Victory for Norwegian women ropean Championships match against Croa- The Norwegian women’s football team beat tia to reach the Olympics in Rio this summer, Austria 1-0 in the fourth match of the Euro- but unfortunately Croatia won 27-21. pean Championship qualification for Norway. (NRK) Newspaper ads never go out MULLAVEY, PROUT, GRENLEY & FOE of style. Place yours today!

Attorneys and counselors at law Call 206-784-4617 or email [email protected] to request a personalized advertising proposal Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, commercial transactions and estate planning. LEWIS O. TITLAND Quality Accounting & Tax Services for: Certified Public Accountant Small businesses 2501 NW 65th St, P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 (206)789-5433 Individuals Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 221 1st Ave. W. Ste. 400 Specialized Assistance Seattle, WA 98119 6 • April 15, 2016 norwegian american weekly opinion < chief justice From page 3 A message from Editor-in-chief Emily C. Skaftun tion in Norway—preceded only by the king, Editor’s Notes Join the conversation! president of the parliament, and the prime minister—and is the first woman to do so. “The most important thing is that the best Changes candidate is appointed, but having said that, it is fun to be the first woman. It’s been 200 years,” she said to Dagens Næringsliv. “There were female lawyers here long before there were judges. In 1968 came the first female the It wouldn’t be the Norwegian Ameri- judge, Lilly Bølviken; she paved the way.” can Weekly if things here weren’t in a As Chief Justice, Øie’s biggest goal is constant state of change, so it was only to uphold the country’s confidence in the a matter of time before things changed so Supreme Court. “I don’t have any goals to Norwegian much that it wasn’t even the Norwegian steer the Supreme Court in a particular di- American Weekly anymore. rection, that we should have more power or Let me back up. Some of you may less power, that we should take more or less remember last February, when NAW an- regard for human rights. We must resolve the american nounced that it would cease publishing concrete cases that we receive. One should immediately. It came as a shock to every- not have decided in advance,” she said. one, and both in our staff meetings and pen, because I have a wish list that would Details: “I think that some have a flawed concep- in letters to the editor this community shame a greedy toddler on Christmas Eve • The change takes effect in May. tion of how much room there is for our own engaged in a lot of bargaining: What if full of things I want to spend NAW’s money May 6 is our big Syttende Mai issue, and opinions. We are bound by the legal sources we only published online? What if we on, from better subscriptions software to then the next issue will be May 20. … Within this framework we make decisions, published less frequently? Could a larger more office space to advertising ourselves • We will no longer skip issues in or- not from what we would have done ourselves institution buy us? Or perhaps we could to building a mobile app to crazy things like der to take breaks. Now that we’ll have a if we were legislators,” she responded when sell stock? Hold a fundraiser? The ideas paying all contributors, bumping other em- two-week process, we’ll just work extra A-magasinet asked her about people’s mis- went on and on. ployees up to full time, and having medical hard certain weeks in order to take other conceptions of Norway’s Supreme Court. A hero granted us a stay of execution, insurance without the ACA’s help. Dare to weeks off. So there will be 26 issues a She states that there are major differences we did hold a very successful fundraiser, dream indeed!) year, and no more confusing Easter, sum- between the Norwegian and American pro- and since then we’ve been working on Second, we’re really excited about add- mer, and Christmas breaks without pa- cesses and argues that party politics and agen- cutting costs and reaching out to new sub- ing a little space to our regular issues, intro- pers. das should be avoided in Norway’s Supreme scribers and advertisers, all of which has ducing some new sections (like Norwegian • I have vague animosity toward who- Court in order to preserve its independence. allowed us to carry on. But some of those Language and Research & Science) and ex- ever it was, 10 years ago, who named this Øie could now serve as the Chief Jus- ideas have been percolating in our collec- panding others to be able to print more in- paper the Norwegian American Weekly. tice for 14 years until July 31, 2030, when tive subconscious all this while. depth features. And of course we looooove If we could have changed publication she reaches the retirement age. When asked So it is my pleasure to announce that the idea of having a little extra time to get frequency without changing our name, it if she would be the Chief Justice until she’s as of this May, the Norwegian Ameri- issues together. probably would have happened long ago. 70, she replied: “I expect so. I’m not one to can Weekly will become the Norwegian As always, dear readers, remember that But now we need to change everything— change jobs often.” American and will change to a biweekly this is your newspaper. Most of you have all our marketing materials, every page publication schedule. loved and supported it far longer than I have! of the paper, and yes, even our website. < asylum bill We’re doing this for a number of We’ll be making changes here and there, and We’ve only had www.na-weekly.com for From page 3 reasons, but the first and most obvious is if you don’t like them please let me know two years, and now we need to change that it will save us money on printing and (nicely). If you do like them, please let me again! All I can say is that it seemed like a what human rights are. It’s not an objective shipping. The money it saves us on print- know! We aim to please. good idea at the time. organ,” she told NTB. ing we are reinvesting straight back into This newspaper, whatever its name, Details on the new site and our new “Our position is that the proposal is clear- printing: instead of 16-page issues with holds a lot of history. Nordisk Tidende be- email addresses will be coming just as ly within the refugee conventions,” she added. four pages of color, we’ll now be creating gan publishing 125 years ago in New York; soon as we’ve crossed those i’s and dotted The UNHCR said in January that it was 24-page issues with eight pages of color, Posten started 127 years ago this the t’s. We will keep the old ones working “deeply concerned” by Norway’s plans to and while we’re at it we’re upgrading to Syttende Mai here in Seattle. Those of us be- for some time as we transition. tighten rules for family reunifications and a cleaner, whiter paperstock that we hope hind the scenes here at the Norwegian Amer- • We’ve already discovered one said the decision to send migrants back to will really help that color shine. But since ican never forget the weight of that history, downside to the new name, which is that Russia was “cause for concern.” postage is our major expense, we estimate the fact that we are all that remains of the there is no way to shorten it. We’re no lon- A total of 35,358 asylum seekers ar- this will save us somewhere in the range Norwegian newspaper tradition in America. ger NAW. We’re not the Weekly. So who rived in Norway in 2015, compared with just of $10,000 to $15,000 a year. Could that But tradition cannot mean that nothing ever are we when we want to use fewer than 11,480 in the previous year. Figures released be enough to turn our slow loss of money changes; flexibility is the only way to avoid eight syllables? The NorAm? Whoever by the Norwegian Immigration Director- into a slow gain of money? Dare to dream. snapping when things get tough. comes up with a nickname that proves ate on April 5 showed that 942 people have (But actually no, that will never hap- So once again, we change! “sticky” will earn our eternal gratitude. sought asylum through the first three months The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not of 2016. That is down from 1,670 in the an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions, and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. same period last year.

Norwegian American Weekly •More great content! •Fewer issues to pile up! • Same silly the is becoming nisse!

• call (206) 784-4617 NorwegiaN • email [email protected] • visit www.na-weekly.com/ subscribe • write 7301 5th Ave NE, Suite A, american Seattle, WA 98115 norwegian american weekly April 15, 2016 • 7 opinion Letters to the Editor Norwegian American Weekly Published since May 17, 1889 Do you have something to say? 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Tel: (206) 784-4617 • Email: [email protected] Write to us at Norwegian American Weekly, Letter to the Editor, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE, Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115, or email us at [email protected], subject line Publisher Letter to the Editor. Letters may be edited for style, clarity, or length. Norwegian American Foundation Editor-in-chief Emily C. Skaftun [email protected] The next generation of Editorial Assistant / Business, Sports, Travel kransekake Molly Jones [email protected] Dear Editor, Editorial Intern / Nyheter fra Norge, I live in and have been sub- News, Opinion Linn Chloe Hagstrøm [email protected] scribing to your newspaper for several years, which I enjoy reading very much. I also pass Taste of Norway Editor it on to other Norwegian friends who also en- Daytona Strong [email protected] joy reading it. Advertising My grandson, James Jaffe, attends the Ryan Pearson [email protected] and lives in Se- Subscriptions attle. His girlfriend, Kallie Polden, also at- [email protected] tends the University of Washington and lives Contributors in Seattle. They both graduated from St. Olaf Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. College (2011 and 2012) in Northfield, Min- Patricia Barry Hopewell Junction, N.Y. nesota. They enjoy making lefse and kran- Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. Terje Birkedal Anchorage, Alaska sekake for special occasions. M. Michael Brady Asker, Norway My granddaughter (his sister) lives in Carla Danziger McLean, Va. / Albany, Calif. Portland, Oregon. She and her husband are Daughters of Norway Members Various Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. expecting their first child this month. My grandson and his girlfriend drove Rasmus Falck Oslo, Norway down from Seattle to bake a kransekake for Christy Olsen Field Seattle, Wash. the baby shower (see photos). It was a big Marit Fosse Geneva, Switzerland Sunny Gandara Beacon, N.Y. hit and tasted very good. Thought you would Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. find this interesting. sekake. If they ever want to bring some Nor- Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway wegian confections by our office, you know Rosalie Grangaard Grosch Arden Hills, Minn. NAW notes Kari Heistad Edina, Minn. Correction! Sincerely, where to find us. :) Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. Details, man. In last week’s Ed Grendahl We’re also very glad to hear that you Leslee Lane Hoyum R rockford, Minn. issue, the caption on page 8 is Chicago, Ill. enjoy the paper, and that your friends do too. Roy Jorgensen Hopewell Junction, N.Y Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. obviously wrong. The photo was If any of them would enjoy having their very Michael Kleiner Philadelphia, Penn. in fact taken by Christy Olsen own subscription, please encourage them to Scott Larsen New Westminster, B.C. Field, and has nothing at all to do Dear Ed, sign up! Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. Jerry Larson Zimmerman, Minn. with fish burgers. You were right! We always love to see Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. We apologize for making these traditions being carried on, and it Sincerely, Richard Londgren Thousand , Calif. that really dumb mistake. looks like your grandson and his girlfriend Editor Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. Christine Foster Meloni Washington, D.C. had a good time making that beautiful kran- David Moe Sun City, Calif. Maria Stordahl Nelson Seattle, Wash. David Nikel Trondheim, Norway Hjalmar Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. by Nils Axle Kanten Finn Roed West Bloomfield, Mich. Barbara K. Rostad Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. Judith Gabriel Vinje Los Angeles, Calif. Dianna Walla Tromsø, Norway

Norwegian American Weekly strives to make its news report fair and accurate. If you have a question or comment about news coverage call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for style, grammar, accuracy, and/or space, and the right not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publica- tion of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions, and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the publisher. • Norwegian Typical! Everything’s supposed to be American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942- sooo fancy-schmancy, but can a fellow 1389) is published weekly except the first week dry his hands? Does it work? No! of January, the week after Easter, the last week of July, and the first two weeks of August by Nor- wegian American Weekly, INC. 7301 5th Ave NE, Han Ola og Han Per by Peter J. Rosendahl, with new translations by John Erik Stacy Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 • Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, Wash. and at additional mailing offices. • POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly, 7301 5th Ave NE, Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription Cost: US $70 Domestic, US $94 to Canada, US $212 to Norway and all other foreign countries.

SINCE MAY 17, 1889: Formerly Norway Times Western Viking & Washington Posten

Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah-Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, Minnesota Posten, Norrona, and Skandinaven


What will you do with corn-cribs Listen here now: I’m signed up for that Come into the crib fast, when you don’t have any corn? hog-corn program. Now I will buy corn a cyclone is coming! and fill up all three cribs. Then I will lock If I had been like you, them up and then borrow money from the « Everything new begins with chaos. » Ola, I would have bit government at forty cents a bushel and— – Mosse Jørgensen the dust long ago. Yeah, but Per— 8 • April 15, 2016 norwegian american weekly Taste of Norway History, culture, and a rich sense of place Magnus Nilsson’s definitiveThe Nordic Cookbook showcases food of the region in 700 recipes, plus the skill and photography of a world-renowned chef

Daytona Strong Norwegian American Weekly

As I’ve accumulated three shelves of Nordic cookbooks over the years, making room for titles both new and old, I’ve learned so much about the land where both sides of my family are from. Vintage recipes tell one story, modern recipes another. But they’re all linked together, in a way, a repertoire of dishes that have sustained and nourished countless people throughout time. While most cookbooks published in the past decade share either a 21st-century approach to eat- ing or give the cuisine a New Nordic touch, The Nordic Cookbook by Magnus Nilsson— two star chef of Sweden’s celebrated restau- rant Fäviken—reflects history, culture, and a sense of place in every recipe. Nilsson spent several years traveling throughout the Nordic countries, collecting stories and recipes as research for his latest book, which was published by Phaidon last fall. The result is a gorgeous, 768-page hard- cover filled with traditional recipes that re- flect what people throughout Norway, Swe- until May 8, the exhibit then goes on to the den, Denmark, Iceland, Finland, the Faroe American Swedish Institute in Minneapolis Islands, and Greenland have traditionally in June. eaten. It is very much a resource on a wide As a food writer specializing in Nordic range of Nordic ingredients and food prepa- cooking, each of the books in my collection rations as well as a recipe guide, but it’s also holds significance and importance to me, but much more. The Nordic Cookbook is one of a handful Nestled among the approximately 700 that I reach for time and time again—for the recipes and the food photography by Erik recipes of course, but also for the history and Olsson are images of the Nordic region, cap- context that Nilsson provides. tured by Nilsson himself. The chef and au- thor had enjoyed photography since he was Daytona Strong is the Nor- a child, and throughout the book he captures wegian American Weekly’s the beauty of the landscapes as well as the Taste of Norway editor. rawness of a moment as he documents life She writes about her fam- Photo: Erik Olsson / courtesy of Phaidon among the people who both produce and eat ily’s Norwegian heritage Grains and Cereals. Clockwise from top left: Sugared Cloudberries, Norwegian Thick Salt-Pork Pan- the food he writes about. through the lens of food cakes, Waffles, Thick Oven-baked Pancake, Blood Pancakes, and Pancake Torte. FromThe Nordic In addition to creating The Nordic at her Scandinavian food Cookbook, Magnus Nilsson, £29.95 / $49.95 US / €39.95 / $59.95 CAN / $59.95 AUS Phaidon 2015, Cookbook, his work is also featured in the blog, www.outside-oslo. www.phaidon.com. brand-new exhibit Magnus Nilsson’s Nor- com. Find her on Facebook (www.facebook. dic: A Photographic Essay of Landscapes, com/OutsideOslo), Twitter (@daytonastrong), Food, and People. On its premiere display Pinterest (@daytonastrong), and Instagram (@ Norwegian Thick Salt-Pork Pancakes at the Nordic Heritage Museum in Seattle daytonastrong). (Fleskepannekaker)

Adapted from The Nordic Cookbook by Magnus Nilsson Hungry for more Norway? (Phaidon, $49.95 US / $59.95 CAN, October 2015)

In Norway, a salt-pork or bacon pancake can be made in various ways. It can be pan fried, as here, or it can be a thick oven-baked pancake, like the Swedish fläskpannkaka on page 451. This version is often served with finely snipped chives and sometimes a bit of rømme, or even grated cheese. I have also seen a recipe or two that suggest fried apple wedges as an accompaniment. The Swedish version of this dish is usually served with Sugared Lingonber- ries (page 692). Preparation and cooking time: 35 minutes Makes: 4-6 pancakes

100 g / 3 1/2 oz (3/4 cup plus 1 tbsp.) 550 ml / 20 fl oz (2 cups plus 1 tbsp.) milk weak (soft) wheat flour butter, for frying 5 eggs 300 g / 11 oz salt pork or bacon, sliced good pinch of salt or cut into sticks

Combine the flour, eggs, salt, and half the milk in a mixing bowl and whisk until no lumps remain. Add the rest of the milk, whisking continuously. Heat a little butter in a frying pan or skillet and add a generous amount of the pork or Photo: TINE Mediebank bacon batons. Fry until they start to brown a little, then ladle in some batter. You are aiming to get 4–6 pancakes in total, so divide the pork and batter accordingly. Fry the pancake until Call (206) 784-4617 or email [email protected] to get the underside is golden, then turn and fry on the other side. 26 recipes every year (and the rest of the newspaper too). Keep warm while you fry the remaining pancakes and serve with your choice of ac- companiments. norwegian american weekly April 15, 2016 • 9 travel Norway’s roads less traveled: Spitsbergen, “a place out of the ordinary”

Christine Foster Meloni Washington, D.C.

When you visit another country, you shouldn’t miss the popular sights. They are usually popular for a good reason. But every country has special places that fly below the radar and Norway, of course, is no exception. So we have decided to ask some individuals who are very familiar with Norway to tell us about places Americans should not miss. The question: An American is planning to visit Norway. He/she has skimmed a few tourist guides and is planning to see the usu- al must-see sites. But he/she also wants to do something special that the average tourist might miss. What would you suggest? Photos: (top) Asgeir Helgestad / Artic Light AS / visitnorway.com, We posed the question first to the Nor- (above) Kåre Aas, (right) Jens Henrik Nybo / Visitnorway.com wegian Ambassador to the United States, Top: Polar bears are a major attraction in Svalbard. Kåre R. Aas. His response is the subject of Above: Ambassador Aas’s encounter with a polar bear was relatively safe. this article, which is the first in our new se- Right: Just one example of Svalbard’s incredible scenery. ries, “Norway’s secret attractions.” Respons- es from Norwegian Consuls in the United important place for science and research, for Martians on Svalbard,” appeared in the country. States will follow in subsequent issues. and it is where the “global seed vault” is lo- November 27, 2015, issue of NAW. Svalbard To learn more about it and understand cated—a seed bank near Longyearbyen that has similar characteristics to Mars and is, why Svalbard was considered an ideal site The Ambassador’s Response: is seeking to preserve a wide variety of the therefore, an ideal place to prepare for future for the seed vault, read the informative ar- This is a difficult question because there world’s plant seeds. expeditions to Mars. ticle about it in the Spring 2007 issue of is so much to see and explore in Norway. I could go on and on, but the bottom line The Global Seed Vault, built by the Nor- Norway News at www.norway.org/Page- However, I would specifically recommend is that Svalbard is a place out of the ordinary. wegian government, is a very interesting Files/243249/New_ofNorway1-07.pdf. traveling to Spitsbergen, the largest and the I urge everyone to visit—and to bring warm endeavor. The purpose of the vault is to pre- Scott Pelley, Correspondent of the popu- main island of the Svalbard archipelago. clothes! serve duplicates of all the earth’s plant seeds, lar TV news magazine “60 Minutes,” visited About 2,700 people live here, halfway protecting them from extinction in the event the vault in 2008. A very interesting article between the Norwegian mainland and the Planning a Trip of catastrophes such as wars, plant disease, about his visit can be found at www.cb- North Pole. If you decide to take the Ambassador’s climate change, and asteroid strikes. The snews.com/news/a-visit-to-the-doomsday- It is a spectacular place—both during advice and go to Svalbard, Scandinavian Air- vault was recently opened for seeds from vault. An intriguing video of Pelley visiting winter and summer. I myself have been there lines offers flights from either Oslo or Trom- Syria that were in danger of disappearing be- the interior of the vault can be found at www. several times, and the beautiful scenery up in sø to Svalbard Airport in Longyearbyen. cause of the current situation in that war-torn dailymotion.com/video/x50vl3_the-dooms- the Arctic continues to amaze me. Remember the Ambassador’s warning day-vault-secure-your-seed_school. There are many reasons why Svalbard about bringing warm clothes! The average Ambassador Kåre R. Aas is my choice. There is something about the temperatures in July range from 37.4 to 44.6° left his position as Political Looking Ahead atmosphere—laid-back, open, a good “com- F (3 to 7° C) and in January between 8.6 and Director in the Ministry of Elin Bergithe Rognlie, Norway’s Con- munity feel.” -4.0° F (-13 and -20 °C). I would personally Foreign Affairs to become sul General in New York, will share her rec- And the landscape is absolutely amaz- opt for July although it wouldn’t really feel the Norwegian Ambassa- ommendation in the next article in our series, dor to the United States in ing! As Svalbard is located 78 degrees north, at all like summer despite the midnight sun! “Norway’s roads less traveled.” 2013. Prior to his assign- you are able to enjoy the midnight sun from Tourism is becoming an important in- ment as Political Director, late April nearly through August. During the dustry in Svalbard. The Ambassador men- Amb. Aas served as the Norwegian Ambas- Christine Foster Meloni is tioned the polar bears, which are one of the dark, magical wintertime, chances are good sador to the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan; professor emerita at The of seeing the Northern Lights. island’s main tourist attractions. Although as Director General, Department for Security George Washington Uni- Hiking and riding dog sleds are both they are a protected species, anyone leaving Policy and the High North; and as Norwegian versity. She has degrees wonderful ways to explore the area. the settlements is required to carry a rifle to Governor to the International Atomic Energy in Italian literature, lin- But remember there are polar bears in be used in self-defense if attacked. Agency (I.A.E.A.) Board of Governors. Amb. guistics, and international the area, so no one should leave the settle- Research is another important industry. Aas was born on May 25, 1955, in Oslo, Nor- education. She was born in ments without a guide with a gun! An article about the research being carried way. He has three daughters and one son. Minneapolis and currently Svalbard represents the Arctic where out by NASA and European Space Agency Follow the Ambassador’s blog at the-y-in- lives in Washington, DC. She values her Nor- people live, work, and go to school. It is an scientists on the island, entitled “Hunting diplomacy.com. wegian heritage. 10 • April 15, 2016 norwegian american weekly Roots & Connections Journalistic legend Carl Søyland is about to get his due—in print

< søyland From page 1

Norway were received [by the paper]. These were the first eyewitness accounts from the war in Norway,” according to Haakenstad. So important were these broadcasts that in 1946 Søyland was decorated for his work. Never resting on his laurels, Søyland stretched his journalistic chops. Historian Odd Lovoll mentioned that “In the autumn of 1941, the new editor of Nordisk Tidende of Brooklyn, Carl Søyland, traveled among his fellow Norwegian Americans to record the life stories and viewpoints of some of them,” which the following year would be presented as a series of interviews in his newspaper un- der the heading “Whom Do We Meet?” Al- though he officially retired from the paper in 1963, he continued working voluntarily for Photos: (left) Jørn-Kr. Jørgensen, many years to follow. (above) courtesy of Liv Marit Haakenstad His life’s work was recognized by two Left: Carl Søyland in 1974, shown in his natural habitat. He was at the time Norwegian Royals: Haakon VII awarded Editor-in-chief of the Nordisk Tidende. him with the Royal Norwegian Order of St. Above: Liv Marit Haakenstad, whose master’s thesis is to research and write a Olav in 1950 “for advancing the cause and book on the legendary Carl Søyland. through his writings” and King Olav V in 1959 awarded him Norway’s highest honor, the Commander of the St. music for several years. I also have training VH: You have written several non-fiction VH: How was Søyland able to make Nordisk Olav medal. in history and genealogy. I am now working books, including A Taste of Norwegian Ances- Tidende into such an important newspaper? The tenacious and detail-oriented Haak- on my master’s thesis in non-fiction writing try and From Norway: A few emigrants from LMH: I think the time was right for this news- enstad, who is a dynamo in her own right, at University College of Southeast Norway Nord-Trøndelag and Sør-Trøndelag. What paper; he had an audience for this newspaper has taken on the challenge of documenting (Tønsberg). The subject of my thesis is Carl was challenging about writing these? and provided the Norwegian Americans with the life of Søyland. She spoke to me about Søyland, editor-in-chief of Nordisk Tidende, LMH: The challenge is always to find the information they wanted. her background and interest in history and and especially his life in Brooklyn. correct information. Especially with the in- writing, and of course her upcoming book ternet. Information is copied and recopied all VH: Can you speak about a few things he did documenting Søyland. VH: You have parlayed your interest into the time—and it seems to not matter to some while editor that stand out for you? lecturing, genealogical research, and writing. people if the information is right or wrong. I LMH: He was involved in the Office of Victoria Hofmo: Liv Marit, could you please Can you tell us a little about your lectures? use original sources to find vital records and War Information. During WWII a weekly speak a little about where you grew up in LMH: I am often out speaking about the em- use other sources to support the information program was sent from Manhattan through Norway and what your childhood was like? igration to the U.S. and the transmigration I find. One of the challenges is that the im- the BBC to the illegal radios in Norway. He Liv Marit Haakenstad: I grew up at Biristrand, through the UK. Many Norwegians went to migrant sometimes used a different name or was also involved in the Norwegian Relief which is about nine miles from Lillehammer. Hull and Liverpool on their way to the U.S. an Americanized version of the name. for Norway during and after the war—help- I went to a very small school—about 60 stu- ca. 1860-1915. ing Norway get back on its feet. He also dents from grades one to six. Later I went But I also give lectures on Norwegian VH: Your current project, a biography about wrote two books: Langs landeveien (1929), to high school in Biri at age 13. There were genealogy. I often get difficult research ques- the legendary Carl Søyland of Nordisk Ti- and Skrift i sand (1954; Written in the Sand, about 150 students—50 in each grade, so tions from people who can’t find their family dende, is taking you in a different direction. translated by Rigmor K. Swensen in 2005). that was quite a bit different. I was active in in Norway or the United States. Sometimes How did the idea for this book begin? 4H and played handball. In the wintertime I I can solve them, but sometimes there is not LMH: Yes, my thesis is about Carl Søyland VH: What were Søyland’s other interests? would cross-country ski to school, and in the enough information to work with. With some (1894-1978). It was Jørn-Kr. Jørgensen who LMH: Music. He was good at playing the or- summertime I rode my bike. of the questions I have had, I have been able asked me to do a biography on him before gan and piano, but he was also involved in My grandmother, Liv, was a teacher from to find information later because so many of I started my studies in Vestfold. I thought it Intime Forum (1935-1945), where they had Valdres but taught school in Biri. I used to do the genealogy databases are growing. A lot would be a great idea to use my master’s the- speeches and open discussions, as well as my homework at her place, but I was not al- of the time, I work for lawyers on estates sis and develop it further into a biography of theater and song. lowed to do that when she was a substitute in other countries that involve Norwegian Carl Søyland. teacher in my class. Grandma taught school heirs. At the moment I am also working as VH: You have a blog, www.carlsoyland. until the age 74 or 75. My grandma Marit a researcher for Who Do You Think You Are? VJ: How has your research been going? com. How can this be useful to the public? lived in Valdres, and we spent every holiday But it is writing that I am really interested in LMH: I started with mostly nothing, but to- LMH: I want it to be a place where people there, except for the time she lived with us. and want to do. day I have a large collection of excellent in- can find out about Nordisk Tidende and formation about Søyland. I have begun writ- Brooklyn in Carl Søyland’s time there. VH: When did your interest in history begin? VH: You created the website www.norwe- ing the biography. LMH: I had a headmaster in Biristrand who gianancestry.com. What is its purpose? What VH: How can the public be useful to you? also was an excellent teacher in history. He future plans do you have for the site? VH: What has been the most challenging LMH: If somebody knew Carl Søyland, had died a few years ago at the age of 100. He LMH: I have worked on a book on Norwe- part of writing this book so far? pictures or stories about him, newspaper was the one who got me interested in history. gian genealogy for an English speaking audi- LMH: You should write the truth, but you clippings, or anything from the California- ence, but I have had trouble getting funding don’t always know what is the truth. Since Vikingen, which he was involved with for VH: Tell us a little about your education. for the translation. I created the website to Carl Søyland is no longer alive, I can’t ask about a year (1924), I would be happy to hear LMH: I received a degree in music education generate interest in Norwegian genealogy, him. But I am talking to people who knew from anyone who has information. from Hamar University-College and I taught and I am trying to get more people interested. him and reading as much as possible of the material that he has written. That helps so VH: When do you expect the book to be in much. print? LMH: Hopefully in 2017 and that would be The Scandinavian Hour VH: Can you describe Søyland in three sen- the Norwegian version. I would like to have Celebrating over 50 years on the air! tences? it translated into English in the future. LMH: Søyland was one of the early found- KKNW – 1150 AM ers of a boy scout troop in Norway in 1913. If any readers can assist Liv Marit in her He wrote the melody to the scout’s prayer search for information about Søyland, I en- Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST in Norway. He was very knowledgeable but courage you to do so (using the contact form Streaming live on the internet at: he could also be harsh and sarcastic. He also at www.carlsoyland.com). The paper you are had a heart of gold for those less fortunate reading today has half of its roots in the pa- www.1150kknw.com because he had also been poor at one time, per Søyland dedicated much of his life to, the and he knew what that felt like. Nordisk Tidende. norwegian american weekly April 15, 2016 • 11 obituaries & Religion Pastor Larson’s Corner In Loving Memory Pastor Jerry Larson retired to his cabin in Zimmerman, Minn., after 39 years Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? in parish ministry for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. In 2011 he Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary. published a book entitled “Speaking the Word Freely: Writing with purpose, preaching with power.” Contact him at [email protected] Sverre Johannes Ludvigsen June 1, 1926 – March 26, 2016 The gift of marriage Sverre Johannes Ludvigsen, 89, passed A few weeks ago my neighbor and service in the Lutheran Book of Worship, away peacefully on Saturday, March 26, friend asked if I would perform the wed- we read these words: “Marriage is a gift 2016, in Seattle, Wash. ding for him and his long-time girlfriend of God, intended for the joy and mutual Sverre was born June 21, 1926, in Hin- later this summer. The two of them have strength of those who enter it and for na, Hetland, , Norway, to Theodor been going together, on and off, for the the well-being of the whole human fam- Ludvigsen and Giske Sevrine Dale. The past three years. I was surprised that my ily. God created us male and female and youngest of 16 children, he grew up on the friend had finally decided to “pop” the blessed humankind with the gifts of com- family farm in Hinna. Following WWII, he question, so I asked him how he came panionship and the capacity to love.” served with the Norwegian army battalion to this important decision. He said, “You Sometimes we have a hard time be- assigned to Brigade 481, part of the British probably noticed how much better a per- lieving that committing to a relationship Fifth Army occupation forces stationed in son I am with a woman in my life. I finally with another human being can actually post-WWII Germany. figured that out, and I want to live the rest make our lives better. We may have been In March 1950, Sverre immigrated to of my life as a married man.” hurt when a relationship ended and some- the United States, where in 1953 he mar- My neighbor was right when he one we trusted and loved chose to leave us ried Mary Elizabeth Foster. The Ludvigsens guessed that I noticed a difference in him behind. This causes people to hesitate to raised their five children in Seattle where he whenever he and his girlfriend were back make a commitment that involves prom- worked for Safeway Stores for 31 years. Af- together. Having a close and dear compan- ises of lifelong faithfulness and love to an- ter his retirement in 1989, Sverre and Mary ion in life changes us. It helps us become other person. During the past month, two enjoyed many years traveling the world to- wife of 62 years; twin daughters Elisa- less self-absorbed and turns us out towards of my granddaughters have chosen to en- gether. beth Georgeson and Ruth McCarthy; sons the world around us. Like so many other ter the marriage relationship. When I see Sverre is survived by Mary, his beloved Steven, Wayne, and Mark Ludvigsen; and relationships in this life, marriage definite- how happy they are, I know that marriage, eight grandchildren. A celebration of life is ly has the power to make our lives better. like all human relationships, is a great and planned at a later date. In the introduction to the marriage wonderful gift from God.

19. april Delores Cleveland Sioux Falls SD Community Connections Marit Ekelund Lunner Norway Alma Nelson Monica CA Maxine Paulson-Foss Seattle WA Gratulerer med Dagen! Edward Svanoe Stillwater MN Janet K. Ungerman Brooklyn Park MN Happy birthday / 20. april 15. april Rev. Janni Belgum Coleman AB Canada engagement / etc! Paul H. Gilje St. Petersburg FL Marianne Ekelund Løvenstad Norway Colleen Elise Grobstok Kirkland WA Mette Ekelund Løvenstad Norway Edwin O. Emang Juneau AK 16. april Aage Førre Slater IA Your name and Turid Bouchoukian Edmonds WA Barbara Judd Rainbow CA Janna Glomstad Tretten Norway Konrad Knutsen Toms River NJ message here! Christie Grimsbo Lake Mills IA Sally Lorentzen Staten Island NY John Lovell Scottsdale AZ 17. april Bernice Nissen Everett WA Simon Hansen Canby OR Kristine Lovise Nilsen Portland OR For more information, call John Pedersen Prince Rupert BC Caroline Olsen Tacoma WA us at (206) 784-4617 or email Canada John Skaftun Shoreline WA [email protected]. Mary Rolf Brandon MN Norma Watterud Fort Myers FL 21. april Magnhild M. Andvik 18. april Andvikgrend Norway Funeral Home Carl A. Alfheim Seattle WA Scott Baunsgard Portland OR Arthur Hilmo Davenport IA Laura Jensen Mt. Kisco NY SOlie and Crematory Roy E. Isaksen Auburn WA Penny Joseph Knudsen Martinez CA Honoring • Caring • Serving Alvin Lansverk Murdock MN Leo Langley Sun City West AZ Earl Lillestrand Bloomington MN Elida Salmonson Otis Orchards WA 3301 Colby Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (425) 252-5159 Vernon Mathisen Nordland WA Kristmar Simpson Surrey BC Canada LeRaine Olson Maplewood MN Beulah Sollie Camano Island WA Ursula Rickman Duck NC Tina A. Stensland Lynnwood WA Paul W. Sevig Ft. Pierre SD Elsie Willumsen Brooklyn NY Marie Strand Bisbee ND

Want to see your birthday in the Norwegian American Weekly? Email [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617. Must be submitted one month in advance. NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed away? Please notify us! Join our community!

Call (206) 784-4617 or email [email protected] 12 • April 15, 2016 norwegian american weekly in your neighborhood What’s going on in your neighborhood? Calendar of Events california malers, but will also offer plenty of challenges for with English subtitles. At 7:00 p.m. on Wednes- and design skills at the Nordic Heritage Muse- 63rd Rosemaling Seminar advanced painters. Cost is $256 for members and day and 6:30 p.m. on Friday. Tickets are $10 or $7 um. Telemark, Hallingdal, and Gudbrandsdal April 23—24 $306 for non-members. for ASF members. Purchase at www.eventbrite. are just some of the regional styles taught in Alta, Calif. com/e/new-nordic-cinema-women-in-oversized- this class. Students paint on a variety of deco- We will be painting a 10” ale plate. Karen Nel- Beginning Rosemaling with Acrylic Paints mens-shirtskvinner-i-for-store-herreskjorter-tick- rative and useful objects. All levels of painters son is teaching a Valdres pattern on a blue/ April 29—May 1, 9:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. ets-21097953547. At Scandinavia House. welcome; taking at least two classes is recom- green background and Carl Larson will teach a Decorah, Iowa mended. Cost is $36 per day for members and Rogaland design with a touch of Valdres influ- Topics covered in this Vesterheim Folk School Another North Opening Reception $38 for general admission. ence on a black background. The cost of the class taught by Candace Larson include using the May 6, 6:00—8:00 p.m. seminar is $87; beds will be paid for at arrival. liner brush for flowing lines, painting scrolls, and New York, N.Y. Genealogy Research Visit www.campnorge.org/site/wp-content/ S-strokes; how to use JoSonja painting mediums; Join Scandinavia House for the opening recep- April 30, 3:00—5:00 p.m. uploads/Registration-Form-Spring-2016-with- and painting with acrylics in an oil class. You’ll look tion of Another North: Landscape Reimagined. Seattle, Wash. pictures.pdf for registration form and info. at a color wheel and learn how to mix paint. Cost Comprising photographic and video works, the Seattle has one of the largest is $192 for members and $242 for non-members. exhibition will explore landscape as a place of collections for genealogy research in the Pa- Scandinavian Heritage Festival complication and investigate channels into new cific Northwest. Join John LaMont, Genealogy May 7, 1:00—4:00 p.m. Learning the Language of the Kubbestol ways of seeing. The exhibition includes works Librarian, for this informative look at the SPL Temecula, Calif. April 29—May 1 by Eija-Liisa Ahtila, Ole Brodersen, Sigurður genealogy collection and the tools it puts at Vinland Lodge #6-159 is hosting the Scandina- Decorah, Iowa Guðjónsson, Simen Johan, Susanna Majuri, and your disposal. This workshop takes place at Se- vian Heritage Festival at 28720 Via Montezu- Learn the history of kubbestol and the steps for Pentti Sammallahti. Free; RSVP at www.scandi- attle Public’s Central Library, on the ninth floor. ma. There will be displays, crafts, food dem- making one in this Vesterheim Folk School class naviahouse.org/events/another-north-2/?mc_ Transportation from the museum is available. onstrations and sales, photo booth, vendors, taught by Steve Speltz and Rebecca Hanna. We cid=0305540d4c&mc_eid=d7b356b8b1. $18 for members; $22 general admission. display of bunads, and Vikings on a stick. will take you through the process of debarking, shaping, and hollowing a log necessary for the oregon “ of the Norwegian Heart” illinois drying process. Then you will be shown how to Casino Royale May 1, 4:00—7:00 p.m. shape the chair to get it ready for the seat. From Seattle, Wash. A Nordic Marketplace and Luncheon April 30, 7:00—10:00 p.m. 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. on Friday and 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 Noted cellist and founder of the Piatigorsky April 23, 9:30 a.m. Portland, Ore. p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. Cost is $142 for Foundation, Evan Drachman, is joined by pia- Park Ridge, Ill. This is a fundraising event for Grieg Lodge Schol- members and $192 for non-members. nist Lisa Bergman in a program of evocative Hosted by the Chicago Area Friends of arship Fund. Casino Royale is open to the public and lively Norwegian masters; Edvard Grieg, Vesterheim, this event at the Park Ridge ages 21 and over, at Norse Hall. In addition to Ole Bull, and Christian Sinding come alive with Country Club will benefit Vesterheim. The louisiana gaming, the event features a silent auction, wall sentimental tenderness and passion—with a marketplace will be open from 9:30 a.m. to XPONENTIAL 2016, An AUVSI Experience of wine, appetizers, and desserts. Ticket includes special surprise by Seattle personality and 12:30 p.m., and there will be plenty of Norsk May 2—5 food, $300 in play money, and door prizes. The composer Leif Eie! Tickets cost $25 for mem- merchandise. Accomplished artisans will New Orleans, La. Oslo Lounge will be open. Tickets are $30 up until bers and $30 for non-members and tickets demonstrate rosemaling and woodworking. Over 100 educational sessions will be led by in- April 23 and $40 after April 23, and are available with smørgåsbord cost $50 for members and A luncheon will be served and the program, dustry experts, academics, and government rep- at glsf-casino-night-2016.eventbrite.com. For $60 for non-members. At the Nordic Heritage which begins at 12:30 p.m., will feature a resentatives working to overcome today’s most more info email [email protected]. Museum. Purchase tickets at www.event- celebration of 50 years of Vesterheim’s Folk pressing challenges. Representatives from the brite.com/e/mostly-nordic-fjords-of-the-nor- Art School. Tickets are $57.50 per museum defense industry, national border intelligence texas wegian-heart-norway-tickets-20048887763. member and $75 for non-members. The services, police, customs, and immigration ser- Partner Delegation: Offshore Technology children’s menu is $25 each. Seating is limited. vices should attend this important conference. Conference 2016 The Winter Fortress Launch Party Advanced reservations required by April 18. Find additional info at www.auvsishow.org/auv- April 30—May 5 May 5 For further info, please contact (563) 382- si2016/Public/Enter.aspx and register by April 22 Houston, Texas Seattle, Wash. 9681 or [email protected]. to [email protected]. The Offshore Technology Conference brings to- Join author Neal Bascomb for a launch party gether more than 100,000 industry leaders from of his new book The Winter Fortress: The Epic “The Hjemkomst Viking Ship Program” minnesota more than 110 countries. They all want to explore Mission to Sabotage Hitler’s Atomic Bomb. Co- May 3, 5:00 p.m. Spring Rømmegrøt Luncheon how new technology, best practices, emerging sponsored by Elliot Bay Books. At Hugo House. Rockford, Ill. April 30, 12:00 p.m. trends, and proven methods are impacting the Sons of Norway Valhall Lodge will meet at Minneapolis, Minn. offshore oil and gas industry. Norway—and their Stockholm Inn. A dutch treat dinner will be The Alle Kvinner Mission will be sponsoring a local oil and gas industry—plays an important Wisconsin ordered off the menu at 5:00 p.m. and the rømmegrøt lunch at Mindekirken. Cost is $15 and role in the international market. Visit www.nor- Leaving Norway for the New World lodge program will begin at 5:30 p.m. Guest tickets must be ordered by April 18. Visit www. way2otc.no for schedule and registration. April 23, 11:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m. speaker Tom Asp will present. In 1971, Robert mindekirken.org for more info. Stoughton, Wis. Asp developed a dream—to build and sail a Washington Norwegian history instructor and author John Viking ship to Norway. The dream started with Centennial for Bygdelagenes Fellesraad A. Yilek will discuss the conditions in 19th- Munch and Medicine century Norway that caused so many to seek cutting white trees, and the construction of May 5—8 April 23, 4:00 p.m. the Viking ship was completed in 1980. In 1982, Brooklyn Center, Minn. a new life in America. His presentation will in- Tacoma, Wash. clude stories of the first emigrants, Ole Bull’s the ship “Hjemkomst” sailed from Duluth, Bygdelagenes Fellesraad, umbrella organization Allison Morehead, Associate Professor of Art His- Minn., to Oslo, Norway. Public is welcome. for all bygdelag, is celebrating its centennial in failed settlement at Oleana, and a disgraced tory at Queen’s University, will weave together woman who found success in the Midwest. Af- Brooklyn Center. Visit www.fellesraad.com for an evidence of Munch’s interest in the sea with medi- iowa extensive program of speakers, music, folk danc- terwards, he will sign copies of his new book, cine and health through his works such as “Alpha at Nordic Nook. At Livsreise. From Underwear to Everywhere: Norwegian ing, events for children, and a gala banquet. Bring and Omega,” and his depiction of the New Woman Sweaters your bunad and join the parade. This is a unique as a nurse. At Scandinavian Cultural Center at Pa- Torsk Supper and Bake Sale now—April 24, 2016 opportunity to connect with Norwegians from cific Lutheran University. April 23, 4:00—7:00 p.m. Decorah, Iowa your area of Norway and a chance to explore Milwaukee, Wis. From humble beginnings as a warm layer un- Norwegian-ness: past, present, and future. Northern Lights Auktion The buffet includes boiled cod, Norwegian der a vest and jacket, Norwegian sweaters are April 23 meatballs, boiled potatoes, and much more. now worn all over the world, for almost every new york Seattle, Wash. Homemade baked goods will also be served. occasion. Learn about patterns and colors and Showing of Blind Join the Nordic Heritage Museum for an evening Cost is $13 for adults and $5 for children ages consider the technology and artistry of this April 20 & 22 of fun and building financial support. Held at the four to 11. Open seating is on a first come first iconic garment. At Vesterheim. New York, N.Y. Grand Hyatt Seattle, guests can expect fantastic served basis. At Norway House. Having recently lost her sight, Ingrid retreats to auction lots and a delicious meal accompanied Beginning Basics in the Gudbrandsdal Style the safety of her home. But Ingrid’s real problems by aquavit! The auktion raises much-needed re- 10th Annual Benefit for NAGC & NL April 28, 9:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. lie within, and her deepest fears and repressed sources for the museum’s public and educational May 1, 4:00—9:00 p.m. Decorah, Iowa fantasies soon take over. Directed by Eskil Vogt programs, exhibitions, and operations. Tickets Madison, Wis. This Vesterheim Folk School class starts at the (Norway, 2014). In Norwegian with English sub- are $125 per guest or tables of 10 for $1,000. Organized by the Friends of the Norwegian beginning. We will cover brush selection and titles. At 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday and 6:30 p.m. Make your reservations today by contacting Ki- American Genealogical Center & Naeseth Li- care, making a palette, wood preparation, and on Friday. Tickets are $10 or $7 for ASF members ersten Bowers at (206) 789-5707, ex 24, or by brary, this gala event begins with social gath- brush stroke work. Instructor Candace Larson and can be purchased at www.eventbrite.com/e/ emailing [email protected]. ering and silent auction at 4:00 p.m., followed will work individually with each student. Cost new-nordic-cinema-blind-tickets-21097718845. by dinner and program featuring the dynamic, is $64 for members and $84 for non-members. At Scandinavia House. Rosemaling with Marilyn Hansen young violinist Skogen Sällström at 6:15 p.m. April 29—30, 9:30 a.m.—3:30 p.m. Tickets are $55 per person; $60 per person af- Rosemaling in the Gudbrandsdal Style Showing of Women in Oversized Men’s Shirts Seattle, Wash. ter April 18. Reservations due by April 22. For April 28—May 1, 9:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. April 27 & 29 Explore this traditional Norwegian form of deco- more info, contact Diane Maurer, NAGC & NL, Decorah, Iowa New York, N.Y. rative folk art, or simply brush up on your painting at (608) 255-2224 or [email protected]. You will work on two projects during this four- Three women stumble blindly in an almost desper- day Vesterheim Folk School class. This class is ate search for themselves and happiness. Directed basic enough for beginner/intermediate rose- by Yngvild Sve Flikke (Norway, 2015). In Norwegian Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 to be added to the Norwegian American Weekly! Check www.na-weekly.com/events for complete listings Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. norwegian american weekly April 15, 2016 • 13 In your neighborhood A unique Norwegian Norway-USA in contrast: musical experience Two governments’ Violinist Skogen Sällström will captivate Madison national elections Special Release soul, depicting the imagery of a frolicsome NAGC & NL ‘nisse,’” says Mari Eikeland, recalling her fantasy during his performance at Buik Re- M. Michael Brady Norwegian violinist Skogen Sällström cital Hall in Elmhurst, Ill., last summer. Asker, Norway is a captivating young talent known for his Sällström performs on the Hardan- passionate artistry. Sällström aims to bring a ger , Norway’s instrument of eight The governments of western democra- “unique Norwegian musical experience” to or nine strings, four or five of which act in cies are alike in many ways. But they also dif- his performance on May 1 at the 10th-annual sympathetic vibration, bringing out the in- fer in ways most apparent in national election benefit dinner for Madison’s Norwegian strument’s unique resonances. A traditional years when news and public awareness focus- American Genealogical Center & Naeseth instrument, the also lends es on how the leaders of a country are chosen. Library. This gala event will include a silent itself to the contemporary folk pieces per- The scenarios of the ongoing U.S. Presi- auction and gathering with the artist, fol- formed by this young musician, such as his dential election and of the forthcoming 2017 lowed by dinner and performance. own contemporary , a style unique to Norwegian (Parliament) election re- A specialist in Norwegian music, span- Norwegian music. flect differences in the relationship between ning the traditional, classical, and contem- “Skogen’s music soars, bringing the the government and its people. The roots of porary genres, Sällström takes audiences on fresh air and foot-stomping beats of Norway the differences lie in history and today are a historical journey. “It’s interesting to recog- into the hall,” remarks Cathy Carlson, who most evident in data about the two countries. nize the commonality that has survived across attended several of his performances in Alas- Compared to the USA, Norway is tiny, genres throughout this history of music,” re- ka. “Skogen’s music is an inspirational blend with an area 1/25 that of the USA. It also flects Sällström. “These threads of tonalities of old Norway and the present day… Skogen has a far smaller population, 1/62 that of the and rhythms are woven throughout the tapes- makes his fiddle sing!” USA. But in Norway as in the USA, geo- Photo: Røed / Wikimedia Commons try of music, as if these motifs dance to the Sällström attributes being an interpret- graphically there’s much uninhabited space, A Norwegian ballot box. rhythms of Norway’s spectacular landscape.” er of Ole Bull, 19th-century violinist and more so in Norway. Across the country, Sällström masterfully interprets each composer, and others, to his extensive cross there’s an average of 35 people per square lem Brundtland, who was PM in 1981 and historical genre, then “splashes unexpected training over period genres. He earned his mile in Norway, a bit more than a third as 1986-89. The administrative divisions of the musical nuances suspended by his buoyancy. master’s in Norwegian music from the Insti- many as the 90.6 people per square mile in country comprise 19 fylker (counties). The The violin is an extension of his body and tute of Music at the Norwegian University the USA. So the facts of the political geog- legislature is the unicameral Storting. of Science and Technology in Trondheim, raphies of the two countries are essentially For American readers of this newspa- Norway. those of their urbanized areas. per, the ways in which government and poli- With performances that include tradi- In both countries, power is divided be- tics function in the constitutional monarchy tional style, Sällström also explores new mu- tween the executive, legislative, and judi- of Norway are most easily understood by sical possibilities with his own compositions cial branches of government, as defined by looking to neighboring Canada, a constitu- and through performance of contemporary a constitution. The everyday functioning of tional monarchy in which Queen Elizabeth music. His amazing musicality spans his per- the three branches are similar, but there are II is head of state and Prime Minister Jus- formances—ranging from his solo role with significant differences at the executive and tin Trudeau is head of government. Save for the Sør-Trøndelag Orchestra in Norway, to legislative levels. Canada being officially bilingual, English his collaboration with other musicians, to his The USA is a constitutional republic in and French (most so in the Province of Que- teaching courses in Norwegian music. He which the president, now Barack Obama, is bec), everyday life in Canada seems much has led a folk music ensemble for over two the head of state as well as of government. like everyday life in the USA. The same years that is currently raising funds to pro- The administrative divisions of the country might be said of Norway. duce a recording. Sällström’s mission is for comprise 50 states, Washington, D.C., five But there are differences in the ways people to gain an appreciation of the richness territories, and smaller possessions. The leg- government and politics function. Most no- of Norwegian music. islature is the bicameral Congress. ticeably, the functions of the Cabinets differ. Norway is a constitutional monarchy In the U.S., the Cabinet functions as an ad- The May 1 event will be Sällström’s first ap- with a parliamentary system of government visory council to the president. In Norway, pearance in Madison. For ticket info, contact in which the king is the head of state and the the Cabinet is a state council drawn from the Norwegian American Genealogical Cen- prime minister is the head of government. members of parliament and appointed by the ter at (608) 255-2224 or dmauer@nagcnl. The king, now Harald V, officially has ex- king with the approval of the Storting. It has org. NAGC & NL is a non-profit genealogi- ecutive power, but today his duties are es- executive power in advising the prime min- cal research library of national and interna- sentially only representative and ceremonial. ister, so one speaks of the sitting cabinet as a Photo: Knut Erik Jensen tional scope, serving the Norwegian-Ameri- The prime minister now is Erna Solberg, the Skogen Sällström in 2015. can community. second woman PM after the first, Gro Har- See > elections, page 16

< DNB pened with today’s regulations.” Scrutinizing offshore tax havens has Aftenposten reports that they have “no From page 3 On April 4, Trade and Industry Minister been on finance officials’ agenda for a num- reason to allege that either DNB or their Monica Mæland stated that she had met with ber of years. In 2010, then Norwegian Tax clients have broken laws in Norway, Lux- anonymous source. These cover a period of DNB regarding DNB Luxembourg and the Administration Director, Svein Kristensen, embourg, or the Seychelles” in the Panama about 40 years. Seychelles-based companies. announced that he had set up a 100-strong Papers affair. The source contacted the paper over a “As a shareholder in DNB, we [the gov- team to hunt for some NOK 200 billion hid- At the same time, the national daily says year ago and has submitted encrypted in- ernment] expect that companies exhibit the den in tax havens. it can document that two current DNB em- ternal documents from the Panamanian law greatest possible degree of transparency re- Norway’s Ministry of Finance unveiled ployees with top positions were in contact firm. It sells anonymous offshore companies garding their cash flow stream. I have asked a new trans-Nordic-Panama tax reporting with Mossack Fonseca representatives in Lux- around the world. the Board for a written account. This will be agreement in 2012. Norwegian NGO em- embourg. Documents they received regarded These documents, which reveal infor- made public,” she said in a statement. ployees have expressed concern over the bil- administrating the Seychelles-registered com- mation on 214,000 offshore companies con- This was the same day that Bjerke de- lions of kroner that are placed in tax havens. panies, with one having signed several papers nected to people in more than 200 countries clared that DNB Luxembourg’s tax haven 2014 saw Trade and Industry Ministry to do with the mailbox companies. and territories, have been shared with the move, with the help of Mossack Fonseca, officials ask DNB management whether the About 200 Norwegians are named in the International Consortium of Investigative had “slipped beneath the radar of the Board, bank was involved with the business of tax 11.5 million leaked documents. Journalists (ICIJ). the management, and the internal audit.” havens. “The answer they [officials] were Nordic banking group Nordea has also Norwegian bank DNB issued a press re- DNB has initiated an investigation into given [at the time] was ‘no,’” Monica Mæ- aided some of their customers to establish lease stating that its Luxembourg subsidiary the issue. All the roughly 40 companies, land, incumbent Minister of Trade and In- offshore companies. They say that they are had helped “some 40 customers” set up com- some 30 of which are owned by Norwegians, dustry tells NRK. to end their relationship with the law firm. panies in the Seychelles between 2006 and have been wound up. Bjerke has confirmed Setting up offshore companies and/or In a statement issued in the wake of the 2010. “We shouldn’t have done this,” said this DNB Luxembourg-handled operation having money in them is not illegal, but tax revelations, they say that they “strongly de- CEO Rune Bjerke. “It wouldn’t have hap- has ceased. avoidance is. nounce” tax evasion. 14 • April 15, 2016 norwegian american weekly norwegian heritage We are not forgotten: a WWII memoir Excerpts from Ola Ljødal’s unpublished memoirs with connecting passages by Barbara Rostad

Photos: (left) U.S. Library of Congress / Wikimedia, (right) Anders Beer Wilse / Wikimedia la jødal O L Left: Long lines for food and shortages characterized the latter years of the war—Ljødal remembers Moelv, Norway that it didn’t matter how many ration cards you had, because there was no food available to buy. Right: Norway’s Stortinget, occupied by Germany. Barbara K. Rostad Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho

Imagine you’re 13 years old and trudging bombed into ruins.” gas. Most of the vehicles were fueled by a Resistance toward the police station to turn something Elverum actually served briefly as so-called gas generator fastened to the back Resistance to the Nazis cropped up in in. But at the police station the officers speak the nation’s capital. On April 9 Norwegian of the car. As Ljødal explains, “It was fueled a variety of ways. Most of Norway’s ships another language and wear uniforms unlike troops prevented German parachute troops with wood cut in small pieces. This kit was were abroad when the Occupation began. those you’ve learned to associate with the law. from capturing King Haakon, the Crown quite an effective substitution for the usual They were all ordered to report back to Nor- It is September, 1941, and Ola Ljødal is Prince, and Parliament. The Parliament met fuel but sometimes the car got problems if way or to German harbors. “Not a single ship delivering the family radio to the Nazis, now in Elverum to authorize a government-in-ex- the hills were too steep. Sometimes we, the followed this order!” in control of Norway for 18 months. Fail- ile. When they refused to submit to German young passengers, had to go out of the bus Most of the Norwegian ships sailed for ure to do so could result in severe sanctions, demands on April 11, the center of Elverum and help it up steep hills by pushing behind.” the Allies, often on dangerous routes such as possibly death. And yet Ola’s father would was reduced to ashes. “Tobacco was a scarcity so if you were England or America to Murmansk, Russia, keep one hidden at the power plant where he King Haakon and Olav left Norway an addict, you had to grow the tobacco your- bringing all kinds of military supplies and works, secretly listening throughout the war. June 7, 1940, going to England aboard an self. I did! The quality was, of course, poor, food to the Russians. After the war Winston Ljødal, now 88, is a retired elementary English warship. The crown princess and her but good enough. Churchill said that “Norwegian ships could school teacher and principal. He lives in three children escaped to Sweden, later sail- “In the community house near Langseth be valued as one million soldiers.” Moelv, Norway, on the shores of Lake Mjøsa ing to the U.S. where they stayed as guests Church was a café and the manager was one Defying the threat of punishment, thou- near the mouth of the Moelva River with his of President Roosevelt until the war ended. of our good friends, Lisa. The café was of- sands of Norwegians escaped to Sweden, wife, Nancy, and has written several single- ten full of German soldiers and Lisa picked England, or Scotland, where they were spaced pages about the days of the Occupa- Verboten up all the cigarette leftovers and gave to her trained in sabotage actions, then sent back tion. These memoirs, as he calls them, were Many familiar possessions and activi- friends that smoked.” to Norway to foil the Germans however they prompted by a visit from several U.S. rela- ties acquired the German stamp of “Verbo- could. For example, they damaged rails to tives who asked him to share his recollec- ten,” things now forbidden. Guns topped the Bargaining disrupt trains and destroyed archives with tions about that era. “I answered that there list—no surprise there. Ditto for dances and In the last year of the war the Germans names of young men ordered to perform as would be so many things that I promised to big assemblies. But American and English still in Norway were short on food too, so service workers. write a little about it.” movies were forbidden too. “How we missed sometimes exchanges could be made such Resistance also came from many citizens Anyone 13 or older in 1940 is now at Shirley Temple, Clark Gable, Greta Garbo, as cigarettes for food. “One day one of my who secretly listened to radio news. “London least 88; men old enough to serve in the Myrna Loy, and Charlie Chaplin!” friends and I had some clippings from the ra- radio had many Norwegian journalists in the Norwegian military then are now at least 94. “To hoist the Norwegian flag on a pole tion card for cakes that we gave to the Ger- staff. In BBC there was a special department As these hardy Norwegians from the World was forbidden and of course, all kinds of cel- man soldiers for cigarettes. They went over that sent programs in Norwegian.” War II era become fewer and fewer, those ebrations of our Independence Day, May 17. the bridge to the café to buy cakes and we News from the outside bolstered peo- remaining who can remember and recount it All the windows in the house had to be dark- continued our ride on our bikes. When com- ple’s hopes. “I had a great experience one are ever rarer. In a few short years the only ened by black paper sheets. Lights outside ing back the same way one hour later or so, day in the autumn of 1943 when I found a ones living with firsthand memories of April were forbidden as well.” And as for riding a the three Germans stood waiting for us and pamphlet on the ground. It was a greeting 9, 1940, will be individuals who were 10 or bike at night, to be acceptable, the headlight were very angry with us. The clippings we from King Haakon VII with a picture of him under at the time. had to have black paper glued over the glass had given then were too old; they hadn’t got- and words with encouragement, ending with Ljødal is happy to have excerpts from his with just a small strip for light. ten any cakes.” the hope that he soon would be back in a free memoirs printed in the Norwegian American Anyone 15 and over had to wear a photo They wanted their cigarettes back and and independent Norway.” Weekly. Everything in quote marks is from ID at all times, and travel more than 20 miles threatened to take Ola and his friend to their Dropped by Allied aircraft, such pam- his writing. When he sat down to keep his from home required special permission. And commander for trying to dupe them. “But phlets were one more thing on the “Verbo- promise, he wondered where to start. “Yes, if all these restrictions seemed more than just one said, ‘Let them go.’ And we gave them ten” list. But information brought by radio of course: on the day the Germans came.” tiresome, escape to Sweden or England was the cigarettes we had left and went home, or by airlift helped strengthen Norwegian not a legal option. luck for the happy end.” resolve. Ola remembers that on his confir- The beginning mation day October 5, 1941, he “looked up “April 9, 1940. I was 12 years old. I was Rationing Stretching into the sky and saw several small lumps of at the shop for my mother in the morning and Rationing was another form of restric- “My mother usually had nine persons smoke that popped up high, high up in the I remember the shopkeeper said there was tion. Coffee, sugar, flour, tobacco, liquor, to nourish every day and to this day I have clear October sky. German aircraft over Oslo. Then during the meat, milk, clothes, shoes, bicycle tires, never understood how she was able to man- “We found out that it must be German day more and more was told and we realized soap, margarine, chocolate, and cocoa all re- age. We were never hungry. We were lucky anti-aircraft guns that were shooting at Al- that the country was to be occupied by the quired ration cards. “In the last year of the to live on our little farm. lied aircraft which flew too high to be seen. I Germans. war it didn’t help how many valid clippings “The housewives were very inventive. remember thinking, ‘We are not forgotten.’” “In the morning of April 9 our king you had on your ration card—the shops had My mother made soap, potato flour, syrup (Haakon) and his family were heading north, only very little or nothing to offer.” from beets. She mixed mashed potatoes with But what happened to Ola after the war? first to Hamar, then to Elverum and after that “Only a few persons were allowed to the margarine in order to let the margarine last What is he doing now? How did the rest of further and further north. The Germans tried own and use a car. My father’s and other longer. The worst dish I can remember, served his family fare? These are answered in a sec- to catch them—or to kill them by bombing people’s cars were confiscated by the - Ger in our home only a couple times, was herring ond installment in which Ola recalls the end places where they thought the king and the mans one of the first years of the war.” cakes fried in cod liver oil. The evil smell of of the war and the king’s return. Watch for it crown prince probably were. Elverum was Not many cars were permitted to use this course sat in the house’s walls for days!” in a May issue. norwegian american weekly April 15, 2016 • 15 arts & entertainment Film review: Aurora is rising Power and The Wave If you haven’t seen Aurora Aksnes sing yet, there’s still time to discover this rising star

Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y.

Singer- Aurora Aksnes made Norwegian firm, heard her song and quickly her U.S. debut on the popular Jimmy Fal- signed her with them. lon show on March 14, 2016. Not bad for a Soon after, iconic Decca Records, label young musician, not yet 20, who hails from of the Rolling Stones, recognized her talent, the small town of Os, Norway, population releasing her first single with them, “Under less than 19,000. Stars,” in 2014, with “Runaway,” and her Dressed in a chic blush crop-top, accom- first EP, Running with the Wolves, following panied with chiffon palazzo pants with Indo- in 2015. The latter is a very quiet piece. Here nesian inspired front panels, and all touched she sings accompanied with strings and soft with sweet lace accents, I was not sure what drumming, so her clear strong voice is queen to expect, as I had never heard her music. She and her lyrics can be heard. In 2015, she sang began singing “Conqueror,” about search- at the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize Concert. ing for a lover, a conqueror, “But he doesn’t Aurora’s repertoire touches on fantasy, seem to come my way,” from her new album fairy tales, and myths: “Running With the Photo courtesy of the Norwegian Film Institute All My Demons Greeting Me As a Friend. Wolves,” “Puppet,” and her own version Prescient geologist Kristian Eikfjord (Kristoffer Joner) helps an injured neighbor attempt to outrun She began singing in a soft voice, solo, of the beautiful and haunting song “Na- the wave that will destroy the town of Geiranger in The Wave. her hands in sweeping gestures singing ture Boy.” These subjects often come from along. I was unprepared for her unfettered a place of darkness, as expressed in her “I Linda Warren exuberance as her confidence grew towards Went Too Far”: “I went too far when I was Washington, D.C. the middle of her performance. After sing- begging on my knees, When I cut my hands ing “I feel alive… live... live” her feet broke so you could stand and watch me bleed. I A director has the power to keep you he can handle data, mountains of it. He is the free. She kicked and swayed, finally jumping went too far and kissed the ground beneath in the moment. If he uses it well, you are first one to realize that Akerneset is now col- off the stage platform—barefoot turning and your feet. Standing in my blood, it was a strapped into the roller-coaster world of the lapsing and the resulting rockslide will gen- hopping as her four backup musicians let go. taste of bittersweet.” movie and experience the thrilling “ups” and erate a killer tidal wave at any moment. Jimmy Fallon’s reaction was priceless— Aurora is now touring throughout the the side-busting screaming “downs.” You Unfortunately, Kristian, overpowered by joyful and exuberantly encouraging. Burst- U.S and Europe. She has already sold out in can’t escape and don’t want to. self-doubt, allows his less-gifted co-workers ing out as soon as she finished, he said, “Oh her Los Angeles, , Minneapo- The Wave, directed by Norwegian Roar to talk him out of taking the action he knows come on! That’s what you want! That’s what lis, Chicago, D.C., New York, Montreal, and Uthaug, is set in the Geirangerfjord region will save the town and family he loves. you want right there!” Bodø, Norway, venues. of Norway, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. As the mountain’s plates contract, the At the tender age of 10, Aurora began Perhaps Christina Why’s comment on It is the story of a family’s survival. It is family is pulled apart. Separated when the writing songs. She states that she has been Facebook explains why: “Oh gosh, AURO- also about the power of expansion and con- rockslide starts, Kristian and Julia race to influenced by Bob Dylan and Leonard Co- RA, you are incredible! You are rising up like traction in life. higher ground while Idun descends into the hen. It was her mother who urged her to a phoenix! I can’t wait for the whole world to The father, Kristian, a geologist, pre- hotel basement to save skateboarding Son- share her music because it could help people. discover your magical musical powers like I pares to move his family—wife Idun, son dre. The music in his headphones drowns out So at 12 she released “Runaway” as a single. did. Keep shining.” Sondre, and daughter Julia—to a new job in her screams. A schoolmate believed so much in her talent a big city. Sondre’s behavior hammers home the that she uploaded it to a Norwegian stream- For more info and tour dates, visit www. Kristian has spent his career in Gei- power of error. Later, Sondre realizes what ing site. And her schoolmate did Aurora an aurora-music.com. ranger monitoring the Akerneset mountains enormous consequences his actions have had enormous favor, as Made Management, a to prevent another rockslide and tidal wave. and wants to die. He gives up at the moment The first rockslide was in 1905. The moun- his mother needs him most. We hope he turns tain plates expanded and rocks crashed into his guilt into rage and fights with her for a the creating a tsunami that killed 60 different outcome. people in a Norwegian town. The director missed an opportunity to tie The furrows in Kristian’s forehead tell Julia into this theme of power. She is too pas- us that for a long time he has focused on pre- sive. She suffers, waits, and does what her venting another disaster. Kristian has strug- father tells her. Fasten your seat belt. Hold gled. Now he is ready to surrender to his co- on. Run! Even a young person can act in a workers the responsibility of saving lives. crisis. Son Sondre is not ready to let go of the Growing up with her energetic parents, home he loves. He sinks into a morbid self- she would have ideas. She might put her absorption that will have disastrous conse- stuffed toy under her coat to keep it dry when quences. Daughter Julia shows an unhealthy the water covered the road. After the water compliant lethargy. receded, she could charm the other children Kristian and Idun use different gifts to into a game to distract them while they wait- guide their family through the transition. ed to hear how their “lost” parents fared in Kristian is an acute and caring listener. Idun the wave. thinks on her feet and solves problems with Julia’s initiative would have made the fierce confidence. She “runs” through the reunion at the end of the movie complete. scenes, the camera racing to keep up with Now, all the family members are heroes— her. they acted to save one another. We first see Idun’s strong legs sticking Isn’t this what we would all like to say out from under the sink as she works to stop about ourselves: that we are stronger and bet- a leak. She asks for another wrench. Kris- ter after being hit by one of life’s waves? tian does not know which is which. Sondre’s slow response hints he won’t be much use in Linda Warren has worked as a writer and a crisis. producer for NBC and ABC affilates. She is a Could Idun’s ability to thrive in a small member of Screen Actors Guild and the Writ- wet space, without her husband’s or son’s ers Guild of America. Her screenplay The help, be a skill that could save her life? Watch National Museum of Driftwood won the gold what she does later with her powerful body Remi at WorldFest-Houston in 2014. She has to push the water out of the bomb shelter and a masters in Journalism from American Uni- Photo: Decca to eliminate a threat to her son. versity in Washington, D.C. Album art for AURORA’s debut studio album, All My Demons Greeting Me as a Friend. While Kristian can’t handle a wrench, 16 • April 15, 2016 norwegian american weekly back page Norwegian Language Corner NORWEGIAN FOLK TALES, FAIRY TALES and TROLLS

Image compiled by the Norwegian American Weekly Volume 2 Norway has a lot more selection than the U.S. in terms of political parties, and Norwegians tend to With 21 classic folk tales, fairy tales, and trolls from Norway in Norwegian and English, “Tuss og Troll” is now vote for parties rather than personalities. serialized in the Norwegian American Weekly’s Norwegian Language Corner. The stories are from the collections of Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe, and retold by Øyvind Dybvad, Gard Espeland, Velle Espeland, Johannes Farestveit, and Nana Rise-Lynum. Translated by Alexander Knud Huntrods and Odd-Steinar Dybvad < elections Further reading: Raneng. Illustrated by Solveig Muren Sanden, Jens R. Nilssen, and Ralph A. Styker. “Tuss og Troll” was edited, From page 13 “Norsk politics shift leftward,” an over- designed, and published by Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri publishing. Copyright © Norsk Barneblad. view of the Norwegian local elections held Government (usually capitalized). Monday, September 14, 2015, a barometer While the United States has two major of public opinion of the parties and an indi- political parties and some smaller ones, Nor- cator of the probable outcome of the forth- way has nine major political parties and some coming national elections in 2017. Norwe- aspiring fringe ones. These differences shape gian American Weekly, September 25, 2015, the ways in which the citizenry views and online at www.na-weekly.com/news/norsk- chooses its leaders. While Americans tend to politics-shift-leftward. vote for a single personality, Norwegians vote Valghåndboken (Election Manual), the for the parties. So politics loom large in Nor- rules and regulations governing elections wegian perceptions of government. Likewise, and political parties set forth in 29 chap- information provided by government agen- ters, 149 pages, periodically updated, pub- cies is prominent in everyday affairs. lished by the Office of the Prime Minister Aside from the political persuasions and available in two Norwegian versions professed, the practice of politics and the (Bokmål and Nynorsk) as well as English. conduct of elections are subject to require- PDF downloadable at: www.regjeringen.no/ ments as are other professions and their in- en/portal/election-portal/election-manual/ teractions with the public. For further details, id463405. see Valghåndboken (Further reading). For a New in Norway, Practical informa- Per, Pål og Espen Oskeladd Peter, Paul & Espen the Ash-lad concise overview of the spectrum of infor- tion from public agencies, 2015, 136 page del 2 av 4 part 2 of 4 mation provided by public agencies, see New softcover, ISBN 978-82-8246-140-5, the Om ei stund ville dei tre brørne av After a while the three brothers want- in Norway (Further reading). everyday specifics of living and working in stad og prøva seg, dei og. Og det var faren ed to also try. And this, their father was The issues facing the nine political par- Norway, in seven chapters covering Mov- vel nøgd med, for endå om dei ikkje vann happy with, because even if they did not ties in their positioning for the 2017 national ing to Norway, Work, Children and Schools, kongsdottera og halve riket, kunne det då win the princess and half the kingdom, election include wages and taxes, healthcare, Health, Recreational Activities, Transport henda at dei fekk seg tenest ein eller an- it may just happen that they would find education, and immigration in the face of the and Services, and Useful Information includ- nan stad. Og så la Per og Pål og Espen Os- work at one place or another. So off went refugee crisis in Europe. These issues will be ing how the court system is organized, the keladd av garde. Peter, Paul, and Espen the ash-lad. covered in forthcoming articles in this NAW offerings of the public agencies, and contact Då dei hadde gått eit stykke, kom dei After they had gone some way, they 20.NAW.Trolls.2VolSet.CMYK.28Oct2015.qxp_Layoutseries on the differences between the govern- 1 10/28/15details should 3:38 PM you Page have 1 questions. PDF ver- til ei granli. Oppe i lia høyrde dei noko som arrived at a fir-tree forest. Up on the side ments of the U.S. and Norway, of which this sion downloadable from www.nyinorge.no. hogg og hogg. — Eg undrast på kva det er of the mountain, they heard something overview article is the first. som høgg oppe i lia, eg, sa Espen. that chopped and chopped. “I wonder — Det er då og noko å undra seg over what that can be that is chopping up Norwegian Folk Tales, Fairy Tales and Trolls: at einkvan høgg ved! sa Per og Pål. — Men there,” said Espen. du er no støtt så klok, du! “This must really be something to •Vol 1 = 18 stories, 192 pgs — Eg kunne no ha moro av å sjå kva worry oneself over, to see who it is that •Vol 2 = 21 stories, 192 pgs det er likevel, eg, sa Espen Oskeladd, og is cutting firewood!” said Peter and Paul. SAVE $20 •Bilingual English Norwegian dermed gjekk han. Han la av stad oppetter “Then again, you are the one who is ever on 2-vol-set text in each book bakkane dit han høyrde det hogg. Då han so clever!” •Hardcover, Smyth sewn, over kom fram, såg han det var ei øks som stod “I could probably have some fun in 600 full colored illustrations in og hogg og hogg på ein furulegg. seeing who it is, couldn’t I,” said Espen the each 7″x10″ book •Based on the collection of — God dag! helsa han. — Står du her ash-lad; and with that he went off up into Asbjørnsen and Moe åleine og høgg? the hills to where he had heard the chop- •For of all ages on both sides — Ja, no har eg stått her i mange, ping. When he arrived, he saw it was an of the Atlantic lange tider og venta på deg, svara øksa. axe that was there chopping and chopping •Classic series is published — Ja, ja, her er eg, sa Espen, og så tok on a fir tree. every year in Norway by han øksa og slo henne av skaftet og stakk “Good day,” said he to the axe. “Are = $29.95 each or $39.95 for 2-vol-set Norsk Barneblad både øks og skaft i skreppa. Så rusla han you chopping here all by yourself?” SAVE $20 + FREE shipping in the USA Call, send check or visit website ned til vegen att. “Aye, I have been here for a long, long Astri My Astri Publishing www.astrimyastri.com Då han nådde att brørne sine, gav dei time waiting for you,” answered the axe. Deb Nelson Gourley Phone: 563-568-6229 602 3rd Ave SW, Waukon, IA 52172 [email protected] seg til å le og gjera narr av han. — Kva var “Well here I am then,” said Espen, det for noko rart du fekk sjå oppi heia? and with that he took the axe and knocked spurde dei. the head off its shaft and put both the axe th — Å, det var berre ei øks, svara Espen. head and shaft into his backpack. Then 17 of may GreetinGs! Då dei hadde gått ei stund att, kom dei un- he just wandered back down to the road der ein berghamar tett attmed vegen. once more. Purchase your space in our annual 17th of May Issue Oppe i hamaren høyrde dei noko When he was back down with his som hakka og grov. — Eg undrast på kva brothers again, they began to laugh and Name:______det er som hakkar og grev oppe i denne make fun of him. “So what was it that berghamaren, eg, sa Espen. you saw that was so interesting up in the Message:______— Du er nok så klok til å undra deg, hills?” they asked. du, sa han Per og han Pål. — Har du aldri “Oh it was only an axe,” answered Es- City, State:______Phone:______høyrt fuglane hakka og pikka i trea før? pen. When they had gone a while further, they came to a cliff close by the road. Happy 17th of May! Gratulerer med Up in the cliff they could hear some- dagen norge! Miss the beginning? thing that was hacking and digging. “I won- Bjorn and Nina der what it is that is hacking and digging up Ola og Berit Subscribe to NAW and never Steffensen miss another episode! there in the cliffs — I do,” said Espen. Nordmann “You, who is so clever, you are wonder- staten island, n.y. Blue mounds, Wis. ing who is hacking and digging,” said Peter $29.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. and Paul. “Have you never heard the birds $15 for small ad $25 for large ad www.astrimyastri.com pecking and picking in the trees before?” Deadline: April 26 – mail this form today!