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COMMUNIQUÉ Stow, OH 656 LAFAYETTE ROAD, MEDINA, OHIO 44256 Permit No STARFLEET FIRST-CLASS MAIL US POSTAGE COMMUNIQUÉ PAID 656 LAFAYETTE ROAD, MEDINA, OHIO 44256 Stow, OH Permit No. 18 COMMUNIQUÉ CREDITS THE STARFLEET COMMUNIQUÉ Established 1974 Vice Admiral Tim Gillespie Editor-In-Chief/Chief of Communications ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES Commander Amy Sheldon Supervising Editor/Vice Chief of Communications EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Vice Admiral David Allen Commander, STARFLEET Admiral William A. Krause FAdm Rob Lerman Executive Consultants P.O. Box 960008 Communiqué Staff W. Sacramento , CA 95798 Kim Rohde Vice Commander, Starfleet Director, Starfleet Academy Cheryl McGraw Thomas Restivo VAdm Anita Davis RAdm Lori Anne Brown 469 Mistletoe Ave. 426 S. Lakemont Ave. Special Thanks Youngstown, OH 44511 Winter Park, FL 32792 Admiral Jack Fields Chief of Operations Director, Shuttle Operations Command Maureen Lake VAdm Terry Wyatt Adm Dave Ryan P.O. Box 17290 226 Pine St. Apt. 1 Issue 55 • February/March 1993 Seattle, WA 98107 Lowell, MA 01851 The STARFLEET Communiqué is the Chief of Communications Chief of Computer Operations bi-monthly magazine of STARFLEET The VAdm Tim Gillespie RAdm Clayton Melanson Inter-national Star Trek Fan Association. Star Trek, Star Trek: The Next Genera- 656 Lafayette Rd. 3510 Willow Ridge tion, and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine are Medina, OH 44256 Arlington, TX 76017 registered trademarks of Paramount Pic- tures Corporation, a division of Paramount JAG Officer - East JAG Officer - West Communications and all rights are re- served. The annual membership fee for Ensign Kim Akins Cdr Gary Scott Decker STARFLEET is $15.00 ($20.00 outside 1010 Norwood Ave. 2729 Adriatic Way USA ). To join, send check or money Youngstown, OH 44502 Sacramento , CA 95286 order to: Public Relations Adventures at Fleet HQ STARFLEET Captain Michael Sawczyn Captain Charlotte Howey P.O. Box 980008 8474 Dover Crest Ct. 10905 North Road 5 East W. Sacramento, CA 95798 Galloway, OH 43119 Center, CO 81125 All address corrections and changes should be sent to: Chief of Computer Communiqué Deadlines and Submission Guidelines: Operations, 3510 Willow Ridge, April/May issue: Arlington, TX 76017. Please include your • Hardcopy articles/submissions: March 25, 1993 current SCC#. Letters of comment, ad- vertisements, and articles for submission • Display and Classified Ads: March 25, 1993 should be sent to the Communiqué Office • Disk and e-mail submissions: March 25, 1993 at: 656 Lafayette Rd., Medina, OH 44256. Unsolicited submissions will not be re- • Please include your SCC#, address, and ship name. We reserve the right to edit all turned unless accompanied by a SASE. submissions for length and clarity. Published articles become the property of • Hard copy submissions should preferably be typed and double-spaced. Please - STARFLEET and are © 1993 by STAR- no unusual and hard-to-read fonts. Handwritten articles should be in ink, and all FLEET, all rights reserved. Permission is names should be clearly printe in block letters. granted for member chapters to reprint any portion of this magazine for their own • Submissions via disk should be DOS compatible. WordPerfect 5.1 (DOS version) newsletters. is our software of choice - however we can translate most anything. Just indicate clearly on the disk what software you used. Disk size can be either 3½” or 5¼. Contents © 1993 by STARFLEET xxxxx Unless otherwise specified • Copy may be submitted through e-mail via Internet. Address it to: All Rights Reserved [email protected] The STARFLEET COMMUNIQUÉ OUR COVER ARTIST: This issue’s cover is by Mike Walters, a Barberton, Ohio artist, is printed in the USA by sculptor, and Gilligan’s Island freak. Mike tells us that this particular piece was done during Printing Concepts Inc., Stow, OH his “blue” period when he realized that “they were never going to get off the island.” COMMUNIQUÉ • February/March 1993 • Page 2 AN INTERNAL COMMUNICATION FROM STARFLEET HEADQUARTERS I am honored to accept almost complete. Several changes have occurred the position of Fleet Ad- since the last Communiqué. VAdm Tim Gillespie Rob Lerman miral. My Executive has accepted the challenging job of Chief of Commander, STARFLEET Committee and I are Communications, and Adm Jack Fields will now here to serve you and head the Graphic Design Department. A big your club. Your com- change for Starfleet Academy is the discontinu- ments, questions, and ance of the voucher system as payment for suggestions are always Academy courses. Of course, any vouchers that welcome via letter, have already been purchased will still be ac- phone, or computer bul- cepted by the schools. For a current list of letin board and will be acted upon in a reasonable schools and tuition prices, please send an SASE amount of time. We want you to enjoy your to SFA Director, RAdm Lori Anne Brown membership in STARFLEET. For some, that Please note that the address for STARFLEET may mean doing community service, role play- Headquarters has changed to P.O. Box 980008, ing, or writing stories. For others, just belonging West Sacramento, CA 95798-0008. This ad- to a Star Trek fan club is what gives them the most dress should be used for all membership applica- enjoyment. Star Trek means different things to tions and general STARFLEET questions. Cor- different people, and that is the appeal of STAR- respondence addressed to the JAG officers FLEET-we have something to offer to everyone. should also be directed to that address. All other Two of my first actions as Fleet Admiral will be mail, reports, and Communiqué submissions to revitalize the By-Laws committee and to expe- should be mailed to the appropriate Executive dite the processing of membership packets. I’ve Committee member or their staff. Ship and heard many comments on these two topics and Shuttle monthly reports should NOT be mailed to feel that they must be a priority. Future the HQs address, as the Operations and Shuttle Communiqués and Adventures at Fleet HQ (for- Ops Chiefs are now handling their own archives. merly Fleet Status Update) will include further l hope to hear from many of you in the future. information on these and other action items, such Let me know what's on your mind. Comments as a standardized promotion policy for Captains and suggestions are always appreciated. lf you and above. wish to call, please do so between 6pm and 9pm The transition of the new administration is Pacific time. My number is (916) 348-0726. xxxxxxxxxxx Hello all. and is the trouble-shooting office, Currently I Anita Davis I am Anita Davis and head a committee working on several amend- for the next two years I ments to the STARFLEET Constitution. Among Vice Commander, have the honor of serv- the items the amendments would address are a STARFLEET ing as your Vice Com- statutory requirement for the disclosure of STAR- mander of STAR- FLEET finances, a working mechanism for the FLEET. N0, I am not a removal of the Commander and Vice Commander part of Miami Vice, not- of STARFLEET by the membership, and a clari- withstanding that my fication of members' rights. Another committee real job is that of a police will be formed to prepare a set of STARFLEET by- officer. That I'm not a vice cop hasn't deterred a laws to present to the membership tor ratification. lot of the joking that has been going around about I am very pleased to be working with the my new STARFLEET assignment: That it was a STARFLEET Corps of Engineers and the Starfleet natural evolution to move from vice cop to Vice Marines. Both units are very valued members of Commander in charge of vices. My Fleet office the Fleet and I know they will continue to be of has been dubbed the Vice Squad (I kinda like that service to all. -- so I got badges to distribute to my deputies). But I am equally pleased to see the formation of trust me, we won't raid any chapter parties, so several new programs. They include the STAR- long as we get a piece of the action. FLEET Awards Program, headed by Rear Admi- I've been a STAFIFLEET member for five ral Steve Thomas, the STARFLEET Liaison to years, beginning my tour of duty aboard the USS the Klingon Assault Group, headed by Admiral Lagrange as a communications technician After Chris Smith, and the formation of the Fleet Divi- a brief stint on the Lagrange it was all uphill (just sion Chiefs Program (see article on page 12). kidding, Tim). I was assigned to the Shuttle There are a lot of new ideas that have been Stargazer as the commander, and subsequently suggested and all of them are being given serious the Commanding Officer of the USS Renegade. review. li any of you have ideas or significant In December, 1990, I was appointed by my Fleet-related problems, let us hear from you. I am current commanding officer, Rob Lerman, to the excited about the future and look forward to the position of Director of the Post Graduate School challenges that lie ahead with much anticipation of STARFLEET Academy. I served there until my (and a little trepidation). election to Vice Commander of the Fleet. In service to the Fleet - and Dragnet -Anita My office oversees a variety of other offices Davis (Dum-dee-DUM-DUM) COMMUNIQUÉ • February/March 1993 • Page 3 Chief of Communications VAdm. Tim Gillespie Well, Fleet aficionados, I must admit it‘s a enough to be assigned our office. Things strange feeling to be back at STARFLEET were wild back then. I remember once Headquarters. The last time l was in the Buck spent an entire afternoon trying to Communiqué offices was in 1988 when l teach a dog to talk.
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