
Session 06 Modern Offensive and Defensive Solutions

Security of Information Systems (SIS)

Departamentul de Calculatoare

November 2, 2018

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Attack and Defense Notes

I attack: exploit vulnerabilities I defense: prevent attacks, make attacks difficult, confine attacks I attacker needs to find one security hole I defender has to protect all security holes I attacker invests time I defense mechanisms incur overhead

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Attacker Perspective and Mindset Notes

I find one vulnerability and build from that I look for something that is valuable I do reconnaisance, look for weak spots I create an attack chain I use every trick in the book I start from existing knowledge

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Defender Perspective and Mindset Notes

I protect all entry points I users are vulnerable, as well as technology I use multiple defensive layers I monitor, be proactive I discipline, best practices are worth more than skills I invest more on valuable targets

4 / 45 Attacker Pros/Cons Notes

I apart from ethical , security researchers, it’s a shady business I you may not need skills, just a weak target and a database of attack vectors I you may get caught I you only need to find one spot I possible great gains I little time for fame (annonymous) I the Internet gives you tons of targets I but many targets give little more than fun

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Defender Pros/Cons Notes

I less resources (time) than an attacker I must think of everything I is being paid constructively I you have a purpose: keep the system running I it never ends

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Honeypots Notes

I baits I a system appearing as vulnerable but closely monitored I deflect, change attention and collect attacker information

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Evolution of Application Security Notes

I buffer overflows I shellcodes I memory protection (DEP, WX)ˆ I memory randomization I canaries I code reuse I CFI (Control Flow Integrity) I memory safety, safe programming languages I static and dynamic analysis I hardware enhanced security

9 / 45 Fine-grained ASLR Notes

I :// I issue with ASLR: memory disclosure / information leak I one address leaked reveals all information I do it at page level I one leak may lead to other leaks that are chained together

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SafeStack Notes

I I part of the Code Integrity project: I moves sensitive information (such as return addresses) on a safe stack, leaving problematic ones on the unsafe stack I reduced overhead, protects against stack buffer overflows I microStache: microstache-a-lightweight-execution-context-for-in-process-safe-/ 16103742

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Address Sanitizer Notes

I ASan I https: // I I instruments code I only useful in development I detects out-of-bounds bugs, memory leaks

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I I I I coarse-grained CFI vs fine-grained CFI I Control Flow Integrity, Code Pointer Integrity I protect against control flow hijack attacks I CPI is weaker than CFI but more practical (reduced overhead) I CPI protects all code pointers, data based attacks may still happen I CPS (Code Pointer Separation) is a weaker yet more practical for of CPI

13 / 45 Shellcodes Notes

I difficult to inject due to DEP, small buffers and input validation I preliminary parts of the attack may remap memory region I shellcode may do stack pivoting and then load another shellcode I alphanumeric shellcodes: still need a binary address to bootstrap

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Code Reuse Notes

I bypass DEP by using existing pieces of code I code gadgets I used in ROP (Return-Oriented Programming) and JOP (Jump-Oriented programming)

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Return-Oriented Programming Notes

I gadgets ending in ret I may be chained together to form an attack I Turing-complete languge I I I most common way of creating runtime attack vectors I JOP: I gadgets end up in an indirect branch not a ret

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Anti-ROP Defense Notes

I prevent atacks I SafeStack I CFI/CPI, ASan I CFG, RFG I detect attacks I Microsoft EMET (Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit), ProcessMitigations module

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I I I overwrites data, not code pointers I bypasses CFI

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Evolution of OS Security Notes

I traditional main goals: functionality and reduced overhead I recent focus on OS security: plethora of devices and use cases I may easily take place among legitimate applications I kernel exploits become more common I OS virtualization, reduce TCB to hypervisor I include hardware-enforced security features

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Mandatory Access Control Notes

I opposed to Discretionary Access Control, where owner controls permissions I system-imposed settings I increased, centralized security I difficult to configure and maintain I rigid, non-elastic I Bell-LaPadula Model: http: // I SELinux, TrustedBSD, Mandatory Integrity Control

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Role-Based Access Control Notes

I https: // I I aggregate permissions into roles I role assignment, role authorization, permission authorization I useful in organizations

22 / 45 Sandboxing Notes

I assume application may be malware I reduce potential damage I confine access to a minimal set of allowed actions I typically implemented at sandbox level (kernel enforced) I iOS sandboxing, Linux seccomp

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Application Signing Notes

I ensure application is validated I used by application stores and repositories: GooglePlay, Apple AppStore I device may not run non-signed apps

24 / 45 iOS Jekyll Apps Notes

I https: // technical-sessions/presentation/wang_tielei I apparently legimitate iOS app I bypasses Apple vetting I obfuscates calls to private libraries (part of the same address space, fixed from iOS 7) I once installed turns out to be malware I exfiltrates private data, exploits vulnerabilities

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Jailreaking/Rooting Notes

I I get root access on a device I close to full control I requires a critical vulnerability that gets root access I tethered (requires re-jailbreaking after reboot) cs non-tethered I essential for security researchers

26 / 45 Hardware-centric Attacks Notes

I side channels I undocumented hardware features I imperfect hardware features that leak information I proprietary features that get exploited I hardware is part of TCB, reveals kernel memory

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Sidechannel Attacks Notes

I do not exploit vulnerabilities in applications or kernel code I mostly use features such as

28 / 45 x86 Instruction Fuzzing Notes

I us-17-Domas-Breaking-The-x86-Instruction-Set-wp. pdf I I us-18-Domas-God-Mode-Unlocked-Hardware-Backdoors-In-x86-CPUs. pdf I instruction of length N is placed at the end of the page I creates a fuzzer for the x86 instruction set I found glitches, hidden instructions

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IME Notes

I Intel Management Engine I AMD Secure Techonology I hardware features and highly proprietary firmware I intel-processor-security-flaw-bug-kernel-windows-linux I user space app could access kernel space memory access I accused of being a backdoor to the system

30 / 45 rowhammer Attack Notes

I kim-isca14.pdf I I exploiting-dram-rowhammer-bug-to-gain.html I us-15-Seaborn-Exploiting-The-DRAM-Rowhammer-Bug-To-Gain-Kernel-Privileges. pdf I hardware fault in DRAM chips I constant bit flip pattern in certain rows can cause a flip in another row (not belonging to the current process) I may be exploited to get root access

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Spectre and Meltdown Notes

I I usenixsecurity18/sec18-lipp.pdf I application may access data from another application I Meltdown exploits a hardware race condition allowing an unprivileged process to read privileged data I Spectre does a side channel attack on speculative execution features of modern CPUs I hardware fixes by Intel, software solutions

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KPTI Notes

I Kernel Page Table Isolation I I place kernel in separate address space I mitigation against hardware-centric attacks

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Hypervisor Attacks Notes

I I attack/compromise hypervisor, get control of VMs I may exploit a vulnerability in the hypercall interface or may exploit a hardware bug I hyperjacking

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I path traversals, misconfigurations I injections I XSS I misconfiguration I unsafe communication I application/language bugs

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Secure Communication Notes

I provide secure communication between client and server I HTTPS everywhere I Secure Cookie I strong encryption, strong protocols

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Attacks on Security Protocols Notes

I I I flaws in protocol logic I cryptographic design flaws I implementation flaws

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Connection Downgrade Notes

I part of man-in-the-middle attack I negociate a connection with weaker protocol features than the current one I ideally drop HTTPS alltogether I POODLE (Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption) I

39 / 45 Advanced Injection Attacks Notes

I LDAP, XPath injection I blind SQL injection: content-based and time-based I Injection.ppt I advanced-sql-injection.html

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Language Bugs Notes

I bugs/vulnerabilities in frameworks I bugs/vulnerabilities in web modules or languate interpreter

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Modern Offensive and Defensive Techniques Notes

I attacks focus on low-level aspects of a system: hide features, exploit hardware, side channels, protocol design I assume better/improved applications but imperfect system/protocol/configuration design I defense takes more time and incurs significant overhead I battle rages on

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Keywords Notes

I honeypot I Jekyll apps I fine-grained ASLR I jailbreak, rooting I SafeStack I side channel attacks I AddressSanitizer I IME attack I CFI/CPI I Meltdown, Spectre I code reuse I KPTI I ROP, JOP I rowhammer I data-oriented attacks I connection downgrade I MAC, RBAC I POODLE I sandboxing I blind SQL injection

44 / 45 Resources Notes

I see URLs accross slides

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