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Sheet 3 of 4 U.S ETAL S, M LOG E EN RC E U S O IS S , E T E R C L T A O R N E I C N I S M R S A S G , S M U A J, S, S JU M, G N , KIGA OR IA THEAST AS Prepared in collaboration with Scientific Investigations Map 3022 U.S. Department of the Interior Russian Academy of Sciences, Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Jilin University, Korean Institute of Geoscience and Minerals, Sheet 3 of 4 U.S. Geological Survey Geological Survey of Japan/National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Pamphlet accompanies map 75° 75° 82° 144° 82° 144° 84° 82° CAMBRIAN THROUGH SILURIAN (540 to 410 Ma) METALLOGENIC BELTS 84° 82° DEVONIAN THROUGH EARLY CARBONIFEROUS (MISSISSIPPIAN) 96° 132° [Listed north to south, progressing west to east; see table 3 for summary of metallogenic belts; belt label in red] 96° 132° 108° 120° 108° 120° (410 to 320 Ma) METALLOGENIC BELTS [Listed north to south, progressing west to east; see table 3 for summary of metallogenic belts; belt 80° 80° Label Belt Name Country and (or) Region 80° 80° label in red] Tuo Tuora-Sis Russia,Yakutia ea ea BED Bedobinsk Russia, Eastern Siberia (Yenisey Ridge area) Label Belt Name Country and (or) Region vor la vor la TK Taidon-Kondomsk Russia, Southern-Eastern Siberia (Kuznetsk Alatau Mountains) UD Udzha Russia, Northeast Yakutia MT Martaiginsk Russia, Southern-Eastern Siberia (Kuznetsk Alatau, DO Daldyn-Olenyok Russia, Northeast Yakutia sl Gorny Altai Mountains) sl OR Orulgan Russia, Northeast Yakutia 76° 76° 76° 76° ksh la Kiy Kiyalykh-Uzen Russia, Southern-Eastern Siberia (Kuznetsk Alatau Mountains) ksh la Bot Botuobiya -Markha Russia, Central Yakutia KK Kizir-Kazyr Russia, Southern-Eastern Siberia (Eastern Sayan Ridge) ubn CTC sl ubn CTC sl SD Sette-Daban Russia, Southern Yakutia NS North-Sayanian Russia, Southern-Eastern Siberia [West Sayan Mountains] MCh Mamsko-Chuiskiy Russia, Northern Transbaikalia kr KY KhK Khemchik-Kurtushi-binsk Russia, Southern-Eastern Siberia (Tuva area) kr KY KR ut KY pl KR ut KY pl Sn Synnyrskiy Russia, Northern Transbaikalia CTF Ondumsk Russia, Southern-Eastern Siberia (Tuva area) CTF lch kr ON lch kr Bod Bodaibinskiy Russia, Northern Transbaikalia lch NAT UO Ulugoisk Eastern Tuva, West Siberia, Russia lch NAT Muiskiy Russia, Northwestern Transbaikalia CTK sl SH CTK sl SH MS 72° CTM 72° 72° CTM 72° NAT CTC ly Iiskiy Russia, Southern-Eastern Siberia (East Sayan area) NAT CTC Ber Berdsko-Maisk Russia, Southern-Eastern Siberia (Salair Range) B-K Bokson-Kitoiskiy Russia, Southern-Eastern Siberia (East Sayan) SL Salair Russia, Southern-Eastern Siberia (Salair Range) pl OZ Ozerninsky Russia, Western Transbaikalia pl Ksh Kiya-Shaltyr Russia, Southern-Eastern Siberia (Kuznetsk Alatau pl Krh Kruchi-ninskiy Russia, Northeastern Transbaikalia pl Mountains) nw KNG KOV ShG Shimanovsk-Gar Russia, Far East nw KNG KOV SO Sorsk Russia, Southern-Eastern Siberia (Kuznetsk Alatau Uda-Shantar Russia, Far East Mountains) KN pl UdS KN pl tup pp KPD tup pp KPD 68° Tuo 68° UT Uzuurtolgoi Western Mongolia 68° 68° TE Teisk Russia, Southern-Eastern Siberia (Kuznetsk Alatau DL DL UD KH KNG mr HO Hovd Western Mongolia KH KNG mr Mountains) ktk ktk tup zr tup zr Chapsordag Russia, Southern-Eastern Siberia KOV TG Tastyg Russia, Southern-Eastern Siberia (Southern Tuva area) KOV ChD pk pk NAV ad TL Telmen Northern Mongolia NAV ad AG Agulsk Russia, Southern-Eastern Siberia (Eastern Sayan) KPD ZJ Zavhanmandal-Jargalant Central Mongolia KPD KZ Kizhi-Khem Russia, Southern-Eastern Siberia (Northeast Tuva area) OR RA Rudny Altai Russia, Southern-Eastern Siberia MG ktk KPD Kch Khachim- gol Northern Mongolia MG ktk DO KPD 64° KN 64° KN KKh Korgon-Kholzun Russia, Southern-Eastern Siberia (Gorny Altai area) NAC 64° EG Egiingol Central Mongolia NAC 64° Bgl Bayangol Central Mongolia SH Shirgaita Russia, Southern-Eastern Siberia (Gorny Altai area) tk tk Zaa Zaamar-Bugant Central Mongolia DS Deluun-Sagsai Western Mongolia tuv tuv KhZ Khalzan-burged Western Mongolia NAV Chn Chagoyan Russia, Far East NAV oc S-Kh South Khingan Russia, Far East oc BK Bayan-Kol Russia, Southern-Eastern Siberia (Tuva area); Northern tup BH-1 Bayanhon-gor-1 Central Mongolia tup Mongolia OH GAl Govi-Altai Southwestern Mongolia OH BOM Bugseingol-Ovormaraat Northern Mongolia 60° 60° 60° 60° tup nw oc IB Ikh Bogd Central Mongolia tup nw oc TN Tomurtein Nuruu Southwestern Mongolia Bdz Bidzhan Russia, Far East OH TY Tamirgol-Yoroogol Central Mongolia OH ob ob BAN Baruunhuurai Southwestern Mongolia oc XL Xilin Northeastern China oc JX Jixi Northeastern China SD HAN Hangai Central Mongolia nw vch nw vch Bot WAG TD Tadong Northeastern China WAG ED Edrengiin Southwestern Mongolia NAV ud NAV ud NAC Kb Kabarga Russia, Far East NAC BG Bayangovi Southern Mongolia 56° CA NAC 56° CA NAC IS NAC 56° IS NAC 56° BL Bayanleg Southern Mongolia BED os VZ Voznesenka Russia, Far East os ta NAV ta NAV UZ Ulziit Southern Mongolia oc BN Bainaimiao North-Central China oc vch vch EBT dz FN Fangniugou Northeastern China EBT dz Sul Sulinheer Southeastern Mongolia NAC NAC Bod WAG tuv NAP EUC WAG tuv NAP EUC Heg Hegenshan Northeastern China NAE TF WAD oc HT Hunjiang-Taizihe Northeastern China NAE TF WAD oc TT YN ul GL TT YN ul GL nw NR am CAL nw NR am CAL YA Yaroslavka Russia, Far East dz JZ Jinzhong Northern China dz SAL tn KZ sab sab SAL tn KZ sab sab EZ Edren-Zoolon Southern Mongolia 75° kt CH ud EL East Liaoning Northeastern China 75° kt MChCH ud KUV bv BM cuk tr tr st Ksh KUV bv BM cuk tr tr st OD sab Ber OD sab TsS Tsagaan-suvarga Southeastern Mongolia MT bv st kl ko 52° bv st kl ko 52° 52° ak ua st es ns 52° ak ua st es ns kh mn st st to UdS kh mn st st to HQ Hongqiling Northeastern China nw ag CAL GL ZRA nw ag CAL GL ZRA kz bk dz kz SO bk dz AL ma TZ BM TY st vz GL kni AL SL ma TZ BM TY st vz GL kni MR TK ss KK DR CAL UB LN SS MR ss AG DR MS CAL UB LN SS CHR Kiyas KA ss NAC UN la CHR as KA ss NAC UN la ACH UL KK sa BM BRG se TD uo ha TR KKhACH UL KK sa BM SnBRG se TD uo ha TR 78° al mn Iy se TD 78° TEal mn se TD as bv kd kbu as bv kd kbu MT tn NRS se WST es WSA sk tn NRS se WST es WSA sk UK az uo EXPLANATION UK az uo RA trb RA HS trb KBN al HM la OL ShG BD KBN al HM la OL BD KRT as nw OI bv MM ChDKRT as nw OI bv MM bl ba DZEKhK UO NAP hr 48° [Refer to Sheet 1 for list of map units] RA bl ba DZE NAP hr 48° NSWSY tn BI SHA bk bk AR bu WSY tn BI SHA bk AR bu al ss BK OZ AR AR ko ca wsa al KZ ss BK bk AR AR ko ca wsa khs trb ga trb az Chn es SS khs trb ga trb az es SS BR UO B-K bv trb gh tbr sj TERRANES IN LATE PRECAMBRIAN AND PHANEROZOIC OROGENIC BELTS BR UO bv trb gh tbr sj kb tv kb tv TK OM ss hb gh UR TK KKh OM ss hb gh UR ON kbu ha sk Cratonal terrane BOM kbu ha sk 84° al la TU trb trb ha 84° al la TU trb trb ha TG HM tl ND sol ZRA ANV KhZ HM tl ND sol ZRA ANV sal am HU la Kch trb OSKrh trb sal am HU la trb OS trb UzuAT SA te bv trb ub ko SMA WSA AT SA te bv trb ub ko SMA WSA SA lb ji MK os Passive continental margin terrane SA lb ji MK os DZ ji S-Kh DS DZ ji Bdz 48° tl se am AR ags gh ca sj jh 48° tl se am AR ags gh ca sj jh EG tl zhs zg 44° tl zhs zg 44° LK TL kbu es jn Continental margin turbidite terrane LK kbu es jn te BY tl OI ko BK te BY tl OI ko al HO BY hg ca ca jh TN al BY hg ca ca jh TN ZA Bgl se OS gh gh HE NA jn ZA se OS gh gh HE NA jn al gh zhs Continental margin arc terrane al gh zhs zh hg mt trb ji JI Kb zh hg mt trb ji JI QT ZJ hlt yj jn SHM QT HAN hlt yj jn SHM gl tl Zaa AR trb gh XL JX gl tl AR trb gh zh MO kbu vl MO kbu vl HV se gh HL jv Island arc terrane HV se zh gh HL jv OS HD gh MO sol JI OS HD gh MO sol JI WB DN ca ZN la sg es WB DN ca ZN la sg es LK HD mt LK HD mt hg OI mt GA VS jn BAN hg OI mt GA VS YA jn TY trb gh trb ca Oceanic terrane and oceanic crust of oceans trb gh trb ca hg tg trb dxs ZN us 40° hg tg trb dxs ZN us 40° 90° BH-1 am ktb jb 90° ED am ktb jb bw BY trb sm zhs ji ji vl TH bw BY trb sm zhs ji ji vl TH hx am gh ID DN VZ Accretionary wedge terrane, type A- dominantly turbidites with lesser or hx am gh ID DN am ID mt trb trb jn MC am ID mt trb Heg trb jn MC Gal sm jh LG no oceanic rocks BG sm jh LG WB GA trb GA el SL jh SG WB GA UZ trb GA el SL HQ jh SG bw hx trb MO TD bw hx trb MO ED BG GA ca LA jv Accretionary wedge terrane, type B- dominantly oceanic rocks with ED BG GA ca LA jv IB MO GS MO DN LA SK MO GS MO DN LA SK WB MN dxs SKJ WB MN dxs SKJ BA trb GS el FN nm JT lesser turbidites BA trb GS el nm JT trb yl ca db BL trb yl ca db sm trb lg trb el ej jv sm trb lg trb el ej jv ZO sm skc slj os Metamorphic terrane ZO sm skc slj os trb BA HX jl EZ trb BA HX jl HX SL slj yj hi 36° TN HX SL slj yj hi 36° 96° TG SL BN yl skc os jn 96° TG SL yl skc os jn np BA dms nm dxs SKM TERRANES IN EARLY PRECAMBRIAN CRYSTALLINE BASEMENT OF np BA dms nm dxs SKM nm SKR nm SKR trb lg WD HT db jv trb lg WD db jv XC zbl SKL db chs MC CRATONS AND CRATONS WITH MIOGEOCLINAL OVERLAP XC TsS Sul zbl SKL db chs MC trb nm ca slj trb nm ca slj SKE SKL jq SKE SKL jq ed SKE yl jn ed SKE yl jn zbl ay db jn Granite-greenstone terrane zbl ay db jn SKA zbl SKL jn SKA zbl SKL jn 40° yl skc yl MC pb 40° yl skc yl MC pb SKYS skc ldp nr NN SKYS skc ldp nr NN nm skc SKR Tonalite-trondhjemite-gneiss terrane nm skc SKR SKA SKJEL chs jn jq hi SKA SKJ chs jn jq hi sgg MC jv sgg MC jv IM 32° IM 32° 102° snw SKYE Granulite-orthogneiss terrane 102° snw SKYE SKL SCG hi nr SKL SCG hi nr skc ed OG os skc ed OG os ht SKL nc AMAM hi jq hi SHM ht SKL nc AMAM hi jq hi SHM SKJ SCG Granulite-paragneiss terrane SKJ SCG nr os nr os fh skc skc SCJ yc AM fh skc SCJ yc AM os ky SW skc os ky SW JZ ly ib 144° Paragneiss terrane ly ib 144° jn jn 108° 114° 120° MC NN
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