Breadalbane DMG Background Information & Policies BREADALBANE DEER MANAGEMENT GROUP FEBRUARY 2016 DRAFT DEER MANAGEMENT PLAN 2016 – 2021 Background Information & Policies PREFACE This Deer Management Plan has been developed for the Breadalbane Deer Management Group (BDMG). The Plan is part publicly and part privately funded. It replaces a previous DMP drawn up in 2009, aiming to take account of changing circumstances with the group area. The Plan runs from 2016 until 2021 and has been formally endorsed by all the Members of the Group. It has been designed to be readily updated as needs arise and will be reviewed on a six-monthly basis or as required, with a systematic review taking place at the end of the five year period. Group Secretary: Victor Clements, Mamie’s Cottage, Taybridge Terrace, Aberfeldy, PH15 2BS Tel (01887) 829 361
[email protected] 1 Breadalbane DMG Background Information & Policies CONTENTS Part One - Introduction 1. Purpose of Plan 3 2. Group Area 3 3. Group Membership 3 3a Member Description 6 3b Reporting Units 12 4. Deer Statistics Required 14 5. Designated Sites Introduction 15 Part Two - Overall Aims & Objectives 6. Long Term Vision 20 7. Strategic Objectives 20 Part Three - Management Policies & Information 8. Red Deer Population 22 Cull Information 27 Management Issues 27 Other Deer Species 29 9. Moorland Management 30 10. Sheep & Cattle 30 11. Forestry/ Woodlands 33 12. Supplementary Deer Policies 33 13. Non- Native deer species 35 14. Communications Policy & Contact 36 15. Training Policy 37 16. Review of Plan 38 Part Four - Operation of the Group Assessment 39 Part Five - Public Interest Actions Assessment 45 The Working Plan (Separate Summary Document) Actions Summary Population Models Habitat Monitoring BDMG Rural Development Contracts Potential Future Rural Development Contracts APPENDICIES 1.