PARISH OF OUR LADY IMMACULATE, WHITSTABLE CT5 2DY with St. Joseph’s, Chestfield CT5 3LD Parish Priest :Rev. Father Kevin St. Aubyn Presbytery :37, Kingsdown Park, Whitstable. CT5 2DE Tel:272758 Permanent Deacon :Rev. Deacon Dan Mulcahy Address :Willow Cottage, Ridgeway, Chestfield. CT5 3JT Tel:792660 Parish Social Centre :15A, Castle Road, Whitstable. CT5 2DY Parish Social Centre :Custodian/Bookings: Mrs Annemarie McCabe 07928717226 Gift Aid Co-Ordinator :Mr. David Wiles -
[email protected] 07710868595 Safeguarding Representative :Mrs Claire
[email protected] 07717290482 Health & Safety Representative :Mrs. Lesley Wiles -
[email protected] 07594485503 Parish School :St Mary’s School, Northwood Road, CT5 2DY Tel:272692 Parish Bereavement Group :Mrs Li s beth Scoones 07935159687 E-mail address :
[email protected] Parish Website Diocesan Website EWTN Catholic TV :Sky Channel 588 Notices for the Bulletin :To be submitted please by 7.30 pm on Wednesday THIRTY-FIRST SUNDAY: (Cycle C) Psalter Week 3 3rd November 2019 SATURDAY: 02 NOV: “ALL SOULS DAY”; THE Hymn Nos: 559. 39. 602. Holy, Holy: 470 COMMEMORATION OF THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED: Hymn No 252 10:00 am: All the Faithfully Departed and for the Holy Father’s Intention THURSDAY: 07 OCT: St Willibrord. Bishop Confessions: 5.30 – 5.45 pm 10.00 am: Joseph and Rosamma, RIP 06.00 pm: (1st Mass of Sunday): Phillip Barron, RIP ADORATION: 10.30 - 12.00 noon (J Barron) FRIDAY: 08 NOV: All Saints of Wales SUNDAY: 03 NOV 09.40 am: Morning Prayer 8.30 (Chestfield): Welfare of Michael and Judy Moyne 10.00 am: Eucharistic Service 10.30: All our Parishioners SATURDAY: 09 NOV: Dedication of the Lateran MONDAY: 04 NOV: St Charles Borromeo.