Page 072 2018/2019 CHARTHAM PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD AT 7.30 P.M. ON TUESDAY 12th MARCH 2019 AT THE VILLAGE HALL, STATION ROAD, CHARTHAM, NR CANTERBURY, KENT, CT4 7JA. Present: Cllr. C. Manning – Chairman Cllr. S. Hatcher – Vice Chairman Cllr. S. Dungay Cllr. A. Frost Cllr. D. Butcher Cllr. G. Hoare (left at 9.30pm) Cllr. P. Coles Cllr. L. Root Cllr. T. Clark Cllr. R. Thomas CCC/KCC Cllr. R. Doyle CCC (left at 9.43pm) Miss C. Sparkes (Clerk) 3 Members of the Public (1) Chairman’s Opening Remarks and Apologises for Absence: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked for apologies for absence. These were recorded as Cllr. A. Hopkins (Illness) and Cllr. R. Mallet (Work Commitments). (2) Confirmation of previous Minutes of the last meeting held 12th February 2019: Cllr Hatcher proposed and Cllr Butcher seconded, and all councillors voted in favour, that the Minutes of the parish council meeting held on 12th February 2019 (previously circulated) be accepted as a true record of the meeting and the Chairman duly signed them. (3) Council: a) Declaration of any councillor’s interest in agenda items. None Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and Other Significant Interests and Voluntary Announcements of Other Interests, and a reminder to think of any changes to the DPI Register held at CCC, such as a change of job or home. No change to any councillors DPI Register details. (4) Matters Arising from the Minutes: Cllr Manning reported that Robin Baker, who has been instructed to paint the changing rooms, has not provided a copy of his insurance and the dates previously set to undertake the works were cancelled as other jobs Mr Baker had been instructed on took priority. No other dates have been forthcoming since then. It was agreed that if Mr Baker has not provided alternative dates by the next meeting and a copy of his insurance that a new contractor be appointed. (5) To Receive and Consider ‘CORRESPONDENCE’: Cllr Manning reported that nomination papers for the upcoming Parish Council election have been received from Canterbury City Council. Cllr Frost and Cllr Butcher both indicated that they would be standing down at the election and Cllr Manning thanked them for their service on behalf of the Parish Council. Cllr Doyle is also stepping down at the election as City Councillor and Cllr Manning thanked her for her assistance and advice on behalf of the Parish Council. Any resident wishing to stand needs to complete the nomination and consent forms, which can be obtained from the Clerk, and hand deliver them to the Returning Officer at Canterbury City Council by Wednesday 03 April 2019. CPC Parish Council Minutes – March 2019 1 Page 073 2018/2019 (6) Financial Matters, including ‘Authorisation of Accounts’: Schedule of Payments - A resolution that orders for payment as shown in attached schedule was agreed unanimously. The cheques were signed by Cllr Manning, Cllr Clark and Cllr Hoare. (7) Planning Applications and Tree Works: The Clerk reported that there were ‘4’ new Planning Applications since the previous meeting: CA//19/00203/LUE - Location: Wyevale Garden Centre, Stour Valley Business Park, Ashford Road, Chartham, CT4 7HF - Proposal: Application for lawful development certificate for existing use as "open A1 (retail) including for the sale of food". P.C. Comments: No Objections. CA//19/00332/RUS - Location: Rose Garden, Ashford Road, Chartham, CT4 7HH - Proposal: Application for the approval of appearance of buildings and landscaping for two-storey building for car sales, car servicing, repairs and MOT testing including access, layout and scale pursuant to outline planning permission CA/18/01293/OUT. P.C. Comments: The Clerk reported that the design of the buildings and landscape has previously been presented to the Parish Council and Canterbury City Council as part of the outline application. The Parish Council has No Objections. The Clerk reported that the Applicant has provided an update for the Parish Council with regards to discharging the ecology conditions of the outline approval and confirmed that the hedgerow and trees have recently been removed along with part of the derelict building. The boundaries were also plotted last week and the ‘Exclusion Fencing’ for the reptile mitigation has commenced, which should be complete by the end of April 2019. The Applicant confirmed that they would provide the Parish Council with a development timetable once in place. CA//19/00322/FUL - Location: Upper Horton Farm, New House Lane, Chartham, CT4 7BN - Proposal: Proposed installation of a 35m high lattice mast on a concrete base accommodating 2 x 1.2m transmission dish and an equipment cabinet within a 8m x 10m compound surrounded by a 2m high mesh fence. P.C. Comments: The Parish Council requested that the Clerk contact the Case Officer to enquire whether it is possible for the proposed connection to be made part of the recently approved mast nearby at Iffin Meadows Farm under application CA/18/00770/FUL. CA//19/00243/FUL - Location: Orchard End, Bolts Hill, Chartham CT4 7JY - Proposal: Proposed dormers to front and rear elevations, window to side elevation to provide accommodation in roofspace. P.C. Comments: The Parish Council agreed to defer comments until a site visit has been made. Planning Decisions The following ‘Granted’ Planning Applications were noted: CA//18/02108/FUL – Location: 3 Hillside Place, Cockering Road, Chartham, CT4 7LH – Proposal: Proposed single-storey block of 3 no. garages. CA//18/02452/FUL – Location: 1 New Town Street, Chartham, CT4 7LT – Proposal: Proposed dormer to rear elevation and hip to gable roof extension to side elevation to allow additional living accommodation in the roof space. CA//19/00118/FUL – Location: The Old Rectory Studio, Ashford Road, Chartham, CT4 7HS – Proposal: Proposed two-storey extension to existing office building. CPC Parish Council Minutes – March 2019 2 Page 074 2018/2019 The following ‘Refused’ Planning Applications were noted: CA//18/02492/FUL – Location Howfield Lodge, Howfield Lane, Chartham, CT4 7NA – Proposal: Proposed first floor side extension, single-storey side extension, roof extensions to side and rear, dormer to side and balcony to rear to create additional living accommodation in the roof space. (8) Neighbourhood Plan and Potential Financial Support: A member of the public wished to address the Parish Council on the benefits of producing a Neighbourhood Plan and to offer a sum of money, up to a limit of £15,000, to assist with starting the process. Cllr Thomas confirmed that Canterbury City Council would be able to assist the Parish Council with producing a Neighbourhood Plan, as any plan would have to be in accordance with the Local Plan and National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). Cllr Thomas agreed to enquire whether a representative would meet with the Parish Council to discuss the pros and cons of producing a Neighbourhood Plan. Councillor opinions were mixed on whether to proceed with producing a Neighbourhood Plan, with some believing it would be a good opportunity to establish the village boundaries and maintaining a green gap between the parish and Canterbury, and others concerned that developers will use the Plan against the Parish Council to push through inappropriate developments on land outlined in the Plan as suitable. Cllr Root suggested that a decision on whether to proceed with the Neighbourhood Plan be deferred until after the Parish Council election and this was unanimously agreed. The Clerk also agreed to look into the legalities of accepting a donation of this kind and amount before the Parish Council decide whether to accept the offer. Cllr Coles suggested looking into whether Awards For All lottery funding would be able to provide funding to consult with residents to ascertain views on whether they wish the Parish Council to produce a Neighbourhood Plan. (9) CCC Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Consultation: CIL is a mechanism introduced through the Planning Act (2008) and the CIL Regulations (2010) to enable local authorities to raise funds to deliver infrastructure to support the development of their area. Once adopted, the CIL Charging Schedule will set out a standard rate (£ per sq. m), based on Gross Internal Area and existing buildings, that will be payable by landowners or developers for specific types of developments within agreed geographical locations. The Parish of Chartham has been identified as being in Charging Zone A, which will equate to a levy of £187 per square meter, and will become payable in full within 60 days of a development commencing. Canterbury City Council is not proposing to apply CIL to any developments outlined in the CDLP or any planning applications already granted prior to the CIL policy being formally adopted. Cllr Coles suggested that the Parish Council request a Neighbourhood Plan implementation period so councils which have commenced a Neighbourhood Plan before the CIL Charging Schedule comes into force can gain the 25% contributions as opposed to 15% contributions for councils without a Neighbourhood Plan. (10) Fencing along Shalmsford Street Playing Field: The Clerk reported that she has met with three contractors to obtain quotations for replacing the fencing boarding Shalmsford Street play area by the fishing lakes, in a similar style to the previou fencing which could not be reused, and two contractors have responded as follows: Contractor A - £1,168.80 including VAT Contractor B - £914.16 including VAT A further quotation was received from both contractors for repairs to the fencing bordering Thruxted Lane as follows: CPC Parish Council Minutes – March 2019 3 Page 075 2018/2019 Contractor A - £1,646.40 including VAT Contractor B - £194.94 including VAT The Clerk reported that both companies were professional and knowledgeable.
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