Homecom Ing: Dance Highlights 10 Days of Festivities
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THE Vol. 52 No. 19 Tuesday,^Jverfiber2,1976 Homecom ing: Dance Highlights 10 Days Of Festivities By LESLIE IAWI \BAl M Entertainment Editor Over 23 gala events this week and nexl commemorate UM's 50th anniversary In what Chairman Perry I evine hopea win be "the most successful Homecoming the University's ever participated In." Almost 111 monlhs ol hard win k will finally come to light as the Homecoming schedule unfolds Its traditional, second annual, and brand new activities, Ihe festivities gel underway to •••*>• -fflf:11..... night With the SIM ond annual Miss I nlversity ol Miami Pageant in Gusman Hall al 8 p.m. Highlights continue with the Parade I hrough Time tomorrow night at 7 p.m., a pep rally ami boat burning Thurs day at 7 p in , the I M vs. Boston College football game in Ihe Orange Bowl Saturday, and the Homecom ing '7ii Dam e iievt Friday — the grand finale ol all —expected to re- i eive a i row d oi approximately fJft 2000 people (making il larger that] last year's event). "'There seems lo be • loi of spli it all around campus," according to I evine. And, he adds, "thai spirll .should make this a very successful Homecoming." And H is that spirit that will fig ure mosi Importantly In the special Miami Hurricana, DONNA FRANKLIN events this yv.tr — many based mi the overall theme, others related to IMKJJ |»|i.i \l|iha Meinlieis W nrUOn I Ion I nothing but fun. ...ill! It llllllSllll\'\ •Miri'lff 'The events begin with a 'Trea sure Hunt today 8.1 I p.m. al the Hoik in front ol ihe Studeni Union. I hey , oniinue wilh the I M History Faculty 1 enure Input Ignored Contest, a Backgammon Tourna ment. Costume Party, and Beef Drinking, Pizza Fating. Balloon Sit, By STEFAN BECHTtL The Ad Hoc Tenure Study Com full faculty representation in the Whistling with Crackers and Bub- Hurricane Stall Writar mittee, which recommended that Faculty Senate. See page 10 At least three faculty members tenured faculty be "reviewed" at have been awarded tenure against least once every four years, would & the recommendations of their de further expand Ihe power of the ad partmental peers. Math Professor ministration. Swine Shots Being Given Dr. Hernuui Meyer said at a recent "As far as the Board is con I a, ulty Senate meeting. cerned." MaytT said, "their experi vV^ The recommendations could have ence is In business and they want to y been reversed at a number of differ have the right to hire and fire at In Spite Of Bad Publicity BOOPJ ent places in a hierarchy which be will. To them, this Is equivalent to u z->>. corporation owner's right to termi gins with the faculty and is presided By DEBBIE ARONOWTTZ over, in ascending order, hy depart nate his employees al any time." • S-Z, Friday Hurricana Staff Writer mental tliait men. deans, the dean of Of the nine voting members of Shots will be administered from 8 faculties, the President and the the committee there were three Swine flu vaccinations will be a.m. to 6 p.m. Hoard of Trustees. Hoard members, three administra given to all CM students and em The vaccination program is coor I he reversals have gone both tors and three faculty members. ployees and their dependents free of dinated by Health Center Director ways 'There have been cases where "In a sense, it was stacked six to charge this week at the Main Cam Dr. Eugene Flipse who encouragaa a faculty member's colleagues have three since administrators hold pus Pharmacy at .1225 I'once de everyone eligible to get the shot — recommended his tenure appoint their jobs at the discretion of the Leon Blvd. despite the recent bad publicity the ment, and it has been denied at a Board and they tend to cooperate The schedule for reporting will be shot has received. higher level. with them pretty closely," Meyer alphabetical, based on the first ini "We are encouraging everyone While tenure has traditionally said. tial of the last name. A-C received not in the high risk group to he van - been awarded based on academic Meyer also said that the entire their shots Monday. The remainder cinated despite some ol the rumors J peer judgement and the Board's ap matter of tenure, being of such far- of the schedule is: which have been blown out of jiro-1 pointment has merely been pro ranging and vital importance, • D-t;, today portion." Dr. flipse said. forma, the reversals indicate that in should not have been studied by an • 11-1 , Wednesday 'The "high risk" group includes recent years this trend has changed. appointed ad hoc committee but by • M-R, Thursday people with chronic lung, heart, or kidney ailments or diabetes, and j thoi e allergic t" i >u. Stills Take Bin Chunks Only one shot is required for per- sons over in but those under is an-, not eligible to rec eive ihe vai cine. SEC Concert Funds Half Spent Elections By DEBBIE KOVTN ISurges (ESP illenlalisl). 'The Amaz Hurncine Stall Writer ing Rhythm Aces, 'Tom Chapin, I iiiinit Chapman, Peter Tosh, Flash The student Entertainment Com Cadillac, Sharon Lawrence (lecture) mittee <SI.( ) has spent or commit Tod a and other free concerts. ted half of its yearly budget on ac "We are getting the finest enter y Well, It's thai tune ol tivities including concerts and tainment in the country thai a col lour yearn again. Homecoming and shall have a bal- lege can get. Studenls will get the I lei lions will be held today with ance l<tt over tor second semester, best entertainment both semesters," the spotlight on the r.n i lor the SEC Chairman roby Berlin said. Berlin said. Presideni y ol the i nited state ol "At the end of the semester we SEC expenditures include star .America are requiring SI (' to leave 12,000 in lees, renting equipment, payment oi 'There v ill also be slate and lot .il the account. Associate Director of a student stage crew, security, food Student Activities Kay Whitten to groups, additional sound, lighting points oi Interest on tb<- ballot, In- said. and publicity. t hiding the race lor a Senate seal SEC has 844,000 left from a total between im iiiiihenl Dentin rat I aw- estimated budget of $92,000. "A lot of people are not awaie lon Chiles and Republican l)r. .lohn i xpendiiures and commitment! thai there Is ,m awtul lot oi expense (irady. include the unexpected bookings ol attached to every concert besides I here will also be the referendum rank Zappa and Steven Stills. the cost of the talent. Tor example, i om eiiuiig the lev v oi a one per "We did not anticipate spending for Steven Stills we have lo have a cent county sales lax lor Dade that kind of money but we felt it i oncert grand piano which must he County. was worth it for the students to get brought out at the last minute to be Tor those registered in this area, that caliber of talent. Next semester tuned We must have a piano tuner the polls are lm .ih ,i opposite the we might not he able to get any big on standby and ll must be picked up Mahoney-Pearson complex across names, Whitten s.uil that night because it's a SHl.ilOO i s l at pom e i ie Leon Junior Homecoming dance profits will This semester SEC has sponsored |»iano. The rental cost is $401) just High School. I he polls will be opt n be reverted to SEC. Timmy Thomas, Starbuck, Rus for this piano," Whitten said. Irom 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. MSCOrA THE MIAMI HURRICANE Tuesday, November 2, 197C Nautilus Center Improves Bodies minute sessions per week can meet By TOM ADAMS the conditioning needs of most col Hurricane Stall Writer lege students and stilt leave time for Beginning almost simultaneously all other activities. Meeting* Around Campus with the advent of college life, stu In addition to the exercise facili dents may begin to notice a little ties the center also has a variety of Circle K, 7 p.m.. tomorrow in the Orange Key Room of the Stu- extra weight around their middle, amenities. A plush atmosphere com dent Union shortness of breath and general le bined with a sauna bath, Turkish • Pre-Legal Society 7:30 p.m.. Nov. 10, in S226C of the Student thargic feelings brought on by lack steam room and whirlpool make ex Union. of exercise. ercising an almost relaxing experi • Sailing Hurricanes, 8 p.m.. today in room S237 of the Student A new health center to be open ence. Complete locker rooms, show t nion Final payments for the Bimini trip will be due. ing near the University at the end of ers and dressing areas are also pro • American Marketing Association, 7 p.m.. Thursday, in room S24I this month may help some wealthy vided for all members and their of the Student Union. Pete Kllison will speak on market research. All students alleviate themselves of guests. are welcome. these symptoms. Individualized attention by quali • Young Republicans, 8 p.m. today in room S233 of the Student The Bodyworks Health and Fit fied personnel includes UM Physical Union. Will be going to Ford Headquarters. ness Center on the corner of Sunset Education Professor Dr. Joe Brown- • Feminist Discussion Group. 7:30 p.m.