Published by The Internet-First University Press The Early Years of Academic Computing: A Collection of Memoirs Edited by William Y. Arms and Kenneth M. King This is a collection of reflections/memoirs concerning the early years of academic computing, emphasizing the period from the 1950s to the 1990s when universities developed their own com- puting environments. Cornell University Initial Release: June 2014 Increment 01: April 2016 Increment 02-04: April 2017 NOTE: This is the first part of a set of memoirs to be published by The Internet-First University Press. This book – Books and Articles Collection – The Internet-First University Press – An Incremental Book Publisher’s Note This is the second Internet-First publication in a new publishing genre, an ‘Incremental Book’ that becomes feasible due to the Internet. Unlike paper-first book publishing – in which each contribution is typically held in abeyance until all parts are complete, and only then presented to the reading public as part of a single enti- ty – with Internet publishing, book segments (Increments) can be released when finalized. Book parts may be published as they become available. We anticipate releasing updated editions from time-to-time (using dat- ed, rather than numbered editions) that incorporate these increments. These digital collections may be freely downloaded for personal use, or may be ordered as bound copies, at user expense, from Cornell Business Ser- vices (CBS) Digital Services by sending an e-mail to
[email protected] or calling 607.255.2524.