E1972 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 29, 2006 and values. Not those of the enemy. In the PAYING TRIBUTE TO LAURA Diabetes Research Foundation Galas, Chil- meantime, if we continue to defile our inter- LONDONO dren’s Congress, Walk for a Cure, the fight for national agreements by blatantly disregarding stem cell research and many others. She has them, it will only mean our profile abroad will HON. THOMAS G. TANCREDO told me her stories of low and high blood sug- continue to suffer, potentially to the great det- OF COLORADO ars, she has shown me how she pricks her riment of our men and women in uniform, and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fingers and takes her insulin and she has al- ultimately to our goal of successfully defeating ways demonstrated a positive attitude through our enemy. Friday, September 29, 2006 it all. I would ask my colleagues, and I would ask Mr. TANCREDO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Most of all, I am proud to call her my friend. the American people, do we really believe that to pay tribute to one of my constituents, Ms. Recently, we shared the podium at an event we must betray our moral standard in order to Laura Londono of Highlands Ranch, Colorado. at Alfred I. DuPont Hospital for Children, and defeat our enemies? We are fighting a dif- Ms. Londono has been accepted to the Peo- it is safe to say that Allie stole the show! Allie ferent enemy, one espousing a radical ide- ple to People World Leadership Forum here in is surrounded by loving parents and two won- ology and using blatant violence as a vehicle our Nation’s Capital. This year marks the 50th derful younger sisters who share her joys, her to achieve its goals. But I do not believe for anniversary of the People to People program sadness and her hope for a cure. That is why one second that this means our adaptation founded by President Eisenhower in 1956. I will continue to fight for a cure for diabetes— and our military strategy against this new Ms. Londono has displayed academic excel- through efforts like increased research fund- enemy must include torture. Nor should it in- lence, community involvement and leadership ing, an expanded federal embryonic stem cell clude a subversion of some of our most pre- potential. All students chosen for the program research policy, legislation to address racial cious judicial protections. Tragically, and out- have been identified and nominated by edu- disparities in minorities and ensuring patients rageously, H.R. 6166 includes both of these. cators. have access to care. H.R. 6166 must be defeated. Mr. Speaker, I would like to join in paying I know Allie will go far in life, and it is our tribute to Laura Londono, and wish her the job as Members of Congress to ensure that f best in all her future endeavors. she has help along the way. I am hopeful that f Congress will begin to make diabetes more of CONGRATULATIONS TO BRAZO- a priority, as it has become a national epi- SPORT INDEPENDENT SCHOOL COMMENDING THE AD COUNCIL demic. We need to lead the fight for a cure for DISTRICT AND WCPX–TV FOR THEIR PRO Allie and all of the other diabetes patients suf- BONO ADVERTISING OF POSITIVE fering throughout the . INSPIRATIONAL MESSAGES TO f HON. RON PAUL THE AMERICAN PEOPLE OF TEXAS TRIBUTE TO THE REECE SCHOOL OF CITY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. DANNY K. DAVIS OF ILLINOIS Friday, September 29, 2006 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY OF NEW YORK Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, Brazosport Inde- Friday, September 29, 2006 pendent School District, located in my home IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES county of Brazoria, has received a $458,369 Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I take Friday, September 29, 2006 Smaller Learning Communities Program grant this opportunity to commend the Ad Council Mrs. MALONEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay from the Department of Education. The Small- and WCPX–TV for creating a program and tribute to the Reece School of , er Learning Communities Program promotes using valuable airtime to improve the quality of which has been dedicated for 58 years to academic achievement through the creation or life for people in my Congressional District and serving children who are intellectually capable expansion of small, safe, and successful wherever the influence of their work can be but emotionally fragile and vulnerable. The learning environments in large public high felt. oldest such special-education school in Man- schools to help ensure that all students grad- I also commend the Ad Council for being hattan, the Reece School has grown in size uate with the knowledge and skills necessary the stimulus behind this action. and stature from its founder’s home to a new to make successful transitions to colleges and I am pleased to know that for more than 60 facility on the Upper East Side. On October careers. years the Ad Council has marshaled the pro bono resources of the advertising agency and 26, it will recognize a significant donation by Brazosport High School will use the Smaller media communities to deliver thousands of in- officially naming its state-of-the-art building. Learning Communities Program grant to build spirational messages for the American people. The Reece School was established in 1948, on past efforts by implementing and expand- I am indeed pleased to know that during 2005, in the home of Ellen Reece, as a response to ing successful strategies and activities. Among the media donated an unprecedented 1.8 bil- the needs of children who were incapable of the projects the grant will help Brayosport lion dollars in free airtime and space. functioning in a traditional school setting. High School implement are extensive develop- My hat is off to Mr. Tony Cannata, Business Today, it serves 90 students, from Manhattan ment activities for the faculty and staff, advi- Manager, WCPX–TV and Ms. Peggy Conlon, and all 5 boroughs, who reflect the diverse sory periods, accelerated curriculum, after- President and CEO, The Advertising Council communities of the City of New York. They school classes, ninth grade transition activi- Inc. represent middle- and lower-income families ties, and task force committees. I commend them both for this very effective who care deeply about their children’s future Brazosport High School’s project goals in- collaboration and look forward to their contin- but lack the ability to pay privately for services clude: (1) increasing the academic perform- uous work. beyond those offered by the school commu- ance of all students and reducing the gap in f nity. These families depend on Reece for the achievement among students of different racial intellectual and emotional support that allows and economic backgrounds; (2) ensuring that IN HONOR OF MISS ALLIE DIETZ their children to progress and function as inde- the Smaller Learning Communities are envi- pendently as possible, They rely on Reece for ronments where students feel safe, known, HON. MICHAEL N. CASTLE services that many other special-education supported and motivated to succeed; (3) and OF DELAWARE schools are unable to provide. ensuring that students attain the strong aca- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Over the years, the Reece School has demic knowledge and skills necessary for a grown out of Ellen Reece’s home, out of its successful college career. Friday, September 29, 2006 longtime Carnegie Hill location, and into a new Mr. Speaker, I have no doubt that the same Mr. CASTLE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to home at 25 East 104th Street. For years, it commitment to education excellence that en- pay tribute to a very special young lady, Miss has worked hard to be an integral part of its abled Brazosport Independent School District Allie Dietz. She continues to impress me with community. It has made its space available to to obtain this grant will enable the school to her courage and her determination to fight dia- several community groups, and has partnered achieve all of its goals. I am therefore pleased betes, which she has suffered from since she with several community agencies and public to extend my congratulations to Brazosport was just five years old. She is now twelve. schools to help improve the quality of life of Independent School District for obtaining a I have come to know Allie over the years at Reece students and, in fact, of all children in Smaller Learning Communities Program grant. different events throughout my state—Juvenile the community.

October 6, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1973 Thanks to a $12 million loan through Indus- congratulating him on his retirement after a when two well-meaning and well-run business trial Development Agency Bonds, Reece was distinguished career. entities team up for the public interest, good able to emerge from its somewhat-cramped f things happen. Carnegie Hill quarters and into a facility of un- f precedented size and technology in July 2006. PAYING TRIBUTE TO CARL E. On October 26, the Reece School will officially LOVELL IN HONOR OF 2006 LILLY RE- name its new building the Elise M. Besthoff INTEGRATION AWARD HONORS Building of the Reece School. HON. JON C. PORTER CONNECTIONS COMMUNITY SUP- Mr. Speaker, I ask that my distinguished OF NEVADA PORT PROGRAMS, INC. colleagues join me in recognizing the out- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES standing contributions to the children and fam- Friday, September 29, 2006 HON. MICHAEL N. CASTLE ilies of New York City made by the Reece OF DELAWARE School. Mr. PORTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f honor the life of Carl E. Lovell, who suc- cumbed to cancer on Thursday, September Friday, September 29, 2006 HONORING CHARLES L. FALLIS 21, 2006. Mr. CASTLE. Mr. Speaker, it is with great UPON HIS RETIREMENT AS Carl served the people of the City of Las pleasure that I rise today to pay tribute to NARFE NATIONAL PRESIDENT Vegas and the citizens of Nevada in a number Connections Community Support Programs of profound ways. He was widely recognized Inc., a Delaware non-profit organization pro- HON. TOM DAVIS during his professional career as the youngest viding housing, treatment, and support serv- OF VIRGINIA City Attorney in the Nation for the City of ices to persons living with and recovering from IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES North Las Vegas and the youngest elected mental health and substance use conditions, City Attorney in the Nation at age 28, for the homelessness, and HIV/AIDS. Friday, September 29, 2006 City of Las Vegas. After starting his own firm Connections Community Support Programs Mr. TOM DAVIS of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, I in 1970, Carl became very active in the inter- was selected as the First Place Winner of the rise today to honor Charles L. Fallis, who is national arena for Estate and Asset Protection 2006 Lilly Reintegration Award for Housing, retiring from his post as president of National Planning, even representing the United States from Eli Lilly and Company. This is also the Active and Retired Federal Employees Asso- in international trade and law talks with Bei- 10th anniversary of Eli Lilly and Company pre- ciation (NARFE) after 4 years. jing, in 1987 and tried cases before the senting this award that recognizes outstanding Mr. Fallis’ more than 35 years of public United States Supreme Court. achievements made by mental health organi- service to the Federal Government began Carl was very involved in a number of civic zations. when he joined the U.S. Navy and served in organizations. He was a founding member and This national award honors efforts to im- both World War II and the Korean War. He President of the Nevada Donor Network, Vice prove services and decrease the stigma of commenced his Federal civilian service in Cin- President and Director of the Southern Ne- mental illness. Connections Inc. is particularly cinnati, Ohio as a substitute railway mail clerk vada Better Business Bureau, Chairman of the proud of its housing programs, specifically the PFS Level–5. Rising through the Postal Serv- the National Consumer Affairs Committee for development of supportive housing for people ice, Mr. Fallis was promoted to the rank of Re- the National City Attorneys Association. with low-incomes and special needs. The cre- gional Assistant Postmaster General, Eastern Mr. Speaker, I am proud to honor the life of ation of more than 300 units of affordable Region, which included the states of New Carl E. Lovell. His professional success and housing for this target population is highly York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, philanthropic efforts should serve as an exam- commendable. Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia and the Dis- ple for us all. Connections mission from it’s genesis in trict of Columbia. f 1985, has been to provide a comprehensive A Postal Inspector for 13 years, Fallis con- array of community-based treatment, support, ducted complex criminal investigations, appre- TRIBUTE TO WBBM–TV housing and rehabilitation services for people hended many scores of postal law violators, recovering from and living with mental health presented investigative evidence and testi- HON. DANNY K. DAVIS and substance use conditions, homelessness mony in U.S. Courts and audited and in- OF ILLINOIS and HIV/AIDS. The State of Delaware greatly spected major post offices. As Regional As- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES benefits from the services and programs Con- sistant Postmaster General he was in charge Friday, September 29, 2006 nections offers at nearly 30 locations in all of regional operations, oversaw construction of three Delaware counties. multi-million dollar post offices, directed a Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, Congratulations to Connections Community large staff, and held oversight responsibility for congratuIating WBBM–TV and the Advertising Support Programs, Inc for being recognized annual budgets of over $1 billion. Council for their collaboration to communicate for their dedication and hard work. I am con- Mr. Fallis has been a NARFE member since important messages to residents of the Illinois fident they will continue to provide this valu- 1985, first as an active participant in his local 7th Congressional District and the Public-At- able service to our community and make a dif- chapter. He then went on to serve two terms Large. ference in the lives of there patients. as First Vice President and two terms as Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to note that f President of Roanoke Valley Chapter 111 in WBBM–TV has been singled out by the Ad- Roanoke, Virginia. In addition, Mr. Fallis was vertising Council Inc., for its outstanding dis- PAYING TRIBUTE TO active in the Virginia Federation of Chapters play of public service through the pro-bono CHRISTOPHER TANTILLO where he served multiple terms in the posi- placement and airing of Public Service An- tions of Area Vice President, Vice President, nouncements. HON. THOMAS G. TANCREDO and Federation President. I am also pleased to note that for more than OF COLORADO Mr. Fallis participated in NARFE activities at 60 years, the Ad Council has marshaled the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the national level as well, serving as chairman resources to deliver thousands of inspirational of the Resolutions Committee at the 1996 Na- messages to millions of people. These mes- Friday, September 29, 2006 tional Convention in Houston. He then served sages have dealt with under-age drinking, Mr. TANCREDO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today two terms as NARFE National Treasurer and childhood obesity, early childhood develop- to pay tribute to one of my constituents, Mr. two terms as NARFE National President. ment, obesity and urging parents to use boost- Christopher Tantillo of Highlands Ranch, Colo- His tenure at NARFE has proved successful er seats. rado. Mr. Tantillo has been accepted to the in preserving benefits for retired and active Mr. Speaker, this collaboration has pro- People to People World Leadership Forum Federal employees, and the addition of a vis- duced very positive results and I take my hat here in our Nation’s Capitol. This year marks ual and dental benefit to the Federal Employ- off to Mr. Joseph Ahrn, Vice President and the 50th anniversary of the People to People ees Health Benefit Program (FEHBP). General Manager of WBBM–TV and Ms. program founded by President Eisenhower in Throughout his impressive career, Mr. Fallis Peggy Conlon, President and CEO of the Ad- 1956. and his wife Betty raised four children. vertising Council, Inc. Mr. Tantillo has displayed academic excel- Mr. Speaker, in closing, I ask my colleagues Mr. Speaker, this collaboration and its re- lence, community involvement and leadership to join me in applauding Charles Fallis and sults are a prime example of what can happen potential. All students chosen for the program

October 6, 2006