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[email protected] www.princeton.edu/~pia Newsletter of PrincetonBRIDGES in Asia Spring 2016 THE THAILAND ISSUE: Celebrating 40 years of Princeton in Asia Fellows in the Kingdom of Thailand VOICES FROM THE FIELD: Notes from our Fellows Personal growth has been the most special element of my time in Asia thus far. Deal- ing with the various challenges presented by opaque bureaucracy, occasional incom- petence (both my own and others’), endless layers of sweat, a bout of head lice, inde- scribable traffic, and the isolation inherent to living abroad has made me a more flex- ible and mature person. What makes this growth unique is that it has taken place in a cloud of wonder and kindness and constant kickstarts of the soul. I’m glad that the les- sons I’m learning right now are based not on an affirmation of the ideas I’ve held my entire life but rather a constant desta- bilization of these ideas: that my move- ment forward is contingent upon expand- ing my capacity for negative capability. Cheers to 40 years of PiA fellows in Thailand! Reflecting on her first year in Nan, 2nd year PiA Devin Choudhury fellow Brenna Cameron (Bandon Srisermkasikorn School ‘14-’16) wrote, “Nan makes me come Royal University of Phnom Penh alive and I can’t wait to return to the students who have become my children, coworkers who have Phnom Penh, Cambodia beome like family, and a country that now strangely feels like home.” all of us so different and all of us here be- The principal of my school gave a won- What makes this cause of different reasons, with different derful speech at our school’s graduation expectations, and having different daily re- ceremony.