Management of MARION K. OWEN, M.D., Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia TIMOTHY L. CLENNEY, CDR, MC, USN, Naval Hospital Jacksonville, Jacksonville, Florida

Common infectious forms of vaginitis include , vulvovaginal , and trichomoniasis. Vaginitis also can occur because of atrophic changes. Bacterial vaginosis is caused by proliferation of Gardnerella vaginalis, Mycoplasma hominis, and anaerobes. The diagnosis is based primarily on the Amsel criteria (milky discharge, pH greater than 4.5, positive whiff test, clue cells in a wet-mount preparation). The standard treatment is oral metronidazole in a dosage of 500 mg twice daily for seven days. Vulvovaginal candidiasis can be difficult to diagnose because characteristic signs and symptoms (thick, white discharge, dysuria, vulvovaginal pruritus and swelling) are not specific for the infection. Diagnosis should rely on microscopic examination of a sample from the lateral vaginal wall (10 to 20 percent potassium hydroxide preparation). Cultures are helpful in women with recurrent or complicated vulvovaginal candidiasis, because species other than Candida albicans (e.g., Candida glabrata, Candida tropicalis) may be present. Topical azole and oral fluconazole are equally efficacious in the management of uncomplicated vulvovaginal candidiasis, but a more extensive regimen may be required for complicated infec- tions. Trichomoniasis may cause a foul-smelling, frothy discharge and, in most affected women, vaginal inflammatory changes. Culture and DNA probe testing are useful in diagnosing the infection; examinations of wet-mount preparations have a high false-negative rate. The stan- dard treatment for trichomoniasis is a single 2-g oral dose of metronidazole. results from estrogen deficiency. Treatment with topical estrogen is effective. (Am Fam Physician 2004;70:2125-32,2139-40. Copyright© 2004 American Academy of Family Physicians.) ▲ Patient information: aginitis is among the most com- of bacterial vaginosis, vulvovaginal candi- A handout on vaginitis, mon conditions for which women diasis, trichomoniasis, and vaginal atrophy. written by the authors of this article, is provided on seek medical care, with vaginal page 2139. discharge accounting for approxi- Diagnosis V mately 10 million office visits each year.1 Although it is tempting to treat vaginal com- See page 2131 for definitions of strength-of- Although vaginitis can have a variety of plaints empirically based on the patient’s his- recommendation labels. causes (Table 1), it most often is associated tory alone, studies2,3 have demonstrated poor with infection or atrophic changes. Com- correlation between symptoms and the final mon infectious forms of vaginitis include diagnosis. Bacterial vaginosis often is identi- bacterial vaginosis, vulvovaginal candidi- fied based on the vaginal pH and the presence asis, and trichomoniasis. Although these of clue cells on light microscopy (two of the infections generally respond to treatment, Amsel criteria4). A recent analysis3 found that misdiagnosis and, rarely, phar- examination of wet-mount preparations is macologic resistance may occur. neither highly sensitive nor specific for vul- Although it is tempting to In almost all patients with vovaginal candidiasis. Culture of the vagina is treat vaginal complaints vaginitis, it is important to per- costly, but may be the only way to ensure diag- empirically based on the form a thorough assessment that nosis of vulvovaginal candidiasis in equivocal patient’s history alone, includes speculum examina- cases. A reasonable alternative is to use a wet- studies have demon- tion, pH testing, wet-mount and mount and KOH preparation or Gram stain strated poor correlation potassium hydroxide (KOH) of the vagina in conjunction with the findings between symptoms and preparations, and cultures when of the physical examination, and to reserve the final diagnosis. indicated. This article reviews culture for cases of treatment failure.5 DNA- the diagnosis and management based diagnostic tools with varying degrees

Downloaded from the American Family Physician Web site at Copyright© 2004 American Academy of Family Physicians. For the private, noncommercial use of one individual user of the Web site. All other rights reserved. Contact [email protected] for copyright questions and/or permission requests. TABLE 1 Causes of Vaginitis

Type of vaginitis Causes and comments vaginalis, Mycoplasma hominis, and anaer- Vulvovaginal candidiasis Candida albicans, Candida glabrata, Candida tropicalis obes, including Mobiluncus, Bacteroides, Bacterial vaginosis Gardnerella vaginalis, Mycoplasma and Peptostreptococcus species. hominis, Mobiluncus species, The Amsel criteria are considered to be Bacteroides species (other than the standard diagnostic approach to bacte- Bacteroides fragilis) rial vaginosis and continue to be generally Trichomoniasis Trichomonas vaginalis reliable.7,8 The criteria are as follows: milky, Atrophic vaginitis Estrogen deficiency homogeneous, adherent discharge; vaginal Chemical irritation Soaps, hygiene products (tampons, pH greater than 4.5; positive whiff test (the sanitary napkins, latex condoms) discharge typically has a fishy smell); and Lichen planus Flat, hyperkeratotic lesions that are presence of clue cells in the vaginal fluid on (desquamative type) pruritic or painful; associated light microscopy.4 If three of the four criteria vulvar and oral lesions are met, there is a 90 percent likelihood of Allergic vaginitis Sperm, douching, hygiene products bacterial vaginosis. (tampons, sanitary napkins, latex condoms or diaphragms), dyes, The presence of small gram-negative rods inhaled allergens, occupational or gram-variable rods and the absence of exposures longer lactobacilli on a Gram stain of the Foreign body with or Tampons, contraceptive devices, also is highly predictive of without infection pessary, others bacterial vaginosis.9 However, this method or trauma of diagnosis is impractical in most fam- ily physicians’ offices. Because G. vagina- lis commonly is found in asymptomatic of sensitivity and specificity also are avail- women, culture is not useful. able. Finally, a recent study6 showed that in According to guidelines from the Centers adolescents, vaginal swabs for wet-mount and for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),10 KOH preparations may be performed reliably treatment of bacterial vaginosis is indicated without speculum examination. to reduce symptoms and prevent infectious complications associated with pregnancy Bacterial Vaginosis termination and hysterectomy. Treatment Bacterial vaginosis accounts for 10 to 30 also may reduce the risk of human immu- percent of the cases of infectious vaginitis nodeficiency virus (HIV) transmission.10 in women of childbearing age.7 In bacterial Thus, it is reasonable to treat asymptomatic vaginosis, there is a decrease in normal lac- patients who are scheduled for hysterec- tobacilli and a proliferation of Gardnerella tomy or pregnancy termination or who are at increased risk for HIV infection;10 other asymptomatic patients need not be treated. The Authors MARION K. OWEN, M.D., is in private family practice in Atlanta. She received her Treatment medical degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of The standard treatment for bacterial vagi- Medicine and completed a family medicine residency at Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta. nosis is metronidazole (Flagyl) in a dos- age of 500 mg orally twice daily for seven TIMOTHY L. CLENNEY, CDR, MC, USN, is a staff family physician in the family days (Table 2).10 Although other treatments medicine residency program at the Naval Hospital Jacksonville (Fla.), as well as have been shown to have approximately assistant professor of family medicine at the Uniformed Services University of equivalent efficacy,11-16 they are associated the Health Sciences F. Edward Hébert School of Medicine, Bethesda, Md. Dr.

Clenney received his medical degree from the University of South Florida College with higher recurrence rates. These agents of Medicine, Tampa, and completed a family medicine residency at the Naval include 0.75 percent metronidazole gel Hospital Jacksonville. He also completed a faculty development fellowship and a (MetroGel-Vaginal) and 2 percent clinda- master of public health degree at Emory University. mycin cream (Cleocin). Less effective alter- Address correspondence to Timothy L. Clenney, CDR, MC, USN, 1705 Broad natives include metronidazole in a single Water Ct., Orange Park, FL 32003 (e-mail: [email protected]). Reprints are not 2-g oral dose, oral clindamycin, and intra- available from the authors. vaginal clindamycin ovules.

2126 American Family Physician Volume 70, Number 11 � December 1, 2004 Vaginitis

BACTERIAL VAGINOSIS IN PREGNANCY many physicians hesitate to use Because Gardnerella vagi- Bacterial vaginosis has been shown to be a oral metronidazole in women who nalis commonly is found risk factor for premature labor and perina- are in the first trimester of preg- in asymptomatic women, 17 tal infection. Although evidence supports nancy. However, one meta-analy- vaginal culture is not 25 treatment of high-risk pregnant women with sis showed no increased risk of useful for diagnosing bac- bacterial vaginosis5 (defined as women who birth defect in infants exposed to terial vaginosis. previously delivered a premature infant),7 metronidazole in utero. Vaginal the benefits of treating asymptomatic, low- clindamycin does not reduce the risk pregnant women is less clear.18-20 risk of preterm birth or peripartum infec- A Cochrane review21 concluded that no evi- tion.19 In fact, the CDC10 advises that topical dence supports screening all pregnant women clindamycin cream may increase the risk of for bacterial vaginosis. Guidelines from the prematurity and neonatal infections. American College of Obstetricians and Gyne- cologists22 and the Agency for Healthcare RECURRENT BACTERIAL VAGINOSIS Research and Quality23 do not recommend Recurrent bacterial vaginosis is common and screening in low-risk patients (i.e., those requires longer treatment (10 to 14 days) without symptoms). However, family physi- with any of the recommended or alternative cians should be aware that one recent study24 therapies9 (Table 2).10 Although lactobacil- demonstrated a significant reduction in lus suppositories26 and oral lactobacillus27 spontaneous preterm birth and late miscar- (without concurrent antibiotic treatment) riage after treatment with oral clindamycin, have been shown to briefly resolve bacterial 300 mg twice daily for five days, in women vaginosis, recurrence rates with these treat- with asymptomatic bacterial vaginosis who ments have been high.26 were at 12 to 20 weeks of gestation. There- fore, the current recommendations against Vulvovaginal Candidiasis screening and treating asymptomatic preg- Reported risk factors for vulvovaginal nant women may be reevaluated. candidiasis include recent antibiotic use, Because of concerns about teratogenicity, uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, and HIV infec-

TABLE 2 Recommended Treatments for Bacterial Vaginosis

Agents Dosage Use in pregnancy

Recommended regimens Metronidazole tablets (Flagyl) 500 mg orally twice daily for 7 days 250 mg three times daily for 7 days Metronidazole 0.75% gel 5 g intravaginally once daily for 5 days No* (MetroGel-Vaginal) Clindamycin 2% vaginal cream 5 g intravaginally once daily at bedtime No* (Cleocin) for 7 days Alternative regimens Metronidazole tablets 2 g orally in a single dose No† Clindamycin tablets 300 mg orally twice daily for 7 days 300 mg twice daily for 7 days Clindamycin ovules 100 g intravaginally once daily at bedtime No† for 3 days

*—Existing data do not support use of topical agents during pregnancy. †—Data are insufficient to support use of these regimens during pregnancy. Information from reference 10.

December 1, 2004 � Volume 70, Number 11 American Family Physician 2127 Vaginal culture can be tion/acquired immunodeficiency when present, is usually thick and white. 28,29 helpful in women with syndrome. Although Can- Because these symptoms are not specific for recurrent symptoms of dida albicans frequently is the vulvovaginal candidiasis, family physicians cause of vaginal yeast infections, also should consider other causes. vulvovaginal candidiasis the organism can be present in Caution should be exercised in basing or in women with typical asymptomatic women. Family treatment decisions on a patient’s self-diag- symptoms but a nega- physicians also must remember nosis of yeast infection. In one study,30 the tive potassium hydroxide that vaginal yeast infections may presence of vulvovaginal candidiasis was preparation. be caused by species other than confirmed in only 33.7 percent of women C. albicans, such as Candida gla- who self-diagnosed yeast infection. There- brata and Candida tropicalis. Infections with fore, the diagnosis of vulvovaginal candi- these species are less common than C. albi- diasis should rely heavily on microscopic cans infection and tend to be more resistant examination of a sample taken from the to treatment. lateral vaginal wall (10 to 20 percent KOH Patients with vulvovaginal candidiasis usu- preparation). Although vaginal culture is ally report one or more of the following: vul- not routinely necessary for diagnosis, it can vovaginal pruritus (50 percent), vulvovaginal be helpful in women with recurrent symp- swelling (24 percent), and dysuria (33 per- toms or women with typical symptoms and cent).29 The characteristic vaginal discharge, a negative KOH preparation.7,28

TABLE 3 Treatments for Uncomplicated Candidiasis

Agent Dosage

Butoconazole 2 percent vaginal cream 5 g intravaginally per day for 3 days (Mycelex-3)* Butoconazole 2 percent vaginal cream, 5 g intravaginally one time sustained release (Gynezole-1) 1 percent vaginal cream (Mycelex-7)* 5 g intravaginally per day for 7 to 14 days Clotrimazole 100-mg vaginal tablet One tablet intravaginally per day for 7 days (Gyne-Lotrimin, Mycelex-7) or Two tablets intravaginally per day for 3 days Clotrimazole 500-mg vaginal tablet (Mycelex-G) One tablet intravaginally one time Fluconazole (Diflucan)31† One 150-mg tablet orally one time Miconazole 2 percent vaginal cream (Monistat)* 5 g intravaginally per day for 7 days Miconazole 100-mg vaginal suppository One suppository intravaginally per day for 7 days (Monistat 7)* Miconazole 200-mg vaginal suppository One suppository intravaginally per day (Monistat 3)* for 3 days Nystatin 100,000-unit vaginal tablet* One tablet intravaginally per day for 14 days Tioconazole 6.5 percent ointment (Vagistat-1)* 5 g intravaginally one time Terconazole 0.4 percent vaginal cream (Terazol 7) 5 g intravaginally per day for 7 days Terconazole 0.8 percent vaginal cream (Terazol 3) 5 g intravaginally per day for 3 days Terconazole 80-mg vaginal suppository (Terazol 3) One suppository intravaginally per day for 3 days

*—Available over the counter. †—Not recommended for use during pregnancy. Information from references 10 and 31.

2128 American Family Physician Volume 70, Number 11 � December 1, 2004 Vaginitis

TREATMENT All standard treatment regimens for uncom- TABLE 4 plicated vulvovaginal candidiasis are equally Classification of Vulvovaginal Candidiasis efficacious, resulting in a clinical cure rate of approximately 80 percent7 (Table 3).10,31 Var- Uncomplicated Complicated ious topical treatments are available without Sporadic or infrequent infection Recurrent infection prescription. However, many women may Mild-to-moderate infection Severe infection prefer the simplicity of a single 150-mg oral Candida albicans as likely cause Infection with Candida species other dose of fluconazole (Diflucan). In women than C. albicans with candidal vaginitis, treatment with oral Woman without Woman with uncontrolled diabetes fluconazole has been shown to be safe and immunosuppression mellitus, immunosuppression, or as effective as seven days of treatment with debilitation; pregnant woman intravaginal clotrimazole.31 It is important Adapted from Sexually transmitted diseases treatment guideline 2002. Centers for Dis- to remember that fluconazole is a pregnancy ease Control and Prevention MMWR Recomm Rep 2000;51(RR-6):1-80. Accessed online class C agent. In some patients, fluconazole June 28, 2004, at: may cause gastrointestinal upset, headache, dizziness, and rash, although these side effects typically are mild. uncontrolled diabetes, oral contraceptive pill When therapy for vulvovaginal candidia- use) and initial therapy has been completed, sis is considered, it is helpful to classify the maintenance therapy may be appropriate.35 infection as uncomplicated or complicated Selected long-term regimens are listed in (Table 4).10 The practical importance of such Table 5.10 The role of boric acid and lactoba- classification is that the treatments differ. cillus therapy remains controversial. For example, in complicated vulvovaginal Culture and sensitivity results should be candidiasis, topical therapy has been shown used to guide therapy, because non–C. albi- to be more effective than single-dose oral cans species often are present in women therapy,28 but treatment should be extended with recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis and to 10 to 14 days.7 these species are more likely to be resistant If oral therapy is preferred for severe vul- to standard azole therapy.35 vovaginal candidiasis, two sequential 150- mg doses of fluconazole, given three days Trichomoniasis apart, have been shown to be superior to a Trichomonas vaginalis infection causes a foul- single 150-mg dose.32 Although the opti- smelling, frothy discharge that usually is mal duration of extended oral fluconazole accompanied by vaginal irritation. Although therapy has not been determined, one older the presence of motile trichomonads in a study33 comparing oral fluconazole with clotrimazole found that extended use of flu- conazole was safe and well tolerated. TABLE 5 In patients with severe discomfort second- Selected Regimens for Recurrent Vulvovaginal Candidiasis ary to vulvitis, the combination of a low- potency steroid cream and a topical antifungal Treatment Initial dosage Maintenance dosage cream may be beneficial.34 Clotrimazole 100-mg One 100-mg tablet One 500-mg tablet RECURRENT VULVOVAGINAL CANDIDIASIS vaginal tablet (100 mg, intravaginally per intravaginally Recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis is defined Gyne-Lotrimin, Mycelex-7; day for 7 days once per week 500 mg, Mycelex-G) as four or more yeast infections in one year. Fluconazole (Diflucan) One 150-mg tablet One 150-mg The possibility of uncontrolled diabetes mel- orally; repeat after tablet orally litus or immunodeficiency should be consid- 3 days. once per week ered in women with recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis. When it is certain that no revers- Information from reference 10. ible causes are present (e.g., antibiotic therapy,

December 1, 2004 � Volume 70, Number 11 American Family Physician 2129 10 Examination of the wet- wet-mount preparation is diag- apy is less effective. However, topical agents mount preparation can nostic, the examination can be have been shown to decrease symptoms and be negative in up to negative in up to 50 percent of may be useful in patients with the rare prob- 40 50 percent of women women with culture-confirmed lem of metronidazole resistance. 36 with culture-confirmed infection. Therefore, when Because metronidazole is the only agent trichomoniasis. microscopic examination of a that is used to treat T. vaginalis infection, wet-mount preparation is nega- potential management problems include tive but trichomoniasis still is hypersensitivity and drug resistance. A suspected, a vaginal culture on specialized desensitization protocol is available for the culture medium is appropriate to rule out T. management of documented trichomoniasis vaginalis infection.37 A DNA probe test (e.g., and frank allergy to metronidazole.41 Affirm VPIII) also can be useful in detecting Although evidence indicates that resis- this organism. tance of T. vaginalis to metronidazole can be Unlike women with asymptomatic G. vag- overcome by increasing the dosage and dura- inalis or Candida colonization, women with tion of therapy, many patients cannot tolerate asymptomatic T. vaginalis infection should the regimens. If tolerance is a problem, the be treated. T. vaginalis is highly transmis- CDC10 recommends repeating the 2-g dose sible and is associated with other sexually of metronidazole orally and if the patient transmitted diseases (STDs); asymptomatic still is infected, giving oral metronidazole in infection may increase the risk of acquiring a dosage of 2 g per day for three to five days.10 HIV.10,38 Consequently, patients with vaginal If the infection does not respond to this regi- trichomoniasis should be offered HIV and men, consultation with the CDC is available other STD screening. by telephone (800-227-8922) or via the CDC Occasionally, T. vaginalis is found inci- Web site ( dentally in a routine Papanicolaou (Pap) Several alternative regimens for tricho- test. Detection by this method is reported moniasis have been shown to be efficacious. to be 57 percent sensitive and 97 percent Tinidazole (marketed as Fasigyn) is widely specific for trichomoniasis.39 used in Europe and developing countries. When trichomoniasis is found during rou- This agent is effective and generally well tine Pap testing, management should be based tolerated,42 but has not been approved by the on the pretest probability of infection in the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and, patient, which is determined by the prevalence therefore, is not available in this country. of T. vaginalis infection in the community; Another treatment option is paromomycin information on prevalence usually can be (Humatin) in a dosage of 5 g intravagi- obtained from the local health department. nally per day for 14 days. This treatment For example, if the pretest probability of T. is reported to be effective in 58 percent of vaginalis infection is 20 percent and the proto- patients.43 However, paromomycin must be zoan is found in a patient’s Pap smear, the pos- used with caution because of its side effects, itive predictive value of the test is 83 percent, which include vulvitis and local ulceration. which warrants treatment. Alternatively, the patient can be offered the options of treatment TRICHOMONIASIS DURING PREGNANCY or confirmatory culture followed by treatment T. vaginalis infection during pregnancy has if the culture is positive.39 been linked to preterm labor and low birth weight.10 Unfortunately, treatment of asymp- TREATMENT tomatic trichomoniasis has not been shown The standard treatment for trichomoniasis is to prevent these outcomes.44 The decision a single 2-g oral dose of metronidazole.10 An to treat trichomoniasis during pregnancy is alternative treatment is oral metronidazole further complicated by the fact that physi- in a dosage of 500 mg twice daily for seven cians are reluctant to use metronidazole in days.10 Because T. vaginalis can colonize the pregnant women. As previously noted, how- urethra and associated glands, topical ther- ever, the risk of teratogenicity appears to be

2130 American Family Physician Volume 70, Number 11 � December 1, 2004 Vaginitis Strength of Recommendations

Key clinical recommendation Label References The etiology of a vaginal discharge should not be determined solely C 2, 3, 30 on the basis of a woman’s symptoms. Treating bacterial vaginosis in pregnancy reduces preterm birth and B 24 late miscarriage. Complicated vulvovaginal candidiasis should be treated with topical C 7, 28 antifungal agents for 10 to 14 days. Culture and sensitivity results should be used to guide therapy in C 35 women with recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis (i.e., four or more yeast infections per year).

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