North Given Suspended Term I Mathea, 273 Weal Middle Tpka, Oriarty Brothers Plus Utilities, Security

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North Given Suspended Term I Mathea, 273 Weal Middle Tpka, Oriarty Brothers Plus Utilities, Security 20 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday. July 3, 1989 I CONDOMINIUMS I REAL ESTATE APARTMENTS r r i HOMES ITV/STEREO/ I MISCELLANEOUS I CARS I CARS I FOR SALE WANTED FOR RENT 1 2 1 1 FOR RENT APPLIANCES FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE MANCHESTER. Only LAND wanted. Five plus EAST Hartford - 1 and 2 MANCHESTER - Lovely STEREO-Samsung SCM - CHEVROLET Caprice CHEVROLET Astro Van- Celebrate Change Voyager $135,000 for these brand acres. Church of the bedroom duplex, bungalow style house, 7000. Dual cassette, CD END ROLLS Estate Wagon- 1978. 1986. Fully equipped. new 7 room 1,800 sq. ft. Living God of Man­ $485.00 & 625.00 a plus 3 bedrooms, family plover, radio. Just like Recent repairs. Too Very clean. $5,900. 249- Contemporary town- chester Is Interested In utilities. No pets. Se­ room, appliances and new. Asking $250.00 or 27W width — 25it 2505 days, 875-4266 eves. J __best offer __________ 13" width — 2 for 25C good to lunk. Needs Lots of attention Sparky Anderson learns houses. Cathedrol ceil­ purchasing land In curity deposit and ref­ garage. Available Im­ engine. 643-2880._____ Epic space trek ings. Andersen win­ Manchester for pur­ erences. 282-7532. mediately. $800.00 plus ... lust dial 643-2711 and Newsprint end rolls can be picked up at the Manchester CHRYSLER 5th Avenue ITRUCKS/VANS dows, family room, pose of building wor­ MANCHESTER - 1 bed­ utilities and security. we’ll help you word and for Old Glory /S how to just say ‘no’ /13 near Its end /22 fireplace., appliances, ship center. Contact No pets 643-2129. ploce your ad. Herald ONLY before 11 am 1985. All extras. Excel- IFOR SALE room, 2nd floor. On Monday through Thursday lent condition. 3-4 bedroom s, 1 Vz Pastor David Mullen, busline. $550.00 per baths, cedar siding, $5,000/best offer. 646- FORD Econollne Van 372 Main Street, Man­ month. Yearly lease. I GOOD THINGS GIVE YOUR budget a w/w carpet, oak ca­ chester, CT 06040. 647- 6882________________ 1983. E100. 643-2171 Utilities additional. 1 I STORE AND TO EAT break ... shop the classi­ days. binets and garages. 7355 month security dep­ FORD Tempo - 1984 4 Owners will hold a lOFFICE SPACE fied columns for bargain cylinder, 5 speed, new osit. Peterman Realty buys! second mortgage of 649-9404 tires. Asking $5,000. CARS $32,900 up to 7 years Iq a J APARTMENTS MANCHESTER. Down- Call 647-8851. MANCHESTER - 2 bed­ town business district. u FOR SALE with no principal or w ^ I for r en t icARS Interest payment doe. rooms, heat, hot water, 1240 sq. ft. Fronting on PICK FOR SALE These are beautiful sin­ a n d appliances. Main Street. Private I COVENTRY - convenient u gle family homes of $570.00. Adults pre­ parking. For sale or BLUEBERRIES but private location. 2 ferred. No pets. 647- lease. Tom Boyle, DODGE Omnl-1987. 5 course with no associa­ speed, 4 door, rear tion fees. Rothman- bedroom apartment, 9876 Evenings. Boyle Real Estate CO. at the ** ATTENTION 8>Rothman 646-4144a carpeting, 2 months se­ 649-4800._____________ wiper, defou, A M /FM , curity deposit. $500.00 Corn Crib tinted windows, 34K. monthly. Utilities not ICONDOMINIUMS PROFESSIONAL Office $2800/best offer. 872- CLASSIC CHEVY LOVERS! iHaiirljPBlpr Hrralh LOOKING FOR an apart­ suite. 760 sq. ft. Excel­ 2051. ment? Be sure to check Included. No pets. 742- I FOR RENT Buckland Road, 0569. lent downtawn location the many yaconcles listed available for Imme­ South Windsor PLYMOUTH Volarle Classic 1968, Chevy Malibu, 307 In classified each day. MANCHESTER - 2 and 3 MANCHESTER - 2 bed- diate lease. Boyle Real Wogon - New exhaust. bedroom for rent. Se­ room with garage. Cus­ Estate Co. 649-4800. 8:00 am-11:00 am Good condition. Engine. “Mint” Condition. 69,500 curity and references a tom kitchen and ba­ $650.00. Please phone ILOTS/LANO must. Call 645-8201. throom. Totally 3:00 pm-8:00 pm 649-5960._____________ Origingal Mileage. $6,000 or Best FOR SALE remadeled. 5 rooms TV/STEREO/ Wednesday, July 5, 1989 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Newsstand Price: 35 Cents MANCHESTER - 2 and 3 DODGE-Dart Swinger- Offer! fully furnished. $750 a APPLIANCES 1973. Power Steering, bedroom tor rent. Se­ month. 285-0744. FOR sale by owner - 6.4 curity and references a n I CARS power brakes. $350.00. acres good building must. Call 645-8201. 646-1667. Call 649-7470 property. Thompson HOMES FOR SALE Street, Glastonbury. MANCHESTER 2 bed­ FOR RENT TV SPECIAL 643-6129. room, first floor $700.00. One bedroom, OFFER second floor, $550.00. TWO Family house for Reconditioned televlaiona, I INVESTMENT Irom our big trade-in aale. Both excellent condi­ rent In Manchester. Prlcea from $49 to $290. Curtla PROPERTY tion. All appliances, For Information and North given suspended term I Mathea, 273 Weal Middle Tpka, oriarty Brothers plus utilities, security. appointment call 742- Mancheater, 849 3406. MANCHESTER. Up to Call any time. 645-6246. 1818 anytime. 7,300 sq.ft. Industrial space, plus 1 acre of LIKE private home. 3'/z Judge orders 2 years probation, land for lease. Warren rooms. Lease. Wark- Manchester’s E. Howland, Inc. 643- Ing single, m arried I CARS CARS 1108. couple preferred. 643- FOR SALE FOR SALE Y 2880. I BUSINESS Used Car Dealer $150,000 fine, community service PROPERH NOW LEASING USED CAR SPECIALS WASHINGTON (A P) - A PRESTIGIOUS Indus­ federal judge today gave Oliver trial Condo In Ellington 1985 TOYOTA 1986 FORD 1986 MERCURY 1985 JEEP 1983 CHEV L. North a three-year suspended ayallable for the new prison sentence and fined him or expanding business. COROLLA SR5 T-BIRD SABLE CHEROKEE MONTE CARLO Unit has loading dock, 2Dr. Coupe Auto, A/C Auto, A/C 4 WD AT, A/C Buckland OFFICF $150,000 for his role in covering up CHORCHES his involvement in the Iran- gas heat, city water and sewer. All new *6999 *6995 *5991 *6999 *4999 SPACE Contra affair. Dodge Trucks Centre - facilities with expan­ niRY.Sl,KH OadgE 1982 OLDS 1985 LINCOLN 1986 BUICK — ^ f U.S. District Judge Gerhard A. sion space available. S--'' 198SUNC0LN ' 1985 FORD TOWN CAR CUTLASS TOWN CAR RIVIERA TEMPO Gesell placed the former Na­ Call Stan Weinberg647- r IV [ tional Security Council aide on 1419 or eves. 643-0844. SUPREME (Signature) Loaded Auto, AM/FM RE/MAX, East of the two years’ probation and ordered *10225 *4999^ *10,999 $4444 him to perform 200 hours of RIver.D 1985 PONTIAC *11025 1984 AMC 1988 DODGE 1988 LINCOLN 1988 CHEVY community service administer­ GRAND PRIX ALLIANCE CELEBRITY 646-1316 ing a new program to help I CARS Auto, AM/FM RAMCHARGER TOWN CAR FOR SALE Auto, /VC Auto, A /C inner-city youth avoid involve­ $ 1 0 0 OVER *6123 *3950 *14999 *16,999 *9650 GENERAL CONTRACTOR ment in drugs. 1986 PONTIAC 1983 BUICK Gesell cited North’s distin­ 1985 BMW 1987 MERCURY 1983 CHEVY MjG Builders,lnc. guished career as a Marine FACTORY INVOICE FIREBIRD CENTURY officer before he became a staff VC. AM/FM, 5 Speed Loaded SABLE CAVALIER CARTER Auto, A /C '' 203-528-2189 member at the White House CHEVROLET — GEO 1229 M a in St., M anch ester *8550 *12,500 *8999 *4222 *2999 during the Reagan USED CARS ON ’88-’89 NEW administration. 1986 OLDS 1986 1985 LINCOLN 1987 SUBARU 1985 CHEVY 87 Volks Jena 4 Dr. *8495 CUTLAS MITSUBISHU TOWN CAR He told North that during the 88 Chev Corsica 4 Dr. *7995 WAGON GL P/UP Iran-Contra affair “ I don’t think SUPREME CORMA TURBO Loaded 4WD 4x4, AT 86 Cavalier 'CS' Sta Wg *6195 CARS/TRUCKS you were a leader at all.” He said 84 Dodge Arles 'SE' 2 Dr *3895 North was "really a low-level 87 Olds FIrenza Sta Wg *8615 *7550 *10,980 *7600 *7595 *6995 subordinate who was carrying 86 Chev Caprice 4 Dr. *7395 1986 PONTIAC 1984 PONTIAC 1987 MERCURY Patrick Flynn/Manchester Herald out the instructions of a few 83 LeSabre Custom 4 Dr *4995 IN STOCK BONNEVILLE 1987 MAZDA 4X4 1986 MAZDA 626 HERO COUGAR 5 Spd., A/C 88 Pont. LE 6000 4 Dr. *7195 Loaded OFFICE SPACE — For^rent" or ‘‘Mow out Manchester. Developers have pro­ cynical superiors.” - 88 Chev Cavalier 4 Dr. *7995 * 1 2 ,1 0 0 )f the posed or built more than 2,600,000 North, who has said he will *3999 *10,999 *5999 appeal his conviction on three 84 Cam Berllneha Cpe *6295 *6999 Buckland Centre office building at T127 square feet of office space in Manches­ USED TRUCKS 1986 MERCURY 1987 PONTIAC 1987 OLDS 1985^ FORD 1986 CHRYSLER counts, had faced a maximum of 63 Chev S-10 Blazer 4x4 *5995 GRAND AM CUTLASS ESCORT WAGON NEW YORKER Tolland Turnpike can be seen through- ter, South Windsor and East Hartford. 10 years’ imprisonment and fines 85 Chev C10 6'Pickup *5995 PLUS COUGAR totaling $750,000. Auto, A/C SUPREME Auto, A/C Loaded 88 Dodge Raider 4x4 *10450 Pronouncing sentence, Gesell 83 Dodge B150 Pass Van *6295 The Associated Prase , *7295 *8888 told North: 86 Nissan Short Bed P/up *5895 *9999 *4666 *7999 1984 PONTIAC Glut of office space forecast "Along the way you came to NORTH IN COURT — Oliver North gazes up toward 88 S-10 Blazer 4x4 *12495 1988 MAZDA 1986 MERKUR 1983 TOYOTA SUNBIRD 1986 OLDS 98 accept the view that Congress members of the Iran-Contra panel during testimony in Loaded B2200 P/UP XR4TI TERCEL 646-6464 Turbo Red , A /C Must See couldn’t be trusted..
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