State of New York Public Service Commission
STATE OF NEW YORK PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION APPLICATION OF NEXTERA ENERGY TRANSMISSION NEW YORK, INC., FOR A CERTIFICATE OF ENVIRONMENTAL COMPATIBILITY AND PUBLIC NEED FOR Case No. 18-T-0499 THE EMPIRE STA TE LINE PROJECT AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE STA TE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss.: COUNTY OF ALBANY ) Kimberly A. Schaffer, being duly sworn, deposes and says that she is over the age of eighteen ( 18) years; that she is not a party to the above matter; that on February 16, 2021, on behalf of NextEra Energy Transmission New York, Inc., she served the Notice of Intent to Commence Construction upon each person or entity on the attached Party Service List by email and depositing true and correct copies of the original of the same properly enclosed in a post-paid wrapper in the official depository maintained and exclusively controlled by th nited States Post Office at 540 Broadway, Albany, New York. Sworn to before me this 16th day of February, 2021. JANET M. DALY Notary Public, State o! New York No. 01DA6129238 ~ua!if1ed in Greene County Comm1ss1on Expires June 20, 2o ll S:\DAT A\Client23 18701,19100\18722\ESL Construction Notice 2· 16·2021 \Affidavit ofService Mail 2, J6,2021.docx Signatory Parties and Party Service List Stephanie Arencibia, Esq. Mr. Michael Higgins Attorney I Environmental Analyst New York Power Authority New York State Department of 123 Main Street Environmental Conservation White Plains, NY 10601 625 Broadway, 4th Floor Albany, NY 12233 Kevin Bernstein, Esq. Bond, Schoeneck & King, PLLC Ms. Carol Howland One Lincoln Center Manager – Environmental Permitting Syracuse, NY 13202-1355 New York State Electric & Gas Corp.
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